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A total of 53, 54, 57, 52 and 60 wheat samples for feed use were collected randomly after the 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993 crops, respectively, from farms in an area of southwest Germany. Deoxynivalenol (DON), 3- and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-, 15-ADON), nivalenol (NIV), HT-2 toxin (HT-2), T-2 toxin (T-2), diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), and fusarenon-X (FUS-X) were determined by gas chromatography, combined with mass selective detection (GC-MS), zearalenone (ZEA), alpha- and beta-zearalenol (alpha-beta-ZOL) were determined by HPLC. DON was the major toxin, with incidences at 77 to 93% and mean contents at 167 to 735 micrograms/kg. In contrast, incidences of ZEA, 3-ADON, NIV, HT-2, and T-2 were at 13 to 37%, 10 to 44%, 15 to 67%, 0 to 11%, and 0 to 12%, respectively, with mean contents in positive samples between 2 and 73 micrograms/kg, except for 948 micrograms/kg 3-ADON in samples from 1993. 15-ADON and FUS-X were assayed in samples from 1991, 1992 and 1993. 15-ADON was found in 0 to 11% of samples at mean levels < or = 17 mu/kg, DAS, alpha- and beta-ZOL, and FUS-X were not detected in any sample. Over the years, incidences and levels of toxins remained constant, decreased or increased, with most differences between years being slight and insignificant. The risk for livestock due to DON, HT-2 and ZEA was estimated based on maximum tolerated levels recommended for these toxins in some countries.  相似文献   

本文就食品和饲料中的镰刀菌素检测方法作一综述。  相似文献   

Experimental laboratory animals treated with the trichothecene T-2 toxin, develop various acute and chronic disorders and also tumours of the digestive tract and of the brain. T-2 toxin is teratogenic and immunosuppressive. In livestock, ingestion of fodder contaminated with T-2 toxin and with certain other trichothecenes can cause various disorders, including a haemorrhagic syndrome, neurological and reproductive disturbances. Follow-up studies of survivors in the flocks or herds which suffered fatalities from acute mycotoxicoses could establish whether and which chronic disorders and tumours may develop among the survivors and among their progeny, as a result of exposure to mycotoxins, which caused the acute fatalities. Outbreaks of acute mycotoxicoses are usually preceded by exceptional weather.  相似文献   

The contamination of cereal grains with toxic secondary metabolites of fungi, mycotoxins, is a permanent challenge in animal nutrition as health and performance of the animals may be compromised as well as the quality of animal derived food. Therefore the present article reviews the issue of mycotoxins in animal nutrition. As the Fusarium toxins deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) are of particular importance under the production conditions in central Europe and Germany, with respect to their frequent occurrence in toxicologically relevant concentrations, special emphasis is layed on those mycotoxins. The effects of DON and ZON on susceptible animals as well as management strategies to cope with the contamination of grain with those toxins are reviewed.  相似文献   

张嘉城  方香玲  南志标 《草业科学》2022,38(8):1513-1524
镰刀菌(Fusarium spp.)是多种重要农作物的病原体,不仅可造成农作物产量和品质的严重损失还可在离体培养条件下或植物寄主体内产生一系列被称为镰刀菌毒素的次生代谢产物.这些毒素一方面作为致病因子与镰刀菌对宿主植物的致病力密切相关,另一方面可导致家畜生产性能下降和相关病症的出现,进而影响农业生态系统并对人类健康造成威胁.鉴于镰刀菌毒素对农作物生产的影响及其对家畜和人类的毒性作用,目前已有较多关于镰刀菌侵染粮食作物后产生毒素种类的研究,但关于镰刀菌侵染豆科牧草后产生的毒素种类以及毒素在镰刀菌对豆科牧草致病力方面作用的研究则较少.本文对引起主要粮食和饲料作物病害的常见镰刀菌物种产生的主要毒素,以及这些毒素对植物、家畜和人类的危害进行了综述,并对豆科牧草中镰刀菌毒素的研究前景及意义进行了展望.  相似文献   

张嘉城  方香玲  南志标 《草业科学》2021,38(8):1513-1524
镰刀菌(Fusarium spp.)是多种重要农作物的病原体,不仅可造成农作物产量和品质的严重损失还可在离体培养条件下或植物寄主体内产生一系列被称为镰刀菌毒素的次生代谢产物.这些毒素一方面作为致病因子与镰刀菌对宿主植物的致病力密切相关,另一方面可导致家畜生产性能下降和相关病症的出现,进而影响农业生态系统并对人类健康造成...  相似文献   

The feed components and complete feed mixtures used in pig breeding and fattening in June 1978 were examined qualitatively by the silica-gel thin-layer chromatographic method, and quantitatively by the method after Velasco. The object of the examination was the occurrence of aflatoxins. On the whole, 104 feed samples were taken and subjected to the laboratory examination; this total number included 77 samples (74.0%) coming from 24 farms and 27 samples (26.0%) from eight feed plants in the South Moravian region. The presence of aflatoxins was detected in 14 samples of the examined feeds, i. e. 13.4%. The highest content -- 1920 micrograms kg-1 -- was found in groundnut from India. As to the complete feed mixtures, aflatoxin was found in mixtures for pig fattening (A1 and SOL), in mixtures for pregnant sows (KPB), for lactating sows (KPK), and in the complete feed mixtunts ranged between 50 and 350 micrograms kg-1 of feed. The organoleptically altered feed samples, taken from metallic containers standing in front of the stables on the farms, contained aflatoxin almost in all cases. It will be necessary, on the basis of these findings, to take preventive measures during the harvesting, post-harvest treatment, and storage of grain and feed components, in order to avert the multiplication of the mould and deterioration of the feeds.  相似文献   

Studies of the occurrence of zearalenone in the cutting surface of a horizontal silo were carried out over 12 days. On all sampling days the silage contained less than 0.1 mg/kg zearalenone (detection limit of the thin-layer chromatographic procedure). Zearalenone could not be detected in silage put into interim store over a period of 17 days either. The results document that zearalenone-producing Fusarium species have no considerable share in the decay of maize silage.  相似文献   

The fungus Fusarium tricinctum, producing T-2 toxin, was isolated from mouldy maize silage. T-2 toxin was identified by TLC and by a bioassay. Consumption of mouldy silage resulted in a disease in a dairy cow, which had to be killed. The patho-anatomical findings obtained in the slaughtered cow generally suggested trichothecene poisoning. It was derived from these findings that the disease was due to the presence of trichothecenes in the feed.  相似文献   

The effect of an all vegetable protein diet on the occurrence of agalacatia was studied. The experiment was performed in a commercial one thousand sow unit with an average frequency of agalactia of 50%. The all vegetable diet significantly reduced the rectal temperature 48 h post partum and the number of medical treatments required. The litter size at weaning was larger (p greater than 0.05) in the group on the all vegetable protein diet.  相似文献   

诱食剂是一种在饲料工业中广泛应用,以解决饲料适口性和提高动物食欲为目的的一种添加剂.本文就诱食剂的定义、作用机制以及在饲料工业中的应用研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of offering supplementary creep feed to piglets during the suckling period on the faecal shedding of haemolytic Escherichia coli bacteria and occurrence of spontaneous post-weaning diarrhoea 0-5 days after weaning. Supplementary creep feed was offered to half of the piglets in 12 litters, from 2 weeks of age until weaning at 4 weeks, and the individual feed contact was recorded by direct observations. It was found that diarrhoea occurrence was associated with faecal shedding of haemolytic E. coli bacteria (p=0.003), specifically E. coli O149 (p=0.004). Occurrence of diarrhoea and faecal shedding of haemolytic E. coli was not associated with creep feeding per se. However, the faecal E. coli O149 shedding occurred significantly less often in piglets that were offered creep feed in the suckling period but only showed limited interest in the feed (i.e. contacted the feed less than or equal to the median level of contact) compared to piglets that had frequent creep feed contact or piglets that had not had access to creep feed at all (p=0.015). Correspondingly, the diarrhoea occurrence tended to be lower in these piglets (p=0.081). Piglets with low creep feed contact during the suckling period ate the same total amount of feed during the 5 days after weaning, however, they ate less feed on days 0-2 after weaning compared to the piglets with frequent creep feed contact and non-creep fed piglets. It is suggested that intestinal function associated with a voluntary low creep feed contact during the suckling period leads to decreased feed intake just after weaning, and thus reduces the intestinal proliferation of E. coli O149 in these piglets.  相似文献   

生物技术饲料添加剂在饲料工业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着生物技术的迅速发展,酶制剂、微生物添加剂、功能性寡糖、生物活性肽、核苷酸、有机微量元素和卵黄抗体等一些饲料添加剂的开发和推广越来越多,其在促进动物生产性能和提高其健康方面有一定的效果。本文将着重介绍一些生物技术饲料添加剂在饲料工业中的应用。1饲用酶制剂在饲料工业中的应用饲料工业中使用的酶都是直接用作饲料添加剂的水解酶。在饲料中使用酶制剂的目的包括如下几个方面:(1)对动物内源酶的补充,包括蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶;(2)消除某些饲料中抗营养因子,如β-葡聚糖酶、木聚糖酶和植酸酶等;(3)使某些营养物质更…  相似文献   

The influence of silaging on zearalenone already formed and on the growth of Fusarium culmorum in naturally contaminated CCM maize was studied. The zearalenone content remained approximately constant (13.35 +/- 2.94 mg/kg, n = 59) over the whole test period (12 weeks), whereas Fusarium culmorum could not longer be detected after 11 days. Thus the hypothesis that zearalenone survives the silaging process unchanged is experimentally strongly supported. The study confirms the view that zearalenone detected in maize silages is probably already formed in the field or during intermediate storing. Relations between the fermentation process and the toxin content of the silage could not be ascertained.  相似文献   

番茄红素是一种直链的类胡萝卜素,具有抗癌功能。本文对番茄红素的理化性质、生产方法、提取方法、毒理学研究进行了总结。  相似文献   

The formation of zearalenone in a maize plot artificially infected with Fusarium culmorum was studied. The zearalenone concentration steeply increased only in the 8th week after inoculation and reached a maximum value of ca. 7 ppm, whereas zearalenone could not be detected in the control variants. The crude nutrient and dry matter content was not significantly influenced by the fungal infection. The infected crop showed average ear dry weights distinctly lower than that of the control variants (P less than or equal to 0.001). Apart from zearalenone, the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol was qualitatively detected in the infected maize. The toxicological relevance of the ascertained zearalenone content with regard to the health of dairy cattle and pigs was discussed.  相似文献   

警惕饲料中镉的污染与危害   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
镉 (Cd)是一种重金属元素。尽管目前有研究报道认为镉在低浓度条件下可能具有一定的营养功能 ,可能为某些动物所必需 ,但镉对动物的毒性作用很早就已被人们肯定和关注 ,通常认为镉对动物是有毒的金属元素之一。镉容易在动物体内蓄积 ,会造成动物性食品的污染 ,从而危害人的健康。早在1 972年 ,FAO和WHO就已将镉列为仅次于黄曲霉毒素和砷的食品污染物。笔者了解到 ,近年国内有数家饲料企业由于饲料中镉含量过高而导致配合饲料中镉含量大大超出卫生标准 ,引起猪和禽发生中毒和死亡。因此在饲料生产实践中应注意防止镉对饲料的污染。1…  相似文献   

细菌素在饲料中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
细菌素 (Bacteriocin)由于其种类多、无毒、大部分基因位于质粒上、分子量小、含修饰氨基酸、结构复杂等特点 ,被认为是分子遗传、基因工程、蛋白质工程、食品添加剂、化妆品、皮肤保健、抑制病原菌和调节肠道菌群的好材料。随着饲料中益生菌的推广使用和人们对饲料卫生的重视 ,细菌素在饲料中将会得到广泛的应用。1 细菌素的研究进展细菌素是 2 0世纪 2 0年代中期Gratia( 1 946)对大肠杆菌V菌株抑制Φ菌株现象进行研究时发现的 ,以后Gratia和Fredericq对V菌株产生的抑制物质进行分离 ,发现这种物质类似…  相似文献   

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