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在池塘、水库中采用鱼鹅立体化养殖,是一种家禽饲养与渔业综合经营的立体化生态养殖模式。目前,这种模式在我国很多地区发展很快,并已收到了显著的经济效益和社会效益。据比较,同等条件下鱼鹅综合养殖比鱼、鹅单养提高经济收益30%左右。  相似文献   

中国大鲵立体化高产养殖技术初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国大鲵(Andriasdavidianus)俗称娃娃鱼,是我国名贵经济两栖动物,也是世界上个体最大的有尾两栖动物。因其肉质鲜嫩,价格昂贵,导致前几年非法过度捕捞贩卖,大鲵资源锐减,为此目前全国有三十余所院、校、所对大鲵进行迁地保护,研究其人工繁殖及人工生...  相似文献   

稻田生态养殖模式是以“稻鱼共生”理论和“稻田轮作”模式为基础,通过加高和固化田埂,提高水位,改善稻田种养生态条件;改水稻密植为适当稀植,扩大鱼类活动空间,并改善水稻通风条件,减少水稻病害发生;选种高分蘖能力的水稻品种,确保大田水稻穗数和稳产高产;改依赖化肥生产为通过加强鱼类投饲增肥增产等措施,以建立稻田良陛循环的生态体系,实现少施化肥农药,提高产品品质,实现稻田养鱼种稻,高产优质促增效,稻谷和鱼双丰收。稻田生态养殖主要有两种模式:一是“稻鱼共生”生态养殖模式;二是稻鱼共生与种养轮作模式,冬闲田养殖龙虾与种植单季稻轮作。  相似文献   

根据乌鱼的食性特点,收集天然活饵料鱼放入稻田中,让乌鱼自然摄食,通过稻田生态系统,生产无公害水产品。2005年3月放养95g/尾左右的乌鱼种,亩放养305尾,经8个月的饲养,收获乌鱼292.7 kg,平均规格969 g/尾,成活率99%,亩产值5181.3元,亩获利2435元,投入产出比1:1.79。  相似文献   

赤眼鳟又名红眼,属鲤形目、鲤科、雅罗鱼亚科,是长江名贵的野生经济鱼类。体呈长筒形、腹圆、后部较侧扁,体色银白、背部略呈深灰、眼的上缘有一显著红斑,故名红眼。赤眼鳟又名红眼,属鲤形目、鲤科、雅罗鱼亚科,是长江名贵的野生经济鱼类。体呈长筒形、腹圆、后部较侧扁,体色银  相似文献   

随着我县养蟹业的不断发展,大中水面生态养蟹技术已广泛应用到生产实践中。自2003年以来,我们根据本地的河蟹养殖情况,已连续两年将大中水面蟹鱼生态养殖技术应用到河蟹养殖生产实践中,并取得可观的经济效益。现将有关养殖技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,人们不断追求高品质生活,对食品安全质量要求越来越高,因此对农业的发展提出了更高的要求。以生态、低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的低碳生态农业发展模式顺应了这一趋势,其中稻田立体化生态养殖模式则充分体现了低碳生态农业  相似文献   

笔者近期在杭州市郊和余杭等地甲鱼养殖场调查了解 ,采取鱼虾鳖生态养殖可达到高产高效之目的。根据杭州市石桥镇新华特种水产养殖公司鱼虾鳖混养的生产情况看 ,鳖的产量每亩可达 80 0— 1 0 0 0公斤 ,经济效益可达 6 0 0 0— 80 0 0元 /亩 ,现将鱼虾鳖池塘生态养殖技术总结如下 :1 池塘的条件与设备1 1 池塘 :以环境安静、背风向阳、进排水方便 ,面积 2— 5亩、水深 1 5— 2 0m、淤泥浅的为宜。1 2 防逃设施 :池塘四周必须设置高度30cm以上的防逃围护设施。防逃设施可用砖、石砌 ,也可用石棉瓦等材料围建 ,转角和接口处要平整、…  相似文献   

尚志市有塘坝5000余座,既有经营零散、规模不大、信息闭塞等不利之处,但也有无污染、病害少、经营灵活等诸多优势。我市老街基乡基丰村崔德真依托优质无污染的山水资源,利用其35亩的塘坝水面生态养殖鲢鳙鱼,规格达到2.5-3k旷尾,全部达到无公害水产品的标准,取得极好的社会效益、生态效益和经济效益,为振兴山区渔业经济、发展无公害健康生态养殖做出了有益的尝试。其主要做法是:  相似文献   

孙燕生 《齐鲁渔业》2006,23(4):31-31
浙江省淳安县安阳、横沿是千岛湖的湖边乡镇,当地一些农民利用千岛湖天然饵料发展鲢鳙网箱生态养殖,取得显著的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,带动全县鲢鳙网箱生态养殖的发展。2004年全县鲢鳙网箱生态养殖达73 hm2(1100亩),占全县网箱商品鱼养殖总面积的69.62%;销售生态养殖鲢鳙1115 t,产值1 227 万元,分别占全县网箱商品鱼销售量、产值的42.95%和  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out in a fish farm of the Eastern Mediterranean in order to evaluate the benthic environmental footprint of the organic versus the conventional fish farming. The highest values of chl α were recorded at the conventional culture during both studied seasons. The organic matter and organic carbon rates recorded at the conventional culture were significantly higher than those observed at the organic culture in both studied seasons (p < .05). Furthermore, in all cases the quality characteristics of benthic community variables were optimum at the organic culture compared to the conventional one and similar to those of the control. SIMPER analysis showed that the maximum average dissimilarity occurred between organic and conventional culture, while the main contributor species for this dissimilarity was the polychaete Capitella capitata. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordination plot indicated clearly a separation of the organic and conventional fish farming during both studied seasons. K‐dominance curves revealed a clear difference in elevation, mainly during summer. M‐AMBI index showed a poor to moderate environment for conventional culture, while organic one was good to high and similar to the control site (high). The results indicated the lower environmental footprint of the organic fish farming compared to the conventional, demonstrating its potential as an important management tool, which could play a significant ecological role for the sustainability of aquaculture in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

As increasing amounts of novel raw materials are used in aquafeed production, it is important to measure their quality against existing ingredients and their effects upon production strategies. A first step to achieving this goal begins with an improved understanding of the underlying growth potential of each farmed species across a range of dietary ingredients and farming practices. Species‐specific physiological limitations and metabolic effects of both single chemicals and complex chemical matrixes are factors to be considered in producing robust fish and a healthy aquaculture sector. The industry must also consider ethical, environmental and economic issues and optimize feed management practices. This review summarizes current knowledge on European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) nutritional requirements, presents current feed management practices for this species, gives insights on a secure framework for using plant ingredients in exchange for traditional marine raw materials and outlines its growth potential through a meta‐analysis of the best‐performance results available in peer‐reviewed scientific publications for this species. As the best‐performing fish were mostly those fed high fish meal fish oil control diets, the summarized results have the potential to be used as a quality control for benchmarking future scientific research in this fish species.  相似文献   

套尔河贝类增养殖区放流活动前后浮游植物群落结构变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究贝类增养殖区浮游植物群落结构变化及其影响因素,于2018年5月(增殖放流前)、8月(增殖放流后),对套尔河贝类增养殖区叶绿素a含量、浮游植物群落结构和环境因子的空间分布特征进行了综合调查。在调查海域,5月叶绿素a整体呈现近岸泥滩—离岸逐渐递减的趋势,浮游植物以硅藻为主,优势种是布氏双尾藻(Ditylum brightwellii)、威利圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus wailesii)、羽纹藻(Pinnularia sp.)和夜光藻(Noctiluca scientillans),;8月叶绿素a的分布趋势与5月有明显的不同,高值区出现在离岸,硅藻依然是最重要的浮游植物类群,优势种演替明显,中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)、旋链角毛藻(Chaetoceros curvisetus)、派格棍形藻(Bacillaria paxillifera)、丹麦细柱藻(Leptocylindrus danicus)、海洋斜纹藻(Pleurosigma pelagicum)、伏氏海线藻(Thalassi...  相似文献   

The paper begins by discussing the classification and use of chemicals for fish farming and the environmental impact assessment (EIA) regulations. EIA procedures for regulating chemicals through statutory authority are then discussed. Environmental assessment for fish farming can be a powerful management tool at both administrative and scientific levels.  相似文献   

多维视角下的新时代水产养殖业发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
董双林 《水产学报》2019,43(1):105-115
由于经济因素的驱动,我国水产养殖规模和集约化水平在快速扩大和提高,同时,土地、淡水和鱼粉等资源制约日趋明显,氮磷排放、碳足迹、生态足迹在迅速增大,因此,我国水产养殖业需要生态集约化发展。从多维和可持续发展的视角可以推知,内陆大水域未来仅适于发展不投饲的养殖种类或称净水渔业,近岸(10 m以浅、距岸2 km以内或有遮蔽的海域)可发展不投饵的贝、藻养殖和增殖,离岸(距岸2 km以外、水深10~50 m)应增殖、养殖并举,深远海养殖(50 m以深、高海况开放海域和12 n mile以外的专属经济区海域)大有可为,陆基池塘生态集约化改造和陆基循环水养殖的阳光工厂化改造任重道远。  相似文献   

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