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高产双低杂交油菜新品种中油杂2号的选育   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
中油杂2号是中国农业科学院油料作物研究所利用陕2A不育系等材料,经测交,诱变和杂交转育选育的甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育三系杂交种,具有丰产性突出,稳产性好,品质优良,抗(耐)病性强,适应性广等特征。湖北省区试平均2926.43kg/hm^2,比对照中油821增产19.73%,全国(长江中游)区试平均产量2318.18kg/hm^2,比对照中油821增产13.94%。种子芥酸含量0.90%,商品籽硫甙量20.70μmol/fg。2000年通过湖北省农作物品种审定委员会审定,2001年通过全国农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

高产双低杂交油菜淮杂油1号的选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
淮杂油 1号系江苏淮阴农科所选育的甘蓝型双低油菜杂交种 ,在江苏省油菜区域试验、生产试验、多年多点示范种植中均表现出生长优势强、产量高、品质优、抗 (耐 )菌核病、熟期适中等特性。江苏省区试平均产量3 15 7.75kg/hm2 ,比对照宁杂 1号增产 4.5 0 % ,生产试验平均产量 2 843.40kg/hm2 ,比对照宁杂 1号增产 10 .79%。2 0 0 1年通过江苏省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

冯盛华 《作物研究》2002,16(3):146-146
渝杂 18是西南农业大学通过化学杀雄方法培育的高产、高含油量、低芥酸杂交油菜新品种。 1998年 1月通过重庆市农作物品种审定委员会审定。 1999年和2 0 0 0年连续两年参加湖南省组织的优质杂交油菜新组合比较试验 ,表现为抗倒、耐寒、经济性状好。 2 0 0 0年开始引进在华容、岳阳、临湘等地示范种植 ,2 0 0 1年示范种植面积达 330 hm2。1 特征特性渝杂 18属化学杀雄甘蓝型杂交油菜 ,幼苗半直立 ,叶色深绿 ,蜡粉较厚 ,植株高大 ,株高 2 0 0 cm左右 ,一次有效分枝 10个以上 ,株型紧凑 ,花朵大。据农业部油料及制品质量监督检验测试中心测定 …  相似文献   

双低三系杂交油菜蜀杂9号选育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜀杂9号为四川大学生命科学学院育成的甘蓝型油菜细胞雄性不育三系中熟杂交种,参加四川省区试产量为1917.0-2256.0kg/hm^2,比对照种中油821增产33.82%,生产示范最高产量2541.0kg/hm^2。品质优良,芥酸含量0.02%,硫甙(含吲哚硫代葡萄糖甙)含量23.03μmol/g,含油量(干基)41.47%,2001年通过四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

低芥酸杂交油菜渝杂18由西南农业大学采用化学杀雄方法育成,品比试验产量1950-2715kg/hm^2;重庆市区域试验平均产量1946kg/hm^2,比对照品种中油821增产2.21%,生产试验平均产量2139kg/hm^2;比对照中油821增产22.3%。渝杂18商品种子含油量39.97%,芥酸含量0.62%。1998年通过重庆市农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

万油杂1号是重庆市三峡农科所选育的甘蓝型三系杂交油菜新品种,具有生长势强、高产、抗(耐)菌核病和病毒病、熟期适中等特性。在重庆市区域试验和生产试验中,万油杂1号平均产量分别为2065.13kg/hm^2和1907.25kg/hm^2,比对照种中油821分别增产17.83%和25.02%。2002年通过重庆市农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

淮杂油1号系江苏淮阴农科所选育的甘蓝型双低油菜杂交种,在江苏省油菜区域试验,生产试验,多年多点示范种植中均表现出生长优势强,产量高,品质优,抗(耐)菌核病,熟期适中等特性,江苏省区试平均产量3157.75kg/hm^2,比对照宁杂1号增产4.50%,生产试验平均产量2843.40kg/hm^2,比对照宁杂1号增产10.79%,2001年通过江苏省农作物品种审定员会审定。  相似文献   

选育高含油量双低油菜品种的理论与实践   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
含油量作为油菜生产最终目标性状产油量的组成因素,与油菜生产效益的提高息息相关。在目前我国 油菜产量水平已得到相当程度提高的前提下,培育高含油量油菜品种是进一步发展油菜产业的必由之路。根据油 菜含油量的遗传特点,结合培育高含油量杂交油菜品种中油杂8号和中油杂11的体会,提出了除了利用黄籽以 外,培育大粒和适宜植株形态性状的品种也是提高油菜含油量的重要途径。初步构建了高含油量油菜品种的形态 组成,并基于近年来参加和通过国家区域试验的冬油菜品种含油量变化情况,展望了我国高含油量油菜育种的发 展前景。  相似文献   

1 品种来源及选育经过原名“化杀 3号”,母本为双低油菜品种湘油 15号 ,父本为双低油菜新品系 74 2。 1997年春配制组合 ,同年秋进行产量鉴定 ,比湘油 13号增产 16 .7% ,1998~ 1999进行品比试验 ,产量比湘油 15号增产 14 .3% ,生育期长2 d。2 区域试验情况(1)国家 (长江中游区 )油菜区域试验。 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年度 ,平均产量 2 5 6 8kg/hm2 ,比对照增产 17.5 3% ,增产极显著 ,居参试品种 (系 )第一位。2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年度 ,产量比对照增产 2 6 .93% ,达极显著水平 ,居参试品种 (系 )第一位。(2 )湖南省区域试验。 1999~ 2 0 0 0年…  相似文献   

应用电泳技术分析了2个甘蓝型高产双低杂交油菜F1及三系亲本的酯酶同工酶,结果表明,杂种与不育系,恢复系的酶谱类型既有相似性又有特异性。F1的酶谱不仅兼有父母的互补酶带,还具有各自的杂种酶带,为双低杂交油菜早期快速筛选优势组合和鉴定杂种真伪提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

优质两系杂交油菜湘杂油5号的选育   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
湘杂油5号系利用温敏核不育系组配选育而成的两系杂交油菜新品种,在各级中间试验和生产试验中表现良好.本文介绍了湘杂油5号的选育过程、在各级中间试验和生产试验中的产量表现及品种特征特性,并探讨了该品种的栽培技术特点.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):265-269

The relationship between nitrogen efficiency (NE), defined as seed yield per unit nitrogen (N) application, and seed quality was examined in two oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) varieties at 5 N application levels, 0.6, 3, 6, 12, 15 mmol L?1, N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5, respectively. Seed yield, oil yield and protein content were increased with the increase in N application level, but NE and oil content were decreased, and the fatty acid composition in seed was hardly changed. Analysis of seven fatty acids revealed aslight decrease in the contents of erucic acid and arachidonic acid with the increase in N application level, but no obvious change in the contents of palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid. Compared with the low NE variety H29, the seed yield and contents of erucic acid and arachidonic acid in the high NE variety bin270 were more markedly increased with the increase in N application level, and the oil content was hardly changed. The seed yield, oilcontent and oil yield were higher in the high NE variety than in the low NE variety at all 5 N application levels. There were no significant differences in protein, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid contents between the varieties at any of the 5 N application levels, but there were slight differences in the linoleic acid and linolenic acid contents between the two varieties. In brief, N application improved oil yield more greatly in the high NE variety than in the low NE variety, but hardly affected the fatty acid composition. Therefore, the seed quality and oil content of oilseed rape may not be decreased by breeding of a high NE variety with a high N absorption efficiency and high N use efficiency.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育三交种优势潜力分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育三交种和相应单交种进行了对比,结果表明:三交种的总体平均产量略低于单交种,但两者差异不显著,产量最高的组合是单交种09×412,居第二位的是三交种09A×10B×355.与相应的两个单交种相比较,25%的三交种比其两个单交种具有较明显的优势,33.3%的三交种杂种优势介于两个单交种之间,其余41.7%的三交种优势低于两个单交种.12个三交种的各性状株间变异系数平均值除单株角果数和角粒数较明显高于单交种的平均值外,其它性状株间变异系数平均值相当.三交种的整齐性略差于相应的两个单交种,而抗倒性和抗菌核病能力强于相应的两个单交种或介于两个单交种之间.  相似文献   

甘蓝型两系杂交油菜两优586的选育   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
两系法杂交油菜两优586是利用甘蓝型光温敏雄性不育两用系501-8S与恢复系C6-1杂交筛选出的最佳新组合。该组合具有产量高、品质优、生育期适中、抗性强等优点。3年品比试验、2年的区域试验和生产试验,均比对照油821增产9.9%以上,综合评比居参材料首位。  相似文献   

细胞质雄性不育甘蓝型杂交油菜新品种丰油701,其组合为湘5A×048R,湘5A属Pol CMS系统.长江中游区油菜区试结果,丰油701平均产量2 506.2kg/hm2,比对照增产16.1%.芥酸含量0.25%,硫甙含量 33.66μmol/g,含油量43.12%.  相似文献   

The sowing method of spring‐type canola (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera) for forage has a major influence on its productivity and agronomic management. A field experiment was conducted in Matamoros, Coahuila, Mexico, during two growing seasons (2008–2009 and 2009–2010) to determine dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and net energy for lactation (NEL) yields, as well as canola forage chemical composition as a function of six sowing methods. The treatments assessed were broadcast sowing and five different row spacings: 0·19, 0·38, 0·57, 0·76 and 0·95 m (double row, 0·20 m apart). In the first year, with a mean growing season temperature of 17·2°C, sowing methods did not affect DM yield, but CP and NEL content and yield were higher in 0·19‐m row spacing. The mean temperature in the second year (13·5°C) was slightly lower than the long‐term mean (14·8°C) in the region, resulting in the highest DM (8840 kg ha?1), CP (2486 kg ha?1) and NEL yields (51 103 MJ ha?1) with 0·19‐m row spacing. In row‐sowing methods with over 0·19‐m row spacing, DM, CP and NEL yields decreased by 19·3–39·7, 20·4–42·1 and 21·2–42·7% respectively. Results indicate that sowing methods significantly affected canola forage productivity.  相似文献   

我国油菜产品质量安全现状及对策   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
根据1999、2002年我国油菜生产调查和国内外油菜产品抽样检测结果,分析我国油菜生产、产品品质现状及与国外的差距,提出了提高我国油菜产品质量的建议.  相似文献   

为合理调整不同氮素吸收利用效率油菜品种的氮肥用量,提高氮素利用效率,大田试验条件下,根据长江流域冬油菜主产区广泛种植的34个甘蓝型油菜品种的氮素吸收和利用效率的差异,以氮素吸收和利用效率的平均值为界线将供试品种分为4类,即A-高效吸收高效利用型、B-低效吸收高效利用型、C-高效吸收低效利用型和D-低效吸收低效利用型,研究4类油菜的生长性状、干物质及氮素积累和分配的特点。结果显示,A类品种在主序长、主序角果数、一次分枝数和一次分枝角果数等农艺性状上表现很强的生长优势,B、C两类居中,D类品种最低。氮素吸收效率高的品种,其干物质量、氮素积累量相对越多,不同类型油菜的地上部生物量及氮素积累量顺序为C、A>D、B;氮素利用效率高的品种,干物质量和氮素积累在籽粒中的分配相对较多,而在果壳中分配相对较少,籽粒产量以及籽粒氮素积累量顺序则为A>B、C>D。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of trifluralin, pronamide, haloxyfop-p methyl, propaquizafop and isoxaben on weed control and oilseed rape yield, a two year field experiment was conducted at Darab, Iran, during 2004–2005 and 2005–2006 growing seasons. Herbicides reduced weed biomass compared with the weedy check. In 2004–2005, at 16 WAP (weeks after planting), application of trifluralin plus propaquizafop plus isoxaben at 1200 + 200 + 250 g a.i./ha and trifluralin plus haloxyfop-p methyl plus isoxaben at 1200 + 100 + 500 g a.i./ha provided best control (80%) of wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.), compared to other treatments. At 8 and 16 WAP, wild mustard control decreased to 47 and 42%, respectively, when trifluralin was applied alone at 1400 g a.i./ha. In 2005–2006 at 16 WAP, maximum reduction in wild mustard biomass (82%) was achieved with trifluralin plus propaquizafop plus isoxaben at 1200 + 200 + 250 g a.i./ha. In both years, all herbicide treatments controlled fumitory (Fumaria officinalis L.) 64–96%. In 2004–2005, at 16 WAP, wild oat (Avena fatua L.) biomass reduction by trifluralin plus propaquizafop plus isoxaben at 1200 + 200 + 250 g a.i./ha was 95%. In 2005–2006, at 8 and 16 WAP, minimum biomass reduction of wild oat (37–53%) was observed with trifluralin at 1200 and 1400 g a.i./ha. In both years, at 8 and 16 WAP, the most effective herbicide treatments were trifluralin plus propaquizafop plus isoxaben and trifluralin plus haloxyfop-p methyl plus isoxaben regardless of the dose applied and provided maximum reduction in total weed biomass (77–89%) compared to other treatments. Results of both years showed that all herbicide treatments increased oilseed rape grain yield as compared with the weedy check but percentage of oil was not affected by various herbicide treatments. Maximum grain yield was obtained with trifluralin plus haloxyfop-p methyl plus isoxaben at 1200 + 100 + 500 g a.i./ha.  相似文献   

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