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巴旦杏苗木繁育技术研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
巴旦杏 (Amygdalus communis L .) ,又称扁桃、美国大杏仁 ,属蔷薇科落叶小乔木 ,是重要的干果油料树种。其种仁含油率达 55~ 58% ;蛋白质 15~ 35% ,糖 2~ 10 % ,并含丰富的维生素、微量元素 ,食用价值极高。同时也是保健、医药、化妆品的重要原料。巴旦杏原产欧洲东南部和西北 ,栽培较多的国家有美国、西班牙、希腊、意大利等 ,我国仅在新疆南部有栽培 ,我国市场上多为美国进口。我们从 1996年开始进行巴旦杏引种试验研究 ,从国内外陆续引进 18个品种。连续 3年开展了巴旦杏种子的实生育苗及嫁接育苗技术研究 ,现已取得初步结果。1 材…  相似文献   

巴旦杏是世界主要的干果经济树种之一,它引入我国已经有一千三百多年的历史。长期以来,新疆是我国大面积栽培巴旦杏的集中产地,其中南疆塔里木盆地西南缘的喀什绿洲,又是巴旦杏的盛产区。新中国成立后,北方一些省、市曾从新疆引种了巴旦杏,目前已在陕西、河南、河北、北京、大连等地试种成功,并且开花结实。 巴旦杏所以受到世界各国的重视,并且在国际干果商品交易中,一直处于领先的位置,主要是由于以下的原因:  相似文献   

新疆巴旦杏资源及栽培现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
巴旦杏又名扁桃、巴旦姆,是世界著名优质木本粮油树种,属世界的名贵干果,我国产量常居世界首位,在国际市场上属短缺商品,各生产国之问一直在急剧竞争。我国的巴旦产量很少,新疆南疆地区是我国巴旦杏的适生自然开发区和盛产区,全国的巴旦产量多集中于此。为满足国内外市场需要,开发利用好巴旦杏资源,实现巴旦杏生产的基地  相似文献   

国外巴旦杏育种,造林技术研究动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴旦杏作为一种营养价值高,经济效益好的坚果品种,国外从五十年代起就开始对巴旦杏的育种、有苗、造林技术及生理生化等各方面进行了研究。现将国外的研究动向作以简介,以供我区巴旦杏研究工作者参考。一、育种从五十年代开始,法国为进行巴旦杏工业生产而开始的巴旦杏选种工作,在杂交工作中,利用了一些野生种,希望把超早熟基因导入栽培品种.在半同胞和全同胞杂交中,利用超迟开花突变体Tar-dyNonpareil的工作,使得有可能得到在该性状下超亲的子代,并打破晚熟性与花器缺陷基因之间的不利连锁,作为自花可育性的授体,利用了野生…  相似文献   

赵汉英  马勇  周美丽 《绿色科技》2013,(3):55-55,57
为解决库尔勒地区荒山绿化中树种单一且经济效益不高的情况,通过对巴旦杏产地的实地考察,分析了巴旦杏的栽培状况,探讨了巴旦杏在库尔勒地区引种栽培种存在的问题及注意事项,为相同条件地区的引种栽培提供依据。  相似文献   

新疆野巴旦杏形态多样性调查初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究不同地理区域新疆野巴旦杏表型变异程度,进一步开展其种质资源遗传多样性的研究工作,以新疆野巴旦杏5个天然分布区自然状态下的野巴旦杏为研究对象,抽样调查并测定了在不同分布地域和原生状态下该种枝叶、花器官和果实等方面的主要特征的差异,结果表明:新疆野巴旦杏在不同分布区间具有十分丰富的变异特征,从叶片、新梢到花器官及果核等特征均有很大的变异,这为优株系的选择提供了广阔的空间。  相似文献   

1 野巴旦杏开发利用的必要性和意义 我国野巴旦杏主要分布于新疆北部的裕民县巴尔鲁克山西侧布尔干至丘尔丘特林区便道附近,呈灌木分布在山地草原上,成片集中分布,分布高度为海拔900~1 200m,以阳坡为主,阴坡为辅. 野巴旦杏的经济价值在其坚果仁的利用.根据自治区林科院对野巴旦杏的理化分析测定:坚果出仁率35.5%;果仁的主要成份为油脂,含油量为51.5%,比重0.915,酸价0.64,碘价96.5,皂化值191.8,不皂化物1.0~1.2%;油的脂肪酸组成:棕榈酸3.89%,油酸79.55%;亚油酸16.55%,油溶性维生素E 238 mg/kg、维生素A263 mg/kg,与普通巴旦杏接近,比油料作物油菜籽、棉籽、黄豆和红花的含油量高,品质比红花籽油还好.其果仁脱脂后,主要成份为蛋白质,其中人体最需要的氨基酸9种(占50%)和多种维生素、微量元素,可以制成营养粉和野巴旦杏乳;含有3.3%的苦杏仁甙.该成份可防癌和使肿瘤退化消失,可以制成苦杏仁甙针剂、片剂、粉剂和含有该成份的食品添加剂;还含有植物芳香油(苯甲醛),属高级香料,是国际市场的紧缺商品,有很大的出口价值.  相似文献   

新疆巴旦杏栽培状况考察及河西走廊的引种事宜探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对巴旦杏产地的实地考察,了解巴旦杏的栽培状况及存在的问题,对比两地的物修和栽培经验,提出河西走廊引种巴旦杏的可能性及应采取的对策和技术途径。  相似文献   

"遗传学"是研究生物遗传和变异规律、探索生命起源与本质的一门科学,是高等农林院校生物科学、生物技术、林学、草业科学、园艺以及自然保护区等专业的必修课程之一。针对我国高等农林院校现行"遗传学"教材缺少分子细胞遗传学教学内容的现状,以荧光原位杂交技术为例子,分析了分子细胞遗传学长期未纳入高等农林院校本科"遗传学"课程教学的如下原因:①缺乏相对独立的理论体系;②不同发展阶段原位杂交技术的局限性。讨论了将分子细胞遗传学纳入高等农林院校本科生"遗传学"课程教学的必要性:构建完整遗传学知识体系的客观需要;在遗传学研究中分子细胞遗传学占据举足轻重的地位。将分子细胞遗传学列入遗传学理论教学内容的前提下,提出进一步优化整合当前"遗传学"课程实验教学内容,将"植物根尖材料的收集、预处理与固定""植物根尖细胞染色体制片""切口平移法制备45S rDNA分子探针""植物荧光原位杂交与信号检测"等内容引入"遗传学"课程实验教学的建议。  相似文献   

巴旦杏、核桃、哈密大枣、枸杞干果的营养价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、巴旦杏我国现有分布的巴旦杏野生和栽培种共7种.主要分布在新疆。巴旦杏主要食用种仁,有较高的经济价值。根据国内外化验分析.种仁内含脂肪油55%~61%,蛋白质28%,淀粉、糖10%~11%,含少量维生素A、B1、B2,消化酶、杏仁素酶、杏仁式、钙、镁、钠,含微量铁、钡、铝、矽等18种化学元素,其营养价值比同重量的牛肉高6倍,外国食品普遍以巴旦杏仁为原料,分别加工制成高级糕点、糖果等。巴旦杏在医药上也有较广的用途。新疆维吾尔民族普遍将巴旦杏仁作营养滋补品,还可配药治病。据喀什市维吾尔民族医院介绍,该院配药原料,6…  相似文献   

Almond is often considered to be a moderately alternate-bearing species but historical yield data typically do not exhibit clear patterns of alternate bearing at the orchard level, while research has indicated that spurs (the main fruit bearing unit in almond trees) rarely produce fruit in two subsequent years. The objective of the present work was to analyze the bearing behavior of almond trees at both the orchard level and the individual spur level over multiple years to explain this apparent paradox. The 10-year yield patterns of three almond cultivars grown at three different sites within California were analyzed for tendencies of alternate bearing at the orchard level. At the individual spur level, data on spur viability, and number of flowers and fruits per spur were collected on 2400 individually tagged spurs that were observed over 6 years to characterize bearing at that level. At the orchard level one cultivar (Nonpareil) did exhibit a tendency for alternate bearing at one site (Kern) but other cultivars and sites did not. The orchard and the individual trees in which the spur population study was conducted showed tendencies for alternate bearing but the spur population did not. Only a relatively small percentage of the total tagged spur population bore fruit in any given year and therefore while individual fruiting spurs exhibited a high level of non-bearing after fruiting the previous year the spurs that did produce fruit in any year generally did not constitute enough of the total spur population to exhibit alternate bearing at the whole population level. Our results suggest that annual bearing fluctuations in almond are probably mainly due to year-to-year variations of parameters affecting fruit set and that high rates of fruit set in a given year may involve a larger-than-normal percentage of a spur population in fruit bearing. This would limit the size of the spur population available for flowering in the subsequent year and could cause alternate year bearing. However, from historical records, this would appear to be the exception rather than a normal circumstance. Therefore, almond should not be considered to be a strictly alternate-bearing species.  相似文献   

In mature almond (Prunus dulcis) orchards, the majority of crop is borne on spurs (short, proleptic shoots) that can live for several years and can produce from one to five fruits. Previous research has led to the hypothesis that spur longevity is related to spur light exposure, cropping and age. However, limited quantitative data are available to substantiate these hypotheses. The objective of this study was to determine spur characteristics that were most highly correlated with spur productivity and longevity in mature, bearing almond trees. Previous year spur leaf area was strongly related to spur viability and flowering; the greater the leaf area in the previous year, the higher the probability of spur survival into the next year and the higher the probability for the spur to bear one or more flowers. Previous year bearing also appeared to influence viability and return bloom, especially in spurs with low leaf area. These results suggest that spur source-sink balance is basic to the life cycle of almond spurs. Furthermore, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that spurs are semi-autonomous organs with respect to carbohydrate balance for much of the growing season. Finally, this information provides general thresholds for maintaining spur viability and productivity that will be useful for developing and evaluating tree training systems and orchard management practices.  相似文献   

为了合理高效开发利用扁桃胶,利用TA-XT 2 i质构仪研究了不同质量分数的扁桃凝胶质构特性的变化规律.结果表明,不同质量分数的扁桃凝胶的硬度、脆性、粘结性、粘附性、粘合性、咀嚼性、回复性等特性的差异达到极显著水平,而弹性的差异没达到显著水平,不同质量分数的扁桃凝胶的质构特性各参数的变化规律呈多样性.  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate the current situation of the international almond trade and its consumption patterns. Traditionally, almonds are characterized by their good taste and high quality and regarded as an ideal source of several natural health nutrients. At present, the United States is the leading almond producer and exporter in the world, accompanied by Germany, Spain and Japan, the biggest almond importing countries. In order to study almond consumption patterns, two indicators were used in our study, the Food Consumer Location Ratio (FCLR) and the Food Consumer Location Relative Ratio (FCLRR). Furthermore, to identify the almond consumption groups, we carried out two cluster analyses based on FCLR and FCLRR values, Finally, an analysis of the factors which have an impact on a country's almond consumption was conducted. It shows that income level, endowment of resources and tradition as well as dietary habits are key factors that help to shape a country's almond consumption pattern.  相似文献   

不同pH对扁桃胶水解物晶体特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RINT2000 vertical goniometer型X-衍射仪测定不同pH条件下扁桃胶水解物的结晶度,研究不同pH条件对扁桃胶晶体特性的影响规律,并用电子显微镜观察水解物的微晶结构。结果表明:1)pH的改变不仅能够使非晶体的扁桃胶表现出晶体特性,而且对晶相也有极显著的影响,在pH3~1,晶体结构与多糖的微纤维化有关,在pH11~13,晶体与多糖的结构有关;2)以pH7为中心坐标,随着pH的不断降低,扁桃胶的结晶度变化符合方程y=10.94201e-(x-2.23006)2/1.872403(R2=0.85175);随着pH的不断增加,扁桃胶的结晶度变化规律符合方程y=-8.83822+1.38118x(R2=0.89675)。  相似文献   

美国是主要的扁桃生产国。19世纪美国开始引种扁桃,经历了100余年,发展成为一种重要产业。通过对美国加利福尼亚州扁桃的系统考察,介绍了该国扁桃引种栽培的情况,扁桃的经济价值,主要栽培品种以及苗木培育、种植、整形修剪、病虫害防治、采收、加工等方面的技术,对我国的扁桃引种栽培有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

扁桃主要生物学特性的观测   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
分别用述了扁挑的植物学与农业生物学特性、花芽分化与开花坐果等生殖生物学特性、物候特性及与生长育规律相关的栽培管理特点等。  相似文献   

The oviposition and development of the grain bettle Oryzaephilus mercator Faur.on dry fruit meals. Oryzaephilus mercator showed enormous variation in egg laying on different dry fruit meals (apricot, cashew, almond, groundnut, coconut, fig, date and raisin). The lowest egg period was 4.1 days on almond and the highest on apricot 5.1 days. The egg mortality on various meals differed to a small extent (11.8 to 14.1%). The larval period ranged between 22.7 to 34.3 days. The larval mortality ranged between 7.8% (almond) to 94.4% (raisin).  相似文献   

应用23个形态学特征,19个扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)引物组合,80个随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)引物和32个简单序列重复(SSR)引物对,比较三种分子标记法在29个杏仁栽培种和3个野生种遗传关系构建中的信息景和效率.根据预期杂合度的评价,与AFLPs和RAPDs相比,SSRs具有较高水平的多态性和较大的信息量.AFLPs预期朵合度值最低,但其辨别效率值最高,因为AFLPs能揭示每个反应中的大量条带,导致各种类型的多样性指数均较高.三种分子标记法对杏仁基因型的辨别效率均较高,只是SSRs无法辨别‘Monagha'和‘Sefied'杏仁基因型.三种分子标记法基因型相似性相关系数统计上显著,但SSR数据要低于RAPDs和AFLPs的值.尽管三种分子标记法树形图拓扑结构存在一些差异,但相似性水平均较高.SSRs、RAPDs和AFLPs的系统树图及其综合数据都能依据地理散布反映大多数栽培种的关系.AMOVA检测到每个地理组中栽培种和野生种的变异.辅助程序分析表明,实验所应用的标记物数量足以保证基因相似性估计的可靠性和标记法间的比较是有意义的.  相似文献   

扁桃生殖生物学特性的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
阐述了近年来扁桃生殖生物学特性研究的新进展,就扁桃的花芽分化、开花授粉、坐果等方面的研究现状进行了总结和分析;对今后进行扁桃生殖生物学特性研究提出了针对开花坐果特性,进行现有优良品种的区域化研究、加快不同品种生殖特性遗传分析研究、扁桃花芽分化过程中酶代谢规律及其外源激素和药物对其花芽分化的影响的研究、不同品种花粉性状及其授粉结实特性筛选各地适宜的授粉昆虫的研究、受精生理学研究的方向和建议。  相似文献   

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