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The use of uterine and fetal monitoring improves the outcome of canine obstetrics. Much of the guesswork of managing whelping can be eliminated. At normal term, absolute indications for cesarean section are detected with monitoring, before multiple fetal deaths or any serious maternal compromise occurs. Bitches with previous history of cesarean section may be able to whelp vaginally successfully, having medical intervention based on monitoring. The anxiety level of owners during whelping is diminished, and the level of participation of the veterinarian improves.  相似文献   

Spontaneous and drug-induced uterine motility (UM) was recorded in 5 nonanesthetized bitches for 2 to 4 days. Catheter-tip pressure transducers were surgically implanted in 1 uterine horn, tunneled subcutaneously to exit from the skin over the dorsal lumbar area, and protected by a bandage. On the day after implantation, spontaneous UM was recorded in the awake bitch. Effects of IV prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha (5 micrograms/kg of body weight) and oxytocin (0.05 USP U/kg) and IM PGF2 alpha (25 micrograms/kg) were measured. Estradiol (1 to 25 micrograms/kg) was administered and the study was repeated 24 hours later. In awake bitches, spontaneous UM was 190% greater than UM in anesthetized bitches. Uterine motility was increased by more than 100% after IV PGF2 alpha or oxytocin and by 52% after IM PGF2 alpha. Estradiol abolished spontaneous UM, but did not affect drug-induced responses. Seemingly, spontaneous and drug-induced UM can be documented in the nonanesthetized bitch.  相似文献   

Samples for microbiological culture were collected from the uterus of bitches using transcervical uterine cannulation (31 samples, 23 bitches) and from the uterus, cervix and vagina post mortem (19 bitches) at all stages of the reproductive cycle. Samples were cultured for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and for aerobic mycoplasmas. Bacteria were always found in the uterus during prooestrus and oestrus (12 positive in 12 cultures) and rarely at other stages of the reproductive cycle: during anoestrus (one in 14) and other stages (none in 24). When microorganisms were detected at three sites post mortem, those found in the cervix and vagina were always of the same species as those found in the uterus. In six out of 13 instances, microorganisms were found in the cervix or vagina when none were found in the uterus. The mean number of isolates, number of bacteria seen in uterine cytology and bacterial growth were greater (P < 0–005) during oestrus and pro-oestrus than at other stages. Bacteria isolated from the uterus, in order of frequency, were Escherichia coli, Haemophilus species, α-haemo-lytic streptococci, Corynebacterium species, Streptococcus canis, Alcaligenes faecalis, Bac-teroides species, Pasteurella species and Proteus mirabilis. No mycoplasmas were cultured from the samples. This study indicates that the uterus of the normal bitch has a uterine microflora during pro-oestrus and oestrus that is similar to that of the vagina and cervix.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic sterilization of the bitch and queen by uterine horn occlusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laparoscopic sterilization techniques, originally developed for use in women, were evaluated in the bitch and queen. In the first study (study I), the uterine horns of 6 bitches and 3 queens were occluded by electrocoagulation or plastic clips. The sites of occlusion were midway along the length of 1 cornus and at the uterotubal junction on the contralateral side. Both procedures effectively occluded the uterine horns, as evidenced by a distinctly visible separation of the reproductive tract. Laparoscopic examination 1 year after surgery revealed an enlarged, thin-walled, and fluid-filled uterine segment cranial to the midcornus occlusion sites in all animals. The contralateral horn was normal in appearance, except for the separation from the ovarian bursa. Three of the bitches developed pyometra (confined to the distended uterine segment) at 24 months, at 53 months, and at 72 months after sterilization, respectively. In a subsequent study (study II), 1 adult and 5 prepubertal bitches were sterilized by laparoscopic electrocoagulation of both uterine horns at the uterotubal junction adjacent to the ovarian bursa. Upon reexamination 1, 2, and 4 years later, the uterine horns of these females were normal in appearance, but were separated from the adjacent ovarian bursae. These females continued to be clinically healthy. Laparoscopic sterilization offers a rapid and safe alternative to ovariohysterectomy and, because of its minor invasive nature, can be performed on young, prepubertal animals. Such a procedure may have particular value as a simple, practical means of sterilizing dogs and cats on a mass basis.  相似文献   

Using unilateral uterine fistulas, the time required for spermatozoa to reach the end of the fistula after natural mating, artificial insemination (AI) in a normal standing posture (NP), and AI standing on the head (SH) was investigated in each of three stages of estrus. Conceptivity in these bitches was also investigated. Five experimental bitches were tested during a total of 8 estrous periods. The results are as follows; the time required for spermatozoa to reach the end of the fistula was almost the same in the early and middle stages, i.e., 30 sec to 1 min after natural mating and SH and less than 2 min for half the bitches in NP, although no intrauterine transport could be observed in the other half. In most cases of mating during the late stage no spermatozoa were found after any of the 3 methods of insemination. Five animals became pregnant in these experiments, but the other three failed to conceive. The implantation of fertilized ova occurred also in the fistulated uterine horn in all cases of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Transmissible venereal tumour (TVT) is a rare vaginal tumour that can be treated surgically or cryosurgically as well as by radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Vincristine has been found to be very effective for treating TVT. Since vaginal secretion or discharge may contain neoplastic cells, the cytological identification of TVT cells is possible. The present study was carried out in 12 bitches. Vaginal smears were obtained with cotton swab from the anterior vagina and TVT suspected structures. The smears were stained according to Papanicolaou and assessed by light microscopy. Additionally the general condition of the patients was evaluated by haematological and radiographic examinations. In bitches with TVT vincristine sulphate was administered intravenously at weekly intervals. The total treatment period was three to six weeks until no atypical cells were found in the smear. This was the case after an average of 3.2 +/- 1.3 applications. Tumour masses became smaller and by this non-visible from the rima vulva after 4.2 +/- 0.7 applications. During the treatment, two of the 12 bitches (16.7%) suffered from vomiting and diarrhoea while three (25%) showed neutropenia. Twelve months after completion of treatment, the bitches were examined again and vaginal smears were taken in order to control the recovery process or a possible recurrence of TVT. No atypical cells were found in any vaginal smear. By this exfoliative cytology has proved to be a safe and easy method for TVT diagnosis and for observing the recovery process.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old bitch was presented because of lethargy and abdominal distension. Abdominal ultrasound revealed an enlarged, fluid-filled uterus and associated mass. Subsequent exploratory laparotomy revealed unilateral uterine torsion involving the mass. Recovery following ovariohysterectomy was uneventful and the histopathological diagnosis was of a benign endometrial inflammatory polyp. Reports of uterine torsion in the English-language literature are reviewed to identify factors associated with the incidence of uterine torsion. The aetiology of the cystic endometrial hyperplasia/pyometra complex and its possible role in the development of inflammatory polypoid lesions in the bitch is also discussed.  相似文献   

The use of vaginal cytology and plasma progesterone determinations in the management of 11 bitches presented to our small animal fertility clinic are described. Nine bitches were mated or artificially inseminated and seven became pregnant. Reproductive patterns detected included failure of ovulation, prolonged pro-oestrus with late ovulation, short pro-oestrus/oestrus with early ovulation, short pro-oestrus/oestrus with late ovulation and normal pro-oestrus/oestrus with late ovulation.  相似文献   

The correlation between the vaginal smear and the calculated time of ovulation was studied in 22 bitches, during a total of 24 heat periods. Blood plasma was analysed for levels of oestradiol and progesterone from 6 days before to 6 days after the day of maximum keratinization of the vaginal smear. In all 24 heat periods (100 per cent) maximum keratinization of the vaginal epithelial cells was observed at least 3 days after peak oestradiol levels and in 17 of the heat periods (70.8 per cent) maximum keratinization was seen when the peripheral plasma level of progesterone had increased to >5.44 ± 0.93 ng/ml, which has been calculated as the ovulatory level.  相似文献   

Oestrus was characterised in nine German shepherd bitches by measuring plasma levels of luteinising hormone (LH), progesterone (P) and oestradiol-17ß (O). Hormone concentration data were compared with the eosinophilic index (EI) obtained from exfoliate vaginal cytology. Maximal values of O and LH occurred before the maximal EI value. The EI peak followed the O peak, with a two day delay. LH increased during the first 24 hours after the maximum 0 value, and P levels were then slightly higher than basal.  相似文献   

Serial uterine biopsies were performed on two bitches during three oestrous cycles. The uterus was biopsied once in one other bitch and twice in another case following exteriorization and palpation of the uterine horn on four occasions earlier in the cycle. Following the serial biopsies both bitches developed a vulval discharge for a duration of 8-21 days. This first appeared between metoestrus days 14 and 30. By the 5th week after oestrus the uteri of both bitches developed cystic endometrial hyperplasia with inflammatory cell infiltration which regressed spontaneously. This lesion did not develop in the two other bitches, and it may have been caused by the surgical interference with the endometrium during the period of luteal development.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old Standard-bred mare was examined because of signs of abdominal discomfort in late gestation. Palpation per rectum revealed tight broad ligaments above and below the uterus, with the right broad ligament running across the top of the uterine body down toward the left, ventral side of the abdomen. A diagnosis of counterclockwise uterine torsion was made and surgical correction was approached via a left, flank laparotomy with the horse standing. The uterus was repositioned and a uterine tear encompassing 180 degrees of the uterine surface was found in the lateral, uterine body just cranial to the cervix. A live colt was delivered vaginally after uterine repositioning and the laparotomy incision was closed. The uterine tear was then repaired via a blind, vaginal approach. The mare was discharged 10 days after surgery. Repair per vaginum of a uterine tear is presented as an alternative treatment in cases for which the tear is recent, abdominal contamination is minimal, and the tear is easily accessible from the vaginal approach.  相似文献   

Uterine drainage was performed in three bitches with pyometra which had been treated unsuccessfully with PGF. All of the bitches became clinically normal and one of them was mated and gave birth to live puppies. The mode of action of uterine drainage is discussed. Possible advantages of a combination of drainage and prostaglandin treatment are also considered.  相似文献   

Uterine microbiology and antimicrobial susceptibility was investigated in 239 mares with fertility problems in a prospective study in Sweden. Uterine swab samples were collected with double guarded swabs and transported overnight before being cultured. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) was determined for a panel of antimicrobials. From 152 of the 239 mares at least one bacterial species was isolated, most frequently E. coli (104 isolates), beta-haemolytic streptococci (31) and fungi (16). beta-haemolytic streptococci were more frequently (p < 0.01) associated with clinical endometritis than with repeat breeding. The opposite was true for E. coli (p < 0.01). Among beta-haemolytic streptococcal isolates some resistance was noted for 4 of 11 tested antibiotics, however, all isolates were susceptible to the widely used penicillin G. Among E. coli isolates enrofloxacin was the only of the 10 tested antibiotics for which no resistance was noted. Resistance was most commonly noted to cephalothin (39% of the isolates), streptomycin (22%), trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole (15%) and ampicillin (11%). In conclusion, we show that both E.coli and beta-haemolytic streptococci are frequently associated with fertility problems in mares and that antimicrobial resistance is a common feature of E. coli but also recognised for beta-haemolytic streptococcal uterine isolates.  相似文献   

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