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Geographical information systems (GIS) are well suited to the spatial analysis of landscape data, but generally lack programs for calculating traditional measures of landscape structure (e.g., fractal dimension). Standalone programs for calculating landscape structure measures do exist, but these programs do not enable the user to take advantage of GIS facilities for manipulating and analyzing landscape data. Moreover, these programs lack capabilities for analysis with sampling areas of different size (multiscale analysis) and also lack some needed measures of landscape structure (e.g., texture).We have developed the r.le programs for analyzing landscape structure using the GRASS GIS. The programs can be used to calculate over sixty measures of landscape structure (e.g., distance, size, shape, fractal dimension, perimeters, diversity, texture, juxtaposition, edges) within sampling areas of several sizes simultaneously. Also possible are moving window analyses, which enable the production of new maps of the landscape structure within windows of a particular size. These new maps can then be used in other analyses with the GIS.  相似文献   

罗书发  赵顺民 《现代园艺》2011,(15):117-118
文章介绍了森林资源管理信息系统的基本构架、运行环境,主要功能特点,在林业工作中的应用实例,以及存在的问题与建议。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal analysis of landscape patterns   总被引:89,自引:0,他引:89  
A variety of ecological questions now require the study of large regions and the understanding of spatial heterogeneity. Methods for spatial-temporal analyses are becoming increasingly important for ecological studies. A grid cell based spatial analysis program (SPAN) is described and results of landscape pattern analysis using SPAN are presentedd. Several ecological topics in which geographic information systems (GIS) can play an important role (landscape pattern analysis, neutral models of pattern and process, and extrapolation across spatial scales) are reviewed. To study the relationship between observed landscape patterns and ecological processes, a neutral model approach is recommended. For example, the expected pattern (i.e., neutral model) of the spread of disturbance across a landscape can be generated and then tested using actual landscape data that are stored in a GIS. Observed spatial or temporal patterns in ecological data may also be influenced by scale. Creating a spatial data base frequently requires integrating data at different scales. Spatial is shown to influence landscape pattern analyses, but extrapolation of data across spatial scales may be possible if the grain and extent of the data are specified. The continued development and testing of new methods for spatial-temporal analysis will contribute to a general understanding of landscape dynamics.  相似文献   

Urban areas face severe challenges in mitigating and adapting to climate change within limited space. One solution is to develop multifunctional rooftop systems, which use underexploited urban rooftop spaces. Two main options have been to add greenery by installing extensive green roofs (EGRs) or to generate renewable energy by installing photovoltaic panels (PVs). Recently, combining the two systems on one rooftop (EGR-PV) to harvest both benefits has gained attention. Not every rooftop is suitable for such installations, which makes it difficult to estimate the scale of space a city can expect from rooftops to add greenery, renewable energy, or both. This study presents a geographical potential model using building parameters, a building stock layer, and LiDAR data to simultaneously identify the potential for installing EGRs, PVs, and EGR-PVs on rooftops, highlighting the competition and synergy between EGRs and PVs at the building level. As an empirical illustration to support future multifunctional urban rooftop space planning, Amsterdam was used as a case study. The results show that 47 % of rooftops are suitable for EGRs, which could expand the current greenery space by 6 %, and 55 % are suitable for PVs which could sufficiently provide electricity to households by 2030. Moreover, competition exists for 3.2 %, whereas synergy exists for 42 % of the existing rooftops.  相似文献   

为探索国家森林公园建设发展情况并揭示其空间分布规律,本研究采用知识图谱及GIS空间技术对我国国家森林公园的研究进展和空间格局进行了可视化的探索分析.结果 显示:(1)国家森林公园、生态旅游、森林旅游、风景园林、生物多样性、自然保护区、评价、群落结构等是我国森林公园的历史研究热点领域.(2)我国国家森林公园总体呈现东密西疏的空间格局,东北区域及西南区域公园分布较为集中,青海及西藏地区相反.(3)1992-2017年期间国家森林公园的面积得到了更为显著的提升,黑龙江、西藏、新疆、内蒙古4省贡献的面积较多,天津、上海、宁夏、海南4省市对全国国家森林公园建设面积的贡献较小.西部地区国家森林公园的数量有待提升,宁夏、海南2省的国家森林公园总面积有较大理论拓展空间,未来可以加强国家森林公园动态监测评价、森林公园管理制度保障、森林公园建设成效评价、智慧森林公园等方面的研究,以此来推动全国森林公园的全面健康发展.  相似文献   

In order to document the extent of landscape fragmentation for a section of the New Jersey Pine Barrens region, we have used satellite image and spatial analysis to monitor landscape change between 1972 and 1988. Land-cover patterns were quantified by mean, number, and size of patches; and amount of edges between land cover types. During the intervening sixteen year period, fractal dimension, diversity, and contagion generally decreased while dominance, disturbance and edges increased, indicating a trend to a more dissected and disturbed landscape. There was an increase in the number of forest patches and a significant decrease in the average size of forest patches. In contrast, the mean patch size for the non-forest category has increased as a result of a coalescence of patches. The landscape fragmentation is shown by a downward shift in the distribution of forest patches by size class. These changes in landscape pattern have implications for many ecological processes and resources. Management practices need to consider landscape fragmentation in the Pinelands National Reserve in order to preserve the essential character of the Pine Barrens landscape.  相似文献   

We analyzed forest clearing and regrowth over a 23-year time period for 21 forest concession and management units within the Maya Biosphere Reserve(MBR), Guatemala. The study area as a whole experienced a clearing rate of0.16%/year from 1974 through 1997. The overall clearing rate appears rather low when averaged over the entire study area over 23 years because most of the reserve was inaccessible. However, despite the granting of legal protection to the MBR in 1990, clearing rates continued to rise, with the highest rates occurring in the most recent time period in the analysis, 1995 to1997. Higher rates of clearing relative to regrowth occurred in newly established communities and in the Reserve's buffer zone, where the clearing of high forest was preferred for pasture development. Exploratory models were built and analyzed to examine the effects of various landscape variables on forest clearing. The different units in the analysis showed different relationships of forest clearing with variables such as forest cover type and distance to access(roads and river corridors). Where available, socio-economic household survey data helped to explain patterns and trends observed in the time series Landsat imagery. A strong relationship between forest clearing and distance to access was demonstrated. More clearing occurred further from roads during later time periods as farmers moved deeper into the forest to find land to clear. Communities inside the MBR that were less dependent on farming had forest clearing to regrowth ratios of one:one or less. These communities used fallow fields in greater proportions than communities in the Reserve's buffer zone. General trends in clearing by forest cover type suggest a preference for clearing high forest (bosque alto) types found on the higher elevation, better-drained soils, and fallow fields,and an avoidance of low-lying, seasonally flooded terrain(bajos). Satellite remote sensing observations of forest clearing and regrowth patterns can provide an objective source of information to complement socio-economic studies of the human driving forces in land cover and land use change. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In agricultural landscapes, most studies have investigated the influence of the spatial pattern of forest patches on other ecological phenomena and processes, such as animal movement and biodiversity. However, few have focused on explaining the spatial pattern of the forest patches themselves. Understanding how these patterns relate to the processes that generate them is fundamental in developing a sound theory of landscape ecology, and in devising rational management strategies. In this paper, the pattern of the overall forest patches, as well as the pattern of deciduous and coniferous patches in an agricultural landscape of Southern Quebec, Canada, were analyzed and related to landscape physical attributes and land use, using remote sensing, geographic information systems and statistical methods. Results show that the role of landscape physical attributes on forest patch pattern has been modified by land use. In the study area, coniferous or deciduous patches are not associated with a specific surface deposit. In addition, physical attributes explain only a small proportion of the abundance of conifers on past abandoned land compared with land-use factors. Physical attributes only indirectly influence the forest pattern because they strongly influence the land-use practices. Our results reveal a conifer recovery process with the abandonment of agricultural land. On past abandoned land, conifers expand with increasing stand age, mostly by invasion from neighboring coniferous patches. Spatially, coniferous patches are usually located on the margins of the overall forest patches, and they are connected to non-forest land-use types such as crop and pasture, the latter being the most important. By showing the importance of some coniferous forest types that did not exist in the precolonial forest, a new perspective emerges when landscape, especially, land-use dynamics are taken into account.  相似文献   

Statistical analyses provide a means for assessing relationships between landscape spatial pattern and errors in the estimates of cover-type proportions as land-cover data are aggregated to coarser scales. Results from a multiple-linear regression model suggest that as patch sizes, variance/mean ratio, and initial proportions of cover types increase, the proportion error moves in a positive direction and is governed by the interaction of the spatial characteristics and the scale of aggregation. However, the standard linear model does not account for the different directions of scale-dependent proportion error since some classes become larger and others become smaller as the scene is aggregated. Addition of indicator variables representing class-type significantly improves the performance by allowing the model to respond differently to different classes. A regression tree model provides a much simpler fit to the complex scaling behavior through an interaction between patch size and aggregation scale. An understanding of the relationships between landscape pattern, scale, and proportion error may advance methods for correcting land-cover area estimates. Such methods could also facilitate high-resolution calibration and validation of coarse-scale remote-sensing-based land-cover mapping algorithms. Ongoing initiatives to produce global land-cover datasets from remote sensing, such as efforts within the IGBP and the EOS MODIS Land-Team, include significant emphasis on high level calibration and validation activities of this nature.  相似文献   

Geographic information system (GIS) and digital database technologies provide a link between landscape-scale ecological studies and resource management applications. A case study involves the development of an extensive GIS database for upper Lake Marion, South Carolina that includes macrophyte distributions for 1972–1988, bathymetry, sedimentation and water chemistry. This database was utilized to assess changes in the aquatic environment related to management practices such as herbicide applications for aquatic plant control. Although the herbicides were found to be very effective, spraying must be repeated annually to maintain open water areas clear of aquatic vegetation. Without herbicides macrophytes quickly reinvade and proceed in normal successional patterns to establish submergent and emergent aquatic plant beds. The PC-based procedures developed in this study can be utilized by local resource managers to assess the impact of management practices on the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Spatial development involves multi-dimensional and multi-regional objectives that might be competing, while few studies have examined these issues simultaneously. We proposed a comprehensive model to assess the green quality of urban spatial development (GQUSD), focusing on the synergy of multi-dimensional objectives and the balance of multi-regional interests. The metropolitan city of Hangzhou was taken as an example. We included land consumption, vegetation loss and infrastructure cost as the inputs and the density of production and living activities as the outputs of spatial development. We developed a categorical Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) using geospatial big data and stratified optimization to evaluate the synergy of inputs-outputs at the finer level of spatial grids.Resultsshow a “sandwich” structure of the GQUSD in Hangzhou when considering green space and vegetation loss, and characterize four spatial typologies of agglomerated development, limited development, blinded development and low-potential development through the Bivariate Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) analysis. The “sandwich” structure is shaped by spatial processes of socio-economic agglomeration, industrial-driven sprawl, new-town development and suburbanization of high-end sectors. We also find green inequality in the spatial development of Hangzhou where vegetation costs were higher in manufactural industrial sites and low-income communities. We provide urban planning strategies to balance competing interests across regions, objectives, functions and communities for green growth and sustainable goals.  相似文献   

Data collected across timber harvest boundaries on nine sites within the Redwood National and State Park management area in California, USA, were used to estimate the effective size of old-growth coast redwood preserves. Fourteen variables related to stand structure and composition, wildlife habitat, and physical environment were significantly correlated to distance from the timber harvest boundary using multiple regression analysis. A maximum depth of edge influence of 200 m was determined for variables exhibiting a significant correlation to the distance from the harvest edge. A spatial analysis using ArcView indicated that 53% of the old growth preserved within the study area was influenced by edge conditions, leaving 47% as effective old-growth.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Our refuge design strategy involves a landscape approach formulated to complement existing management efforts and employ restoration in the heavily degraded Kankakee River watershed in northeastern Indiana and northwestern Illinois. The watershed historically contained an approximately 400,000 ha wetland (Grand Marsh), a diverse riverine system, oak savanna, and prairie. Today only fragments of these habitats remain. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service developed a preliminary project proposal (PPP) during the summer of 1996 to protect and restore habitat within the watershed by establishing the Grand Kankakee Marsh National Wildlife Refuge. The Indiana and Illinois Gap Analysis projects provided the resources to move beyond the expert workshop approach to a data-driven method for initial reserve design. Using visual analysis of various Gap Analysis data layers, we established Focus Areas that formed the basis for the Environmental Assessment and the Economic Impact Study required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We have initiated Phase II of the reserve design analysis using preliminary results of the Indiana Gap Analysis project and C-Plan software in conjunction with the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.  相似文献   

Closed (recirculating) growing systems provide a greater potential for the dispersal of water-borne plant pathogens and disease expression compared to open (run-to-waste) systems. Here we studied the effects of three soilless growing systems (open, closed, and closed with slow sand filtration) on the dispersion of Phytophthora cactorum propagules and the severity of the crown rot disease in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.). The plant-growth medium used was coir fiber. The three growing systems showed the same density of P. cactorum propagules in the water drained from the growing media. However, propagules of this pathogen were not detected by the baits in the filtered solution recovered from slow sand filtration. In all systems Phytophthora propagules dispersed from the inoculated plant to adjacent uninoculated plants. At the end of the first crop no differences in the severity of crown rot were found between the different systems of crop culture. However, at the end of the second crop cycle, crown rot in the closed soilless system without slow sand filtration was more severe than in the other two systems. These results demonstrated that the commercial potential of slow sand filtration to prevent propagule dispersal and hence suppress crown rot in strawberry crops grown in a closed culture system.  相似文献   

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