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卤蝇蛹壳富含蛋白质,在我国盐湖中广泛分布。此研究通过饲养试验对卤蝇蛹壳营养价值进行初步评定,为该生物资源的开发提供基础依据。饲养试验表明:以卤蝇蛹壳作为唯一蛋白源,对鲤鱼的生长发育具有促进作用,饲养过程未发现卤蝇蛹壳对鲤鱼有抗营养作用或毒副作用。  相似文献   

水产饲料离体消化率测定方法及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1基本原理离体消化率测定的基本原理是模拟试验动物的消化生理条件,以动物消化道内酶液或人工酶液为消化酶,利用酶催化反应的作用原理,在试管、三角瓶等容器内对饲料物质进行离体消化水解作用,对水解后饲料进行过滤或离心处理,以得到其残渣。将溶解于水体的饲料物质或饲料成分视为已经被消化了的产物,分析消化前饲料和消化后残渣的量或营养成分量,以此计算饲料或饲料成分的消化率:消化率(%)=[(饲料量或饲料某营养成分量-残渣量或残渣某营养成分量)/饲料量或饲料某营养成分量]×100离体消化率计算方法类似于全收粪消化率测定方法,是以消化前…  相似文献   

本试验采用体外消化法研究了膨化对饲料原料鱼体离体消化率的影响,本试验选取菜籽、菜麦(菜籽∶小麦,1∶1)、豆麦(大豆∶小麦,1∶1)3种饲料原料。试验结果表明,草鱼对膨化饲料原料干物质离体消化率高于未膨化饲料原料离体消化率,即膨化菜籽(23.46%)>未膨化菜籽(22.21%),膨化菜麦(26.95%)>未膨化菜麦(15.74%),膨化豆麦(32.79%)>未膨化豆麦(19.36%);对粗蛋白质的离体消化率为:未膨化菜籽(46.36%)>膨化菜籽(38.51%)、膨化菜麦(39.24%)>未膨化菜麦(28.34%)、膨化豆麦(52.43%)>未膨化豆麦(46.16%);对粗脂肪的离体消化率为:膨化菜籽(44.71%)>未膨化菜籽(44.24%)、膨化菜麦(36.59%)>未膨化菜麦(29.00%)、膨化豆麦(43.54%)>未膨化豆麦为(30.04%)。这表明,草鱼对膨化饲料原料的消化要好于未膨化饲料原料,尤其是淀粉含量较高的饲料原料。  相似文献   

王振来 《饲料工业》1999,20(3):24-25
为了探讨不同处理方法对皮革、羽毛高体消化率的影响,以皮革下脚料为原料经过不同处理即:对未揉制的皮革经水浸后在121℃、66.74Pa的蒸汽压力下水解40min;对鞣制过的皮革边角在常压下用5%Ca(OH)2处理30min,并对以上2种方法处理的皮革及以水解皮革蛋白为主的动物蛋白粉进行了离体蛋白质消化率和干物质消化率的测定。结果表明:碱水解皮革蛋白的离体蛋白质和于物质消化率分别为97.67%、94.48%,高温高压水解皮革蛋白的离体蛋白质和干物质消化率分别为93.79%、84.56%,同时还测得了用2%HCI水解的羽毛粉胃蛋白酶消化率为62.61%。  相似文献   

采用离体消化法和茚三酮法研究了南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei)的胃、肝胰脏及肠道粗酶液对鱼粉、豆粕、菜粕和花生粕的离体消化率和酶解动力学。结果表明:①在离体状态下,南美白对虾消化道不同部位对干物质消化率为:胃>肝胰脏>肠道,且鱼粉在胃部的消化率显著高于肝胰脏和肠道(P<0.01),花生粕在肠道的消化率极显著低于胃和肝胰脏(P<0.01);对蛋白质消化率为肝胰脏>胃>肠道,且菜粕和花生粕在肠道的消化率极显著低于胃和肝胰脏。鱼粉差异显著(P<0.05)。②粗酶液对4种原料干物质的总消化率高低依次为:豆粕50.78%、菜粕42.02%、花生粕39%、鱼粉36.50%;对粗蛋白总消化率高低依次为:花生粕60.40%、豆粕56.45%、鱼粉46.28%、菜粕43.28%。③粗酶液对4种蛋白原料酶解时所产生氨基酸的生成量随着酶解时间的变化具有一定的线性关系;在0~4h内在酶解过程中所产生氨基酸的总量为肝胰脏(96.72mg)>胃(31.28mg)>肠道(27.58mg);酶解时氨基酸生成总速度为花生粕(3.9154mg/h)>鱼粉(3.4774mg/h)>豆粕(2.8316mg/h)>菜粕(2.7404mg/h)。  相似文献   

泥鳅又名鳅,属鲤形目鲤亚目鳅科,味道鲜美,营养丰富,蛋白质含量较高而脂肪含量较低;且具有一定的医疗保健作用,素有天上斑鸠、地下的泥鳅及水中人参的美誉。泥鳅食性杂、饲料来源广泛、病害较少、养殖成本较低,越来越受到养殖户们的青  相似文献   

本试验测定了蓝狐对6种动物性蛋白(鸡肉粉、秘鲁鱼粉、鸡肠羽粉、肉骨粉、羽毛粉和猪肉粉)来源日粮和5种植物性蛋白(玉米蛋白粉、膨化大豆、豆粕、膨化玉米和玉米胚芽粕)来源日粮的干物质和粗蛋白质的表观消化率,比较了不同性别蓝狐对同一蛋白质来源日粮的干物质和粗蛋白质表观消化率差异.选取健康成年蓝狐公、母各110只,公、母狐分别随机分成11组,每组10个重复,每个重复1只.每组试验日粮的粗蛋白质由单一的试验饲料原料提供.预试期7 d,正试期3 d.结果表明,在6种动物性蛋白来源日粮中,羽毛粉日粮干物质表观消化率最高,但与鸡肉粉和秘鲁鱼粉日粮差异不显著(P>0.05);肉骨粉和猪肉粉日粮干物质表观消化率显著低于羽毛粉和鸡肉粉日粮(P<0.05).鸡肉粉日粮粗蛋白质表观消化率最高,但与秘鲁鱼粉、鸡肠羽粉和羽毛粉日粮差异不显著(P>0.05);猪肉粉和肉骨粉日粮粗蛋白质表观消化率显著低于鸡肉粉日粮(P<0.05).在5种植物性蛋白来源日粮中,膨化大豆日粮干物质表观消化率最高,但与豆粕日粮差异不显著(P>0.05);膨化玉米日粮的干物质表观消化率显著低于其他4种日粮(P<0.05).豆粕日粮的粗蛋白质表观消化率最高,但与膨化大豆和玉米蛋白粉日粮差异不显著(P>0.05);膨化玉米和玉米胚芽粕日粮的粗蛋白质表观消化率显著低于其他3种日粮(P<0.05).不同性别蓝狐对同一日粮的干物质和粗蛋白质表观消化率均差异不显著(P>0.05).由此得出,作为育成期蓝狐日粮的蛋白质来源,6种动物性蛋白原料中以鸡肉粉最佳,5种植物性蛋白原料中以豆粕最佳.不同性别蓝狐对同一日粮干物质和粗蛋白质表观消化率差异不显著.  相似文献   

铜鱼肠道、肝胰脏对四种蛋白质饲料的离体消化率测定   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
采用体外消化法研究了铜鱼(Coreiusheterodon)对鱼粉、豆粕、菜粕和棉粕4种饲料蛋白质的离体消化能力。试验结果表明:①铜鱼对鱼粉、豆粕、菜粕和棉粕的干物质离体总消化率为菜粕50.18%>鱼粉50.13%>豆粕49.11%>棉粕32.90%,而对粗蛋白的离体总消化率为:鱼粉41.92%>豆粕40.88%>菜粕23.68%>棉粕21.39%;②铜鱼对4种饲料原料的干物质和粗蛋白体外消化能力为:中肠>肝胰脏>前肠>后肠。  相似文献   

发酵豆粕和去皮豆粕离体消化率的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国养殖业快速发展,饲料资源、尤其是动物性蛋白质饲料资源非常缺乏。在我国水产饲料中,豆粕是优质蛋白资源之一,在饲料中的使用量较大,是水产饲料的主要蛋白质原料之一。发酵豆粕以去皮豆粕为原料,经过微生物混合菌种固体发酵后得到的蛋白质原料。进行发酵的目的主要是为了去除豆粕中存在的抗营养因子如抗胰蛋白酶因子、大豆皂苷等,并提高养殖动物对豆粕蛋白质、氨基酸的消化、利用效率。对饲料蛋白质原料品质鉴定的常规方法是测定其蛋白质含量,但仅仅测定蛋白质含量有一定的局限性,近年发展了离体消化率测定和消化液中氨基酸生成率的测定,可以对蛋白质原料的实际消化效果进行有效的评价。该文应用这一方法对发酵豆粕和去皮豆粕的蛋白质消化率、消化后氨基酸生成率进行了比较分析,为发酵豆粕和去皮豆粕在淡水鱼饲料中的使用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

采用胰蛋白酶来模拟水产动物消化酶,在胰蛋白酶的基础上添加复合酶,以探讨在水产料中添加复合酶的效果。结果显示:复合酶A对鲤鱼料的消化率很低,仅为3.72%,胰蛋白酶的基础上添加复合酶A,鲤鱼料的干物质消化率从11.55%提高到25.46%;复合酶B对饲料样品的消化率为2.82%,在胰蛋白酶的基础上添加酶B,鲤鱼料的消化率并没有提高。表明在此试验条件下,以非淀粉多糖酶为主要酶类的复合酶A可有效破坏降解植物原料的细胞壁,促进消化酶对营养物质的消化,而复合酶B活性可能很低,对饲料消化率没有改善作用。根据试验结果可以推测,对以植物原料为主的鲤科鱼类,复合酶A可能比复合酶B更合适。  相似文献   

The chemical composition of 16 microalgae products of four genera, Arthrospira (n = 2), Chlorella (n = 8), Nannochloropsis (n = 4) and Phaeodactylum (n = 2), was assayed to evaluate the intra‐ and inter‐genera variation of nutrient profiles of commercial microalgae products. Crude protein was the main component in all genera, followed by ether extract and crude ash. Mean crude protein concentrations were 690, 502, 431 and 446 g/kg dry matter, and mean ether extract concentrations were 63, 157, 188 and 113 g/kg dry matter for Arthrospira, Chlorella, Nannochloropsis and Phaeodactylum respectively. However, there was considerable inter‐ and intra‐genera variation. The concentration of α‐linked glucose was low (0–143 g/kg dry matter). There was high variation between and within genera in the crude ash concentration (22–237 g/kg dry matter), which was also observed for the mineral composition. In contrast to the crude protein concentration, the amino acid composition of the protein (g amino acid/16 g N) was less variable. The investigated samples possessed high concentrations of Glx, Asx and Leu, and low concentrations of Cys and Met. The mean concentration of non‐protein nitrogen compounds was highest in Phaeodactylum (110 g/kg dry matter) and lowest in Nannochloropsis (47 g/kg dry matter) products, and as with proximate nutrients, high variability between and within genera was observed. In vitro crude protein digestibility varied between 54% (non‐cell‐disrupted Nannochloropsis) and 84% (cell‐disrupted Chlorella). Inositol phosphate isomers were not detectable in any sample (concentration <1 μmol/g dry matter). The predominant fatty acids were C16:0 in Arthrospira products, C18:2 n‐6+ C19:1 t7 and C18:3 n‐3 in Chlorella products, and C20:5 n‐3 in Nannochloropsis and Phaeodactylum products; however, the relative proportions of fatty acids varied within genera. Commercially available microalgae products appear to be valuable alternative food and feed products. However, because of the high variability in nutrient profiles, attention should be given to the analytical characterization of the products.  相似文献   

利用体外消化法研究了欧洲鳗粗酶液对鱼粉、发酵豆粕、菜籽粕、玉米蛋白粉、啤酒酵母、蝇蛆粉、膨化大豆、豆粕、花生粕、红虫粉等10种单一蛋白源以及另外5种复合蛋白源酶解7 h的体外消化率以及酶解液中游离氨基酸的生成量,以期筛选出最有可能替代鱼粉的蛋白原料.结果表明:(1)最有望部分或全部取代鱼粉的植物性蛋白源为啤酒酵母、发酵豆粕和花生粕,其干物质和粗蛋白质体外消化率分别为62.75%、55.15%、49.45%和78.50%、70.70%、85.70%;动物性蛋白源中红虫粉和蝇蛆粉的干物质体外消化率与鱼粉差别不大,粗蛋白质消化率红虫粉>蝇蛆粉>鱼粉.(2)在0~7h,各种蛋白源酶解氨基酸生成量基本呈增加趋势,对植物性蛋白源来说,啤酒酵母氨基酸生成量明显高于其他植物性蛋白源,其次是发酵豆粕、玉米蛋白粉和花生粕,较低的为菜籽粕、膨化大豆、豆粕.对于动物性蛋白源来说,红虫粉体外消化生成氨基酸的量明显高于鱼粉和蝇蛆粉.这一结果说明红虫粉和啤酒酵母是优质的蛋白源,很容易被鳗鱼消化吸收利用.(3)对于混合蛋白源混1、混2、混3、混4、混5来说,其干物质和粗蛋白质的体外消化率分别为:混1>混2>混5>混4>混3;混2>混1>混5>混4>混3,而原料中粗蛋白含量为混3>混4>混5,其鱼粉添加量分别为80%、70%、60%,混1、混2均不含鱼粉,这说明鳗鱼对几种植物性蛋白源的粗蛋白体外消化率均高于鱼粉,这也与之前单一蛋白源的粗蛋白体外消化率结果一致.  相似文献   

Amino acid composition of meat-and-bone meals, poultry by-product meals, blood meals, bone meals and feather meals showed characteristic differences. Meat-and-bone meals and blood meals had surplus in lysine, whereas poultry by-product meals and feather meals were relatively rich in cystine. Blood meals had high levels of branched-chain amino acids as compared to isoleucine. In vitro pepsin digestibility of meat-and-bone meals (79.9 +/- 17.7%; n = 24) and blood meals (95.8 +/- 4.2%; n = 11) was found to be higher than that of poultry by-product meals (65.3 +/- 7.7%; n = 14) or feather meals (44.7 +/- 9.2%; n = 16). Pepsin digestibility of poultry by-product meals showed a significant negative correlation with crude protein content (r = -0.73; P less than 0.05; n = 14). However, in vitro pepsin digestibility of poultry by-product meals as well as meat-and-bone meals, blood meals and feather meals, showed insignificant correlations with NPU indices as well as with available crude protein contents of the meals. The NPU values of meat-and-bone meals for rats (29.9 +/- 11.7; n = 100) were lower than those of poultry by-product meals (52.1 +/- 7.1; n = 14). The NPU values of blood meals (6.4 +/- 5.6; n = 11) and feather meals (23.5 +/- 10.0; n = 16), determined as sole sources of protein, were low and they did not elicit weight gain in rats. The available crude protein content of poultry by-product meals (34.3 g/100 g +/- 3.6; n = 14) was higher than that of meat-and-bone meals (17.0 g/100 g +/- 7.3; n = 100).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A new method has been developed which permits the crude protein digestibility of feedstuffs in the intestine of cattle to be measured with little effort in terms of samples and experimental work. It consists of welding 0.4 ... 0.8 g of the feedstuff (particle size: 125 ... 1000 micron) into polyamide fabric bags (25 X 40 mm) which are inserted via cannulae into the digestive tracts of fistulated cows from the abomasum/duodenum to the ileum or from the abomasum/duodenum to the faeces. The mean retention time of the bags in the animal was 8.5 +/- 2.7 h from the abomasum to the end of the ileum and (13.3 +/- 1.9 h from the abomasum to the faeces. Up to 15 bags per day and cow may be used. The random error of the method is 1.3% (absolute) when the measurements are performed on two animals using two bags each. Intestinal digestibilities of over 90% were measured for concentrate proteins (except linseed meal) and of 72 ... 95% for forage proteins. Post-ruminal digestion was virtually finished at the end of the small intestine.  相似文献   

为探讨长期贮藏拉伸膜裹包苜蓿Medicago sativa青贮饲料养分的体外消化率,采用两步法测定体外干物质消化率(IVDMD)和体外粗蛋白消化率(IVCPD),采用一步法测定体外中性洗涤纤维消化率(IVNDFD)和体外酸性洗涤纤维消化率(IVADFD)。结果表明,除IVCPD外,鲜割苜蓿拉伸膜裹包青贮饲料的IVDMD、IVNDFD、IVADFD低于苜蓿原料;绿汁发酵液和甲酸处理拉伸膜裹包苜蓿青贮饲料的IVDMD、IVCDP、IVNDFD、IVADFD没有差异;晾晒处理拉伸膜裹包苜蓿青贮饲料的养分消化率低于苜蓿原料;晾晒处理拉伸膜裹包苜蓿青贮饲料的IVDMD和IVCPD显著低于鲜割苜蓿青贮饲料(P<0.05)。总体来说,苜蓿青贮后,养分的消化率下降,晾晒降低了苜蓿青贮饲料的IVDMD和IVCPD。  相似文献   

The effect of tannin treatment (TSFM) and subsequent urea supplementation (TSFM + U) on the digestibility of sunflower meal (SFM) protein was studied by means of a three-phase laboratory method simulating the ruminant's digestion. Under the influence of the ruminal fluid 67% of SFM protein, 62% of TSFM protein and 58% of TSFM + U protein was degraded. The pepsin and pancreatin digestibilities of rumen undegraded protein (UDP) were as follow: 58.2% (SFM), 56.6% (TSFM), 43.3% (TSFM + U), and 22.0% (SFM), 28.8% (TSFM), 17.5% (TSFM + U), respectively. The four fractions (dissolved protein, oligopeptides, amino acids, and ammonia) of rumen degradable protein (DP) were also determined: 85 to 92% of rumen degradable protein was recovered in these four fractions. Owing to tannic acid treatment the quantity of dissolved protein decreased and that of oligopeptides increased.  相似文献   

水温对鲤鱼粗蛋白质、能量表观消化率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了水温对鲤鱼(Cyprinuscarpio)粗蛋白质、能量表观消化率测定的影响。试验设计18、23、28℃3组温度,测定每组温度下蚕蛹、花生饼及羽毛粉的能量及粗蛋白质表观消化率。结果表明,水温显著影响3组原料的表观消化率(P<0.05),其能量及粗蛋白质表观消化率均随水温上升呈显著增加(P<0.05),但23℃与28℃水温下差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

几种蛋白质原料体外消化率测定方法的比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄沧海  陈东晓 《饲料工业》2005,26(20):48-51
试验分别采用胃蛋白酶-胰蛋白酶两步法、肉食性鱼类(如鲈鱼)消化道粗酶提取液消化法和草食性鱼类(如草鱼)消化道粗酶提取液消化法测定了酪蛋白、鱼粉、豆粕、菜籽粕、棉籽粕、酵母粉和玉米蛋白粉等7种蛋白质原料的体外消化率。3种测定方法中,鱼粉的消化率差异不显著(P>0.05);豆粕、菜籽粕、酵母粉和玉米蛋白粉用两步法和草鱼消化酶法测定的消化率无显著差异(P>0.05);棉籽粕消化率用两步法测定值高于用消化酶法的测定值,差异极显著(P<0.01);豆粕、菜籽粕、酵母粉和玉米蛋白粉的消化率用两步法比用鲈鱼消化酶测定的值高,差异极显著(P<0.01);草鱼消化酶法和鲈鱼消化酶法对酪蛋白的消化率无显著差异(P>0.05),而对于豆粕、菜籽粕、棉籽粕、酵母粉和玉米蛋白粉草鱼消化酶法测定值高于鲈鱼消化酶法的测定值,差异极显著(P<0.01)。结果表明,胃蛋白酶-胰蛋白酶两步体外消化法在测定鱼粉蛋白质消化率时可以替代鱼类消化液粗酶消化法,对于其它蛋白质原料使用该方法应慎重。  相似文献   

The apparent precaecal (pc) digestibility of crude protein (CP) and the apparent pc absorption of the key amino acids (AA) lysine, methionine, cystine, isoleucine, threonine and tryptophan from two yellow sweet lupine (L. luteus) varieties (Bornova, Borluta) and one narrow-leafed sweet lupine (L. angustifolius) were determined with ileorectostomized pigs. When the influence of the basal diet (barley or protein free rations) was checked with regard to absorption there were significant differences in a few cases only. In comparison to soybean meal (SBM) the methionine of the lupines was significantly worse, the cystine significantly better absorbed. The CP and the other key AA of the lupines showed approximately the same or even slightly higher pc absorption than those of SBM. With the example of the pc-absorbable AA amounts it was shown that sweet lupines with an approximately equally high CP content as in SBM cannot completely substitute the latter even after lysine and methionine supplementation because the absorbable tryptophan is by far insufficient, and isoleucine and threonine make up only 75% in comparison to SBM. On the basis of the content of pc-digestible CP and pc-absorbable AA it becomes possible to substitute high-grade imported protein concentrates according to their ability of AA supply in the feeding of pigs completely or partly by home-made protein feeds.  相似文献   

Peanut skins were fed at 15% of steer diets in metabolism and feedlot trials. Elevation of dietary protein using soybean meal or soybean meal plus urea and ammoniation of skins were evaluated as methods of overcoming detrimental performance and digestibility effects of tannins in peanut skins. Digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and energy were not different (P greater than .05) for steers fed a control diet with 11.4% crude protein with no skins compared with high-protein 15% peanut skin diets with soybean meal (15.5% crude protein) or soybean meal plus urea (16% crude protein). Dry matter, crude protein and energy digestibilities of control and of high-protein peanut skin diets were higher (P less than .05) compared with an 11.4% crude protein peanut skin diet and a 12.2% crude protein diet with ammoniated peanut skins. Ether extract digestibility was higher (P less than .05) for all peanut skin diets compared with the control. Nitrogen retention (g/d) was not different (P greater than .05) for control and high-protein peanut skin diets, and nitrogen retention on these diets was higher (P less than .05) compared with the lower protein and ammoniated peanut skin diets. Diets fed in the metabolism trial, except for the ammoniated peanut skin diet, were fed to 96 steers (345 kg initial wt) in a 109-d feedlot trial. Performance was lower (P less than .05) for steers fed the lower-protein peanut skin diet compared with other treatments through d 56; this diet was discontinued as a treatment on d 62.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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