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设施氮、磷、钾肥(NPK)、施氮、磷、钾肥兼稻草还田(NPKS)、施氮、磷、钾肥兼2倍稻草还田(NPKS2)、施氮、磷、钾肥兼施紫云英(NPKG)和施氮、磷、钾肥兼施猪粪5个处理的长期定位试验,探讨了长期施用有机肥对土壤和糙米铜、锌、铁、锰和镉含量的影响。结果表明,土壤全铜、全锌和全镉因秸秆还田或施用紫云英、猪粪有明显提高,尤其是施用猪粪,土壤全铜、全锌和全镉较仅施用氮、磷、钾肥分别增长53.6%、23.6%、406.2%,达到极显著水平; 而全铁和全锰各处理间没有显著差异。长期施用有机肥增加了土壤有效态铜、锌和镉含量,其中施用猪粪土壤有效铜、锌和镉含量增加最为显著,分别比NPK处理增长了335.9%、320.8%、421.4%。长期施用猪粪明显地增加了糙米中镉含量,并超过国家卫生标准。长期施用畜禽粪便类的有机肥对农产品的安全应予以足够的关注。  相似文献   

  【目的】  研究石灰性土壤上施用磷肥引起的小麦铁、锰、铜、锌含量的变化及其与作物养分吸收和土壤养分有效性的关系,为旱地小麦磷肥合理施用和丰产优质生产提供科学依据。  【方法】  于2004年在陕西杨凌设置不同磷肥用量的长期定位田间试验,土壤为石灰性土壤,pH 8.3。试验在每个小区施氮(N) 160 kg/hm2的基础上,设置施用P2O5 0、50、100、150、200 kg/hm2 5个水平。于2013—2016年3个收获期取样,测定了小麦地上部各器官生物量和铁、锰、铜、锌含量,及0—20和20—40 cm土层土壤有效铁锰铜锌含量。  【结果】  与不施磷相比,施用磷肥提高了小麦产量和籽粒铁、锰含量,但降低了籽粒铜、锌含量,同时提高了土壤有效铁、锰、锌含量,对有效铜含量影响不显著。进一步回归分析得出,施P2O5 165 kg/hm2时产量最高,为6492 kg/hm2;施P2O5 100 kg/hm2时籽粒铁含量最高,为41.7 mg/kg;施P2O5 94 kg/hm2时籽粒锰含量最高,为37.5 mg/kg;施P2O5 136 kg/hm2时籽粒锌含量最低,为25.4 mg/kg;籽粒铜含量在每增施P2O5 100 kg/hm2时会降低0.4 mg/kg。土壤有效锰、锌在施P2O5 100 kg/hm2时达到最大值,比对照分别提高24%和35%;土壤有效铁在施P2O5 200 kg/hm2时增幅最大,为8%;土壤有效铜在各施磷量下无显著变化。产量为最高产量的95% 时施磷量为 108 kg/hm2,当超过这一施磷量时,产量增幅减小,籽粒铁锰含量不再增加,铜锌含量持续降低。  【结论】  黄土高原石灰性旱地土壤上,长期施磷提高了小麦籽粒铁、锰含量,降低了籽粒铜、锌含量。籽粒铁、锰含量增加与土壤有效铁、锰增加促进了小麦的吸收及向籽粒的转移有关,而籽粒铜、锌含量降低与施磷后土壤有效铜没有显著提高,且高磷抑制铜转运和锌吸收有关。为了兼顾小麦高产与营养平衡,这一地区的施磷量应不超过P2O5 108 kg/hm2,以防止小麦籽粒铜、锌含量进一步降低,并维持合适的籽粒铁、锰含量。  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in surface soil properties of a savanna Alfisol under cultivation with applications of manure and inorganic NPK fertilizer were evaluated after 45 years of annual cropping. Soils from treatments with fertilizer only, fertilizer in combination with farmyard manure (FYM) at both high and low rates were compared to soil from a control receiving neither fertilizer nor manure. The high rate of FYM and fertilizer significantly improved soil aggregation, increased C, N and P status, while reducing soil penetration resistance. The results showed that there is a need to use both manure and inorganic fertilizer to maintain soil fertility in savanna soils under continuous cultivation.  相似文献   

以19年微肥定位试验为基础,研究了长期施用微肥条件下冬小麦土壤Cu、Zn、Mn、Fe含量的时空变化。结果表明,长期施用微肥能增加土壤耕层相应微量元素含量,施铜肥的土壤耕层有效Cu含量增加5倍以上;施锌肥的土壤耕层有效Zn含量增加3.58倍。从剖面变化看,不同处理土壤有效Cu的变化趋势一致,且耕层以下各土层有效Cu含量低于耕层,土壤有效Zn的变化趋势与之相似;土壤有效Mn在80cm土层含量较高,80cm以上以及下面的土层中Mn含量明显低于80cm土层,在土壤剖面上有效Mn存在淋溶和累积现象。施用不同微肥对土壤有效Fe含量的影响各不相同。  相似文献   

用室内盆栽试验,研究了不同磷肥施用量对铁、锰、铜、锌在水稻中分布和糙米品质的影响。结果表明,盆栽条件下,施用磷肥显著降低了Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn在IR68144地上部的积累量,显著增加了Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn在两个品种糙米中的分布。在不同磷肥施用水平下,Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn在IR68144地上部的积累量显著高于IR64,表明IR68144从根到地上部运输微量元素Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn的能力更强。此外,施用磷肥促进了富铁水稻糙米对蛋白质的积累,抑制其对直链淀粉的积累,且导致胶稠度变软,对IR64糙米品质的影响较小。说明合理的磷肥管理措施可在一定程度上调控子粒微量元素积累,改善稻米营养品质。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,以31份具有不同遗传背景的小黑麦品种为材料,设低氮和正常供氮2个氮素水平,探讨小黑麦子粒中铁、锰、铜、锌含量对氮素反应的品种差异及其类型。结果表明: 1)不同供氮条件下,小黑麦子粒中铁、锌含量以正常供氮显著高于低氮条件,锰、铜含量在两个供氮条件下差异不显著;相同供氮条件下,小黑麦子粒中铁、锰、铜、锌含量存在显著的品种差异,变异系数为15.07 %~38.69 %。2) 铁、锰、铜、锌含量对氮素供应的敏感性存在差异,以各小黑麦品种子粒微量元素含量对氮素响应的敏感程度,可将其分为钝感型、中间型和敏感型3种类型。3)相关分析表明,铁、锰含量与粒重相关性不显著,铜、锌含量与粒重呈极显著正相关(相关系数分别为0.45、0.44);铁、锰、铜、锌含量与子粒中含氮量呈极显著正相关(相关系数分别为0.34、0.55、0.47、0.71)。这些结果可为小黑麦营养品质有利基因的发掘和运用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Ten naturally acidic Scottish soils have been limed with CaCO3 at 0,0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25 times the recommended lime requirement, and then subjected to three cycles of alternate wetting to field capacity at 20°C for 1 month and drying for 1 month. The Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn extracted by DTPA solution, both at pH 7.3 and also after adjustment to match the final soil pH, were measured by flame AAS. The same elements were determined in ammonium acetate extracts, for extractants buffered at pH 4.8, pH 7.0 or at the final soil pH. The effect of extractant pH upon the amounts of trace elements removed is discussed for the two extractants, with particular reference to Zn. The influence of soil pH upon the amounts of trace elements extracted is also considered. There appears to be a distinct relationship between rate of decrease of DTPA-extractable Fe with increasing soil pH and the effect of pH upon DTPA-extractable Zn, high rates of decrease of extractable Fe being associated with a more continuous decline in extractable Zn with increasing soil pH. Possible reasons for this relationship are discussed, in the light of an experiment conducted to examine the effect of Fe and A1 on loss of Zn from solution at high pH. DTPA-extractable Cu varied little with increasing soil pH.  相似文献   

大豆是我国东北地区主要旱田作物,特别在黑龙江省,种植面积约占31%,由于种植比例过大,致使很多地块长期连作,影响到产量的提高.  相似文献   

温室蔬菜栽培对土壤DTPA浸提态铁锰铜锌含量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
姜勇  梁文举  张玉革 《土壤通报》2006,37(6):1184-1187
对沈阳市大民屯镇蔬菜生产基地温室番茄栽培条件下0~30 cm土层土壤DTPA浸提态微量元素含量的调查表明,温室土壤DTPA浸提态Mn、Cu、Zn含量高于相邻的露地菜田,0~20 cm土层DTPA-Fe含量低于露地土壤。与露地菜田相比,高量施肥条件下温室土壤DTPA-Zn富集是微量元素变化的一个主要特征,11年和5年温室土壤0~20 cm土层DTPA-Zn平均含量分别是露地菜田的4.0和4.8倍。温室栽培条件下高量施用有机肥、土壤pH降低及土壤Eh变化是引起土壤DTPA浸提态微量元素变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

畜禽粪肥对土壤有效铜锌铁锰含量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用室内培养和DTPA浸提法研究了鸡粪、牛粪和猪粪等有机肥料对土壤有效Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn含量的影响。结果表明,在供试条件下施用鸡粪、牛粪和猪粪均可使土壤中有效Cu、Mn含量增加,但有效Zn含量降低;施用鸡粪可使土壤有效Fe含量增加,而施用牛粪和猪粪使土壤有效Fe含量降低。增加鸡粪施用量,可使土壤中有效Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn含量增加;培养期间有效Cu、Zn含量变化幅度较小,有效Fe、Mn含量变化较大。  相似文献   

田秀平  李玉梅 《土壤》2009,41(2):196-200
在三江平原上,测定 42 个小区中玉米、大豆、小麦籽实 Fe、Mn、Cu 和 Zn 含量和土壤中各形态 Fe、Mn、Cu 和Zn含量.通过相关分析和通径分析,探讨了土壤中各形态Fe、Mn、Cu 和 Zn 的生物有效性,旨在为该地区合理施用微量元素提供科学依据.试验结果表明,玉米、大豆和小麦籽实含 Fe、Mn、Cu 和 Zn 量与土壤中有效态和交换态 Fe、Mn、Cu和Zn含量呈显著或极显著正相关.有机态 Fe、Mn、Cu 和 Zn含量与玉米、大豆和小麦籽实Fe、Mn、Cu 和 Zn含量也有很好的相关关系.交换态对有效态 Fe、Mn、Cu 和 Zn 影响最大,其次是有机质结合态.铁锰氧化物结合态 Fe、Cu 对有效态 Fe、Cu 及碳酸盐结合态 Mn、Zn 对有效态 Mn、Zn 具有一定正效应.而残留态 Fe、Cu 对有效态 Fe、Cu 和铁锰氧化物结合态 Mn 对有效态 Mn 产生负效应.  相似文献   

在福建黄泥田长期定位施肥试验的第26年,研究了不同施肥模式对水稻子粒与土壤微量元素含量的影响。结果表明,与不施肥(CK)相比,化肥+牛粪(NPKM)、 化肥+秸秆还田(NPKS)及单施化肥(NPK)处理的水稻子粒Zn、 B、 Cu含量均有不同程度的提高,并尤以NPKM处理最为明显,三种微量元素含量分别提高14.3%、 25.1%、 465.2%,均达差异显著水平。NPKM与NPKS处理还不同程度地提高了子粒Mn含量,但各施肥处理的子粒Fe含量均显著降低。各施肥处理尤其是NPKM与NPKS均显著提高了子粒微量元素吸收量。NPK处理的土壤有效B、 Fe、 Zn、 Cu含量与CK相比均呈下降趋势,且有效Zn、 Mn含量较试验前土壤分别降低了36.4%与24.6%,而NPKM与NPKS处理缓解了下降趋势,且NPKM处理的土壤有效Zn、 B、 Mn含量分别较CK提高46.6%、 52.0%、 43.0%,均达差异显著水平。土壤有机质与子粒B、 Cu、 Zn含量呈显著正相关,子粒必需氨基酸、 粗蛋白与子粒Zn含量呈显著正相关。以上结果说明,长期化肥配施牛粪或秸秆还田有利于提高水稻子粒Zn、 B、 Cu等微量元素含量和产量,改善子粒营养品质,一定程度上又可缓解土壤有效微量元素含量的下降,是适合南方黄泥田的施肥模式。  相似文献   

【目的】 聚合度和聚合率是影响聚合态磷肥肥效的关键指标,本研究旨在明确聚合度和聚合率对聚磷酸盐在土壤中的转化、土壤磷有效性及磷肥肥效的影响。 【方法】 以灌耕灰漠土为供试土壤,玉米为供试作物进行了盆栽试验。试验共设5个处理:不施磷肥 (CK);磷酸二氢铵 (MAP);聚合度和聚合率不同的3种聚磷酸铵磷肥平均聚合度3,聚合率40% (APP-3-40%);平均聚合度3,聚合率90% (APP-3-90%);平均聚合度2.7,聚合率90% (APP-2.7-90%)。除对照不施磷肥外,每钵 (7kg 土) 施N 2.4 g、P2O5 1.1 g、K2O 0.7 g。于播种后第10、20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90 d采集土样,测定土壤水溶性磷和Olsen-P。并于第90 d测定土壤全磷,土壤有效态Fe、Mn、Zn含量和磷分级 (Guppy法)。分别于播种后第45和90 d取玉米植株样品,测定玉米干物质,含磷量与微量元素Fe、Mn与Zn含量。 【结果】 与MAP处理相比,不同聚合度与聚合率的聚磷酸磷肥处理均可显著提高土壤有效磷含量。聚合度均为3时,APP-3-90%处理土壤水溶性磷与有效磷比APP-3-40%分别提高了15.7%与7.9%,土壤Resin-P与NaHCO3-P分别提高了38.0%与22.8%,HCl-P则降低了6.2%。聚合率均为90%时,APP-3-90%处理的土壤有效磷比APP-2.7-90%提高了5.0%,Resin-P与NaHCO3-P分别提高了75.1%与34.2%,HCl-P降低了12.0%,APP-3-90%的玉米干物质与吸磷量比APP-2.7-90%处理的分别提高了14.3%与4.5%,聚合度相同的APP-3-90% 与APP-3-40%处理间差异不显著。聚磷酸磷肥可显著提高土壤微量元素 (Fe、Mn、Zn) 的有效性。在相同聚合率 (90%) 下,APP-3-90%处理的土壤有效Fe、Mn和Zn含量比APP-2.7-90%分别提高了5.7%、8.4%与29.9%。在相同聚合度 (n = 3) 下,APP-3-90%处理的土壤有效Fe和Zn含量比APP-3-40%分别提高了3.0%和29.0%。在相同聚合率 (90%) 下,APP-3-90%处理玉米的Fe和Zn吸收量比APP-2.7-90%分别提高了5.7%和19.5%,不同聚合率处理间差异不显著。 【结论】 聚磷酸磷肥可显著提高石灰性土壤磷及Fe、Mn和Zn的有效性,减少土壤对磷的固定;聚合度对土壤磷有效性与微量元素的活化作用显著大于聚合率。   相似文献   

Runoff may cause losses of micronutrients from soils. This can result in environmental problems such as contaminant transfers to water or a decrease in soil fertility. Appropriate soil management may reduce these micronutrient losses. This study examined the effect of applying crop residues to the soil surface on iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) losses by runoff. Runoff and sediment yield were measured on 1-m2 plots using a rainfall simulator with constant 65 mm h?1 intensity. Eight successive rainfall applications were performed at 65 mm each. Corn (Zea mays L.) straw was applied to plots at rates ranging from 0 to 8 t ha?1. Both total and dissolved concentrations of the micronutrients studied were decreased by corn straw applications. After 520 mm cumulative rainfall, total soil losses ranged from 150 to 15354 kg ha?1 depending on the amount of corn straw applied. Total micronutrient concentrations in runoff were as follows: Fe from 14.98 to 611.12 mg L?1, Mn from 0.03 to 0.61 mg L?1, Cu from 0.10 to 1.43 mg L?1, and Zn from 0.21 to 5.45 mg L?1. The relative contribution of the dissolved fraction to the total micronutrient content loss was low, but varied depending on the nutrient, being less than 1 percent for Fe and Mn and almost 10 percent for Zn. Total and dissolved concentrations in runoff of the studied elements decreased exponentially as the rate of applied corn straw increased. In conclusion, the addition of corn straw to soil reduced micronutrient losses.  相似文献   

【目的】研究长期翻压绿肥条件下减施化肥对小麦产量稳定性以及地力贡献的影响,为甘肃省河西绿洲灌区高效施肥和可持续发展提供理论依据。【方法】2009—2020年在河西绿洲灌区开展了12年的定位试验,供试作物为春小麦。试验处理包括不施肥对照(CK)、100%化肥(CF)以及翻压绿肥后化肥分别减量0%、10%、20%、30%、40%、100%。根据历年小麦产量,计算累积增产率、产量可持续性指数和变异系数;构建一元灰色线性模型,计算不同施肥长期趋势产量;计算累积土壤地力贡献率以及不同处理累积肥料贡献率。【结果】随着试验年限延长,除减施100%化肥处理外,各翻压绿肥处理肥料对小麦产量的累积贡献率均呈现增加的趋势,且处理间肥料对产量的贡献率无显著差异,2020年均达到60%左右。不施肥处理(CK)土壤地力对小麦产量的累积贡献率不断下降,从2009年的57.41%下降至2020年的34.24%。翻压绿肥基础上化肥减量40%以内,小麦12年平均产量高于100%化肥处理(CF)。一元灰色线性模型显示化肥减量40%以内,小麦产量变异系数随着化肥减施量的升高而不断升高,产量可持续指数则不断下降。化肥减量40%...  相似文献   

Knowledge of K-dynamics in soils can help devise practices for efficient K management in intensive rice-wheat systems. We studied the effect of long-term application of rice straw, farmyard manure (FYM) and inorganic fertilizer on total K and its distribution among different forms in 60-cm soil profile after 14 years of rice-wheat cropping. The exchangeable, the non-exchangeable and the lattice K respectively comprised 1%, 3–10% and 89–95% of total K in surface soil under different treatments. Application of rice straw and FYM positively impacted total K status of soil and its distribution among different forms. The greatest concentrations of total K, lattice K, exchangeable K and NH4OAc-extractable K were observed in plots receiving both rice straw and FYM together and the lowest in inorganic fertilizer treated plots. On the contrary, the non-exchangeable K was the highest in inorganically fertilized plots and the lowest in rice straw amended plots. The exchangeable, the water soluble and the NH4OAc-extractable K decreased with soil depth and did not indicate K movement beyond the rooting zone of the crops. The results showed that incorporation of rice residue in soil, instead of burning, besides reducing environmental pollution led to improved K-fertility of soils.  相似文献   

Nematode faunal response to the long-term (20-year) application of nitrogen fertilizer and organic manure was monitored in a Hapli-Udic Cambosol of Northeast China, where no fertilizer (C), nitrogen fertilizer (N), organic manure (M) and nitrogen fertilizer plus organic manure (N + M) treatments were compared. The obtained results showed that total nematode abundance responded positively to the M and N + M treatments. The numbers of Acrobeloides increased in the M and N + M treatments at maize jointing and booting stages, and those of Aphelenchoides were higher in the N + M treatment than in the N treatment at maize ripening stage. Early in the growing season, the numbers of bacterivores of cp-1 (cp, colonizer-persister) and cp-2 guilds were higher in the M and N + M treatments than in the N treatment, while those of bacterivores and fungivores of cp-4 guilds were higher in the C treatment than in the N, M and N + M treatments. Except at maize seedling stage, the numbers of fungivores of cp-2 and herbivores of cp-3 guilds were higher in the N + M treatment than in the C treatment. Ratios of the weighted abundance of representatives of specific functional guilds were used as indicators of food web structure, enrichment and decomposition channels. Values of the enrichment index (EI) at maize seedling and jointing stages were higher in the M and N + M treatments than in the C and N treatments, while an opposite trend was observed in the channel index (CI). Higher EI and lower CI suggest an enriched soil food web dominated with bacterial decomposition channels in the M and N + M treatments.  相似文献   

Intensive cropping with conventional tillage results in a decline of soil organic carbon (SOC) with consequent deterioration of soil physical properties. Some studies indicate that this decline in SOC can be arrested by way of organic manure application and improved nutrient management practices. This study was conducted to find out the long-term effects of inorganic fertilizer, manure and lime application on organic carbon content and physical properties of an acidic Alfisol (Typic Haplustalf) under an annual soybean-wheat crop rotation. Six treatments namely, control (CON), nitrogen fertilization (NIT), nitrogen and phosphorus (NP), nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK), NPK plus manure (NPKM) and NPK plus lime (NPKL) from a long-term fertilizer experiment continuing at Ranchi, India, were chosen for this study. Soil samples were collected from the selected treatments after 29 crop cycles and analyzed for physical and chemical properties. The results indicated that SOC content in all the treatments decreased from initial levels, but the decrease was considerably less in NPKM (8.7%) and NPKL (10.9%) treatments than that in NIT (28.3%) treatment. The SOC at 0-15 and 15-30 cm depth was lowest in NIT and CON. The NPKM, NPKL and NPK treatments up to 30 cm soil depth recorded significantly higher SOC than NIT and CON. Application of balanced fertilizer along with manure (NPKM) or lime (NPKL) improved soil aggregation, soil water retention, microporosity and available water capacity and reduced bulk density of the soil in 0-30 cm depth over CON. In contrast, soil aggregate stability, microporosity and available water capacity were significantly lower in the NIT plots than that in CON. The study thus suggests that soil management practices in acidic Alfisols should include integrated use of mineral fertilizer and organic manure or lime to maintain the organic carbon status and physical environment of soil.  相似文献   

The effects of application of composted olive mill wastewater sludge (A) and depotassified sugarbeet vinasse (V) on total diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and sequential extracted micronutrients were investigated. The mineralogy of the fine fraction of soils was also studied. The soils used were a Typic Rhodoxeralf (soil R), a Typic Xeropsamment (soil S), and a Typic Xerorthent (soil C). Fertilization with A and V during 3 years, in general did not significantly affect the total concentration of Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn versus the control. However, the elements extracted with DTPA generally increased with the organic amendments, more with A than with V. The BCR (European Community Bureau of Reference) sequential extraction indicated that the addition of organic matter generally increased Zn and Mn in the two more available fractions. A great amount of Fe was found in the second and third fractions from the unamended and amended soils. Nevertheless, the sum of the three fractions was enhanced for the organic amendment, except for calcareous soil. The distribution of these elements in the different fractions was significantly affected by the type of soil. The addition of both fertilizers caused modifications in particle size and consequence redistribution of the calcite content between the different fractions.  相似文献   

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