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Eighteen chickens were immunized subcutaneously with purified type 1 fimbriae from Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis at 18 and 21 weeks of age. Evidence of IgG and IgA responses was found in the eggs and in the sera of the immunized hens. Three weeks later, immunized and non-immunized chickens (n=18) were challenged intravenously with 2x10(7) live Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis. There was no significant difference in the numbers of eggs laid by immunized and non-immunized birds. The percentage of Salmonella contaminated eggs was significantly higher in the non-immunized group than in the immunized group due to a higher percentage of contamination of the externally disinfected egg shells. There were no statistical differences in the percentages of contaminated yolks and egg whites between control and immunized birds. No differences in the number of colonizing bacteria could be found in the spleen nor in the liver between the immunized and the control groups throughout the experiment. Salmonella was cleared from the ovary of the immunized birds in the second week p.i., in contrast to the control birds where Salmonella was isolated till the third week after infection. Oviducts were significantly more infected in the control group than in the immunized group. Salmonella was cleared from the oviducts at 3 weeks p.i. in the immunized hens but not in the control hens. In conclusion, we demonstrated that the immunization of laying hens with type 1 fimbriae reduced the number of contaminated eggs and reduced the colonization of the reproductive organs.  相似文献   

Fowl typhoid is under control in poultry farms of developed countries, but it still endemically subsists in commercial laying hen farms of some countries. It has been demonstrated that Salmonella live vaccines can elicit cross-immunity against members of the same Kauffmann-White scheme serogroup. In this work, we explored the protection conferred by TAD Salmonella vac E, a live Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis vaccine, against fowl typhoid. Three groups of laying hens were vaccinated with different vaccination schedules starting on the first day of life, and afterwards were infected with 2 x 10(5) CFU of a virulent Salmonella Gallinarum strain, either at wk 28 or wk 52. Mortality, fecal shedding, and organ invasion of Salmonella Gallinarum were assessed. In this work we demonstrated that this Salmonella Enteritidis vaccine is able to cross-immunize against Salmonella Gallinarum. At wk 28, hens vaccinated with three oral doses or with two oral doses combined with one subcutaneous dose were protected by the vaccine. At wk 52, when hens were infected 36 wk after the final immunization, the vaccine was not able to confer protection. Thus, revaccination every 3 mo would be highly recommended. In countries where Salmonella Gallinarum subsists together with Salmonella Enteritidis, control programs should include vaccination of laying hens using safe attenuated Salmonella strains.  相似文献   

Salmonella Enteritidis is the predominant serovar associated with egg-borne salmonellosis in humans. The colonization of S. Enteritidis in the vagina may play a role in the production of S. Enteritidis-contaminated eggs. In the first experiment, the in vitro adhesion of S. Enteritidis in vaginal and follicular explants was compared with that of S. Typhimurium by bacteriological isolation methods. The mean number of S. Enteritidis associated with vaginal explants was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than S. Typhimurium associated with vaginal explants and both serovars associated with follicular explants. In the second experiment, the in vitro adhesion and invasion of S. Enteritidis strains in the vaginal epithelium was compared with that of several strains of S. Agona, S. Infantis, S. Hadar, S. Heidelberg, S. Montevideo and S. Typhimurium, by immunohistochemical methods. The mean number of Salmonella in the vaginal epithelium depended on their lipopolysaccharide (LPS) type, with the rank order as follows: LPS type O9 (S. Enteritidis) > LPS type O4 (S. Agona, S. Typhimurium and S. Heidelberg) > LPS type O7 (S. Montevideo and S. Infantis) and LPS type O8 (S. Hadar). This rank order of Salmonella invasiveness is in accordance with the frequency of Salmonella outbreaks involving contaminated eggs. These findings suggest that S. Enteritidis has a higher ability to colonize the vaginal epithelium than other serovars, and the Salmonella LPS type may play an essential role in tropism of the reproductive tract.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to determine T cell changes in Peyer's patches (PP) and cecal tonsils (CT) of specific-pathogen-free Single-Comb White Leghorn hens challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE). Each week, crop lavage samples were obtained from 4 or 3 hens in Trials 1 and 2, respectively. These birds were then sacrificed and their intestinal tracts excised. The crop sample and contents of one cecum from each hen were cultured for the presence of SE. Cells were purified from proximal and distal PP along with both CT and then aliquots of cells were incubated with antibodies to CD4, CD8, and the three T cell receptors (TCR). The T subsets were identified via flow cytometric analysis. Crop and cecal samples were 100% culture positive for SE at week 1 post challenge and a percentage of samples remained positive throughout the study. Some differences in TCR subsets between or within tissues were observed at various times relative to SE challenge but over-all the subsets remained similar during the study. The predominant TCR was TCR2 (vβ1) followed by TCR3 (vβ2). Low numbers of TCR1 (γδ) cells were observed. CD4/CD8 ratios increased in the PP and CT tissues by week 1 post challenge and the ratio elevation persisted throughout the experiment. These results indicate that T cell populations are comparable between PP and CT and enteric SE infection can affect the cellular dynamics of these lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   

Urinary tract cryptosporidiosis in commercial laying hens   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Formalin-fixed kidney tissues from adult egg-laying chickens in two houses of an egg-production complex in the upper Midwest were submitted to Iowa State University for histopathologic examination. An increased incidence of visceral gout, average daily mortality 1%-2% higher than expected, and egg production within normal limits were observed in both houses. Numerous developing stages of Cryptosporidium were observed on the apical surface of epithelial cells lining renal collecting tubules and ureters. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to visualize colonization of cryptosporidia, disruption of microvilli, and exfoliation of parasitized epithelial cells. Lymphoplasmacytic infiltration in the wall of ureters and hyperplasia of parasitized epithelial cells resulted in partial obstruction of ureters, which may have induced visceral gout in affected hens. This is the first report of urinary tract cryptosporidiosis occurring in adult hens in a modern commercial egg-production facility.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Human cases of bacterial gastro-enteritis are often caused by the consumption of eggs contaminated with Salmonella species, mainly Salmonella enterica serovar Enteriditis (Salmonella Enteritidis). To reduce human exposure, in several countries worldwide surveillance programmes are implemented to detect colonized layer flocks. The sampling schemes are based on the within-flock prevalence, and, as this changes over time, knowledge of the within-flock dynamics of Salmonella Enteritidis is required. Transmission of Salmonella Enteritidis has been quantified in pairs of layers, but the question is whether the dynamics in pairs is comparable to transmission in large groups, which are more representative for commercial layer flocks. The aim of this study was to compare results of transmission experiments between pairs and groups of laying hens. Experimental groups of either 2 or 200 hens were housed at similar densities, and 1 or 4 hens were inoculated with Salmonella Enteritidis, respectively. Excretion was monitored by regularly testing of fecal samples for the presence of Salmonella Enteritidis. Using mathematical modeling, the group experiments were simulated with transmission parameter estimates from the pairwise experiments. Transmission of the bacteria did not differ significantly between pairs or groups. This finding suggests that the transmission parameter estimates from small-scale experiments might be extrapolated to the field situation.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for obtaining surface exposed antigens of Salmonella Enteritidis is described. A heat treatment of whole bacteria in saline solution induced the release of small membrane vesicles containing outer membrane components as well as surface appendage components, such as fimbriae and flagellin. The characterization of the structural components of this extract, called HE, was established by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting using polyclonal and monoclonal specific antibodies. Five major groups of proteins were identified: flagellin, porins, OmpA, SEF21 and SEF14 fimbriae. The immunogenicity of these proteins was studied by immunoblotting with serum samples from naturally infected hens. Flagellin, porins, OmpA, SEF14 and SEF21 fimbriae were immunogenic in the S. Enteritidis infected hens (frequency of reactants: 47.3, 97.3, 64.7, 50.0 and 60.8%, respectively); porins also reacted with sera from non infected hens (66.7%). The immunogenicity of these antigens in infected birds provide promise that they may serve as components of an effective subcellular vaccine for poultry salmonellosis.  相似文献   

In France, the regular and compulsory detection of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) and Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) in flocks of breeding and laying hens is based on bacteriological examination of environmental swabs and faeces samples. The aim of this study was to compare this bacteriological examination with a serological method (ELISA) developed in our laboratory. This ELISA was first evaluated by use of artificially infected hens. During these experimental infection studies, several groups of hens were inoculated with SE, ST, different vaccines and different Salmonella serovars to calculate the experimental parameters of our ELISA. Then, in a field study, 43 flocks were followed monthly using two bacteriological samples (environmental swab and pool of faeces) and 20 serological samples (sera or yolks). Twenty-seven flocks without SE or ST gave a negative serological response throughout their surveillance. Among the 10 various serovars different from SE and ST isolated in this study, S. Heidelberg, S. Agona and S. Hadar gave seropositive results in seven flocks. Consequently, this ELISA was not specific of SE and ST as it detected serovars sharing or not common antigens with SE and ST. Seropositive results were also obtained each month for two flocks where no Salmonella could be isolated. Finally, in seven flocks found infected with SE or ST, the positive ELISA results appeared later than the bacteriological detection. Therefore, for the detection of chicken flocks recently infected with SE or ST, bacteriological examination currently used in France seems to be more appropriate than this ELISA.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the seroprevalence of antibodies to the rabies virus in 156 vaccinated dogs from two provinces in the Castilla y León Autonomous Community (northwest Spain). An obligatory anti-rabies programme is currently in place in this region. Seroprevalence was established by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Of the 156 animals tested, 91 (58.3%) were positive (titres of 0.5 IU ml−1 or above). However, Soria province showed a significantly higher seroprevalence (77.1%) than Leon province (50%). Age, sex, habitat and use were evaluated with regard to the response obtained after vaccination: no significant differences were discovered for any of these factors. However, guard and herding dogs in León province tended to have lower seroprevalence than dogs not used in these ways. In general, there is a limited response to the vaccination programme in dogs from Castilla y León—especially in León province.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein (Hsp) 60 of Salmonella appears to be involved in pathogenesis of infectious processes and host immune responses. Eggs of laying hens from two Salmonella Enteritidis naturally infected flocks (I--acute outbreak of infection; II--occasional bacteria excretion) and one control flock (III) were tested for the presence of yolk antibodies (IgY) against Hsp60 by applying enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The levels of specific immunoglobulins were related to those against lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and flagellin. the antigens of the established immunological importance in S. Enteritidis infections. Within flock III, the antibody concentrations were consistently low. Elevated levels were detected in eggs from two infected flocks. Levels of specific IgY measured for flock I were higher than those in flock II; the greatest difference was observed for anti-Hsp60. This report indicates a probable important role of Hsp60 as a target of the hens' immune response, especially during the acute phase of S. Enteritidis infection.  相似文献   

Levels of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis infection and serum S. Enteritidis antibodies after experimental S. Enteritidis challenge and feed withdrawal were investigated in S. Enteritidis-vaccinated and unvaccinated hens. The results were used to determine whether formalin-inactivated S. Enteritidis vaccination can protect layer hens from S. Enteritidis challenge during feed withdrawal periods. S. Enteritidis infection rates were evaluated from cloacal swabs, eggs and organs. Serum antibody titers to deflagellated S. Enteritidis whole cells (DEWC) and S. Enteritidis FliC-specific 9-kDa polypeptide (SEp 9) were examined by commercial ELISA kits. Cloacal S. Enteritidis recovery rates were lower in the vaccinated than unvaccinated group. Recovery rates of S. Enteritidis from samples increased after feed withdrawal and decreased after re-introduction of feed. S. Enteritidis counts in cloacal swabs were lower in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated group (P<0.05). More S. Enteritidis-positive eggs were detected from the unvaccinated group. Before S. Enteritidis challenge, the DEWC ELISA titer of the vaccinated group was higher (P<0.05) than the unvaccinated group; subsequently, the S. Enteritidis DEWC ELISA titers of both groups increased gradually. In contrast, only the vaccinated group elicited high SEp-9 antibody titer during post-challenge and feed withdrawal. Additionally, vaccinated hens yielded negative S. Enteritidis isolation rates from egg contents. There is a correlation between negative S. Enteritidis isolation rates and high SEp 9 titers in vaccinated layer hens challenged with S. Enteritidis and subjected to feed withdrawal regimens. These findings suggest the S. Enteritidis vaccination of pullets may protect against S. Enteritidis infection during forced molting and that SEp 9 titer could be a potential indicator of antibody protection against S. Enteritidis infection. The potential of the SEp 9 peptide as an antigen for S. Enteritidis vaccination in the future is worth noting.  相似文献   

After multiple infections with S. enteritidis in humans and demonstration of S. enteritidis in egg products, S. enteritidis (lysotype 6, plasmid profile 40) could be isolated from organs of hens, anal swab tests of chicken, liquid manure, egg shells and non pasteurized egg contents. Because of the largeness of the hen farm prophylactic vaccinations seemed to be advisable additionally to improvement of the management and hygiene. A vaccine registered in 1987 for use in pigeons and water fowl "Zoosal oral Dessau" was used. As a test three were vaccinated three times and artificially infected. Cross immunity against S. enteritidis could be demonstrated. In October 1987 all chicken of the farm were vaccinated three times at the age of 4, 6 and 7 weeks; random samples were tested for immunity and cross immunity. Until the end of the laying period immunity against S. typhimurium could be proven in 98% of the hens, against S. enteritidis in 95%.  相似文献   

绦虫病是鸡常见的一种寄生虫病,主要危害雏鸡,能引起雏鸡大批死亡,但引起成年蛋鸡发病的报道却很少。2003年10月,辽西地区,尤其是锦州周边地区的一些蛋鸡饲养户饲养的商品蛋鸡陆续发生绦虫病,造成鸡产蛋量下降及部分鸡死亡。现将发病及诊治情况报告如下。  相似文献   

R K Gast  C W Beard 《Avian diseases》1990,34(3):721-728
The antibody response of laying hens to experimental Salmonella enteritidis infection was evaluated in microagglutination, tube agglutination, and rapid whole-blood plate agglutination assays. Hens of three different ages were infected by either oral inoculation or horizontal contact transmission. Blood was collected at weekly intervals, and the presence of specific antibodies was assessed by reaction with antigens prepared from strains of S. enteritidis and S. pullorum. The sensitivity of detection of infected hens did not vary significantly between the assays, as all three tests effectively identified most exposed hens as seropositive. Within each test, however, variation was observed in the detection sensitivity when different antigens were used. The microagglutination titers of serum samples were determined by serial dilution. Antibody titers peaked at 1 to 2 weeks postinoculation and declined steadily, although most birds were still identified as seropositive at 10 weeks postinoculation. The mean microtest titers obtained with S. enteritidis antigens were higher than with an S. pullorum antigen, indicating greater test sensitivity. However, use of the S. pullorum antigen resulted in fewer false positives when sera from uninfected control hens were tested. The titers of contact-exposed hens peaked later and at lower values than did those of inoculated hens, but these two groups of hens had similar antibody titers after the third week postinoculation.  相似文献   

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