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Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder in both dogs and humans. It is refractory to therapy in approximately one-third of canine patients, and even with the advent of new antiepileptic drugs for humans, appropriate treatment options in dogs remain limited. The pathogenesis and pathophysiology of epilepsy is being studied extensively in both human patients and rodent models of experimental epilepsy at the cellular and molecular level, but very little is known about the aetiologies of epilepsies in dogs. In this review, canine epilepsy will be discussed with reference to the human epilepsies and experimental epilepsy research. There is much work to be done in order to classify canine seizure types and breed-specific epileptic syndromes, particularly with reference to electroencephalographic abnormalities and possible genetic abnormalities. The review considers the appropriate use of antiepileptic drugs: phenobarbitone and potassium bromide are effective in most canine patients, although dosing regimes need to be carefully tailored to the individual, with serum concentration measurement. However, a significant proportion of patients remains refractory to these drugs. Work is currently underway to test the efficacy of newer antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of canine epilepsy, and preliminary data suggest that human drugs such as levetiracetam and gabapentin are of benefit in dogs with refractory epilepsy.  相似文献   

Mass testing of dogs in Canada for the presence of Dirofilaria immitis has been ongoing since 1977. Since that time, there have also been changes in the diagnostic tests available to detect the presence of heartworm and changes in the therapy for heartworm, which necessitate a reevaluation of heartworm screening as currently practiced in Canada. The principles of evidence-based medicine were used to determine the prevalence of heartworm infection in various dog populations, and the effectiveness of screening these populations. The annual surveys of heartworm testing have shown that Canada is a low prevalence area (0.16%), with most of the test-positive dogs located in southern Ontario (0.19%), southern Manitoba (0.18%), southern Quebec (0.09%), and the southern Okanagan Valley (0.04%). Foci of higher prevalence are found within these 4 main geographic areas. Furthermore, the prevalence of heartworm infection is higher in the population of dogs not on preventative medication (0.62%), when compared to the population of dogs on preventative medication (0.04%). The evidence indicates that a heartworm diagnostic test applied to an asymptomatic dog on preventative medication contributes little information regarding the heartworm infection status of that dog. However, testing of a dog characterized as being high risk will provide clinically useful information. Recommendations regarding the testing of dogs for heartworm in Canada are derived on the basis of available evidence.  相似文献   

This short addition to our series on clinical statistics concerns relationships, and answering questions such as “are blood pressure and weight related?” In a later article, we will answer the more interesting question about how they might be related. This article follows on logically from the previous one dealing with categorical data, the major difference being here that we will consider two continuous variables, which naturally leads to the use of a Pearson correlation or occasionally to a Spearman rank correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

Canine brain tumours are becoming established as naturally occurring models of disease to advance diagnostic and therapeutic understanding successfully. The size and structure of the dog's brain, histopathology and molecular characteristics of canine brain tumours, as well as the presence of an intact immune system, all support the potential success of this model. The limited success of current therapeutic regimens such as surgery and radiation for dogs with intracranial tumours means that there can be tremendous mutual benefit from collaboration with our human counterparts resulting in the development of new treatments. The similarities and differences between the canine and human diseases are described in this article, emphasizing both the importance and limitations of canines in brain tumour research. Recent clinical veterinary therapeutic trials are also described to demonstrate the areas of research in which canines have already been utilized and to highlight the important potential benefits of translational research to companion dogs.  相似文献   

The following article discusses the pathophysiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, medical treatment and surgical management of glaucoma in the horse.  相似文献   

Acute canine leptospirosis is well known to vet surgeons. To protect dogs against this lethal disease, vaccination is widely used. However, chronic forms of leptospirosis have been noticed even in vaccinated animals, generally induced by bacteria from serogroups other than Icterohaemorrhagiae and Canicola such as Sejroë, Australis or Grippotyphosa. In a survey on 98 ill cats, 48% were positive in microagglutination test (MAT) to Leptospira spp., showing that this infection is also frequent in the feline species.  相似文献   

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