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潜蝇科常见有害属的分类鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述潜蝇科中 8个常见有害属 ,潜蝇属、彩潜蝇属、东潜蝇属、斑潜蝇属、黑潜蝇属、蛇潜蝇属、菲潜蝇属和热潜蝇属的主要分类特征 ,并编制分属检索表和附特征图 ,以供分类鉴定时参考  相似文献   

大豆根潜蝇(Ophiomyia shibatsuji Kato)又名豆根蛇潜蝇,为单食性害虫,只为害大豆和野生大豆,是近年来为害七台河市大豆根部的主要害虫之一.2000年大豆受害面积0.53万hm2,占播种面积的15%,被害株率轻者10%左右,严重田块达20%~30%.  相似文献   

近三年,东亚麦潜蝇Agromyza yanonis(Matsumura.1916)在我县迅速发展(经上海昆虫所范滋德同志鉴定)。全县40万亩三麦(元麦、大麦、小麦)块块受害,严重田块麦叶被潜食一空,减产一成左右。 东亚麦潜蝇属双翅目,潜蝇科,潜蝇属。是一种小型蝇类。  相似文献   

本篇详细记载世界蛇潜蝇属Ophiomyia Braschnikov和东潜蝇属Japanagramyza Sasakawa现知11种害虫的寄主植物和地理分布,并编制分种检索表和附相应特征图,以供分类鉴定时参考。  相似文献   

大豆潜根蝇在丹东地区发生危害大豆潜根蝇Ophiomyiashibatsuji(Kato)又名豆根蛇潜蝇、大豆根蛆,属双翅目潜蝇科。国内黑龙江、吉林、河北及山东等省都有发生,是我国北方新发生的一种重要大豆害虫。1992-1993年,笔者在丹东地区调查大...  相似文献   

晓诸 《植物保护》1984,10(4):36-36
大豆黑潜蝇(Melanagromyza sojaeZehntner)在我县历年发生普遍,常年春大豆虫株率达6—18%,夏大豆虫株率高达98—100%,百株含虫量500头左右,严重发生田高达千头以上。近年夏大豆种植面积已超全县耕地面积的四分之一,对豆秆蝇的防治成为一个急待解决的问题。  相似文献   

豆秆黑潜蝇(Melanagromyza sojae)是汉中盆地夏大豆上的主要害虫之一。以前我区很少发生,自1980年以来,随着大豆的需求量不断增大,种植面积也随之增加,发生量逐年上升,为害日趋加重,特别是近两年来,豆秆黑潜蝇已成为汉中地区大豆生产上的障碍因素。自1988年以来,大豆苗期被害株率常在50%左右,严重的达80%以上,生长后期被害株率90~100%。现将我们对该虫的观察结果报告如下,供参考。  相似文献   

豆秆黑潜蝇(Melanagromyza sojae)是陕西、甘肃等地夏大豆上的主要害虫之一。以前很少发生。自1980年以来,因大豆种植面积不断增加,该虫为害日趋加重,特别是近两年来,已成为陕、甘、川大豆生产上的障碍因素。现将我们对此虫的观察结果报道如下:  相似文献   

申佩良 《植物保护》1980,6(6):21-23
豆根蛇潜蝇Clphiomyja Shibatsuji Kato 1961属双翅目,潜蝇科,蛇潜蝇属,分布广,发生普遍,为我省大豆生产上的重要害虫。 一、形态特征 成虫 体长2.2—3.0毫米,两个等大的上眶鬃后倾,两个等大的下眶鬃内倾如(图1)。前缘脉强大延伸到m_1 m_2,r—m横脉位于第二中室外1/3处如(图2)。雄性及雌性生殖器外形(如图3)。 幼虫 体白色,长3.8—4.0毫米,口钩正上方有一指形类(图4),前端气门着生24—30个球状气孔,后端气门鸡冠状着生28—40个柱状气孔(图5)。 蛹 壳黑红色半具光泽,前后各一对骨化气门突。 卵 长椭圆形,长0.4毫米,乳白色,卵壳透明。  相似文献   

小麦黑潜蝇生物学特性研究牟秀君,陈贵平,鞠金鑫(山东枣庄市山亭区农业局277200)小麦黑潜蝇(AgromyzaambyguayanonisMats)属双翅目,潜蝇科。该虫自1989年以来在山东枣庄一带为害小麦严重。据调查小麦出苗后即受小麦黑潜蝇幼虫...  相似文献   

The first checklist of Turkish leafminers of the family Agromyzidae (Diptera), comprising 78 species, is presented.Melanagromyza cunctans (Meigen, 1830) is recorded as new for the Turkish leafminer fauna. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Feb. 2, 2002.  相似文献   

In a study carried out during 2002 and 2004 in Diyarbakıir and Mardin provinces, southeast Turkey, specimens were collected twice a month from cultivated and non-cultivated plants. Sixteen leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) species were identified. Among them,Agromyza abiens Zetterstedt, 1848;Napomyza elegans (Meigen, 1830);Phytoliriomyza dorsata (Siebke, 1864); andPhytomyza aquilonia Frey, 1964 are new records for the Turkish leafminer http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 24, 2005.  相似文献   


The present status of the imported and naturally occurring insects pests of Lantana camara L. a noxious exotic weed in Zambia, was determined by survey. Of the seven insect species imported in 1969–74, only Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål has become established in Zambia and occurs today all over the country. Two other neotropical lantana insects, namely Ophiomyia lantanae (Froggat) and Lantanophaga pusillidactyla Walk, have spread naturally into Zambia. In addition, 17 indigenous insect species were recorded as infesting lantana during the survey. The actual injuriousness of the insect complex to lantana was in all cases negligible, and it was concluded that insects will probably not contribute significantly to lantana control in Zambia.  相似文献   

内蒙古典型草原蝗虫群落结构和生态位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用定点调查和生物量定量分析方法对内蒙古典型草原不同草地蝗虫群落结构和生态位进行研究,结果表明,典型草原蝗虫群落结构丰富,主要蝗虫有11种,草原蝗虫的时间分布揭示了蝗虫时间生态位的分化,宽须蚁蝗[Myrmeleotettix palpalis(Zubowsky)],亚洲小车蝗(Oedaleus decorus asiaticus B.-Bienko)、短星翅蝗(Calliptamus abbreviatus Ikonnikov)分别构成镶黄旗草原蝗虫早期、中期、晚期优势种;根据蝗虫种群地位,将11种蝗虫划分为优势种、附属种、稀少种,把11种蝗虫按空间地位划分为禾草地类、荒草类、特殊类和全域类4类,优势种蝗虫的种群与空间地位,反映了蝗虫与植被、蝗虫与蝗虫之间关系。优势种蝗虫中短星翅蝗的时空生态位宽度最大,其次是亚洲小车蝗和宽须蚁蝗,说明短星翅蝗对时空"资源"的利用程度最高,共存的蝗虫种类在"资源"利用上存在着明显的分化,亚洲小车蝗与宽须蚁蝗的生态位重叠最大,说明两者利用资源的相似性程度最高。我们用生态位来体现蝗虫种群地位及对资源的利用,同时也用资源的系统聚类来预测蝗虫的潜在发生与危害。本文系统地研究了蝗虫群落结构和蝗虫生态位,将为评价草原蝗虫潜在发生与危害、蝗虫宜生区划分和制定草原有害生物防治策略提供理论基础。  相似文献   

A field survey of the Orobanchaceae family members and their hosts in Jordan was carried out from 2003 to 2007. The intensity of parasite infection on different hosts and the severity of the infestation were evaluated. The results showed the presence of seven species of Orobanche and three species of Cistanche . The Orobanche species were found parasitizing 86 plant species belonging to 24 botanical families. Most of the species attacked by Orobanche were from the Compositae (20 species), Solanaceae (11 species), Leguminosae (nine species), Umbelliferae (seven species), Cruciferae (seven species), Cucurbitaceae (four species), Labiatae (four species), and Rosaceae (four species) families. Other families were represented by one-to-three species. Cistanche attacked 20 species of forage wild shrubs, fruit trees, and forest trees of seven families, mostly belonging to the Chenopodiaceae (seven species) and Leguminosae (three species) families. Previously unreported hosts for both genera include: Amygdalus communis , Olea europaea , and Quercus coccifera , which were parasitized by Orobanche palaestina ; A. communis , O. europaea , Prunus armeniaca , and Prunus persica , which were parasitzed by Orobanche cernua ; O. europaea and A. communis , which were parasitzed by Orobanche schultzii ; Haloxylon persicum , which was parasitzed by Cistanche lutea ; Punica granatum , Alhagi maurorum , Casuarina equisetifolia , Centaurea postii , and Prosopis farcta , which were parasitzed by Cistanche tubulosa ; and Achillea spp., Anabasis syriaca , H. persicum , Haloxylon salicornicum, Suaeda spp., and Zilla spinosa , which were parasitzed by Cistanche salsa . Certain Orobanche species were completely destructive to the cultivated crops. The results indicated the high potential of both parasitic genera to spread and to attack new hosts, while the threat they impose to agriculture in Jordan will probably result from poor management and deficiences in farmers' training.  相似文献   

为鉴定云南稻种质资源对水稻白叶枯病的抗性情况,于孕穗期采用剪叶接种方法,用水稻白叶枯病强致病型代表菌株BD8438、CN9404和X1接种云南野生稻和地方稻种质资源,以病斑长度大于6 cm为感病分界线,对其抗感表现型进行调查分析。结果显示,共鉴定出来源于云南省不同种植生态区的186份地方稻抗性材料和22个野生稻抗病居群。野生稻对水稻白叶枯病的抗病能力较地方稻强,其中疣粒野生稻的抗性最强,抗病等级为0~2;药用野生稻次之,抗病等级为1~2;普通野生稻相对较差,抗病等级为1~5。地方稻抗性资源来自于云南省各个传统水稻种植区,抗性1级的材料占17%,抗性2级的占2%,抗性3级的占81%;按照稻种质资源亚种类型、粘糯性和水旱性分类,各类型地方稻抗性材料所占比例分别为粳稻占61%、籼稻占39%;粘稻占66%、糯稻占34%;水稻占83%、陆稻占17%。从利用抗白叶枯病基因培育新品种的角度评价,这些抗性资源具有潜在的发掘利用价值。  相似文献   


Six seed dressing insecticides were tested for efficacy against Ophiomyia phaseoli (BF) in 1987 and 1988 at two locations in south‐central Ethiopia. Endosulfan and aldrin, at 5 g a.i./kg of seeds, were the least phytotoxic and the most effective. The rest gave variable results; BF control with some insecticides (e.g. furathiocarb) was comparable, but they showed varying degrees of phytotoxicity. The maximum seed yield loss was 36.5%. The results suggest that aldrin be replaced with endosulfan, which is less persistent.  相似文献   

外来广聚萤叶甲在我国大陆潜在分布区的预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
豚草是传入我国的恶性外来入侵杂草,广聚萤叶甲(Ophraella communaLeSage)是新近发现、专食豚草的潜在有效天敌。为预测广聚萤叶甲的潜在分布范围,利用CLIMEX软件对该叶甲与豚草及其近缘植物三裂叶豚草、向日葵等潜在寄主植物的适生区进行了分析和预测;采用由生态气候指数(EI)衍生的生物-气候风险指数(BCRI),分别分析了该叶甲与这3种植物同域分布的范围。广聚萤叶甲在我国大陆的潜在分布区向北可以分布到沈阳,向南可能分布到海南;而华东、华南和西南东部地区是其适宜的分布区域。广聚萤叶甲与豚草在我国北部的共同适宜边际区到达山东济南,与三裂叶豚草和向日葵的北部边际区达到辽宁沈阳,而该叶甲与这3种植物的共同适宜区主要分布在华东、华南和西南东部等地。我国北方种植的向日葵受广聚萤叶甲取食危害的风险很低。  相似文献   


The main pulse crop during the kharif season in Uttar Pradesh (India) is pigeon pea. Melanagromyza obtusa Malloch, Exelastis atomosa W., Heliothis armigera Hubn., Euchrysops cnejus Fab., Maruca testulalis Geyer and Anarsia ephippias Meyrick are the important pod borers which cause great damage to this pulse crop. The symptoms of attack and methods of pest control are described.  相似文献   

The results presented here support the hypothesis that plants of the tribe Oryzeae respond enantioselectively and homogeneously to optically active 1-alpha-methylbenzyl-3-p-tolylurea (MBTU) in root growth inhibition, in contrast to Echinochloa species. The Oryzeae plants tested in this study belong to different genera (Oryza, Leersia, Chikusichloa and Zizania), to different species (O sativa, O glaberrima, O alta, O coarctata, O latifolia, O minuta, O rufipogon), to various ecospecies of Oryza (japonica, indica, japonica x indica, javanica) and to different levels of evolution [cultivated rice (O sativa and O glaberrima) and ancestral wild rice species]. In spite of their different phylogenic status and diverse sensitivity, the root growth of all members of the genus Oryza was inhibited more by R-MBTU than by S-MBTU. Zizania palustris, Z latifolia, Leersia oryzoides and Chikusichloa aquatica belonging to the tribe Oryzeae exhibited similar chiral recognition to the Oryza plants, suggesting that Oryzeae have a common chiral recognition mechanism in their response to optically active MBTUs. In contrast, Echinochloa plants (E crus-galli (L) Beauv var crus-galli and E colonum (L) Link), belonging into subfamily Panicoideae tribe Paniceae, responded in a different way, where their root growth was more sensitive to S-MBTU than to the antipodal R-MBTU. A reverse chiral response between the tribe Oryzeae and the genus Echinochloa was clearly indicated in this study. This diverse response may be relevant to Gramineae classification.  相似文献   

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