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本研究屠宰测定了323头宁乡猪背最长肌和头半棘肌pH值(包括pH24h、pH45min值)及肉色性状(包括红度a、黄度b、亮度L),分析了各性状间的相关性.之后利用全基因组关联分析(GWAS)方法对宁乡猪肉质性状相关的候选基因及分子标记进行初步筛选,并通过QQ-plot图对群体层化效应进行了检测.结果表明,相同性状间存...  相似文献   

本试验观测了运输性应激对商品猪宰后PSE肉的发生情况及其pH值、肉色、系水力和组织学变化,结果表明:(1)运输性应激一年四季均可引起商品猪宰后发生PSE肉,以夏季发生率最高(11.54%),春季最低(2.56%),并多发于背最长肌、半膜肌和半腱肌等肌束;(2)PSE猪肉的pH值比正常猪肉低0.68~0.83,肉色比正常猪肉低5.2~6.1消光单位、系水力比正常猪肉低7.9%~8.9%;(3)PSE猪肉组织学变化特征为肌纤维发生不同程度的实质变性和肌间组织水肿,无炎症反应发生。  相似文献   

猪的肉色及其影响因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
任巧玲  张金枝 《养猪》2004,(1):45-48
肉色是猪肉品质的一个重要评价指标,也是影响猪肉市场价格的一个重要因素。此文阐述了正常肉色与异常肉色,并从遗传、营养、环境3个方面综述了影响肉色的因素。  相似文献   

大量关于肉质的研究发现,肉的嫩度受钙浓度的调控.因此,提高肉中的钙含量是改善肉质的关键.试验旨在研究宰前短期补钙对育肥猪生长性能的影响,为今后进一步的研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

用红外成像仪对60头肉牛屠宰前的体表温度进行测量,并对新鲜牛肉样品的肌糖元含量进行分析,将测试结果与排酸后的pH进行比较,结果表明:产生高pH肉的肉牛在屠宰前体温明显偏高(χ2χ20.05),而肌糖元含量偏低,但未达到统计学显著水平(P0.05)。  相似文献   

酵母硒和维生素E对育肥猪肉色肉质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们生活水平的提高,消费者对猪肉品质提出了更高要求,猪肉品质受遗传、营养、屠宰和加工等多重因素的影响,而采取营养调控的方法来改善猪肉品质是重要的途径之一。近年来,维生素E对猪肉肉质影响的研究较多,但酵母硒(有机硒)  相似文献   

通过对不同品种及杂交组合氟烷基因显性纯合子育肥猪肌肉中羟脯氨酸和pH值2个指标的测定,来分析品种及杂交组合效应对猪肉质的影响。试验结果表明,品种及杂交组合效应对猪肉的嫩度有影响。在屠宰后的前4 d大长猪(大白猪×长白猪)猪肉中羟脯氨酸含量低于长大猪(长白猪×大白猪),说明其嫩度要好于长大猪;猪肉离体后pH值先下降后上升。随着冷藏时间的延长,长白猪和大白猪猪肉pH值的升高速度要比杜洛克猪、长杜猪(长白猪×杜洛克猪)、长大猪、大长猪的速度要慢,说明长白猪和大白猪肉的货架期较长。长白猪与大白猪正反交,对肌肉pH值影响差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

pH值对植酸酶酶活的影响及其在猪、鸡消化道中的分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过测定在不同pH值条件下两种植酸酶的活性,发现pH值对植酸酶活力有较大影响。在鸡嗉囊的pH值条件下,T植酸酶和N植酸酶的酶活相对标准酶活都是100%,而在动物真胃的pH值条件下,T植酸酶和N植酸酶的酶活相对标准酶活分别是77.82%和49.61%。  相似文献   

2株猪源乳酸菌对低pH值和胆盐耐受性及热稳定性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了分离自仔猪肠道的乳酸菌L5和L7对低pH值、胆盐的耐受性。结果表明,pH值在2.5、3.5和4.5时,L5菌株处理150min对其无显著影响,在pH1.5时经30min处理,L5仍可维持较高的存活率;L7菌株在pH3.5和4.5条件下经150min处理后可保持较高的存活率,而在pH1.5和2.5条件下经处理30min后菌株数量显著下降。胆盐对L5和L7菌株的生长有一定影响,但低浓度短时间内影响较小。在同一胆盐浓度下,随培养时间的增长,活菌数下降。当胆盐浓度高于0.2%时,L5和L7菌株的生长极差。热稳定性试验结果表明,L5菌株在50℃下可成活,且呈正常生长趋势,但其对80℃及以上的耐热能力显著降低。  相似文献   

Thirty-two barrows were used to determine the effects of supplemental Mg in drinking water on pork quality. Pigs were determined to be free of the halothane and Napole mutations and were individually penned. After a 7-d adjustment period, barrows (111 +/- 1 kg BW) were blocked by BW and allotted randomly within block to 0, 300, 600, or 900 mg of supplemental Mg from Mg sulfate/L of drinking water for 2 d before slaughter. Pigs were not allowed access to feed (0.13% Mg) for 15 h before slaughter but continued to have access to experimental water treatments. Pigs were loaded and transported 110 km (1.75 h) to a commercial abattoir and remained in lairage for 5 h before slaughter. The LM was removed 24 h postmortem. Retail storage was simulated for 8 d, and the remaining LM was vacuum-packaged for 25 or 50 d at 4 degrees C. Plasma Mg concentration increased linearly (P = 0.001) with Mg supplementation; however, Mg concentration of the LM was not affected (P = 0.99) by Mg supplementation. Surface exudate, drip loss, and retail fluid loss of the LM were not affected (P > 0.10) by Mg. Lightness (L*) and redness (a*) of the LM were not affected (P > 0.10) by Mg, with the exception of initial redness (cubic; P = 0.05). Pigs supplemented with 300 or 900 mg of Mg/L had lower yellowness (b*) values of the LM displayed for 0 to 6 d than pigs supplemented with 0 or 600 mg of Mg/L (cubic; P < 0.05). Lightness of the LM after 25 (quadratic; P = 0.03) or 50 (quadratic; P = 0.04) d of vacuum-packed storage was greater at 300 and 600 mg of Mg/L than at 0 or 900 mg/L. Yellowness tended to be greater after 50 d, but not after 25 d, of vacuum-packaged storage for 300 or 600 mg of Mg/L compared with 0 or 900 mg/L (quadratic; P = 0.08). Oxidation of the LM, determined by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances after 4 d of retail storage, increased linearly (P = 0.05) as Mg increased in the drinking water. Furthermore, oxidation of the LM after 8 d of retail storage tended to increase linearly (P < 0.10), primarily because of the high oxidation of LM from pigs supplemented with 900 mg of Mg/L compared with controls (224 vs. 171 +/- 19 microg/kg, respectively). Oxidation of the LM was greater for pigs supplemented with 300 or 900 mg/L compared with 0 or 600 mg of Mg/L (cubic; P < 0.06) after 25 d of vacuum-packed storage. Magnesium did not improve pork quality characteristics of practical significance in pigs without the halothane and Rendement Napole mutations.  相似文献   

芽孢杆菌对育肥猪生长性能和肉品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验选择平均体重为(23.5±0.89)kg的三元商品猪75头用于评估日粮添加芽孢杆菌对生长育肥猪生长性能和肉品质的影响。共分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复5头猪。对照组饲喂两阶段(生长和育肥期)基础日粮,试验组分别在基础日粮中添加0.015%和0.03%的芽孢杆菌。试验开展16周。结果:试验全期(0~16周)日增重和增重耗料比表现为显著线性升高(P<0.05);6周肥猪干物质消化率随日粮芽孢杆菌添加水平的升高显著线性升高(P<0.05)。0.03%芽孢杆菌组显著提高了6和16周血液葡萄糖水平(P<0.05);日粮芽孢杆菌添加水平显著线性提高16周肥猪粪中乳酸杆菌和大肠杆菌含量(P<0.05)。日粮芽孢杆菌添加水平显著线性提高了第3天猪肉感官指标、滴水损失和屠体重(P<0.05)。因此,利用芽孢杆菌作为益生菌添加到饲料中可以提高生长肥育猪的生长性能和胴体质量。  相似文献   

大豆寡糖对肉仔鸡肠道pH值和盲肠短链脂肪酸的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在玉米-大豆浓缩蛋白型低寡糖基础日粮中分别添加0、0.50%、1.00%或2.00%的大豆寡糖,研究了不同添加量大豆寡糖对肉仔鸡肠道pH值和盲肠短链脂肪酸的影响。选用192只1日龄AA肉公鸡,随机分成4个处理组,每个处理设6个笼(重复),每笼8只鸡。结果表明:大豆寡糖对18、36日龄肉仔鸡十二指肠和空肠食糜pH值的影响无明显规律,各处理组之间无显著性差异(P0.05);随着大豆寡糖水平的增加,盲肠食糜pH值呈下降的趋势(P0.05),1.00%大豆寡糖添加组18、36日龄肉仔鸡盲肠食糜pH值为最低水平,且显著低于对照组(P0.05)。低寡糖日粮中添加不同剂量大豆寡糖,大幅度增加肉仔鸡盲肠食糜中乙酸和短链脂肪酸总量的浓度(P0.05);添加1.00%或2.00%大豆寡糖,显著增加18日龄肉仔鸡盲肠食糜中丁酸占短链脂肪酸总量的摩尔百分比(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Ultimate pH (pHu) is a major determinant factor of meat quality. In this study, we investigated the effects of pHu on the muscle antioxidant capacity, and the relationship between pHu and muscle antioxidant capacity of pigs. A total of 137 pigs from three pig breeds with the same feeding condition were slaughtered and used to measure the pHu, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH‐PX), total antioxidant capacity (T‐AOC), and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and gene expression of SOD1 and GPX4. Loins from 137 pigs of three breeds were classified based on pHu into three groups: low (L‐pH: ≤5.50), intermediate (I‐pH: 5.51‐5.90), and high (H‐pH: ≥5.91). A majority of loins (47.5%–52%) were classified into the intermediate group. The results suggested that the pHu value was correlated with the activity of SOD, GSH‐PX, T‐AOC, and MDA, and gene expression of SOD1 and GPX4 in all pigs. In addition, our results also indicated a linear relationship between the pHu value and antioxidant traits. The pHu value accounted for 23%–40% of the variation in the antioxidant traits. These results suggested that increased pHu reduce the lipid peroxidation, and also indicated that pHu may be a key factor explaining the variation in the activity of antioxidant enzymes and gene expression in pork loins.  相似文献   

环境酸度对紫花苜蓿早期生长和生理的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用沙培的方式研究酸性土壤中土壤酸度对紫花苜蓿生理和生长的影响。结果表明,pH值在5~6的弱酸性环境为苜蓿的最适生长环境,这一酸度范围内幼苗生长正常或受到促进,如单株叶片数高于对照(pH=7)处理23.6%~27.2%、单叶面积高出对照20.87%~25.50%,叶绿素含量高出对照31.2%~27.9%,差异均达显著水平(P<0.05)。而出苗率、株高、根瘤数、根瘤等级、根长和地上、地下生物量亦高于对照;而pH值低于4的环境酸度为低适生长环境,可使苜蓿幼苗受到严重胁迫,出苗率、株高、单叶面积、单株叶片数、根瘤数、根长和地上、地下生物量均低于其他处理。在不同土壤酸度下,质膜透性、叶绿素含量、光化学效率(Fv/Fo)等均存着显著差异(P<0.05),pH<4的各项生理指标均明显低于pH≥5的处理,其中地上生物量和根系活力分别不足对照处理的55.6%和61.1%(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

本试验采用DNS法,分别在温度为20~100℃,pH值2.4~7.2的条件下,研究了不同温度和pH值对嗜热毛壳菌木聚糖酶活性的影响。结果表明:温度在20~50℃时,木聚糖酶的活性随温度的升高而线性增强,40~60℃表现较高的水平,70~100℃活性逐渐稳定,并维持在20℃时的活性水平。说明动物体温为40℃左右时,木聚糖酶能表现出较高的活性;在制粒温度范围内,80℃热处理与未处理组木聚糖酶的活性比较损失不大,说明其在制粒工艺过程有一定的优势;在pH值3.6以前,随着pH值的增大,木聚糖酶的活性逐渐升高;pH值为3.6时,木聚糖酶的活性最高;且在3.2~4.4范围内木聚糖酶的活性维持较高浓度,说明消化道中食糜从胃的酸性环境转化成十二指肠后段碱性环境的过渡时期,木聚糖酶能表现出较高的活性,有利于促进其对底物的降解,从而提高营养物质的消化吸收。本研究得出:嗜热毛壳菌木聚糖酶在40~60℃表现较高的水平,实验室条件下的100℃以内的加热不会导致酶活性的严重损失。维持嗜热毛壳菌木聚糖酶活性的适宜的pH值范围为3.2~4.4。  相似文献   

Ob基因对松辽黑猪肉质和胴体性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以松辽黑猪为研究对象,分析Ob基因对其肉质和胴体性状的影响。测定30头松辽黑猪的9个肉质性状和6个胴体性状,用PCR-RFLP方法检测Ob基因型。结果显示,松辽黑猪TT基因型平均膘厚比CT基因型低,而肌内脂肪含量、瘦肉率则显著高于后者(P<0.05),其他肉质和胴体性状在Ob基因型间没有显著差异(P>0.05)。结果表明,Ob基因的TT基因型对猪的肉质和胴体性状具有显著的正遗传效应。  相似文献   

A feeding trial involving 160 crossbred steers (357 kg) and a metabolism trial involving eight Holstein steers (189 kg) cannulated in the rumen and proximal duodenum were conducted to evaluate the interaction of dietary Mg level (.18 vs .32%, DM basis) and supplemental fat (0% supplemental fat vs 4% tallow [T], yellow grease [YG], or griddle grease [GG]) on growth performance and NE value of the diet. Dietary Mg level did not influence (P > .10) growth performance. Daily weight gain was lower (11%, P < .05) for steers fed GG than for those fed YG. Supplemental fat decreased (5%, P < .10) DMI and increased (P < .05) gain efficiency (7%). There was a fat x Mg level interaction (P < .01) for dietary NE. The increase in dietary NEg with T and YG supplementation was similar (8.6 vs 8.0%) for diets containing .18 and .32% Mg. In contrast, the increase in dietary NEg with GG supplementation was 8.9% with .18% dietary Mg, but the NEg value of the diet did not increase when GG was added to diets with .32% dietary Mg. Dressing percentage was lower (1.5%, P < .1) and retail yield was greater (2.2%, P < .05) for steers fed GG- than for steers fed YG-supplemented diets. Increasing dietary Mg level increased kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (5.5%, P < .05). There was a fat x Mg level interaction (P < .1) for marbling score. With diets containing no supplemental fat, increasing dietary Mg decreased (15.2%) the marbling score, and with diets containing supplemental fat, increasing dietary Mg increased (7.2%) the marbling score. Fat supplementation decreased (P < .01) ruminal and total tract digestion of OM (10 and 3.5%, respectively) and NDF (37 and 17%, respectively). Supplemental fat did not affect (P > .10) Ca digestion but decreased (41.7%, P < .01) apparent Mg digestion. Increasing dietary Mg level increased (77.7%, P < .05) apparent Mg digestion. There were no treatment effects (P > .10) on postruminal fatty acid digestion. Fat supplementation decreased (17.3%, P < .01) the acetate:propionate molar ratio. Total ruminal protozoal counts were increased (12.7%, P < .05) by increasing dietary Mg level and decreased (12.9%, P < .05) by fat supplementation. We conclude that supplemental fats may depress Mg absorption. Increasing dietary magnesium levels beyond current recommendations may increase marbling scores in cattle fed fat-supplemented diets but may not affect growth performance or dietary NE. The NE value of fat is a predictable function of level of fat intake.  相似文献   

选用4头3.5岁、体况良好(500±20)kg的中国西门塔尔牛阉牛,采用4×4拉丁方设计,研究日粮添加丙酸镁(100g/d)、丙酸(87g/d)和氧化镁(24g/d)对西门塔尔牛瘤胃液pH和氨态氮(NH3-N)浓度的影响。结果表明:日粮添加丙酸镁、丙酸和氧化镁后,0h各组间pH差异不显著(P0.05),3h、6h丙酸镁和丙酸组pH较对照组和氧化镁组显著降低(P0.05),9h丙酸镁组pH与其他三组差异不显著(P0.05),丙酸镁组和丙酸组pH平均值较对照组和氧化镁组显著降低(P0.05);0h和9h各组间瘤胃液NH3-N浓度差异不显著(P0.05),3h和6h丙酸镁组瘤胃液NH3-N浓度显著低于其他组(P0.05),丙酸镁组瘤胃液NH3-N浓度平均值显著低于其他组(P0.05)。本试验条件下,日粮中添加丙酸镁可降低西门塔尔牛瘤胃液pH和NH3-N浓度。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对猪肉产品的消费已经从注重数量而转变到优质肉品质上来,因此如何对猪肉品质进行有效评定已经变得愈发重要。21世纪以来,在诸如光谱分析和高通量测序等技术飞速发展的时代背景下,新的猪肉质评定方法和手段层出不穷。为了能更好地了解猪肉质性状形成的分子基础及其评定方法,文章回顾了近年来猪肉质性状评定中广泛应用的研究方法与技术,同时全面地阐述了这些方法的研究进展。  相似文献   

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