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家畜行为及其遗传学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家畜生产育种中除对日增重、饲料报酬、瘦肉率等主要生产性状进行选择外,还要求家畜性情温和、无恶癣、母性好、恐惧行为低等良好的行为性状。因此改善提高家畜重要行为性状在生产实践中亦不容忽视。家畜重要行为性状主要指与生产及选择密切相关的母性行为、恐惧行为、攻击行为等,这些性状一般具有数量遗传学的特点,故可通过选择提高以改善其性能。本文在表观及分子水平综述了国内外家畜重要行为性状及其遗传的研究进展,以期对国内家畜行为遗传研究起到推动作用。  相似文献   

家畜生产育种中除对日增重、饲料报酬、瘦肉率等主要生产性状进行选择外,还要求家畜性情温和、无恶癖、母性好、恐惧行为低等良好的行为性状.因此改善提高家畜重要行为性状在生产实践中亦不容忽视.家畜重要行为性状主要指与生产及选择密切相关的母性行为、恐惧行为、攻击行为等,这些性状一般具有数量遗传学的特点,故可通过选择提高以改善其性能.本文在表观及分子水平综述了国内外家畜重要行为性状及其遗传的研究进展,以期对国内家畜行为遗传研究起到推动作用.  相似文献   

母猪繁殖性能的选育增加了产仔数,但产后5 d仔猪甚至断奶前仔猪死亡率高仍然是生产中主要面对的问题。母猪母性行为的好坏对仔猪的存活、生长发育及福利都有着重要的影响,从而影响养殖效益,因此对母猪母性行为的研究具有重要意义。母猪的母性行为主要包括产前筑窝、产后哺乳、抚育和护仔等行为。母猪母性行为的实施既通过神经和激素的共同作用和调节,同时也会受到遗传、环境等多种因素的影响。随着育种目标的调整及对动物福利的重视,母猪的母性行为受到越来越多的学者关注。作者对母猪母性行为的产生机制及影响因素等进行了综述,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望,旨在为后续母猪母性行为研究提供理论基础和研究思路。  相似文献   

母猪母性行为是受激素、遗传、环境等多方面因素影响和调控的复杂过程.仔猪的成活率与母猪的母性存在着直接影响关系,比如一些母猪的异常母性行为会导致仔猪被母猪咬死、踩死、压死现象.在现代规模化养猪生产中,往往只重视仔猪挤压死亡情况的产生,不重视母性行为对仔猪死亡率的作用.本文就激素、环境因素和遗传因素对母猪母性行为的影响进行论述,目的是为降低仔猪死亡率.  相似文献   

母猪的母性直接影响到仔猪的成活率,一些异常的母性行为导致母猪咬死、踩死、压死仔猪。而现代养猪生产中往往只重视降低挤压导致的仔猪死亡,而忽视了母性对降低仔猪死亡率的作用。母性行为是受多因素如激素、环境、遗传等多个方面影响和调控的复杂过程。文章就母猪筑巢阶段、分娩阶段、哺乳阶段的激素变化,不同分娩环境对母性影响,以及遗传因素对母性行为的影响作一综述,旨在为降低仔猪死亡率提高养猪经济效益提供参考。  相似文献   

1 选择标准 行为方面的性状,包括温驯及与繁殖性能(性成熟及性欲)有关的性状。 繁殖性能包括亲代及同胞母猪的产仔数、泌乳力、母性等。仔猪21日龄窝重(泌乳力)及母猪发情至再配种的时间间隔,也是用来测定母猪生产性能的指标。  相似文献   

农畜数量性状育种的成就取决于遗传和各种非典型因素(饲养管理条件、家畜年龄、产品生产季节等)的复杂的总和。为了研究产仔年度、季节及母猪年龄对乌克兰草原白猪产品质量的影响,利用了赫尔松省塞瓦什育种场和纪念列宁育种农场在1968—1973年间的育种统计资料。资料说明,对有益的经济性状影响最大的是产仔年度的条件,这是由于在研究期间家畜饲养水平和天气条件下性状首先波动的缘故。根据两场计算的非典型因素说明对这些生产力性状,如母猪泌乳力(31.7—14.6%)和仔猪断奶重(19.0—2.7%)影响最大。它们的水平主要取决于母猪和哺乳仔猪的饲养条件。产仔年度对母猪产仔数(5.1—2.4%)和断奶  相似文献   

母猪繁殖性能高低是决定整个猪场经济效益的关键。产仔数是猪繁殖性状中最重要的性状,由于母猪窝产仔数的遗传力低(0.05~0.30),所以通过表型选择来提高母猪窝产仔数,效果不显著。为此,人们希望探索窝产仔数指标选择以外的途径来提高母猪的产仔数。针对这一问题,国内外的许多养猪学者都对与窝产仔数有关的因素如子宫容积、子宫内膜毛细血管的分析、胎盘重量等进行了大量的研究。最近研究得出母猪胎盘效率不同会对其产仔数有很大的影响,即母猪胎盘效率高的,其窝产仔数就高,胎盘效率低的,其窝产仔数就低。母猪胎盘效率就是指仔猪出生窝重与胎…  相似文献   

正健康母猪是培育优质猪群的基础。在母猪健康和使母猪行为平和上投资将会在母猪生产力和仔猪生长方面得到回报。但具体影响是怎样的呢?Camerlink报告有如下几方面。生产性能在饲养仔猪方面,母猪就像奥运冠军。活产仔数是由遗传因素选择决定的,但通常其比母猪能够正常哺育的仔猪数量要多。尽管依据乳头数量多少对青年母猪进行了选择,但并非  相似文献   

哺乳动物的母性行为主要包括做窝行为、哺乳行为、护仔和抚育行为。在畜牧生产中,母性行为的好坏会影响母猪对仔猪的哺育和母仔之间的交流,对母猪的生理、心理健康和仔猪的生长发育都有直接影响,进而影响猪场的生产成绩和经济效益。随着现代集约化养猪的兴起,养猪业发展迅速,经济效益得到了提高。但是,现代集约化饲养对于母猪表达其母性行为,以及仔猪学习如何正常表达行为产生了诸多限制因素。综述了现代集约化饲养和开放式饲养模式对母猪母性行为的影响,以及给养猪生产带来的影响。  相似文献   

Peri- and postnatal survival data, including birth weights and cross-foster information from two line/farm combinations with 33 717 and 29 200 piglets, respectively, were analyzed to find the best genetic model to describe piglet survival. This was done in terms of direct (piglet), maternal and nurse sow genetic effects, maternal to cover uterine quality and nurse sow to cover mothering ability. The two component traits, farrowing and pre-weaning survival and — birth weight, the most important factor for survival — were similarly analyzed. As fixed effects, Year/Season, cross, parity, birth weight in classes of 100 g, litter size as such, and sex were included in the analyses. Models combining the different genetic effects were compared on the basis of the log-likelihood. A maternal/nurse sow model fitted the data best for pre-weaning survival, a direct/maternal model for birth weight, a direct model for farrowing survival in the dam line and a direct/maternal model for farrowing survival in the sire line. Including nurse sow effect in a model for piglet survival as a whole gave erratic results, making it difficult to define an optimal model. Estimated heritabilities for pre-weaning survival, measured on the binary scale, in the dam line were 0.02±0.005 for both maternal and nurse sow effects. Heritabilities for birth weight were, on average for the two lines, 0.04±0.01 for the direct effect and 0.20±0.03 for the maternal effect. In conclusion, selection for increased component traits of piglet survival is possible.  相似文献   

Residual feed intake (RFI) has been explored as an alternative selection criterion to feed conversion ratio to capture the fraction of feed intake not explained by expected production and maintenance requirements. Selection experiments have found that low RFI in the growing pig is genetically correlated with reduced fatness and feed intake. Selection for feed conversion ratio also reduces sow appetite and fatness, which, together with increased prolificacy, has been seen as a hindrance for sow lifetime performance. The aims of our study were to derive equations for sow RFI during lactation (SRFI) and to evaluate the effect of selection for RFI during growth on sow traits during lactation. Data were obtained on 2 divergent lines selected for 7 generations for low and high RFI during growth in purebred Large Whites. The RFI was measured on candidates for selection (1,065 pigs), and sow performance data were available for 480 sows having from 1 to 3 parities (1,071 parities). Traits measured were sow daily feed intake (SDFI); sow BW and body composition before farrowing and at weaning (28.4 ± 1.7d); number of piglets born total, born alive, and surviving at weaning; and litter weight, average piglet BW, and within-litter SD of piglet BW at birth, 21 d of age (when creep feeding was available), and weaning. Sow RFI was defined as the difference between observed SDFI and SDFI predicted for sow maintenance and production. Daily production requirements were quantified by litter size and daily litter BW gain as well as daily changes in sow body reserves. The SRFI represented 24% of the phenotypic variability of SDFI. Heritability estimates for RFI and SRFI were both 0.14. The genetic correlation between RFI and SRFI was 0.29 ± 0.23. Genetic correlations of RFI with sow traits were low to moderate, consistent with responses to selection; selection for low RFI during growth reduced SDFI and increased number of piglets and litter growth, but also increased mobilization of body reserves. No effect on rebreeding performance was found. Metabolic changes previously observed during growth in response to selection might explain part of the better efficiency of the low-RFI sows, decreasing basal metabolism and favoring rapid allocation of resources to lactation. We propose to consider SRFI as an alternative to SDFI to select for efficient sows with reduced input demands during lactation.  相似文献   

In livestock, improving maternal reactivity towards the litter is an important issue in breeding strategies to promote production and animal welfare. As of yet, no studies have investigated the within-breed genetic variation of maternal reactivity in sheep. The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of maternal reactivity traits. A total of 1,095 primiparous and 1,441 multiparous Romane ewes were phenotyped 24 hr postlambing using a behavioural test (arena test, AT) over a 10-year experimental period. The test consisted of three successive phases evaluating the ewe's attraction to her litter, reactivity to separation from her litter, and reactivity to a conflict between attraction to her litter and avoidance of a motionless human. The ewes were reared exclusively on rangelands (South of France) and lambed outdoors in the spring. High-pitched bleating and low-pitched bleating in the AT were mostly highly heritable (0.39‒0.46). Heritabilities were moderate for proximity to the litter in the presence of a human (0.27) and low for locomotion and vigilance in the AT (0.09‒0.15). The measurements of a given behaviour in the three phases of the AT were highly genetically correlated. Few genetic correlations were found between the different behavioural traits in the AT, the highest correlations being between high-pitched bleating and low-pitched bleating (−0.43 to −0.77). In conclusion, our findings demonstrate moderate-to-high heritability for maternal reactivity traits. These traits could be included in genetic selection schemes to enhance maternal attachment provided there is no unfavourable link with other production traits.  相似文献   

Maternal behaviour is becoming increasingly important in animal production. Selection for increased litter size at birth in pigs and sheep puts higher demands on the ability of dams to raise large litters. In pig production, the use of loose housing systems for lactating sows increases the importance of good maternal behaviour. Extensive production systems (e.g., ecological farming and outdoor production), where there is a small degree of supervision of the animals, also leaves a greater responsibility with the mother to care for her young. The environment provided by the dam is important for the survival and growth of the offspring in many species. Several behaviour traits of the mother play a role for the offspring's chances of survival and a good start in life. Examples of such behaviour traits are responsiveness towards signals from the offspring (pigs), aggressive behaviour towards the offspring (pigs and sheep), nursing behaviour (pigs and sheep), and fear behaviour (pigs, sheep, and cattle). Some of these traits are in part genetically controlled, and thus possible to improve by selection. Behaviour traits are, however, often difficult to observe and record on a large scale. By studying behaviour, we can gain further understanding about factors affecting survival of the young, and increase our chances to improve maternal behaviour. Improved maternal behaviour would increase the welfare for both mother and young.  相似文献   

the objective of the study was to develop and evaluate different breeding objectives for sow productivity and for production traits, using economic selection indices. Genetic parameters were generated using a repeated records model for sow productivity traits and a maternal effects model for production traits, in ASREML. Stochastic simulation models based on a hypothetical 100-sow model were performed for each line, i.e., a dam line and a terminal sire line, respectively, to derive economic values. The traits included in the study were number born alive (NBA), 21-day litter size (D21LS), 21-day litter weight (D21LWT), average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), age at slaughter (AGES), dressing percentage (DRESS), lean content (LEAN) and backfat thickness (BFAT). The economic values for LEAN and BFAT were derived using the partial differentiation of the profit function, while those for the other traits were derived using the partial budget approach. An economic value of a trait was the change in profit per unit genetic change in that trait. Breeding objectives were developed with a corresponding selection index, for improvement of that objective. Three combinations of breeding objectives and selection indices were developed for sow productivity traits, while there were 15 combinations for production traits. Responses to selection and economic return were computed for each combination to determine the most appropriate combination for the improvement of the breeding objective traits. The most appropriate index to improve sow productivity consisted of NBA and D21LWT. For production traits, the combination that consisted of a selection index with AGES, DRESS and BFAT, and the breeding objective ADG, DRESS, FCR and LEAN, was considered the most appropriate. Age at slaughter and BFAT were, respectively, included as indicator traits for ADG and LEAN. The recommended breeding objectives were sensitive to changes in economic values, indicating that economic values for breeding goal traits should be updated periodically to ensure proper weighting of traits, hence maximization of economic return.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate direct and indirect selection potential for length of productive life and lifetime prolificacy in Finnish Large White and Landrace swine populations. To study the direct selection potential, the heritabilities of these traits were estimated. The genetic correlations of length of productive life and lifetime prolificacy with prolificacy traits and overall leg conformation were estimated to evaluate whether selection for these traits could indirectly improve measures of sow longevity. In addition, correlations between length of productive life, lifetime prolificacy, ADG, and backfat thickness were estimated. Records were used from Finnish purebred Landrace (n = 26,744) and Large White (n = 24,007) sows born on operations that perform on-farm production tests on all females. Heritabilities were estimated using both a survival analysis procedure and a linear model. Due to computational limitations, correlations were estimated with the linear model only. Estimated length of productive life heritabilities obtained from linear model analyses were less (0.05 to 0.10) than those obtained from survival analyses (0.16 to 0.19). This may be indicative of the superiority of survival analysis compared with linear model analysis methods when evaluating longevity or similar types of data. All the prolificacy traits were genetically correlated with length of productive life and lifetime prolificacy, and the correlations were greater than 0.13. These results indicate that selection for increased number of piglets weaned in the first litter and for short first farrowing interval is beneficial for sow longevity and also for sow's lifetime prolificacy. The genetic correlations between length of productive life and leg conformation score also were favorable (0.32 in Landrace and 0.17 in Large White). The heritability estimates indicate that survival analysis is likely the most appropriate method of evaluating longevity traits in swine. Because of computational problems, simultaneous analysis of linear traits and longevity is not currently possible. More research is needed to develop methods for multiple linear and survival trait analyses.  相似文献   

Data from the National Pork Producers Council Maternal Line National Genetic Evaluation Program were used to compare longevity of sows from 6 commercial genetic lines and to estimate the phenotypic associations of sow longevity with gilt backfat thickness, ADG, age at first farrowing, litter size at first farrowing, litter weight at first farrowing, average feed intake during lactation, and average backfat loss during lactation. The lines evaluated were American Diamond Genetics, Danbred North America, Dekalb-Monsanto DK44, Dekalb-Monsanto GPK347, Newsham Hybrids, and National Swine Registry. The data set contained information from 3,251 gilts, of which 17% had censored longevity records (sows lived longer than 6 parities). The line comparison was carried out by analyzing all lines simultaneously. Because the survival distribution functions differed among genetic lines, later analyses were carried out separately for each genetic line. All analyses were based on the non-parametric proportional hazard (Cox model). Dekalb-Monsanto GPK347 sows had a lower risk of being culled than sows from the other lines. Moreover, the shape of the survival distribution function of the Delkab-Monsanto GPK347 line was different from the other 5 lines. The Dekalb-Monsanto 347 line had lower culling rates because they had lower gilt reproductive failure before the first parity than gilts from the other lines. Within line, sows with lower feed intake and greater backfat loss during lactation had a shorter productive lifetime. Thus, producers should implement management practices having positive effects on sow lactation feed intake. Additionally, the swine genetics industry is challenged to simultaneously improve efficiency of gain of their terminal market pigs and to obtain high feed intake during lactation of their maternal lines for future improvement of sow longevity. Recording sow feed intake and backfat loss during lactation in nucleus and multiplication breeding herds should be considered. Between-line differences in this study indicate that it is possible to select for sow longevity, but more research is needed to determine the most efficient selection methods to improve sow longevity.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters of piglet survival traits and birth weight were estimated on the first generation data of a selection experiment aimed at improving piglet survival using a multiple trait linear and threshold model. Data on 5293 piglets for survival at birth, at day one after birth and during the entire nursing period, as well as individual birth weight and litter size, were recorded in an outdoor production system. Genetic effects of piglet survival traits and birth weight were estimated based on threshold and Gaussian models, respectively, using a Bayesian approach. The statistical model included as fixed effects selection group, parity, gender, fostering, gestation length and month of farrowing and, alternatively, an adjustment for litter size. Direct genetic effects (i.e. the piglet's genetic potential) for piglet survival and birth weight were estimated separately, whereas maternal genetic and environmental effects could only be estimated for the given data structure in a combined litter effect. Posterior means of heritabilities for direct genetic effects of survival at birth, at first day after birth and the entire nursing period, as well as birth weight, were 0.08, 0.07, 0.08 and 0.20, respectively. Genetic correlations among survival traits were in the range of 0.29 to 0.40 and indicate that these traits were mainly attributable to different genetic effects. Genetic correlations between direct effects of survival traits and birth weight ranged between 0.18 and 0.23 and were reduced when weights of stillborn piglets were omitted in the analysis or the traits were adjusted for litter size. The magnitudes of direct genetic effects of survival traits are substantially higher than estimates in the literature, which may indicate that these traits have a higher genetic influence under outdoor conditions. The use of birth weight in the multiple trait estimation provided important information for the estimation of survival traits due to its favourable genetic correlations with survival, its high heritability and its high information content as a continuously measured trait.  相似文献   

Multi-trait analyses were carried out to quantify the (co)variation in meat production traits in Zaraibi goats. The data were obtained from a research station. There were birth weight records on 6610 kids, of which 5970 and 5237 had also pre-and postweaning gain record, respectively. The kids were progeny of 115 bucks and 1387 does, which had altogether 3603 litter size and milk yield records in different parities and which were daughters of 109 sires and 721 dams. Single-trait analyses were carried out as preliminary to a three-trait (litter size, birth weight, early growth) and five-trait (litter size, milk and growth traits) analyses. The analyses containing birth weight data required the highest number of iteration rounds in estimating the variance components using AI REML. The maternal genetic component was important for the genetic variation of birth weight and preweaning gain. In general, direct heritability was low (0.03–0.12) for growth traits, possibly due to the low-input environment. The estimates on genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects within these traits indicated mostly favourable relationship. Genetic antagonism was found between birth weight and early growth. Heritability (repeatability) for 90-day and total milk yield was 0.16–0.23 and 0.23–0.24 (0.28 and 0.39–0.40), respectively and 0.04–0.05 (0.10–0.11) for litter size. The genetic correlation between 90-day (total) milk yield and litter size was 0.45 (0.22). The correlation between the milk yield and the maternal genetic effects for the preweaning gain was very high (0.94). Selection schemes aiming to improve meat (litter size and growth) and milk production simultaneously are feasible. The increased milk production serves also for the acceleration of early growth in kids.  相似文献   

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