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J. Dick    B. Kaya    M. Soutoura    U. Skiba    R. Smith    A. Niang  & R. Tabo 《Soil Use and Management》2008,24(3):292-301
The yield and flux of nitrous oxide (N2O) emitted from continuous cereals (with and without urea), legumes/cereal in rotation and cereal/legume in rotation all with or without organic manure was monitored from January 2004 to February 2005. All treatments except continuous cereals had phosphate added. The cereal grown July–October in 2003 and 2004 was pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum) and the legume was a bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ). The 10 m × 10 m plots were established in a semi-arid climate in Mali. The addition of organic manure and both inorganic fertilizers increased yield and N2O emissions. Continuous cereals treated with both organic manure and urea emitted significantly less N2O (882 g N/ha per year) than plots receiving no organic manure(1535 g N/ha per year). Growing N-fixing crops in rotation did not significantly increase N2O emissions. This study supports the new practice of growing cereal and legumes in rotation as an environmentally sustainable system in semi-arid Mali.  相似文献   

Samples from topsoils (0-10 cm) of 16 Polish arable Cambisols developed from different parent materials (sand, silt, sandy gravel, loess, loam and clay), were incubated under flooded conditions with NO3-. Dehydrogenase activity, redox potential (Eh), and emissions of CO2 and N2O were measured. According to dehydrogenase activity, the soils were divided into two groups: those of low activity (I), where the final dehydrogenase activity was <0.03 nmol triphenylformazan (TPF) g-1 min-1, and those with high final dehydrogenase activity (II), >0.03 nmol TPF g-1 min-1. Generation of CO2 and of N2O under flooded conditions was shown to be significantly related to dehydrogenase activity. Soil dehydrogenase activity increased curvilinearly with organic matter content, showed a maximum at pH 7.1, and decreased curvilinearly with Eh. The final cumulative CO2 production increased linearly with soil organic matter content and curvilinearly with dehydrogenase activity and decreased linearly with Eh. The most significant relationship was found with dehydrogenase activity (R2=0.74, P<0.001). The final cumulative N2O production decreased linearly with Eh and increased curvilinearly with pH and dehydrogenase activity but linearly with organic matter content; the most significant relation being found with dehydrogenase activity (R2=0.69, P<0.001). The CO2:N2O ratio in the gases evolved increased curvilinearly with Eh and decreased with dehydrogenase activity and N2O and CO2 production.  相似文献   

The effect of reduced tillage (RT) on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions of soils from fields with root crops under a temperate climate was studied. Three silt loam fields under RT agriculture were compared with their respective conventional tillage (CT) field with comparable crop rotation and manure application. Undisturbed soil samples taken in September 2005 and February 2006 were incubated under laboratory conditions for 10 days. The N2O emission of soils taken in September 2005 varied from 50 to 1,095 μg N kg−1 dry soil. The N2O emissions of soils from the RT fields taken in September 2005 were statistically (P < 0.05) higher or comparable than the N2O emissions from their respective CT soil. The N2O emission of soils taken in February 2006 varied from 0 to 233 μg N kg−1 dry soil. The N2O emissions of soils from the RT fields taken in February 2006 tended to be higher than the N2O emissions from their respective CT soil. A positive and significant Pearson correlation of the N2O–N emissions with nitrate nitrogen (NO3 –N) content in the soil was found (P < 0.01). Leaving the straw on the field, a typical feature of RT, decreased NO3 –N content of the soil and reduced N2O emissions from RT soils.  相似文献   



Vegetable production is one of the most intensive agricultural systems with high rates of nitrogen (N) fertilizer use and irrigation, conditions conducive for nitrate (NO3) leaching, and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), in decreasing NO3 leaching and N2O emissions in vegetable production systems.  相似文献   

Forage crops accumulate F from exposures to the air pollutant HF and the rate and amount taken up can be affected by a number of external factors, one of which is precipitation. To assess how precipitation, including acidic precipitation, alters F uptake and retention in forage, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. var. Saranac) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. var. Kentucky 31) were subjected to extended exposures to HF and were treated periodically with various solutions (pH 5.6, 4.0, and 3.0) supplied as simulated rain or, for comparisons, as soil amendments. None of the treatments affected growth, but precipitation treatments significantly reduced the F content of both species relative to plants that received the same volumes of the same solutions added to the soil. Analyses of washed and unwashed foliage indicated that this loss of F was primarily due to the removal of F from foliar surfaces. There was no effect of pH of rain on the F content of tall fescue, but for alfalfa an increase in acidity from pH 4.0 to 3.0 resulted in a further decrease in the F content of foliage, suggesting that in addition to removing superficial F, the more acidic simulated rain resulted in the leaching of F from within foliage was well.  相似文献   

In temperate regions, a majority of N2O is emitted during spring soil thawing. We examined the influence of two winter field covers, snow and winter rye, on soil temperature and subsequent spring N2O emissions from a New York corn field over two years. The first season (2006-07) was a cold winter (2309 h below 0 °C at 8 cm soil depth), historically typical for the region. The snow removal treatment resulted in colder soils and higher N2O fluxes (73.3 vs. 57.9 ng N2O-N cm−2 h−1). The rye cover had no effect on N2O emissions. The second season (2007-08) was a much milder winter (1271 h below freezing at 8 cm soil depth), with lower N2O fluxes overall. The winter rye cover resulted in lower N2O fluxes (5.9 vs. 33.7 ng N2O-N cm−2 h−1), but snow removal had no effect. Climate scenarios predict warmer temperature and less snow cover in the region. Under these conditions, spring N2O emissions can be expected to decrease and could be further reduced by winter rye crops.  相似文献   



Intensive agricultural practices have enhanced problems associated with the competing use of limited water resources. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a major contributor to global warming. It is important for researchers to ascertain the relationship between irrigation and soil N2O emissions in order to identify mitigation strategies to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. Different irrigation amounts affect soil water dynamics and nitrogen turnover. The effect of three lower limits of irrigation on soil N2O emissions, influencing factors, and abundance of genes involved in nitrification and denitrification were investigated in tomato irrigated in a greenhouse.

Materials and methods

Observations were performed between April and August 2015 in a long-term irrigated field subjected to different lower limits of irrigation: 20 kPa (D20), 30 kPa (D30), and 40 kPa (D40) from greenhouse soil during the tomato crop season. Soil N2O fluxes were monitored using the static chamber-gas chromatograph method. Copy numbers of genes were determined using the real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) technique. Characteristics of soil N2O emissions were analyzed, and differences between irrigation regimes were determined. The effects of influencing factors on soil N2O emissions were analyzed, including soil temperature, soil moisture, soil pH, and soil mineral nitrogen, as well as changes in the abundance of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) based on amoA genes and denitrifier genes (nosZ, nirK, and cnorB).

Results and discussion

Our results showed that peaks in N2O emissions occurred 1–5 days after each irrigation. During the whole tomato growth period, soil N2O fluxes were lowest under D30 treatment compared with those under D20 and D40 treatments. Soil NO3 ?-N concentrations were significantly higher than NH4 +-N concentrations. Soil N2O fluxes were significantly related to soil moisture, NH4 +-N concentrations (P < 0.01), soil pH, and AOA copy numbers (P < 0.05). There was no consistent correlation between soil N2O emissions, soil temperature, and soil NO3 ?-N concentrations. Different irrigation regimes significantly affected AOA copy numbers but did not affect the expression of other genes. AOA copy numbers were higher than those of AOB. Soil N2O fluxes significantly affected the AOA copy numbers and potential nitrification rates (P < 0.05).


Soil moisture, pH, and NH4 +-N concentration were important factors affecting soil N2O emissions. Compared with other genes associated with nitrification and denitrification, AOA plays an important role in N2O emissions from greenhouse soils. Selecting a lower limit of irrigation of 30 kPa could effectively reduce N2O emissions from vegetable soils.

Summary The efficiency of N use in flooded rice is usually low, chiefly due to gaseous losses. Emission of CH4, a gas implicated in global warming, can also be substantial in flooded rice. In a greenhouse study, the nitrification inhibitor encapsulated calcium carbide (a slow-release source of acetylene) was added with 75, 150, and 225 mg of 75 atom % 15N urea-N to flooded pots containing 18-day-old rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants. Urea treatments without calcium carbide were included as controls. After the application of encapsulated calcium carbide, 3.6 g N2, 12.4 g N2O-N, and 3.6 mg CH4 were emitted per pot in 30 days. Without calcium carbide, 3.0 mg N2, 22.8 g N2O-N, and 39.0 mg CH4 per pot were emitted during the same period. The rate of N added had a positive effect on N2 and N2O emissions, but the effect on CH4 emissions varied with time. Carbon dioxide emissions were lower with encapsulated calcium carbide than without. The use of encapsulated calcium carbide appears effective in eliminating N2 losses, and in minimizing emissions of the greenhouse gases N2O and CH4 in flooded rice.  相似文献   

Arctic soils emit nitrous oxide, which is a potent greenhouse gas and also represents an important loss of nitrogen to oligotrophic Arctic ecosystems. However, little is known about the temperature sensitivity of nitrous oxide release in Arctic soils or the organisms mainly responsible for it. We investigated controls on nitrous oxide emissions in an Arctic soil across a typical temperature range (between 4 and 13 °C) on Truelove Lowland, Devon Island, Canada (75°40′N 84°35′W) at two different moisture contents. When fertilized with ammonia or nitrate, nitrous oxide emissions and temperature dependence of nitrous oxide emissions were insensitive to soil moisture content but linked to nitrification rates. Stable isotope analysis revealed that nitrous oxide was predominantly released by nitrifiers. However, nitrous oxide emissions were not linked to nitrifier prevalence with an insignificant (P < 0.219) increase in amoA genes and a (P < 0.01) decrease in archaeal nitrifiers. In contrast, denitrifier nosZ prevalence was 10,000 times greater than that of nitrifiers and was related to nitrous oxide emission potential when soils were fertilized with nitrate. Manipulating water-filled pore space should have changed the pattern of N2O emissions. We used selective inhibitors to further explore why denitrification did not occur under field conditions when we manipulated water-filled pore space or when we used 15N analysis. When fungi were inhibited in the soil, nitrous oxide emissions from denitrifiers increased with no change in nitrous oxide released by nitrifiers. When fungi were active in the soil, there was little available nitrate but when fungi were inhibited, available soil nitrate increased over the incubation period. The dominance of nitrifiers in nitrous oxide emissions from Arctic soils under field conditions is linked to the competition for nitrate between fungi and denitrifiers.  相似文献   

The net effect of no-till techniques on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions is inconsistent and poorly quantified in comparison to conventionally tilled farming. This study assesses N2O emissions and yields from paddy fields during the wheat-growing season under conventional and no-till farming, as well as mitigation of N2O evolution using dicyandiamide and chlorinated pyridine (CP) as nitrification inhibitor (NI). Both tillage practices and NIs significantly (P?<?0.01) affected cumulative N2O emissions and yields. In comparison to conventional tillage, the cumulative N2O emissions under no-till farming were increased by 8.2–19.3 % and the water-filled pore space was higher on most days. Relative to no-tillage, the conventional tillage averagely increased the wheat yield by 6.0 % and reduced yield-scaled N2O–N emission by 44.5 %. The two NIs averagely increased the wheat yield by 9.7 % and reduced yield-scaled N2O–N emission by 67.7 %. The treatment with CP produced the highest yield with the lowest N2O emissions, thus leading to the lowest yield-scaled N2O–N emission (0.15–0.17 kg N2O–N t?1 grain yield) under both tillage practices.  相似文献   

Oil palm plantations, irreversibly claimed primarily from tropical forest, carpet the landscape in Malaysia and Indonesia, the largest global producers of palm oil. The impact of forest conversion...  相似文献   

The nitrous oxide and molecular N emissions from 5-cm length subsamples taken from 20-cm length sample corers containing eutric Cambisol soil fertilised either with urea, ammonium or nitrate for 1 year have been examined using gas chromatography. At the beginning of the incubation, the same N rate (260 kg N/ha) was added to the soil and kept constant during the experiment. The total abundance of the soil Bacteria and Archaea and that of nitrifiers and denitrifiers was estimated by quantitative PCR of the corresponding biotic variables 16S rRNA, amoA and napA, narG, nirK, nirS, norB, nosZI and nosZII genes. The abiotic variables dissolved oxygen, pH, exchangeable NH4+-N and NO3?-N contents and total C and total N were also analysed. None of the three fertilisers affected the total abundance of Bacteria and Archaea and nitrification was the main driver of nitrous oxide production in the 0- to 5-cm and 5- to 10-cm soil layers while denitrification was in the 10- to 15-cm and 15- to 20-cm soil horizons. Parallel to the reduction in the content of dissolved oxygen along the soil profile, there was a decrease in the total and relative abundance of the bacterial and archaeal amoA gene and an increase in the abundances of the denitrification genes, mainly in the 10- to 15-cm and 15- to 20-cm soil layers. A non-metric multidimensional scaling plot comparing the biotic and abiotic variables examined in each of the four 5-cm soil subsamples and the whole 20-cm sample showed a disparate effect of N fertilisation on N gas emissions and abundance of nitrifiers and denitrifiers bacterial and archaeal communities.  相似文献   

Few studies address nutrient cycling during the transition period (e.g., 1–4 years following conversion) from standard to some form of conservation tillage. This study compares the influence of minimum versus standard tillage on changes in soil nitrogen (N) stabilization, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, short-term N cycling, and crop N use efficiency 1 year after tillage conversion in conventional (i.e., synthetic fertilizer-N only), low-input (i.e., alternating annual synthetic fertilizer- and cover crop-N), and organic (i.e., manure- and cover crop-N) irrigated, maize–tomato systems in California. To understand the mechanisms governing N cycling in these systems, we traced 15N-labeled fertilizer/cover crop into the maize grain, whole soil, and three soil fractions: macroaggregates (>250 μm), microaggregates (53–250 μm) and silt-and-clay (<53 μm). We found a cropping system effect on soil Nnew (i.e., N derived from 15N-fertilizer or -15N-cover crop), with 173 kg Nnew ha−1 in the conventional system compared to 71.6 and 69.2 kg Nnew ha−1 in the low-input and organic systems, respectively. In the conventional system, more Nnew was found in the microaggregate and silt-and-clay fractions, whereas, the Nnew of the organic and low-input systems resided mainly in the macroaggregates. Even though no effect of tillage was found on soil aggregation, the minimum tillage systems showed greater soil fraction-Nnew than the standard tillage systems, suggesting greater potential for N stabilization under minimum tillage. Grain-Nnew was also higher in the minimum versus standard tillage systems. Nevertheless, minimum tillage led to the greatest N2O emissions (39.5 g N2O–N ha−1 day−1) from the conventional cropping system, where N turnover was already the fastest among the cropping systems. In contrast, minimum tillage combined with the low-input system (which received the least N ha−1) produced intermediate N2O emissions, soil N stabilization, and crop N use efficiency. Although total soil N did not change after 1 year of conversion from standard to minimum tillage, our use of stable isotopes permitted the early detection of interactive effects between tillage regimes and cropping systems that determine the trade-offs among N stabilization, N2O emissions, and N availability.  相似文献   

The types and amounts of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) inputs, as well as irrigation management are likely to influence gaseous emissions and microbial ecology of agricultural soil. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) efflux, with and without acetylene inhibition, inorganic N, and microbial biomass C were measured after irrigation or simulated rainfall in two agricultural fields under tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum). The two fields, located in the California Central Valley, had either a history of high organic matter (OM) inputs (“organic” management) or one of low OM and inorganic fertilizer inputs (“conventional” management). In microcosms, where short-term microbial responses to wetting and drying were studied, the highest CO2 efflux took place at about 60% water-filled pore space (WFPS). At this moisture level, phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) indicative of microbial nutrient availability were elevated and a PLFA stress indicator was depressed, suggesting peak microbial activity. The highest N2O efflux in the organically managed soil (0.94 mg N2O-N m−2 h−1) occurred after manure and legume cover crop incorporation, and in the conventionally managed soil (2.12 mg N2O-N m−2 h−1) after inorganic N fertilizer inputs. Elevated N2O emissions occurred at a WFPS >60% and lasted <2 days after wetting, probably because the top layer (0–150 mm) of this silt loam soil dried quickly. Therefore, in these cropping systems, irrigation management might control the duration of elevated N2O efflux, even when C and inorganic N availability are high, whereas inorganic N concentrations should be kept low during times when soil moisture cannot be controlled.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fertilizer application and grazing are known to induce nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from grassland soils. In a field study, general information on rates of N2O emission, the effect of cattle grazing and the type (mineral fertilizer, cattle slurry) and amount of N supply on the flux of N2O from a sandy soil were investigated. N2O emissions from permanent grassland managed as a mixed system (two cuts followed by two grazing cycles) were monitored over 11 months during 2001-2002 in northern Germany using the closed chamber method. The field experiment consisted of four regionally relevant fertilizer combinations, i.e. two mineral N application rates (0 and 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and two slurry levels (0 and 74 kg N ha−1 yr−1).Mean cumulative N2O-N loss was 3.0 kg ha−1 yr−1, and the cumulative 15N-labelled N2O emissions varied from 0.03% to 0.19% of the 15N applied. 15N labelling indicated that more N2O was emitted from mineral N than from slurry treated plots, and in all treatments the soil N pool was always clearly the major source of N2O. Regarding the total cumulative N2O losses, differences among treatments were not significant, which was caused by: (i) a high variance in emissions during and after cattle grazing due to the random distribution of excrements and by (ii) high N2 fixation of white clover in the 0 kg N ha−1 treatments, which resulted in similar N status of all treatments. However before grazing started, treatments showed significant differences. After cattle grazing in summer, N2O emission rates were higher than around the time of spring fertilizer application, or in winter. Grazing resulted in N2O flux rates up to 489 μg N2O-N m−2 h−1 and the grazing period contributed 31-57% to the cumulative N2O emission. During freeze-thaw cycles in winter (December-February) N2O emission rates of up to 147 μg N2O-N m−2 h−1 were measured, which contributed up to 26% to the annual N2O flux. The results suggest that N fertilizer application and grazing caused only short-term increases of N2O flux rates whereas the major share of annual N2O emission emitted from the soil N pool. The significantly increased N2O fluxes during freeze-thaw cycles show the importance of emission events in winter which need to be covered by measurements for obtaining reliable estimates of annual N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Su  Rui  Huang  Rui  Zeng  Jin  Zhao  Dayong  He  Rujia  Yu  Zhongbo  Wu  Qinglong L. 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2021,21(10):3326-3341
Journal of Soils and Sediments - The recently identified nosZII gene plays a key role in mitigating nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, and emergent macrophytes along lakeshores are areas of significant...  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - In New Zealand, the application of farm dairy effluent (FDE) on pasture soils is the third largest source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from grazed grassland....  相似文献   

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