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BVDV is associated with a range of economically important clinical diseases including reproductive disorders and acute fatal haemorrhagic disease in cattle industry. Vaccination is still the most important control strategy for controlling BVDV infections in many countries of the world. The existence of great genetic and antigenic diversity of BVDV isolates is very important concern for BVDV vaccine development and protective efficacy of current vaccines. In this review, the protective efficacies of the selected examples of BVDV vaccines with regard to BVDV diversity and the novel marker vaccine development studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infections was determined in 2 groups of stocker calves with acute respiratory disease. Both studies used calves assembled after purchase from auction markets by an order buyer and transported to feedyards, where they were held for approximately 30 d. In 1 study, the calves were mixed with fresh ranch calves from a single ranch. During the studies, at day 0 and at weekly intervals, blood was collected for viral antibody testing and virus isolation from peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs), and nasal swabs were taken for virus isolation. Samples from sick calves were also collected. Serum was tested for antibodies to bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1), BVDV1a, 1b, and 2, parainfluenza 3 virus (PI3V), and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). The lungs from the calves that died during the studies were examined histopathologically, and viral and bacterial isolation was performed on lung homogenates. BVDV was isolated from calves in both studies; the predominant biotype was noncytopathic (NCP). Differential polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nucleic acid sequencing showed the predominant subtype to be BVDV1b in both studies. In 1999, NCP BVDV1b was detected in numerous samples over time from 1 persistently infected calf; the calf did not seroconvert to BVDV1a or BVDV2. In both studies, BVDV was isolated from the serum, PBLs, and nasal swabs of the calves, and in the 1999 study, it was isolated from lung tissue at necropsy. BVDV was demonstrated serologically and by virus isolation to be a contributing factor in respiratory disease. It was isolated more frequently from sick calves than healthy calves, by both pen and total number of calves. BVDV1a and BVDV2 seroconversions were related to sickness in selected pens and total number of calves. In the 1999 study, BVDV-infected calves were treated longer than noninfected calves (5.643 vs 4.639 d; P = 0.0902). There was a limited number of BVDV1a isolates and, with BVDV1b used in the virus neutralization test for antibodies in seroconverting calves' serum, BVDV1b titers were higher than BVDV1a titers. This study indicates that BVDV1 strains are involved in acute respiratory disease of calves with pneumonic Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida disease. The BVDV2 antibodies may be due to cross-reactions, as typing of the BVDV strains revealed BVDV1b or 1a but not BVDV2. The BVDV1b subtype has considerable implications, as, with 1 exception, all vaccines licensed in the United States contain BVDV1a, a strain with different antigenic properties. BVDV1b potentially could infect BVDV1a-vaccinated calves.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of pestivirus antibodies in sheep and goats in India. A total of 2803 serum samples collected between 2004 and 2008 from 1777 sheep in 92 flocks and 1026 goats in 63 flocks belonging to 13 states were tested by competition ELISA for detection of pestivirus antibodies. In sheep, the true prevalence rate was 23.4% (95% confidence interval: 22.9%–27.0%) and in goats it was 16.9% (95% CI: 16.4%–21.3%). The flock level seroprevalence was 66.3% for sheep and 54.0% for goats. Geographical variation in individual and flock prevalence was highly significant. A significant association (p?<?0.05) was found between sheep and goat flocks having cattle contact and the flock level seroprevalence. The seroprevalence was lower in 6 months–1 year age group compared to the 1–2 year and >2 year age groups in both sheep and goats. Cross neutralization studies on 61 seropositive sheep and 34 seropositive goat samples representing all positive flocks, exhibited > four fold higher titre to bovine viral diarrhoea virus type 1 (BVDV-1) in 41 sheep and 23 goat samples and to BVDV-2 in one sheep and goat each. This study for the first time showed serological evidence of wide spread BVDV infections in Indian sheep and goats, with BVDV-1 predominating and BVDV-2 occasionally besides highlighting the potential risk of infection to other species, which needs to be considered whenever BVD control measures are initiated.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was studied in a population of small dairy herds that had not been vaccinated. Bulk tank milk samples of 186 herds in Thailand were collected four times between 2002 and 2004. Serum samples from individual animals in 11 herds were also taken on three occasions. The prevalence of BHV-1 in the 186 herds was 61% in 2002, decreasing to 48% in 2004 and for BVDV was 91% in 2002, decreasing to 72% in 2004. A BVDV antigen-positive calf was found in one of the 11 herds, and animals in this herd and three other herds seroconverted to a recently described atypical BVDV strain (HoBi). This study showed a significantly decreasing prevalence for both BHV-1 and BVDV due to a self-clearance process. Further studies are needed to find out how the atypical BVDV strain entered the cattle population.  相似文献   

Based on their action in cell culture, two biotypes of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) can be distinguished. The noncytopathic (ncp) BVDV isolated from persistently infected animals cause no visible damage to cultured bovine cells. In contrast, cytopathic (cp) BVDV induces severe damage and apoptosis in cell cultures. Cp BVDV can be isolated from cattle suffering from mucosal disease (MD) and is associated with the severe lesions that primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract. To get an insight into the molecular events during BVDV induced cytopathic effect (CPE), the effect of three chemical reagents (3-aminobenzamide, ascorbic acid and N-acetyl-leucyl-leucyl-methional) with completely different mode of actions in infected cells was analysed. All three substances were able to delay the cytopathic effect induced in permissive bovine cells.  相似文献   

Systematic eradication of BVDV without vaccination started in Scandinavia in 1993. In principle, the schemes include; (1) identification of non-infected and infected herds using different combinations of serological herd tests such as bulk milk tests and spot tests (sample of animals in a certain age), (2) monitoring/certification of non-infected herds by repeated sampling, applying one of the above-mentioned methods and (3) virus clearance in infected herds aimed at removing persistently infected (PI) animals in a cost- and time-efficient manner. In the virus clearance protocol described, an initial test is performed on all animals with subsequent follow-up of calves born as well as of dams seronegative in the initial test. It is generally recommended to perform an initial antibody test on all samples. This should be done not only to screen for seronegative animals on which virus isolation should be attempted (i.e. possible PI animals), but more in order to identify non-immune animals in reproductive age, that is, the key animals in herd-level persistence of infection. In Sweden, a common finding has been self-clearance, where the infection ceases without any other intervention than controlled introduction of new animals. Other epidemiological observations concern the course of events following virus introduction. Important risk factors for spreading BVDV are discussed, where livestock trade is perceived as the most central to control. Live vaccines, imported semen and embryos constitute special hazards, since they may act as vehicles for the introduction of new BVDV strains. The importance of making farmers aware of herd biosecurity and their own responsibility for it is stressed, and in order to maintain a favourable situation after a scheme has been concluded, effort must be put into establishing such a persisting attitude in the farming community.  相似文献   

In the last decade, several studies were performed to characterise bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) isolates and define genetic groups by genotyping. Much data is now available from GenBank, predominantly sequences from the 5' untranslated region (5'-UTR). In order to find out whether genetic grouping of isolates from different countries could be harmonised, 22 new isolates from five countries were analysed in combination with published sequences. Eighteen of these isolates were typed as BVDV genotype 1 (BVDV-1), and one isolate from Argentina and three isolates from Brazil were typed as BVDV-2. BVDV-1 isolates were clustered into five previously defined genetic groups: BVDV-1a, b, d, e and f. Two isolates from Finland and one from Egypt formed a group which was tentatively labelled as BVDV-1j, since statistical support was low. By using a fragment of the Npro gene for typing, we found that these isolates fall into the same group as a deer strain, and are statistically significant. Some Swiss BVDV strains taken from GenBank were found in a new genetic group which was designated as BVDV-1k. The BVDV-2 isolates included in this study seemed to fall into two genetic groups.  相似文献   

In this study, blood serum and leukocyte samples were collected from 400 Holstein heifers, all of which appeared to be healthy. Antibodies (Ab) against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) were detected in 57 serum samples, and BVDV antigen (Ag) was detected in 38 leukocyte samples. There were statistically important differences between the average first insemination ages (FIT) of the BVDV (Ag-/Ab+) heifers (p<0.0001) (pregnant p<0.05, nonpregnant p<0.0001) and BVDV (Ag-/Ab-) heifers. The average conception rates (CR) of BVDV (Ag-/Ab+) heifers and BVDV (Ag-/Ab-) heifers were not significant statistically. There were statistically important differences in average FIT between persistent infected (PI) BVDV (Ag+/Ab-) heifers (p<0.0001; PI pregnant p<0.05, PI nonpregnant p<0.0001) and BVDV (Ag-/Ab-) heifers. No significant differences in average CR between PI BVDV (Ag+/Ab-) heifers and BVDV (Ag-/Ab-) heifers were found. The differences in average FIT between BVDV (Ag+/Ab+; p<0.0001; nonpregnant p<0.0001) and BVDV (Ag-/Ab-) heifers were important statistically. Although there were no BVDV (Ag+/Ab+) pregnant heifers, the differences in average CR between BVDV (Ag+/Ab+) pregnant heifers and BVDV (Ag-/Ab-) heifers were found to be statistically important (p<0.0001). We conclude that fertility is affected in heifers with BVDV (Ag-/Ab+, Ag+/Ab- and Ag+/Ab+).  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity of Turkish ruminant pestiviruses was investigated by phylogenetic analysis of complete N(pro) encoding nucleotide sequences. A total of 30 virus isolates obtained from 15 provinces around the country between 1997 and 2005 were included in the phylogenetic analysis. Virus isolates mostly originated from cattle with one isolate from sheep. The bovine isolates all belonged to BVDV-1, the sheep isolate to BVDV-2. Fifteen isolates formed a new subgroup within BVDV-1, tentatively named BVDV-1l. The remaining bovine isolates were typed as BVDV-1a (n=4), BVDV-1b (n=4), BVDV-1d (n=3), BVDV-1f (n=2) and BVDV-1h (n=1). The isolates allocated to BVDV-1l originated from various geographical regions in different years. There was no correlation between genetic grouping and locations where isolates were obtained. Viruses originating from one farm in most cases belonged to the same subgroup (n=5). This study indicates that the newly detected subgroup BVDV-1l is predominant and widespread in Turkey. Moreover, an ovine virus isolate was identified as the first member of BVDV-2 reported in Turkey. A serological survey using samples from western Turkey indicated that BVDV-2 is also present in cattle.  相似文献   

Clinical disease resulting from the vertical transmission of Anaplasma marginale has only been reported on 5 occasions despite studies demonstrating successful in utero transmission. During the reported experimental induction of congenital anaplasmosis in calves, the outcome was variable but mostly led to inapparent or mild infection. There are previous case reports of fatal congenital anaplasmosis following natural infection. The clinical findings in a 2-day-old calf presented to the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital with clinical signs of congenital anaplasmosis, which was unresponsive to treatment, are described. Subsequent post mortem diagnostic tests revealed that this calf was co-infected with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). It is postulated that immunosuppression resulting from BVDV infection predisposed to severe, fatal anaplasmosis in this calf.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the cumulative incidence of mortality, clinical diarrhoea and respiratory disease in calves, during their first six months of age, in herds with different bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infection status. Calves’ health indicators were tested by comparing proportions in 101 farms with dissimilar infection condition. The results indicate that there was a significant relationship between the BVDV status (actively infected herd or not) and the cumulative incidence of mortality and respiratory disorders.  相似文献   

In this study, 15 bovine viral diarrhoea viruses (BVDV) isolated from the field in Turkey were characterised for their biotype, cloned and eventually analysed for their epitopic composition in terms of glycoprotein E2. Immunoplaque assay, plaque assay, limiting dilution and streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase techniques were used for biotype characterisation, cloning of cytopathic (cp) and noncytopathic (ncp) biotypes and epitope analysis, respectively. While 14 out of 15 BVDV isolates were distinguished as ncp biotype, 1 isolate was found to be containing both biotypes (cp + ncp). According to the reactivity patterns of isolates with 15 monoclonal antibodies, 4 different antigenic groups could be formed. There were no antigenic differences between the isolates derived from the same animal with various time intervals. On the other hand, biotype clones isolated from the same animal exhibited difference in one epitope. This is the first study describing antigenic characterisation of BVDV field isolates in Turkey.  相似文献   

Several data from different authors show that Bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) could be a key component in multiple-etiology diseases, indeed a lower leukocytes number and their impaired functions decrease the resistance to infections. However, most of the information on the impairment of immune function during BVDV infections arise from circumstantial evidence and from experimental infection studies, and few from field data. To assess the effects of BVDV on blood cells parameters, cellular and humoral functions under field conditions, we designed a controlled study in commercial dairy herds, comparing persistent infected (PI) and healthy heifers. A total of 45 heifers were considered, the PI animals were nine, the control animals were 34, while two controls were considered as acute infected animals. The comparison of the mean values in PI calves showed a significant decrease for leukocytes and granulocytes, while platelets showed a significant increase, when compared with control animals. The total number of lymphocytes decreased not significantly in PI animals, while the proportion significantly increased. The number and proportion of monocytes was significantly reduced in PI animals, when compared with controls. The data collected on markers of cellular immunity during our study cannot be compared with the literature because there are no reference values. The presence of a persistent infection affected the cellular enzymes: NAGase, lysozyme and respiratory burst showed a large statistically significant decrease in PI animals when compared with controls. The presence of a persistent infection with BVD virus influenced blood cells number and impaired some blood cell functions. Such impairment confirms that PI animals represent a threat to the herd not only because they could spread BVDV, but also because they are more susceptible to other infectious diseases.  相似文献   

The results of a survey conducted during 1993-2000 to study the spread of bovine viral diarrhoeal virus (BVDV) among Estonian cattle are presented. The BVDV infection status of a representative random sample of cattle herds housing 20 or more dairy cows was established to estimate the prevalence of herds with active BVDV infection [potentially having persistently infected (PI) cattle--suspect PI herds]. The herds investigated comprised approximately 70% of all Estonian dairy cows. The BVDV infection status was established in 315-350 herds (making the sampling fraction about 20%) during three sampling periods: 1993-95, 1997-98, 1999-2000. BVDV antibodies were detected in herd bulk milk samples and/or sera from young stock by a liquid-phase-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay developed in the Danish Veterinary Institute for Virus Research. The results of the survey demonstrate the reduction in the prevalence of herds with active BVDV infection in the studied fraction of the Estonian cattle population. During the first sampling period (1993-95) a prevalence of 46% (+/- 5%) for suspect PI herds was observed, during the second sampling period this prevalence was 16% (+/- 3%) and in the third period it was 18% (+/- 3%). As there is no control programme for BVDV in Estonia, the observed changes reflect the natural course of the infection in the study population. A possible cause for these changes is the decreased trade in breeding animals as a result of the economic difficulties present in cattle farming during the study period. The farming practices (most large herds are managed as closed herds) and the low density of cattle farms have obviously facilitated the self-clearance of herds from the BVDV infection, diminishing the new introduction of infection into the herds.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the serological response of heifers after vaccination with two inactivated bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) vaccines by means of various ELISA tests. Three dairy farms were selected from the Galicia region of Spain. In each herd, a batch of heifers to be vaccinated for the first time was selected and followed for 15 months. Heifers from farm 1 (n = 25) were vaccinated with Vaccine A, whereas heifers from farm 2 (n = 16) were vaccinated with Vaccine B. Heifers from farm 3 (n = 17), where no BVDV vaccines were used, acted as controls. Blood samples were analyzed periodically for BVDV antibodies, using five commercial ELISAs, based on BVDV p80 antigen or whole virus.At the end of the study, none of the animals vaccinated with Vaccine A seroconverted according to p80 antibody status, whereas up to 80% tested positive by ELISA against whole virus antigen. For the animals vaccinated with Vaccine B, 2/16 animals seroconverted according to p80 antibody ELISAs, whereas all had seroconverted according to the ELISA against whole virus antigen. In most cases, based on the use of ELISAs to detect specific antibodies against the p80 protein, at 15 months post-vaccination with inactivated BVDV vaccines the responses did not seem to interfere with detection of antibody to BVDV infection. However, the finding of a small proportion of vaccinated animals seropositive against BVDV p80 antigen suggests that antibodies that interfere with diagnosis of BVDV infection within the herd could exist, even when using p80 ELISAs.  相似文献   

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