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从跨文化交际看中西方时间观差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化背景不同所形成的时间观也不同。它制约着人们的行为模式,常给跨文化交际带来很大困难和障碍。本文将针对中西方交际中一些常见时间观差异现象,分析和探讨中美双方不同的时间观现象产生的原因,以期增强不同文化背景的人们在交际时对时间观差异的相互理解,避免交际冲突和失误。  相似文献   

Effective and efficient segmentation of vegetation from digital plant images is an actively studied topic in crop phenotyping. Many of the formerly proposed methods showed good performance in the extraction under controlled light conditions but it is still hard to properly extract only vegetation from RGB images taken under natural light condition where the images can contain shadowed and lighted parts with specularly reflected parts of plants. In this paper, we propose a robust method to extract vegetation from the plant images taken under natural light conditions using wheat images. The method is based on a machine learning process, decision tree and image noise reduction filters. We adopted the CART algorithm to create a decision tree in the training process and examined its performance using test images, comparing it with the performances of other methods such as ExG, ExG-ExR and Modified ExG which are widely used recently. The results showed that the accuracy of the vegetation extraction by the proposed method was significantly better than that of the other methods particularly for the images which include strongly shadowed and specularly reflected parts. The proposed method also has an advantage that the same model can be applied to different images without requiring a threshold adjustment for each image.  相似文献   

目的事件性景观已成为推动城市更新与发展的有效途径。大型城市事件都有一个从蓄积到发生再到结束后产生效应的全过程,因此其使用人群在事件的发生期和结束后呈现出明显的数量和结构变化,服务设施也相应地出现供需不平衡、景观同质化等问题,因而有必要对事件性景观服务设施的设计提出更为集约和弹性的策略与方法。方法采用基于时间差异的服务设施数量测算方法,该方法包括:(1)在事件发生期,基于瞬时最大游人容量进行服务设施数量测算;(2)在事件结束后,基于城市公共绿地设计规范进行服务设施数量测算。并结合河北省第二届园林博览会的景观服务设施设计,确定两种计算结果,并对其进行分析。结果基于瞬时最大游人容量的测算结果数值较大,基于城市公共绿地设计规范的测算结果数值较小,两者之间存在明显差值。因此,本文建议将事件结束后的服务设施设置为永久性设施,其与事件发生期的差值部分设置为临时性设施,并采用二者相结合的设计策略,提出基于空间差异的场地布局,以满足使用人群的需求变化。结论本文分析了事件性景观服务设施所存在的问题,并根据测算和研究结果提出了基于时间和空间差异的设计策略与方法,以期为同类设计提供有益参考。   相似文献   

缩短报道时差已成为检索期刊生存和发展的关键   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国科技检索期刊的报道时差过长,无法适应快节奏的社会进展。本文通过调查,分析了时差长的原因。建议:尽快引入计算机网络技术,以减少中间环节,缩短时滞;提高检索期刊编制人员的素质,以提高工作效率,缩短刊期,以适应停息激增的社会发展;加强管理,提出具体、严格的时差标准,以使检索期刊快速发展。  相似文献   

我国生猪价格波动原因分析及趋势判断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘春芳  王济民 《农业展望》2009,5(5):12-14,39
改革开放以来,中国生猪价格波动经历了5次大的波动,本次波动的主要原因:一是生产恢复。供大于求。二是进口增加,出口减少。三是消费增长缓慢。此外,动物疫病和世界金融危机也是其中的影响因素。预计2009年后几个月生猪产业形势严峻,如果宏观调控力度不够,可能出现新的低迷期。  相似文献   

课外体育活动是指体育课以外学生所从事体育活动的总和,既包括学生在校内有目的、有计划、有组织地参加体育活动,也包括学生自发的一切校内外体育活动。运用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法进行研究,探讨了时间差异对普通高校女大学生在锻炼效果方面影响的差异。结果表明:实验组进行的每天1h课外体育活动对女大学生身体形态、机能、素质的积极影响高于对照组每周1h课外体育活动,说明时间因素对于锻炼效果会产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Economics, psychology, and neuroscience are converging today into a single, unified discipline with the ultimate aim of providing a single, general theory of human behavior. This is the emerging field of neuroeconomics in which consilience, the accordance of two or more inductions drawn from different groups of phenomena, seems to be operating. Economists and psychologists are providing rich conceptual tools for understanding and modeling behavior, while neurobiologists provide tools for the study of mechanism. The goal of this discipline is thus to understand the processes that connect sensation and action by revealing the neurobiological mechanisms by which decisions are made. This review describes recent developments in neuroeconomics from both behavioral and biological perspectives.  相似文献   

In recent years, real-time technology has been introduced into the practice of spraying variable fungicide rates in cereal fields. Plant parameters for characterising heterogeneous plant growth such as biomass or plant surface area can be indirectly detected by the sensor CROP-Meter. The sensor signal is correlated with the Leaf Area Index, which can be used to adapt the application rate. However, this relatively simple method of controlling variable-rate fungicide application does not take into account the differences in disease distribution. In practice, decision support systems such as proPlant expert.classic can provide information about disease infection probabilities, application time, fungicide products and application rates for uniform spraying. A prototype of the system proPlant expert.precise was developed to estimate infection risks from fungal diseases using weather and field-specific data for up to three management areas with different yield expectations. The system also considers economic factors such as expected yield and costs of the fungicide products in generating a spraying map with different fungicide dosages. The information from the CROP-Meter (sensor) and from the decision support system proPlant expert.precise (map) was combined to provide a real-time spraying system with map overlay. The system was tested in 2007 in three winter wheat fields. Compared with conventional uniform spraying the CROP-Meter with map overlay treatment resulted in up to 32.6% fungicide savings (CROP-Meter versus uniform: up to 20.3%). There was no yield reduction on average when the sensor-controlled spraying technologies were used.  相似文献   

结合化学实验教学的教学实际探讨了发展性教学理念的理论基础、基本原则、教学模式和教学策略,旨在探索化学实验教学中如何引导学生主动学习、促进学生主体性发展、提高学生综合素质的有效途径。  相似文献   

四倍体西瓜嫁接栽培试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】为解决广西四倍体西瓜生产连茬存在枯萎病危害的难题提供依据。【方法】以广西本地葫芦作砧木,与广西四倍体西瓜自交系402、403和四倍体西瓜杂交组合403×B15、403×JL、402×JL进行嫁接育苗和嫁接栽培试验,观察嫁接成活率及嫁接栽培对四倍体西瓜早熟性、枯萎病抗性、产量、果实品质的影响。【结果】5个嫁接组合的嫁接亲和性好,成活率高达97.14%~100.00%;第2雌花开花期比实生苗晚2~3d,节位升高1~2节;高抗枯萎病;平均单果重和产量均优于实生苗栽培,以402×JL增产效果最明显;果实中可溶性固形物含量、瓤色、质地、口感风味与实生苗栽培无明显差异。【结论】采用广西本地葫芦作砧木,与广西四倍体西瓜自交系402、403和四倍体西瓜杂交组合403×B15、403×JL、402×JL进行嫁接栽培是可行的,适宜在大田生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

以扬州市优质稻米产业主要组织模式"公司 农户"为例,采用农户实证研究方式,分析了稻农参与"公司 农户"产销模式的决策过程.结果表明,不同类型的稻农对参与"公司 农户"产销模式的预期不同.种稻专业大户生产目标趋向于利润最大化,决策首先考虑的是稳定较高的利润,他们主动介入,决策时间短,属于一种"效益优先型";普通稻农生产目标趋向于风险较低下的利润相对稳定,决策首先考虑的是稳定的销路,受传统习惯的影响,思想比较保守,在看到别人取得效益后才跟进参与,属于一种"跟风随大流型".  相似文献   

Although the equilibrium phase relations of many mineral systems are generally well established, the rates of transformations, particularly in polycrystalline rocks, are not. The results of experiments on the calcite to aragonite transformation in polycrystalline marble are different from those for earlier experiments on powdered and single-crystal calcite. The transformation in the polycrystalline samples occurs by different mechanisms, with a different temperature dependence, and at a markedly slower rate. This work demonstrates the importance of kinetic studies on fully dense polycrystalline aggregates for understanding mineralogic phase changes in nature. Extrapolation of these results to geological time scales suggests that transformation of calcite to aragonite does not occur in the absence of volatiles at temperatures below 200 degrees C. Kinetic hindrance is likely to extend to higher temperatures in more complex transformations.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vents jetting out water at 380 degrees +/- 30 degrees C have been discovered on the axis of the East Pacific Rise. The hottest waters issue from mineralized chimneys and are blackened by sulfide precipitates. These hydrothermal springs are the sites of actively forming massive sulfide mineral deposits. Cooler springs are clear to milky and support exotic benthic communities of giant tube worms, clams, and crabs similar to those found at the Galápagos spreading center. Four prototype geophysical experiments were successfully conducted in and near the vent area: seismic refraction measurements with both source (thumper) and receivers on the sea floor, on-bottom gravity measurements, in situ magnetic gradiometer measurements from the submersible Alvin over a sea-floor magnetic reversal boundary, and an active electrical sounding experiment. These high-resolution determinations of crustal properties along the spreading center were made to gain knowledge of the source of new oceanic crust and marine magnetic anomalies, the nature of the axial magma chamber, and the depth of hydrothermal circulation.  相似文献   

探讨英语中两个常用且易混淆的副词very和much的用法区别,分析两个词的搭配特点、使用语境、语法功能等。  相似文献   

Ratios of the lipid monolayer area to the erythrocyte surface area are 2:1 at low surface pressures and approach 1: 1 at collapse pressures. Un saturated phospholipids in cholesterol-phospholipid complexes of membrane ex tracts resemble their saturated derivatives at collapse pressures. Area ratio and phospholipid area data are related by an equation that tests hypothetical values for molecular areas used in membrane models.  相似文献   

甘蔗品种比较试验报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用新台糖16号、新台糖22号、新台糖26号、粤糖93/159、粤糖94/128进行品种比较试验,结果表明:粤糖94/128、粤糖93/159分蘖力较强,其中粤糖94/128分蘖率最高,单位面积有效茎数最多,但出苗率最低;新台糖26号保持青叶数最多,抗旱性较强;粤糖93/159和新台糖16号特早熟高糖;新台糖22号和新台糖26号产量较高,品质最优,具有显著的推广应用价值.  相似文献   

用FMECA方法对机械设备的故障模式、影响及致命度进行了分析.迅速掌握机械设备主要故障的部位、模式、机理、性质及发展趋势,使企业可以尽快做出维修与更新决策,减少停机时间.同时,用最小年均费用法对机械设备维修与更新进行比较,最后做出选择.  相似文献   

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