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The National Institutes of Health's Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee has given conditional approval to a proposal by the Cetus Madison Corporation to field test plants that have been genetically manipulated to resist some diseases. The committee made no recommendation, however, on another field test proposed by BioTechnica International Inc. Both proposals had been challenged by a coalition of environmental groups led by Jeremy Rifkin, who has now filed a freedom of information request to NIH asking for documents pertaining to their health and safety aspects.  相似文献   

A controversial University of California, Berkeley, experiment that would have released genetically engineered organisms into the environment has been postponed. Although Steven Lindow and his colleagues received approval for field tests from the National Institutes of Health's Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee, environmental activist Jeremy Rifkin filed suit against NIH, claiming its action violated the National Environmental Policy Act. With one suit pending and another threatened, the decision was made to postpone the tests until spring 1984. The outcome of the Rifkin suit will have an impact on other genetic research with ecological implications.  相似文献   

山东省开展行政审批改革,以“一次办好、群众满意”为目标,简化审批流程,提高办结效率,同时也给审批部门提出了更高的要求。该文结合工作实际,分析了东营市气象部门依法开展防雷行政审批服务工作的现状,提出进一步改革防雷行政审批服务工作的措施。  相似文献   

在农业技术创新的社会选择过程中,社会选择主体有一个对创新技术效益价值的社会认同问题。为了获得社会认同,对农业技术创新的研发选择必须遵循“技术适应原则”。一种农业技术创新要达到社会普遍、高级的认同状态,需要经过初步认同、广泛认同、后续认同阶段。当农业技术创新在选择过程中出现社会认同失败时,应从技术和社会两方面入手来寻求其克服策略。  相似文献   

将盈余管理细分为应计盈余管理、线上真实盈余管理和线下真实盈余管理,基于我国特有的配股管制变迁环境,考察监管者识别盈余管理的能力及其变化。研究发现,监管者对上市公司盈余管理具有一定的识别能力,但是会受到管制环境变迁的影响,存在管制效应和演进效应。具体而言,在审核配股资格过程中,监管者能识别线下真实盈余管理,但是,在管制环境变迁后,由于线下真实盈余管理被纳入管制范围,监管者不再对其进行关注,而是关注应计盈余管理,并能识别。在线上真实盈余管理方面,由于其隐蔽性强,监管者并没有表现出显著的识别能力。  相似文献   

Single-carbon chemistry of acetogenic and methanogenic bacteria   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Methanogenic and acetogenic bacteria metabolize carbon monoxide, methanol, formate, hydrogen and carbon dioxide gases and, in the case of certain methanogens, acetate, by single-carbon (C1) biochemical mechanisms. Many of these reactions occur while the C1 compounds are linked to pteridine derivatives and tetrapyrrole coenzymes, including corrinoids, which are used to generate, reduce, or carbonylate methyl groups. Several metalloenzymes, including a nickel-containing carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, are used in both catabolic and anabolic oxidoreductase reactions. We propose biochemical models for coupling carbon and electron flow to energy conservation during growth on C1 compounds based on the carbon flow pathways inherent to acetogenic and methanogenic metabolism. Biological catalysts are therefore available which are comparable to those currently in use in the Monsanto process. The potentials and limitations of developing biotechnology based on these organisms or their enzymes and coenzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

温文  牛国富  白楠  李杰  张炳杰  崔莹莹 《油气储运》2013,(12):1347-1350
油气管道工程具有线路长、途经地区多、地形复杂等特点,大大增加了其建设项目核准工作的难度,直接制约工程建设的进度。梳理了油气管道工程项目核准工作流程,分析了制约核准工作的3个主要因素:管道穿越不同地区的投资管理规定不同,项目前期管道路由和站场阀室位置调整,用地规划调整。基于此,提出了5项有效的处理措施:加强学习,熟悉相关政策、法规及办事程序;注重工作方法;积极摸索与政府部门沟通的经验与方法;加强信息共享以加快核准进度和节约成本;加强档案管理。最后,从完善管道工程建设项目前期工作的管理、可行性研究阶段与项目核准阶段的衔接、政府部门沟通3个方面提出了建议,为如何快速高效完成油气管道工程项目的核准工作提供了参考。(表1,图1,参4)  相似文献   

该文阐述了大豆品种区域试验中应注意的技术问题和审定标准,大豆区域试验技术要点分别为试验地的选择、播种前的室内准备、区试田播前准备、适期播种,严把播种环节、试验田间管理及调查记载、收获和取样及室内考种和总结。并介绍了辽宁大豆区域试验普通型品种和优质性品种的审定标注。为大豆品种的审定提供准确、科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

Monsanto Co. has agreed to provide royalty-free licenses to speed up work on a genetically modified rice that could alleviate vitamin A deficiency around the world. Researchers welcomed last week's announcement, but warn that a thicket of intellectual property claims surrounds the technology and that significant legal hurdles remain before the rice can become widely available to farmers in developing countries.  相似文献   

对于农村建设项目,建设方通常都要经过前期策划和可行性研究,经主管部门许可立项后, 通过项目设计招标来确定承揽设计任务的设计方;在项目设计的过程中,还需要通过初步设计方案和 施工图的审批,再经由施工招标、施工建设、施工验收等一系列的过程,才能够最终实现目标。  相似文献   

分析了对美国 Monsanto公司提供的转 Bt基因玉米及其近等基因品系进行的接种亚洲玉米螟试验。结果表明 ,在黑龙江省转 Bt基因玉米品系在心叶期和穗期对亚洲玉米螟的抗性明显高于其近等基因品系 ,但在籽粒产量上无明显优势。  相似文献   

陈农 《安徽农学通报》2008,14(15):77-79
土地开发整理项目管理是对项目的各个环节进行管理,是保证项目规划、项目申报、立项审批、实施和验收,以及成果管理顺利实现的重要工作。本文试图把土地开发整理项目管理工作从一个管理过程提高到有机的系统工程层面上来,提出进一步规范和完善土地整理复垦管理的一些措施。  相似文献   

How safe are engineered organisms?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At a June 1985 conference on "Engineered Organisms in the Environment: Scientific Issues" organized by the American Society for Microbiology, ecologists voiced their concern to molecular biologists about the safety of releasing genetically-engineered organisms into the environment without proper regulation. Under discussion were four proposed experiments, three in agriculture and one involving the production of a genetically-engineered smallpox vaccine at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The agricultural experiments involve organisms developed at the University of California, Berkeley, to make potato plants frost-resistant, a Monsanto microbial pesticide, and herbicide-tolerant plants developed by Calgene.  相似文献   

保丰玉米对玉米田间植物和节肢动物的影响初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确BT转基因玉米对田间生态环境的影响 ,2 0 0 0年对美国孟山都公司抗玉米螟的保丰玉米 (BT转基因玉米 )对田间杂草及节肢动物影响的调查。结果表明 :保丰玉米对田间杂草发生的种类和数量均无影响 ,对节肢动物除玉米螟和蚜虫有显著影响外 ,对瓢虫、蜘蛛、叶甲、金龟子、蟋蟀、步甲、蝼蛄、蓟马、蝽和蜂类等昆虫种群数量的变化基本无影响  相似文献   

文章介绍了上海兽医研究所在实施修购专项的几点体会:一是项目申报要多与课题研究人员沟通,了解市场和同类仪器设备使用情况;二是实施方案阶段要按要求和程序做,采购进口产品的专家意见要具体明确;三是项目实施阶段要按照项目批复的采购方式进行采购;四是加强经费管理等。  相似文献   

With support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), several research groups are taking the first steps toward developing drugs to fight the acute phase of West Nile virus infection. NIH is also supporting the fast-track development of a vaccine. But because it doesn't make sense to vaccinate the entire population for such a rare disease, it is unclear how large the market for a vaccine will be.  相似文献   

农村会计委托代理模式在新农村建设中具有相当的优越性,但仍存在一些缺陷和问题。论文结合湖南农村会计调查数据从人员机构设置、账务与审批处理规范及促进党风廉政建设等方面进行了具体分析和检验。研究表明,委托代理模式下会计人员的素质、能力及学历水平得到显著提高,财务和审批处理更加规范,会计信息可靠性和质量得以更好的保障和提高,财务监督职能得到了进一步强化。  相似文献   

The laboratory of which the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a lineal descendant was founded in 1887. During discussions of our plans for a year-long centennial observance with members of our House and Senate appropriations subcommittees, congressional members urged us to set two specific objectives: making NIH better known to the American people, and presenting the attractions of the many roles in health-related research to young people who have not yet formulated career plans. When I was invited to prepare an article for Science dealing with my personal experiences as director of NIH since April 1982, it seemed an opportunity to address the same objectives for the scientific community, for in my view there is much misinformation and far too much pessimism throughout the country about the state of biomedical research and its support.  相似文献   

转基因抗草甘膦油菜的实用PCR检测方法   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
 利用定性PCR技术 ,建立了检测孟山都公司培育的转基因抗草甘膦油菜中的epsps、gox和fmv35s的方法 ,同时设立了阳性内对照napin。该方法的检测灵敏度为 0 .0 5 %。利用复合PCR可以在一个PCR反应中同时检测出epsps、gox、fmv35s和napin基因。这种方法可以有效地用于转基因抗草甘膦油菜中的外源基因的检测。  相似文献   

Amyloid deposition in senile plaques and the cerebral vasculature is a marker of Alzheimer's disease. Whether amyloid itself contributes to the neurodegenerative process or is simply a by-product of that process is unknown. Pheochromocytoma (PC12) and fibroblast (NIH 3T3) cell lines were transfected with portions of the gene for the human amyloid precursor protein. Stable PC12 cell transfectants expressing a specific amyloid-containing fragment of the precursor protein gradually degenerated when induced to differentiate into neuronal cells with nerve growth factor. Conditioned medium from these cells was toxic to neurons in primary hippocampal cultures, and the toxic agent could be removed by immunoabsorption with an antibody directed against the amyloid polypeptide. Thus, a peptide derived from the amyloid precursor may be neurotoxic.  相似文献   

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