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本文主要内容共分为四个部分。第一部分着重介绍票据质押的含义及其基本法律特 征。随后详细阐述我国票据质押立法冲突的表现,并于第三部分总结分析票据质押立法冲突的 原因。最后,在分析已有的解决思路基础上,从立法修改和司法适用两个方向提出了应对我国 票据质押立法冲突问题的具体意见。  相似文献   

Representative Albert Gore is reported to be planning to introduce a bill early in the 98th Congress to create a federally mandated committee to oversee genetic engineering research and applications. In the 97th Congress, Gore held hearings on the ethical and legal implications of applications such as gene therapy and the "enhancement" of human characteristics.  相似文献   

票据是票据权利的载体,票据丧失,持票人就失去了行使票据权利的物质依据。失票人必须及时依法采取有效的救济措施,才能使票据权利最终得以实现。但我国现行法律对票据丧失救济的规定还不够完善,难以充 分维护失票人的合法利益。为此,木文就票据丧失的挂失止付、公示催告和提起诉讼三种救济制度的有关问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Unambiguous examples of ecological causes of animal sexual dimorphism are rare. Here we present evidence for ecological causation of sexual dimorphism in the bill morphology of a hummingbird, the purple-throated carib. This hummingbird is the sole pollinator of two Heliconia species whose flowers correspond to the bills of either males or females. Each sex feeds most quickly at the flower species approximating its bill dimensions, which supports the hypothesis that floral specialization has driven the evolution of bill dimorphism. Further evidence for ecological causation of sexual dimorphism was provided by a geographic replacement of one Heliconia species by the other and the subsequent development of a floral dimorphism, with one floral morph matching the bills of males and the other of females.  相似文献   

票据质押是社会经济发展的产物,我国《票据法))((担保法》规范这种行为比较粗略,需进一步完善。作者认为,票据质押不是票据行为;票据质权可以有条件的适用善意取得制度;质押的票据可以进行承诺转质。  相似文献   

经过多年的建设和发展 ,我国票据市场已初步形成了一定的规模和格局 ,拓宽了企业的融资渠道 ,促进了经济的良性发展。但就我国目前经济改革的现状而言 ,作为我国票据市场主要市场交易工具的银行承兑汇票业务 ,目前也存在不少问题 ,诸如发展不平衡、不规范、不配套等等。为加快我国票据市场的发展 ,在完善基础条件、改善运作环境、提高商业信用、修改有关规章等方面 ,提出了发展我国票据市场的对策建议。  相似文献   

工程量清单是表现拟建工程的分部分项工程项目、措施项目、其他项目名称和相应数量的明细清单。编制工程量清单是一项非常重要的基础性工作,其质量直接影响到招标控制价、投标报价的准确性。因为发包人和承包人均站在自己的立场上理解工程量清单,所以工程量清单出现问题,容易导致扯皮和工程结算困难,同时,也给发包人投资控制增加难度,甚至导致发包人被迫追加投资。文章从发包人的角度,结合实际案例和笔者自身的工作体会,阐述工程量清单中的常见问题及其负面影响,分析其产生的原因,提出相关对策和建议,以供科研事业单位工程项目管理人员参考或借鉴。  相似文献   

Tax policy should be formulated with recognition of its effects on research and development and innovation. Many changes in tax policy designed to stimulate innovation have been proposed in recent years. Some of these changes were embodied in the 1981 tax bill. Basic economic analysis and rudimentary statistics enable economists to make some useful statements about the effects of recent and proposed tax changes but, because practically no studies have been conducted in this area, there is little or no dependable information concerning the quantitative impact of particular changes of this sort on the rate of innovation.  相似文献   

票据市场的不断发展和利率市场化的推进,使票据业务的转贴现利率风险日益突出。本文拟通过2004年9月以来银行承兑汇票买断利率的变动情况及特点分析,探讨转贴现利率形成机制、影响机理,揭示其变动的影响因素及规律,最后提出防范转贴现利率风险的对策建议。  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in bill morphology and body size of the Caribbean purple-throated carib hummingbird is associated with a reversal in floral dimorphism of its Heliconia food plants. This hummingbird is the sole pollinator of H. caribaea and H. bihai, with flowers of the former corresponding to the short, straight bills of males, the larger sex, and flowers of the latter corresponding to the long, curved bills of females. On St. Lucia, H. bihai compensates for the rarity of H. caribaea by evolving a second color morph with flowers that match the bills of males, whereas on Dominica, H. caribaea evolves a second color morph with flowers that match the bills of females. The nectar rewards of all Heliconia morphs are consistent with each sex's choice of the morph that corresponds to its bill morphology and energy requirements, supporting the hypothesis that feeding preferences have driven their coadaptation.  相似文献   

The President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, scheduled to go out of business on 31 December 1982, requested a three-month extension of its life to complete several reports. This brief news item reports that the requested extension was added as an amendment to a budget bill by the Senate but then stripped from the bill by a House-Senate conference committee.  相似文献   

It appears that therapeutic medicine, important as it is, may have reached a point of diminishing returns. The 12 to 15 percent increases that we are adding to our hundred billion dollar health care bill each year-even the portion that is not caused by inflation-apparently have only a marginal utility.  相似文献   

本文介绍了用日常通用电子表格软件EXCEL编制工程量清单计价系统。为实现工程预结算电算化的快速普及和提高提供参考,并为相关造价人员提供一种实用的计价工具。  相似文献   

2011年1月在滇池海埂大堤捕捉131只取食人工投食的红嘴鸥,对其体重、全长等6项量衡度进行测量,并与20世纪60—80年代采自云南各地的红嘴鸥标本相应值进行比较,结果表明,两者成鸟体重、尾长无显著差异,而全长、翅长、跗踱长和喙长差异极显著;人工投食的红嘴鸥全长和喙长极显著小于自然觅食的个体,而翅长和跗踱长则显著大于自然觅食的个体;亚成鸟体重、翅长和跗踱长两者无显著差异,人工投食的亚成鸟全长、尾长和喙长则极显著小于自然觅食的亚成鸟相应量衡度。  相似文献   

19种园林植物组织杀菌作用的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了19种园林植物的叶片组织对3种常见致病菌的杀菌作用,分析了不同园林植物杀菌能力的强弱;并对贵阳市园林绿化提出了合理化应用园林植物的建议。  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1987,236(4798):136
In Deborah M. Barnes' article "AIDS commission bills proliferate" (News & Comment, 6 Mar., p. 1136), the AIDS commission proposals introduced by Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) and Representative Jerry Lewis (R-CA) were incorrectly identified as being "along the lines of [those] recommended by the Institute of Medicine in its report ("Confronting AIDS") last fall." Instead, the IOM recommended the "establishment of a presidential or joint presidential and congressional commission that is independent and able to provide an ongoing critical assessment of needs-involving basic and clinical research, health care, public health, and other societal issues-as the AIDS epidemic develops," according to Roy Widdus, director of the IOM Division of International Health. The congressional advisory panel on AIDS, described in a bill introduced by Senator Pete Wilson (R-CA), incorrectly identified its potential membership. It would be open to IOM members, not exclude them, as the article indicates.  相似文献   

Smith RJ 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1978,200(4349):1463-1466
"It gave me a feeling of importance, you know, kind of like, I felt like I was the whole-the whole world was revolving around me ... where you feel like you are that important and you find yourself withdrawing from everything that is real, and you live in a type of spiritualistic level, like everything is very symbolic, everything has double meanings and [you] completely lose touch with yourself."-Illicit user of PCP testifying during U.S. Senate hearings on a bill to control sales of the drug's chemical ingredients.  相似文献   

高校国家助学贷款问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放30年来,随着中国高等教育实现由“精英教育”向“大众化教育”的转变,高等学校的办学成本也实现了由“政府为主”的单一模式向多元化模式转变。高校国家助学贷款制度的实施,对于推进高等教育的公平和健康发展,缓解经济困难大学生的就学问题具有重要的现实意义。在调查基础上,通过对高校国家助学贷款制度实施现状和问题的剖析,进一步促进我国高校助学贷款制度的规范和完善。  相似文献   

The efficiency with which several species of hummingbirds extract nectar was estimated by converting the rate of extraction of nectar volumes to the energy expended and the energy obtained from the nectar. The extraction rates depend on corolla and bill morphologies, and the extraction efficiencies depend, in addition, on the bird weight and nectar concentration. Differential extraction efficiencies can be exploited by plants to increase pollinator specificity.  相似文献   

nested–PCR是一种在普通PCR基础上发展起来的专门用于检测单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的技术。结合nested–PCR技术在水稻中检测SNP的研究,以1个水稻香味基因Fgr和3个稻瘟病基因Pi–ta、Pi9、Pigm为例,把nested–PCR的4条引物同时加在一管PCR反应中进行扩增,在其序列内针对SNP位点设计功能标记,用来扩增含有突变位点的DNA片段。通过优化引物浓度梯度和改良反应程序,达到了一步快速检测SNP基因型的目的。  相似文献   

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