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Six phosphorus (P) fertilizers recycled from sewage sludge [Struvite SSL, Struvite AirPrex®, P‐RoC®, Mephrec®, Pyrolysis coal and Ash (Mg‐SSA)] were tested for their plant availability in potted soil of pH 7.2 under greenhouse conditions. The crop sequence simulated a rotation of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), maize (Zea maize L.), and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Other P fertilizer treatments included: Phosphate Rock (PR), Calcium dihydrogen phosphate [Ca(H2PO4)2], and an unfertilized control. Additionally, soil was regularly inoculated with two strains of plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR; Pseudomonas sp. Proradix, and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) to test their ability to increase P availability to plants. Sequential P fractionation was conducted to link the amount of readily available P in fertilizers to plant P acquisition. Shoot P content and dry matter of maize decreased in the following order: Struvite SSL ≥ Ca(H2PO4)2 > P‐RoC® ≥ Struvite AirPrex® ≥ Mephrec® > Pyrolysis coal ≥ Mg‐SSA ≥ PR ≥ unfertilized. Rhizobacteria did not affect shoot biomass or P content. The results show that red clover might have mobilized substantial amounts of P. Sequential P fractionation was not suitable to predict the efficacy of the fertilizers. Generally, the sewage sludge‐based fertilizers tested proved to be suitable alternative P sources relevant to organic farming systems. However, the efficacy of recycled fertilizers is strongly dependent on their specific production conditions.  相似文献   

The plant‐availability of phosphorus (P) in fertilizers and soil can strongly influence the yield of agricultural crops. However, there are no methods to efficiently and satisfactorily analyze the plant‐availability of P in sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers except by undertaking time‐consuming and complex pot or field experiments. We employed the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique to quantify the plant P availability of various types of P fertilizers with a novel focus on sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers. Mixtures of fertilizer and soil were incubated for 3 weeks at 60% water holding capacity. DGT devices were deployed at the beginning of the incubation and again after 1, 2, and 3 weeks. Two weeks of incubation were sufficient for the formation of plant‐available P in the fertilizer/soil mixtures. In a pot experiment, the DGT technique predicted maize (Zea mays L.) biomass yield and P uptake significantly more accurately than standard chemical extraction tests for P fertilizers (e.g ., water, citric acid, and neutral ammonium citrate). Therefore, the DGT technique can be recommended as a reliable and robust method to screen the performance of different types of sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers for maize cultivation minimizing the need for time‐consuming and costly pot or field experiments.  相似文献   

The dynamics of C mineralization in an organically managed Cambic Arenosol amended with hen manure, a stabilized compost (compost), and three different combinations of both fertilizers (varying from a 1:100 to a 1:10 ratio) were studied during an incubation experiment to estimate the potential of such combinations to preserve/restore soil C content relative to single applications. A strong increase of the CO2‐C emissions relative to the unamended soil (control) was observed after soil application of all five organic‐fertilizer treatments. A significantly higher amount of applied C was lost in hen‐manure treatment (648 mg CO2‐C [g C applied]–1) when compared to compost (159 mg CO2‐C [g C applied]–1) or to the three combined treatments (176–195 mg CO2‐C [g C applied]–1). The first‐order exponential model and the double exponential model were used to fit the C‐mineralization data in the treatments considered. Results showed that mixing “small” amounts of hen manure with compost did not affect the total amount of potentially mineralizable C, but significantly increased the mineralization rate constant. Clearly, combinations of both fertilizers promoted an initial faster mineralization of the organic matter, and consequently a faster release of nutrients, without affecting the total amount of C sequestered in soil.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to assess the changes of soil P fractions by Lotus corniculatus and to determine contribution of each fraction to plant P nutrition. Phosphorus was added at a rate of 240 mg/pot as triple superphosphate (20% P), phosphate rock (13% P), or poultry litter (2% P) to a Vertisol or an Inceptisol; a control treatment (without P fertilizer) was also included. Then, L. corniculatus was sowed and harvested eight times; both yields and P content of plant were determined at each harvest. Soil P fractions were determined by Hedley’s modified method. The content of labile and moderately labile P [anionic exchange membrane-Pi (AEM-Pi), NaHCO3-Pi, and NaOH-Pi] fractions were markedly reduced and were probably due to P uptake by plants. The content of the HCl-Pi fraction of the phosphate-rock-treated soil decreased whereas that of the residual P fraction was not modified. The content of organic forms increased in all treatments. The content of both labile organic P and moderately labile organic P were positively and significantly correlated with the P concentration of roots and with roots biomass, suggesting that the increase in these two organic fractions was related to root production. AEM-Pi accounted for 95% and 84% of absorbed P in Vertisol and Inceptisol, respectively.  相似文献   

To ensure high yield and quality in organic vegetable production, crops often require additional fertilizer applied during the season. Due to the risk of contamination of edible plant products from slurry, plant‐based fertilizers may be used as an alternative. The purpose of our work was to develop mobile green manures with specific high nutrient concentrations (e.g., nitrogen [N], sulfur [S], and phosphorus [P]) that are released quickly after soil incorporation and that are easy to handle during storage and application. To distinguish from traditional green manures that are grown to improve soil fertility, the term “mobile green manures” is used for green‐manure crops that are harvested in one field and then moved as a whole and used as fertilizer in other fields. To further investigate mobile‐green‐manure crops for use as efficient fertilizers, pot and field experiments were conducted with cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis) and kale (Brassica oleracea sabellica) supplied with organic matter consisting of a wide range of plant species with varying nutrient concentrations. Further, field experiments were conducted with leek (Allium porrum) and celery (Apium graveolens dulce) supplied with increasing amounts of organic matter consisting of fresh, ensiled, or dried green manures. Results show that garden sorrel (Rumex acetosa), dyer's woad (Isatis tinctoria), and fodder radish (Raphanus sativus) harvested with a high leaf‐to‐stem ratio resulted in high P concentration, and cruciferous crops in high S concentration. Dyer's woad, salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor), and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) showed high boron (B) concentration, whereas species such as dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), chicory (Cichorium intybus), and garden sorrel showed high potassium (K) concentration. Green manures with high P and S concentrations increased the nutrient uptake and yield of pot‐grown cauliflower and kale. Field experiments showed that the production of cauliflower and kale decreased when the carbon‐to‐nitrogen (C : N) ratio of applied green manure increased. In kale, for example, application of 160 kg N ha–1 in early harvested lucerne (Medicago sativa) with a C : N ratio of 10 resulted in the highest kale production whereas application of an equal amount of N in late harvested lucerne with a C : N ratio of 20 produced 34% less. Differences in vegetable production were not due to the amount of N applied, but to the N availability. Field experiments with fresh, ensiled, or dry green manure applied to leek and celery showed that the C : N ratio has to be low to get a fast response. Further, these field experiments demonstrate the importance of green manures, which can be stored and are easy to handle during transport, crop application, and soil incorporation. It is concluded that it is possible to produce green manures with high concentrations of S, P, K, and B, and low C : N ratios and that these properties have a great impact on the value of the green manure for vegetable production.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) fertilizers and mycorrhiza formation can both significantly improve the P supply of plants, but P fertilizers might inhibit mycorrhiza formation and change the microbial P cycling. To test the dimension and consequences of P fertilizer impacts under maize (Zea mays L.), three fertilizer treatments (1) triple superphosphate (TSP, 21–30 kg P ha?1 annually), biowaste compost (ORG, 30 Mg ha?1 wet weight every third year) and a combination of both (OMI) were compared to a non‐P‐fertilized control (C) in 2015 and 2016. The test site was a long‐term field experiment on a Stagnic Cambisol in Rostock (NE Germany). Soil microbial biomass P (Pmic) and soil enzyme activities involved in P mobilization (phosphatases and ß‐glucosidase), plant‐available P content (double lactate‐extract; PDL), mycorrhizal colonization, shoot biomass, and shoot P concentrations were determined. P deficiency led to decreased P immobilization in microbial biomass, but the maize growth was not affected. TSP application alone promoted the P uptake by the microbial biomass but reduced the mycorrhizal colonization of maize compared to the control by more than one third. Biowaste compost increased soil enzyme activities in the P cycling, increased Pmic and slightly decreased the mycorrhizal colonization of maize. Addition of TSP to biowaste compost increased the content of PDL in soil to the level of optimal plant supply. Single TSP supply decreased the ratio of PDL:Pmic to 1:1 from about 4:1 in the control. Decreased plant‐benefits from mycorrhizal symbiosis were assumed from decreased mycorrhizal colonization of maize with TSP supply. The undesirable side effects of TSP supply on the microbial P cycling can be alleviated by the use of compost. Thus, it can be concluded that the plant‐availability of P from soil amendments is controlled by the amendment‐specific microbial P cycling and, likely, P transfer to plants.  相似文献   

Accumulation of phosphorus (P) in agricultural topsoils can contribute to leaching of P which may cause eutrophication of surface waters. An understanding of P mobilization processes in the plough layer is needed to improve agricultural management strategies. We compare leaching of total dissolved and particulate P through the plough layer of a typical Danish sandy loam soil subjected to three different P fertilizer regimes in a long‐term field experiment established in 1975. The leaching experiment used intact soil columns (20 cm diameter, 20 cm high) during unsaturated conditions. The three soils had small to moderate labile P contents, expressed by water‐extractable P (3.6–10.7 mg/kg), Olsen P (11–28 mg/kg) and degree of P saturation (DPS) (25–34%). Mobilization of total dissolved P (TDP) increased significantly (P < 0.05) from the intact soil columns with increasing labile P, whereas the increase in particulate P (PP) with increasing labile P content was modest and statistically insignificant. We found concentrations up to 1.5 mg TP/L for the plough layer of this typical Danish sandy loam soil. This highlights that even a moderate labile P content can be a potential source of TDP from the plough layer, and that a lower concentration margin of optimum agronomic P levels should be considered.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere processes have a major impact on copper (Cu) availability and its fractions in soils. A greenhouse experiment with wheat was performed to investigate availability (using seven chemical procedures) and fractionation of Cu in the rhizosphere of ten agricultural soils (Typic Calcixerepts) amended with sewage sludge (1% w/w) using rhizoboxes. The results show that available Cu concentrations in rhizosphere soils were significantly (P < 1%) lower than in bulk soils. In comparison with the bulk soils, in the rhizosphere soils the concentration of Cu associated with organic matter and residual Cu increased by 24 and 4%, respectively, whereas exchangeable Cu, Cu associated with iron‐manganese oxides, and Cu associated with carbonate decreased by 20, 14, and 12%, respectively. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and Cu associated with iron‐manganese oxides and Cu associated with organic matter in the rhizosphere and bulk soils were significantly correlated (P < 5%). The results show that the differences between rhizosphere and bulk soils in chemical conditions such as DOC concentrations can change the proportion of soil Cu fractions and, therefore, Cu availability for wheat in calcareous soils amended with sewage sludge. The results show that the wheat root‐induced modifications of chemical and biological soil conditions do not only lead to Cu depletion in mobile soil Cu fractions, but also to modification in soil Cu fractions which are commonly considered as more stable.  相似文献   

Reuse of phosphorus (P) from waste streams used for bioenergy conversion is desirable to reduce dependence on nonrenewable P resources. Two different ash materials from low‐temperature biomass gasification of wheat straw and sewage sludge, respectively, were investigated with regard to their P bioavailability. A set of pot experiments with spring barley was carried out to compare the ash P fertiliser value with mineral P fertiliser and the sewage sludge feedstock. An indirect radioactive labelling approach with 33P was used to determine the amount of P taken up from the fertiliser materials. Depending on the application rate, straw gasification ash produced a fertiliser response comparable to mineral P. However, P uptake from the ash was generally less than uptake from equivalent amounts of mineral P, and the calculated relative effectiveness was 44% after 6 weeks of plant growth. In contrast, the P fertiliser value of Fe‐rich sewage sludge after low‐temperature gasification was practically zero. These results suggest that ash from low‐temperature gasification could be developed into alternative P fertilisers; however, as the P bioavailability depends greatly on the feedstock used, a greater emphasis on feedstock composition is required.  相似文献   

A large variety of extraction methods are used worldwide for the estimation of “plant‐available P” in soils. In Germany, the standard extractants are Calcium‐Acetate‐Lactate (CAL) and Double‐Lactate (DL). Until now there is no validated transformation procedure available and studies on the comparability of both methods have reported conflicting evidence. The uncertainty about the equivalence of CAL‐P and DL‐P hinders a direct comparison of the P fertility status and P fertilizer recommendations across Germany. Based on 136 datasets for soil samples from an interlaboratory comparison program and three P fertilization field trial sites, for which plant‐available P had been determined by both the CAL and DL method, we assessed the comparability of both extraction methods and derived simple and multiple regression equations to transform DL‐P into CAL‐P values. On average, DL extracted 30% more P than CAL. However, this strongly depended on soil pH and carbonate content. A simple linear regression model explained 70% of the variance. However, if simple linear regression models were fitted to pH‐specific samples (pH range 4.5 to 7.0) the R2 increased to 0.96. Based on an independent validation dataset (n = 48) we demonstrated that such pH‐specific models were more accurate than models that did not consider pH when transforming DL‐P to CAL‐P values. Multiple regression results showed that out of soil pH, Corg, Nt, and C : N ratio, only soil pH improved the model. The transformation equations in this study provide a step towards an improved comparability of P fertility status assessments of soils across Germany.  相似文献   

根据国家土壤环境质量标准,选取重金属Cd含量为二级水平的4类土壤(红壤、 潮土、 土、 黑土)进行土培试验,研究再生水灌溉与小白菜生物量及Cd含量、 土壤有效态Cd含量、 pH、 微生物群落的关系,以及不同类型土壤间的差异性。结果表明, 再生水灌溉在不同类型土壤上对小白菜生物量及Cd含量、 土壤有效态Cd含量、 土壤pH和微生物数量的影响不同: 1)红壤、 潮土、 土上小白菜生物量增加显著,分别增加9.09%、 16.08%、 9.92%,黑土上增加不显著; 2)小白菜Cd含量在红壤上显著降低,由对照的0.29 mg/kg降低到0.22 mg/kg,在黑土上比对照增加了18.75%,在潮土和土上影响不大; 3)有效态Cd含量在红壤没有变化,但在潮土、 土、 黑土上增加显著; 4) 4类土壤微生物数量增加显著; 5)潮土、 土、 黑土的pH值有所降低。  相似文献   

以山西省晋城市采煤塌陷区复垦土壤为研究对象,连续3年定位施肥研究施用有机肥(M)、无机肥(NPK)、有机肥+无机肥(NPK+M)对土壤理化性状、土壤磷分级的影响。结果表明:试验结束后,不同施肥处理土壤的pH、容重、全氮、全磷含量差异均不显著;单施有机肥处理的有机质含量显著高于单施化肥处理;有机肥+无机肥处理土壤速效磷含量高于其余处理,但处理间差异不显著。有机肥+无机肥处理能够明显提高土壤无机磷组分Ca_8-P含量;不同施肥处理均显著提高了Fe-P,处理间差异不显著;各处理的O-P、Ca_(10)-P增幅不明显;对照处理的不同无机磷组分含量总体保持下降趋势,其中Ca_8-P、Fe-P降幅较为明显。有机肥处理对活性、中活性组分,有机肥+无机肥处理对活性、中稳性有机磷效果明显,无机肥对有机磷组分效果不显著。相关性分析表明,Ca_2-P、Ca_8-P、Al-P、Fe-P、中活性、中稳性有机磷与速效磷均呈显著正相关性,Ca_8-P、中活性有机磷与速效磷极显著相关。  相似文献   

Recycling of P is a common strategy in efficient use of P. The aims of our investigation were to study the P extractability of biochars produced by low temperature conversion and to determine the effect of soda application on low‐temperature conversion of organic compounds and the bioavailability of P to rye grass (Lolium perenne L., cv. Grazer). In this study canola cake, dried distillers grains with solubles, and meat‐and‐bone meal were converted to biochars with thermo‐chemical conversion at 400°C. The P availability was measured in terms of solubility in water, 2% citric, and 2% formic acid, and in a pot experiment with rye grass (Lolium perenne L.) which was cut three times. Application of 8% (w/w) soda to the process of thermo‐chemical conversion of canola cake, dried distillers grains with soluble and meat‐and‐bone meal resulted in an increase of water‐, 2% citric‐, and 2% formic‐acid‐extractable P in the biochars. In contrast to the application of soda, addition of 12% wood ash (w/w) to the conversion of dried distillers grains with solubles resulted in a lower increase of water‐soluble P in the corresponding biochar compared to processing biochar without additives. Addition of biochar P (100 mg P [kg soil]–1) to a Luvisol resulted in an increase of CAL‐extractable soil P. The P uptake of rye grass from biochars produced with the addition of soda was as effective as basic slag and MgNH4 phosphate fertilizers and even better than rock phosphate.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to describe the main physicochemical characteristics of diverse types of humic‐metal‐phosphate acid complexes. The effects of these complexes on phosphorus (P) fixation in soils with different pH values and physicochemical features and on plant phosphorus uptake are also discussed. Humic‐metal‐phosphate complexes have apparent stability constants in the same range as those of metal‐humic complexes, in solutions with diverse pH and ionic‐strength values. Likewise, the molecular‐size distribution of humic‐metal‐phosphate complexes as a function of pH is similar to that of potassium or sodium humates and metal‐humic complexes. Humic‐metal‐phosphate complexes are able to decrease phosphate fixation in soils and increase plant growth and phosphate uptake. Phosphorus fertilizers containing humic‐metal‐phosphate complexes proved to be efficient to improve plant growth and P uptake with respect to conventional fertilizers such as single superphosphate. The values of parameters related to plant phosphorus‐utilization efficiency (PUt E) suggest that the regulation of root acquisition of phosphate from these complexes could involve the interregulation of a system for the optimization of metabolic P utilization in the shoot and another system involving stress responses of roots under phosphorus deficiency.  相似文献   

Isolierung und Kennzeichnung des labilen organischen Phosphor‐Pools in Böden des Langzeitdüngungsexperimentes Askov Labiler organischer Phosphor (Po) im Boden spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der P‐Ernährung der Pflanzen und ist bedeutend hinsichtlich der Gewässereutrophierung. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden neuere Ergebnisse zu den Eigenschaften des labilen Po und seiner Reaktion auf unterschiedliche Düngungssysteme diskutiert. Die Untersuchungen fanden an Böden des Langzeitexperimentes zur organischen und anorganischen Düngung in Askov statt. Unser analytischer Ansatz basierte auf einer Kombination der Extraktion von labilem Po mittels makroporösem Anionenaustauscher‐Harz und der Kennzeichnung von Struktur und Herkunft des NaOH‐extrahierbaren Po mittels 31P‐NMR‐Spektroskopie. Die Analysen wurden an der Feinerde und an Korngrößenfraktionen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Harz‐Extraktion einen aktiven Pool an Po isoliert, welcher v.a. aus mikrobiell synthetisierten Strukturen besteht. Die Größe dieses Pools variiert im Jahresgang und hängt von der P‐Düngung ab. Die Art des Düngers (NPK gegenüber Stallmist und Gülle) scheint demgegenüber den labilen Po kaum zu beeinflussen. Der größte Teil des leicht verfügbaren Po ist in der Tonfraktion lokalisiert. Es ist daher zu schließen, dass diese Fraktion wichtig im kurzfristigen Umsatz von Po ist.  相似文献   

施肥深度对潮砂土氮磷损失及土壤氮磷含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以机插精量一次性侧深施肥为背景,探究施肥深度对氮、磷损失及土壤氮磷养分的影响,为农业机械化提供科学依据。本研究采用土柱模拟试验,于2019年在湖南农业大学试验基地大棚内进行,供试土壤为潮砂田水稻土,肥料为三元复混肥。试验共设置6个处理:CK(不施肥)和0(表施)、5、7.5、10、12.5 cm五个不同深度施肥处理,监测氨挥发、田面水和渗漏水氮磷含量的动态变化以及土壤氮磷含量。结果表明:与表施处理相比,5、7.5、10、12.5 cm深施处理的氨挥发累积量分别下降68.07%、82.40%、99.98%、99.98%。10、12.5 cm深施处理的田面水总氮平均浓度,比表施处理分别下降84.82%、89.07%;各深度施肥处理的田面水总磷平均浓度较表施处理均大幅下降,降幅达92.43%~99.56%。不同深度施肥处理的渗漏水中氮、磷平均浓度与表施处理之间差异不显著。在0~20 cm土层中,5、7.5、10、12.5 cm深施处理的土壤全氮、全磷含量分别比表施处理提高了4.63%、12.25%、11.85%、5.69%和6.40%、5.90%、6.09%、5.43%;20~30 cm和3...  相似文献   

长期施肥对灰漠土无机磷组分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以国家灰漠土土壤肥力与肥料效益长期监测站为平台,采用蒋柏藩-顾益初土壤无机磷分组方法,对23年长期定位施肥条件下、不同施肥处理土壤无机磷总量(IOP)及组分(Ca_2-P、Ca_8-P、Al-P、Fe-P、O-P、Ca_(10)-P)进行测定,以掌握长期施肥对干旱区灰漠土无机磷组分的影响规律并指导合理施肥。结果表明,长期不施肥(CK)处理土壤无机磷总量无显著变化,组分间主要发生Ca_2-P、Ca_8-P向Ca_(10)-P的转化;长期施肥(NPK、NPKM、NPKS)处理IOP极显著增加,其增加量主要为Ca_2-P、Ca_8-P、Al-P和Fe-P,其中前三者增加作用极为显著;长期施肥条件下,土壤无机磷组分中Ca_8-P转化率最高、占土壤无机磷转化总量的39%~50%,其次是Al-P、占16%~30%,再次是Ca_2-P、占10%~29%,三者合计占78%~88%,其余三种组分Fe-P、O-P、Ca_(10)-P占12%~22%。  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) fertilization is reported to alleviate the adverse effects of sodicity on survival of the seedlings, growth, and yield of rice. However, it is not known if required levels of Olsen's P to alleviate the adverse sodicity effects varies with increased sodicity stress. The present study, conducted at various pH values (8.0, 9.3, 9.7, and 9.9) with varying levels of P fertilization (P0.0, P0.2, P0.4, P0.6, and P0.8 kg hm? 2), showed that P requirements of rice increased with increases in sodicity stress. At a pH of 8.0, 4.3 mg kg? 1 Olsen's P was sufficient for survival of the seedlings, but not for grain weight (6.3 mg kg? 1). Seedlings required 7.0 and 9.5 mg kg? 1Olsen's P to survive at pH 9.7 and 9.9, respectively. Similarly, high P levels were needed for more total and fertile tillers and spikelets numbers. One thousand (1000) grain weight and grain yield responded to 6.3, 7.7, 8.8, and 10.4 mg kg? 1 Olsen's P at pH values of 8.0, 9.3, 9.7, and 9.9, respectively. Total chlorophyll in the leaves was significant in P fertilized plants. At a pH of 9.7, plants with 7.9 mg kg? 1 Olsen's P had 52% more chlorophyll per 100 ppm sodium (Na) in the leaves compared to those at 6.3 mg kg? 1 Olsen's P. This could possibly be due to improved tissue tolerance to Na in P-fertilized plants. Plants fertilized with P had higher P and potassium (K) concentrations in their shoots. Olsen's P levels of 7.7 mg kg? 1, 7.9 mg kg? 1, and 9.5 mg kg? 1 were effective in restricting increases of Na (a potentially toxic ion) in shoots at pH 9.3, 9.8, and 9.9, respectively, thus helping plants have better yields.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean region, much emphasis is placed on the role of fertilizers in enhancing crop production to achieve food security. Given the complex nature of phosphorus (P) reactions in soils, considerable research has dealt with fertilizer aspects related to efficient P use, but comparatively less emphasis has been given to plant variation with respect to P efficiency. In this study, selection and adaptation of P‐efficient corn genotypes was seen as one possible approach to enhancing P efficiency. Thus, a greenhouse experiment with 10 corn genotypes (traditional to modern), five P application rates (0–200 mg kg?1), and four field trials with three genotypes for 2 years were carried out on various calcareous soils (Vertic Torrifluvent, Vertic Calciorthid, Entic Chromoxerert, and Typic Xerofluvent). Measurements were made of root characteristics. Treatments in the field trials were five P application rates as main plots (0–68 P ha?1) and three corn genotypes as subplots. Genotypes were selected for the field trials from the greenhouse experiment as “efficient‐responsive,” “efficient‐nonresponsive,” and “inefficient‐responsive.” Dry‐matter (DM) yield and plant P uptake by plants increased with P application rates in the greenhouse experiment. Root length and mass were considerably increased by increasing P levels. Genotypes were classified for P efficiency. The studies indicated that because corn genotypes respond to P‐fertilizer application differently, this trait could be utilized to exploit native and applied P more efficiently, especially at low levels of available P and when P‐ fertilizer use is limited. This differential response derives from morphological, physiological, and genetic variability among the genotypes. Although genotypic efficiency is important for fertilizer management, the contribution of the efficiency is not a substitute for fertilizers, especially if high yields are required. Nevertheless, breeding for P‐use efficiency should be a component of any program to improve crop yield potential.  相似文献   

长期施肥对旱地土壤有机磷及其组分的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过15年长期定位试验,采用Bowman和Cole提出的土壤有机磷分级方法,研究了不同耕作施肥措施对旱地耕层土壤有机磷及其组分的影响。结果显示旱地土壤各个处理的活性有机磷含量低,占有机磷总量的比例低于3.6%,中活性有机磷为有机磷的主体,约占有机磷总量的73.37%-91.54%。休闲、撂荒及磷肥与其它肥料配合使用,均增加了耕层土壤的中活性有机磷含量,增加了中稳性有机磷含量及其比重;休闲、撂荒及磷钾提高了高稳性有机磷含量及比重,而氮磷钾及其与有机肥配合处理则降低了高稳性有机磷的含量。尽管不同耕作施肥管理均影响旱地土壤有机磷含量,但是施用有机肥对有机磷的增加贡献最大;撂荒与休闲相比,前者更有利于土壤有机磷的积累。  相似文献   

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