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REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Accumulations of mucus within the trachea are often found during endoscopic examinations of the airways of poorly performing racehorses, but the clinical importance of this finding is unknown. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of tracheal mucus, pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (PLH) and cytological indices of tracheal aspirate on racing performance in Thoroughbred horses assessed by race place and whether the horse was raced. METHODS: Endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx, larynx and trachea was performed, and a tracheal aspirate obtained monthly at Thistledown racetrack from April to December, 2002 and 2003. Horses received a score of 0-4 for the degree of PLH and 0-4 for the amount of mucus visible in the trachea. The tracheal aspirate was assessed for turbidity, and total and differential cell counts. Generalised estimating equations models were used as repeated measures models for each risk factor and the level of association assessed through the risk factor's P value in the model. RESULTS: Moderate to severe tracheal mucus (2-4) was a risk factor for poor racing performance. There was no association between degree of PLH, cell counts or turbidity of tracheal wash fluid and racing performance. However, horses that raced had higher total neutrophil counts in tracheal wash aspirates than horses that did not race. CONCLUSIONS: Grades 2-4 tracheal mucus should be considered a potential cause of poor racing performance in Thoroughbred horses. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Because moderate to severe tracheal mucus accumulation, and not increased tracheal neutrophils, was a risk factor for poor racing performance, functionally significant airway inflammation may best be confirmed by the presence of mucus rather than increased number of neutrophils in the trachea.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the differences between linear and non‐linear modelled heritability estimates of racing performance based on lifetime earnings (LE) and lifetime ranking (LR) in Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses. The heritability estimate (h2 = 0.25) obtained from a non‐linear model based on formal Japan Racing Association ranking was much higher than that obtained from a linear model based on the original trait phenotype (h2 = 0.11). The linear models showed slightly higher heritability estimates under the trait categorizations than under the original phenotypes, while the non‐linear categorical trait models showed much higher heritability estimates than the linear models, especially for binary trait categorizations (h2 = 0.34) with non‐winning and winning horses. The binary trait categorizations were consistent with the case and control classifications in the previous genome‐wide association study (GWAS), which identified possible sequence variants on ECA18 that affect racing performance in Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses. Those findings suggested that the different heritability estimates obtained from several trait categorizations would reflect the possible presence of susceptibility gene segregations in the analyzed population, indicating that heritability estimates from non‐linear models are useful for the selection of case and control populations in GWAS.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) was associated with racing performance inThoroughbred horses not medicated with furosemide and not using nasal dilator strips. DESIGN: Observational cross-sectional study. ANIMALS: 744 two- to 10-year-old Thoroughbred horses racing in Melbourne, Australia. PROCEDURE: Horses were enrolled prior to racing, and a tracheobronchoscopic examination was performed after 1 race. Examinations were recorded on videotape, and presence and severity (grade 0 to 4) of EIPH were subsequently determined by 3 observers blinded to the horses' identity. Race records were abstracted for each horse examined. RESULTS: Overall, 52.1% of horses eligible for participation in the study were examined, and horses that were examined did not differ from horses that were not examined in regard to age, sex distribution, or proportion of horses that won or finished in the first 3 positions. Horses with EIPH grades < 1 were 4.0 times as likely to win, 1.8 times as likely to finish in the first 3 positions, and 3.03 times as likely to be in the 90th percentile or higher for race earnings as were horses with grades > 2. Horses with EIPH grades > 1 finished significantly farther behind the winner than did horses without EIPH. However, odds that horses with grade 1 EIPH would win or finish in the first 3 positions were not significantly different from odds for horses without EIPH. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that EIPH is associated with impaired performance in Thoroughbred racehorses not medicated with furosemide and not using nasal dilator strips.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Although the radiographic examination of yearlings has become commonplace at some large Thoroughbred sales, there are few data to support the decisions facing veterinarians who are asked to evaluate future racing potential. OBJECTIVES: To identify radiographic changes in the fetlocks, proximal sesamoid bones, carpi, tarsi, stifles and fore feet of Thoroughbred yearlings associated with future racing performance during ages 2 and 3 years. METHODS: Radiographs from routine pre- and post sale examinations of 1162 yearlings were used to identify individual radiographic changes in sale yearlings. Starting a race, the percent of starts placed, money earned and earnings per start were used to assess racing performanceand examined for associations with the radiographic changes observed. RESULTS: Overall 946 (81%) yearlings started at least one race during ages 2 or 3 years. Fourteen of 24 (58%) yearlings with moderate or extreme palmar supracondylar lysis of the third metacarpus, 8 of 14 (57%) of those with enthesophyte formation on the proximal sesamoid bones and 19 of 30 (63%) of those with dorsal medial intercarpal joint disease started a race. The odds of starting a race when age 2 or 3 years were 3 times lower for yearlings with these changes (P < 0.01) compared with yearlings that did not have these changes. Twenty-five of 36 (69%) yearlings with proximal dorsal fragmentation of the first phalanx in the hind fetlock started a race and these yearlings were also less likely (OR = 0.51, P = 0.07) to start a race. Yearlings with enthesophyte formation on hind proximal sesamoid bones placed in a smaller percentage of starts (16%, P = 0.01) earned less money (987 US dollars, P = 0.02) and had lower earnings per start (252 US dollars, P = 0.03) compared to starters without this change. CONCLUSIONS: Although many of the changes observed on radiographs of sale yearlings do not appear to influence future racing performance, some are associated with reduced performance. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The results of this study are best applied in parallel with the clinical impressions of veterinarians experienced in examining radiographs of sale yearlings. Some findings support those established in the literature as incidental findings and others suggest new areas for concern not previously reported as a problem in Thoroughbred sale yearlings.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Genetic correlations between racing times on track type (turf and dirt), and at racing distances on turf (1200 m, 1400 m, 1600 m, 1800 m, and/or 2000 m) and dirt (1000 m, 1200 m, 1400 m, 1600 m, 1700 m, and/or 1800 m) tracks, were estimated in Thoroughbred horses. (Co)variance components were estimated using multiple-trait derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood (MTDFREML). The data used were collected by the Japan Racing Association from 1992 to 1993. The generation 2 pedigree information was preferable for (co)variance estimates. The genetic correlations between racing times on turf and dirt tracks ranged from 0.69 to 0.31 (average 0.51). The genetic correlations between racing distances ranged from 0.68 to 1.00 (average 0.85) and from 0.53 to 1.00 (average 0.88) on turf and dirt tracks, respectively. These results suggest that the racing time per 100 m can be used for horse genetic evaluation within one track type. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Sch?tzung genetischer Korrelationen zwischen Rennzeiten von Vollblüternüber verschiednen Distanzen mittels restringierter Genetische Korrelationen zwischen Rennzeiten auf Rasen- und Erdbahnen, Renndistanzen auf Rasen- (1200, 1400, 1600, 1800 und 2000 m) und Erdbahnen (1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1700 und 2000 m) wurden für Vollblüter gesch?tzt. (Co)Varianzkomponenten wurden mittels Mehr-Merkmal Ableitungsfreier Restringierter Maximum Likelihood (MTDFREML) gesch?tzt. Die Unterlagen wurden von der Japanischen Renn Vereinigung 1992 und 1993 gesammelt. Generation 2 Abstammungsinformation war für die Co-Varianzsch?tzung günstig. Genetische Korrelationen zwischen Rennzeiten auf Rasen und auf Erdbahnen waren zwischen 0.69 und 0.31 (Durchschnitt 0.51), jene zwischen Distanzen zwischen 0.68 und 1.00 (Durchschnitt 0.85) und zwischen 0.53 und 1.00 (Durchschnitt 0.88) auf Rasen und Erdbahnen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, da? Rennzeit per 100 m zur Bewertung der Pferde geeignet ist.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate changes over time in echocardiographic measurements in young Standardbred racehorses undergoing training and racing and determine whether there was any relationship between cardiac dimensions and racing performance. DESIGN: Longitudinal observational study. ANIMALS: 103 horses. PROCEDURE: 2-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography was performed 4 times at 6-month intervals. RESULTS: Significant cardiac enlargement took place during the study period as indicated by increases in left ventricular internal diameter in diastole (LVIDd), estimated left ventricular muscle mass (LV mass), and mean wall thickness attributable to eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy. Estimated body weight was positively correlated with left ventricular size, and males had significantly larger LVIDd and LV mass than did females. Horses that were racing regularly had larger LVIDd and LV mass than did unraced horses. A significant relationship between left ventricular size and racing performance was observed. The relationship was strongest at the time of the fourth examination. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that age must be taken into account when interpreting results of echocardiography in young Standardbred racehorses because significant cardiac enlargement takes place with age and training. A larger heart was found in horses that were racing, and size of the heart was correlated with athletic performance of the horse.  相似文献   

The training programme for Thoroughbred flat racehorses is intense, with pressure to limit nontraining days. Fracture of the dorsal spinous processes is a traumatic event that affects a horse's ability to train and race, with little information available regarding short‐term treatment and long‐term outcomes for elite racing horses. Using a retrospective cohort study of the Hong Kong Jockey Club's veterinary clinical records, cases of wither fracture were identified radiographically, with clinical features, treatment and subsequent return to training and racing described. The prevalence of wither fracture was 0.152% and in 6 out of 8 cases, the fracture occurred following identified trauma. Clinical signs varied from mild swelling and pain of the affected region to acute, severe forelimb lameness with spinal deformation. Prognosis for recovery was excellent, with all horses returning to a level of racing performance equal to or better than before the injury. The time from injury to return to ridden work was <2.5 months and return to racing was 9 months, with horses that returned to training sooner after injury having more favourable outcomes. The period of rest identified in this study was shorter than previously reported, with the median interval between injury and first gallop <2.5 months and most horses back racing within 6 months.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Veterinarians have observed a putative change in the location of humeral stress remodelling in Thoroughbred racehorses with change from dirt to synthetic racetrack surfaces. Objectives: To determine whether the location and severity of humeral stress remodelling differs between Thoroughbred racehorses exercising on dirt and synthetic racetrack surfaces, the potential significance of different locations of stress remodelling, and the potential usefulness of scintigraphy for prevention of complete humeral fracture. Methods: Scintigraphic images of humeri from 841 Thoroughbred racehorses at 3 racetracks during 2 years before and after conversion from dirt to synthetic surfaces were evaluated for location and severity of lesions. The effects of surface on lesion distributions were examined using Chi‐square or Fisher's exact tests. Archived fractured humeri were examined to determine the location and severity of stress remodelling associated with complete fracture. Databases were queried to determine whether racehorses with scintigraphic lesions suffered humeral fracture and whether racehorses with a complete humeral fracture had had a scintigraphic examination. Results: Horses at synthetic racetracks had a greater proportion of distal humeral lesions, whereas horses at dirt racetracks had a greater proportion of caudoproximal lesions (P<0.001). Proximal lesions were more likely to be severe than distal lesions (P<0.001). Most complete fractures were associated with caudoproximal lesions, which were more often severe than distal lesions (P = 0.002). None of the horses with a scintigraphic lesion had a complete humeral fracture. None of the horses with a complete humeral fracture underwent scintigraphic examination. Conclusions: Race surface affected humeral scintigraphic lesion location and hence the location of stress remodelling. Lesion severity was associated with lesion location. Complete humeral fracture was associated with caudoproximal stress remodelling and lack of scintigraphic examination. Potential relevance: Risk for complete humeral fracture may be lower on synthetic surfaces than on dirt surfaces, and, by inference, for horses examined using scintigraphy.  相似文献   

Equine gastric ulceration syndrome (EGUS) is commonly recognised in Thoroughbred racehorses. Although EGUS has previously been associated with reduced athletic performance, no objective studies have been reported. This case report describes 4 racehorses referred for investigation of poor athletic performance where EGUS was the only abnormal finding during a thorough investigation of all body systems. All horses showed considerable improvement in performance following treatment with omeprazole. Therefore, this is the first report in which evidence is presented suggesting a direct link between EGUS and decreased performance, other causes of poor performance having been excluded.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is no consensus on objective outcome measures that can be used to determine if a medical or surgical treatment affects race performance. Objective: To determine the association between 2 commonly used outcome measures (total starts and total earnings) and age, sex, gait and race surface. Methods: A cross‐sectional study was performed using the race performance data for all Thoroughbred horses age 2, 3, 4 and 5 years racing in the United States, and Standardbred horses of the same ages racing in the United States and Canada during the year 2006. Median earnings and starts were determined for each combination of age, sex and track surface (for Thoroughbred) or gait (for Standardbred). The effect these variables had on starts on race earnings ($) was determined using linear regression. Results: Race records for 68,649 Thoroughbreds and 25,830 Standardbreds were obtained. All independent variables (age, breed, sex, gait, track surface and total number of starts) had a significant impact on total earnings (P<0.0001). Conclusions: The data show considerable variation across age groups and track surfaces for Thoroughbreds and across age groups for Standardbreds. They also show that the decision to use earnings or starts as outcome measures could have a marked effect on reported success for a particular treatment. Potential relevance: Both earning and start data should be reported in studies evaluating outcome following surgery or other intervention. Considerations of age, breed, sex, track surface and gait should be included in the design of these studies.  相似文献   

Exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage has an impact on racehorse performance. Although endoscopic diagnosis (with or without the aid of bronchoalveolar lavage) is considered to be the standard diagnostic method for this condition, the use of biomarkers that could aid in quantifying risk and severity of the condition would represent an advance in equine sport medicine. This preliminary research investigated the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity in plasma of racehorses and demonstrated that ACE activity is increased in horses with higher degrees of haemorrhage and is a promising biomarker for EIPH in racehorses.  相似文献   

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