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Abstract. Bacterial agglutination, passive haemagglutination, complement-dependent passive haemolysis, indirect immunofluorescence, agar gel immunodiffusion and agglutination with fractions of immunized fish serum were compared for detecting humoral antibody to the lipopolysacchande (LPS) of Edwardsiella icialuri Hawke in channel catfish. Bacterial agglutination titres averaged 1: 672; passive haemagglutination titres averaged 1: 1152; and complement-dependent haemolysis titres averaged 1: 2360. Serum from non-vaccinated fish ranged from 0 to 1:32. Indirect fluorescence and immunodiffusion demonstrated positive reactions to the LPS antibody. Fractionation of immune sera produced three fractions, one of which strongly haemagglutinated E. ictaluri but the other two did not. All six serological techniques were sensitive to E. ictaluri LPS antibody.  相似文献   

Abstract. A commercially prepared vaccine against Edwardsiella ictaluri was used to vaccinate 12-day-old channel catfish fry by immersion, or by immersion plus an oral booster 2 months later. One month after the fish were fed the booster vaccine, they were challenged by waterborne exposure to 2·1 × 106 cells ml−1 of E. ictaluri. Immersion only vaccinated fish suffered 6·7% mortality and immersion plus oral-boosted fish had a 3·3% mortality. Mortality among non-vaccinated controls was 96·7% and was significantly ( P < 0·01) above the vaccinated mortality. The relative per cent survival for the immersion-only fish was 93·1, while it was 96·6 for the immersion plus oral-boosted fish. Agglutinating antibody titres of the vaccinated fish were significantly ( P < 0·05) higher than the control fish. When the ponds were drained 6 months after stocking, 42·7% of non-vaccinated, 56·3% of immersion-only and 70·8% of immersion plus oral-boosted fish were harvested. Survival of immersion plus orally-boosted fish was significantly ( P < 0·05) higher than the controls of immersion-only fish. Duplicate populations of immersion plus oral-booster-vaccinated fish grew 34% and 56% faster, respectively, on an average daily gain than the control fish, while immersion-only fish in one pond grew 20% less per day and fish in the second pond grew 48% faster.  相似文献   

Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), with or without a preliminary 24 h exposure to 2 mg copper sulphate L(-1), were challenged with 7.5 x 10(6) colony forming units L(-1) of Edwardsiella ictaluri to determine the effect of copper sulphate on disease resistance. Catfish previously exposed to copper sulphate were significantly more resistant to the bacterial challenge than those not exposed. Catfish not exposed to copper sulphate suffered 35.5% mortality while catfish exposed to copper sulphate experienced 14.1% mortality. Copper concentrations were the same in tank waters of both exposed and control fish at the time of challenge, eliminating the possibility that copper in the water may have been toxic to bacteria. Copper concentrations in freeze dried and ground tissues of unexposed, exposed, and purged channel catfish were highest in fish before copper sulphate exposures suggesting that elevated tissue levels of copper were not responsible for the increased resistance to bacterial challenge. Competition for sites of bacterial attachment to gill or epithelial cells may account for the reduction in mortality; although this is not supported by the low copper content of fish tissue after copper exposure.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two populations of channel catfish were examined for the presence of channel catfish virus (CCV) by use of a nucleic acid probe. In one population of 22 fish with no history of CCV, viral DNA was found in every liver. These fish had previously been examined by a technique involving co-cultivation of their leucocytes with catfish tissue culture cells. The co-cultivation method had identified virus in 10 of these fish. The second fish population consisted of 14 adults that had survived a CCV outbreak in 1980. Of the 14 fish, 11 showed positive indication of CCV DNA. The tissue distribution of the CCV differed from fish to fish. All fish from the first group and one fish from the second group showed some alterations in the DNA banding patterns expected from pure CCV DNA. This might be indicative of modifications in the genomic structure of the CCV DNA when the virus is latent in a fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fingerling channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), were exposed experimentally to Edwardsiella ictaluri by immersion for 1 h in water containing 5 × 108 colony-forming units (CFU) of the bacterium per ml. Ninety per cent of the fish developed lesions typical of enteric septicaemia of catfish (ESC), 93% of affected fish developed the acute form of ESC and 7% developed chronic ESC. Acute disease was characterized grossly by cutaneous haemorrhage and ulceration, and microscopically by enteritis, olfactory sacculitis, hepatitis and dermatitis. The earliest lesions of acute ESC, i.e. enteritis and olfactory sacculitis, were observed microscopically at 2 days post-exposure (PE); gross lesions, primarily mild subcutaneous haemorrhage at the base of fins, were first apparent at 4 days PE. Chronic ESC, seen most commonly 3–4 weeks PE, was characterized by dorsocranial swelling and ulceration, granulomatous olfactory neuritis/perineuritis, and meningoencephalitis involving the olfactory bulbs, olfactory tracts and olfactory lobes of the brain. Gross and microscopic lesions in the acute and chronic forms of experimental ESC were similar to the lesions reported in naturally occurring ESC. Definitive pathogenesis of acute and chronic ESC remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella ictaluri is a primary bacterial pathogen of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and the causative agent of enteric septicaemia of catfish . Edwardsiella ictaluri is known to gain entry to the host by infection of the nares, gastrointestinal tract, and gills, and to disseminate to organs via an as yet uncharacterized acute bacteraemia. In this study, fluorescent microscopy showed E. ictaluri on the gill within 5 min of immersion challenge and E. ictaluri could also be isolated from the circulation within 5 min. When removed to clean water, catfish cleared circulating bacteria within 15 min and the blood remained free of E. ictaluri until its reappearance at the 12 h post-infection sampling. However, Aeromonas hydrophila , the aetiological agent of motile aeromonad septicaemia, appeared within the circulation 7 h post-challenge with E. ictaluri and was detected in all fish at 12 h post-infection. Only 20% of fish carried A. hydrophila in the trunk kidney that could be detected by plate culture on Rimler–Shotts agar; however, 100% of challenged and stress-control fish were A. hydrophila complex positive at 24 h post-challenge. These results suggest that although the catfish is capable of clearing its circulation of E. ictaluri , superinfection with latent A. hydrophila may enhance clinical signs of edwardsiellosis. This is the first report of a bacterial superinfection appearing in fish.  相似文献   

Protective immunity against enteric septicaemia of catfish (ESC) following immunization with Edwardsiella ictaluri bacterins and exposure to live E . ictaluri was investigated. Mean cumulative percentage survival was significantly higher ( P 0.05) in controlled live vaccinates (100%) than in immersion and oral bacterin vaccinates (68.3% and 50.0%, respectively). Bactericidal activity against E . ictaluri by peritoneal macrophages from controlled live vaccinates (85.9%) was significantly greater ( P 0.05) than bactericidal activity of macrophages from immersion bacterin vaccinates (71.4%) or non-vaccinates (68.1%). No significant ( P > 0.05) difference was found in the bactericidal activity of macrophages from oral bacterin vaccinates and macrophages from controlled live vaccinates. The E . ictaluri -specific antibody response of controlled live (0.08 OD) and immersion bacterin vaccinates (0.11 OD) was significantly higher ( P 0.05) than that of oral bacterin vaccinates and non-vaccinates (0.01 OD) 15 days post-vaccination. A significantly higher antibody response was seen in controlled live vaccinates (0.17 OD), when compared to other vaccinates or non-vaccinates 33 days after vaccination. Neither immersion nor oral bacterins protected the vaccinates against ESC. Controlled live E . ictaluri immunization of channel catfish resulted in production of specific antibodies, increased macrophage bactericidal activity and protection against ESC.  相似文献   

Cross-protection of channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque) immunized with a low dose of virulent Edwardsiella ictaluri and challenged with six E. ictaluri strains was examined in four trials. The relative per cent survival among low-dose immunized and then challenged fish ranged from 27.7% to 100%. Significant protection ( P <0.05), with the exception of strain ATCC-33202, was conferred by immunization with a given E. ictaluri strain challenged either with a homologous or a heterologous strain. Antibody titres of pooled serum collected on day 22 from surviving fish examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) ranged from 1:40 to 1:320, but no differences were apparent among different vaccinated groups. The protein profiles of six E. ictaluri strains examined by Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed a relatively homogeneous pattern. Immuno-blots probed with pooled serum from immunized and challenged fish showed a pattern similar to LPS-reaction patterns observed with E. ictaluri in other studies. Since the present studies further corroborate that E. ictaluri is a clonal bacterial species with no apparent antigenic differences, it is possible that immunization with a single E. ictaluri field strain should confer protection against any other strain.  相似文献   

Vibriosis in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. An epizootic due to Vibrio anguillarum was observed in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque). Lesions in infected fish included ulceration and petechiae on body surfaces, vent and caudal peduncle. Internally, haemorrhages in liver and kidney were present and the intestinal tract was filled with a clear viscous fluid. Using an isolant recovered during the epizootic, laboratory studies were conducted to determine (a) bacterial dynamics of the agent in blood, kidney and liver and (b) clinical haematologic and biochemical parameters in infected fish. Under conditions of the study, vibrios were apparently sequestered in kidney and liver during initial stages of infection (8–12 h after exposure). Later, bacterial numbers in blood were comparable to those in kidney and liver. Clinical parameters of infected catfish were suggestive of cellular and tissue destruction and renal dysfunction. Based upon data of the present study and those of others, vibriosis appears to be a disease in which the agent is localized in select tissues. Secondary septicaemia may be incidental to factors which compromise host defences.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seven isolates of Edwardsiella ictaluri were evaluated for channel catfish red blood cell and neutrophil agglutination properties and reactivity with lectins and carbohydrates. All isolates were agglutinated by lectin derived from Ricinus communis and the intensity of the agglutination reaction could be lessened or abrogated by premixing the lectin derived from Ricinus communis with β-D-galactose or α-L-fructose. Edwardsiella ictaluri isolates also sedimented much more rapidly when mixed with lectin derived from Ricinus communis than when mixed with other lectins. Premixing Ricinus communis with β-D-galactose had the greatest effect on slowing the rate of sedimentation. Two out of the seven E. ictaluri isolates were capable of agglutinating channel catfish red blood cells and anterior kidney neutrophils, and this agglutination could be prevented by the addition of β-D-mannose. Likewise, the per cent phagocytosis of E. ictaluri isolate 1389 (the most intense neutrophil agglutinator) could be dramatically reduced by the inclusion of mannose in the assay mixture. Anterior kidney leucocytes and hepatocytes primarily reacted with lectins derived from Canavalia ensiformis, Ricinus communis and Triticum vulgaris. The presence on channel catfish cells of carbohydrate-lectin receptors similar in function to those found on mammalian cells and the reaction of E. ictaluri with specific lectins suggest that bacterial clearance and lectinophagocyotosis may occur in a similar manner in catfish to that in mammals.  相似文献   

Abstract. Groups of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque). were administered Edwardsiella ictaluri twice in the form of whole outer membrane proteins (OMP) or heat-inactivated whole bacteria (IWB) orally or IWB intraperitoneally. Antibody titres and lysozyme concentrations were determined in serum, mucus, gut contents and gut washings taken 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the second antigen administration. Bacterial killing by anterior kidney neutrophils was determined 7, 14 and 21 days after the second antigen administration. Enhanced killing of tumour targets by nonspecific cytotoxic cells (NCC) was determined 7 days after the second antigen administration. Serum antibody titres of all treatment groups were significantly increased above those of the control group throughout all sampling periods. Fish receiving oral administration of OMP or IWB exhibited maximum serum antibody titres on day 21 or 28. Antibody titres were also detected in mucus, gut washings and gut contents, but did not reach the level of those in the serum. Bacterial killing was significantly increased only on day 7, and could not be correlated to antibody titre or lysozyme concentration. Bacterial killing was found to be the result of a heat-labile serum factor. NCC activity of fish vaccinated with IWB orally was significantly higher than that of fish vaccinated with OMP orally or controls. Although intraperitoneal vaccination consistently produces higher titre antisera, the results of this study support the idea that oral vaccination can induce antibody systhesis.  相似文献   

Four cases (representing outbreaks in four different ponds on three farms) of branchial mycosis caused by Branchiomyces spp. were identified in channel catfish fry during the summer of 1996. Mortalities ranged from a few hundred to several thousand fish per pond. Significant gross and histopathological findings from these four cases were limited to the gills. All fry examined had fungal mycelia that were mainly but not entirely confined to the base of the primary lamellae and the gill arches. These fungal hyphae were intravascular and occluded vessels in the gill tissues. The present paper describes the fungal characteristics and pathology of branchial mycosis caused by Branchiomyces spp. in channel catfish.  相似文献   

Abstract. The use of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( elisa ) for the detection of channel catfish antibody to Edwardsiella ictaluri is described. Changes in agglutination titre in fish immunized with Edwardsiella ictaluri heat killed whole bacterins or lipopolysaccharides were reflected by corresponding changes in elisa readings. Relatively high correlations were observed among elisa OD readings, computed elisa titres and corresponding agglutination titres.  相似文献   

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