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Abstract— In a period of 12 years (1956–1967) fourteen carcinomas of the rectum were observed in a total number of 12,456 autopsies and surgical specimens. Additionally one polypous adenoma and six mesenchymal tumours of the rectum were seen. The average age of the dogs with tumours was 9 years. Adenocarcinomas with mucin production (eight cases) were more prevalent than scirrhous carcinomas (four cases) and undifferentiated carcinomas (two cases).
Metastases were seen in nine out of fourteen cases reported.
Résumé— 12.456 nécropsies et interventions chirurgicales effectuées au cours de 12 am (1956–1967) ont permis de déceler, chez les chiens étudiés, quatorze carcinomes du rectum, ainsi qu'un adénome polypeux et six tumeurs du mésenchyme. L'âge moyen des chiens atteints était de 9 ans. L'ordre de fréquence des tumeurs constatées se présente comme suit: adénocarcinomes avec production de mucine (huit cas); carcinomes squirreux (quatre cas); carcinomes non différenciés (dew cas).
Sur les quatorze cas constatés un seul comportait, des métastases neof comportaient
Zusammenfassung— In einem Zeitraum von 12 Jahren (1956–1967) wurden bei einer Gesamtzahf von 12,456 Sektionen und Organeinsendungen 14 Rektumkarzinome bei Hunden festgestellt. Weiterhin wurden 1 polypöses Adenom und 6 mesenchymale Tumoren des Rektums beobachtet. Das Durchschnittsalter der Hunde mit Tumoren betrug 9 Jahre. Adenokarzinome mit Muzinbildung (8 Fälle) waren häufiger als skirrhöse Karzinome (4 Fälle) und undifferenzierte Karzinome (2 Fälle). Metastasen wurden in 9 von 14 Fällen festgestellt.  相似文献   

收集了浙江大学附属动物医院门诊26例犬甲状腺机能减退的病例相关资料,通过对其性别、品种、年龄、临床症状和部分血液生化结果进行调查分析,治疗采用口服左旋甲状腺素片20μg/kg,2次/d。结果表明,犬甲状腺机能减退没有性别倾向性,2岁~7岁的中青年犬易发,涉及11个品种;患犬均有不同程度的肥胖、反应迟钝的症状,此外因频繁抽搐服用抗癫痫药物(苯巴比妥)导致甲状腺功能低下的犬3例,仅表现葡萄膜炎的犬2例,并发糖尿病的犬1例,表现为脱毛、色素沉着、继发感染等皮肤异常的犬20例;患犬高胆固醇血症的占15.38%,高甘油三酯血症的占65.38%;给予口服左旋甲状腺素片治疗效果良好。  相似文献   

The clinical features of 24 cases of disseminated canine histoplasmosis are presented. The enteric form predominated and the age at presentation was from five months to ten years. The principal clinical findings were chronic diarrhea, weight loss, pyrexia and anemia.

A premortem diagnosis was reached in 20 cases, by demonstrating Histoplasma capsulatum organisms in peripheral blood smears, rectal scrapings or surgical biopsies. Five of seven dogs treated with amphotericin B were released in asymptomatic condition. Four of these cases relapsed six to 15 months following therapy. The overall mortality rate was 80%.


通过临床症状、流行病学特点和犬细小病毒抗原试剂盒对疑似细小病毒感染的216例病犬进行确诊,并对确诊为细小病毒感染的部分病例进行抗体水平检测,以判断其预后,采用中西结合的综合措施治疗发病犬,治愈率达到70%,提出了有效的预防措施。  相似文献   

为了确定细胞学检查在犬皮肤肥大细胞瘤诊断中的诊断意义,采取细胞学检查和病理组织学检查相结合的方法对2例犬皮肤肥大细胞瘤临床病例进行诊断.结果显示:细胞学检查结果与病理组织学检查结果相符.由此可以得出,在犬皮肤肥大细胞瘤的诊断中,细胞学检查具有一定的诊断价值,为肿瘤的性质及分化程度分级提供参考,为该病临床诊断提供了一种新...  相似文献   

通过病史调查、临床特征观察、血液学指标、尿比重检测以及影像学检验等进行确诊,对某宠物医院接诊的3例犬急性肾衰竭诊断分析。结果显示,3例犬急性肾衰竭的临床症状主要为精神沉郁、厌食或食欲下降、呕吐、腹泻、尿量异常等;患犬血液中白细胞总数增多,血肌酐、尿素氮和无机磷指标都高于标准值的上限;患犬的尿比重均较低;影像学检查有2例肾脏体积无变化,1例肿大。  相似文献   

犬白内障的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白内障是人致盲的主要原因之一,犬白内障也一样,但我国兽医在这方面的研究还比较薄弱。主要综述了犬白内障的分类、诊断与治疗,为该病在兽医临床中的诊断和治疗提供一些参考依据。  相似文献   

To determine the pathogen and related symptoms caused by renal failure,and to provide a reasonable diagnosis and treatment plan,a case of disease on Welsh Corgi dog was tested by the method of symptoms,blood routine examination,blood biochemical test,blood gas analysis and identification of pathogen.The results showed that these data of W-SCR,W-MID,MID and RDW-CV rose than normal reference index in blood routine examination before the hospitalization,respectively.Meanwhile,data of W-LCR,PCV,MCV,MCH and RDW-SD had reduced separately.These data of Ca2+,GLU,BUN,PHOS,AMYL and CRE were up than normal reference index in blood biochemical test,respectively.These data of GLU,BUN and K+ had risen respectively,nevertheless,these data of Na+,Cl- and PCO2 had lowered separately.The result was positive by the antigen testing with the Leptospira detector plate.After treatment with synthetical therapy,WBC and SCR had risen than normal references index,and data of RBC,HGB and PLT were down respectively.By the Hotelling T2 analysis of the difference between before and after the therapy on blood routine index,it was significant difference in the multivariate test (F=1 905 045.32,P=0.001).These data of WBC,W-LCR,SCR,MID,HGB,PCV,MCV and RDW-SD were extremely significant differences in single variable analysis (P<0.01),and other data with significant differences were W-MID,RBC,MCH and PDW(P<0.05).But,in blood biochemical test,most of data were in normal reference values.The mental state of sick dog was recovering gradually normal than before.Multivariate test was no significant difference by the Hotelling T2 analysis (F=85.21,P=0.081),but other data of GLU,BUN,PHOS,AMYL and CRE were extremely significantly different in single variable analysis (P<0.01).These data of GLU,BUN and K+ were up than after therapy in blood gas analysis,and data of Na+,Cl- and PCO2 reduced respectively.There were extremely significant differences in the multivariate test (F=7 978.48,P=0.008).These data with extremely significant differences were GLU and BUN in single variable analysis(P<0.01).The sick dog was recovering normal after treatment,and mental state went back to normal after 7 days therapy using the drugs of diuretics,antibiotics,rehydration electrolyte,energy medicine,vitamins and CoA.It should be noted that the part of high index of reexamination was a normal manifestation when the body was recovering to normal functioning.The method of synthetical fluid therapy was provided the correctness to treat the renal failure caused by canine Leptospira.  相似文献   

刘贵芳  田发益 《中国畜牧兽医》2020,47(11):3774-3782
为判定肾功能衰竭病原及引起的相关症状,并提供合理的诊治方案,本研究对一例柯基病犬进行表征、血常规、血液生化、血气及病原进行检测。结果显示,与正常参考值相比,病犬前期血常规检测中淋巴细胞比例(W-SCR)、中间细胞比例(W-MID)、中间细胞(MID)及红细胞分布宽度(RDW-CV)升高;粒细胞比例(W-LCR)、红细胞压积(PCV)、红细胞平均体积(MCV)、血红蛋白含量(MCH)、红细胞分布宽度(RDW-SD)明显降低。与正常参考值相比,生化指标中钙离子(Ca2+)、血糖(GLU)、尿素氮(BUN)、血磷(PHOS)、胰淀粉酶(AMYL)及肌酐(CRE)明显升高。血气指标中GLU、BUN、钾离子(K+)均比参考值高;钠离子(Na+)、氯离子(Cl-)、二氧化碳分压(PCO2)比参考值降低。犬钩端螺旋体抗原检测板检测结果为阳性。治疗后血常规中白细胞总数(WBC)、淋巴细胞(SCR)比正常参考值明显升高;红细胞总数(RBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)及血小板总数(PLT)则比参考值降低。经Hotelling T2对治疗前后各指标进行多变量分析,结果F=1 905 045.32,P=0.001,差异极显著;单变量检测指标中WBC、W-LCR、SCR、MID、HGB、PCV、MCV、RDW-SD差异极显著(P<0.01),W-MID、RBC、MCH及血小板分布宽度(PDW)差异显著(P<0.05)。治疗后生化检测指标中,与正常参考值相比,多数指标在正常值范围内。治疗后期病犬精神好转,经Hotelling T2与治疗前差异性分析,多变量F=85.21,P=0.081,差异不显著;单变量检验指标GLU、BUN、PHOS、AMYL及CRE差异极显著(P<0.01)。治疗后期血气指标中GLU、BUN、K+均比参考值高;Na+、Cl-及PCO2比参考值低,对治疗前后血气指标进行Hotelling T2差异性分析,多变量检验结果F=7 978.48,P=0.008,差异极显著;单变量检验结果中,GLU和BUN差异极显著(P<0.01)。治疗方案中,采用利尿、抗生素药物,附加补充电解质、能量、维生素及CoA等综合输液治疗,7 d后,病犬精神好转,机体机能基本恢复正常,转归期部分指标的升高属于机体机能恢复健康的一种正常体现。说明治疗方案正确,综合体液疗法是治疗该病引起肾功能衰竭有效的方法。  相似文献   

2003年3月2日,犬主李先生携一只体重约12.5kg的6月龄的雄性英国牧羊犬前来就诊。经我院及时确诊为肠梗阻后实施手术治疗,取出一长为2.9 cm,直径为2.6 cm的玉米芯块,现已康复。玉米芯致肠阻塞较为少见,现将诊治过程报道如下。1 症状 该犬发病已3天,曾在别处诊治一次。反复  相似文献   

 将上海五家宠物医院2011年就诊的321只犬瘟热病犬随机分成两组,第一组124只,肺炎型60只、胃肠炎型34只和混合型30只,采用常规西药治疗。第二组197只,肺炎型91只、胃肠炎型56只和混合型50只,参考甲型H1N1流感治疗方案,在常规西药治疗的基础之上根据症状分型进行中药辅助治疗。分组治疗结果显示,肺炎型、胃肠炎型和混合型第二组比第一组治愈率分别高22%、22.6%和17.3%;随机选取其中68只,取治疗前和治疗7 d后的鼻液进行斑点杂交检测CDV;斑点杂交结果显示,第二组治疗方法治疗后的阳性率下降50%,第一组方法治疗后的阳性率下降30%。试验结果表明,中药辅助治疗可有效地增加犬瘟热的临床治愈率。  相似文献   

为了解犬钩端螺旋体病的临床特点和诊疗方法,对2017年10月至2018年7月在浙江大学动物医院确诊的16例钩端螺旋体病犬的发病和诊疗情况进行了回顾分析。PCR诊断钩端螺旋体免疫的公犬是高发群体,雨水较多的月份发病率高于雨水少的月份,由于周边地区金毛、贵宾和田园犬的保有量相对其他品种要高,故在患犬中占比较高。病初主要表现为呕吐、脱水、精神委靡、结膜潮红、食欲废绝等症状。临床检查发现血尿素氮、血肌酐、血磷等指标明显升高,白细胞不同程度升高,部分病例出现贫血。B超检查可见肾肿大、肾实质损伤。主要酸碱紊乱类型为代谢性酸中毒和呼吸性酸中毒,低钠血症最为常见,并发症有肝损伤、胰腺炎、肺炎等。  相似文献   

Abstract— Erythrocyte uptake in vitro of 131I-labelled triiodothyronine (EU test) was studied in dogs. A simultaneous estimation of blood cholesterol was made. The results indicate that hypothyreotic dogs can be detected by determination of EU and possibly of cholesterol. Dogs exhibiting alopecia and/or adiposity were shown to have significant lower EU and higher cholesterol values than clinical healthy dogs and those affected by acanthosis nigricans or dermatosis caused by infections or parasites. Résumé— L'auteur a étudié, chez le chien, l'absorption in vitro par les erythrocytes de la tri-iodothyronine I131 (test AE), cet examen étant accompagné du calcul estimatif du cholestérol sanguin. Les résultats obtenus portent à conclure que la détermination de 1'AE et, éventuellement, du cholestérol permet de déceler l'hypothyroïdie chez le chien. II a été constaté que chez les chiens atteints d'alopécie et/ou d'adiposité, les valeurs AE sont sensiblement plus faibles et les valeurs de cholestérol plus élevées que chez les sujets cliniquement normaux et chez ceux qui sont atteints soit d'acanthosis nigricans, soit de dermatoses dues aux infections ou aux parasites. Zusammenfassung— Erytrocytupptag in vitro av 131I-märkt trijodtyronin (EU-test) under-söktes samtidigt med blodkolesterolbestämning på hundar. Resultaten tyder på att hypothyros hos hund kan upptäckas genom denna bestämning av EU, eventuellt kombinerad medkolesterolbestämning. Hundar med alopcia och/eller adipositas visade sig ha signifikant lägre EU och högre kolesterolhalt än kliniskt friska djur och sadana som hade acanthosis nigricans eller dermatoser av infektiöst eller parasitärt ursprung.  相似文献   

犬肺炎是一种常见的临床疾病,严重危害犬的健康。介绍了一例犬肺炎的治疗方法,即在进行常规治疗的基础上,配合使用抗菌、抗病毒药物进行雾化治疗,并取得了理想的疗效。  相似文献   

兰州地区犬瘟热流行病学调查及其治疗   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为了解兰州地区犬瘟热发病率、死亡率与犬年龄、品种、免疫接种、季节之间的关系,并总结出一套治疗犬瘟热最有效的方法,收集108例临床犬瘟热病例,从流行病学、临床鉴别诊断、病理剖检、治疗等方面进行深入、全面的研究。结果表明,犬瘟热发病率及死亡率与犬的年龄、品种、免疫接种、季节有很大的关系;通过应用被动免疫(犬瘟热血清、犬瘟热单克隆抗体)联合主动免疫(弱毒疫苗)的治疗方法取得了良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

Background: This study was performed to determine the toxicity of gemcitabine-carboplatin doublet therapy in cats with carcinomas.
Hypothesis: Gemcitabine and carboplatin are safe in tumor-bearing cats.
Animals: Twenty cats with spontaneously occurring carcinomas.
Methods: A cohort of 6 cats received gemcitabine (2 mg/kg IV) on days 1, 8, and 15 and carboplatin (10 mg/kg IV) immediately after gemcitabine on day 1 of a 21-day cycle. A 2nd cohort of 14 cats received carboplatin 4 hours after gemcitabine on day 1 and gemcitabine on day 8 but not day 15. The cycles were repeated every 21 days.
Results: Cats in the 1st cohort received a median of 3.75 cycles per animal (range, 1–6). Two cats (33.3%) developed grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, 1 (16.7%) grade 4 thrombocytopenia, and 1 (16.7%) grade 3 gastrointestinal toxicity. Gemcitabine dose reductions and treatment delays occurred in 1 and 4 cats, respectively. Cats in the 2nd cohort received a median of 2 cycles per animal (range, 0.5–10). Two cats (14.3%) had grade 3 or 4 neutropenia and 1 (7.1%) had grade 3 and 4 gastrointestinal toxicity. One cat required gemcitabine dose reduction and 6 had treatment delays. In the 2nd cohort, of 11 cats with measurable tumors, there was 1 complete response (pancreatic carcinoma) and 1 partial response (squamous cell carcinoma, receiving concurrent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Gemcitabine-carboplatin combination appears moderately well tolerated in tumor-bearing cats. Minimal patient benefit suggests that alternative schedules or combinations of gemcitabine with other agents should be explored.  相似文献   

The effect of oral infection of puppies, eight and 10 weeks old, with canine parvovirus of faecal origin was studied. Clinical signs of enteric disease were first apparent at five days after inoculation and persisted during days 6 and 7 after inoculation. The severity of clinical signs varied from transient dullness and anorexia to emesis, dysentery and death. Changes in haematological parameters were first found at day 3 after inoculation when a relative lymphopenia was observed. A profound neutropenia developed in severely affected dogs after the appearance of clinical enteric disease. Post mortem examination revealed thymic atrophy in all dogs killed on day 4 after inoculation. Macroscopic changes in the small intestine were apparent only in animals examined during the phase of severe enteric disease and consisted of thickening, rigidity and congestion of the small intestines. Microscopically there was lymphocytolysis in the thymic cortex and the germinal centres of the lymph nodes from days 2 and 3 after inoculation respectively and this rapidly resulted in depletion of these tissues. There was repopulation of lymph nodes from day 7 after inoculation but significant thymic regeneration was not apparent during the course of this study. In the small intestine, necrosis of crypt epithelium, atrophy of villi and, in some areas, complete collapse of mucosal architecture were found but the extent of these changes varied along the length of the small intestine and between individuals. Regenerative intestinal changes were observed in those animals surviving the acute phase of enteric dysfunction. The variable severity of clinical and enteric lesions, together with the factors which may affect the expression of clinical disease, are discussed.  相似文献   

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