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The influence of a deficit-irrigation (DI) strategy on soil–plant water relations and gas exchange activity was analysed during a 3-year period in mature ‘Lane late’ (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.) citrus trees grafted on two different rootstocks, ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tanaka ) and ‘Carrizo’ citrange (C. sinensis L., Osbeck × Poncirus trifoliata L.). Two treatments were applied for each rootstock: a control treatment, irrigated at 100% ETc (crop evapotranspiration) during the entire season, and a DI treatment, irrigated at 100% ETc, except during Phase I (cell division) and Phase III (ripening and harvest) of fruit growth, when complete irrigation cut-off was applied. Under soil water deficit, the seasonal variations of soil water content suggested that ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin had a better root efficiency for soil water extraction than ‘Carrizo’ citrange. Moreover, in all years, trees on ‘Cleopatra’ reached a lower water-stress level (midday xylem water potential values (Ψmd) > −2 MPa), maintaining a better plant water status during the water-stress periods than trees on ‘Carrizo’ (Ψmd < −2 MPa). Similarly, net CO2 assimilation rate (A) was higher in trees on ‘Cleopatra’ during the water-stress periods. In addition, the better plant water status in trees on ‘Cleopatra’ under DI conditions stimulated a greater vegetative growth compared to trees on ‘Carrizo’. From a physiological point of view, ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin was more tolerant of severe water stress (applied in Phases I and III of fruit growth) than ‘Carrizo’ citrange.  相似文献   

In turf industry, the ability of a cultivar to use less water is an important consideration, especially where rainfall and irrigation water are insufficient. Knowledge of turf grass water-use patterns is therefore important for developing efficient water management practices and also for selection of drought-resistant cultivars. We evaluated the soil water‐use patterns of tall fescue and hybrid bluegrasses cultivars irrigated at different rates. Field experiments were conducted at the Turfgrass Research Facility, Auburn University, AL, in 2005 and 2006. Two tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) cultivars (‘Kentucky 31’ and ‘Green Keeper’) and four hybrid bluegrass (Poa pratensis L. × Poa arachnifera Torr.) cultivars, viz., HB 129 [‘Thermal Blue’], HB 130 (Experimental line), HB 328 (Experimental line) and HB 329 [‘Dura Blue’] were included in this study. Plots were irrigated based on the potential evapotranspiration, viz., 100% ET, 80% ET and 60% ET replacements. Tensiometers were installed at 0.075, 0.15 and 0.30 m depths, and their readings used to calculate the matric head, water content and water-use values. Turf color quality was determined from turf canopy digital images. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for a random complete block design (RCBD) was conducted for available water, water-use and turf color quality values. Hybrid bluegrasses revealed significantly (P = 0.05) higher turf color indices compared to the tall fescue cultivars, but there was no indication of differential responses to irrigation among cultivars. Based on water-use data, hybrid bluegrass cultivars revealed significantly (P = 0.05) lower water-use compared to tall fescue cultivars.  相似文献   

Central Asian water planning following international policy recommendations and ‘blue prints’ has caused more harm rather than benefiting local communities. International research has not been sufficient to contribute in practical terms to water and food security. This paper reflects potential factors that limit understanding the complexity of water management in Central Asia. Five factors are identified which prevent cross linking of research across international boundaries and within countries. These are: (1) language, (2) access, (3) wikipediarism, (4) smattering and (5) outdating. To change the situation two factors are still missing – a lost generation of local experts and an internal critical review.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of a deficit-irrigation (DI) strategy in mature ‘Lane late’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.) trees grafted on two different drought-tolerant rootstocks, ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tanaka) and ‘Carrizo’ citrange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata L.). Two treatments were applied: a control treatment, irrigated at 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) during the entire season, and a DI treatment, irrigated at 100% ETc, except during phases I (initial fruit-growth period,) and phase III (final fruit-growth period, ripening, harvest), when no irrigation was applied. Flowering, fruit abscission and fruit growth of trees on ‘Carrizo’ were more affected by DI than on ‘Cleopatra’. Deficit irrigation reduced yield in both rootstocks due mainly to a decrease in the number of fruits. The phase most sensitive to drought stress was phase I. Moreover, DI altered fruit quality depending on the period when drought stress was applied. Fruit quality was modified by DI: total soluble sugars and titratable acidity increased when a severe drought stress occurred only in phase III but only increased the peel/pulp ratio if it occurred only in phase I. The quality of fruits from trees on ‘Carrizo’ under DI was affected more than that of fruits from trees on ‘Cleopatra’. Under DI in semi-arid regions ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin can mitigate more the negative effects of drought stress on yield and fruit quality than ‘Carrizo’ citrange.  相似文献   

The Upper Swat Canal (USC) System became operational in 1917–1918 in North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan. The rehabilitation and modernization of the USC was undertaken with a view to overcoming the shortage of water supplies for irrigation. The water allowance was enhanced from 0.39 to 0.77 Ls−1 ha−1 in the study area. Recently, the operation and management of a secondary canal or ‘distributary’ was transferred to the Farmers Organization (FO). This distributary named ‘Chowki’ offtakes from the Maira Branch of the USC. The cultivable command area (CCA) of this distributary is 4,306 ha and it serves 1,485 beneficiaries. A management committee on Chowki Distributary was formed in 2003. This distributary consists of one main and two minor channels having twenty-eight direct outlets. The Simulation of Irrigation Canal (SIC) hydrodynamic model was used to evaluate the flexibility of Chowki Distributary. The model was calibrated at 100, 80 and 70% of the design discharge (Q d) and it was validated at 90, 85 and 60% of the design discharge. The observed and simulated water levels were in close agreement with each other for the calibration and validation periods. The statistical analysis and paired t-test indicate that the model results are not statistically different from the measured values at 1% significance level. The simulated results of the SIC model were applied to studying flexibility of the outlet structures along the Chowki Distributary. The flexibility analysis demonstrates that poor performance is inbuilt into the system due to inadequate control over the accuracy of the crest setting during the construction of the outlets.  相似文献   

The expansion of permanent trickle irrigation systems in Sao Paulo (Brazil) citrus has changed the focus of irrigation scheduling from determining irrigation timing to quantifying irrigation amounts. The water requirements of citrus orchards are difficult to estimate, since they are influenced by heterogeneous factors such as age, planting density and irrigation system. In this study, we estimated the water requirements of young ‘Tahiti’ lime orchards, considering the independent contributions from soil evaporation and crop transpiration by splitting the crop coefficient (Kc = ETc/ETo) into two separate coefficients; Ke, a soil evaporation coefficient and Kcb, a crop transpiration coefficient. Hence, the water requirement in young ‘Tahiti’ lime (ETy) is ETy = (Ke + Kcb) · ETo, where ETo is the reference crop evapotranspiration. Mature tree water requirement (ETm) is ETm = Kcb · ETo, assuming no soil water evaporation. Two lysimeters were used; one was 1.6 m in diameter and 0.7 m deep, and the other was 2.7 m in diameter and 0.8-m deep. The first one was used to calculate evaporation and the second one was used for transpiration. ETo was estimated by the Penman–Monteith method (FAO-56). The measurements were conducted during a period between August 2002 and April 2005 in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The lysimeters were installed at the center of a 1.0-ha plot planted with ‘Tahiti’ lime trees grafted on ‘Swingle’ citrumelo rootstock. The trees were 1-year old at planting, spaced 7 × 4 m, and were irrigated by a drip irrigation system. During the study period, Kc varied between 0.6 and 1.22, and Kcb varied between 0.4 and 1.0. The results suggested that for young lime trees, the volume of water per tree calculated by Ke + Kcb is about 80% higher than the volume calculated using Kc. For mature trees, the volume of water per tree calculated using just Kcb can be 10% less than using Kc. The independent influence of soil evaporation and transpiration is important to better understand the water consumption of young lime trees during growth compared to mature lime trees.  相似文献   

The performance of different indicators of plant water status as a tool for irrigation management was evaluated in mature field grown ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees during the late summer of 1998. Control (C) and stress (S) treatments were studied. In the C treatment trees were irrigated daily at 100% ETc whereas in the S treatment water was withheld during 31 days (DOY’s 236–266). Predawn water potential (Ψpd) and midday stem water potential (Ψstem) were measured several times a week during the experimental period. Three daily measurements of stomatal conductance (gs) and stem water potential were made during five consecutive days in mid-September. Trunk diameter changes (TDC) were recorded by LVDT sensors, and from these measurements, maximum daily shrinkage (MDS), daily growth (DG), and cumulative growth (CG) were calculated. Midday Ψstem showed the best ratio between the response to moderate water stress and tree variability (“signal/noise” ratio) among the indicators studied here, followed closely by Ψpd. On the other hand, the poorest water status indicator was gs. Due to the low trunk growth rate of the trees, and its high variability, DG and CG were not adequate indicators. MDS showed a lower sensitivity to water stress and a higher variability (CV = 0.19) than midday Ψstem (CV = 0.08) and Ψpd (CV = 0.10). However, MDS correlated well with ET0 and with midday Ψstem (R 2 = 0.79) thus, making this parameter an interesting and promising tool for irrigation management in apple orchards. More research needs to be done in order to define reference values for MDS and plant water potential indicators, in relation to evaporative conditions and in different phenological periods, and to quantify the relationship between water status indicators values and apple tree yield and fruit quality.  相似文献   

Tensiometers are ideal for soil moisture monitoring in strawberry cultivation because they operate effectively at less than −1,000 hPa soil water tension, which includes the soil moisture range for strawberries. For this study, four different drip irrigation thresholds, at −150, −300, −600 hPa, and, depending on the development stage of the plants, −300 or −600 hPa, were applied in a trial carried out in southwest Finland in 2001–2003 with June-bearing cultivar ‘Bounty’. Higher soil moisture increased yield and fruit soluble solids content, but decreased fruit firmness. In healthy plants, no remarkable soil moisture effects on plant growth were observed, but in the years 2002–2003 it was observed that increased soil moisture in the previous growing season and the subsequent winter injuries decreased the following year’s growth. Water consumption of plants varied considerably depending on growth stage, yield potential and environmental factors. The volumes of irrigation water ranged from 5 to 22 l/plant per growing season.  相似文献   

A five-year experiment (2002–2006) was conducted to determine apple (cv ‘Golden Smoothee’) and pear (cv ‘Conference’) crop coefficients (Kc) using two large weighing lysimeters. Daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop evapotranspiration (ETc) were evaluated. Midday canopy light interception of both crops planted in hedgerows, 4 × 1.6 m, was determined on a weekly basis from bud-break until leaf fall from year 2002 (fourth after planting) to year 2006 of both plantations. Relationships between canopy light interception and calculated Kc (ETc/ETo) were evaluated from bud-break until harvest. There were differences in Kc values between apple and pear trees. When daily Kc values from bud-break until harvest were adjusted to hyperbolic functions each year, adjusted curves for pear trees were very similar regardless of year (maximum Kc around 1.0). In apple trees, the maximum values of Kc increased over time, from 0.49 in 2002 to 1.04 in 2006. Midday light interception in both apple and pear trees increased during the 5 years of experiment from 29.0 to 45.6% in apples and from 27.5 to 41.6% in pears in midsummer. Although there was a significant positive correlation between midday canopy light interception and Kc in apple and pear trees, in different times within a specific year, these relationships were different between crops. While the apple data fitted into the same equation regardless of the year, different equations were needed to fit the pear data in different years. This discrepancy may have been related to differences in the canopy properties between apple and pear trees. Pear canopies had higher porosity than apple canopies and thus improved light penetration. Apple trees were more vigorous and produced taller and denser canopies. Pear Kc values were greatly influenced by the evaporative demands of different years and consequently differences in midday canopy light interception did not adequately reflect the differences in Kc across the two species.  相似文献   

In this study, a regional irrigation schedule optimization method was proposed and applied in Fengqiu County in the North China Plain, which often suffers serious soil water drainage and nitrogen (N) leaching problems caused by excessive irrigation. The irrigation scheduling method was established by integrating the ‘checkbook irrigation method’ into a GIS-coupled soil water and nitrogen management model (WNMM) as an extension. The soil water and crop information required by the checkbook method, and previously collected from field observations, was estimated by the WNMM. By replacing manually observed data with simulated data from WNMM, the application range of the checkbook method could be extended from field scale to regional scale. The WNMM and the checkbook irrigation method were both validated by field experiments in the study region. The irrigation experiment in fluvo–aquic soil showed that the checkbook method had excellent performance; soil water drainage and N leaching were reduced by 83.1 and 85.6%, respectively, when compared with local farmers’ flood irrigation. Using the validated WNMM, the performance of checkbook irrigation in an entire winter wheat and summer maize rotation was also validated: the average soil water drainage and N leaching in four types of soils decreased from 331 to 75 mm year−1 and 47.7 to 9.3 kg ha−1 year−1, respectively; and average irrigation water use efficiency increased from 26.5 to 57.2 kg ha−1 mm−1. The regional irrigation schedule optimization method based on WNMM was applied in Fengqiu County. The results showed a good effect on saving irrigation water, decreasing soil water drainage and then saving agricultural inputs. In a typical meteorological year, it could save >110 mm of irrigation water on average, translating to >7.26 × 107 m3 of agricultural water saved each year within the county. Annual soil water drainage was reduced to <143 mm and N leaching to <27 kg ha−1 in most soils, all of which were significantly lower than local farmers’ flood irrigation. In the mean time, crop yield also had an average increase of 2,890 kg ha−1 when checkbook irrigation was applied.  相似文献   

Water requirements for olive oil production and the effects of deficit irrigation were determined while considering the relative fruit loads on trees occurring as a result of biennial bearing cycles. Two Israeli olive (Olea europaea) varieties (Barnea and Souri) were evaluated for growth and yield parameters in a 4-year field study where five relative irrigation rates were applied. Increasing irrigation increased stem water potential, vegetative growth, and olive fruit yield with the increases tapering off at application rates reaching 75–100% of potential crop evapotranspiration. Tree water status, growth, and fruit characteristic parameters were highly affected by both fruit load and by irrigation level. Oil yield increases as a function of increased irrigation were initiated for each cultivar only following an ‘off’ season when the treatments lead to higher vegetative growth. The increased oil yields as a function of increased irrigation were primarily explained by higher tree-scale capacity for carrying fruit, especially as irrigation alleviated measureable water stress. For the Barnea cultivar in ‘on’ years, a secondary effect due to increased oil per fruit as irrigation increased was evident, particularly at the higher application rates.  相似文献   

In this paper, an innovative method—that combines a technical and socio-economic analysis—is presented to assess the implications of policy decisions on water productivity. In the technical part, the variability in crop water productivity (CWP) is analyzed on the basis of actual water consumption and associated biomass production using the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL). This generates input for the socio-economic analysis, which aims to quantify the foregone economic water productivity (EWP) of policy decisions to allocate water in a social optimal way. The basis for arguments to transfer water between categories of users will be strengthened and be more objective when the productivity in existing and alternative uses is known. The usefulness of such an approach is shown in the South African part of the Inkomati Basin, where according to the Water Act, water has to be reserved for basic human needs and to protect aquatic ecosystems. The opportunity costs, in terms of foregone EWP, of decisions to divert water away from agriculture are assessed. The results show that diverting water away from crops with a low CWP is not always the most cost-effective way in terms of foregone EWP. This paper is written in the framework of ‘A demonstration project in the Inkomati Basin’ (Soppe et al. 2006) funded by the ‘Partners for Water II’ program of the Dutch government.
P. J. G. J. HellegersEmail:

Years of ill-managed irrigation have triggered secondary soil salinization in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan located in the Aral Sea basin. To assess the magnitude and dynamics of secondary soil salinization, to quantify improved management strategies and to derive updated irrigation standards, the soil water model Hydrus-1D was used. Water and soil salinity dynamics in three cotton fields with different soil textures were monitored and simulated for the years 2003 and 2005. Until now in Khorezm, overall soil salinity could only be controlled by pre-season salt leaching using high amounts of water. This water, however, may not be available anymore in the near future because of global climate change and shrinking fresh water resources. Simulations confirmed that the present leaching practice is barely effective. At two out of the three locations within a sandy loam field, leaching did not remove salts from the 2 m profile. Instead, salts were only shifted from the upper (0–0.8 m) to the lower (0.8–2 m) soil layer. Strong groundwater contribution to evapotranspiration triggered secondary (re)-salinization of the topsoil during the cropping season. As a consequence, salt amounts in the top 0.8 m of soil increased from 9 to 22 Mg ha−1 in the field with loamy texture, and from 4 to 12 Mg ha−1 in the field with sandy texture. Management strategy analyses revealed that reducing soil evaporation by a surface residue layer would notably decrease secondary soil salinization. Here, owing to the reduced capillary rise of groundwater, post-season salt contents of the three fields were reduced by between 12 and 19% when compared with residue-free conditions. Even more effective would be improving the efficiency of the drainage system so as to lower the groundwater table. This would require a revision of the current irrigation management schemes, but could, as simulations revealed, reduce the post-season salt content in the 2 m soil profile of the three fields by between 36 and 59% when compared with unaltered conditions. For the revised irrigation management in total not more water than already foreseen by national irrigation recommendations would be needed. Increasing leaching and irrigation efficiency would help sustaining the present cotton production levels while reducing future leaching demands.  相似文献   

For estimating infiltration properties of surface irrigation, some ‘quick’ and easy methods have been developed. The main objective of this study was to evaluate different ‘quick’ methods and to compare the obtained results with two new methods proposed based on the Shepard one-point approach. For this purpose, data sets measured in six borders and five furrows were used for evaluating different methods. Using the volume balance equation and estimated infiltration parameters, the total infiltrated volume and advance times were predicted to evaluate the accuracy of estimated infiltration parameters. The results showed that the modified Mailapalli and Elliott and Walker methods provided the lowest errors for both furrow and border irrigations. The Elliott and Walker method predicted advance times with highest accuracy. There was very small difference between the Shepard and new proposed one-point methods. The performance of the Elliott and Walker method was slightly better than the new proposed two-point method for the experimental furrows, while a minor difference was found for the experimental borders. The results also showed that the performance of the Elliot and Walker method would be improved using binomial approximation instead of Kiefer approximation.  相似文献   

Yield response factor (K y) is an important basis for implementing efficient irrigation and optimal water allocation. Because K y varies in different sites, understanding its spatial distribution plays an important role in optimization irrigation in Haihe basin. After determining the K y and ET0 of winter wheat, an exponentially increasing function was found between the two parameters. Then, spherical and exponential semivariograms were chosen as proper theoretical models for ET0 and K y, respectively, with R 2 of more than 0.970. By comparing six interpolation methods as well as two procedures, i.e. ‘calculate first, interpolate later’ (CI) and ‘interpolate first, calculate later’ (IC), IC-RK (residual kriging) was considered as an optimal method in interpolating K y. Mapping of K y for winter wheat indicated an increasing trend from the western and northern mountainous region to the eastern plain region in the basin, with the K y of 0.783–1.668 for the dry growing season, 0.760–1.460 for the average growing season and 0.749–1.293 for the wet growing season. Moreover, the K y values were more than 1.0 over the most of this basin, indicating that yield loss was more important than evapotranspiration deficit, and there were greater effect of water stress on the yield of winter wheat.  相似文献   

Increased outbreaks of foodborne illness throughout the world have raised concern over the potential health hazard of pre-harvest colonization of crops by human pathogens originating from contaminated irrigation water, or manure-amended soil. Contradictory reports currently exist concerning the ability of pathogenic bacteria to penetrate internal plant tissues via the root and translocate to edible aerial tissues, which suggest dependence of the process on experimental variables employed. Mechanistic investigations of internalization into plants require development of regulated, experimental, co-cultivation systems for the plant and the bacteria. In the present study, we have evaluated the effect of three irrigation regimes: ‘no-irrigation’ and irrigation with or without leachate, on the capacity of Salmonella enterica serovar Newport to survive in a potting medium in small experimental pots designed for internalization studies. The duration of bacterial survival in the potting-medium varied under the irrigation regimes employed, ranging from 4.7 to 10 weeks. The survival duration under irrigation without leachate was longer than in the ‘no-irrigation’ treatment. Leaching reduced the concentration of Salmonella in the experimental pots, presumably by a washing effect and consequently shortened the duration of survival from 70 to 33 days. The observed dependency of Salmonella viability in the experimental pots, upon the irrigation schemes applied, points at the need to consider the irrigation conditions in experimental systems aimed at studying the interactions between human enteric pathogen and the plant ecosystem.  相似文献   

The use of partial root-drying (PRD) irrigation implies doubling pipelines instead of using a conventional single pipeline. However, pipelines can be spaced a short distance apart (e.g. 1 m) along the vine row (“D” layout) or joined with cable ties and laid as a single pipeline (“S” layout). Pipelines in “S” configuration are laid under the vine row, and in “D” at both sides of the vine row. These two different layouts can change the wetted soil zone and affect grapevine response to irrigation. The focus of this study was therefore on establishing the role of pipeline layout in vine-grape (cv. ‘Tempranillo’) response under semi-arid conditions in which PRD is managed as a deficit irrigation technique. Six irrigation treatments were applied, which resulted from the combination of Control (C, full irrigation), PRD and seasonal sustained deficit irrigation (SSDI), and “S” and “D” pipeline layouts. SSDI and PRD were irrigated to 50% C throughout the irrigation season, and C irrigation was scheduled according to a crop water balance technique. Midday stem water potential (Ψstem) and leaf conductance (gl) indicated that, on the whole, PRD treatments had a slightly higher water status than SSDI treatments, but a substantially lower status than C treatments. Use of the “D” pipeline layout significantly reduced Ψstem in both PRD and SSDI treatments and in some instances for Control conditions, too. Berry yield, vine intercepted radiation, leaf abscisic acid (ABA) and gl were highly correlated with Ψstem. Differences in water status between PRD-S and SSDI-S, according to a sub-surface irrigation test, seemed to be more related to changes in soil evaporation losses and irrigation efficiency than to any intrinsic PRD effect. PRD-S accounted for water savings equivalent to 10% according to the ratio between applied water and grape production for the SSDI-S treatment, whereas PRD-D berry yield was not significantly different from that associated with the SSDI-S treatment. In conclusion, under the growing conditions of this experiment, PRD-S offered the possibility of slightly improving water conservation when irrigation was applied to the soil surface.  相似文献   

Various indicators are used for evaluating the performance of different aspects of an irrigation system, and assessments also differ in terms of the types of performance indicators used. This paper describes a GIS-based assessment system which utilizes a new concept and evaluated the inadequacy of a widely used Relative Water Supply (RWS) concept to characterize the irrigation delivery performance for a rice irrigation system as the season advances. Development of this GIS-based assessment system resulted in the creation of new indicators, viz., the Rice Relative Water Supply (RRWS), Cumulative Rice Relative Water Supply (CRRWS) and Ponding Water Index (PWI). These indicators were determined from field tests and evaluated in a Malaysian Tanjung Karang Rice Irrigation Scheme (TAKRIS). The RWS concept was found to be inaccurate for characterizing the oversupply condition on irrigation deliveries for rice irrigation; and difficult to correctly quantify the oversupply condition for irrigation supplies. Besides, it was found that the RRWS indicator can distinctly characterize the oversupply condition for RRWS > 1.0 and undersupply condition for RRWS < 1.0 on irrigation delivery for any given period. A value of 1.0 for RRWS indicates an irrigation delivery that matches perfectly the actual field water demand. This study presents a cumulative RRWS plot that provides important information on irrigation supplies for any given time interval for management decisions. An increasing slope in the actual CRRWS curve with CRRWS = 1.0, means that irrigation supply can be slightly curtailed in the next period. On the other hand, if the slope is negative, supply has to be increased. If a computed CRRWS line follows the CRRWS = 1.0 line, it means that irrigation deliveries are perfectly matched with the field water demand. A graphical user-interface was developed for structuring the assessment tool within an ArcGIS platform. The system can instantly provide information on the uniformity of water distribution and the shortfall or excess, and provides vital information in terms of decisions that need to be made for the next period. The system helps to maintain continuous updating of input and output databases on real field conditions. Results are displayed on the computer screen together with color-coded maps, graphs and tables in a comprehensible form. The system is likely to be adopted for evaluating various water allocation scenarios and water management options. It can also be used as an analytical and operational tool for irrigation managers.  相似文献   

The system of rice intensification (SRI) developed in Madagascar, is showing that by changing the management of rice plants, soil, water and nutrients it can increase the yields of irrigated rice by 25–50% or more while reducing water requirements by an equivalent percent. This gives farmers incentive to reduce their irrigation water use when growing rice, especially since SRI methods can also reduce farmers’ costs of production which increases their net income ha−1 by even more than yield. Even though these results sound fantastic, the validity of SRI concepts and practices has been demonstrated in more than 20 countries to date. This article considers, first, the methods that make these improvements possible and how these are achieved. It then briefly surveys SRI experience in five Asian countries, incentives in addition to yield, water-saving and profitability for adopting SRI, and possible limitations or disadvantages with the methodology. Next, it comments on the debate over SRI in the agronomic literature and then adds to the empirical record by reporting in some detail on SRI evaluations in two of India’s main rice-growing states, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, where water availability is becoming more problematic and where SRI use is spreading. Finally, the article briefly discusses some implications of saving irrigation water by changing resource management rather than by using on more or different inputs.
Norman UphoffEmail:

During four growing seasons, 10-year-old apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca L., cv. ‘Búlida’) were submitted to three different drip irrigation regimes: (1) a control treatment, irrigated at 100% of seasonal crop evapotranspiration (ETc), (2) a continuous deficit irrigation (DI) treatment, irrigated at 50% of the control treatment, and (3) a regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) treatment, irrigated at 100% of ETc during the critical periods, which correspond to stage III of fruit growth and 2 months after harvest (early postharvest), and at 25% of ETc during the rest of the non-critical periods in the first two growing seasons and at 40% of ETc in the third and fourth. Soil–plant–water relation parameters were sensitive to the water deficits applied, which caused reductions in leaf and soil water potentials. The longer and severer deficits of the RDI treatment decreased fruit yield in the first two seasons. The RDI treatment pointed to two threshold values that defined the level at which both plant growth and yield were negatively affected with respect to the control treatment: (1) a predawn leaf water potential of around −0.5 MPa during the critical periods, and (2) a 22% drop in irrigation water. The total yield obtained in the DI treatment was significantly reduced in all the years studied due to the lower number of fruits per tree. No changes in the physical characteristics of fruits were observed at harvest. RDI can be considered a useful strategy in semiarid areas with limited water resources.  相似文献   

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