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畜禽粪便高温堆肥生物化学变化特征研究 总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19
采用静态条跺堆方式肥研究了畜禽粪便高温堆肥生物化学变化特征。结果表明,随着堆肥的进行,全碳、全氮含量及碳氮比有所下降,3项指标分别由堆制前的149.7gkg-1、12.5gkg-1,12.6gkg-1下降至117.8gkg-1、10.6gkg-1、12.0gkg-1;过氧化氢酶活性也呈下降趋势,降幅达56%;pH值和电导率则有所提高,分别由堆制前的7.60、2147mScm-1增加至8.74、2470mScm-1.使用本研究中的堆肥材料和工艺进行高温堆肥,经过30d可达基本腐熟程度。 相似文献
随着畜禽粪便农田施用量的增加,畜禽粪便中磷流失也越来越引起人们的重视。采用取样分析和室内土柱模拟的方法,研究了猪粪和鸡粪中磷在水、0.5mol·L^-1NaHCO3和土体中的释放运移特点。结果表明,猪粪经H2O和NaHCO3连续提取后,H2O提取液中无机磷(P)i占猪粪全磷(TP)的21.58%,NaHCO3提取液中Pi占猪粪TP的28.92%;鸡粪经H2O和NaHCO3连续提取后,H2O提取液中Pi占鸡粪TP的18.09%,NaHCO3提取液中Pi占鸡粪TP的17.88%;施用猪粪和鸡粪处理土柱淋溶液中水溶性总磷(TDP)、水溶性无机磷(DRP)和水溶性有机磷(DOP)浓度均随着淋溶次数的增加呈先上升后降低的趋势,施用猪粪处理磷释放速率比施用鸡粪处理快;大量施用猪粪和鸡粪后,0~30cm土体中土壤全磷(TP)和0~60cm土体中土壤速效磷(Olsen-P)的含量显著增加。 相似文献
以牛粪和猪粪两种畜禽粪便分别与秸秆混合堆肥,全面考察了堆肥过程中与腐熟度有关的理化指标和生物指标变化。结果表明,在3个月的堆肥熟化试验考察期内,堆肥初期堆体升温迅速,50℃以上高温持续时间累计超过15d;物料pH值先升后降,60d后稳定在8.0左右;含水率和C/N持续下降,C/N60d后接近20;氨氮含量呈先升后降趋势,胡敏酸和富里酸比值则先降后升;Solvita腐熟等级、种子发芽势和根系建成指标不断升高,而作物生长指标则无显著变化。由腐熟度指标相关性分析表明,最能体现堆肥腐熟程度的Solvita腐熟等级与C/N、种子发芽势、根系建成指标呈高度相关,与含水率和腐殖酸呈低度相关。据此,结合常规温度指标建立了堆肥腐熟度评价指标体系,用于科学指导农牧业废弃物堆肥质量控制。 相似文献
不同畜禽粪便好氧堆肥过程中重金属Pb Cd Cu Zn的变化特征及其影响因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
畜禽粪便中的重金属含量及其生物有效性是限制其农业利用的重要因素。采用好气模拟培养方法对6种畜禽粪便好氧堆肥过程中Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn的总量以及生物有效性动态变化进行研究探讨,并分析了影响重金属生物有效性的因素。结果表明,根据现有的国际以及我国农用污泥农用标准,某些粪便中存在着Cd、Cu、Zn含量超标,由于饲料受重金属污染的不同,造成不同畜禽粪便中不同的重金属含量差异性较大。堆肥过程中,由于挥发性物质的挥发作用,4种重金属含量均呈现增加现象,尤其是在0~14 d的堆肥中增加量最高;而生物有效性重金属占其全量重金属的比例呈现先增加而后下降的趋势,除仔猪粪外,堆肥均能降低重金属生物有效性部分的比例,这将有利于降低其农业利用的风险。温度和水溶性碳对堆肥过程中4种重金属的生物有效性部分重金属相对含量的变化有着显著的影响。 相似文献
广东省畜禽粪便污染及综合防治对策 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
结合广东省畜禽饲养量,采用各类畜禽粪便及其污染物的排泄系数,估算出畜禽粪便污染物排放总量、污染物流失量。研究发现:畜禽养殖业的粪尿流失量是工业固体废弃物的2.1倍;COD和NH3-N的流失量分别是生活和工业废水的COD和NH3—N排放量的1.4倍和1.7倍,畜禽粪便造成的环境污染是农村面源污染的主要原因。并提出采用综合防治的思路解决广东省畜禽养殖的污染问题。 相似文献
结合广东省畜禽饲养量 ,采用各类畜禽粪便及其污染物的排泄系数 ,估算出畜禽粪便污染物排放总量、污染物流失量。研究发现 :畜禽养殖业的粪尿流失量是工业固体废弃物的 2 1倍 ;COD和NH3 -N的流失量分别是生活和工业废水的COD和NH3 -N排放量的 1 4倍和 1 7倍 ,畜禽粪便造成的环境污染是农村面源污染的主要原因。并提出采用综合防治的思路解决广东省畜禽养殖的污染问题 相似文献
上海地区畜禽粪便重金属污染特征研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
按照《有机肥料》(NY 525—2012)和台湾省有机肥标准,规模化养殖场畜禽粪便重金属超标率大小依次是锌、铜、砷、汞和镍,超标率达63.1%;不同粪便类型重金属污染情况不一样,猪粪重金属污染程度高低依次为铜、锌、砷、汞铬、镉、铅和镍,禽粪重金属污染程度高低依次为砷、锌、铜、镍、铬和汞铅镉,牛粪重金属污染程度高低依次为铜、锌、砷、镍、铬、镉和汞铅,羊粪重金属污染程度高低依次为汞、锌、铜、镍、铬、镉和砷铅。通过尼梅罗污染指数法计算,猪粪重金属污染程度最严重,其次为禽、羊和牛,猪粪重金属属重污染等级,禽粪便重金属属轻度污染等级,羊、牛粪重金属属警戒级。本文提出科学合理使用饲料添加剂、加强有机肥料科学使用指导工作和逐步建立畜禽粪便重金属、抗生素、致病微生物等有毒有害物质监控体系3项对策措施。 相似文献
辅热集箱式畜禽粪便沼气系统研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
设计了一种新型厌氧发酵系统——辅热集箱式畜禽粪便沼气系统,该系统采用太阳能和生物质辅助加热方式,由若干个集箱式发酵单元组成,可根据养殖规模集装成50、100、200、300、500 m3等不同规模的沼气工程。并在其应用示范工程上完成了运行试验和技术经济评价,结果表明,该系统池容平均产气率为0.80 m3/(m3·d),所产沼气的热值为25.40 MJ/m3,处理后的猪粪污水COD浓度由36500 mg/L降至6500 mg/L,去除率达82.2%,悬浮物浓度由17000 mg/L降至1900 mg/L,去除率达88.8%;其净现值为183530.5元,静态投资回收期为3.58 a。该技术及其成套设备的技术经济可行性较高,具有商业化前景。 相似文献
畜禽粪便堆肥养分释放及其合理施用 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
本文采用室内培养法和田间埋设玻璃滤纸包法研究了粉状畜禽粪便堆肥和颗粒堆肥的养分释放。结果表明,粉状堆肥经颗粒化处理后,养分释放速度变缓,适合在生长期较长的农作物上施用。在一个生长季中牛粪、猪粪和鸡粪颗粒堆肥N素释放率分别为30~35%,35%~45%和45~55%,但其中60~80%的N素释放主要集中在施用后的前二个月内。 相似文献
通过在畜禽粪便中添加稻草进行混合干式发酵来产生沼气,在发酵原料C/N=28.3、TS=21.3的条件下,研究了常温、中温(36℃)和高温(55℃)条件对畜禽粪便稻草混合干式厌氧发酵产沼气性能的影响。结果表明,常温组启动慢,日产气量少,不宜进行干式发酵;中、高温条件下干式发酵具有较好的产气效果,中温是较为合适的发酵温度。中温组和高温组的有机负荷率分别为1.69kg·m^3·3d^-1和1.89kg·m^3·3d^-1,TS产气率分别为0.237m^3·kg^-1和0.208m^3·kg^-1,池容产气率分别为0.401m^3·m^-3·d^-1和0.393m3·m^-3·d^-1,实验研究结果对干式发酵的实际应用具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
氨气是形成雾霾前体物的关键物质,而家畜养殖圈舍是氨气的重要排放源。本文选择圈舍环节新鲜猪粪和牛粪作为试验样品,利用动态箱-硼酸吸收法,研究了不同类型酸和不同剂量酸的表层酸化对圈舍粪尿氨排放的影响,探讨圈舍氨减排的方法。研究发现:按0.31 mL·cm-2的喷施量在猪粪表层喷施0.012 mol·L-1和0.006 mol·L-1乳酸,24 h氨累积排放量可分别减少43%(P<0.05)和32%(P=0.07);喷施0.017 mol·L-1和0.009 mol·L-1磷酸后,氨排放可分别减少74%(P<0.01)和61%(P<0.05);粪尿表面喷洒0.017 mol·L-1磷酸72 h后仍可减少氨排放64%(P<0.01)。另外,用同样方法对牛粪酸化可降低氨排放80%左右,且在不添加新粪的情况下,粪尿表层酸化间隔对24 h内氨减排效率无显著影响。同时,粪尿表面酸化仅改变粪尿表层pH,对粪尿整体pH无显著影响。综上所述:圈舍粪尿表面酸化可以大幅度降低氨气挥发,其减排效果与酸的种类、浓度及粪尿类型有关,是一种实现圈舍氨减排且经济可行的方法,此研究也可为家畜养殖业圈舍酸化氨减排技术提供科学数据支撑。 相似文献
Transformations of carbon and nitrogen during composting of animal manure and shredded paper 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Composts produced from animal manures and shredded paper were characterized in terms of their carbon (C) and nitrogen (N)
forms and C mineralization. Total, water-soluble, acid-hydrolyzable and non-hydrolyzable C and N contents were determined
on composts sampled on days 0, 11, 18, 26, 33, 40 and 59 after composting was initiated. Water-soluble and acid-hydrolyzable
C and N decreased during composting, whereas non-hydrolyzable C remained relatively constant, and non-hydrolyzable N greatly
increased during composting. The water-soluble forms of N were characterized by a decrease of ammomium (NH4
+-N) at the beginning of composting, followed by an increase of nitrate (NO3
–-N) towards the end of composting. The mineralization of C in composted materials was generally higher at the beginning than
at the end of composting, whereas no differences were observed for mineralization of C in non-hydrolyzable materials. The
addition of N inhibited C mineralization in composts except in samples collected on days 40 and 59, while C mineralization
was strongly stimulated by adding N to the non-hydrolyzable materials. The data suggest that the N forms in the non-hydrolyzable
materials were chemically similar and not readily available to microbes, indicating that the C/N ratios often used to assess
the biodegradability of organic matter and to develop compost formulations should be based on biologically available N and
C and not on total N and C.
Received: 12 May 1997 相似文献
Soil sulphur status following long-term annual application of animal manure and mineral fertilizers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In agricultural systems with low S inputs, crops rely on the release of S from organic forms in the soil. In the Askov long-term
experiments, started in 1894 on both sandy and loamy soils, soil S status following long-term application of animal manure
and mineral fertilizers was investigated in the growing season of 1995. In a field trial with oil-seed rape (Brassica napus, L.) soil analysis, leaf tissue analysis, yield and S removal in plant material was used to characterize differences in availability
of soil S. One half of all plots received 63 kg S ha–1 as gypsum. Long-term fertilization with animal manure or NPK fertilizer increased the content of soil organic C in both soils
and of organic S in the sandy soil compared with unfertilized plots. Although dry matter yields were unaffected, the S uptake
in harvested crop parts increased considerably after S application. The amounts of N and S in harvested seeds and straw were
closely related, but the N : S ratio decreased when S was applied. Soil and plant analyses both indicated that critical levels
of S concentrations were reached, and that S application was capable of raising S concentrations well above the critical level.
Because no additional mineralization from residual organic S took place, it was concluded that the residual S effect from
long-term annual applications of animal manure or mineral fertilizers did not significantly increase the level of soil S available
for crops with a short growing season, such as oil-seed rape.
Received: 9 January 1998 相似文献
Measuring the phosphorus (P) solubility in animal manure compost (AMC) is important to estimate both the risk of P loss from agricultural land and the P availability for crops in agriculture that use AMC as fertilizer. Water-extractable phosphorus (WEP) has most often been used to estimate P solubility in AMC. A single water extraction with a high ratio of compost to water is usually used to determine WEP, but in many cases, this may not evaluate the maximum WEP. In this study, we extracted the P included in AMC by using a continuous extraction method with a large amount of water, and tested this approach for 16 AMCs: four cattle manure composts, five swine manure composts, five layer (chicken) manure composts, and two broiler (chicken) litter composts. The P dissolution patterns were fitted to kinetic models, and the maximum WEP (WEPmax) was determined by the coefficient of the non-linear regression equation. The WEPmax values corresponded to the sum of H2O- and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)-extractable P measured using the modified Hedley sequential extraction method. The result also suggests that the maximum amount of WEP from AMC can be estimated rapidly using a sequential extraction (the Hedley method) that has been widely used to characterize P in manure or AMC. The maximum water-extractable magnesium (Mg) (WEMgmax) was significantly positively correlated with WEPmax (r = 0.854, P < 0.01). This suggests that WEPmax in the AMCs is affected by water-soluble magnesium compounds. 相似文献
Methane oxidation in arable soil as inhibited by ammonium, nitrite, and organic manure with respect to soil pH 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
B. W. Hütsch 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》1998,28(1):27-35
The effects of inorganic N and organic manure, applied to a loamy arable soil, on CH4 oxidation were investigated in laboratory incubation experiments. Applications (40 mg N kg–1) of NH4Cl, (NH4)2SO4, and urea caused strong instantaneous inhibition of CH4 oxidation by 96%, 80%, and 84%, respectively. After nitrification of the added N the inhibitory effect was not fully reversible,
resulting in an residual inhibition of 21%, 16%, and 25% in the NH4Cl, (NH4)2SO4, and urea treatments, respectively. With large NH4
+ applications [240 mg N kg–1 as (NH4)2SO4] the residual inhibition was as high as 64%. Exogenous NO2
– (40 mg NO2
–-N kg–1) initially inhibited CH4 oxidation by 84%, decreasing to 41% after its oxidation. Therefore, applied NO2
– was a more effective inhibitor of CH4 consumption than NH4
+. Temporary accumulation of NO2
– during nitrification of added N was small (maximum: 1.9 mg NO2
–-N kg–1) and thus of minor importance with respect to the persistent inhibition after NH4
+ or urea application. CH4 oxidation after NaNO3 (40 mg N kg–1) and NaCl addition did not differ to that of the untreated soil. The effect of organic manures on CH4 oxidation depended on their C/N ratio: fresh sugar beet leaves enhanced mineralization, which caused an instantaneous 20%
inhibition, whereas after wheat straw application available soil N was rapidly immobilized and no effect on CH4 oxidation was found. The 28% increase in CH4 oxidation after biowaste compost application was not related to its C/N ratio and was probably the result of an inoculation
with methanotrophic bacteria. Only with high NH4
+ application rates (240 mg N kg–1) could the persistent inhibitory effect partly be attributed to a pH decrease during nitrification. The exact reason for
the observed persistent inhibition after a single, moderate NH4
+ or urea application is still unknown and merits further study.
Received: 31 October 1997 相似文献
Animal manure can be a valuable resource of P for plant growth. Organic phosphates (Po) are considered bioavailable if they can be hydrolyzed to inorganic P (Pi). Therefore, investigation of the susceptibility of manure Po to hydrolysis may increase our understanding of manure Po bioavailability. In this study, we demonstrate that three orthophosphate-releasing enzymes, acid phosphatase from wheat germ, alkaline phosphatase from bovine intestinal mucosa, and fungal phytase from Aspergillus ficcum, were able to hydrolyze certain amounts of Po in animal manure. A scheme of sequential enzymatic release of Po in manure was developed and then used to investigate changes in swine and cattle manure P distribution after storage at –20°C, 4°C or 22°C for about a year. Assuming that the P distribution in manure maintained at –20°C remained unchanged (i.e., similar to fresh manure), bioavailable P (Pi and enzyme-hydrolysable Po) in swine manure remained relatively constant [72.8–76.3% of total P (Pt)]. Soluble but enzymatically unhydrolysable Po (Pue) increased from 7.2% to 32.1% of Pt during storage at 4°C. In cattle manure, bioavailable P decreased from 71.6% to 62.9% of Pt, and Pue increased from 21.7% to 37.2% of Pt during storage at 22°C. These data indicated that the major change during the storage of animal manure for a year was the increase in Pue, so manure P solubility may increase with storage, but the increase would not produce more bioavailable P in the manure. The effects of storage on the bioavailability of manure P should be further investigated to develop an efficient manure-P management strategy.Trade or manufacturers' names mentioned in the paper are for information only and do not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or exclusion by the USDA-ARS 相似文献
太湖地区不同集约化栽培模式下稻田CH4排放 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用静态暗箱—气相色谱法对太湖地区水稻生态系统甲烷(CH4)排放进行田间原位观测,共设置无氮(NN)、常规(FP)、增产增效(YE)(增产10%~15%,氮肥利用率(NUE)提高20%~30%)、再增产(HY)(增产30%~40%)、再增效(HE)(NUE提高30%~50%)和保产增效(IE)(产量不变,NUE提高20%~30%)六种不同的栽培模式。结果表明,稻田CH4排放具有明显的季节变化,在水稻生长期间先升高后降低,从水稻移栽至抽穗期CH4排放通量占全生育期的93%~98%。不同栽培模式间CH4累积排放量差异显著(p<0.05),HY处理高达258.8 kg hm-2,显著高于未施有机肥各处理;单位稻谷产量CH4排放量差异不显著,平均为CO2 0.60 kg kg-1,提高稻谷产量的模式不会显著影响CH4排放;其中YE处理单位稻谷产量CH4排放量最低,为CO2 0.49 kg kg-1,可以同时实现增产、增效和减排,值得推广。 相似文献
A 6-year study was conducted in an organically managed orange orchard located in Sicily (Southern Italy) to assess the effect of compost and organic fertiliser utilisation on soil quality. Adopting a randomised-block experimental design with three replicates, four treatments were carried out. In treatments 1 and 2, two different composts (C1 from distillery by-products and C2 from livestock waste) were applied. The plots of treatment 3 were fertilised using dried poultry manure. The control treatment was fertilised by mineral/synthetic fertilisers. In order to verify the hypothesis that composts and organic fertilisers improve soil fertility, soil quality was evaluated by selecting dynamic soil parameters, as indicators linked to C and N cycles. Total organic C, total N, C/N ratio, humified fraction, isoelectric focussing (IEF) of extracted organic matter, microbial biomass C, potentially mineralisable N under anaerobic conditions, potentially mineralisable C, C mineralisation quotient and metabolic quotient were determined for each sample. Moreover, the Community Level Physiological Profile (by Biolog technique) was defined, calculating derived functional biodiversity and versatility indexes. Parameters related to IEF and potentially mineralisable C showed significant differences among the treatments. Moreover, total C, total N and humification parameters tended to increase, while no differences were observed in biodiversity indexes. On these findings, it was concluded that composts and poultry manure only weakly affected soil properties, though they increased soil potentially available nutritive elements to crops. 相似文献
Effects of animal manure and mineral fertilizer on the total carbon and nitrogen contents of soil size fractions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bent T. Christensen 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》1988,5(4):304-307
Summary Soil was sampled in autumn 1984 in the 132 field (sandy loam soil) of the Askov long-term experiments (started in 1894) and fractionated according to particle size using ultrasonic dispersion and sedimentation in water. The unmanured plot and plots given equivalent amounts of N (1923–1984 annual average, 121 kg N/ha) in either animal manure or mineral fertilizer were sampled to a depth of 15 cm, fractionated and analysed for C and N. Mineral fertilizer and animal manure increased the C and N content of whole soil, clay (<2 m) and silt (2–20 m) size fractions relative to unmanured samples, while the C content of the sand size fractions (fine sand 1, 20–63 m; fine sand 2, 63–200 m; coarse sand, 200–2000 m) was less affected. Clay contained 58% and 65°70 of the soil C and N, respectively. Corresponding values for silt were 30% and 26%, while sand accounted for 10% of the soil C. Fertilization did not influence this distribution pattern. The C : N ratio of the silt organic matter (14.3) was higher and that of clay (10.6) lower than whole-soil C:N ratios (12.0). Fertilization did not influence clay and silt C : N ratios. Animal manure caused similar relative increases in the organic matter content of clay and silt size fractions (36%). In contrast, mineral fertilizer only increased the organic matter content of silt by 21% and that of clay by 14%. 相似文献