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A three month old male calf showed the symptoms of anuria with ascites and high blood levels of urea. Post mortem examination revealed a haematoma of the urethral wall which by obstructing the lumen had caused the urinary bladder rupture and the resultant uroperitoneum.  相似文献   

The case of a 3 days old calf taken to the local animal hospital with a complete fracture of the vertebral column at the transitory point between thoracic and lumbar spine is reported. The fracture could be attributed to the wrong use of a mechanical fetal extractor, which is a common mistake when using it for forced extraction.  相似文献   

This report describes a 7-year-old cow of the breed "Deutsche Rotbunte" which was brought into the clinic because of intense fungal mastitis and left displacement of the abomasum. A disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) was determined by coagulation assays and verified by necropsy and histopathological examination.  相似文献   

This report concerns a 5-year-old "Deutsche Rotbunte" cow, which was brought into the clinic because of fertility problems 5 months after its fourth calving. A medicine-ball-sized abscess extending from cervix and corpus uteri into the abdominal cavity was diagnosed. A presumable cause of the abscess could have been an uterine treatment carried out prior to insemination.  相似文献   

董在杰  罗明坤 《水产学报》2023,18(1):019604-1-019604-17
水产种业是水产养殖业发展的基础,是渔业战略性、基础性核心产业,也是保障未来养殖业绿色、健康发展的核心竞争力。随着水产业全球化、市场化的发展,我国种业正面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。特别是随着生物技术的快速发展,水产育种也由传统的选择育种和杂交育种,发展至细胞工程育种、分子标记辅助育种、全基因组选择育种、分子设计育种和基因组编辑等精准设计育种。水产动物重要经济性状的基础研究及其遗传改良技术的创建驱动着我国水产种业的蓬勃发展,截止2022年,通过全国水产原种和良种审定委员会审定并由农业农村部公告的水产新品种就有266个,其中鲤新品种数量最多,为31个,表明鲤育种工作卓有成效。本文重点回顾了我国鲤的种质和基因组资源现状,鲤的主要品种及其育种方法;简要介绍了鲤生长、抗病、体色、饲料转化率等经济性状关联的遗传研究进展,并由此提出了新时代背景下鲤种业的发展方向和措施建议,以期为我国鱼类育种提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In this study, we used the central composite experimental design and response surface methodology to investigate the masculinization as well as larval growth, survival under combined administration of an androgen (17α‐methyltestosterone, MT) and an aromatase inhibitor (letrozole, AI) in the Ussuri catfish, Pelteobagrus ussuriensis. The results showed that the masculinization was significantly promoted by MT and AI. The nonsignificant MT × AI interaction indicated that MT acted on masculinization independently of AI and vice versa, suggesting that they may function through different molecular pathways. The impact of MT was greater than that of AI, indicating that masculinization via the direct action of MT was more important than that of AI during masculinization. The optimal MT/AI dosage was obtained by simultaneously optimizing three reliable models in consideration of the growth and survival. A verification trial under the commercial setting showed that this optimal MT/AI combination had greater potential for application to culture production, albeit not complete sex reversal. Our results suggest that using a combined administration of MT and AI to masculinize the Ussuri catfish be preferred.  相似文献   

Opportunities for developing small‐scale tilapia industry in the Philippines is hampered by the shortage of good‐quality seeds and broodstock. Most small‐scale farmers are dependent on distribution centres for improved tilapia seeds that are expensive and not sufficient to meet market demands. An option would be for farmers to develop their own tilapia breeds using simple procedures within their technical and financial resources. This option will also help sustain the diversity of locally adapted domestic stocks of tilapia. The Philippine tilapia production of ~122 316 MT can be increased by ensuring a stable supply of quality seeds and transferring suitable technology to fish farmers. The study was carried out in a tilapia hatchery/nursery pond in the Philippines to explore the potential for a farmer‐based research on tilapia breed improvement using relatively simple artificial selection procedures. One generation of size‐specific mass selection based on the early culling of large fry (collimation procedure) was applied on a Nile tilapia strain, Oreochromis niloticus L., in net cages set in a small earthen pond. Two episodes of directional selection were performed after initial removal of large fry at 21 days. Selection of parents and progeny testing were conducted in hapa and B‐net cages set in earthen ponds. The selection resulted in a significant response of 8% for standard length and 29% for weight relative to the control. The crude estimates of realized heritability is ~16% for standard length and ~26% for weight comparable with similar studies conducted by other workers.  相似文献   

中国对虾快速生长新品种“黄海1号”的人工选育   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
李健 《水产学报》2005,29(1):1-5
中国对虾经过连续6代的群体选育,表现出生长快、抗逆性强等优良的经济性状。选育群体的体长比对照平均增长8.40%,体重增长26.86%。抗逆性强,发病率不足10%,而未经选育的对照池发病率在40%以上。对不同世代进行了遗传结构分析,(1)同工酶:在13个基因位点中,MDH-2、GPI、MPI、PGM-2和PGM-3五个位点呈多态。PGM-3位点上的变异程度最高,其等位基因频率呈递减趋势,选育群体在删位点上发现C基因,其等位基因频率呈递增趋势,其平均观察杂合度呈依次递减趋势。(2)RAPD:对5个世代进行了RAPD分析,各世代间多态性比例呈下降趋势,F6代保持了F5水平。遗传分化指数Gst除F3与F4之间遗传分化弱之外,其他世代间已发生了中等程度的分化。(3)SSR:对5个世代进行了8个基因位点分析,共产生108个等位基因,群体间的杂合度呈下降趋势,R保持了B水平。遗传分化指数G值均小于0.05,说明中国对虾人工选育群体之间存在一定程度的分化,但分化较弱。  相似文献   

The clinical signs and pathological lesions, consistent with Bovine Progressive Degenerative Myeloencephalopathy (BPDME), are described in a heifer. The animal was an 18-month-old Braunvieh-/Brown Swiss crossbreed with 50% Brown Swiss. Both the sire as well as the dam were related to the bull "B.". The only neurological signs were a posterior ataxia. Mobility and coordination of the front legs were normal. The CK activity of the cerebrospinal fluid was enhanced. There was a moderate to severe degeneration of the white matter consisting of marked axonal degradation and distension and degradation of myelin sheats in all parts of the spinal cord as well as in the medulla oblongata. The lesions were more severe in the descending than in the ascending tracts.  相似文献   

对中华绒螯蟹外部形态32个测量点进行测量.利用形态判别法对白洋淀的中华绒螯蟹种质资源分析评价.建立了白洋淀中华绒鳌蟹形态判别式。结果表明.白洋淀河蟹种群属于北方蟹的辽河蟹.判别准确率达100%。结果有利于白洋淀中华绒螯蟹均质种群的维持,建议应加强白洋淀中华绒鳌蟹资源的管理。  相似文献   

A case of a recurrent incomplete uterine prolapse in a two year-old cow of the German Black Pied breed delivered into the clinic at the 16th day after parturition is described. An inversio uteri that possibly relapsed very soon following reposition of an uterine prolapse post partum is presumably the reason of the prolapsus uteri beyond the early puerperal period. The prolapsed left uterine horn was enclosed tightly by the cervix. Due to severe inflammatory changes a reduction was not practicable.  相似文献   

From 3 calves fed with a single limited amount of colostrum 68 blood serum samples were tested comparatively by single radial immunodiffusion (RID) and by nephelometry for their IgG1-, IgA- and IgM-content. In comparison with nephelometry the commercial available RID kits seemed to be insufficient due to deficient agarose plates, difficulties in diluting, and weak reference sera. The results obtained by RID, therefore, were not comparable with those obtained by nephelometry which should be optimized, too.  相似文献   

A report is given on a newborn calf showing mucosal hemorrhage and melena. All blood clotting tests, except for prothrombin time (which proved to be initially prolonged), had normal results. The striking recurrent thrombocytopenia was successfully treated with prednisolone. Autoimmune idiopathic thrombocytopenia is suspected as a possible cause.  相似文献   

Post-mortem examinations were carried out on 65 calves which were stillborn or died within 24 hours of birth. All calves came from a large dairy unit with about one thousand cattle of the Schwarzbuntes Milchrind breed. To evaluate the perinatal losses, the farm records of parturitions from 1985-1990 were used. The calves had gross damage of the CNS, the musculature, subcutaneous tissue and internal organs such as lung and intestines. It may be assumed that a lesser degree of similar damage would also be present in the surviving calves. The level of perinatal losses is determined particularly by deaths following prolonged parturition due to foetal oversize in heifers and young cows, but also by the birth of immature calves of low weight after pregnancy of normal or decreased duration and by twin pregnancies with high total calf mass and relative immaturity of the calves.  相似文献   

多年来,全国水产技术推广总站北京基地一直从事斑点叉尾鮰的保种选育和苗种培育工作。在斑点叉尾鮰苗种培育过程中,根据其生长特性和北京地区自然条件,采用在池塘中将鱼苗(水花)直接培育成一龄鱼种的培育方法。笔者对基地多年来鱼苗培育的实践经验和相关技术进行总结。  相似文献   

Obturation and perforation of the jejunum by an ingested fir branch was diagnosed in a 3 months old male German Fleckvieh calf. Following resection of the altered segment of intestine an end-to-end anastomosis was performed. The abdominal cavity was flushed with a 0.4% solution of polyvidon-iodine in normal saline, and an antibiotic preparation was instilled. Systemic antibiotic therapy was maintained for 6 days. Recovery was uneventful, and the animal was discharged 9 days after admission.  相似文献   

A ten-year-old female poodle was presented for left hindlimb lameness. Radiographically, irregular intramedullary densities of long bones (bone infarcts) and a lytic lesion in the left distal femur were detected. Two years after the first examination, the lesions in the distal femur were definitely identified as osteosarcoma and the dog was euthanized. Pathological and histological changes of the bone infarcts as well as of the osteosarcoma are described. Regarding bibliographical data, occurrence and aetiopathogenesis of osteosarcoma associated with multifocal bone infarction in man and dog are discussed.  相似文献   

It is well documented that the induction of the oesophageal groove reflex in the milk fed calf depends on certain prerequisites: The fluid drunk by the calf must come into contact with the receptors located in the pharynx, it must be consumed voluntarily by the animal without undue disturbances, it should have no offensive smell or taste and the general status of the calf should not be disturbed. When those conditions are not met the oesophageal groove closes incompletely or not at all and the milk flows into the reticulo-rumen. If the milk or any other nutrient solution remains there for a sufficient period of time, the nutrients it contains are subjected to bacterial breakdown. In a study including 249 calves (age less than 14 days) suffering from enteritis catarrhalis acuta it could be demonstrated that no closure of the oesophageal groove occurred in 11.2% of the patients; 11 calves of that group died. The same was probably true for a further 11.8% of the diarrheic calves; 12 of them died. In 37 ruminal drinkers, suffering from neonatal diarrhea (n = 30) or another primary disease (n = 7) the acid status of the rumen fluid could be examined several times. According to the analyses the following types of fermentation could be distinguished: --predominant butyric acid fermentation; --predominant lactic acid fermentation; --"biphasic type": predominant lactic acid fermentation changes to predominant butyric acid fermentation or vice versa. In the milk fed calf suffering from neonatal diarrhea, dysfunction of the oesophageal groove reflex (ruminal drinking) with its consequences (rumen acidosis, dyskeratosis of the ruminal mucosa) can result in a fatal outcome.  相似文献   

为了探讨鲍参混养的可行性,于2011年11月在福建省连江县某海珍品养殖基地进行鲍参混养试验。选取壳长为3.0~4.0 cm的鲍苗与同规格、不同数量的海参苗进行混养试验,经过5个多月的养殖,结果表明:试验组1、试验组2与对照组鲍鱼壳长分别为6.0、5.8、5.6 cm;试验组1、试验组2海参平均体重分别为169、141 g。试验组1、试验组2每笼经济效益可增加315~434元。因此认为,鲍参混养模式在连江海区进行养殖是可行的,养殖过程中利用鲍鱼产生的残饵供给海参作为饵料,既有效地解决了残饵腐败导致鲍鱼死亡等问题,同时还可降低海参养殖成本投入,提高单位面积的经济效益。  相似文献   

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