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孙庆珍 《农业展望》2013,(12):34-38
供销合作社是中国最大的经济合作组织,它一头连着生产,另一头连着销售,在实施农超对接过程中具有独特的优势,但同时也面临着信息服务落后、相关人才匮乏及系统内的农民专业合作社不健全等诸多问题和挑战,所以供销合作社应从建设发展农资连锁经营网络、指导农民实行标准化生产、做大做强农民专业合作社等多方面来进一步推进农超对接。  相似文献   

Much of the attention by social scientists to the rapidly growing organic agriculture sector focuses on the benefits it provides to consumers (in the form of pesticide-free foods) and to farmers (in the form of price premiums). By contrast, there has been little discussion or research about the implications of the boom in organic agriculture for farmworkers on organic farms. In this paper, we ask the question: From the perspective of organic farmers, does “certified organic” agriculture encompass a commitment to “sustainability” that prioritizes social goals? Specifically, we aim to broaden our understanding of the relationship between social sustainability and organic agriculture by drawing attention to issues affecting farmworkers, whose labor and contribution tends to elude most discussions of organic agriculture. We present findings from a survey of organic farmers in California about the possible incorporation of social standards into organic certification criteria. Our findings suggest that, at best, lukewarm support for social certification within organic agriculture exists among certified organic farmers in California. They also question expectations that organic agriculture necessarily fosters social or even economic sustainability for most of the farmers and farmworkers involved. However, we also find exceptions to the patterns evidenced in our survey. In-depth interviews with select organic farmers demonstrate that there are individuals whose practices are atypical and demonstrate that, under some circumstances, an organic production system can be at once environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable.  相似文献   

我国乡村旅游的发展概况及创新性发展策略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
孙梅红 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(29):18060-18062
从乡村旅游的发展概况入手,简要介绍了乡村旅游的发展历程、发展规模、地理分布区域、开发形式,并从旅游业结构调整、农业结构调整、经济基础、时间基础、精神需求方面解析了乡村旅游的发展动因。分析了乡村旅游现存的普遍问题,重点在于环境污染加剧、产品层次初级化且体验性不足、缺乏有效的市场营销手段、缺乏乡村旅游人才。在此基础上就乡村旅游的创新性发展策略展开研究,强调应从开发者、经营者、游客、政府层面加强对环境污染的监管;开发诸如公益性角色体验类、乡村大学堂学习类、开心农场租赁类、婚纱摄影外景基地等多样化旅游产品;在营销策略上注意采用多样化的推广手段、加强品牌建设;强调以多种方式培养乡村旅游人才。  相似文献   

我国有机食品产业发展的营销对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余玫 《河北农业科学》2009,13(7):100-101,110
阐述了有机食品产业发展的背景,分析了我国有机食品行业面临的问题与挑战,提出了我国有机食品企业发展的营销对策。  相似文献   

为研究不同有机物料还田与减施氮肥处理对农田碳氮水足迹及经济效益的影响,本试验以单施化肥处理(CK,纯氮270kg·hm-2)为对照,设置了秸秆(J)、秸秆+牛粪(JF)、秸秆+菌渣(JZ)3种有机物料还田方式,耦合减施氮肥10%(N1,243 kg·hm-2)、20%(N2,216 kg·hm-2)、30%(N3,189 kg·hm-2)3个施氮水平,共计10个处理。结果表明:与单施化肥相比,有机物料还田与减施氮肥处理能够显著提高作物产量及农田经济效益,且JZN1、JN2和JFN3处理对农田经济效益的提高效果最显著;JN1、JN2、JFN2、JFN3和JZN3处理均可以有效增加农田的净碳值及碳效率,降低农田的生产氮足迹,增加其输出氮足迹,提高氮投入有效利用水平,同时降低农田水足迹。其中JFN3处理可以在保证农田经济效益的同时,显著提高其碳效率、降低生产氮足迹、提高氮投入有效利用水平、降低农田的水足迹。因此建议豫北地区采用秸秆+牛粪还田、配施纯氮189 kg·hm-2的施肥方式。  相似文献   

旨在解决传统农产品营销模式中的种植计划粗放、营销市场针对性不足、无法充分挖掘市场等问题,实现猕猴桃电商精准营销。通过互联网等途径采集历年猕猴桃电商营销情况相关数据并建立猕猴桃地理信息数据库,结合GIS的地理数据空间分析与可视化技术,对猕猴桃营销大数据进行智能分析与深度挖掘。可以实现详细的数据统计、分析与总览等,对各地区市场的供需情况精准预测。将相关信息及时反馈给种植者,帮助其进行合理的种植方案决策,同时及时调整猕猴桃种植方案。针对不同季节、地区、需求量、品种等制定精准营销策略,以满足市场多样化需求,有效预防产品滞销等现象发生,切实提高种植户经济效益。  相似文献   

概述了高校图书馆引入服务营销的必要性;重点分析了目前高校图书馆服务营销存在缺乏服务营销理念、缺乏服务营销效果评估体系、馆员专业素质低、读者利用成本高等问题;提出了树立"品牌"服务、建立服务营销效果评估体系、开展服务营销活动、提高馆员专业素质和降低读者利用成本等高校图书馆服务营销策略。  相似文献   

台湾民宿发展态势及其借鉴   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经过30年多的发展,台湾民宿经营已进入成熟发展期,形成规模效应,目前主要集中分布在花莲、宜兰、南投、台东、苗栗等县,且有集中在特殊区域的现象。台湾民宿经营在管理辅导、主题风格、行销策略和策略联盟等方面极具特色,使民宿旅游从原属低度发展的行业,创造出高度流行景象,改写了旅游的型态。台湾经验对大陆发展民宿的借鉴是加强管理,行业辅导,促进民宿规范建设;挖掘特色,专业服务,打造多元民宿产品;策略联盟,多元营销,创造更高的经营利润。  相似文献   

通过线上电子问卷采集及产区走访调研,对近年江苏省东海县域草莓种植从业人员信息、生产现状、经济效益及产业需求等内容进行调查,了解近年东海草莓种植在品种结构、病害发生、种苗状况、成本收益等方面的情况。调研结果可以看到,当地草莓产业不断发展的同时也面临着从业人员老龄化、种苗质量问题、流行病害高发、产业整合升级等诸多挑战,文章分析了生产中存在的一些普遍性问题并提出相关建议,以为促进当地农户增收和产业健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen a rapid increase in the rate of conversion from conventional to organic farming, as organic farming shifted from an alternative production approach practiced by a small number of idealists, to the de facto alternative to mainstream conventional production. Although there has been considerable academic debate as to the role of agri-business penetration into the production and marketing chains of organic farming (‘conventionalization’), less is known about how the economic drivers of conventionalization are negotiated into practices at the farm level. Drawing on Bourdieu’s conceptualization of economic and cultural capitals, the direct connection between symbols of ‘good farming’ and the economic requirements of maintaining a viable farming business (i.e., the ‘taste of necessity’) is demonstrated. Findings indicate that conventional and organic farmers in the study sites identified a similar range of cultural symbols, but organic farmers emphasized different symbols within this range. This diversity and selectivity demonstrates the fragmentation and contestation of ideals resulting from economic challenges at the time of the study. Economic capital is important to the decision to consider conversion to organic farming, but formal conversion reflects re-weighting of forms of cultural capital. The author argues that recognition of the impact of economic pressures on conventional farming, which in the study sites often led to reduced input use rather than intensification, is missing from the conventionalization debate. The mainstreaming of organic farming production has presented conventional farmers with a set of alternative or re-weighted symbols and a crucible for reflexive consideration of their own standards and practices of farming.  相似文献   

While questions about the environmental sustainability of contemporary farming practices and the socioeconomic viability of rural communities are attracting increasing attention throughout the US, these two issues are rarely considered together. This paper explores the current and potential connections between these two aspects of sustainability, using data on community members’ and farmers’ views of agricultural issues in California’s Central Valley. These views were collected from a series of individual and group interviews with biologically oriented and conventional farmers as well as community stakeholders. Local marketing, farmland preservation, and perceptions of sustainable agriculture comprised the primary topics of discussion. The mixed results indicate that, while many farmers and community members have a strong interest in these topics, sustainable community development and the use of sustainable farming practices are seldom explicitly linked. On the other hand, many separate efforts around the Valley to increase local marketing and agritourism, improve public education about agriculture, and organize grassroots farmland preservation initiatives were documented. We conclude that linking these efforts more explicitly to sustainable agriculture and promoting more engagement between ecologically oriented farmers and their communities could engender more economic and political support for these farmers, helping them and their communities to achieve greater sustainability in the long run. Sonja Brodt is a former program evaluation specialist with the University of California Integrated Pest Management Program. Her current research focuses on extension and adoption of integrated pest management strategies by California growers and the impacts of pesticide safety training programs on farmworkers. Gail Feenstra is a food systems analyst at the University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP). She coordinates SAREP’s Community Development and Public Policy grants program and conducts outreach and education to academic and community-based groups to build their capacity and leadership skills for developing sustainable community food systems. Robin Kozloff is a social science researcher and consultant in agricultural and land use policy. Karen Klonsky is an extension specialist at the University of California at Davis in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Her research focuses on the economic viability of organic and sustainable farming systems as well as the evolution of the organic market. Laura Tourte is county director and farm advisor at the University of California Cooperative Extension in Santa Cruz County. Her research and extension activities currently focus on farm management and marketing for small-scale growers.  相似文献   

基于牧民的角度,采用问卷形式,对西部少数民族牧区新农村建设面临的问题进行了调查研究。结果表明,牧区草畜矛盾尖锐、草地退化普遍,牧民生产设施薄弱、生产技能缺乏、生产方式传统,公共产品供给不足,治安、村容较差,民主意识不强是牧区新农村建设中存在的主要问题;而经济发展滞后、资源环境约束、生产投入不足、牧民素质不高和传统的生产生活习惯是问题存在的主要原因。在此基础上提出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

通过分析甘肃肃南地区的现状特点、问题挑战及主要成因,发现甘肃肃南地区在人口、资源、环境三方面都存在着一系列问题,并且相互作用.必须协调三者关系,才能达到改善生态环境、合理利用资源,推动民族经济繁荣发展,实现该地区可持续发展的战略目标.  相似文献   

以贵阳W村为例,对农户采纳有机农业生产行为的影响因素进行了分析.结果表明:项目推动和培训其提升意识对农户采纳有机农业生产可产生较大的推动作用,意识培养是基础,但市场的建立、培训不足、劳动力不足、经济收入低等仍然影响着有机农业的发展,相关的政策和行动应该制订出来,以推动其发展.  相似文献   

果园采摘是休闲农业的一个重要类型,在减少农产品流通环节、开拓农产品销售渠道、创建品牌、发展三产融合、提升农业经济效益方面具有明显的优势。笔者以尤溪县洋中镇老友生态农场为例,分析了采摘园存在缺乏规划、服务理念不到位、采摘品种单一、同质化竞争激烈、劳动力成本高、精细化管理不足、品牌建设滞后、营销推广不足等问题。提出对采摘园进行准确定位、采用高标准的绿色种植技术、配套完善服务设施、实现功能分区、利用新媒体进行营销推广、树立品牌等经营管理措施,以带动传统果园转型升级,实现乡村产业振兴。  相似文献   

郑明强 《安徽农业科学》2016,44(30):112-114
[目的]明确有利于提高白菜产量和经济效益的适宜的有机肥和氮肥用量。[方法]在磷肥、钾肥用量一致的基础上,设置4个有机肥和氮肥用量进行单独施用和配合施用,研究有机肥、氮肥不同用量对白菜经济性状、产量和经济效益的影响。[结果]无肥区白菜产量最低,仅11 075.0 kg/hm~2,施肥处理中只施用有机肥区产量最少,仅12 937.5 kg/hm~2,商品有机肥3 000.0 kg/hm~2,尿素150.0 kg/hm~2,普通磷酸钙300.0 kg/hm~2,硫酸钾375.0 kg/hm~2处理的产量最高,达19 525.0 kg/hm~2,经济效益也最大,达29 287.5元/hm~2。[结论]白菜作物大面积栽培建议施用商品有机肥3 000.0 kg/hm~2、尿素150.0 kg/hm~2、普通磷酸钙300.0 kg/hm~2、硫酸钾375.0 kg/hm~2,该配比既能提高白菜产量,又能促进有机肥与化肥互补,有利于作物吸收。  相似文献   

胡艳生  胡兰捷 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(35):17351-17353
板栗产业是集经济效益和生态效益于一体的农业特色农业。通过对湖北省罗田县板栗产业布局、产业基地、产业管理和产业品牌等现状及存在的问题进行调查研究,运用SWOT分析方法对该县板栗产业的发展优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行了分析,并提出了促进该县板栗产业可持续健康发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Recent research exposing environmental and social externalities of biofuels has undermined the earlier national consensus that they would provide climate mitigation and rural development benefits, but support for ethanol remains strong in Iowa. The objective of this paper is to understand how stakeholder groups in Iowa have framed the benefits and risks associated with ethanol’s impact on the local economy and environment. Our case study draws on in-depth, semi-structured interviews conducted with key informants from agricultural organizations, environmental organizations, and government departments in the state. We find that in Iowa, widespread support for ethanol production exists among government, energy, and farm groups, and that they frame ethanol production as economically beneficial to rural communities and agriculture, while minimizing the possibility of associated environmental risks. Although participants from environmental organizations in Iowa express apprehension about the environmental impacts of expanded corn ethanol production, their unease is muted in relation to economic benefits and in relation to other environmental issues, and few have publicly voiced their concerns. To understand these findings, we draw from the environmental sociology literature that examines the role of powerful natural resource interests in framing the importance of resource extraction and commodity production to community identity and economy and in delegitimizing and naturalizing associated environmental issues and problems. We argue that powerful natural resource interests in Iowa both naturalize environmental problems related to ethanol production and engage in diversionary reframing to emphasize the economic benefits while minimizing or rejecting the potential environmental risks.  相似文献   

市场经济体系下的生产和销售完全由市场所引导,县级种子公司在制订营销策略时,必须做到管理创新、机会创新、价格创新、品牌创新以及服务创新,提高公司的社会效益、经济效益。  相似文献   

Modern agriculture heavily depends on energy consumption, especially fossil energy, but intensive energy input increases the production cost for producers and results in environmental pollution.Organic agricultural production is considered a more sustainable system, but there is lack of scientific research on the energy consumption between organic and conventional systems in China.The analysis and comparison of energy use between the two systems would help decision-makers to establish economic, effective and efficient agricultural production.Thus, the objectives of the present study are to analyze energy inputs, outputs, energy efficiency, and economic benefits between organic and conventional soybean(Glycine max(L.) Merrill) production.A total of 24 organic farmers and 24 conventional farmers in Jilin Province, China, were chosen for investigation in 2010 production year.Total energy input was 71.55 GJ ha–1 and total energy output was 96.18 GJ ha–1 in the organic system, resulting in an energy efficiency(output/input) of 1.34.Total energy input was 9.37 GJ ha–1 and total energy output was 113.4 GJ ha–1 in the conventional system, resulting in the energy efficiency of 12.1.The huge discrepancy in energy inputs and respective efficiencies lies in the several times higher nutrient inputs in the organic compared to the conventional production system.Finally, the production costs ha–1 were 33% higher, and the net income ha–1 25% lower in the organic compared to the conventional soybean production system.It is recommended to improve fertilizer management in organic production to improve its energetic and economic performance.  相似文献   

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