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通过对林业可持续发展时代特征的讨论,阐明了林业可持续发展与林业调查规划的相关性,同时,提出了林业调查规划可持续发展的新思路。 相似文献
介绍了知识经济的发展过程、特征及其论点。云南林业调查规划这支专业队伍从成立的第一天起 ,就伴随着学科的发展和技术的创新而成长壮大。随着知识经济时代的到来 ,实现林业跨越式发展 ,林业调查规划事业就必须要接受知识经济时代的检验 ,跟着时代前进。因此要转变观念 ;调整结构 ;建立考评制度和激励机制 相似文献
随着林业生产格局的变化,林业调查规划趋向多元化,森林生态学原理已不能完全支持当前林业调查规划所需的理论,必须从根本上摆脱传统的模式,借鉴景观适应这的原理,以流域生态环境规划为主基调,重新认识林业调查规划研究对象、范围,重新定位调查目标和体系。 相似文献
为正确总结过去,探索我国自己的林业调查规划道路,本文提出要历史、辨证地看待过去近40年的工作,并从几个方面列举事实,说明成绩是主要的,教训是深刻的。在总结经验教训的基础上,提出了调查规划工作的目标:及时查清森林资源;建立和管好资源档案;掌握森林消长动态,摸清变化规律;积极、有计划地开展林业区划、规划设计、各种专业调查,为科学经营提供依据;不断引进新技术,实现调查规划现代化。为实现上述目标,必须建立适合我国国情的资源调查管理体系--统一标准、分级调查、分级管理,将林业调查规划列为进行林业生产建设的法定程序,统一管理好我国的森林资源。 相似文献
概括总结了福鼎市生态环境建设的现状及桑美灾后福鼎市大力实施林业生态工程取得的初步成效,分析当前福鼎市林业生态环境建设存在生态保障体系不够完善、林业生态建设投入不足、科研水平不高以及野生植物资源受破坏、保护压力大等重点问题,针对实际情况提出了今后福鼎林业生态环境建设的对策和思路。 相似文献
吉林省林业信息专网是吉林林业的重要基础服务平台,对加快政府职能转变、提高行政质量和效率、促进现代林业建设和绿色发展具有重要作用。本文介绍了吉林省林业信息化专网建设的背景和主要内容,分析了林业专网的功能特点,总结了林业专网建设的经验和社会经济效益。 相似文献
针对林业统计数据复杂、核算范围广、数据收集难及指标设计专业性强的特点,从林业统计工作重要性认识不足、林业统计存在数据缺失现象、林业统计基础工作薄弱等3个方面分析了当前河北省林业统计面临的主要问题,并提出要加强对林业统计工作重要性的认识、优化数据质量建设、强化基础管理的对策。 相似文献
福建省森林资源档案管理工作的主要做法是成立管理机构、出台规范文件、做好资源档案更新和实际服务运用、多渠道筹集管理经费。通过调查分析,发现其森林资源档案管理中存在的主要问题是部分沿海县森林资源档案管理机构不健全,少数单位森林资源档案数据不实,集体林权制度改革后档案难以适时更新。提出了进一步健全森林资源档案管理机构、杜绝少数单位森林资源档案更新不客观真实的现象,加快3S技术在档案管理中的应用等对策。 相似文献
The current forest planning system of Japan has been in place since the formulation of the Forest Law back in 1897. During this time, although addressing specified forests as demonstrated in the system for protection forests, in a more general sense, the execution of the forest planning system has placed forestry management at the core. In other words, it has instead been forest administration delivered in a manner relevant to forestry management. This trend is exhibited in, for instance, policies for the reorganization of common forest, the forest management planning system, forest owners associations, the proceeds-sharing reforestation system, cooperative silviculture management, and valley forestry revitalization; which have all been implemented.In this paper I review the results of these practices and explore the contemporary forest owners pattern of behavior. I also discuss the passive attitudes among forest owners, especially in comparison with the attitudes prevalent during the postwar reforestation era, continuing up to the 1960s, and the current tendency towards neglect in the afforested areas, as well as the increasing number of forest owners giving up forestry practice.In the postwar era (up to the 1960s), forestry had been following an upward trend of development that motivated forest owners to afforest, as this was the optimal choice for increasing the familys stocks for future generations (in the manner of holding an asset), and thus a rapid expansion of plantation forests resulted. By the 1970s, when domestic wood supply became less than a half of all domestic wood demand (it is still declining now), forest owners gradually began to lose interest in reforestation and care of the forest as a method of increasing assets. The current share of domestic wood supply in total consumption has dropped to 20%, and the annual cut volume is only 23% of the annual volume increment.Forests are as much a public property as they are private and, moreover, represent a globally significant resource. Active stewardship, such as materializing internationally agreed notions of sustainable forest management, promoting forest certification systems, and complying with the Kyoto Protocol, are now important issues, both domestically and internationally.The paradoxical gap between current forestry trends and public aspirations for forests is widening with each year, thus creating a grave social problem. I have been focusing on forestry revitalization as the primary step towards the resolution of this issue. As the logical basis for executing this policy, I review the relations between forest resource policies and forestry policies.At the same time, by reviewing the forest planning system and its developmental process, I sought to investigate what new policies would fulfill the need to realize the public functions of forests while revitalizing forestry, form the point of view of forestry policies and their influence on the forest planning system. I have concluded that there is a case for separating forest management from forest ownership in units of forest compartments; namely to establish an incorporative management system by which forest owners can invest in their stands. 相似文献
简要介绍坦桑尼亚的基本情况、森林资源特点和林业相关政策,详细阐述了森林生态保护的具体措施:森林资源保护从源头控制(采伐数量及采伐林木胸径),到源尾管理(企业持证消费,产品持证销售)等诸多政策、措施。探讨了我国森林资源保护可借鉴之处,并提出加强合作与交流的具体方向和建议。 相似文献
通过对温州主城区绿化现状的调查并对存在问题进行分析,认为温州主城区作为高密度人口城市,应该见缝插针的进行全方位绿化,利用乔、灌、花组成多层次的绿化空间,实现立体绿化,合理布局树种,尽量少建草坪,重视林荫大道建设,提高森林覆盖率和城市绿地率,以提高城市生态效益。 相似文献