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环境与发展国际研究所(IIED)在丹麦国际发展机构(Danida)、瑞士发展与合作机构(SDC)及Shell基金会的资助下,开展了一项关于环境服务与减缓贫困方面的项目,项目执行期为2000~2005年。项目组已对全球环境服务市场进行了系统回顾,并正在此基础上开展广泛的实地研究与行动学习计划。项目活动的目的在于探索基于市场的环境管理手段如何促进缓减贫困,以及实现经济与环境目标。  相似文献   

森林作业与森林环境   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本文通过森林作业对林地土壤、作业地径流量及水质、森林生物多样性、森林景观及大气中二氧化碳的含量等几方面的综述和分析,阐述了森林作业对森林生态环境的影响。指出,森林资源锐减是产生当今森林环境危机的主要因素之一。森林作业对森林生态环境的不利影响是客观存在的,但只要规划合理的作业方式和途径,可以减少这些不利的影响,促进森林生态环境的良性循环。  相似文献   

森林所提供的各种生态服务中, 水文服务是最有价值的一种。随着人类需求的增加, 森林的水文服务变得愈加稀缺。作为森林保护的一种经济激励手段, 森林水文服务市场化的实践在许多国家已经开展, 并取得了一定的经验。文中综述了国内外在森林水文服务市场方面的实践及其研究成果, 并提出了建立森林水文服务市场进一步探索的重点。  相似文献   

中国的森林服务市场:现状、潜力与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中介绍了关于中国森林服务市场化的现状和问题, 指出中国的森林流域服务、森林景观游憩服务和森林维护生物多样性服务3个市场已经有较大规模, 且已开始对于森林可持续经营显示出市场的积极作用; 中国现有森林碳汇交易规模不足1000万美元, 但今后自由交易的潜力很大; 中国的森林农业防护服务主要是政府承办大型项目和政府买单, 其中通过市场化机制提高效率的空间很大。  相似文献   

回顾森林游憩发展的历史,探讨现代森林游憩建设中存在的法律法规不健全、开发利用不合理、景观管理薄弱等问题,认为应该通过景观生态规划使之不断完善,并从森林景观生态学基础研究、森林风景区景观生态评价、森林风景区景观生态规划模型和森林风景区景观管理4个方面综述国内外景观生态规划研究的成果,指出森林风景区景观生态规划研究发展的趋势,认为单纯的景观生态学的研究已经不能适应景观生态规划研究多学科的需要,森林风景区景观生态规划的研究应该大力加强与其他学科,诸如经济学、社会学和公共管理学的联系,并在此基础上,提出在未来森林风景区景观生态规划研究中,需要在理论研究、方法探讨和技术支撑方面进行全面的革新.  相似文献   

回顾森林游憩发展的历史,探讨现代森林游憩建设中存在的法律法规不健全、开发利用不合理、景观管理薄弱等问题,认为应该通过景观生态规划使之不断完善,并从森林景观生态学基础研究、森林风景区景观生态评价、森林风景区景观生态规划模型和森林风景区景观管理4个方面综述国内外景观生态规划研究的成果,指出森林风景区景观生态规划研究发展的趋势,认为单纯的景观生态学的研究已经不能适应景观生态规划研究多学科的需要,森林风景区景观生态规划的研究应该大力加强与其他学科,诸如经济学、社会学和公共管理学的联系,并在此基础上,提出在未来森林风景区景观生态规划研究中,需要在理论研究、方法探讨和技术支撑方面进行全面的革新。  相似文献   

森林景观恢复要取得成功,必须要具有长期的森林保护观念。在景观的整体上,更大程度地恢复森林功能和作用的同时,对人类和生物多样性也都有益。这就意味着需要人们的参与而不是将他们排斥在外。历史已经表明,当保护的重点仅仅放在小片区域内时,森林景观恢复是不会奏效的。一个生态类型区是指一片大范围区域内具有相近的生物生态学特性和演化过程,这一演化过程创造并维持了生物多样性。通过对生态区的利用,可以在生物保护方面取得成功,比如提供动物迁移廊道、保护重要立地类型网络系统、维持健康生态系统的生态作用等。实际上,保护工作的重点…  相似文献   

云南省森林生物多样性及其环境价值评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
云南省的森林生物多样性表现为生态多样性、物种多样性、遗传基因多样性。详细论述了我省森林生物多样性环境价值的特点以及评估方法。  相似文献   

徐凯 《绿色大世界》2012,(4):103-104
阐述了秦岭森林景观研究的4个方面的内容,包括森林景观格局、秦岭森林景观生态评价及规划、边缘效应以及动态、森林景观层面多样性的研究。分析了秦岭森林景观研究存在的问题,并提出了秦岭森林景观未来研究方向和动态。  相似文献   

Market for environmental services (MES), which is also called as payments for environmental services (PES), is the innovation for incentive mechanism that establishes the relations between suppliers and beneficiary of environmental services mainly through correct price signals (Landell-Mills et al. 2002). As early as the era of Plato, people began realizing that they must live off on the environment. The alleging of environmental services to humans, however, appeared for the first time in t…  相似文献   


Panama contains some of the most productive and diverse ecosystems in the world, and receives many benefits from the natural services provided by those ecosystems. Yet formal markets for ecosystem services in Panama are poorly developed. We assume that functioning markets for ecosystem services would partially counter development pressures on Panama's natural forests and ecosystems, and propose a suite of policy alternatives that could help develop such markets with the expectation that revenues would fund conservation and restoration efforts. These recommendations fall into five broad categories: (1) increase conservation of existing forests; (2) promote reforestation; (3) strengthen institutional capacity; (4) lower transaction costs; and (5) build the Panama brand for environmental services. A variety of fiscal, legal, organizational, and information-based approaches are recommended. In addition, we recommend convening a national Ecosystem Services Task-Force to organize diverse stakeholders and implement policy alternatives deemed most appropriate for advancing market development. We emphasize policy alternatives that are consonant with political and economic conditions in the country, that leverage outside funding, that recognize political feasibility, and that build upon existing legal and institutional frameworks.  相似文献   

Ethical Dimensions of Payment for Forest Environmental Services   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The market-based incentive mechanism of payments for forest environmental services (PFES) seeks to capture part of the benefits derived from forest environmental services and channels them to forest resource owners/managers who generate these services, thus increases their incentives to conserve and manage forest resources. This paper examines some of the most important ethical issues entailed by PFES mechanism. The analysis shows that PFES may not always benefit the poor due to the comparative disadvantages of the poor and the complicated characteristics of forest ecosystem services. It is important and urgent to take ethical dimensions into account in the PFES approaches and design and develop the propoor payment mechanism in order to achieve the two objectives of forest conservation and economic development.  相似文献   

目前,世界各地已经出现各种各样基于市场的流域服务补偿案例。文中总结了现有的流域服务市场的现状,揭示了市场发展存在的约束因素,以及目前存在的解决对策和潜在的解决对策,其中的经验教训对制订中国的流域补偿国家政策具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

笔者以恩施州为例,运用生物量清单法估算森林碳汇量,运用数学模型估算CO2年排放量。计算出2015年恩施州森林碳汇量100.80万t,CO2年排放量237.61万t,净排放量136.41万t。得出按目前的经济发展速度和恩施州森林年增长量,在2015年CO2不会成为恩施州经济发展的制约因素。但从环境保护这方面出发,同时考虑发展以碳汇为目的的林业经济,恩施州应该加大对森林的管理力度,实行增汇减排措施,并对恩施州森林碳汇发展方向提出相关建议与措施。  相似文献   


The management of forest ecosystems for sustainabil-ity requires knowledge of the abundance and distribution of all resources, including wood and wildlife, and the ability to predict the impact of management on these resources. Spatially explicit inventories for wildlife are lacking for the vast majority of species. We propose, with example, a method of rapid habitat assessment which can be conducted with available data to produce a spatially explicit inventory of habitat for a species. Information from the literature and some census data were used to construct a simple model of potential habitat for a boreal forest songbird. Available spatial data, including landcover from Landsat TM data, and a digital elevation model, were used to map the distribution of key habitat characteristics onto the landscape. We argue for the development of these preliminary wildlife habitat models using habitat characteristics that are map-pable with currently available remotely sensed data. Given the current trend toward the development of large scale databases of topography and extant land cover, spatially explicit potential habitat models can be efficiently and inexpensively developed to provide a framework for incorporating wildlife habitat into forest management. The relationships between rapid habitat assessment, long-term studies, monitoring, and population viability analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

森林环境服务补偿机制研究概述   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
森林环境服务补偿机制是一种相对年轻的基于市场的环境保护手段,以其在森林资源保护、经济发展以及缓解贫穷方面的巨大优势,使得世界各国竞相试验探索。文中概述了森林环境服务补偿机制的定义、类型及其特征,分析了森林环境服务补偿机制组成的关键要素以及与缓解贫穷的关系,讨论了成功实施森林环境服务补偿机制的条件和面临的挑战。  相似文献   

哀牢山自然保护区生物多样性现状及保护管理对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张正全 《林业调查规划》2007,32(3):68-70,75
位于云南中部的哀牢山国家级自然保护区,其主要保护对象为亚热带中山湿性常绿阔叶林森林生态系统。阐述保护区具有动植物种类丰富,植物区系成分复杂,过渡性明显,特有现象突出,植被类型多样等特点。分析了保护区形状狭长,社区贫困,存在着放牧、偷猎、非法采集、工程建设影响等生物多样性保护面临的威胁因素,提出了社区共管、加强执法、增划保护地带等管理措施。  相似文献   

The paper discusses marketing practice of forest environmental services in China, in accordance with Pigou's tax, governmental measures and market-based instruments are analyzed. The constrains and opportunities are presented in the paper, and there is still a long way for China to establish better marketing practices for environmental services of forest resources.  相似文献   

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