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In a survey of New Zealand vineyards at harvest 1985, isolates of Botrytis cinerea resistant to benzimidazole and to dicarboximide fungicides were common. The mean frequency of resistance in the major vine-growing districts ranged from 8 to 41% for benzimidazoles, and from 51 to 59% for dicarboximides. All benzimidazole-resistant isolates showed high levels of resistance (EC50 greater than 100 mg/l carbendazim based on radial growth response), and all dicarboximide-resistant isolates showed low levels of resistance. Two subgroups of dicarboximide-resistant isolates were recognized, distinguished in the first instance by their osmotic response. Low-level resistant isolates, which formed a dense margin on osmotically amended medium, exhibited an EC50 for mycelial growth on iprodione of c. 3-2 mg/l; ultra-low-level resistant isolates, which formed a fibrillose margin on osmotically amended medium identical to that of sensitive isolates, exhibited an EC50 of c. 1-3 mg/1. In agar culture, radial growth rate, and conidial and sclerotial production of both subgroups were similar to those of sensitive isolates. Virulence (lesion size) and conidial production on grape berries were highest in sensitive isolates, intermediate in ultra-low-level dicarboximide-resistant isolates, and lowest in low-level dicarboximide-resistant isolates. Evidence is presented indicating that ultra-low-level dicarboximide-resistant strains have progressively replaced low-level dicarboximide-resistant strains in the vineyard population. The presence of dicarboximide-resistant strains was linked with a partial loss of fungicide efficacy.  相似文献   

Field strains of Botrytis cinerea Pers ex Fr, the causal agent of grey mould diseases, were collected from French vineyards between 1993 and 2000. Several phenotypes have been characterized according to the inhibitory effects of fungicides towards germ-tube elongation and mycelial growth. Two types of benzimidazole-resistant strains (Ben R1 and Ben R2) could be detected; negative cross-resistance to phenylcarbamates (e.g. diethofencarb) was only found in Ben R1. Benzimidazole resistance was related to point mutations at codon 198 (Ben R1) or 200 (Ben R2) of the beta-tubulin gene. Most dicarboximide-resistant strains were also weakly resistant to aromatic hydrocarbon fungicides (e.g. dicloran) but remained sensitive to phenylpyrroles (e.g. fludioxonil). These resistant field strains (Imi R1) contained a single base pair mutation at position 365 in a two-component histidine kinase gene, probably involved in the fungal osmoregulation. Three anilinopyrimidine-resistant phenotypes have been identified. In the most resistant one (Ani R1), resistance was restricted to anilinopyrimidines, but no differences were observed in the amino-acid sequences of cystathionine beta-lyase (the potential target site of these fungicides) from Ani R1 or wild-type strains. In the two other phenotypes (Ani R2 and Ani R3), resistance extended to various other groups of fungicide, including dicarboximides, phenylpyrroles and sterol biosynthesis inhibitors. This multi-drug resistance was probably determined by over-production of ATP-binding cassette transporters. The hydroxyanilide fenhexamid is a novel botryticide whose primary target site is the 3-keto reductase involved in sterol C-4 demethylations. Apart from the multi-drug-resistant strain Ani R3, three other fenhexamid-resistant phenotypes have been recognized. For two of them (Hyd R1 and Hyd R2) fenhexamid-resistance seemed to result from P450-mediated detoxification. Reduced sensitivity of the target site could be the putative resistance mechanism operating in the third resistant phenotype (Hyd R3). Increased sensitivity to inhibitors of sterol 14 alpha-demethylase recorded in Hyd R1 strains was related to two amino-acid changes at positions 15 and 105 of this enzyme.  相似文献   

A new series of compounds with high contra-selective activity against benomyl-resistant fungal strains was found among ring-substituted N-phenyl-anilines. Hydrophobic substitution in one of the benzene rings, together with the secondary amine character of the molecule, are important factors for high fungitoxicity. The sensitivities of benomyl-resistant isolates to some representatives of the N-phenylanilines equal or even surpass their sensitivity to diethofencarb or MDPC. The negative cross-resistance with benzimdazole fungicides is valid for strains of Botrytis cinerea, Venturia nashicola and Venturia inaequalis. The strains of B. cinerea with double insensitivity to benzimidazoles and phenyl-carbamates are insensitive also to N-phenylanilines. However, the similarly double-insensitive strain of V. nashicola was found to be just as sensitive to the N-phenylanilines tested as the strain resistant only to benzimidazoles. The latter result revealed an important bonus compared with diethofencarb. Preventive application of one of the most active representatives of the N-phenylanilines to young cucumber plants was effective against infection with benomyl-resistant isolates of B. cinerea. Moderate apical translocation after root-dipping was also observed.  相似文献   

Dicarboximide-resistant strains of Botrytis cinerea were isolated from natural substrates and also produced in the laboratory. All these strains exhibited a similar degree of resistance to the dicarboximide fungicides iprodione and vinclozolin, and this resistance persisted in the absence of the fungicides. The natural frequency of resistance to both chemicals was approximately three in 107 conidia but could be enhanced by up to 1000 times after a single exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of either chemical. Mycelium of the resistant strains was able to infect fruit and vegetables to a similar extent as that of sensitive strains, although infection of carrot roots was markedly less aggressive. The resistant strains were separable into two groups according to their growth habit on culture media. Both groups were relatively slow growing and showed a marked lack of sporulation compared with most sensitive strains. This lack of sporulation may account for the apparent failure of resistant strains to increase rapidly in strawberry plantations that had received dicarboximide sprays in successive seasons.  相似文献   

为了解决番茄灰霉病菌的抗性问题,筛选出理想的替代药剂,采用菌丝生长速率法测定了山东寿光和河北徐水两地番茄灰霉病菌对不同类型杀菌剂的敏感性。两地的番茄灰霉病菌对咯菌腈、氟啶胺均高度敏感,对其他不同作用方式的杀菌剂表现出不同的敏感性。用同样方法检测了不同地区的106株番茄灰霉菌对咯菌腈的敏感性,结果显示其EC50值分布在0.003 9~0.044 9μg/mL之间,平均EC50值为(0.014 2±0.008 1)μg/mL。咯菌腈可作为防治番茄灰霉病的候选药剂。  相似文献   

Field isolates ofBotryotinia fuckeliana were collected from naturally infected plants. Their responses to the multisite fungicide dichlofluanid in mycelium growth test fell into three phenotypic classes, characterized by the following EC50 (and MIC) values ing ml–1: sensitivity, 1–3 (6–10); low resistance, 3–10 (> 100); high resistance, 10–30 (> 100). The corresponding values obtained for these classes in a spore germination test were respectively: 0.05 (0.2), 0.05–0.1 (0.5), 0.5–1 (0.9–1.5). Resistant isolates were crossed with two sensitive and two resistant strains of appropriate mating type to determine the genetic basis of resistance. Distribution of resistance phenotypes in ascospore progeny indicated that a gene, namedDic1, was probably responsible for the low or high resistance of 14 mutants selectively collected from experimental plots of greenhouse-grown gerbera sprayed several times with dichlofluanid or tolyfluanid. A second gene, namedDic2, was probably responsible for the low resistance displayed by two isolates (from grapevine and from carnation) maintained in the laboratory collection. As a result of the investigation, the use of dichlofluanid in integrated management programmes against grey mould is discussed.  相似文献   

Treatments with dicarboximide fungicides provided only 20 to 40% control of grey mould on grape (cv. Moscato d'Asti) in vineyards where benzimidazole and dicarboximide resistant strains ofBotrytis cinerea Pers. constituted about 50% of the fungal population and a high disease pressure existed. The percentage of dicarboximide resistant strains increased after treatment. Fungicide combinations of a benzimidazole with diethofencarb, sprayed twice per season or once alternated with a dicarboximide, provided satisfactory control of grey mould and decreased the percetage of benzimidazole resistant strains. A combination of thiram and procymidone controlled grey mould, but increased dicarboximide resistance in the population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 2004, field isolates of Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr., resistant to strobilurin fungicides (QoIs), were first found in commercial citrus orchards in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. Subsequently, QoI‐resistant isolates of this fungus were also detected in plastic strawberry greenhouses in Saga, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures, Japan. Biological and molecular characterisation of resistant isolates was conducted in this study. RESULTS: QoI‐resistant isolates of B. cinerea grew well on PDA plates containing kresoxim‐methyl or azoxystrobin at 1 mg L?1, supplemented with 1 mM of n‐propyl gallate, an inhibitor of alternative oxidase, whereas the growth of sensitive isolates was strongly suppressed. Results from this in vitro test were in good agreement with those of fungus inoculation tests in vivo. In resistant isolates, the mutation at amino acid position 143 of the cytochrome b gene, known to be the cause of high QoI resistance in various fungal pathogens, was found, but only occasionally. The heteroplasmy of cytochrome b gene was confirmed, and the wild‐type sequence often present in the majority of resistant isolates, indicating that the proportion of mutated cytochrome b gene was very low. CONCLUSION: The conventional RFLP and sequence analyses of PCR‐amplified cytochrome b gene are insufficient for molecular identification of QoI resistance in B. cinerea. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Various morphological and physiological characteristics, such as mycelial colour and appearance, mycelial growth rates, sporulation, pathogenicity on different hosts, activity of cell-wall degrading enzymes, competitive ability and osmotic sensitivity of five dicarboximide-resistant isolates of Botrytis cinerea were compared to those of their sensitive parent strains. There were only small reductions in mycelial growth rates of resistant strains as compared to the sensitive ones, whereas all of them showed greatly reduced rates of sporulation. With only one exception, the pathogenicity of the resistant isolates was reduced by varying extents compared with the sensitive parent strains. While the proteolytic activity of resistant strains tended to be higher, the activities of peclolytic enzymes were often lower than those of the sensitive isolates. In competition tests, resistant conidia often completely disappeared after a few passages on untreated plants. In only one of the resistant isolates tested so far was dicarboximide resistance related to a high osmotic sensitivity.  相似文献   

The fitness of anilinopyrimidine-resistant isolates of Botrytis cinerea compared with that of sensitive isolates, collected from vegetable crops in Greece during 2005, was investigated. Stability of resistance to anilinopyrimidine fungicides was determined after consecutive transfers of the fungal isolates on fungicide-free potato dextrose agar for 16 culture cycles or on fungicide-untreated cucumber seedlings for eight disease cycles. Results showed that after the consecutive transfers of the isolates either in vitro or in vivo sensitivity to cyprodinil was not changed significantly compared to the initial sensitivity in all the isolates tested, suggesting a stable genetically controlled trait. Fitness parameters measured were mycelial growth, spore production in vitro, osmotic sensitivity, virulence, spore production in vivo, percentage of spore germination, and competitive ability of the resistant isolates in four pairs with sensitive isolates both on artificial nutrient medium or on cucumber seedling plants. The measurements of the fitness components in individual isolates showed high variability within both sensitivity groups in all, except virulence, fitness components tested. As a group, resistant isolates showed significantly lower (P < 0.05) mycelial growth and virulence, while they were more osmotically sensitive than the sensitive isolates. In addition the resistant isolates showed higher (P < 0.05) spore production in vivo but there was no difference (P > 0.05) between the two sensitivity groups in spore production in vitro and in the percentage of spore germination. However, the correlation to test if there is any relationship between the values of each fitness component tested and the level of cyprodinil sensitivity of each isolate was for all, except the spore production in vivo, fitness components not significant (P > 0.05). This absence of significant correlation coefficient values suggests that the development of resistance to anilinopyrimidine fungicides did not affect the fitness of the resistant isolates. Competition of the resistant versus sensitive isolates was isolates-dependent, since in two of the isolate pairs the resistance frequency decreased significantly after five culture or disease cycles, while in the remaining two pairs resistance frequency increased significantly after five disease cycles or remained stable for one pair after five culture cycles on artificial nutrient media.  相似文献   

为评价灰霉病菌对氟啶胺的敏感性及抗药性风险,本试验于2020年-2021年在吉林、江西、湖北、山东、北京、湖南等地区的草莓、辣椒、四季豆、茄子和番茄上采集病叶、病茎、病花和病果,经单孢分离获得117个灰葡萄孢Botrytis cinerea菌株,采用菌丝生长速率法测定其对氟啶胺的敏感性。结果表明:有4株灰葡萄孢BJ14、BJ45、BJ46和BJ47对氟啶胺的敏感性显著降低,EC50在0.113 7~0.394 6μg/mL,抗性倍数为4.7~16.3,MIC值>4μg/mL。其余113个菌株对氟啶胺的平均EC50为0.025 1μg/mL。敏感性降低的4个菌株继代培养10代后,抗药性状稳定。交互抗性测定结果表明,对氟啶胺敏感性下降的菌株对腐霉利和咯菌腈2种杀菌剂表现为敏感,氟啶胺与腐霉利或咯菌腈没有交互抗性。生物学性状研究表明,4株敏感性下降菌株在PDA平板上的生长速率和在番茄果实上的致病力都显著低于敏感菌株,而菌丝生物量、产孢量和孢子萌发率与敏感菌株无显著差异。以上研究结果表明,田间已存在对氟啶胺敏感性降低的菌株,鉴于灰葡萄孢属于高风...  相似文献   

Based on the 'negative cross-resistance' phenomenon between N -phenylcarbamates and benzimidazole fungicides, the fungicidal mixture of carbendazim + diethofencarb (MBC + NPC) was introduced, to control Botrytis cinerea phenotypes which are either sensitive to benzimidazoles and resistant to NPC (wild-type: BenS NPCR). or resistant to benzimidazoles and sensitive to NPC(BenR NPCS). At one out of four sites where the MBC + NPC mixture was used in commercial cucumber greenhouses, grey mould control failed and a new phenotype of B. cinerea was found. The new phenotype was resistant to benzimidazoles, as was 100% of the population screened in the four sites, but retained resistance to NPC. Accordingly, the new phenotype was designated BenR NPCR. It was pathogenic on cucumber seedlings.  相似文献   

Seventeen field isolates of Botrytis cinerea were compared by determining their radial growth on synthetic media containing various amounts of 21 antifungal compounds. Twelve of these compounds were fungicides that are recommended for the control of Botrytis infections. There were marked differences between the isolates in their sensitivity to the compounds. Individual isolates displayed high levels of resistance to some of the fungicides, including benomyl, carbendazim, iprodione, thiabendazole, thiophanate-methyl, vinclozolin and zineb. The most potent growth inhibitors were benomyl and carbendazim (ED95 values for most isolates <0.1 μg fungicide ml?1 media), dichlofluanid, iprodione, nystatin, thiabendazole, thiophanatemethyl and vinclozolin (ED95 values for most isolates < 1.0 μg ml?1), and captan, chlorothalonil, dicloran and thiram (ED95 values for most isolates < 6.0 μg ml?1). Zineb was much less potent than the other recommended anti-Botrytis fungicides; it was no more effective than carboxin, dinocap and mancozeb (ED95 values for most isolates > 25 μg ml?1).  相似文献   

In Botrytis cinerea, multidrug resistant (MDR) strains collected in French and German vineyards were tested in vitro, at the germ-tube elongation stage, towards a wide range of fungicides. Whatever the MDR phenotype, resistance was recorded to anilinopyrimidines, diethofencarb, iprodione, fludioxonil, tolnaftate and several respiratory inhibitors (e.g., penthiopyrad, pyraclostrobin). In MDR1 strains, overproducing the ABC transporter BcatrB, resistance extended to carbendazim and the uncouplers fluazinam and malonoben. In MDR2 strains, overproducing the MFS transporter BcmfsM2, resistance extended to cycloheximide, fenhexamid and sterol 14α-demethylation inhibitors (DMIs). MDR3 strains combined the overexpression of both transporters and exhibited the widest spectrum of cross resistance and the highest resistance levels. The four transport modulators, amitriptyline, chlorpromazine, diethylstilbestrol, and verapamil, known to affect some ABC transporters, were tested in B. cinerea. In our experimental conditions, the activity of several fungicides was only enhanced by verapamil. Interestingly, synergism was only recorded in MDR2 and/or MDR3 isolates treated with tolnaftate, fenhexamid, fludioxonil or pyrimethanil, suggesting that verapamil may inhibit the MFS transporter BcmfsM2. This is the first report indicating that a known modulator of ABC transporters could also block MFS transporters.  相似文献   

Ten trials were established in the 1986 vintage year on vineyards in three vine-growing districts of New Zealand, to examine changes in the frequency of resistance to dicarboximide fungicides of the Botrytis cinerea population under different fungicide programmes. The vineyards chosen encompassed sites with pre-season resistance frequencies ranging from 0 to 97%. Under a non-dicarboximide programme, using dichlofluanid and chlorothalonil, resistance frequency had decreased at harvest irrespective of the initial frequency. In programmes incorporating dicarboximides (chlozolinate, iprodione, procymidone, vinclozolin), the resistance frequency tended to increase if pre-season resistance frequency was low, and decrease if it was high. The hypothesis is presented that for a given dicarboximide programme, resistance frequency tended to one value, the balance value, where selection for resistant strains due to fungicide application balanced selection against the resistant strains due to their low fitness. This value was estimated for the 1986 vintage year to be 38% for a programme where application of dicarboximides was restricted to the period from the veraison (sugar rise), and 64% where dicarboximides were applied from the pre-bunch closure phase. Actual values observed at harvest 1987, after these same programmes had been applied for two consecutive years, were 39% (S.E. 8-5%) and 68% (S.E. 8-8%), respectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: QoI fungicides, inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration, are considered to be at high risk of resistance development. In several phytopathogenic fungi, resistance is caused by mutations (most frequently G143A) in the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene. The genetic and molecular basis of QoI resistance were investigated in laboratory and field mutants of Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetz. exhibiting in vitro reduced sensitivity to trifloxystrobin. RESULTS: B. fuckeliana mutants highly resistant to trifloxystrobin were obtained in the laboratory by spontaneous mutations in wild‐type strains, or from naturally infected plants on a medium amended with 1–3 mg L?1 trifloxystrobin and 2 mM salicylhydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of alternative oxidase. No point mutations were detected, either in the complete nucleotide sequences of the cytb gene or in those of the aox and Rieske protein genes of laboratory mutants, whereas all field mutants carried the G143A mutation in the mitochondrial cytb gene. QoI resistance was always maternally inherited in ascospore progeny of sexual crosses of field mutants with sensitive reference strains. CONCLUSIONS: The G143A mutation in cytb gene is confirmed to be responsible for field resistance to QoIs in B. fuckeliana. Maternal inheritance of resistance to QoIs in progeny of sexual crosses confirmed that it is caused by extranuclear genetic determinants. In laboratory mutants the heteroplasmic state of mutated mitochondria could likely hamper the G143A detection, otherwise other gene(s) underlying different mechanisms of resistance could be involved. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The ring-substituted N-phenylanilines, N-(3-chlorophenyl)aniline (MC-1) and N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)aniline (MC-2) were tested for their antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. and Venturia nashicola Tanaka et Yamamoto. In both fungi, increased sensitivity to MC-1 and MC-2 was clearly observed in ‘highly carbendazim-resistant, diethofencarb-sensitive’ (HR, S) phenotypes. Sensitivity was low in ‘carbendazim-sensitive, diethofencarb-resistant’ (S, R) and ‘intermediately carbendazim-resistant, diethofencarb-resistant’ (IR, R) strains. On cucumber cotyledons, other strains of B. cinerea, possessing the phenotype ‘highly carbendazim-resistant, diethofencarb-resistant’ (HR, R) were not controlled by either MC-1 or MC-2. Response to MC-2 was also examined using random ascospore progenies from V. nashicola crosses. In these progenies, high-level carbendazim resistance and MC-2 sensitivity always segregated together. Sensitivity to MC-2 is controlled by a single gene which is either identical to or very closely linked to one conferring high-level resistance to carbendazim.  相似文献   

Changes in the proportion of dicarboximide-resistant strains of Botrytis cinerea were monitored in two vineyard trials conducted during the period from October 1985 to November 1987. Dicarboximide resistance frequency in samples taken prior to flowering from wood (dead cane-ends, dead tendrils, old bunch remains) was high (66%) in the first trial, and low (12%) in the second trial. In treatments where resistance frequency was high on wood in spring, it decreased during the phase of disease establishment in new bunches irrespective of whether or not dicarboximide fungicides were applied. In the absence of dicarboximide applications, resistance frequency showed little change during the phase of disease development in bunches. The resistance frequency increased, however, if dicarboximide fungicides were applied, the extent of increase depending on the number and timing of applications and on disease severity at the time of application. Where resistance frequency was high on the wood at harvest, it decreased over the following winter but increased again in spring even though no dicarboximides had been applied. The best disease control in both trials was obtained with a programme in which dicarboximide fungicides were only applied during the period from veraison until harvest.  相似文献   

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