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<正> 鲤鱼是我国北方地区的主要水产养殖品种。近年来,由于颗粒饵料的普及推广,集约化养殖程度越来越高,吨鱼塘、双吨塘屡见不鲜。暴发性鱼病也日趋严重,给养殖单位造成极大损失。笔者根据多年实践经验和与有关专家探讨,将该病的发生情况及防治方法介绍如下,仅供参考。 1 发病特点 1.1 流行季节长 6月下旬至9月中旬是该病  相似文献   

近几年来,我省鲤鱼暴发性出血病发病较多,特别是绥化市北林区,因大量发生暴发性出血病,给渔业生产带来较为严重的经济损失,我们通过近几年的预防和治疗,积累了一些经验,现总结如下:  相似文献   

镇平县金鱼养殖业已成为当地农业结构调整的“龙头”产业,全县金鱼养殖面积已达5000多亩,从业人员3万余人,产品销往全国十几个省市和香港、台湾、新加坡等其它地区和国家。为贯彻落实《出口观赏鱼检疫管理办法》,确保金鱼销售和出口渠道的畅通,在金鱼养殖过程中,我们着重进行了无公害、低残留水产药物的  相似文献   

~~5郾做好药物预防每半月至20天用药物预防一次。外泼:生石灰20克/米3、溴氯海因0郾2克/米3、氯杀灵0郾15克/米3;内服:土霉素、氟哌酸、大蒜素、三黄粉交替拌饵投喂。6郾多种药物交替使用治疗从本次治疗看,单一药物治疗很难达到理想效果,尤其对暴发性出血病,要合理选择多种药物  相似文献   

一、病原体鳜鱼暴发性出血病,主要以大型球状病毒为主,在发病过程中常伴有气单胞菌和寄生虫等。二、症状发病前塘水一般会发生突变、浑浊,池边也有鳜鱼头上尾下,不协调地旋转游动,胸腔、鳍基部及尾部出现充血,鳃丝完整,由红变白,腹腔积水,肝脏变白并伴有点状出血,脾脏增大,肠道无食,多数伴有细菌性烂鳃病、寄生虫病等(用常规消毒杀虫药会出现暂时好转,但几天后又会大量死亡,此时药物将无法控制)。三、流行情况及原因此病主要危害的鳜鱼大多数在10厘米以上,水温25℃左右,当水温降至20℃时,死亡减少,目前暴发原因主…  相似文献   

1997年,二道河乡三站村试验搞四个5×5×2.5网箱,投放鲤鱼种932公斤,平均每箱236公斤。鱼入箱后不久,发生水霉病,用孔雀石绿等消毒药物浸洗,仍不见好转,并且继续大量死亡。后仔细检查,解剖鱼体,发现是暴发性出血病。采用中西药结合方法进行防治,收到了较好效果。现将方法总结如下:一、鱼病症状从鱼体表来看,背鳍、腹鳍充血发炎,鳍条间组织破坏,形成蛀鳍,眼球突出、发白,鳃盖出现红色血丝,鳃丝暗红色,肿胀,附有粘液,腹部显著肿大,全身竖鳞、浮肿。从病鱼解剖来看,肠道和肾充血发炎,肠粘膜脱落,肠内有脓状物,无食…  相似文献   

鱼类暴发性出血病是鱼类细菌性疾病,也称暴发病、出血病。1 病原目前经初步鉴定,病原体共分3个类型:(1)鲁克氏耶尔森氏菌;(2)气单胞菌;(3)河孤菌。其中气单胞菌为主要致病菌。2 症状患病早期,从外观观察,病鱼的口腔、腹部、鳃部、眼眶、鳍及鱼体两则呈充血症状。剖开腹部,肠道内尚见少量食物。随着病情的发展,上述体表充血现象加剧,出血症状明显。此外常伴有眼眶周围充血,眼球突出,腹部膨大红肿等症状。腹部明显可见内脏器官(如肝、脾、肾等)肿大受到损害,腹腔内积有黄色或红色腹水,肠道充血,充气且贫血症状,有时呈…  相似文献   

<正> 近两年来,在我国许多淡水养鱼地区暴发了白鲫、鳊、鲢等出血病。其病情来势猛、流行面广,加之并发细菌性烂鳃、赤皮等疾病,死亡率一般在60%左右,有的几乎“全军覆没”,对养鱼业造成严重威胁。经科研人员持续研究,探索其诱发疾病因素,检测生产实例,分离病菌菌株及活体感染等结果表明,引起此病的病菌为液化产气单胞菌(Aeromoas Liqufaciens)和点状产气单胞菌(Aeromonas Punctata)。它们均属于弧菌科气单胞菌属中两种菌株,具有近似的生物学特性,革兰氏染色为阴性。暴发性出血病的主要症状表现为头部、眼眶、鳃盖及各鳍条充血,肌肉出现红色小点,称斑状出血(Ecchymoses),  相似文献   

顾宏兵 《内陆水产》2001,26(6):36-36
暴发性出血病,是近年来异育银鲫人工养殖中一种广为流行、危害较大的一种传染病。现已证实,该病的病原为嗜水气单胞菌。1 临床症状患病鱼体上浮独游,活力较差,受惊时反应迟钝,摄食量下降或停食;病鱼的口腔、上下颌、眼眶、鳃盖、鳍条皆有不同程度的充血,病灶部位呈红色或浅紫色斑状(系组织间内出血);病情严重时,病鱼肛门红肿,鳃丝水肿,苍白(贫血),眼球突出,腹部膨大,解剖可见肠道充血,肝、胆等脏器肿大,并伴有腹腔积水。2 发生特点该病危害对象主要是1龄以上鱼体,流行季节一般为4~10月,其中6~9月为发病盛期。在高密度、…  相似文献   

近年来,鲤鱼出血病在高产池塘中发病率逐年提高。该病治疗比较棘手,经常给养殖户造成巨大经济损失。作者对该鱼病进行了深入研究和防治试验,总结出一些经验及防治方法。1出血病类型分暴发性出血病和慢性出血病1.1暴发性出血病的症状  相似文献   

无公害黄河鲤池塘养殖技术要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张宏振  刘社奇 《水利渔业》2006,26(2):55-55,113
黄河鲤是优良品种之一。要生产无公害黄河鲤,必须是水质符合国家规定的渔业养殖水质标准,饲料和添加剂执行国务院颁布的管理条例,病害防治时用药应使用高效、速效、毒副作用少、用量小的行业标准许可的渔药。  相似文献   

祖恩普  刘飞 《水利渔业》2007,27(1):40-41
为了提高池塘鲤成鱼的产量,在高产养殖的基础上,选用条件好的池塘,通过增加增氧设施,改进投喂方法和技术,加强水质调控,科学调配饲料配方等措施,进行了鲤成鱼超高产试验,取得了鲤成鱼单产76286kg/hm^2、单位面积效益16.9万元/hm^2。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate concentrations of total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHG) in the common carp from Czech ponds of Rožmberk, Spolsky, Nezmar, and Velky Bědny. Seven common carps (Cyprinus caprio) from each of the ponds were caught. Muscle tissue, the liver, and the soft and hard roe were used for the tests. Total mercury and methylmercury were found in all the muscle tissue samples examined. Detection limits for total mercury and methylmercury determination methods were 0.001 mg kg–1 and 0.013 mg kg−1 respectively. Methylmercury levels in the liver and gonads were below the method’s limits of detection. THg and MeHg concentrations in muscle tissues were 0.018–0.063 mg kg–1 w.w. and 0.019–0.063 mg kg–1 w.w. respectively. MeHg made up 90–100% of THg in muscle tissues. Total mercury and methylmercury concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in fish from the Spolsky pond than from the Nezmar pond. MeHg/THg ratios were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in fish from the Rožmberk, Spolsky and Nezmar ponds compared with fish from the Velky Bědny pond.  相似文献   

Abstract. The vulnerability of common carp to angling was studied in a drainable pond of 0–4 ha, stocked near the carrying capacity (700 kg/ha) with known numbers of individually marked carp. The numbers of carp hooked and landed ('caught') by each angler were registered during a period of one month. Landed carp were checked for marks. All carp were returned to the pond. The catch results were analysed with use of a simulation model of a pond fishery. The observed catch and recapture frequencies were compared with the expected values. It was shown that the vulnerability of carp to hooking decreased after one experience with a fish hook. Differences in decreased vulnerability to hooking were found within the carp population. This resulted in unequal recapture sequences for the various groups in the population. Analysis of the growth of carp and the capture data indicated that under the experimental conditions of high stocking density, carp that were more vulnerable to angling showed better growth than carp that avoided the hook after a hook experience. The experiments showed that the decreased vulnerability to the fish hook disappeared when the population was not angled for about one year. The carp acquired the hook avoidance behaviour again after one experience with a hook.  相似文献   

Abstract In an attempt to identify appropriate feeding rates for multispecies of fish raised in fertilized earthen ponds, the present work was conducted over a 19‐week experimental period to establish the growth performance, production and body composition of Nile tilapia, common carp and silver carp fed 0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 3.0%, 5.0% biomass and to apparent satiation (treatments). Twelve ponds were stocked with a similar number and weight of each fish species. Two ponds were assigned to each of the treatments, and a 25% protein pelleted fish feed was used to feed fish at the specified rate of feeding. At the end of the experiment, growth, weight gain, survival, yield and body composition of fish groups were affected by the treatments. The economic effectiveness also varied among treatments. The most conspicuous attribute of the feeding rates was its lack of influence on growth (g day?1), weight gain (g per fish), yield (kg ha?1) or body composition of silver carp. The results of whole‐body proximate analysis indicated that various feeding rates had either an irregular pattern or no effects on the protein and ash gain per 100 g of fish body weight (bw) gain. The most notable exceptions were significant (P < 0.05) increases in body fat and gross energy gains in Nile tilapia, common carp and silver carp accompanied by decreases in percentages of moisture (but not in silver carp) as feeding rate increased. Among the six different feeding levels, feeding to apparent satiation (feed amount was equivalent to 2.67% of fish bw day?1) appeared to be optimal, as it significantly (P < 0.05) supported the highest fish production, income and net profit compared with all other treatments except for the 3% feeding level, for which the differences in those measurements were comparable.  相似文献   

The pituitaries of male and female common carps were subjected to the treatment with recombinant human activin A. Basal LH secretion decreased in females during wintering, but stimulated basal and sGnRH-induced LH secretion during ovulatory period. It stimulated LH secretion in males during wintering, but not during spawning, suggesting sex-specific effect of activin on LH secretion in common carp.  相似文献   

Communal testing consists of stocking the different genetic groups to be tested into the same (communal) pond. In this system, genetic differences between groups of fish and differences in pond productivity are not confounded, as they are in separate testing. Communal testing reduces the number of replications required and enables larger numbers of groups to be tested in a smaller number of ponds. Growth testing in communal ponds means that the testing environment and the commercial production environment in which the results of genetic investigations are to be applied are not identical. This difference is due to the mutual competitive interactions between test groups in communal ponds, which cannot occur when they are stocked separately. Interactions may be due to differences in initial weight between the groups, or to differences in competitive ability not associated with differences in initial weight. The methodological investigations which allow these sources of bias to be removed are described. The effect of differences in initial weight is corrected with the aid of the environmentally generated coefficient of regression of weight gain on initial weight in a communal pond. This regression requires empirical estimation in each test, by the multiple nursing technique, specifically constructed for this purpose. Relative growth rankings of paris of test progenies were identical when each group was stocked separately into a series of replicated ponds and when both were stocked together into communal ponds. Thus growth estimates from communal testing are reliable predictors of expected genetic differences in separate ponds.Communal testing allows any pond or other growth vessel to be used as a testing facility, irrespective of its area or aquacultural management. Alternatively, it enables breeding studies to be integrated with other unrelated investigations. This results in a more rational utilization of facilities and the possibility of isolating and estimating interactions between experimental variables.  相似文献   

The fertilization of carp ponds as an important intensification means has been utilized in Europe since the first half of the 19th century, but even in most intensive fertilization the concentration of nitrogen (N) hardly exceeds 2 mg/l and of phosphorus (P), 0.5 mg/l.Polycultural carp growing using intensive mineral fertilization (weekly and every 3 days) has been experimented in the Freshwater Fishery Research Station in Plovdiv in the 1971–1972 period.The greatest zooplankton and benthos biomass and the greatest fish growth per ha water area are obtained with 3-day mineral fertilization with ammonium nitrate, 708 kg/ha and superphosphate, 395 kg per hectar. The average monthly water temperature in the experimental ponds during the vegetation period (June–September) fluctuates between 21.5 and 24.7°C. The oxygen dissolved (O2) during the day hours changes within the average of 4.9–7.6 ml/l and the aeration is normal for the carp ponds (4.0–8.1 mg O2/l). The highest average seasonal zooplankton biomass in mixed fertilization (mineral and organic) is 2.437 g/m3. The zooplankton is represented by the following variaties: Rotatoria — Brachionus calyciflorus; Copepoda — Acanthocyclops vernalis and Cladocera — Moina rectirostric. The benthos consists of: chironomid larvae (family Chironomidae, Diptera) and Oligochaetae. The highest average seasonal biomass of the benthos is established with three-day mineral fertilization, 1.472 g/m2. The total fish growth with three-day fertilization is 300 kg/ha higher than in the control ponds (without fertilization). The best fishery results have been achieved with three-day fertilization giving a total growth of the fish of 2 730 kg/ha and a food coefficient of 2.8.  相似文献   

池塘集约化养殖日本锦鲤试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
集约化池塘养殖6个月,主养塘共产日本锦鲤2 260 kg,鲢鳙鱼种980 kg,折合单产23 143 kg/hm2,成活率为98%,锦鲤平均规格144 g/尾;混养塘中锦鲤成活率达100%,2号塘锦鲤平均规格为133 g/尾,3号塘锦鲤平均规格为200 g/尾。  相似文献   

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