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The elemental ratios of plant tissues are associated with the adaptive and competitive success of a plant species in an ecosystem. So far, no study has evaluated if and how crop–weed competition influences the elemental ratios of competing populations, although such information is important to understand weed infestation dynamics and to improve weed management in agroecosystems. The objective of this study was to analyze weed–crop elemental ratios during interspecific competition between weeds and crops in greenhouse experiments. For this, maize (Zea mays L.) and the weeds Amaranthus viridis L, Bidens pilosa L., and Ipomoea grandifolia (Dammer) O'Donell were grown under seven treatments: maize and weed monocultures, and maize in competition with weeds. Competition between plants practically did not influence growth and nutrient contents of maize but reduced weed growth and nutrient uptake. Maize showed few changes in elemental ratios. In contrast, B. pilosa and I. grandifolia were very sensitive to competition and showed significant increases in C : N, C : P, C : K, N : P, and N : K ratios when grown with maize. A. viridis showed low flexibility of nutrient : nutrient ratios under the same competitive pressure as that faced by B. pilosa and I. grandifolia. The interspecific competition led to increases only in the C : P ratio of A. viridis shoots. Therefore, interspecific competition changes the elemental ratios, mainly of the weeds, and the magnitude of this change is dependent on the plant species involved. Interspecific competition changes plant biomass quality (higher C : nutrient ratios), mainly for B. pilosa and I. grandifolia.  相似文献   

The application of 13C‐labeled litter enables to study decomposition processes as well as the allocation of litter‐derived carbon to different soil C pools. 13Carbon‐labeled mustard litter was used in order to compare decomposition processes in an agricultural cropland with high‐yield (HY) and low‐yield (LY) areas, the latter being characterized by a finer texture and a lower organic‐C (OC) content. After tracer application, 13C concentrations were monitored in topsoil samples in particulate organic matter (POM) and in fine mineral fractions (silt‐ and clay‐sized fractions). After 568 d, approximately 5% and 10% of the initial 13C amount were found in POM fractions of LY and HY areas, respectively. Higher amounts were found in POM occluded in aggregates than in free POM. Medium‐term (0.5–2 y) storage of the initial 13C in fine silt‐ and clay‐sized fractions amounts to 10% in HY and LY soils, with faster enrichment but also faster disappearance of the 13C signal from LY soils. Amounts of 80%–90% of the added 13C were mineralized or leached in the observed period. Decomposition of free POM was faster in HY than in LY areas during the first year, but the remaining 13C amounts in occluded‐POM fractions were higher in HY soils after 568 d. High‐yield and low‐yield areas showed different 13C dynamics in fine mineral fractions. In LY soils, 13C amounts and concentrations in mineral‐associated fractions increased within 160 d after application and decreased in the following time period. In HY areas, a significant increase in 13C amounts did not occur until after 568 d. The results indicate initially faster decomposition processes in HY than in LY areas due to different soil conditions, such as soil texture and water regime. The higher silt and clay contents of LY areas seem to promote a faster aggregate formation and turnover, leading to a closer contact between POM and mineral surfaces in this area. This favors the OC storage in fine mineral fractions in the medium term. Lower aggregate formation and turnover in the coarser textured HY soil leads to a delayed C stabilization in silt‐ and clay‐sized fractions.  相似文献   

Trees interact in a complex manner with soils: they recycle and redistribute nutrients via many ecological pathways. Nutrient distribution via leaf litter is assumed to be of major importance. Beech is commonly known to have lower nutrient concentrations in its litter than other hardwood tree species occurring in Central Europe. We examined the influences of distribution of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), lime (Tilia cordata Mill. and T. platyphyllos Scop.), maple (Acer spp. L.), and clay content on small‐scale variability of pH and exchangeable Ca and Mg stocks in the mineral soil and of organic‐C stocks in the forest floor in a near‐natural, mature mixed deciduous forest in Central Germany. The soil is a Luvisol developed in loess over limestone. We found a positive effect of the proportion of beech on the organic‐C stocks in the forest floor and a negative effect on soil pH and exchangeable Ca and Mg in the upper mineral soil (0 to 10 cm). The proportion of ash had a similar effect in the opposite direction, the other species did not show any such effect. The ecological impact of beech and ash on soil properties at a sample point was explained best by their respective proportion within a radius of 9 to 11 m. The proportion of the species based on tree volume within this radius was the best proxy to explain species effects. The clay content had a significant positive influence on soil pH and exchangeable Ca and Mg with similar effect sizes. Our results indicate that beech, in comparison to other co‐occurring deciduous tree species, mainly ash, increased acidification at our site. This effect occurred on a small spatial scale and was probably driven by species‐related differences in nutrient cycling via leaf litter. The distribution of beech and ash resulted not only in aboveground diversity of stand structures but also induced a distinct belowground diversity of the soil habitat.  相似文献   

Soil respiration is the largest terrestrial source of CO2 to the atmosphere. In forests, roughly half of the soil respiration is autotrophic (mainly root respiration) while the remainder is heterotrophic, originating from decomposition of soil organic matter. Decomposition is an important process for cycling of nutrients in forest ecosystems. Hence, tree species induced changes may have a great impact on atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Since studies on the combined effects of beech-spruce mixtures are very rare, we firstly measured CO2 emission rates in three adjacent stands of pure spruce (Picea abies), mixed spruce-beech and pure beech (Fagus sylvatica) on three base-rich sites (Flysch) and three base-poor sites (Molasse; yielding a total of 18 stands) during two summer periods using the closed chamber method. CO2 emissions were higher on the well-aerated sandy soils on Molasse than on the clayey soils on Flysch, characterized by frequent water logging. Mean CO2 effluxes increased from spruce (41) over the mixed (55) to the beech (59) stands on Molasse, while tree species effects were lower on Flysch (30-35, mixed > beech = spruce; all data in mg CO2-C m−2 h−1). Secondly, we studied decomposition after fourfold litter manipulations at the 6 mixed species stands: the Oi - and Oe horizons were removed and replaced by additions of beech -, spruce - and mixed litter of the adjacent pure stands of known chemical quality and one zero addition (blank) in open rings (20 cm inner diameter), which were covered with meshes to exclude fresh litter fall. Mass loss within two years amounted to 61-68% on Flysch and 36-44% on Molasse, indicating non-additive mixed species effects (mixed litter showed highest mass loss). However, base cation release showed a linear response, increasing from the spruce - over the mixed - to the beech litter. The differences in N release (immobilization) resulted in a characteristic converging trend in C/N ratios for all litter compositions on both bedrocks during decomposition. In the summers 2006 and 2007 we measured CO2 efflux from these manipulated areas (a closed chamber fits exactly over such a ring) as field indicator of the microbial activity. Net fluxes (subtracting the so-called blank values) are considered an indicator of litter induced changes only and increased on both bedrocks from the spruce - over the mixed - to the beech litter. According to these measurements, decomposing litter contributed between 22-32% (Flysch) and 11-28% (Molasse) to total soil respiration, strengthening its role within the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is involved in many important biogeochemical processes in soil. As its collection is laborious, very often water‐soluble organic matter (WSOM) obtained by extracting organic or mineral soil horizons with a dilute salt solution has been used as a substitute of DOM. We extracted WSOM (measured as water‐soluble organic C, WSOC) from seven mineral horizons of three forest soils from North‐Rhine Westphalia, Germany, with demineralized H2O, 0.01 M CaCl2, and 0.5 M K2SO4. We investigated the quantitative and qualitative effects of the extractants on WSOM and compared it with DOM collected with ceramic suction cups from the same horizons. The amounts of WSOC extracted differed significantly between both the extractants and the horizons. With two exceptions, K2SO4 extracted the largest amounts of WSOC (up to 126 mg C kg–1) followed by H2O followed by CaCl2. The H2O extracts revealed by far the highest molar UV absorptivities at 254 nm (up to 5834 L mol–1 cm–1) compared to the salt solutions which is attributed to solubilization of highly aromatic compounds. The amounts of WSOC extracted did not depend on the amounts of Fe and Al oxides as well as on soil organic C and pH. Water‐soluble organic matter extracted by K2SO4 bore the largest similarity to DOM due to relatively analogue molar absorptivities. Therefore, we recommend to use this extractant when trying to obtain a substitute for DOM, but as WSOM extraction is a rate‐limited process, the suitability of extraction procedures to obtain a surrogate of DOM remains ambiguous.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of leaf‐litter type (i.e., European beech—Fagus sylvatica L. and European ash—Fraxinus excelsior L.) and leaf‐litter mixture on the partitioning of leaf‐litter C and N between the O horizon, the topsoil, the soil microbial biomass, and the CO2 emission during decomposition. In a mature beech stand of Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany, undisturbed soil cores (?? 24 cm) were transferred to plastic cylinders and the original leaf litter was either replaced by 13C15N‐labeled beech or ash leaf litter, or leaf‐litter‐mixture treatments in which only one of the two leaf‐litter types was labeled. Leaf‐litter‐derived CO2‐C flux was measured every second week over a period of one year. Partitioning of leaf‐litter C and N to the soil and microbial biomass was measured 5 and 10 months after the start of the experiment. Ash leaf litter decomposed faster than beech leaf litter. The decomposition rate was negatively related to initial leaf‐litter lignin and positively to initial Ca concentrations. The mixture of both leaf‐litter types led to enhanced decomposition of ash leaf litter. However, it did not affect beech leaf‐litter decomposition. After 5 and 10 months of in situ incubation, recoveries of leaf‐litter‐derived C and N in the O horizon (7%–20% and 9%–35%, respectively) were higher than in the mineral soil (1%–5% and 3%–8%, respectively) showing no leaf‐litter‐type or leaf‐litter‐mixture effect. Partitioning of leaf‐litter‐derived C and N to microbial biomass in the upper mineral soil (< 1% of total leaf‐litter C and 2%–3% of total leaf‐litter N) did not differ between beech and ash. The results show that short‐term partitioning of leaf‐litter C and N to the soil after 10 months was similar for ash and beech leaf litter under standardized field conditions, even though mineralization was faster for ash leaf litter than for beech leaf litter.  相似文献   

Effects of leaf litter of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and stinging nettles (Urtica dioica L.) and of the endogeic earthworm species Octolasion lacteum (Örley) on carbon turnover and nutrient dynamics in soil of three beechwood sites on a basalt hill (Hesse, Germany) were investigated in a laboratory experiment lasting for about 1 year. The sites were located along a gradient from basalt (upper part of the hill) to limestone (lower part of the hill) with an intermediate site in between (transition zone). At the intermediate site U. dioica dominated in the understory whereas at the other sites Mercurialis perennis L. was most abundant. The amount and composition of organic matter was similar in soil of the basalt (carbon content 5.9%, C/N ratio 13.8) and intermediate site (carbon content 5.6%, C/N ratio 14.3) but the soil of the intermediate site produced more CO2 (in total +17.5%) and more nitrogen (as nitrate) was leached from this soil (in total +55.6%). It is concluded that the soil of the intermediate site contains a large mobile carbon and nitrogen pool and the formation of this pool is ascribed to the input of U. dioica litter. Leaf litter of U. dioica strongly increased NO3 -N leaching immediately after the litter had been added, whereas nitrogen was immobilized due to addition of beech litter. Despite the very fast initial decomposition of nettle litter, the increase in CO2 production due to this litter material was only equivalent to 20.1% of the amount of carbon added with the nettle litter; the respective value for beech litter was 34.8%. Earthworms altered the time course of carbon and nitrogen mineralization in each of the treatments. In general, earthworms strongly increased mineralization of nitrogen but this effect was less pronounced in soil of the intermediate site (treatments without litter), which is ascribed to a depleted physically protected nitrogen and carbon pool. In contrast, their effect on the total amount of nitrogen mobilized from nettle litter was small. Earthworms significantly reduced CO2 production from soil of the intermediate site (treatments without litter) and it is concluded that earthworm activity contributes to the restoration of the depleted physically protected carbon pool at this site.  相似文献   

The study area is located in an eastern beech stand on a fertile and mesic upland site in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. During natural regeneration of the beech stand, rhododendron was differentially controlled. The experiment used a randomized block design with four replicates and two different site preparation practices. The manual treatment was hand grubbing. The whole plant was uprooted and left on the site. The mechanical treatment scarified the surface soil to 5–10 cm depth with a bulldozer equipped with a brush rake. After 17 years following site preparation, the number of trees on the grubbing site (GS) was 60% more than that of mechanical treatment sites (MTS). Total tree biomass per hectare was 39% greater on GS than that of MTS. Beech trees on the grubbing sites had 18, 115, 29, 17 and 78% more N, P, K, Ca and Mg than MTS, respectively. Forest floor N content on GS was 50% more than that of MTS. On the GS, Ca content also was three times more than that of MTS. At 0–20 cm depth, cation exchange capacity on GS was 48% higher than that of MTS. At the same depth, GS had 50, 100, 78, 23, 8, 10 and 49% more C, N, P, Ca, K, Mg and S concentrations than those of MTS, respectively. Removing of organic layer and upper soil with mechanical site preparation depletes ecosystem nutrient pools compared with manual grubbing. This difference is sustained in the long‐term. Grubbing is both effective and by leaving organic layer on the sites, grubbing preserves the long‐term productivity of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The usefulness and limitations of near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for the assessment of several soil characteristics are still not sufficiently explored. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of visible and near‐infrared reflectance (VIS‐NIR) spectroscopy to predict the composition of organic matter in soils and litter. Reflectance spectra of the VIS‐NIR region (400–2500 nm) were recorded for 56 soil and litter samples from agricultural and forest sites. Spectra were used to predict general and biological characteristics of the samples as well as the C composition which was measured by 13C‐CPMAS‐NMR spectroscopy. A modified partial least‐square method and cross‐validation were used to develop equations for the different constituents over the whole spectrum (1st to 3rd derivation). Near‐infrared spectroscopy predicted well the C : N ratios, the percentages of O‐alkyl C and alkyl C, the ratio of alkyl C to O‐alkyl C, and the sum of phenolic oxidation products: the ratios of standard deviation of the laboratory results to standard error of cross‐validation (RSC) were greater than 2, the regression coefficients (a) of a linear regression (measured against predicted values) ranged from 0.9 to 1.1, and the correlation coefficients (r) were greater than 0.9. Satisfactorily (0.8 ≤ a ≤ 1.2, r ≥ 0.8, and 1.4 ≤ RSC ≤ 2.0) assessed were the contents of C, N, and production of DOC, the percentages of carbonyl C and aromatic C and the ratio of alkyl C to aromatic C. However, the N‐mineralization rate and the microbial biomass were predicted unsatisfactorily (RSC < 1.4). The good and satisfactory predictions reported above indicate a marked usefulness of NIRS in the assessment of biological and chemical characteristics of soils and litter.  相似文献   

In many regions worldwide, silvopastoral systems are implemented to enable sustainable land use allowing short, medium, and long‐term economic returns. However, the short‐term production in silvopastoral systems is often limited due to nonappropriate soil‐fertility management. This study evaluated the effects of two doses of lime (0 and 2.5 t CaCO3 ha–1) and three sewage‐sludge treatments (0, 200, and 400 kg total N ha–1 y–1 applied in 2 consecutive years) on soil characteristics (soil pH, soil organic matter [SOM], soil nitrogen, cation‐exchange capacity [CEC]), pasture production, and tree growth in a silvopastoral system of Populus × canadensis Moench in Galicia, northern Spain during 6 years after establishment. Soil pH increased during the experimental period for all treatments, although this effect was more pronounced after lime application. Changes in SOM and soil nitrogen content were not consistent over time, but sewage‐sludge application seemed to result in higher values. Higher CEC was found for treatments with lime and sewage‐sludge application. Following incorporation of lime and sewage sludge, pasture production was significantly enhanced (cumulative pasture production 51.9 t DM ha–1 for Lime/N400 compared to 39.0 t DM ha–1 for No lime/N0). This higher pasture production also affected tree growth due to more severe competition between pasture and tree resulting in slower tree growth. Liming and application of sewage sludge are relevant measures to improve soil fertility and thereby optimizing the overall production of silvopastoral systems. However, it is important not to overintensify pasture production to ensure adequate tree growth.  相似文献   

The production and composition of leaf litter, soil acidity, exchangeable nutrients, and the amount and distribution of soil organic matter were analyzed in a broad‐leaved mixed forest on loess over limestone in Central Germany. The study aimed at determining the current variability of surface‐soil acidification and nutrient status, and at identifying and evaluating the main factors that contributed to the variability of these soil properties along a gradient of decreasing predominance of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and increasing tree‐species diversity. Analyses were carried out in (1) mature monospecific stands with a predominance of beech (DL 1), (2) mature stands dominated by three deciduous‐tree species (DL 2: beech, ash [Fraxinus excelsior L.], lime [Tilia cordata Mill. and/or T. platyphyllos Scop.]), and (3) mature stands dominated by five deciduous‐tree species (DL 3: beech, ash, lime, hornbeam [Carpinus betulus L.], maple [Acer pseudoplatanus L. and/or A. platanoides L.]). The production of leaf litter was similar in all stands (3.2 to 3.9 Mg dry matter ha–1 y–1) but the total quantity of Ca and Mg deposited on the soil surface by leaf litter increased with increasing tree‐species diversity and decreasing abundance of beech (47 to 88 kg Ca ha–1 y–1; 3.8 to 7.9 kg Mg ha–1 y–1). The soil pH(H2O) and base saturation (BS) measured at three soil depths down to 30 cm (0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, 20–30 cm) were lower in stands dominated by beech (pH = 4.2 to 4.4, BS = 15% to 20%) than in mixed stands (pH = 5.1 to 6.5, BS = 80% to 100%). The quantities of exchangeable Al and Mn increased with decreasing pH and were highest beneath beech. Total stocks of exchangeable Ca (0–30 cm) were 12 to 15 times larger in mixed stands (6660 to 9650 kg ha–1) than in beech stands (620 kg ha–1). Similar results were found for stocks of exchangeable Mg that were 4 to 13 times larger in mixed stands (270 to 864 kg ha–1) than in beech stands (66 kg ha–1). Subsoil clay content and differences in litter composition were identified as important factors that contributed to the observed variability of soil acidification and stocks of exchangeable Ca and Mg. Organic‐C accumulation in the humus layer was highest in beech stands (0.81 kg m–2) and lowest in stands with the highest level of tree‐species diversity and the lowest abundance of beech (0.27 kg m–2). The results suggest that redistribution of nutrients via leaf litter has a high potential to increase BS in these loess‐derived surface soils that are underlain by limestone. Species‐related differences of the intensity of soil–tree cation cycling can thus influence the rate of soil acidification and the stocks and distribution of nutrients.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the C and N stocks and organic‐C fractions in soil under mixed forest stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Sessile oak (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) of different ages in NE Germany. Treatments consisted of pure pine (age 102 y), and pine (age 90–102 y) mixed with 10‐, 35‐, 106‐, and 124‐y‐old oak trees. After sampling O layers, soils in the mineral layer were taken at two different depths (0–10 and 10–20 cm). Oak admixture did not affect total organic‐C (TOC) and N stocks considering the different layers separately. However, when the sum of TOC stocks in the organic and mineral layers was considered, TOC stocks decreased with increasing in oak age (r2 = 0.58, p < 0.10). The microbial C (CMB) was not directly correlated with increase of oak age, however, it was positively related with presence of oak species. There was an increase in the percentage of the CMB‐to‐TOC ratio with increase of oak‐tree ages. On average, light‐fraction C (CLF) comprised 68% of the soil TOC in upper layer corresponding to the highest C pool in the upper layer. CLF and heavy‐fraction C (CHF) were not directly affected by the admixture of oak trees in both layers. The CHF accounted on average for 30% and 59% of the TOC at 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths, respectively. Despite low clay contents in the studied soils, the differences in the DCB‐extractable Fe and Al affected the concentrations of the CHF and TOC in the 10–20 cm layers (p < 0.05). Admixture of oak in pine stands contributed to reduce topsoil C stocks, probably due to higher soil organic matter turnover promoted by higher quality of oak litter.  相似文献   

The high variability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in natural systems (concentration, composition) means rapid methods are required for its characterization so that a high number of samples can be analyzed. The objective of the present study was to quantify the effects of spectrometer type and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration on the humification indices of water‐soluble fulvic acids (FAs) derived from synchronous fluorescence spectra, and thus enable the broader application of this method for DOM characterization. We used three standard FAs from the International Humic Substances Society, 24 water‐soluble FAs isolated from topsoil, groundwater and surface water in a fen area, and two different spectrometers. The wavelengths at which bands occurred were similar for all the FAs. Therefore, the differences between the spectra of the FAs studied could be described by humification indices (band ratios). The humification indices calculated correlated very well between spectrometers despite small differences in the wavelengths of bands and shoulders. The absolute values of these indices deduced from two spectrometers can only be directly compared if the spectra are corrected using a standard substance. Increasing DOC concentration resulted in a linear increase in humification indices with a sample specific slope. Therefore, we recommend using an uniformly low DOC concentration of about 10 mg C l—1 for recording the spectra of samples with typically low DOC concentrations (aquatic samples, soil solutions). This value is a compromise between relatively low absorption to minimize inner filter effects and a sufficient signal‐to‐noise ratio.  相似文献   

Three of ten macromorphologically similar humus profiles of a Dystric Cambisol under a beech forest were randomly chosen and the litter and humus layers were characterized by wet-chemistry and CPMAS 13C NMR-spectroscopy. The spatial heterogeneity of the litter and humus layers was high for the bulk density and for the sugar and starch fraction; lowest coefficients of variation were obtained for the chemical shift range of O-Alkyl-C. The spatial heterogeneity of the layers did not differ by means of all chemical methods. Changes in the chemical composition at the beginning of humification were high from the fresh fallen litter (Ln-layer) to the morphologically only slightly altered litter in the L-layer, whereas the changes in the litter and humus layers from the L to the Ohf-layer were minor. However, the organic matter of the first mineral horizon was characterized by a decrease in lignin and cellulose. With wet-chemistry and 13C NMR-spectroscopy similar results were obtained for polysaccharides whereas results which can be attributed to changes in lignin deduced by the methoxyl content differed from each other.  相似文献   

The effects of tree species on the N cycle in forest systems are still under debate. However, contradicting results of different 15N labeling techniques of trees and N tracers in the individual studies hamper a generalized mechanistic view. Therefore, we compared Ca(15NO3)2 and 15NH4Cl leaf‐labeling method to investigate: (1) N allocation patterns from aboveground to belowground, (2) the cycles of N in soil‐plant systems, and (3) to allow the production of highly 15N enriched litter for subsequent decomposition studies. 20 beeches (Fagus sylvatica ) and 20 ashes (Fraxinus excelsior ) were 15N pulse labeled from aboveground with Ca(15NO3)2 and 40 beeches and 40 ashes were 15N pulse labeled from aboveground with 15NH4Cl. 15N was quantified in tree compartments (leaves, stem, roots) and in soil after 8 d. Beech and ash incorporated generally more 15N from the applied 15NH4Cl compared to Ca(15NO3)2 in all measured compartments, except for ash leaves. Ash had highest 15N incorporation [45% of the applied with Ca(15NO3)2] in its leaves. Both tree species kept over 90% of all fixed 15N from Ca(15NO3) in their leaves, whereas only 50% of the 15N from the 15NH4Cl tracer remained in the leaves and 50% were allocated to stem, roots, and soil. There was no damage of the leaves by both salts, and thus both 15N tracers enable long‐term labeling in situ field studies on N rhizodeposition and allocation in soils. Nonetheless, the 15N incorporation by both salts was species specific: the leaf labeling with 15NH4Cl results in a more homogenous distribution between the tree compartments in both tree species and, therefore, 15NH4Cl is more appropriate for allocation studies. The leaf labeling with Ca(15NO3)2 is a suitable tool to produce highly enriched 15N leaf litter for further long term in situ decomposition and turnover studies.  相似文献   

Unless properly managed, acid sulphate soils can exert a range of negative environmental impacts, including soil acidification and mobilization of metals and metalloids. Incorporation of organic matter in the form of plant mulches can substantially neutralize sulphuric soils and prevent the oxidation of sulphidic soils. These positive effects of dead plants are largely mediated by bacterial reduction of sulphates to sulphides, using the organic matter as a microbial nutrient source. However, very little is known about the effects of live plants on acid sulphate soils. In this study, we compared pH, Eh and sulphate content of sulphidic and sulphuric soils that were not planted (i.e. unplanted) with those soils planted with the following three common wetland plants: Phragmites, Melaleuca and Typha. Each of these plants is capable of growth in aerobic and flooded soils. In all our experiments, the presence of plants correlated with an increase in soil acidification rather than neutralizing soil acidity when compared to unplanted controls. The mechanism for this appears to be transport of oxygen down the soil profile by aerenchymatous tissue formed in these species, and the release of oxygen into the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Mid‐infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) is assumed to be superior to near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for the prediction of soil constituents, but its usefulness is still not sufficiently explored. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of MIRS to predict the chemical and biological properties of organic matter in soils and litter. Reflectance spectra of the mid‐infrared region including part of the near‐infrared region (7000–400 cm–1) were recorded for 56 soil and litter samples from agricultural and forest sites. Spectra were used to predict general and biological characteristics of the samples as well as the C composition which was measured by 13C CPMAS‐NMR spectroscopy. A partial least‐square method and cross‐validation were used to develop equations for the different constituents over selected spectra ranges after several mathematical treatments of the spectra. Mid‐infrared spectroscopy predicted well the C : N ratio: the modeling efficiency EF was 0.95, the regression coefficient (a) of a linear regression (measured against predicted values) was 1.0, and the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.98. Satisfactorily (EF ≥ 0.70, 0.8 ≤ a ≤ 1.2, r ≥ 0.80) assessed were the contents of C, N, and lignin, the production of dissolved organic carbon, and the contents of carbonyl C, aromatic C, O‐alkyl C, and alkyl C. However, the N mineralization rate, the microbial biomass and the alkyl–to–aromatic C ratio were predicted less satisfactorily (EF < 0.70). Limiting the sample set to mineral soils did generally not result in improved predictions. The good and satisfactory predictions reported above indicate a marked usefulness of MIRS in the assessment of chemical characteristics of soils and litter, but the accuracies of the MIRS predictions in the diffuse‐reflectance mode were generally not superior to those of NIRS.  相似文献   

Forest management requires a profound understanding of how tree species affect C and N cycles in ecosystems. The large C and N stocks in forest soils complicate research on the effects of tree species on C and N pools. In‐situ 13C and 15N labeling in undisturbed, natural forests enable not only tracing of C and N fluxes, but also reveal insight into the interactions at the plant‐soil‐atmosphere interface. In‐situ dual 13C and 15N pulse labeling of 20 beeches (Fagus sylvatica L.) and 20 ashes (Fraxinus excelsior L.) allowed tracing the fate of assimilated C and N in trees and soils in an unmanaged forest system in the Hainich National Park (Germany). Leaf, stem, root, and soil samples as well as microbial biomass were analyzed to quantify the allocation of 13C and 15N for 60 d after labeling and along spatial gradients in the soil with increasing distance from the stem. For trees of similar heights (≈ 4 m), beech (20%) assimilated twice as much as ash (9%) of the applied 13CO2, but beech and ash incorporated similar 15N amounts (45%) into leaves. The photosynthates were transported belowground through the phloem more rapidly in beech than in ash. Ash preferentially accumulated 15N and 13C in the roots. In contrast, beech released more of this initially assimilated 13C (2.0% relative 13C allocation) and 15N (0.1% relative 15N allocation) via rhizodeposition into the soil than ash (0.2% relative 13C, 0.04% relative 15N allocation), which was also subsequently recovered in microbial biomass. These results on C and N partitioning contribute to an improved understanding of the effects of European beech and ash on the C and N cycles in deciduous broad‐leaved forest. Differences in C and N allocation patterns between ash and beech are one mechanism of niche differentiation in forests containing both species.  相似文献   

We summarize progress with respect to (1) different approaches to isolate, extract, and quantify organo‐mineral compounds from soils, (2) types of mineral surfaces and associated interactions, (3) the distribution and function of soil biota at organo‐mineral surfaces, (4) the distribution and content of organo‐mineral associations, and (5) the factors controlling the turnover of organic matter (OM) in organo‐mineral associations from temperate soils. Physical fractionation achieves a rough separation between plant residues and mineral‐associated OM, which makes density or particle‐size fractionation a useful pretreatment for further differentiation of functional fractions. A part of the OM in organo‐mineral associations resists different chemical treatments, but the data obtained cannot readily be compared among each other, and more research is necessary on the processes underlying resistance to treatments for certain OM components. Studies using physical‐fractionation procedures followed by soil‐microbiological analyses revealed that organo‐mineral associations spatially isolate C sources from soil biota, making quantity and quality of OM in microhabitats an important factor controlling community composition. The distribution and activity of soil microorganisms at organo‐mineral surfaces can additionally be modified by faunal activities. Composition of OM in organo‐mineral associations is highly variable, with loamy soils having generally a higher contribution of polysaccharides, whereas mineral‐associated OM in sandy soils is often more aliphatic. Though highly reactive towards Fe oxide surfaces, lignin and phenolic components are usually depleted in organo‐mineral associations. Charred OM associated with the mineral surface contributes to a higher aromaticity in heavy fractions. The relative proportion of OC bound in organo‐mineral fractions increases with soil depth. Likewise does the strength of the bonding. Organic molecules sorbed to the mineral surfaces or precipitated by Al are effectively stabilized, indicated by reduced susceptibility towards oxidative attack, higher thermal stability, and lower bioavailability. At higher surface loading, organic C is much better bioavailable, also indicated by little 14C age. In the subsurface horizons of the soils investigated in this study, Fe oxides seem to be the most important sorbents, whereas phyllosilicate surfaces may be comparatively more important in topsoils. Specific surface area of soil minerals is not always a good predictor for C‐stabilization potentials because surface coverage is discontinuous. Recalcitrance and accessibility/aggregation seem to determine the turnover dynamics in fast and intermediate cycling OM pools, but for long‐term OC preservation the interactions with mineral surfaces, and especially with Fe oxide surfaces, are a major control in all soils investigated here.  相似文献   

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