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朝阳市主要树种组林分平均胸径生长率模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超总体理论编制朝阳市油松、刺槐、杨柳、速生杨4个树种组林分平均胸径生长率通用模型,以2005年森林资源二类调查资料为原始数据,涵盖全市所有地区不同地理位置和不同立地条件的生长水平.建立4种模拟方程,通过拟合与优化及结果精度的检验,选择出各树种组的平均胸径生长率模型.  相似文献   

利用第六次至第九次全国森林资源清查河北省2001,2006,2011,2016年4个年度的固定样地调查数据,采用非线性回归估计方法,建立了18个树种组的单木胸径生长率和材积生长率模型,以及12个树种组的林分材积生长率模型。结果表明,单木生长率模型的平均预估误差(MPE)基本都在3%以内,而平均百分标准误差(MPSE)、胸径生长率模型大都在10%以内,材积生长率模型大都在20%左右;林分生长率模型的平均预估误差(MPE)基本都在5%以内,平均百分标准误差(MPSE)大都在25%以内。所建模型可为河北省开展森林资源年度更新提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

利用第六次至第九次全国森林资源清查北京市2001,2006,2011,2016年4个年度的固定样地调查数据,采用非线性回归估计方法,建立了13个树种组的单木胸径生长率和材积生长率模型,以及10个优势树种组的林分蓄积生长率模型,并对比了林分生长过程模型与林分生长率模型的预估效果,还分析了起源对生长率模型的影响。结果表明:(1)单木生长率模型的平均预估误差全部在3%以内,而平均百分标准误差,胸径生长率模型大都在10%以内,材积生长率模型大都在30%以内;(2)林分蓄积生长率模型的平均预估误差大部分在5%以内,最大的也未超出10%,而平均百分标准误差基本上在20%左右,最大的也未超出35%;(3)基于森林资源清查数据建立的生长过程模型,其效果不如生长率模型,对杨树以外的其他软阔林分类型,其人工林的蓄积生长率要显著大于天然林。以此方法所建模型可为北京市开展森林资源年度监测评价提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

以湖南省1999年、2004年、2009年和2014年4期的森林资源连续清查为基础,利用大量、连续、系统的固定样地和样木数据,根据胸径和生长率的一般分布规律,选取常用的生长率回归方程作为基础模型式,采用非线性回归估计方法,构建了11个树种组的单木胸径生长率和材积生长率模型,以及9个树种组的林分蓄积量生长率模型。结果表明:各模型确定系数R2均在0.88以上,单木生长率模型的总体相对误差和平均预估误差均在4%以内,胸径生长率模型的平均预估误差大部分在10%以内;林分蓄积量生长率模型的平均预估误差和总体相对误差基本在4%以内,蓄积量生长率模型的平均预估误差在20%以内。各项指标表明,拟合模型能满足精度要求,具有较高的实用性,可为湖南省森林资源年度更新和森林经营管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

该文采用超总体理论编制辽宁省东部地区主要树种组林分平均胸径生长率通用模型,以2005年森林资源二类调查资料为原始数据,涵盖辽宁东部7个市31个县(市、区)8个树种(组)在不同地理位置和不同立地条件的生长水平。建立4种模拟方程,通过拟合与优化及结果精度的检验选出了各树种组的平均胸径生长率模型。  相似文献   

本研究以辽宁东部山区日本落叶松为研究对象,将日本落叶松林分平均木的解析木21株数据,用ForStat软件计算年龄间距5 a所对应的树高生长率,获取158组数据。通过对经验模型改进获取13个参考模型,将158组数据代入1stopt软件计算初始值,通过建模方程评价及适用性检验,获取最优树高生长率模型。通过对树高生长率模型的研究,来预估未来几年的林分树高,以便最大限度地减少野外调查工作量。  相似文献   

运用森林生长量建模是研究森林生长变化规律及预估林分生长量的基础手段,也是林业信息化的核心与基础技术之一.文章基于辽宁森林资源连续清查资料,以林业相关软件为运算平台,以日本落叶松为研究对象,建立了辽东日本落叶松树高—蓄积生长率模型,通过RSR值综合评价,选出最优方程,经对其进行总相对误差、F检验,实测值与估计值没有明显差...  相似文献   

黑龙江省小兴安岭北坡林分生长率模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采集的120 890株编表样木数据,编制了黑龙江省小兴安岭北坡的主要林分生长率表,确定了y=a+blnx(y—林分生长率,x—林分年龄)为林分总长率和净生长率回归模型。经检验,本生长率表精度较高、适用性强,可供生产经营单位、管理部门和科学研究使用。  相似文献   

测定林分生长率方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据我省1988年森林资源连续清查的样地资料,将全省主要造林树种划分为侧柏、松类、刺槐、黑杨类及其他阔叶树等5个树种组,并运用样地蓄积与年龄的相关关系,分别对其生长过程进行了回归整列,推算我省林分生长率,探讨了不需做专门生长量调查而测定林分生长率的一种新方法。同时提出了以“复利式”取代“普莱斯勒式”计算生长率公式的建设。  相似文献   

从3个方面论述了生长率的测定方法。  相似文献   

人工红松林是辽宁省重要的用材林和生态公益林资源,为比较准确地测定其立木材积,必须要有一个可靠的二元立木材积表。通过调查及测量共收集到1 473株样木资料,文章利用其中1 228株样木建立了人工红松二元立木材积模型,并用剩下的245株样木进行了适用性检验。结果证明修订后的材积模型在辽宁省范围内适用,据此修订了辽宁省人工红松立木材积表。  相似文献   



In European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) large growth stresses lead to severe log end splitting that devaluate beech timber. Our study aimed at detecting relationships between growth stress and some morphology parameters in trees.


Growth stress indicators were recorded for 440 mature trees in nine stands from five European countries, together with morphology parameters.


Most trees displayed an uneven distribution of growth stress around the trunk. Moreover, growth stress intensity varied largely between individual trees. Geometry of the trunk was a poor predictor of growth stress intensity. Crown asymmetry resulted in a larger stress dissymmetry within trees. Trunk inclination was not correlated to max tension stress, contrary to what is usually found in younger trees. In the case of small inclination, growth stress was close to expected from biomechanics of restoring verticality. Trees exhibiting a larger inclination probably evolved a different mechanical solution: a rather large crown, lower tree slenderness and a sufficient asymmetry in growth stress as to prevent a higher inclination due to growth.


A large slenderness is the best accurate predictor of a large growth stress, although variations in the ratio height/diameter at breast height explained only 10 % of the variability of growth stress. A large crown surface was the best predictor of a low level of growth stress. A large spacing between trees seems a good solution to lower the risk of growth stress in mature beech.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop prediction models using laser scanning for estimation of forest variables at plot level, validate the estimations at stand level (area 0.64 ha) and test the effect of different laser measurement densities on the estimation errors. The predictions were validated using 29 forest stands (80×80 m2), each containing 16 field plots with a 10 m radius. For the best tested case, mean tree height, basal area and stem volume were predicted with a root mean square error of 0.59 m (3% of average value), 2.7 m2 ha?1 (10% of average value) and 31 m3 ha?1 (11% of average value), respectively, at stand level. There were small differences in terms of prediction errors for different measuring densities. The results indicate that mean tree height, basal area and stem volume can be estimated in small stands with low laser measurement densities producing accuracies similar to traditional field inventories.  相似文献   

The strategy of using advanced layering for regenerating logged black spruce stands has become a common practice. Compared with natural post-fire black spruce stands, this strategy may alter stand structure with a possible change in stand productivity. Using harvested tree data from sample plots established in burned and logged stands, 50 years after disturbance, and on similar soils, we compared the structure, height growth, and biomass allocation of both types of stands. Stem analysis revealed that black spruce trees in logged stands reached their maximum height growth later and at a concomitant lower level than black spruce trees in burned stands. Biomass production was comparable between stand types but was reduced when ericaceous shrubs were abundant. Compared to natural post-fire stands, logged stands present a shift of biomass allocation to branches and to leaves. These mechanisms are interdependent and represent the tree adjustment to the altered structure in logged stands characterised by the fragmented canopy with the increase of ericaceous shrubs cover and of organic layer thickness.  相似文献   

A non-linear hierarchical mixed model approach is used to describe height growth of Norway spruce from longitudinal measurements. The parameter variation in the model was divided into unknown random effects, fixed effects and covariate-dependent effects in order to model tree height growth. The values for fixed effect parameters and the variance–covariance matrix of random effects were estimated. Covariates could only explain up to 10% of parameter variability. Height curves were calibrated by means of BLUPs for the unknown random effects using prior height measurements and evaluated using a separate dataset. The resulting curves had a small error variance and plausible shapes.  相似文献   

Models for predicting height and diameter of individual trees in young Picea abies (L.) Karst. stands were developed. Data collected in a large survey of young forest stands in Sweden (the HUGIN young stand survey) were used in the construction of the models. Models were developed both with and without competition indices included. When constructing the competition indices trees within three metres from the subject tree were regarded as competitors. Functions with competition indices included (distance dependent) will be useful in analyses of the development of stands with different stand structure, whereas functions without competition indices (distance independent) will be useful in systems for long‐term forecasts of yield.  相似文献   

We tested hypotheses on the effect of growing space and biomechanics on tree growth, using data from two field experiments where Scots pine seedlings had been planted in a fixed but systematically irregular pattern. After 16 or 18 years, respectively, stem diameter was measured at 1.3 m (d1.3) and 0.3 m above ground (d0.3). Total tree height, length and diameter of the crown, and height to crown gravity point were also measured. Analyses were split in two parts: influence of growing space on tree and crown dimensions, and biomechanical influence of the crown on stem diameter. The results showed that crown size was closely related to tree height, and that there was a small but statistically significant effect of growing space on both crown size and shape. The biomechanical model explained about 85% of the variation in stem diameter, but growing space had no influence on this relationship, indicating that the wind load absorbed by a given crown size was not affected by growing space. The results were discussed in relation to future growth modelling and new ways of estimating site productivity.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review research into growth and yield modelling for two-storied plantation forests. Difficulty with modelling growth for this kind of forest, compared with pure even-aged forests, is mentioned. Then research in this field is divided into three parts and described. First, growth models and equations which were driven theoretically from biological assumptions and may be available to develop growth models for two-storied stands are reviewed. Secondly, research into methods of controling light levels and the relationship between the growth of trees and light level beneath a canopy are reviewed. Thirdly, growth models developed for two-storied stands, especially two-storied plantation forests, are reviewed. In conclusion, some problems which are still left in this field are pointed out.  相似文献   

关于调整林分树种组成的几项措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章探讨了大面积纯林形成的原因及由此带来的生态问题,提出了调整林分树种组成的几项措施,包括:依据当地天然林的树种组成,配置造林树种;人工林天然化,对不同树种进行团块状、带状或根据地形进行不规则混交;补植造林,与原有天然更新树种混交,并进行封山育林;幼林抚育时要保留一定数量的非目的树种,丰富林分的物种多样性,增强森林的自控能力;成熟林实行块状择伐,保留天然更新幼树或补植与原有植被形成混交林。  相似文献   

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