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三、理想蛋白及氨基酸平衡模式 理想蛋白质(Ideal protein IP)的概念是Howard在1958年提出来的。即当日粮中各种氨基酸的组成和比例与动物的需要相吻合时,动物才能最大限度地利用饲料蛋白质。上述情况,随着日粮蛋白质的提高,畜禽对各种氨基酸的需要量都在增加,即氨基酸的比例模式不变。ARC(1981)首先在标准中列出了理想蛋白质模式。 相似文献
蛋白质是生命过程的重要物质,是组成机体结构物质(细胞的组成)、体内代谢活性物质(激素、酶、免疫抗体)的主要成分,是组织更新、修补的原料。蛋白质占动物机体固形物总量的50%左右,肌肉、肝、脾、肾等实质器官的蛋白质含量可高达80%以上。由此可见,饲料中蛋白质的供应对畜禽生活和生产具有重要的作用。 相似文献
从科学饲养的角度分析,为提高能量的利用率和减少蛋白质和氨基酸的浪费,日粮能量与蛋白质、能量与氨基酸水平应当保持一个合适的比例关系.一般用"氨基酸能量比"和"蛋白质能量比"来表示,即用每兆焦消化能或代谢能所含的蛋白质或氨基酸的克数来表示. 相似文献
日粮纤维对单胃动物的营养作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
饲料中的日粮纤维对单胃动物有正确营养作用,如为运动提供部分能量、填充消化道容积给动物饱感以及预防疾病等;但也有负面作用,主要表现为:降低碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪和矿物质的利用率。因此,在实际生产中既要看到其正面作用,又应注意到其负面作用,科学合理的利用日粮纤维。 相似文献
一、单胃动物蛋白质营养基本原理蛋白质是动物不可缺少的营养物质。经由饲粮为动物提供蛋白质实际上是为动物提供各种必需氨基酸和用于合成非必需氨基酸所需要的氨基氮源。氨基酸是蛋白质的基本结构成分,也是动物利用饲料蛋白质的必经形式。单胃动物蛋白质营养,实质上是氨基酸营养。自然界天然存在的氨基酸有200种以上,但参与构成动物体蛋白质的氨基酸只有20种(不计其衍生物),这20种氨基酸以不同数量、不同方式形成数目众多,功能各异的蛋白质。有些氨基酸只要有足够的前体,动物体可自行合成,满足自身的需要,这样的氨基酸称为非必需基氨基酸;而另一些氨基酸动物体不能合成或合成数量不能满足需要,必须经由饲料提供,这样的氨基酸称为必需氨基酸。 相似文献
日粮纤维可为动物提供一定能量,且配合日粮中适宜的纤维水平对动物胃肠道的生长发育、正常消化机能的维持以及动物健康等方面都有较为积极的作用。但作为一种抗营养因子,日粮纤维可降低饲料转化率,限制饲粮中的使用配比。阐述了日粮纤维的理化特性及其在单胃动物中的营养作用,并讨论了在动物生产中提高纤维利用率的可行性措施。 相似文献
1.前言 粗纤维是植物细胞壁的主要组成部分,一般认为它不具有一定的营养价值。因此,人们对日粮纤维的合理利用认识较晚,大约在17世纪,仅限于对反刍动物的研究。营养学界对单胃动物的研究始于 1906年,那时发现了猪对粗纤维的利用。时至今日,人们对日粮纤维在单胃动物中的利用的兴趣日益增加。因此,在摸索着开发纤维饲料代替传统日粮中的精料的进程中获得了较大的经济效益。本文在前人研究的基础上查阅相关资料,对日粮纤维在单胃动物中的利用作以简单介绍。 2.日粮纤维的定义 长期以来,日粮纤维的定义一直存在异议,从不同… 相似文献
微量元素氨基酸螯合物在动物营养中的研究与应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1微量元素氨基酸螯合物的研究 20世纪 70年代,微量元素氨基酸螯合物的研究推动了络合物在动物营养中的应用。美国饲料管理官员协会( MFCO, 1996)确定了微量元素氨基酸螯合物的概念:由某种可溶性金属盐中的一个金属元素离子同氨基酸按一定的摩尔比以共价键结合而成。水解氨基酸的平均分子量必须为 150左右,生成的螯合物的分子量不得超过 800。 氨基酸的氨基和羧基与金属微量元素离子螯合,是属于氧和氮作配位原子。带负电荷的氧,如羧氧或酚氧,比一般中性氧的络合力更强。这类络合剂常被称为氨羧络合剂。螯合物的内络盐与络… 相似文献
试验通过对仔猪消化道中主要消化参数进行体外模拟,筛选出仔猪饲料评价最佳体外消化参数。采用正交试验法主要对仔猪胃部的温度、pH值、胃蛋白酶浓度及消化时间进行模拟,在胃部消化的基础上采用正交试验法对小肠pH值、小肠酶浓度、消化时间及缓冲液体积进行模拟。综合分析结果表明仔猪体外消化的最佳参数为:胃部温度39℃、pH值1.5、胃蛋白酶浓度220U/ml、消化时间4h,此时干物质及粗蛋白消化率最高。小肠最佳消化参数为pH值6.0、小肠酶浓度45mg/g、消化时间12h、缓冲液体积300ml,此时干物质、粗蛋白的消化率最高。据此建立一套仔猪饲料体外评价体系。 相似文献
动物维持正常的酸碱平衡,是发挥机体细胞整体功能效应的必要前提。当某种酶活性对微小pH值变化敏感时,许多中间代谢产物反应,调控着动物细胞酸碱平衡。酸碱平衡是氢离子浓度的一种功能。当难于测定细胞内液和亚细胞内pH变化时,一般测定细胞外液中氢离子浓度,大多数哺乳动物细胞外液氢离子浓度维持在低水平状态(40×10-9mol/L或40nEq/L,pH74)。细胞内液氢离子浓度比细胞外液高,哺乳动物肌肉细胞胞液pH值67~71变化,这种差异是维持细胞内代谢产物浓度的重要因子。但在细胞内,亚细胞器与胞液间也存在氢离子浓度差异。线粒体内… 相似文献
肉鸡营养中理想蛋白质研究方法进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文介绍并比较了肉鸡营养中理想蛋白质研究的不同方法,包括文献综述法、析因法、耗竭法和梯度效应实验法。结果表明,梯度效应实验法能够更准确地测定肉鸡理想蛋白质中的氨基酸比例。 相似文献
氨基酸种类主要有赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、谷氨酸盐、支链氨基酸及苯丙氨酸等,可用作饲料添加物、仪器添加剂、保健品及药物,畜禽养殖中常用的氨基酸是赖氨酸、蛋氨酸。近些年来氨基酸市场持续增长,最新的一项关于全球氨基酸市场发展的研究报告指出:直到2013年止,全球氨基酸市场将以每年6.8%的速度递增,中国是全球氨基酸市场的领导者,2006年其市场占有率达到了25%。报告还指出,至2013年,中国氨基酸领导地位仍可保持,但市场占有率可能会略有下降,占23.4%。而北美洲则是增长步伐最快的地区,由2000至2013年,估计年度增长率达8%,并可于2013年挑战中国的领导地位。 相似文献
蛋白质水平和氨基酸模型对蛋鸡生产性能及氮磷利用与排泄的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本试验研究了按理想蛋白氨基酸模式配制日粮对蛋鸡生产性能及营养素氮和磷利用与排泄的影响。试验结果表明:试验组比对照组的产蛋率、产蛋量、蛋重及饲料转化率均有所提高,但差异不显著(P>0.05);而氮和磷的表观利用率分别提高了6.46%和9.31%,差异显著(P<0.05);氮排泄量降低了11.93%,差异显著(P<0.05);总磷排泄量降低了2.20%,差异不显著(P<0.05)。结果表明,按理想蛋白氨基酸模式配制日粮,通过合理的营养调控技术,可以降低蛋鸡氮磷排泄量。 相似文献
蛋白质饲料供应不足乃世界性问题,我国蛋白质饲料紧缺亦日趋严重,如何有效利用现有蛋白质饲料资源、提高蛋白质利用效率,一直是各国学者研究的热点和难点问题。畜禽营养学理论研究及大量试验结果表明,粗蛋白质指标不能客观地反映饲料蛋白质的营养价值或利用效率,蛋白质转化效率主要取决于必需氨基酸的含量、 相似文献
Ideal amino acid pattern for 10-kilogram pigs. 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Two growth assays and one nitrogen balance experiment were conducted to develop an ideal amino acid pattern for 10-kg pigs. Crossbred pigs were fed chemically defined amino acid diets containing four indispensable amino acid (AA) patterns: 1) the Illinois final amino acid pattern (IFP), a recently developed AA profile for purified diets; 2) the Illinois ideal amino acid pattern (IIP), a modification of IFP; 3) the Wang and Fuller ideal amino acid pattern (WFIP); and 4) the 1988 National Research Council (NRC) amino acid requirement pattern for 10-kg pigs (NRCP). A mixture of dispensable AA consisting of glutamate, glycine, and proline that had been proven to be an efficient mixture of dispensable AA nitrogen was fed together with the indispensable AA patterns. Diets were made isonitrogenous and isoenergetic within experiments. In Exp. 1, pigs were given ad libitum access to experimental diets with AA levels set above the NRC AA requirements. Regardless of which AA pattern was fed, pigs had similar (P greater than .05) daily gains, daily feed intakes, and gain:feed ratios. In Exp. 2, all levels of indispensable and dispensable AA were reduced to 50% of levels present in Exp. 1. When pigs had ad libitum access to these diets, daily gains of pigs fed IIP were superior (P greater than .05) to those of pigs fed IFP or NRCP, but similar (P greater than .05) weight gains occurred in pigs fed IFP, WFIP, and NRCP. In Exp. 3, the efficiency of nitrogen utilization of the four indispensable AA patterns was evaluated by a nitrogen balance experiment in pigs equally fed the same experimental diets fed in Exp. 2. Pigs fed NRCP utilized nitrogen with an efficiency of 74%, which was less (P less than .001) than the efficiencies of 79 to 80% obtained in pigs fed IFP, IIP, and WFIP. Nitrogen retained (grams) per gram of nitrogen intake from indispensable AA was greater (P less than .01) for IIP than for either IFP or WFIP. The results of these experiments indicate that WFIP contains excesses of leucine, valine, phenylalanine plus tyrosine, methionine plus cystine, and threonine for pigs between 10 and 20 kg BW. Also, NRCP is probably first-limiting in leucine and also limiting in other AA, resulting in lower nitrogen utilization than IIP. The pattern of indispensable AA in IIP (grams of AA/100 g lysine) is as follows: lysine (100), methionine+cystine (60), threonine (65), tryptophan (18), phenylalanine+tyrosine (95), leucine (100), isoleucine (60), valine (68), arginine (42), and histidine (32). 相似文献
Dynamic ideal protein and limiting amino acids for lactating sows: the impact of amino acid mobilization 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The limiting amino acids for lactating sows were determined using 28 primiparous sows that were intentionally underfed both energy and protein during a 21-d lactation. Groups of four sows were allotted to litter-size treatments of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 by cross-fostering as needed within 48 h postpartum. Sows were killed on d 21 of lactation. The carcass, liver, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive tract, mammary gland, and other viscera were separated, weighed, ground, and analyzed for dry matter, crude protein, and amino acids. Simple linear equations were obtained for each amino acid within tissues as a function of litter size. The mobilization of amino acids from carcass, liver, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive tract, and other viscera increased as litter size increased. Amino acids were accreted to mammary glands as litter size increased (2.65 g lysine/21 d for each one-pig increase in litter size). Milk production needs were estimated (49.9 g lysine/21 d for each one-pig increase in litter size). The quantity of each amino acid required additionally as litter size increased was obtained from the difference between amino acid needs for milk production and mammary gland growth and those provided from tissue mobilization. The relative ratio among amino acids that are required additionally (ideal amino acid pattern) was compared with the relative ratio of amino acids that can be provided from a corn-soybean meal lactation diet. From the comparison, it was shown that threonine and lysine are the first-limiting amino acids, followed by valine, when tissue mobilization occurs during lactation. Lysine is the first-limiting amino acid, and valine becomes second-limiting followed by threonine, when sows do not mobilize body tissues during lactation. Thus, the limiting order of essential amino acids changes depending on feed intake and tissue mobilization of sows during lactation. Proper feeding of lactating sows should consider the expected degree of tissue mobilization during lactation. 相似文献