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XMG-35熏蒸库具有常压熏蒸、熏蒸气体重复利用等功能.熏蒸库有良好的密封效果,20Kpa的压力下,24th后压力增加5%~15%.泵系统功能强大,5min可减压30%,35min可减压75%,并可以使至少70%的熏蒸剂得到重复利用.在减压熏蒸过程中,可控制库内温度,循环系统可保持熏蒸库内熏蒸剂均匀分布,并具有独特的装置,能用普通的热导式卤素分析仪准确地检测熏蒸库内熏蒸剂的浓度.  相似文献   

减压条件下溴甲烷对松褐天牛熏蒸效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用XMG-35真空熏蒸库在11~21℃和减压条件下,选择不同压力和浓度梯度,对含有松褐天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)幼虫的黑松(Pinus thunbergii)木段进行4h的溴甲烷熏蒸处理,投药后循环20min,将库内气压立即回升至95kPa。结果表明,松褐天牛幼虫的杀灭效果和环境温度、压力、投药剂量有关,在其他条件相同的情况下,压力越低,对松褐天牛的杀灭效果越好;在相同条件下,保持30kPa状态20min再将气压缓慢回升至95kPa,对松褐天牛的杀灭效果介于常压熏蒸与减压后快速回压熏蒸之间。  相似文献   

利用XMG-35真空熏蒸库在25~30℃和减压条件下,选择不同压力和浓度梯度,模拟对含有松材线虫的木质包装材料进行4h的熏蒸处理.结果表明,回气的条件下,熏蒸压力为30kPa、50kPa、70kPa时,100%杀死木质包装材料中的松材线虫所有虫态的有效剂量分别为72g/m3、80g/m3、88g/m3.减压熏蒸对松材线虫的杀灭效果和环境温度、压力、投药剂量及木质包装材料的厚度有关.  相似文献   

韦旭东 《植物检疫》2000,14(1):17-19
本文从熏蒸处理的气密性要求和熏蒸药物溴甲烷在集装箱内均匀分布等方面出发,通过对常用的集装箱澳甲烷熏蒸方法中存在的问题进行分析,提出了集装箱澳甲烷熏蒸处理的几点改进意见和建议.  相似文献   

Recent advances in fumigation technique in the USSR are reviewed. The problem of fumigation in containers is being approached by introduction of the gas through air-holes. Mixtures of methyl bromide with carbon dioxide are being used increasingly against storage pests, and allow lower dosage rates and safer application conditions. Recent experience on quarantine fumigation of potato tubers against Phthorimaea operculella is reviewed, and finally research is reported on neutralizers and absorbents of methyl bromide used to facilitate degassing.  相似文献   

温室大棚硫磺电热熏蒸技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究测定了硫磺电热熏蒸器的使用性能、硫磺升华粒子粒径谱、升华粒子的运动沉积特性,并在温室草莓上进行了硫磺电热熏蒸技术防治草莓白粉病的田间试验。结果表明,硫磺熏蒸速率为0.31~0.79g/h,熏蒸粒子的平均粒径为1.4μm,硫磺粒子在模拟靶标正、反面的沉积密度比值平均为1.14,说明细小的硫磺粒子能够均匀地沉积在靶体表面;在温室中,硫磺粒子的有效沉积距离为8m。因此,田间使用时,熏蒸器间距设为16m为宜。田间试验说明,采用硫磺电热熏蒸技术,可以有效防治草莓白粉病,667m2增产170kg,净增产值642元。电热熏蒸技术在温室大棚等密闭条件下有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

European veneer manufacturers depend greatly on oak imports from the USA. To prevent the accidental introduction of the American oak wilt disease (Ceratocystis fagacearum) into the member states of the European Community, a disinfection treatment was developed for oak logs with respect to the special demands of the veneer industry. Laboratory experiments and field trials in Europe and the USA showed that the fungus can be eradicated from large oak logs with bark attached, by a fumigation with 240 g methyl bromide/m3 applied for 3 days at temperatures of 3°C or above.  相似文献   

木材帐幕熏蒸技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为严防俄罗斯林木检疫性有害生物随原木传入境内,本文以火车载的俄罗斯进境木材为对象,用溴甲烷对原木进行了熏蒸处理试验。在环境温度15℃以上,采用了不同的投药剂量和熏蒸时间进行试验。通过熏蒸效果系列检测,投药剂量100g/m^3、80g/m^3、60g/m^3、50g/m^3、经12h熏蒸,对天牛、小蠹、吉丁虫的幼、成虫、叶甲成虫等害虫死亡率为100%,投药剂量50g/m^3、熏蒸12h为最佳剂量和熏蒸时间。同时对影响熏蒸效果的某些因子也进行了研究。  相似文献   

We have broadly divided the methods of storage insect manipulation into curative and preventive measures. Sex and aggregation pheromoncs combined with additional sensory stimuli in adhesive bait traps can be utilized as a preventive measure which may lead to insectistasis (a state wherein the insect population density is diminished to the extent of allowing storage without significant impairment). Insectistasis can be readily achieved by continual supervision of store rooms, use of adhesive bait traps in combination with a limited number of curative measures (e.g. gaseous or contact insecticides) timed according to the extent of trap catches. The sensory stimuli causing male storage moths (Phycitinae) to fly towards these bait traps involve, in sequence, a circadian rhythm, increasing or decreasing light (intensity approximately 1–10 Lux), an air current, a vertical rectangular figure and the main pheromone component. The antennae of male Anagasta kuehniella, Ephestia elutella and Plodia interpunctella comprise two types of receptor cells, of which one is selectively responsive to (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate (TDA) and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (TA), while the other responds to (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadien-l-ol (TDO).  相似文献   

本文从影响蒜熏蒸的温度、药剂浓度、密闭时间以及熏蒸后贮存温度等方面研究了白蒜出现药害的最小CT值,将不同度温度下药害症状、冻害、糖化蒜发生的机理和症状进行了比较。结果表明:在10-20℃、22-30℃、32-38℃下熏蒸的白蒜贮存于自然温度(20-30℃)中,当完好蒜CT值分别超过490、450和250时,破损蒜CT值超过490、350、200时,贮存超过一定时间时,即开始出现药害;将熏蒸白蒜贮存于1-3℃环境中,在上述三个区间温度,当CT分别超过1080、810、600时,贮存3个月左右即开始出现药害。  相似文献   

The rate of gas interchange between the atmosphere within a freight container and the external air has an important influence on the effectiveness of in-container fumigation. When a container is exposed to the wind or is in motion, the rate of gas interchange may be much greater than that under static conditions. The effect of motion or wind on gas interchange was studied by observing gas loss from freight containers, both empty and loaded with rice, while stationary and while being transported by rail. The gas interchange rate was determined by measuring the rate of loss from the containers of either a combination of a fumigant, methyl bromide, and a relatively inert tracer gas, carbon monoxide, or of carbon monoxide alone. In loaded containers the difference between the loss rate constants of methyl bromide and carbon monoxide ( was within the range expected for the reaction of methyl bromide with rice. After allowing for gas loss caused by changes in temperature and pressure, the component of the interchange rate constant attributable to air motion was found to be proportional to gas-tightness as measured by a steady-state pressure test, and also to the relative air speed over the container. Under conditions of varying wind and train speed, the fraction of the initial concentration of gas remaining was found to be an exponential function of wind run past the container. When wind effects were not important, it was found to be an exponential function of distance travelled.  相似文献   

M. LUND 《EPPO Bulletin》1988,18(2):185-193
The use of poison baits is still the most important control method against commensal as well as field rodents. The baiting techniques used must be adapted to the ecology and behaviour of the target species. The various aspects of rodent behaviour influencing the effect of a control operation are discussed with emphasis on feeding behaviour, exploratory behaviour, neophobia, bait shyness, transporting, hoarding and territoriality. Advantages and disadvantages of sustained versus pulsed baiting techniques are discussed from a behavioural point of view.  相似文献   

Meyer lemons are susceptible to skin damage by EDB vapour. The damage can be caused by excessive vapour concentration during fumigation. Residual fumigant desorbed from fibreboard cartons containing the fruit is also of major importance in relation to damage where post-fumigation ventilation is restricted. The damage was minimised by a period of 4 h ventilation in the chamber after fumigation using the standard treatment of 18 g EDB/m3 for 2 h at 21°C.  相似文献   

Methyl bromide fumigations are used to treat apples, Malus domestica Borkh, and sweet cherries, Prunus avium (L), before export to Japan. In order to expand existing markets, additional cultivars are being prepared for export to Japan. As part of the approval process, residue analyses must be conducted and residues must be at acceptable levels. Five apple cultivars (‘Braeburn,’ ‘Fuji,’ ‘Gala,’ ‘Jonagold,’ and ‘Granny Smith’) were fumigated at 40 g m−3 for 2 h at 10 °C, and six sweet cherry cultivars (‘Brooks,’ ‘Garnet,’ ‘Lapin,’ ‘Rainier,’ ‘Sweetheart,’ and ‘Tulare’) were fumigated for 2 h with 64 g m−3 at 6 °C, 48 g m−3 at 12 °C, 40 g m−3 at 17 °C, and 32 g m−3 at 22 °C. Three replicates of fruit from each fumigation were analyzed for methyl bromide and bromide ion residues periodically with time. Methyl bromide residues for both apples and cherries were the highest immediately after fumigation, but rapidly declined so that only ‘Braeburn’ had residues >8 µg kg−1 after 13 days and, except for ‘Lapin,’ all cherries were <1 µg kg−1 after seven days. Average bromide ion residues were between 3.3 and 4.9 mg kg−1 among apple cultivars, and between 3.7 and 8.0 µg kg−1 among cherry cultivars. Published in 2000 for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

刘永红  游春平 《江西植保》2001,24(3):94-94,F003
有人发现,植物生长促生菌(PGPR)能诱导黄瓜产生诱发系统抗性。为了进一步研究植物生长促生菌在有或无溴甲烷土壤熏蒸情况下对黄瓜生长及其自然发生的病害的作用,我们于1996年-1997年进行了田间试验,试验设7个植物生长促生菌的种子处理,其中包括枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus punilus)INR7,萎蔫短小杆菌(Curtolxacteriun flaccunfaciens)ME1和枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus punilus)GBO33个菌株的单菌株处理及其4个混合菌株的处理。两年的数据表明,在无溴甲烷(MeBr)土壤熏蒸的情况下,所有7个植物生长促生菌处理与空白对照组相比都能显著促进黄瓜植株生长;而在有溴甲烷熏蒸的情况下,同样7个植物生长促生菌试验处理中,1996年有3个处理而1997年只有1个处理显著促进植株生长。1996年试验结果表明,7种植物生长促生菌处理中,有或无溴甲烷熏蒸处理黄瓜主茎生长长度的结果均相似。两年的田间试验表明,有或无溴甲烷的熏蒸;7种植物生长促生菌处理与空白对照相比都能显著减轻黄瓜叶病的严重度。1996年自然发生的叶病是黄瓜角斑病(Pseudomonas syringae pv.lachrymans),1997年出现的是炭疽病菌(Colletotrichum orbiculare)和角斑病的复合侵染现象。两年中,无论是有还是无溴甲烷熏蒸的情况下,植物生长促生菌菌株的混合物处理比单个菌株处理表现出较高的抗病作用。结果表明,植物生长促生菌诱导蔬菜产生的诱发系统抗性作为蔬菜病虫害综合防治中的一个措施,不应该受到从现有蔬菜生产技术标准中逐步取消溴甲烷而产一的负面影响,植物生长促生菌的促生作用能补偿在无溴甲烷土壤熏蒸处理下造成的植株生长减少。  相似文献   

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