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The effects of stilbene glucosides and related compounds on termite feeding behavior were investigated using paper disc methods against the subterranean termite Reticulitermes speratus. The stilbene-rich fraction and isorhapontin (3-methoxy-3,4, 5-trihydroxystilbene-3--d-glucoside) from bark extracts of Picea glehnii showed avoidance by termites in choice tests. In the no-choice tests using compounds purified from the stilbene-rich fraction, the largest feeding deterrent effect was observed for piceid (3,4,5-trihydroxystilbene-3--d-glucoside), followed by isorhapontin, and astringin (3,3,4,5-tetrahydroxystilbene-3--d-glucoside), at the concentrations from 0.63 to 2.5µmol/disc. No change in activity was observed at retentions of more than 5.0µmol/disc. When the activities of isorhapontin and its aglycone derivative (isorhapontigenin: 3-methoxy-3,4,5-trihydroxystilbene) were compared with that of taxifolin (3,3,4,5,7-pentahydroxyflavanone) in the no-choice test, the stilbenes exhibited a larger antifeedant potential. Methylation of isorhapontigenin increased its termiticidal activity.Part of this study was presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Research Group on Wood Preservation, 2001  相似文献   

The extractives of shirakamba (Betula platyphylla Sukatchev var.japonica Hara) leaves were investigated. Two lignan glycosides were isolated, and their structures were elucidated to be 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-[1-(3--l-rhamnopyranosyloxypropyl)-3-hydroxyphenoxy]-1,3-propanediol (I) and a new 2,3-dihydro-2-arylbenzofuran configuration neolignan,cis-2,3-dihydro-2-(4--l-rhamnopyranosyloxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxymethyl-7-hydroxy-5-benzofuranpropanol (II). These neolignan rhamnosides were newly found in shirakamba.  相似文献   

Summary The reaction of ferric chloride with the lignin model guaiacol affords primarily a complex mixture of coupled guaiacol oligomers. Major components were the symmetrical carbon-carbon coupled dimer 3,3-dimethoxy-[1,1-biphenyl]-4,4diol and the trimer 3,3,5-trimethoxy-[1,1:3,1-terphenyl]-4,4,4-triol which were isolated by preparative HPLC and characterized by 1HNMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. An unstable component believed to be a 4,4-diphenoquinone derived from the trimer was also prominent. The reaction of chromium trioxide with guaiacol yields the same dimer, trimer and diphenoquinone as well as 2-methoxy-p-benzoquinone. The major product with chromium trioxide, however, is an inert, highly insoluble polymer which was shown by degradation to contain guaiacol oligomers bound or crosslinked by hydroxylated chromium species. Magnetic susceptibility measurements clearly indicated that the valency of chromium in the polymer was + 3. It is postulated that similar complexes formed from phenolic lignin units are responsible for the weather resistance of chromium trioxide treated wood surfaces. In a broader context this study is relevant to the fixation of hexavalent chromium from a range of widely used wood preservative formulations.The authors wish to thank the following: Tom Syers (CSIRO Division of Forest Products) for technical assistance, Mary Reilly (CSIRO Division of Forest Products) for NMR spectral determinations and Ivan Vit (CSIRO Division of Chemicals and Polymers) for mass spectral determinations  相似文献   

When (±)--oxo-guaiacylglycerol--(vanillic acid) ether (1) is degraded byFusarium solani M-13-1, the-ketone is initially reduced to giveerythro andthreo guaiacylglycerol--(vanillic acid) ethers (2), arylglycerol--aryl ethers, both of which are enantiomerically pure. The absolute configuration in each2 was determined by Mosher's method; the products were converted to,-di-(R)--methoxy--trifluoromethylphenylacetates (MTPA esters) (3) oferythro (-)- andthreo (+)-veratrylglycerol--(methyl vanillate) ethers (3), whose1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were examined and compared with those of four di-(R)-MTPA ester (3) diastereomers from chemically synthesizederythro (±)-3 andthreo (±)-3. To assign the- and-MTPA-OCH3 peaks, the1H NMR scans of several compounds that have substructures of 3 and their 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl analogues were examined. When a racemic alcohol reacts with (R)-MTPA to give a pair of (R)-MTPA ester diastereomers, the value was defined as the absolute value of the difference in the1H chemical shifts of the peak between the diastereomers. It was found that the values of-MTPA-OCH3 were larger than those of-MTPA-OCH3 owing to a shielding effect of the veratryl ring located on the-MTPA-OCH3, and that the-MTPA-OCH3 peaks in the 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl compounds shifted downfield relative to those in the veratryl compounds. On the basis of the1h NMR data of (R)-MTPA esters, the absolute configuration of the four chemically prepared diastereomers (3) were determined. The catabolicerythro 3 [fromerythro (-)-3] andthreo 3 [fromthreo (+)-3] were identical to (R, S, R)-erythro 3 and (R, S, S)- threo 3, respectively. An hydrogen species in the fungal reduction would attack the-ketone fromre-face of both (R)-1 and (S)-1, givingerythro (S, R)-2 andthreo (S, S)-2, respectively.Part of this paper was presented at the 33rd Lignin Symposium, Tsukuba, November 1988  相似文献   

Summary Larvae ofErnobius spp. and adults ofBrachyderes incanus were serious pests of shoots ofPinus silvestris andP. contorta at several localities of Rhine valley and near Meppen/Ems.In the same areas aphids(Lachninae) and their predators were very abundant.Protolachnus agilis Kltb. became very harmful on young pines in experiment field cages where predators had been excluded.Pineus sp. was frequent in the field cages and in young pine plantations near Meppen.
Résumé En divers endroits de la vallée du Rhin et près de Meppen/Emsland, des larves d'Ernobius spp. et des adultes deBrachydeles incanus furent observés comme étant de sérieux pour les jeunes pousses dePinus silvestris et deP. contorta.Dans les mêmes régions des pucerons(Lachninae) et leurs prédateurs étaient très abondants.Protolachnus agilis Kltb. divint très nuisible aux jeunes pins placés dans des cages expérimentales où les prédateurs avaient été enfermés.Pineus sp. é tait aussi abondant dans cages expérimentales et dans les plantations de jeunes pins près de Meppen.

Meppen/Emsland Eronobius spp. Brachyderes incanus, Pinus silvestris P. contorta. (Lachninae) Protolachnus agilis Kltb. , - .Pineus sp. - Meppen.

This paper describes the salient aspects and analyses the potential of the Paraiso Woodlot System, which is becoming popular as an agroforestry alternative to land use in the degraded acid sandy soils of the humid sub-tropical Guayaybi area of Paraguay. The system consists of a combination of paraiso (Melia azedarach var gigante) with other trees, especially Leucaena leucocephala, and annual crops.The fast growth habit, deep root system, addition of large quantities of organic matter through leaf and litter fall, compatibility with agricultural crops, high value of the sawlogs and production of substantial quantities of poles and firewood make paraiso an excellent species for agroforestry combination. Preliminary results of the trials indicate that the woodlots are successful and with increasing efforts of the extension agencies, they are being accepted as a viable alternative to traditional agricultural systems.Besides discussing the potential of these woodlots based on initial results, the paper identifies the constraints of the system and highlights the priority research areas.  相似文献   

Summary During the application of several acaricides to manifest their effectivness againstPanonychus ulmi Koch living on the apple trees in Lebanon, it could be clearly noticed that a kind of resistance to the phosphoric acid organic preparations occurs, where these mentioned chemicals are regularly used against the mites. The control succes by means of some acaricides and ovicides combinations is here discussed. AsTetranychus urticae Koch in some apple plantations infests the different weeds growing together with the trees there and it wanders in summer to overrun the apple trees; the question of the mite control by means of respective sprays or by means of weed eradication is also discussed.
Résumé L'étude de l'efficacité d'une série d'acaricides dePanonychus ulmi Koch sur pomme en Liban a démontré une certaine résistance de groupes des parathions, lá où ceux — ci sont appliqués régulièrement depuis des années. Les résultats de combat de quelques acaricides et combinaisons par des ovicides sont discutés. PuisqueTetranychus urticae Koch occupe les herbes, les plus différentes, et depuis — là en été change sur les pommiers la question d'un combat de cet acarien nuisible par des application ultérieures ou par l'extermination d'herbes est discuté e.

, Pannonychus ulmi Phosphorsäureester. Akarizide Ovizide. Tetranychus urticae , .

Zusammenfassung 1. Die Intensität der Harzausscheidung ist kein sicheres Kriterium bei der vergleichenden Diagnose der Widerstandsfähigkeit verschiedener Kiefern-Arten gegen Schadinsekten. In dem Widerstandsmechanismus der Kiefer spielt nicht die Quantität des Harzes, sondern die Qualität eine Rolle und unbedingt seine biologische Aktivität.2. Kiefeinharz ist ein natürliches Schutzmittel des Baumes gegen. Insektenschäden. Verschiedene Kiefern-Arten enthalten Harz von qualitativ verschiedener biologischer Aktivität für Insekten. Das bezieht sich auch auf das Harz ein- und derselben Kiefernart bei unterschiedlichem physiologischen Zustand. Das Harz der geschwächten Kiefernbäume verliert seine Schutzeigenschaften und sein Geruch wirkt auf Insekten als ein Zeichen der Eignung des Baumes für ihre Ernährung und Entwicklung.3. Die biologische Aktivität des Harzes ist durch die in ihm vorhandenen ätherischen Öle, die auis Terpenoiden bestehen, bestimmt. Die Terpenoide besitzen für die Insekten verschiedene biologische Aktivitä t, welche von ihrer Menge, ihren Eigenschaften, den Beziehungen der Komponenten untereinander und optischen Isomeren abhängen, die insgesamt ihre Qualität als natürliche Schutzstoffe des Nadelbaumes bestimmen und den Widerstand gegen Insektenschäden in bestimmtem Maße bewirken.
1. . , , .2. . . , . , .3. , . , , , , , .

The inhibitory effects of 17 samples prepared from Thailand plants on 5-reductase activity were examined. The acetone extract of leaves ofArtocarpus altilis showed potent 5-reductase inhibitory activity. Fractionation guided by 5-reductase inhibition led to the isolation of 2-geranyl-2,3,4,4-tetrahydroxydihydrochalcone from the acetone extract of leaves ofA. altilis. This compound showed more potent inhibitory effect (IC50=38M) than-linolenic acid known as a naturally occurring potent inhibitor.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Reflexionen zu dem offenen Problem, inwieweit Imagines necrophager Dipteren, — deren Maden im Zentralnervensystem von an Tollwut(Lyssa) verendeten Wirbeltieren zur Entwicklung gelangten —, logischerweise als eventuelle direkte (durch Kontakt-Infektion) oder indirekte (z. B. als Beute von Fledermäusen) Vektoren dieser Virose verdächtigt werden könnten —?
Summary Reflections belonging the open problem, how far imagines of necrophagous dipters, — if theirs maggots developed in the nervecentre-system of such vertebrats, which succumbed by lyssa —, logically are suspected, perhaps to be vectors of this virose, either directly (by contact-infection) or indirectly (for example to be prey to the bats) —?

Résumé Rèflexions à ce propos de discuter le problème ouvert, jusqu'à quel point les individues volants des diptères necrophages, — dont mites se developpaient au milieu du système nerveux central de vertébrés, succombés par lyssa —, sont soupçonnés logiquement d'être peut-être des vectors de cette virose, ou directement (par mettre en contact infectieux) ou indirectement (par exemple d'être butin des chirotères) —?

, , (Imagines), —, , (Lyssa) — ( ) ( ) .

Prosopis cineraria is an important species for aridzone agroforestry in India. Information on the chemical composition and nutritive value of the leaves of young trees that will be useful in screening the provenances, is lacking. Chemical composition (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na), crude protein, and structural carbohydrates (neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) of the foliage of one-year-old plants of 31 provenances ofProsopis cineraria were determined. The seeds were collected from 16°50 N to 29°55 N latitude and 69°49 E to 78°03 E longitude in India, and grown at Hisar (29°10 N latitude, 75°46 E longitude and 215 m altitude). Mineral contents (except N and P), crude protein, and structural carbohydrates varied significantly (p<0.05) between provenances, and the greatest amount of N, P, crude protein, NDF, ADF and lignin contents were found in Hisar provenance. The in vitro dry matter digestibility varied from 18.2% in Gandhinagar provenance to 34.0% in that of Barmer provenance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden in Kiefernkulturen Untersuchungen über die Tagesdynamik des Harzdruckes und der Intensität der Harzabsonderung geführt und die Ergebnisse in Beziehung zum Befallsgrad des KiefernknospentriebwicklersRhyacionia buoliana Schiff. gesetzt.Im Verlauf eines Tages variierte der Harzdruck wenig, die Intensität der Harzabsonderung dagegen stark. Die höchste Harzfluß-Intensität fällt in den Zeitraum zwischen 13 und 16 Uhr. Die Flugzeit des Wicklers, nach 18 Uhr, liegt somit außerhalb der Zeit des stärksten Harzflusses.Weder der Index der Harzfluß-Intensität noch jener des Harzdruckes zeigten eine Beziehung zur Stärke des Wicklerbefalls. Sie sind daher als Kriterien der Widerstandsfähigkeit einer Kulturkiefer gegenRh. buoliana, zumindest unter den Verhältnissen der Süd-Ukraine, nicht verwendbar.
Summary Studies on the diurnal rhythm of resin pressure and resin secretion in connection with the degree of pine-infestation byRhyacionia buoliana Schiff.In the course of one day pines in the age of 15 years showed only a small variation in resin pressure but a great one in secretion of resin. The maximal intensity of secretion was observed early in the afternoon. The moths ofRh. buoliana are flying after this time when the secretion of resin is low.There was no connection between resin pressure and secretion of resin on the one hand and the degree of pine-infestation byRh. buoliana on the other. The two factors are not suitable for indicating the degree of pine-infestation by this tortricid.

- . / 0 26 / /., , . , 13 15 . , , , , .

The stilbene glucoside isorhapontin (5,4-dihydroxy-3-methoxystilbene-3--D-glucoside) is the major constituent of the ethyl acetate extracts fromPicea glehnii bark. Isorhapontin inhibited the hydrolytic activity ofTrichoderma cellobiohydrolase I (CBH I) for both bacterial microcrystalline cellulose and the soluble cellooligosaccharide celloheptaitol. The inhibitory effect for celloheptaitol, however, was more drastic than that for bacterial microcrystalline cellulose. The hydrolytic activity of the CBH I core domain for celloheptaitol was also inhibited by isorhapontin to a similar extent, suggesting that the interaction between isorhapontin and the core domain of CBH I is the reason for this phenomenon. The inhibition of CBH I activity by isorhapontin showed mixed noncompetitive and uncompetitive types in a concentration of the inhibitor of less than 125M. TheK i andK i values were estimated to be 57.2 and 33.3M, respectively. Whereas isorhapontin strongly inhibited CBH I activity, its aglycone isorhapontigenin (3-methoxy-3,5,4-trihydroxystilbene) showed almost no inhibition. Consequently, both the stilbenic and the-glucosidic structures in isorhapontin are essential for the inhibitory effect on CBH I activity. Isorhapontin also inhibited the activity ofTrichoderma endoglucanase I for celloheptaitol, whereas almost no effect was observed for the activities of both endoglucanases II and III.An outline of this work was presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo, April 1999  相似文献   

Synthesis of isoacteoside, a dihydroxyphenylethyl glycoside   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The total chemical synthesis of isoacteoside (1), 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethyl 6-O-caffeoyl-3-O-(-l-rhamnopyranosyl)--d-glucopyranoside, is described. An acteoside acetate with benzyl groups at the catechols (3: 2-(3,4-dibenzyloxyphenyl)ethyl 2,6-di-O-acetyl-4-O-[3,4-bis(O-benzyl)caffeoyl]-3-O-(-l-rhamnopyranosyl)--d-glucopyranoside) was treated with a solution of methy-lamine in methanol (MeNH2 in MeOH) to perform both deacetylation and caffeoyl migration, affording an isoacteoside derivative with benzyl groups at the catechols4b: 2-(3,4-dibenzyloxyphenyl)ethyl 6-O-[3,4-bis(O-benzyl) caffeoyl] -3-O-(-l-rhamnopyranosyl)--d-glucopyranoside —in 34% yield. Debenzylation of4b was successfully accomplished by catalytic transfer hydrogenation using 1,4-cyclohexadiene to give the target compound isoacteoside (1) in 54% yield.1H and13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectral data of the synthesized isoacteoside (1) were identical with those of the natural isoacteoside isolated fromPaulownia tomentosa (Thumb.) Steud.Part of this research was presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo, April 2001  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Freiland- und Laborversuchen wurde die Wirkung des Pflanzenschutzmittels Sevin auf Regenwürmer untersucht. Dieser Stoff ist in Pulverform und als Suspension für diese Organismen außerordentlich gefährlich. Schon der Kontakt mit sehr geringen Mengen bewirkt schwere Lähmungserscheinungen und irreversible histopathologische Schäden.
Summary Experiments in the field as well as in the laboratory showed up the effect of the pesticide Sevin on rainworms. In the form of powder as well as a suspension this material is extremely toxic for them. Contact with smallest quantities even causes severe paralysis and irreversible histopathologic damages.

Résumé Aussi bien dans la nature que au laboratoire nous avons étudié l'activité de l'insecticide Sevin sur les vers de terre. Ce produit est en poudre ou en suspension extrémement dangereux pour ces organismes. Le seul contact avec des quantités minimes de ce produit provoquent des phénomènes de paralysie et des troubles histopathologiques irreversibles.

SEVIN . . .

Summary It is stated that in the spreading of epizooties among small wild animals, a factor of biocoenosis played a main role, first of all some phenomena among small rodents, the field mice. In the spreading of rabies infection, a role is ascribed to an insect, theNecrophorus vespillo.The author suggests a research work to be done in that respect, and perhaps in the regions where rabies was never registered and are still free of rabies, as to establish what in a such biocoenosis is lacking that could be a factor of rabies epizooty.
Résumé A l'extension de grandes épizooties chez les animoux féroces, on considère que le grand rôle joue le facteur de biocenose, tout d'abord certains phénomènes entre les menus rongeurs, souris de champs. On attribute surtout le rôle de l'extension de l'épizootie de rage à l'insectNecrophorus vespillo. On recommende de faire des recherches dans ce but avec les autres branches de sciences naturelles et peut-être dans ces regions du monde où il n'y en avait pas et il n'y a pas aujourd'hui de rage, pour établir ce qu'il manque dans une telle biocenose et que peut être pourrait on prendre en considération comme le facteur des épisooties de rage.

, — . Necrophorus vespillo L. . , .

Zusammenfassung Das Ausmaß des Fraßes vonHylobius abietis L. und die dadurch verursachte Sterblichkeit wurde in Zwingern und einem Feldversuch an verschiedenen Pflanzentypen studiert. In beiden Versuchen waren die größ eren Pflanzentypen häufiger befallen als die kleineren Pflanzen. Im Zwingerversuch war auch der durchschnittliche Fraß an den größeren Pflanzen stärker. Kiefern und Fichten waren im Gesamtdurchschnitt gleich häufig und gleich stark befallen. Dagegen war die Sterblichkeit unter den Kiefern wesentlich höher als unter den Fichten. Die Empfindlichkeit verschiedener Pflanzentypen für Fraßschäden wurde als Index aus der prozentualen Sterblichkeit und dem mittleren Ausmaß des Fraßes pro befallener Pflanze bestimmt. Danach waren die kleineren Pflanzen im allgemeinen wesentlich empfindlicher als großere Pflanzen und Kiefern empfindlicher als Fichten. Zucht der Pflanzen während einer Vegetationsperiode im Treibhaus erhöhte nicht ihre Anfälligkeit für Russelkäferschäden.
Summary In cages and a field experiment the degree of feeding by the pine weevilHylobius abietis L. and the plant mortality caused by the attack were studied in different types of conifer plants. The plants of the larger types were more often attacked than the smaller plants in both experiments. In the cages the mean degree of feeding was also higher for the larger plants. In the total mean Scots pine and Norway spruce were attacked with the same frequency and in the same degree. The plant mortality, however, was considerably larger in pine than in spruce. The sensitivity of different plant types to feeding damage was determined as an index from the percentage plant mortality and the mean degree of feeding per attacked plant. The index showed a generally higher sensitivity in smaller plant types than of larger ones. Pine was more sensitive than spruce. Breeding of plants in a plastic greenhouse during one vegetation period did not raise their disposition towardsHylobius-attack.

Résumé Le dégré de nutrition de l'Hylobius abietis L. et la mortalité due à l'attaque ont été étudiés en cages et dans une expérience en plein champ chez différentes espèces de conifères. Dans les deux expériences, les plus grandes plantes ont été attaquées plus souvent que les moins grandes. Dans les cages la quantité moyenne de nutrition a aussi été plus considérable pour les grandes plantes. La fréquence et la force des attaques ont été les mmes chez les pins et les épicéas. Par contre la mortalité a é té notablement plus élevée chez les pins. La sensibilité des différentes plantes aux dégâts de nutrition a été exprimée comme un index et determinée à partir du taux de mortalité des plantes et du degré moyen de nutrition par plante attaquée. L'index a montré en général une plus grande sensibilité chez les moins grandes plantes que chez les plus grandes. La sensibilité du pin a été plus grande que celle de l'épicéa. La culture des plantes en serre pendant une période de végétation n'augmente pas leur disposition aux attaques des hylobies du pin.

, ,Hylobius abietis L., , . , . , . , . , . () . ó , , . .

Zusammenfassung Samenuntersuchungen an 12 Eichenarten und -formen, 20 Birkenarten und 14 Ahornarten zeigten, daß die Samen der Eichen und Ahorne, nordamerikanischer Birken und Ahorne nordasiatischer Abstammung in der Ukraine praktisch von Schädinsekten nicht beschädigt werden, während der Samenertrag der heimischen durch Schadinsekten stark herabgemindert wird.Die Widerstandsstärke der Samen gegen Schädlinge ändert sich. nicht nur bei den verschiedenen Arten, sondern auch innerhalb der Bäume einer Art je nach ihrem physiologischen Zustand. Die Widerstandsfaktoren der Samen gegen Schädinsekten sind entweder anatomisch-morphologische Besonderheiten (Schalenstärke), oder das Vorhandensein von Schutzstoffen in den Samen oder beide zusammen. Besonders deutlich sind diese Faktoren in den Eicheln von Bäumen der nordamerikanischen Abstammung gegen Eichelrüssler ausgeprägt. Chromatographische Analyse der Auszüge aus den widerstandsfähigen Samen der Schmidt'schen Birke und des Eschenahorns zeigten, daß für die Rolle der Schutzstoffe die Phenolstoffe verantwortlich sind von denen z. B. die Chlorogensäure ermittelt wurde.
12 , 20 14 - , - , - - . . - / /, . - . , , , , .

Summary In this paper a new method for rearingTribolium destructor is described. For oviposition the imagines are cultured in a thermostate (27° C, 70% RH) on a mixture of flour and yeast; additional feeding of pieces of fresh apple is necessary. The sifted eggs also must be stored in the thermostate. The newly hatched larvae must be isolated from the mixture of egg shells, particles of yeast, excrements of the beetles and of the remains of flour, and they get fresh food (flour-yeast-mixture). The rearing is performed in the thermostate in glass-vessels of a bigness corresponding to the developmental state of the larvae. Fully grown larvae must be isolated (for getting exactly dated material of pupae) or they are put in Petri-dishes furnished with fluted coardboard. Pupae and imagines which are not used for obtaining eggs are cultured at room temperature in darkness (flour-yeast-mixture with additional feeding of apple pieces).
Résumé Dans ce travail une nouvelle méthode de l'élevage deTribolium destructor est décrite. Pour la déposition des oeufs les adultes sont tenus dans un thermostat à température constante (27° C et 70% RH) dans une mixture de farine et de levure; en outre il faut un don supplémentaire de pomme fraî che. Les oeufs séparés en criblant sont aussi tenus dans le thermostat. Les larves qui viennent d'é clore sont à séparer de la mixture des coques d'oeuf, des particules de levure, des excréments et des restes de farine, et après elles reçoivent de la nourriture fraîche (mixture de farine et de levure). L'élevage a lieu dans des bocaux dans le thermostat. La grandeure de ces bocaux doit correspondre à l'état du développement des larves. Les larves complétement développées sont à isoler (pour obtenir du materiel des chrysalides bien datées) ou à mettre dans des bocaux »Petri« fournis de carton ondulé. Les chrysalides et les adultes, qui ne sont pas nécessaires pour la déposition des oeufs, sont á tenir à témperature de chambre dans l'obscurité (mixture de farine et de levure, de temps en temps aussi de pomme).

» «Tribolium destructor Uyttenb.). 27° C 70% PH ; . . , , ; ( ). , . ( « »-, ). , ( — , ).

Diese Untersuchung wurde im Zusammenhang mit einem größeren Forschungsvorhaben durchgeführt, das durch Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft ermöglicht wird.  相似文献   

Summary During the years 1959–1961 the number of generations was followed in Spinach Leaf Miner (Pegomyia hyoscyami betae Curt.) in central Bohemia at 310 m above sea level and in the year 1961 in southern Bohemia at 450 m. The larvae and the eggs were studied on the leaves at regular 10–14 days' intervals by controlling each plant and images by means of a sweeping method. There have been acertained two generations in the year 1959 and three generations in the year 1961 in central Bohemia and two generations in the year 1961 in southern Bohemia. The occurence of every generation of larvae on the suggar-beet was separate and the previous and the consecutive generation did not overlop.The origin of the erroneous date on 6–7 generations of this species (Rambousek, Neuwirth, 1931) has been also cleared up in this article. This statement has been taken over by Sorauer (1953) from the Review of Applied Entomology (1931) and has been lately mentioned by many authors. F. Neuwirth gave a personal information, that the statement on 6–7 generations occurence of Spinach Leaf Miner has been found on the basis of theoretical calculation (from the lenght of one generation in spring and not on the basis of the facts found in natural conditions).
Résumé En 1959–1961 le nombre des générations de la mouche de la betterave a été observé dans la Bohème Centrale á l'altitude de 310 m audessus de la mer et en 1961 dans le Sud de la Bohème á l'altitude de 450 m. Les larves et les oeufs ont été observé sur les feuilles dans les intervalles de 10–14 jours regulierement effectués sur chaque plante et imagines en particulier par le filet fauchior. En 1959 deux générations et en 1960 et 1961 trios géné rations dans la Bohéme Centrale, ainsi que en 1961 deux générations dans le Sud de la Boheme ont été constates. La prence de chaque génération des larves sur la betterave aété separée et les générations consecutives ne malaient pas presque jamais avec les précedents.Dans cet travail l'auteur a clarifié comment une donnée fautive sur 6–7 générations de cette espéce est survenu (Rambousek et Neuwirth, 1931). Cette donnée orginante de Review of Applied Entomology [1931] a été reprise par Sorauer (1953) et elle a été ensuite récemment mentionée par d'autres auteurs. Selon une déclaration personelle de Mr. F. Neuwirth les donées des 6–7 générations de la mouche de la betterave en Tschécoslovaquie ent été acquis par une évaluation théoretique (se basant sur la durée de la génération du printemps et non sur les resultats des observations réelles dans les conditions naturelles.

1959–61 . (310 . ) 1961 . (450 . ). 10–14 , . 1959 . 2 , 1960 . — 3, 1961 . — 2 . , . , 6–7 (Rambousek, Neuwirth 1931). . . 6–7 , , .

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