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This paper reports the post-mortem findings in 135 wild Antarctic fur seal pups which died of natural causes. The predominant lesions were those associated with starvation, trauma to the head and hepatic rupture. In the cases of infectious disease streptococci were the commonest pathogens. Two bulls died of sepsis, one cow of enteritis and another as a result of dystokia.  相似文献   

Fur seals were counted at the Prince Edward Islands during the 1981/1982 austral summer. Classified counts, adjusted for pup undercounting and mortality, pregnancy rate and seasonal haul-out patterns, of Arctocephalus tropicalis and A. gazella are presented. These populations have entered a phase of rapid growth, as indicated by higher rates of population growth than previously found. The possible role of A. gazella immigration is unknown. There has been an increase in the number of breeding localities used by both species. At present the extent of hybridization between these two species appears limited, possibly by behavioural, ecological and genetic processes.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal lesions with uncertain etiology have been widely described among pinnipeds. The aim of our study was to investigate the presence of Helicobacter spp. in the gastric mucosa of South American fur seals (Arctocephalusaustralis). Gastric biopsies from thirteen seals, stranded on the shores of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean in Argentina, were evaluated for the presence of Helicobacter spp. by PCR and DNA sequence analysis. Six gastric biopsies were positive for Helicobacter spp. Pairwise sequence comparisons showed less than 95% identity to novel Helicobacter spp. described from pinnipeds from North America and Australia. However, phylogenetic analysis revealed that the South American fur seal sequences clustered with 99-100% homology with H. cetorum, a species isolated from dolphins and whales. The presence of H. cetorum in pinnipeds, if confirmed by its isolation from the gastric mucosa of these mammals, demonstrates the wide host range of this bacterium in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The diurnal activity patterns of sub-Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus tropicalis, were observed at a non- breeding colony site at Gough Island (40°20′S, 9°54′W) during summer. Time budgets of adult males were also studied at idle and breeding colony sites, Levels of activity were highest during the early morning and late afternoon. High ambient temperatures depressed the interaction rate on the dry hauling ground, but activity increased as a result of the movement of heat-stressed seals to and from the sea where favourable conditions for heat loss exist. The fur seals were largely inactive, in particular adult males which spent 93,2% of the time inactive in breeding colonies and 97,9% of Ihe time inactive at idle colony beaches. The daily change in numbers ashore, the relative contribution of the different age and sex classes, their location and distribution on site, and the prevailing weather conditions influence the pattern of interaction and allocation of time to the various activities in A. tropicalis. The predominance of inactivity is considered to be a behavioural thermoregulatory response to limit endogenous heat production as is energy conservation. Both views translate into improved tenure for territorial males, in particular those without access to water for cooling during the breeding season.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):418-426
This paper presents the first quantitative study on the seasonal occurrence and body location of white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)-inflicted injuries on Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) at Black Rocks, in Algoa Bay. Between January 2010 and October 2011, 22 boat trips were made to Black Rocks to chum for white sharks. On 19 of the trips a series of overlapping photographs were taken of the northern side of Black Rocks and the percentage of seals, which exhibited fresh white shark bite wounds recorded. A total of 53 sharks and 28 fresh shark-inflicted injuries were recorded on seals over the course of the study period. The maximum number of sharks sighted per hour (1.2) was in July and the highest percentage of shark bitten seals in November (0.6%). There was no significant relationship between the monthly sighting rate of sharks and the percentage of shark bitten seals (P = 0.40). The percentage of shark-inflicted injuries observed on seals increased with seal size. Most injuries were observed in the forebody (37.5%) and lower body regions (37.5%). Very few injuries (6.3%) were observed in the head and neck region. The low number of bite-inflicted injuries observed suggests that white sharks attack seals infrequently at Black Rocks.  相似文献   

AIM: To conduct a longitudinal serological survey for evidence of Brucella spp and Leptospira spp infection of pre-weaned New Zealand fur seals in a colony on the Otago Peninsula. METHODS: Seal pups were repeatedly captured on a monthly basis from February through to July 2001. Pups were tagged at first capture and a blood sample was taken at each capture event. A total of 163 sera were collected from 118 seal pups. Where sufficient volume was collected, the sera were tested for leptospirosis using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), and for brucellosis using the competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Brucella abortus. RESULTS: None of 128 sera from 101 seals tested positive to the ELISA for B. abortus. All tests for Leptospira interrogans serovars Grippotyphosa, Copenhageni, Bratislava and Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Ballum were negative at a cut-off of <1/100 dilution. Positive or suspicious titres were found to L. interrogans serovars Canicola and Pomona and L. borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo. The highest titres (12,800) were found to serovar Pomona. The titre to serovar Pomona in one seal rose from <1/50 in March to 12,800 in April and was <1/50 when re-sampled in July. The titre to serovar Pomona in another seal dropped from 12,800 in May to <1/50 in June. These seals also had titres to serovar Hardjo, which rose or fell in the same manner. All suspicious or positive titres occurred in late April and early May, when the pups were approximately 4-5 months old. In June and July, all seals tested were negative. CONCLUSIONS: There was no serological evidence of Brucella infection in the pre-weaned fur seals at the colony. Positive titres to serovars Pomona, Hardjo, or Canicola suggest that a Leptospira species was present at the colony, however isolation or visualisation of the organism is required to confirm this. Care should be exercised when handling New Zealand fur seals to prevent human infection or inadvertent transfer of leptospirosis to another marine mammal species.  相似文献   

AIM: To conduct a longitudinal serological survey for evidence of Brucella spp and Leptospira spp infection of pre-weaned New Zealand fur seals in a colony on the Otago Peninsula.

METHODS: Seal pups were repeatedly captured on a monthly basis from February through to July 2001. Pups were tagged at first capture and a blood sample was taken at each capture event. A total of 163 sera were collected from 118 seal pups. Where sufficient volume was collected, the sera were tested for leptospirosis using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), and for brucellosis using the competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for Brucella abortus.

RESULTS: None of 128 sera from 101 seals tested positive to the ELISA for B. abortus. All tests for Leptospira interrogans serovars Grippotyphosa, Copenhageni, Bratislava and Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Ballum were negative at a cut-off of <1/100 dilution. Positive or suspicious titres were found to L. interrogans serovars Canicola and Pomona and L. borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo. The highest titres (12,800) were found to serovar Pomona. The titre to serovar Pomona in one seal rose from <1/50 in March to 12,800 in April and was <1/50 when re-sampled in July. The titre to serovar Pomona in another seal dropped from 12,800 in May to <1/50 in June. These seals also had titres to serovar Hardjo, which rose or fell in the same manner. All suspicious or positive titres occurred in late April and early May, when the pups were approximately 4–5 months old. In June and July, all seals tested were negative.

CONCLUSIONS: There was no serological evidence of Brucella infection in the pre-weaned fur seals at the colony. Positive titres to serovars Pomona, Hardjo, or Canicola suggest that a Leptospira species was present at the colony, however isolation or visualisation of the organism is required to confirm this. Care should be exercised when handling New Zealand fur seals to prevent human infection or inadvertent transfer of leptospirosis to another marine mammal species.  相似文献   

Thoracic auscultation is an important diagnostic method used in cases of suspected pulmonary disease in many species, as respiratory sounds contain significant information on the physiology and pathology of the lungs and upper airways. Respiratory diseases are frequent in marine mammals and are often listed as one of their main causes of death. The aim of this study was to investigate and report baseline parameters for the electronic-mediated thoracic auscultation of one cetacean species and two pinniped species in captivity. Respiratory sounds from 20 captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), 6 California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), and 5 South African fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus) were recorded with an electronic stethoscope. The sounds were analyzed for duration of the respiratory cycle, adventitious sounds, and peak frequencies of recorded sounds during expiration and inspiration as well as for sound intensity as reflected by waveform amplitude during the respiratory cycle. In respiratory cycles of the bottlenose dolphins' expiring "on command," the duration of the expiration was significantly shorter than the duration of the inspiration. In the examined pinnipeds of this study, there was no clear pattern concerning the duration of one breathing phase: Adventitious sounds were detected most often in bottlenose dolphins that were expiring on command and could be compared with "forced expiratory wheezes" in humans. This is the first report of forced expiratory wheezes in bottlenose dolphins; they can easily be misinterpreted as pathologic respiratory sounds. The peak frequencies of the respiratory sounds reached over 2,000 Hz in bottlenose dolphins and over 1,000 Hz in California sea lions and South African fur seals, but the variation of the frequency spectra was very high in all animals. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first systematic analysis of respiratory sounds of bottlenose dolphins and two species of pinnipeds.  相似文献   

With the emergence of Helicobacter species as agents of gastrointestinal disease within a broad range of animal hosts, there is growing awareness of the need to identify such species and the potential role(s) they play within the intestine. Of interest in this study are captive seals and sea lions, where close proximity to one another may enhance the transmission of pathogens, in particular Helicobacter. The feces of several captive Australian sea lions and Australian fur seals were assessed for the occurrence of Helicobacter over 31 days. The presence of Helicobacter, detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) varied over time and at times could not be detected. Helicobacter species were detected in five of the six animals examined of which two species were identified. This is the first report of Helicobacter species in captive seals and demonstrates the diversity and potential role(s) they may play in the gut of these animals.  相似文献   

Stomachs from subadult male northern fur seals (SAMs) (Callorhinus ursinus) (n = 5,950) from St. Paul Island, Alaska, were examined from 1987 to 1999 for lesions and parasites. On gross examination of these stomachs, parasite nodules were evident in 92% of the stomachs and active and healing ulcers were found in 14% and 10%, respectively. Prevalence of nematodes from 1987 to 1997 was 88% for 5,700 SAMs for which numbers of parasites were estimated but not identified to the genus level. All nematodes recovered from 250 SAMs examined in 1998 (n = 124; 99% infected) and in 1999 (n = 126; 91% infected) were identified and counted. Prevalences in 1998 and 1999 were 5% and 0% for Anisakis spp., 52% and 18% for Contracaecum spp., and 96% and 89% for Pseudoterranova spp., respectively.  相似文献   



The northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) is an important cultural and nutritional resource for the Aleut community on St. Paul Island Alaska. In recent years, an increasing number of zoonotic pathogens have been identified in the population, but the public health significance of these findings is unknown. To determine the prevalence of Coxiella burnetii and Brucella spp. in northern fur seal tissues, eight tissue types from 50 subsistence-harvested fur seals were tested for bacterial DNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction.


Of the 400 samples tested, only a single splenic sample was positive for Brucella spp. and the cycle threshold (ct) value was extremely high suggesting a low concentration of DNA within the tissue. C. burnetii DNA was not detected.


Findings suggest that the risk of humans contracting brucellosis or Q fever from the consumption of harvested northern fur seals is low.  相似文献   

Relationships between otolith length and fish length, wet and dry mass and total energy are described for Antarctic cod Paranotothenia magellanica from Marion Island (sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean). The relationships were all highly significant and allow for more detailed and quantitative studies of the trophic structure of the area  相似文献   

In recent years, several species of ehrlichiae have been recognized as tick-borne disease agents of veterinary and medical importance. Clinically normal free-ranging or previously free-ranging lemurs, including 46 ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), six blue-eyed black lemurs (Eulemur macaco flavifrons), and four black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) from St. Catherines Island, Georgia, were tested for evidence of exposure to tick-borne ehrlichiae. All 52 adult lemurs were serologically tested for exposure to Ehrlichia chaffeensis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for E. chaffeensis, A. phagocytophilum, Ehrlichia ewingii, and Ehrlichia canis were conducted on blood samples from all 56 lemurs. Blood from all lemurs was inoculated into DH82 cell cultures for E. chaffeensis isolation. Of the adult lemurs, 20 (38.5%) and 16 (30.8%) had antibodies reactive (> or =1:128) for E. chaffeensis and A. phagocytophilum, respectively. Two ring-tailed lemurs were PCR and culture positive for E. chaffeensis. Molecular characterization of the two E. chaffeensis isolates showed that both contained 5-repeat variants of the variable-length PCR target (VLPT) antigen gene and 3-repeat variants of the 120-kDa antigen gene. Sequencing of the VLPT genes revealed a novel amino acid repeat unit (type-9). One lemur infected with E. chaffeensis was slightly hypoproteinemic and had moderately elevated serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. These lemurs from St. Catherines Island have been exposed to or infected with tick-borne ehrlichiae, or both, but showed no clinical disease.  相似文献   

The present investigation was carried out to study the prevalence of mastitis in 136 Holstein cows from a subtropical province of South Korea. Out of 527 milk samples studied, 22.6 % were found positive for mastitis. On animal level, prevalence was estimated at 55.2 %. Late lactating cows were at higher risk for mastitis development as compared to those in early and mid lactations. The study revealed that the risk of an increase in somatic cell count (SSC) and mastitis increased with advanced age and in animals with higher parity. The highest infection rate of 71.4 % was found in the age group >9 years followed by cows with higher than fifth parity (65.5 %). On severity and quarter basis, cows of <3 years of age had higher occurrence (12.5 %) of severe mastitis. From the present study, it may be concluded that a positive relationship exists between increased prevalence of mastitis and high SCC and the advance in age and parity of Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Turkey, broiler breeder, and layer cases submitted for necropsy in 1986 to the University of Georgia were categorized by diagnosis, grouped by clinical features, season, age, and presenting history, and evaluated for statistically significant patterns. The most commonly diagnosed diseases were: fowl cholera in turkeys, 64 cases (34.4% of cases; 26.2% of diagnoses); staphylococcal arthritis/synovitis (SA/S) in broiler breeders, 35 cases (20.7%; 17.7%); and osteomalacia in layers, 17 cases (21.0%; 15.6%). In turkeys, fowl cholera, colibacillosis, and aspergillosis were significantly more common in the fourth, second, and third quarters of the year, respectively; enteritis and viral enteritis were more common in early grow-out, and osteomyelitis, SA/S, and synovitis were greatest in late grow-out. Overall, musculoskeletal problems in turkeys were more common in the third quarter and were less common in the first and fourth quarters. Erysipelas occurred most frequently in turkeys 50 to 112 days of age. In both broiler breeders and layers, SA/S was more common in the second quarter, and a history of musculoskeletal problems was less common in both post-peak-production broiler breeders and layers. Fowl pox was more common in the fourth quarter and in late-production broiler breeders. In layers, osteomalacia and Marek's disease were more common in the first and fourth quarters, respectively.  相似文献   

A prevalence survey for hookworms (Uncinaria spp.) was done in northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) and California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) pups on San Miguel Island, CA, in 2000. Intestines of dead pups were examined for adult hookworms in July. These parasites were found in 95% of 20 fur seal pups and 100% of 31 sea lion pups. The number of hookworms varied from 4 to 2142 (mean = 760) in fur seal pups and from 20 to 2634 (mean = 612) in sea lion pups. A direct relationship was evident between body condition and number of hookworms in the pups; that is, pups in poor condition had fewer hookworms than those in good condition. There was a decline in the number of hookworms in sea lion pups in 2000 compared to collections in 1996. Eggs of Uncinaria spp. were found in rectal feces (collected in late September and early October) of none of 35 (0%) live fur seal pups and 41 of 48 (85%) live sea lion pups. Packed cell volume values, determined for most of the same live pups, were essentially normal for C. ursinus but were much lower than normal for most Z. californianus. Hookworm larvae were not found in blubber of fur seal and sea lion pups or in rookery sand in July. Rookery sand, positive for live hookworm larvae when put in a refrigerator, was negative at removal 2.5 years later. The average number of eggs in utero of female hookworms was 285 for three specimens from a fur seal pup and 281 from three specimens from a sea lion pup. One hookworm larva was recovered from milk stripped from the teats of a stranded Z. californianus female at The Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito, CA.  相似文献   

Skin lesions associated with papillomaviruses have been reported in many animal species and man. Bovine papillomavirus (BVP) affects mainly the epidermis, but also the dermis in several species including bovine, the best-known example being equine sarcoid, which is associated with BVP types 1 and 2. This publication describes and illustrates the macroscopic and histological appearance of BPV-associated papillomatous, fibropapillomatous or sarcoid-like lesions in Cape mountain zebra (Equus zebra zebra) from the Gariep Dam Nature Reserve, 2 giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) from the Kruger National Park, and a sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) from the Kimberley area of South Africa. An African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) cow from Kruger National Park also had papillomatous lesions but molecular characterisation of lesional virus was not done. Immunohistochemical staining using polyclonal rabbit antiserum to chemically disrupted BPV-1, which cross-reacts with the L1 capsid of most known papillomaviruses, was positive in cells of the stratum granulosum of lesions in Giraffe 1, the sable and the buffalo and negative in those of the zebra and Giraffe 2. Fibropapillomatous and sarcoid-like lesions from an adult bovine were used as positive control for the immunohistochemistry and are described and the immunohistochemistry illustrated for comparison. Macroscopically, both adult female giraffe had severely thickened multifocal to coalescing nodular and occasionally ulcerated lesions of the head, neck and trunk with local poorly-circumscribed invasion into the subcutis. Necropsy performed on the 2nd giraffe revealed neither internal metastases nor serious underlying disease. Giraffe 1 had scattered, and Giraffe 2 numerous, large, anaplastic, at times indistinctly multinucleated dermal fibroblasts with bizarre nuclei within the sarcoid-like lesions, which were BPV-1 positive in Giraffe 1 and BPV-1 and -2 positive in Giraffe 2 by RT-PCR. The sable antelope presented with a solitary large lesion just proximal to the right hind hoof, which recurred after excision, and was BPV-1 positive by RT-PCR. Other wart-like growths were present elsewhere on the body. The Cape mountain zebra either succumbed from their massive lesions or were euthanased or removed from the herd because of them. The lesions were BPV-1 and/or -2 positive by RT-PCR. The buffalo lesions were wart-like papillomatous projections in the inguinal and udder region. Stratum granulosum cells that stained immunohistochemically positive in the various species appeared koilocyte-like, as described in human papillomaviral lesions.  相似文献   

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