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Gully development in the Moldavian Plateau of Romania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ion Ionita   《CATENA》2006,68(2-3):133
Gully erosion has been recognized as an important environmental threat in the Moldavian Plateau of Eastern Romania. The main objective of this study was to define the process-based gully development by providing quantitative information from long-term field measurements in small catchments.Three main areas of monitoring gullies were explored: aerial photographs of flights in 1960 and 1970, classical leveling and repeated survey through a particular close stakes grid after 1980. The Caesium-137 technique has been used effectively in the areas of deposition of gully sediments to obtain reliable information on dating specific levels of sediments and to provide chronological measures of gully development.Most of the discontinuous gullies exhibit both proper gullying, mainly if not exclusively by gully head advance, and aggradation of the gully basin floor. Results indicated that the mean gully head retreat was 0.92 m year− 1 and the mean areal gully growth was 17.0 m2 year− 1. Both values indicate a slow erosion rate for this area. The average annual regime of gullying is pulsatory, one that is best described by great fluctuations. Conventional measurements on sedimentation over the period 1987–1997 indicate a higher rate of aggradation in the upper half of the gully floor. Information on the Caesium-137 depth profile was used to provide estimates of a mean sedimentation rate of 4.4 cm year− 1 over the period 1963–1996 and 2.5 cm year− 1 after 1986 for the short successive discontinuous gullies. A new classification of the discontinuous gullies based on two criteria, respectively, the field patterns and the rate of aggradation within the gully basin floor was established.For continuous gullies, linear gully head retreat, areal gully growth and eroded material rates were quantified for three periods (1961–1970, 1971–1980 and 1981–1990). Results indicate that gully erosion has decreased since 1960. This gullying decline is due to the rainfall distribution, and the increased influence of soil conservation practices. The mean gully head retreat of 12.5 m year− 1 between 1961–1990 was accompanied by a mean areal gully growth of 366.8 m2 year− 1 and a mean erosion rate of 4168 t year− 1. As with discontinuous gullies, continuous gullies showed pulsatory development.The critical period for gullying over 1981–1996 covers 4 months from Mid March to Mid July in an area with mean annual precipitation around 500 mm. Another main finding of this 16-year stationary monitoring was that 57% of the total gullying occurred during the cold season, with the remainder during the warm season. Of the total gully growth, 66% results from only four years (1981, 1988, 1991 and 1996), when a greater amount of precipitation fell.  相似文献   

Gbris   . Kertsz  L. Zmb 《CATENA》2003,50(2-4):151-164
Gully erosion can be widely observed on cultivated hillslopes in Hungary. Loose sediments covering two thirds of the total area of the country are prone to gully erosion.A detailed study of gully formation was carried out in the Rakaca catchment (58 km2), northeastern Hungary. The objectives include (1) a detailed survey of the present gullies, (2) an explanation of differences in gully distribution within the catchment, (3) clarification of the role of influencing factors like slope gradient, vegetation cover and soil type and (4) a study of changes of gully distribution and development in time over the last 200 years based on the comparison of topographic maps.The present gully distribution was first surveyed by applying 1:10 000 topographic maps and aerial photographs. The total length of the network is 70.9 km, i.e. 1.22 km/km2. Distribution inhomogeneities within the catchment can well be explained by differences in slope gradient and vegetation cover.The rate of increase of the gully length per unit area (1 km2) calculated for different time periods shows the following trends: (1) until 1860, when more than 50% of the catchment was forested, it was 5 m year−1 km−2; (2) between 1860 and 1920, when forest area dropped to almost 25% and agricultural land use was extended to slopes steeper than 25%, it still remained at roughly 5 m year−1 km−2; (3) after 1920, with 24–25% forest cover and with the extension of farming activity to the steepest slopes, it reached 10 m year−1 km−2.It could be shown that gully erosion on cultivated slopes leads to the development of gully systems in 50–60 years even if slope gradient is below 12%.To prevent further development of gully systems, it is suggested that at least 30% of the area should be forested and slopes steeper than 17% should not be cultivated at all.  相似文献   

Soil loss has become one severe problem in black soil areas of Northeast China after several decades of cultivation. Gully erosion is one of its main components. In this study, short-term gully retreat was monitored from 5 active gullies selected in representative black soil area during April 2002 to June 2004, using differential global positioning system (GPS). With the support of geographic information system (GIS), multitemporal digital elevation models (DEM) were constructed from the data collected by GPS and then used for further analysis. This presents a new method to compute the retreat rate of gully heads and the rate of soil losses caused by gully erosion. The results indicate that the average volumetric retreat rate was 729.1 m3 year− 1, corresponding with an average linear retreat rate of 6.2 m year− 1 in gully head and planimetric changes of 323.6 m2 year− 1 during the two monitored years, but more erosion took place during the second and third monitored period compared to the first. The erosion by freeze thawing and snowmelt accounts for a large percent. And this will be emphasized when rainfall is added in spring. If only considering the third monitored period, the conservatively estimated retreat rate by freeze thawing and snowmelt (i.e. before rainy season) may even reach 8.6 m year− 1 in gully head, with a volumetric rate of 120.9 m3 year− 1 and planimetric changes of 173.6 m2 year− 1. These results reveal that gully erosion is a great threat in the study area and conservation measures are urgently needed. Based on the analysis of multi-temporal DEM, one conceptual model for gully developing in black soil of Northeast China is proposed, which is supported by the data.  相似文献   

A method based on dendrochronology to estimate gully erosion rates was developed as an alternative of traditional methods for assessing medium-term gully retreat rates, such as field monitoring of headcuts or aerial-photo interpretation of gully retreat. The method makes use of trees or parts of a tree affected by gully erosion revealing information on the history of the erosion process by datable deviations of their normal growth pattern, hence defined as ‘datable objects’. These include roots exposed by erosion; browsing scars made by ungulates on exposed roots or on above-ground parts of fallen trees; exposed and dead root ends; root suckers; stems, branches and leading shoots of fallen trees; and a sequence of trees within a gully. The method is based on the differentiation between three main conditions depending on the relation between the dynamics of the datable object (part of the tree) and the development of the gully. The first condition implies that the datable object was created before erosion of the gully volume to be dated, e.g. exposed tree roots. According to the second condition, the datable object developed as an immediate consequence of the erosion event, e.g. growth reactions of a fallen tree. The third condition implies that the datable object was created some time after the erosion event took place, e.g. trees colonising the gully bed. Each principle has consequences for the accuracy and the correct interpretation of the estimated erosion rate, i.e. whether the true erosion rate is underestimated, exact or overestimated. In spite of methodological limitations and dendrochronological dating problems, the method was successfully applied in southeast Spain. Conservative estimations of gully-head retreat rate resulted in an average medium-term (3–46 years) value of 6 m3 year−1 (n=9). For gully sidewall processes, the average minimum erosion rate per unit sidewall length amounted 0.1 m3 year−1 m−1 (n=9). A strong correlation was found between the headcut retreat rate (vm(ortho), m3 year−1) and the drainage–basin area (A, m2) of the gullies, expressed by vm(ortho)=0.02A0.57 (R2=0.93, n=9). Comparing the findings from this study with those obtained by short-term headcut retreat monitoring suggests a high reliability of the estimated retreat rates, supporting the applicability of the developed dendrochronological method.  相似文献   

In this study, short-term headcut retreat was monitored from 46 active bank gullies, selected in the Guadalentin and the Guadix basin in Southeast Spain. The measurements were carried out manually using an orthogonal reference system fixed by erosion pins around the gully heads, between April 1997 and April 1999 with a 1-year interval. The average volumetric retreat rate for all gullies was 4.0 m3 year−1, corresponding with an average linear retreat rate of 0.1 m year−1, but more erosion took place during the first monitored year (1997–1998) compared to the second (1998–1999). An interplay of spatial variations in rainfall distribution and tension crack activity is assumed to be responsible for the important difference in annual headcut retreat, compared to the small difference in annual rainfall amounts. Statistical analysis showed that the present drainage-basin area (Ap) was the most important topographical factor explaining average gully headcut retreat rate, both in terms of annual eroded volume (Ve) and annual linear retreat (Rl), and expressed by the power relationships Ve=0.04Ap0.38 (R2=0.39) and Rl=0.01Ap0.23 (R2=0.39). The VeAp relationship was compared with the relationship between original drainage-basin area (Ao) and total eroded bank gully volume (Vol), i.e. Vol=1.71Ao0.60 (R2=0.65). The importance of runoff generation from a drainage basin is shown by the positive correlation of linear headcut retreat and the runoff curve number (CN), representative for the conditions in the drainage basin. High CN values tend to coincide with higher annual eroded volumes in the relationship between present drainage-basin area (Ap) and annual eroded volume (Ve), but this effect was not observed in the relationship between original drainage-basin area (Ao) and total eroded bank gully volume (Vol). Stepwise multiple regression selected the relevant environmental parameters explaining annual eroded volume and linear retreat. In both equations, the present drainage-basin area explained the largest part of the variation. The CN was selected as another common parameter. Height of the headcut was the second most important variable explaining annual eroded volume, indicating the role of energy transfers and undercutting at the headcut. Linear retreat was further explained by the average slope of the present drainage-basin area, representing the effect of decreasing transmission losses and increasing flow velocity with steeper catchment slopes, and by the sand content, decreasing the cohesion of the soil material, promoting soil fall and headcut retreat. Spatial extrapolation of the measured volumetric retreat rate of 4.0 m3 year−1 revealed that active bank gully heads contribute up to 6% of the sediment yearly filling up the Puentes reservoir. Estimated gully ages (i) based on the ergodic principle, and (ii) by linear extrapolation of actual gully retreat rates in the past, range between 63 years and 1539 and between 64 and 1720 years, respectively. The high correlation between the gully ages estimated by the two methods is attributed to the fact that most gullies have not reached the evolutionary stage of significantly declining retreat rates. Since medium-term gully retreat rates are more dependent on drainage-basin area compared to the short-term retreat rates obtained in this study, the estimated gully ages represent maximum values, assuming that present land-use and climate conditions prevailed over the last two millennia.  相似文献   

Within the European Union (EU)-funded Project ‘Wind Erosion on European Light Soils’ (WEELS), a model was designed and implemented with the aim of predicting the long-term spatial distribution of wind erosion risks in terms of erosion hours and wind-induced soil loss. In order to ensure wide applicability, the model structure consists of a modular combination of different approaches and algorithms, running on available or easily collected topographic and climatological data input. Whereas the ‘WIND’, ‘WIND EROSIVITY’ and ‘SOIL MOISTURE’ modules combine factors that contribute to the temporal variations of climatic erosivity, the ‘SOIL ERODIBILITY’, ‘SURFACE ROUGHNESS’ and ‘LAND USE’ modules predict the temporal soil and vegetation cover variables that control soil erodibility. Preliminary simulations over a 29-year period for the Barnham site (UK) (1970–1998) and a 13-year period for the Grönheim site (Germany) (1981–1993) generally resulted in a higher erosion risk for the English test site, where the total mean soil loss was estimated at 1.56 t ha−1 year−1 and mean maximum soil loss at about 15.5 t ha−1 year−1. The highest rates exceeded 3 t ha−1 in March, September and November. On the northern German test site, the total mean soil loss was 0.43 t ha−1 year−1. The highest erosion rates were predicted in April when they can exceed 2.5 t ha−1. The total mean maximum soil loss at this site of about 10.0 t ha−1 year−1 corresponds to a loss of about 0.65 mm. Predictions based on a land use scenario for the German site revealed that the erosion risk could be reduced significantly by changing land use strategies.  相似文献   

Ex-post evaluation of erosion control measures in southern Mali   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As part of an impact study of a soil and water conservation (SWC) project in southern Mali, the effect of erosion control measures on soil erosion was evaluated. In one village, a baseline situation from 1988 was compared with the situation in 2003, after farmers had installed stone rows, live fences and grass strips, and had started cultivating across to the slope. This comparison showed a spectacular decrease in gully volume in cultivated fields of 87%, from 58 to 8 m3 ha−1. Estimated annual soil loss decreased with 77% from 42 to 10 t ha−1 year−1. However, baseline data on erosion gullies were not available for other villages. In the absence of baseline data, a simple ‘with–without’ comparison does not allow a correct evaluation because farmers install erosion control measures especially in fields with more erosion. Two alternative methods were used: a reconstructed baseline and a virtual time series. Using the reconstructed baseline, looking not only at active gullies but also at (partly) reclaimed gullies, we concluded that line interventions, gully interventions, and a combination of both, reduced the proportion of active gullies by 48%, 47% and 70%, respectively. Using a virtual time series, comparing erosion in fields with erosion control measures installed in different years, we concluded that erosion gradually decreased by 50% during the 3 years after installation of erosion control measures. In a separate study, we found a positive effect of gully interventions and sowing across to the slope in reducing sheet erosion. A reduction of the slope of the sowing direction by 1% reduced the cover of runoff deposit of coarse sand with 8%. Although a documented baseline is preferred, both a reconstructed baseline and a virtual time series are useful tools and make ex-post evaluations more relevant than a simple with–without comparison.  相似文献   

Dong  Yifan  Duan  Xingwu  Huang  Jiangcheng  Yang  Ji  Xiong  Donghong  Yang  Chao  Guiquan  Yi 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2021,21(6):2228-2239

How to predict gully erosion rates was one of the most important issues at present. A model implemented in the Channel Hillslope Integrated Landscape Development (CHILD) model based on the shape factor (Sf) of the plunge pools, which successfully predicted the headcut retreat rates over a long timescale. But whether this model was also valid in the short-term scale? What factors affected the prediction effects of the model? These issues still need evaluation.

Material and method

Four gully head plots with consistent initial topography and soil types were constructed for conducting in-situ scouring experiments with different flow discharges. Eighteen tests were conducted in each plot to monitor the plunge pool growth and headcut retreat rates using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to create high-precision topographic data.

Results and discussion

The topographic parameters of the plunge pools generally increased with scouring duration and were strongly correlated with the total runoff energy consumption (0.55 < R2 < 0.92, P < 0.01). In contrast, headcut retreat was an intermittent process that suddenly migrated in a short time after relatively long stable periods lasting from 20 to 130 min. The relationships between the headcut retreat rates and total energy consumption were weaker than those with the plunge pools.


As the timescale shortened, the contribution of mass failure due to gravity to headcut migration significantly increased, leading to the pool effects of the model to influence the prediction of the gully headcut retreat rates, which assumed that flow hydraulics were the key dynamics.


Recent research has shown a lack of long-term monitoring for detailed analysis of gully erosion response to climate characteristics. Measures carried out from 1995 to 2007 in a wheat-cultivated area in Raddusa (Sicily, Italy), represent one of the longest series of field data on ephemeral gully, EG, erosion. The data set collected in a surface area of almost 80 ha, permits analysis of the influence of rainfall on EG formation and development. Ephemeral gullies formed in the study area were measured on a yearly scale with a Post-Processing Differential GPS for length and with a steel tape for the width and depth of transversal sections. Ephemeral gully formation was observed for 8 years out of 12, which corresponds to a return period of 1.5 years. The measurements show strong temporal variability in EG erosion, in agreement with the rainfall characteristics. The total eroded volumes ranged between 0 and ca. 800 m3 year−1, with a mean of ca. 420 m3 year−1, corresponding to ca. 0.6 kg m−2 year−1. Ephemeral gully erosion in the study area is directly and mainly controlled by rainfall events. An antecedent rainfall index, the maximum value of 3-days rainfall (Hmax3_d), is the rain parameter which best accounts for EG erosion. This index is used here as a simple surrogate for soil water content. An Hmax3_d threshold of 51 mm was observed for EG formation. The return period of the Hmax3_d threshold is almost the same as the return period for EG formation. Although a mean of seven erosive rain events were recorded in a year, EG formation and development generally occur during a single erosive event, similarly to other semiarid environments. The most critical period is that comprised between October and January, when the soil is wetter and the vegetation cover is scarce. Empirical models for EG eroded volume estimation were obtained using the data set collected at this site. A simple power-type equation is proposed to estimate the eroded volumes using Hmax3_d as an independent variable. This equation shows an R2 equal to 0.67 and a standard error of estimation of 0.79.  相似文献   

为明确根系密度对黄土塬沟壑区沟头溯源侵蚀产沙和形态演化过程的影响,采用野外"人工模拟降雨+放水冲刷"试验方法,以裸地试验小区(CK)为对照,研究冰草根系密度试验小区(株行距:20 cm×20 cm,C1;15 cm×15 cm,C2;10 cm×10 cm,C3)的沟头溯源侵蚀产沙过程、沟头溯源距离、沟道下切深度及发育面积等特征。结果表明:1)与对照小区相比,草被小区(C1~C3)产沙量分别降低64.32%、70.31%、69.92%;冰草株行距为15 cm×15 cm时,减沙效益最大。2)对照小区沟头溯源侵蚀过程主要包括沟口形成、贴壁流侵蚀、跌水侵蚀和沟岸崩塌等;而草被小区沟头溯源侵蚀则由贴壁流侵蚀、跌水侵蚀和根土复合体崩塌导致,崩塌是草地沟头溯源的主要原因;各根系密度下沟头溯源距离与时间均呈极显著幂函数关系;与对照相比,草被小区沟头溯源距离缩短75.61%~78.87%。3)对照小区侵蚀沟纵断面呈阶梯形,存在缓冲平台,沟头近似矩形;草被小区则呈梯形和圆弧状。与对照相比,草被小区沟道平均下切深度加深1.64~1.92倍;沟道面积随根系密度增加而缩小,草被小区沟道面积较裸地缩小68.0%~74.0%。结果可为该区"固沟保塬"工作的实施提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Water erosion in the hilly areas of west China is the main process contributing to the overall sediment of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. The impact of gully erosion in total sediment output has been mostly neglected. Our objective was to assess the sediment production and sediment sources at both the hillslope and catchment scales in the Yangjuangou reservoir catchment of the Chinese Loess Plateau, northwest China. Distribution patterns in sediment production caused by water erosion on hills and gully slopes under different land use types were assessed using the fallout 137Cs technique. The total sediment production from the catchment was estimated by using the sediment record in a reservoir. Sediment sources and dominant water erosion processes were determined by comparing 137Cs activities and 210Pb/137Cs ratios in surface soils and sub-surface soils with those of sediment deposits from the reservoir at the outlet of the catchment. Results indicated that landscape location had the most significant impact on sediment production for cultivated hillslopes, followed by the terraced hillslope, and the least for the vegetated hillslope. Sediment production increased in the following order: top>upper>lower>middle for the cultivated hillslope, and top>lower>upper>middle for the terraced hillslope. The mean value of sediment production declined by 49% for the terraced hillslope and by 80% for the vegetated hillslope compared with the cultivated hillslope. Vegetated gully slope reduced the sediment production by 38% compared with the cultivated gully slope. These data demonstrate the effectiveness of terracing and perennial vegetation cover in controlling sediment delivery at a hillslope scale. Averaged 137Cs activities and 210Pb/137Cs ratios in the 0–5 cm surface soil (2.22–4.70 Bq kg−1 and 20.70–22.07, respectively) and in the 5–30 cm subsoil (2.60 Bq kg−1 and 28.57, respectively) on the cultivated hills and gully slopes were close to those of the deposited sediment in the reservoir (3.37 Bq kg−1 and 29.08, respectively). These results suggest that the main sediment sources in the catchment were from the surface soil and subsoil on the cultivated slopes, and that gully erosion is the dominant water erosion process contributing sediment in the study area. Changes in land use types can greatly affect sediment production from gully erosion. An increase in grassland and forestland by 42%, and a corresponding decrease in farmland by 46%, reduced sediment production by 31% in the catchment.  相似文献   

This paper deals with gully retreat rates at different time scales, whereby the short-term time scale may span a time interval of 1–5 years, the medium-term time scale a time interval of 5–50 years, and the long-term time scale a time interval of more than 50 years. An analysis of high-altitude aerial photographs in combination with ground measurements allowed us to quantify volumetric gully-head retreat rates for 12 permanent gullies in Southeast Spain (Guadalentin and Guadix study areas) over a 40–43 year time interval (medium-term time scale). This resulted in an average retreat rate (Ve) of 17.4 m3 year−1. A power relationship between drainage-basin area (A) and medium-term volumetric gully-head retreat rate, Ve=0.069A0.380 (R2=0.51, n=21), was found by combining the gully-head retreat rates obtained in this study with those obtained by a dendrochronological method. The exponent (b) and the coefficient of determination (R2) of the power relationships Ve=aAb increases from the short-term to the long-term time scale, expressing the increasing importance of drainage-basin area in gully development with time. Considerable differences between gully-head retreat rates measured at the short and medium-term time scales at individual gullies showed the importance of land-use changes and unsuccessful management practices on gully-head retreat, and the episodic nature of gully-head retreat when piping and tension cracking are involved. Higher gully-head retreat rates are obtained at the medium-term time scale compared to the short-term time scale but the differences are not significantly different at α=10%. The medium-term methods tend to measure proportionally more high gully retreat rates, but less extreme values compared to the short-term method. This is explained by a more equal distribution of extreme rainfall events both in space and time at a longer-term time scale, and hence a higher probability of measuring the average effect of both small and extreme rainfall events at each gully.  相似文献   

On-site and off-site environmental impacts of runoff and erosion are usually stressed in order to bring to the public's attention the importance and implications of soil erosion. However, few studies are aimed at calculating the economic implications of erosion, this being the message that farmers and/or policy makers understand best. In this current work we estimated the cost of erosion in vineyards in the Penedès–Anoia region (NE Spain), in which high intensity rain storms (> 80–100 mm h− 1) are frequent. Modern plantations in the region consist of trained vines, usually planted perpendicular to the maximum slope direction. Broadbase terraces are interspersed between vine rows to intercept surface runoff and convey it out of the field. Part of the sediment generated above these terraces is deposited in them and other parts are either deposited beyond the boundaries of the fields or are exported to the main drainage network. High intensity rainfall produces heavy soil losses (up to 207 Mg ha− 1 computed in an extreme event in June 2000, which had a maximum intensity in 30-min periods of up to 170 mm h− 1). To estimate the cost of erosion in vineyard fields of this region, two important aspects were considered. These were a) the cost incurred by the maintenance of the broadbase terraces, drainage channels and filling of ephemeral gullies and b) the cost incurred by the loss of fertilisers (mainly N and P) caused by erosion. According to farmers' records, the former was estimated at 7.5 tractor-hour ha− 1 year− 1 (as average), which comprises 5.4% of the income from grape sales. Regarding N and P losses, nutrients exported by runoff were 14.9 kg ha− 1 N and 11.5 kg ha− 1 of P, which, if compared to the annual intakes, represent 6% and 26.1% of the N and P respectively. In economic terms, the replacement value of the N and P lost represents 2.4% for N or 1.2% for P of the annual income from the sale of the grapes.  相似文献   

Ephemeral gully erosion is an important process in the black soil region, Northeast China and can be responsible for severe damage to agricultural lands. However, little research on gully formation in this area has been published. The study described in this paper attempted to quantify soil losses, the spatial distribution and morphology of the gullies, and the factors that control their development. Ephemeral gullies were measured in spring and summer of 2005 in two small catchments. The critical periods for ephemeral gully formation were late spring and summer in the study area. Mean soil losses due to ephemeral gully erosion were 0.40 and 0.43 kg m−2 year−1 for only croplands despite low slope gradients, and this loss is above the tolerable erosion rates of 0.20 kg m−2 year−1. The erosion rates were greater in spring because the topsoil thawed before deeper layers, reducing infiltration into the soil, and the bare vegetation cover provided no barriers to surface flow. In contrast, summer erosion occurred primarily in response to intense rain events. Development of the gullies was promoted by freeze-thaw cycles in spring and was affected by the type of agricultural operations and crops in summer. A linear regression model for the prediction of ephemeral gully length at the catchment level was established using field data, and although it did not successfully predict the length of individual gullies, it explained 55% of the variation in ephemeral gully length.  相似文献   

Global energy demand of 424 EJ year−1 in 2000 is increasing at the rate of 2.2% year−1. There is a strong need to increase biofuel production because of the rising energy costs and the risks of global warming caused by fossil fuel combustion. Biofuels, being C-neutral and renewable energy sources, are an important alternative to fossil fuels. Therefore, identification of viable sources of biofuel feedstock is a high priority. Harvesting lignocellulosic crop residues, especially of cereal crops, is being considered by industry as one of the sources of biofuel feedstocks. Annual production of lignocellulosic residues of cereals is estimated at 367 million Mg year−1 (75% of the total) for the U.S., and 2800 million Mg year−1 (74.6% of the total) for the world. The energy value of the residue is 16 × 106 BTU Mg−1. However, harvesting crop residues would have strong adverse impact on soil quality. Returning crop residues to soil as amendments is essential to: (a) recycling plant nutrients (20–60 kg of N, P, K, Ca per Mg of crop residues) amounting to 118 million Mg of N, P, K in residues produced annually in the world (83.5% of world's fertilizer consumption), (b) sequestering soil C at the rate of 100–1000 kg C ha−1 year−1 depending on soil type and climate with a total potential of 0.6–1.2 Pg C year−1 in world soils, (c) improving soil structure, water retention and transmission properties, (d) enhancing activity and species diversity of soil fauna, (e) improving water infiltration rate, (f) controlling water runoff and minimizing risks of erosion by water and wind, (g) conserving water in the root zone, and (h) sustaining agronomic productivity by decreasing losses and increasing use efficiency of inputs. Thus, harvesting crop residues as biofuel feedstock would jeopardize soil and water resources which are already under great stress. Biofuel feedstock must be produced through biofuel plantations established on specifically identified soils which do not compete with those dedicated to food crop production. Biofuel plantations, comprising of warm season grasses (e.g., switch grass), short rotation woody perennials (e.g., poplar) and herbaceous species (e.g., miscanthus) must be established on agriculturally surplus/marginal soils or degraded/desertified soils. Plantations established on such soils would restore degraded ecosystems, enhance soil/terrestrial C pool, improve water resources and produce biofuel feedstocks.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the effects of agricultural exploitation on desert soil organic C, N and P, and soil aggregation. Four land uses were assessed: (1) 5-year wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) + 5-year maize (Zea mays L.); (2) 5-year wheat/barley + 5-year alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.); (3) 6-year wheat/barley + 4-year acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and (4) uncultivated desert soil. The desert soil contained total organic C (TOC) of 3.1, 3.7 and 4.2 g kg−1 and particulate organic C (POC) of 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 g kg−1 at 0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm depths, respectively. The soil TOC concentration was increased by 32–68% under wheat–maize rotation and by 27–136% under wheat–acacia at 0–20 cm depth, and by 48% under wheat–alfalfa only at 0–10 cm depth. This contrasted with an increase in the soil POC concentration by 143–167% at depth 0–20 cm under wheat–maize and by 217%, 550% at depth 0–10 cm under wheat–alfalfa and wheat–acacia, respectively. The desert soil had 13 Mg ha−1 TOC stock and 2 Mg ha−1 POC stock at depth 0–30 cm, whereas crop rotations increased the soil TOC stock by 30–65% and POC stock by 200–350%. Over the 10-year period, the rates of TOC accumulation were 0.6, 0.3, 0.8 Mg ha−1 year−1 and the rates of POC accumulation were 0.4, 0.4 and 0.7 Mg ha−1 year−1 under wheat–maize, wheat–alfalfa and wheat–acacia rotations, respectively. At 0–30 cm depth, total soil N was increased by 61–64% under wheat–maize and wheat–acacia, but total soil P was reduced by 38% under wheat–alfalfa. A significant improvement in clay stability but not in aggregate water-stability was observed in cultivated soils. The results showed a significant increase in soil organic C pool but unimproved macro-aggregation of the desert soil after 10 years of cultivation.  相似文献   

In order to test two hypotheses: (i) that carbon (C) and energy exchanges between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere are closely constrained by soil water availability, and (ii) that vegetation is able to optimize soil water uptake from different soil layers; two model simulations were conducted. The Boreal Ecosystem Productivity Simulator (BEPS) model was run to simulate an aspen forest in Saskatchewan, Canada during the period 1997–2004. In Simulation 1, the effect of soil water availability in different soil layers on stomatal conductance was weighted only by root fraction. In Simulation 2, the influence of soil water availability in different soil layers on stomatal conductance was weighted according to both the root fraction and soil water availability, in order to allow easier access of roots to soil layers containing more water.Comparison against measured fluxes showed that Simulation 2 was an improvement over Simulation 1 in predicting C, water and energy fluxes at different time scales in dry years. In Simulation 1, the daytime C and water fluxes were underestimated during the transition from adequate to insufficient soil water content in the upper layers. In this run, the model captured 92, 79 and 91% of the daily variances in gross primary productivity (GPP), net ecosystem productivity (NEP), and ecosystem respiration (Re) during 1997–2004. In Simulation 2, the daily variances of GPP, NEP, and Re explained by the model increased to 93, 82 and 92%, respectively. In Simulation 1, the annual NEP was considerably underestimated in the dry years and years with dry periods, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 45 g C m−2 year−1 (n = 8) from 1997 to 2004. In Simulation 2, the RMSE value of simulated annual NEP was reduced to 14 g C m−2 year−1, a relatively small value compared with the average NEP of 157 g C m−2 year−1 during 1997–2004. This suggested that the ability of plant roots to extract water from deep soil layers is critical for the forest to maintain growth when surface layers dried out. Our model results showed that NEP was very sensitive to water conditions at this site. In wet years, heterotrophic respiration was enhanced and NEP was reduced.  相似文献   

Agricultural production in the Northern Highlands of Ethiopia is low, stagnant or unsustainable. The objectives of this study were to explore long-term dynamics of soil organic carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and the consequences for crop-available N and P to support the design of sustainable farm management practices for higher yields and improved livelihoods in the Northern Highlands of Ethiopia. Simplified soil N and P dynamics modules are described. C dynamics have been linked to the dynamics of organic N via the C:N ratio. The model has been calibrated on the basis of empirical data from the study area. The N and OC modules have been validated on the basis of an empirical data set for fields continuously cultivated for 7–53 years in smallholder farms in the Highlands of Ethiopia. The model has been applied for exploration of long-term dynamics of soil N, OC and P and crop available N and P under alternative farm management regimes. The simulation results indicate that, in terms of soil OC, the control management results in 44, 42 and 38% depletion, respectively, in Cambisols, Luvisols and Leptosols; current management practice (Alt1) results in 16% reduction in Cambisols, 32% in Luvisols, but a 22% increase in Leptosols; Alt2 (returning all non-economic organic material to the soil) results in 27% reduction in Luvisols, whereas in Cambisols and Leptosols it increases by 1 and 57%, respectively, after 50 years of cultivation. The rates of changes in soil N are similar to those in OC under current management, Alt1 and Alt2. In terms of total soil P, the control management and Alt2 result in 46 and 43% depletion in Cambisols and 53 and 52% in Luvisols over the 50 years. On the other hand, Alt1 results in build-up of total soil P in Cambisols (69% higher after 50 years), but still to depletion (8%) in Luvisols. All other management regimes are not ‘sustainable’ in terms of soil N, OC and P, and lead to ‘soil mining’. Finally, the model has been used to estimate the required organic amendments and inorganic P inputs to maintain the current status of soil OC and P, as a benchmark of management practices. To maintain the current status of soil OC, the required composted organic amendments were 5.3, 15.0 and 2.1 Mg ha−1 annually for Cambisols, Luvisols and Leptosols, respectively. To maintain the current soil P-levels, required inorganic P-doses (in addition to organic P contributions from composted organic fertilizer from 5.3 (in Cambisols) and 15.0 (in Luvisols) Mg ha−1 year−1) were 8 kg ha−1 year−1 in Cambisols and 23 kg in Luvisols. The model is relatively easy to parameterize for specific situations and reproduces the most important aspects of soil nutrient dynamics. The modelling approach developed in this study can support the design of appropriate soil N, OC and P management practices that eventually should lead to higher yields and improved livelihoods.  相似文献   

Sloping and mountainous olive production systems are widespread, occupying large parts of the Mediterranean landscape prone to water erosion. Soil erosion, runoff, and soil water content patterns over a three-year period were monitored in erosion plots on a mountainside with rainfed olive (Olea europaea cv. Picual) trees under: 1) non-tillage with barley strips of 4 m width (BS); 2) non-tillage with native vegetation strips of 4 m width (NVS); and 3) non-tillage without plant strips (NT). The erosion plots, located in Lanjaron (Granada, south-eastern Spain), on a 30% slope, were 192 m2 in area. For assessing soil water dynamics in real-time and near-continuous soil water content measurements, multisensor capacitance probes were installed in the middle of plant strips and beneath the olive tree at five soil depths (10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 cm). The highest erosion and runoff rates were measured under NT, with a mean of 17.3 Mg ha-1 year-1 and 140.0 mm year-1, respectively, over the entire study period. The BS and NVS with respect to the NT reduced erosion by 71% and 59% and runoff by 95% and 94%, respectively. In general, greater available soil water content was found under BS than NVS and NT, especially beneath the olive tree canopies. These results supported the recommendation of non-tillage with barley strips in order to reduce erosion and to preserve soil water for trees in traditional mountainous olive-producing areas, where orchards cover vast tracts of land.  相似文献   

Rill and gully development during an extreme winter runoff event in Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lillian ygarden 《CATENA》2003,50(2-4):217-242
Erosion on agricultural fields in Norway has earlier been reported to be mainly sheet and minor rill erosion. Exceptional rainfall events during January and February (230% of 30 years monthly mean) in 1990 led to extreme runoff and widespread erosion also on areas normally not considered to have a high erosion risk. This study presents the results of a field survey in three counties where rills and ephemeral gullies were measured after this event. Shifting weather conditions with freezing and thawing had given frozen subsoil. Topsoil conditions varied from ice- and snow-covered surface to thawed surface with frozen subsoil. In one of the areas with a high clay content, only the upper topsoil layer was unfrozen during this event. Extended sheet erosion and smaller rills occurred. In the southernmost locations, more of the topsoil profile was unfrozen. Combined with a high silt/sand content, more severe rilling and ephemeral gullies developed. Gullies developed down to the depth of the drainpipes in all locations. This erosion equals soil losses of more than 100 tons ha−1 or 8–9 mm soil lost from the entire field area. Different mechanisms for gully development were registered. Gullies developed as enlarged rills with headward migration and sidewall sloughing. Knickpoints in the slope could also lead to gully development. Concentrated water flow entering the field from farmyards, roads, neighbouring fields and woods could be the starting point for uncontrolled rilling and ephemeral gullying. The combination of frozen subsoil, saturated soil with low strength and intense rainfall led to gully development also on areas with gentle slopes, especially sandy soils. Management practices like crop cover, tillage and lack of surface water control highly influenced the development of gullies.  相似文献   

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