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The successful culture of the east coast rock lobster Panulirus homarus rubellus is reliant, among other factors, on the provision of optimal water quality for growth and survival. This study investigated the effect of temperature over a range of 9.7 °C (18.9 ± 0.7 °C to 28.6 ± 1.5 °C) on the growth and survival of juvenile (40.4 ± 9 mm CL; 63.64 ± 12.05 g) P. h. rubellus fed a diet of fresh mussel flesh. Specific growth rate (SGR) was significantly different between temperatures (p = 0.01), with the highest values recorded for the 24 and 28 °C treatments. There was no significant difference in moult increment (MI) between temperatures in terms of both an increase in weight (p = 0.83) and carapace length (p = 0.54). Intermoult period (IMP) differed significantly between temperatures (p = 0.0015) with mean IMP lowest at 24 °C, although not significantly different from the means of the 26 and 28 °C treatments. IMP was highest at 19 and 21 °C. Apparent feed intake was significantly different between treatments (p < 0.0001) and exhibited a strong positive correlation with increasing temperature (y = − 1.67 + 0.16x ; r2 = 0.81). Food conversion ratio (FCR) differed significantly between temperatures (p = 0.02) with 24 °C exhibiting the most efficient FCR. Results indicate that efficient growout of juvenile P. h. rubellus, in terms of both growth and food conversion efficiency, is obtainable at 24 °C.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of three size classes of wild caught western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus (post-pueruli: mean 2.14 ± 0.07 g, 13.2 ± 0.1 mm CL; year 1: post-settlement juveniles, 57.1 ± 1.1 g, 38.7 ± 0.28 mm CL; and year 2 post-settlement juveniles, mean 138.2 ± 2.26 g, 51.9 ± 0.25 mm CL) were examined at combinations of two stocking densities (post-pueruli: 50 and 100 m− 2; year 1: 11 and 23 m− 2; year 2: 10 and 19 m− 2) and two shelter types (a novel rigid plastic mesh shelter or bricks) over a period of 6 months. Survival of lobsters held at the lower densities (90–95%) was significantly greater than for lobsters held at higher densities (post-pueruli = 78%, year 1 = 86%, year 2 = 88%). Post-pueruli survival was significantly higher in tanks with mesh shelters (91.7%) than brick shelters (75.8%) with a similar trend exhibited by year 1 and year 2 lobsters. Densities tested did not significantly affect lobster growth for any size class. Growth of post-pueruli was considerably higher in tanks with mesh shelters (641.7% weight gain; specific growth rate 1.07 BW day− 1) (p < 0.05) but there was no difference in the growth of year 1 and year 2 lobsters between mesh and brick shelters. Feed intake (g pellet dry matter lobster− 1 day− 1) was not significantly different between densities. This study has shown that P. cygnus is well suited for aquaculture based on the collection and ongrowing of wild caught pueruli, as this species exhibits good survival at high densities (up to 100 m− 2) without adverse effects on growth, and shows no captivity-related health problems. We recommend mesh shelters, with stocking densities of 50 m− 2 for post-pueruli and between 20 and 25 m− 2 for year 1 and year 2 juveniles, to maximise survival and production.  相似文献   

A decrease in somatic growth rate, and hence productivity, of the South African west coast rock lobster population which occurred in the late 1980s has had important ramifications for subsequent TACs set for this resource. These are critically dependent on monitoring growth rates and determining whether an increase back towards earlier higher levels is underway. The available data are not well balanced by season and location, and a GLMM approach is used to take account of season–location interactions by treating these as random effects. This results in much less precise estimates of annual somatic growth rate than had been suggested by an earlier fixed effects GLM approach, and has necessitated a change in the philosophy underlying management of the resource.  相似文献   

Wild caught post-pueruli, year one and year two post settlement juvenile western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus, were held at ambient temperatures (15.6 °C to 23.1 °C; mean 19.0 ± 0.07 °C) or at 23 °C, and fed the same ration of a formulated pellet diet either once per night, or 3 times per night, over 12 months, to determine whether elevated temperatures and multiple feeds per night would stimulate growth through increased metabolism and feed utilisation without significant negative impacts on survival. Survival of post-pueruli (mean 63%) did not differ between ambient and 23 °C. Survival of year 1 and 2 juveniles was higher at ambient temperatures (p < 0.01 ambient: year 1 juveniles, 68%; year 2 juveniles, 88%; 23 °C: 57% and 74%, respectively). Feeding frequency did not affect survival of post-pueruli and year 2 juveniles (mean 63%, 81% respectively), but survival was 9% higher for year 1 juveniles fed three times per night (58% versus 67%; p < 0.01). All lobsters grew faster at 23 °C than at ambient temperatures (p < 0.05), with the growth of post-pueruli almost doubled at 23 °C (weight gain at 23 °C versus ambient: post-pueruli, 18 438 % versus 9 915 %; year 1 juveniles 259% versus 165%; year 2 juveniles 23% versus 21%). Feed frequency did not influence the growth of year 1 and 2 juveniles. However, there was an interaction effect of temperature and feed frequency on post-pueruli where weight and carapace length were significantly higher at ambient temperatures when post-pueruli were fed three times a day, whereas at 23 °C weight and carapace length were significantly greater when fed once per day (p < 0.05). Feed intake (g pellet dry matter lobster− 1 day− 1) of pellet was higher at 23 °C for all lobsters (p < 0.05), but was the same between lobsters fed 3 times per night versus once per night. This study has shown that increasing temperatures to 23 °C significantly improved the growth of P. cygnus post-pueruli without any adverse effects on survival. The faster growth rates exhibited by year 1 and 2 juveniles at 23 °C may potentially offset their lower survival by significantly reducing culture period. There is no benefit of feeding P. cygnus multiple times at night in terms of growth and survival. The implications for P. cygnus culture are that temperatures should be maintained close to 23 °C during the entire growout period, with due care taken to minimise mortalities through adequate provision of food and shelter. Feeding P. cygnus once daily to excess just prior to dusk to co-incide with nocturnal feeding behaviour is recommended.  相似文献   

The destructive and illegal practice of using chemicals (bleach, dishwashing liquid, gasoline) to catch spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) is thought to be common throughout much of the Bahamian Archipelago. Injection of a chemical irritant into a lobster den will result in either a rapid escape response or a subduing effect, both of which make it easier to capture spiny lobster. We used both laboratory and field trials to determine the efficacy of a starch-iodide swab technique to identify lobsters that had been exposed to bleach solution (NaOCl). All lobsters exposed to bleach tested positive immediately following exposure and for varying periods thereafter. No false positives were detected on control lobsters. The average length of time that bleach remained detectable on the exoskeleton was 6.2 and 9.6 h in the laboratory and field, respectively, with some individuals testing positive 12 h after exposure. The swab technique will provide fishery officers with a powerful tool to reduce or eliminate the illegal use of bleach for harvesting spiny lobster.  相似文献   

Adequate nutrition is a principal factor in controlling survival and growth in crustacean larval culture. The present study examined the effects of starvation before or after feeding on survival, total intermoult period and postmoult size of phyllosoma of the western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus. Individually held instar 1 larvae were reared at 25 °C and submitted to initial periods of starvation to determine the 50% level of the point-of-no-return (PNR50), and initial periods of feeding to determine the 50% level of the point-of-reserve-saturation (PRS50). As the initial starvation periods before feeding increased, the total intermoult period for instar 1 larvae that survived increased. The PNR50 was 4.6 days. The different initial feeding periods before starvation resulted in a difference in postmoult size of larvae after moulting to instar 2, but had little effect on the total intermoult period. Larvae fed for the shortest periods were significantly smaller than those fed longer. The PRS50 was 3.6 days. For both treatments, limited effects of the starvation or feeding regimes were apparent for larvae that moulted to instar 2 and continued development to instar 3. When larvae were fed before PNR50, there were no delayed effects of the initial starvation period. Initial feeding periods longer than 5–6 days did not significantly affect larval survival or growth. This information will be useful in the design of feeding regimes in phyllosoma culture.  相似文献   

The total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) excretion of spiny lobsters Jasus edwardsii and Panulirus cygnus, was determined in relation to temperature, body weight, emersion, daily rhythm and feeding. Temperature and body weight had large influences on the rate of TAN excretion. Exponential relationships were found between temperature (T) and TAN excretion of both species. These were described by the following equations: J. edwardsii Log10 TAN=0.041T−3.57 (r2=0.979, F=143.2, P=0.001), P. cygnus Log10 TAN=0.057T−3.90 (r2=0.987, F=302.2, P<0.001). TAN excretions of both species were positively correlated to body weight (W), and the relationships were described by the following equations: J. edwardsii Log10 TAN=0.473 log10 W−1.704 (r2=0.42, F=14.05, P=0.001), P. cygnus Log10 TAN=0.499 log10 W−1.346 (r2=0.69, F=44.18, P<0.001). TAN excretion increased significantly when lobsters were re-immersed after a 30 min period of emersion. However, it returned to pre-emersion levels by the second hour of re-immersion. Daily rhythm resulted in a significantly higher nocturnal TAN excretion rate for J. edwardsii; no daily rhythm was observed for P. cygnus. Feeding had the largest influence on TAN excretion, with maximum increases of 6.28 (J. edwardsii) and 5.60 (P. cygnus) times the pre-feeding level. TAN excretion rates remained significantly higher than the pre-feeding levels for an extended period (26 h, J. edwardsii; 30 h, P. cygnus). Implications for the use of purging tanks in lobster holding facilities and for the design of biofiltration systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Aquaculture of the rock lobster Jasus lalandii has been considered, but is hindered by a paucity of knowledge about conditions that promote yields. This study investigated the influences of temperature and diet on the growth of aquarium-held postpueruli of J. lalandii. First, postpueruli (11.5±0.2 mm CL) were exposed to temperatures spanning 12–24 °C for a total time period of 77 days, while being given a constant diet of mussel flesh. Under these conditions, intermoult period (IMP) was longest at 12 °C (50.6±1.2 days) and at 24 °C (>57 days), and shortest at 18 °C (35.5±1.1 days). Growth increments (GI) were large at 12–18 °C, smaller at 21 °C and negative at 24 °C. Survival was 100% at 12–16 °C, above which mortalities rose to 70% at 24 °C. Food consumption, body mass and condition all peaked at 18 °C. Thus, growth was optimal at 18 °C, but survival greatest at 12–16 °C.

Second, diet-controlled experiments examined the effects of three different diets (blue mussel, commercial shrimpfeed or an alternation of the two) on survival, growth (IMP and GI) and food uptake of postpueruli (11.0±0.3 mm CL) held at 18 °C for a total time period of 77 days. Feeding rate, average growth, body mass and condition were all highest on the mussel diet, and lowest on the shrimpfeed, and the postpueruli consumed more mussel flesh than shrimpfeed. There was little difference in survival of postpueruli subjected to the three diet treatments.

A diet of exclusively blue mussel yielded higher growth, body mass, condition and food uptake than a diet of either shrimpfeed alone or an alternation of mussel and shrimpfeed. The postpueruli acclimated well to culture conditions and survived on a diet of artificial pellets, thus showing good potential for mariculture. On the present evidence, greatest returns are likely at 16–18 °C and with a diet of mussel flesh.  相似文献   

In an 8‐week growth experiment, juvenile spiny lobsters (Panulirus ornatus) grew best on a feed containing at least 610 g kg?1 crude protein on a dry matter basis (DM) and a digestible protein to digestible energy ratio of 29.8 mg kJ?1. The study entailed a six treatment by four replicate randomized block experiment with 222 wild‐caught P. ornatus of mean initial weight (±SD) of 2.5 ± 0.19 g. The lobsters were fed one of five isolipidic feeds (approximately 130 g kg?1 DM) in which the crude protein was serially incremented between 330 and 610 g kg?1 DM, or a reference diet comprising the flesh of frozen green‐lip mussels. Lobsters fed the pelleted feeds had high survival (79 ± 4.5%) and responded to increasing dietary crude protein content with progressively higher growth rates, with the daily growth coefficient improving from 0.72% day?1 with 330 g kg?1 crude protein to 1.38% day?1 with 610 g kg?1 crude protein. Both growth rate and survival were low with the mussel diet (0.80% day?1and 41 ± 4.5%, respectively). These results demonstrate that tropical spiny lobsters grow well when fed high‐protein, high lipid, pelleted feeds, but feeding on a sole diet of freshly thawed green‐lip mussels was unsatisfactory.  相似文献   

Two complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries were constructed from phyllosomas and hemocytes of adult Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus and a total of 2,673 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were obtained. After assembly and clustering, 450 and 458 unique sequences were found from the phyllosoma and hemocyte cDNA libraries, respectively. Of these, 114 and 220 ESTs showed significant homologies with known genes in the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. The remaining sequences were of unknown function. Immune-related genes found in this study include lectin, proteinase inhibitor, prophenoloxidase, heat-shock protein, antimicrobial peptide, and a few putative defense-related proteins.  相似文献   

The level of puerulus settlement has proven to be a reliable predictor of the recruitment to the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) fishery three and four years later. It is generally accepted that the early larval stages are moved offshore by wind-driven surface currents. Previous studies have shown that coastal sea level, used as an indicator of the strength of the Leeuwin Current flowing down the west coast of Australia, was positively related to the level of puerulus settling on the inshore reefs after a 9- to 11-month larval life. In this paper a significant relationship is also demonstrated between winter/spring storms, which are usually associated with onshore westerly winds, and the level of puerulus settlement (multiple correlation of 0.83, R1= 0.68, n = 22). Rainfall from coastal localities was used as an index of the storms. The residuals from this relationship showed a significant positive autocorrelation. The autocorrelation was incorporated into the relationship by using time series analysis with a transfer function model and a first-order autocorrelation (R2= 0.76). The possible relationship between storms and the Leeuwin Current and their effect on the puerulus settlement are considered, and the potential for the environmental variables to bias or obscure the spawning stock recruitment relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

Western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus, phyllosoma were grown from hatching to stage IV. Larvae were fed with Artemia enriched with a (i) base enrichment (Base) containing 520 g kg?1 squid oil or tailor made enrichments in which oils high in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) have been added at the expense of squid oil. These treatments were (ii) base enrichment supplemented with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) rich oil, (iii) base enrichment supplemented with arachidonic acid (AA) rich oil, or (iv) base enrichment supplemented with DHA and AA (D + A) rich oils. Total survival of phyllosoma to stage IV was high, with no significant difference between treatments (range 12.3–17.5%). By stage IV, the larvae fed the DHA or AA enriched Artemia were significantly larger (3.33 mm length) than larvae fed the Base or D + A enriched Artemia (3.18–3.24 mm length). Phyllosoma were sampled at stages II and III for biochemical analysis. The major lipid class (LC) in all phyllosoma was polar lipid (PL) (88.9–92.4%), followed by sterol (ST) (6.2–9.7%). Triacylglycerol (TAG), free fatty acid (FFA) and hydrocarbon/wax ester were minor components (≤1%) in all phyllosoma samples. In contrast, the major LC in all enrichments and enriched Artemia was TAG (76.3–85.1% and 53.4–60.2%, respectively), followed by PL (11.4–14.8% and 30.6–38.1% respectively). The main fatty acids (FA) in phyllosoma were 16:0, 18:1n‐9, 18:1n‐7, 18:0, AA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and DHA. Addition of AA, and to a lesser extent DHA, to enrichments resulted in increased levels of those FA in Artemia and phyllosoma compared with the Base enrichment. This was particularly evident for stage III larvae. Comparatively, elevated growth for phyllosoma to stage IV was achieved with DHA and AA enriched diets. Our findings highlight the importance of lipids and in particular essential long‐chain PUFA, as nutritional components for phyllosoma diets.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to compare the growth and survival of western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus post-pueruli and year 1 juveniles fed different diets. Trial 1 compared lobsters fed a formulated pelletised feed developed for Panulirus ornatus supplemented with fresh mussels (Mytilus edulis) two days per week, with lobsters fed a daily diet of pellets. Trial 2 compared lobsters fed the pellet-mussel supplement diet with those fed a daily diet of fresh mussels.In the first trial, diet treatment did not significantly affect survival, although it was higher in tanks supplemented with mussels. Growth of post-pueruli and year 1 juveniles fed the pellet diet (0.03 g/day; 0.14 g/day, respectively) was significantly lower than growth of post-pueruli and year 1 juveniles fed pellet-mussel supplement diets (0.07 g/day; 0.2 g/day, respectively). Year 1 lobsters fed the pellet-mussel supplement diet consumed considerably less pellet (0.27 vs 0.40 g pellet dry matter/day (DM/day)) than those fed pellets indicating that they will preferentially favour mussel over pellet diets. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was significantly better for lobsters fed the pellet-mussel supplement diet as a result of the poor growth of pellet-fed lobsters.In the second trial, survival was significantly higher for lobsters fed mussels only. Growth of post-pueruli fed a mussel diet (0.14 g/day) was significantly higher than those fed pellet-mussel diets (0.11 g/day), but there was no significant difference in growth for year 1 juveniles (0.33 g/day). Feed intake of mussel on a dry matter basis was higher than pellet intake for both size classes, with mussel intake being more than double pellet intake for post-pueruli (0.20 vs 0.49 g DM/day).Poor growth of P. cygnus on a pellet only diet indicates that the current formulation for P. ornatus may be inadequate for P. cygnus. However, as pellet intake declined dramatically for year 1 lobsters offered a mussel supplement, and pellet consumption was significantly lower than mussel consumption, it is more likely that poor growth may be attributed to inadequate palatability and intake. The similarly good survival of lobsters fed pellet and pellet-mussel diets indicates that the pellet diet is an acceptable maintenance diet for P. cygnus, but is not suitable for maximising growth for this species. Further research is needed to improve palatability, intake and potentially nutritional composition of this pellet diet before its suitability for P. cygnus is assured.  相似文献   

Phyllosoma larvae of the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, were cultured from egg to juvenile. For larvae reared from hatch to Stage III, survival was highest and bacterial contamination was lowest in seawater ozonated at low and moderate levels (400 and 500 mV oxidation-reduction potential, ORP). By contrast, at high ozonation (600 mV), all larvae suffered deformities at the moult to Stage II and terminally starved, while in unozonated water (about 300 mV), all larvae died at Stage III probably as a consequence of Vibrio bacteria proliferation. In a second experiment between Stages VI to VIII, larval survival was highest in ozonated water that had been filtered through activated charcoal and coral sand, compared to ozonated water with no filtration or filtered only through activated charcoal. Ozonated water with the combined filtration was used subsequently but there were ongoing deformities, so the level was progressively reduced from 400 mV at Stage VIII to 330 mV at Stage X, at which time ozonation was discontinued. Larvae were then cultured in unozonated water to metamorphosis of eight pueruli at 377 to 437 days after hatch, of which two survived to juvenile. Ozonation was thus effective up to Stage IX in improving culture water to minimise bacterial disease without problems of larval deformities.  相似文献   

The rock lobster fishery of Western Australia is one of the largest of its kind; its average catch in the years 1974/75 to 1981/82 was almost 10000 tonnes. The fishery has been stable for many years, largely by virtue of licence limitation and other management measures. Among the regulatory measures is a requirement that all traps used in the fishery must be furnished with escape gaps and another requires fishermen to return to the sea all undersize lobsters that enter the traps, but fail to escape and consequently are brought on board the fishing boat when the trap is lifted.Despite the presence of the escape paps, considerable numbers of undersize lobsters are brought aboard; the number is estimated to be some 16 to 20 million in each season. Moreover, it has been estimated that about a quarter of these retained undersize lobsters remain on board for 10 min or more, and some have been observed to remain on board for more than two hours.Studies were therefore undertaken to ascertain whether this cipture-and-release experience was in fact causative of mortality. Laboratory experiments on animals exposed in direct sunlight resulted in an expected time for 50% mortality of 99, 158 and 233 min with increasing temperature compared with a time of 387 min for animals exposed under shade.Behavioural observations showed that as exposure time increased, returned animals exhibited a decreasing rate of descent through the water column, a decrease in the percentage of active animals and increased loss from predators. In addition, in ten laboratory experiments on octopus predation, octopus predated or injured animals exposed for 15 or 30 min, despite a recovery period of 3.5–5.5 h, but not on unexposed animals.Four tagging operations with over 7000 undersize animals resulted in a significant decrease in recapture rates by commercial fishermen with increasing exposure times. Damage (number of appendages lost) incurred by the rock lobsters and displacement beyond the home range were also generally found to reduce the recapture rates significantly. The combination of all these factors resulted in an estimated reduction in recapture rate of 14.6% in the 1978/79 fishing season and after taking into account natural mortality, this would have resulted in a loss of $A6.4 million to the fishery.  相似文献   

Experimental lobster feeds are currently based on fish meal and fish oil formulations, and although survival and growth similar to that of lobsters fed fresh blue mussels has been achieved, varying the protein level in previous experimental feeds has not increased growth beyond that of lobsters fed natural food. This experiment assessed the growth performance of lobsters fed pelleted feeds containing constant amounts of protein, lipid and energy where the lipid was provided by a range of oil-rich ingredients (fish oil, FO; fish oil with added soybean lecithin, FOL; canola oil, CO; tuna oil, TO; mussel meal, MM; and squid meal, SQM). Feed performance was assessed by lobster growth rate, survival, final biochemical composition, nutrient retention and nutrient efficiency. Twenty tanks containing 15 post-larval lobsters each (1.5 ± 0.04 g) were randomly allocated one of six test feeds in triplicate, and the two remaining tanks were fed freshly opened blue mussels (FRM) as a reference feed. Lobsters were fed daily to excess for 10 weeks. Final individual weights of whole body and digestive gland were measured, and tissue chemical composition analysed. There were no significant differences in survival (88.4 ± 3.3%), or specific growth rate (1.3 ± 0.1%.day− 1) among the formulated feed fed lobsters, which were significantly lower than the survival (100 ± 0.0%) and SGR (2.2 ± 0.1%.day− 1) of FRM fed lobsters. The SQM fed lobsters had a significantly lower lipid efficiency ratio and lipid productivity value than lobsters fed TO, FOL and MM feeds. The digestive gland lipid content (g.100 g wet tissue− 1) of lobsters fed the feeds TO (3.7 ± 0.4), FO (3.5 ± 0.3) and SQM (2.2 ± 0.2) were significantly lower than lobsters fed feeds MM (9.9 ± 1.1), FOL (9.0 ± 2.3) and FRM fed lobsters contained most digestive gland lipid (12.3 ± 1.5).  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the strength of the Leeuwin Current is correlated with the level of the puerulus (post-larval stage) settlement in the western rock lobster ( Panulirus cygnus ). The level of puerulus settlement has also been shown to be a reliable predictor of catch in the rock lobster fishery in Western Australia, 3 and 4 yr later. This study examines the impact of the south-flowing Leeuwin Current on the spatial distribution of the puerulus settlement along the coast based on information from 10 settlement sites. In years of strong Leeuwin Current, the location of the peak settlement occurs further south by up to 2° latitude compared with years of weak Leeuwin Current. The key months of Leeuwin Current strength that affect the abundance of the puerulus settlement are generally February to April, during the early larval stages. However, the months that affect the spatial distribution are from June onwards, which is closer to the period of puerulus settlement that starts in about August each year. The mean latitude of puerulus settlement shows a very good relationship with Leeuwin Current strength in June to December ( r  = 0.86, P  < 0.001). The variation in spatial distribution in puerulus settlement can be used to predict the spatial distribution of fishing effort and catch, 3 and 4 yr later ( r  = 0.78 and 0.84, respectively, P  < 0.001).  相似文献   

Movement influences the annual distribution patterns of a species and is an important determinant of stock structure. In situations where monitoring programs have quantified movement or distribution patterns by sampling during particular times of the year, seasonal changes in abundance as well as the degree of connectivity among adjacent stocks can be underestimated. Here, a summer abundance trawl survey was combined with a 1-year mark-recapture tagging study to infer seasonal changes in distribution within and among American lobster (Homarus americanus) stocks. Within the study area, lobsters were concentrated in central Northumberland Strait (Canada) during August, yet their observed dispersal behaviour implied that density declined in the central portion and increased in the northern portion of Northumberland Strait during winter. Stock mixing among management zones was not observed and individual tendencies to move were predicted to decline precipitously in early December. These movement patterns are consistent with the hypothesis of seasonal limitation by hard-substrate habitat availability causing population redistribution. Such information can ultimately be useful when assessing changes in abundance or exploitation rates, and for guiding management efforts.  相似文献   

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