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Hydroponically grown maize (Zea mays L.) plants were deprived of the external source of sulfate following an initial period of 13 d during which the sulfur (S) supply was sufficient. The amounts of dry mass (DM), water, sulfate, sulfur, nitrate, ammonium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, boron, iron, copper, zinc, and manganese were monitored in the shoots and the roots for 10 d. The deprivation altered the nutritional balance between them, causing a 70% decrease of sulfate in shoots and roots after 2 d. At 10 d, 95% of sulfate had vanished in both shoots and roots. Total S remained rather constant in shoots or was slightly decreased in roots after 4 d. This coincided with a decrease of Fe in shoots after 4 d. The calculated decreases of S and Fe in –S shoots, up to 6 d were linearly correlated. Kinetic analysis of the changes revealed a sequence in their onset, and we distinguished early and late changes. Among the early changes, we highlight the following ones: (1) an increased amount of Cu in both shoots and roots at 2 d; Fe was 40% decreased in both shoots and roots at 2 d; (2) a decrease in transpiration rate by 35% after 2 d; (3) alterations in boron allocation; in –S shoots the % changes in S were linearly correlated with the corresponding % changes in B; (4) calcium content was not affected by the S deprivation in –S shoots, whilst it increased in –S root after d 2; (5) Mn and Mg decreased from the beginning and in a uniform fashion in both –S shoots and roots. Day 6 may be considered as the boundary between the early and late changes. The root fraction of DM increased progressively after 4 d. Changes in DM seemed to be similar to those of P. Changes of Zn also took place rather late. In –S shoots and for the time interval between 6 d and 10 d, linear correlations were found between the corresponding % changes of the pairs DM–S, DM–P, DM–N, DM–water, S–N, S–P, and N–P.  相似文献   

Acmella oleracea occurs in the Amazon forest and is widely consumed in regional cuisine and folk medicine. Many studies concerning its active principles are available, but few studies have been carried out regarding mineral nutrition. The aim of this study was to characterize deficiencies symptoms and nutritional content in Acmella oleracea. The experimental design applied was a randomized block with four replications. After blooming, following treatments were applied: complete solution, absence of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, and Boron. After harvesting, growth and nutrient content of inflorescences, new leaves, old leaves, and stems were assessed. The absence of aforementioned nutrients allowed for characterization of visual deficiency symptoms. The first observed symptom was absence of Nitrogen. The accumulation of macronutrients in inflorescences followed the order N?>?K?>?Ca?>?P?>?S?>?Mg, in new leaves, N?>?K?>?Ca?>?S>Mg?>?P, in old leaves, K?>?N?>?Ca?>?Mg?>?S?>?P, and in stems K?>?N?>?Ca?>?Mg?>?P?>?S. The greatest growth restrictions were observed in nitrogen and calcium absence treatments.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N)‐fertilizer applications to field‐grown maize may result in a dilution response whereby essential mineral‐element concentrations in shoots would decrease as shoot‐dry‐matter accumulation increased. To investigate this, the effect of N‐fertilizer treatments (no N or fertilizer rate based upon 5.3 or 8.5 t ha–1 yield goal) on maize (Zea mays L.) shoot dry weight and shoot mineral concentrations (N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca, and Mn) at the sixth leaf (V6), twelfth leaf (V12), and tassel (VT) development stages were investigated in a 2‐year study conducted at Brookings, South Dakota (USA). With increasing N‐fertilizer application rates, shoot dry weight was greater and shoot P and K concentrations decreased. A possible explanation of this dilution response is that planting‐time P and K fertilizers, which were applied in a band near the seed furrow, may have enhanced the uptake of P and K in a manner that was independent of N‐fertilizer treatments. Increased shoot‐dry‐weight production due to the application of N fertilizers, if P and K uptake were similar across N‐fertilizer treatments, would lead to decreased shoot P and K concentrations in N‐sufficient compared with N‐deficient plants. Conversely, N‐fertilizer‐induced increases in shoot dry weight were accompanied by increased shoot concentrations of N, Ca, and Mn. This synergistic response between dry‐weight accumulation and shoot N concentration was present at all leaf developmental stages studied, while that for Ca was present only at VT. Thus, N fertilizer applications that increase shoot dry weight can affect the dilution and synergistic responses of specific mineral nutrients in maize shoots. Crop developmental stage as well as the location of these specific mineral nutrients in the soil profile might play important roles in mediating these responses.  相似文献   

Balanced plant nutrition is essential to achieve high yields of canola (Brassica napus L.) and get the best economic return from applied fertilizers. A field study was conducted at nine site‐years across eastern Canada to investigate the effects of nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) and boron (B) fertilization on canola nutrient uptake, nutrient balance, and their relationship to canola yields. The factorial experiment consisted of four N rates of 0 (N0), 50 (N50), 100 (N100), and 150 (N150) kg ha?1, two S rates of 0 (S0) and 20 (S20) kg ha?1, and three B treatments of 0 (B0), 2 kg ha?1 at preplant (B2.0P), and 0.5 kg B ha?1 foliar‐applied at early flowering stage (B0.5F). Each site‐year used the same experimental design and assigned treatments in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Fertilizer S application greatly improved seed yields at six out of nine site‐years, and the highest N use efficiency was in the N150+S20 treatment. Sulfur application generally increased seed S concentration, seed S removal, and plant total S uptake, while B fertilization mainly elevated straw B concentration and content, with minimal effect on seed yields. At the early flowering stage, plant tissue S ranged from 2.2 to 6.6 mg S g?1, but the N : S ratio was over or close to the critical value of 12 in the N150+S0 combination at five site‐years. On average across nine site‐years, canola reached a plateau yield of 3580 kg ha?1 when plants contained 197 kg N ha?1, 33 kg S ha?1 and 200 g B ha?1, with a seed B content of 60 g B ha?1. The critical N, S, and B values identified in this work and their potential for a posteriori nutrient diagnosis of canola should be useful to validate fertilizer requirements for canola production in eastern Canada.  相似文献   

Simple tools for diagnosing crop nutritional status are in great demand by agricultural extension staff, particularly in low‐fertility environments. We developed the first practical method for in situ diagnosis of phosphorus (P) nutrition in field‐grown cereal crops by using a handheld colorimeter. The concentration of P in extracts from fresh leaves of lowland rice grown under various P availabilities was closely correlated with that of oven‐dried leaves measured with the standard molybdenum‐blue method in the laboratory, over a range of values from 0.319 to 1.420 mg P g ?1 DW (r = 0.885**, n = 14). It takes only 3–5 min to estimate the P concentration of plant samples using the new technique. Although not as accurate as the laboratory method, the new method can easily detect P deficiency of rice in the field (and possibly other cereal crops) without requiring costly, off‐site equipment. Thus, extension staff and agronomists can easily adopt this technique.  相似文献   

Background : Since recently, the traditional rice–wheat rotation systems in Nepal are subject to drastic changes. Progressing urbanisation and shifting consumer preferences drive a replacement of wheat by high‐value vegetables during the cold dry season, particularly in the peri‐urban fringes, while emerging water shortages prevent permanent soil flooding during the monsoon season, leading to partial substitution of lowland rice by less water‐consuming upland crops. Associated changes in soil aeration status affect soil nutrient availability while particularly vegetables enhance the demand for the critically limiting micronutrients boron (B) and zinc (Zn). Aim : In both rice‐ (anaerobic) and maize‐based (aerobic) systems we assessed the differential response of traditional winter wheat in comparison to cauliflower and tomato to applied B and Zn fertilizers. Methods : Experiments were conducted (1) in a pot trial with two contrasting soil types (Acrisol vs. Fluvisol) and (2) in field validation trials at two contrasting sites (representing lowland vs. mid‐hills) in Nepal. Results : The on‐going shift from flooded rice to aerobic maize during the wet season negatively affected dry matter accumulation and grain yield of the dry season wheat, but not of cauliflower and tomato. While Zn application tended to increase wheat yields under field conditions, B application induced no significant effect, irrespective of the soil or production site. However, low to moderate applications of B (2.0–4.4 kg ha?1) and Zn (3.3–4.4 kg ha?1) nearly doubled biomass accumulation and nutrient uptake of vegetables and increased the economic yields of cauliflower and tomato between 8 and > 100%. These responses were generally more pronounced in the Fluvisol than the Acrisol. While overall yields of wheat and temperate vegetables were higher in the cool mid‐hills the relative yield responses to applied B were more pronounced in the lowland than the mid‐hill sites. On average, the partial factor productivities of applied fertilizer were low to moderate in wheat, with 1 and 8 € increase in net revenue per € of investment in B and Zn, respectively. In the vegetables, this partial factor productivity increased to about 4 € €?1 investment with Zn, and reached about 43 € €?1 investment in B, irrespective of the production site. Conclusions : While the application of Zn fertilizers can moderately improve the performance of traditional rice–wheat rotations, B and to a lesser extent Zn application become essential and highly profitable when shifting towards vegetable cropping. The demand for B and Zn fertilizers is foreseen to dramatically increase with progressing urbanisation and the associated shifts in production systems of Nepal.  相似文献   

To evaluate the soil‐fertility sustainability of the fallow systems, nutrient concentrations and NH4+‐N mineralization were determined in different soil and fallow types in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon. Two experiments were conducted, the first comprised planted leguminous tree Calliandra calothyrsus, planted leguminous Pueraria phaseoloides, and regrowth mainly composed of Chromolaena odorata on the Typic Kandiudult. The second experiment made up of a fallow dominated by C. odorata, a fallow with C. odorata removed, and a P. phaseoloides fallow on the Rhodic Kandiudult, Typic Kandiudult, and Typic Kandiudox. In the first experiment, available P, Ca2+, K+ concentrations and effective CEC under C. calothyrsus were, respectively, 40%, 22%, 45%, and 15% lower when compared to P. phaseoloides but no differences were found between soils under P. phaseoloides and C. odorata. Mineralization of NH4+‐N was higher under C. calothyrsus than under C. odorata‐ and P. phaseoloides‐fallow types, indicating the impoverishment of organic material under the former. In the second experiment, the beneficial effect of P. phaseoloides was found in the Rhodic Kandiudult in the 0–10 cm layer throughout its low NH4+ release from mineralization. In the Typic Kandiudult, no differences in NH4+‐N mineralization were found between C. odorata and P. phaseoloides fallows. In the Typic Kandiudox, there was no difference in NH4+ mineralization between the three fallow types. According to the nutrient concentrations and NH4+ mineralization, the fertility sustainability of the different fallow types may be ranked as follow: P. phaseoloidesC. odorata > C. calothyrsus > fallow without C. odorata.  相似文献   

Four long‐term mineral fertilization trials (50 years) on a Haplic Phaeozem derived from sandy loess were conducted. Fertilization caused changes to the plough layer (0—25 cm) and to the undisturbed subsoil. Without lime, most remarkable acidification occurred in the plough layer, but only slight effects were evident in the subsoil. Where lime was applied, a considerable amount of Ca‐sulphate was formed. This leached out of the plough layer and accumulated throughout the profile, especially in dry years. Where fertilization was not adequate, there was a substantial contribution of K and P from the subsoil (mainly of its upper parts). Where the supply of these two elements continously exceeded their removal, a distinct increase of available K and P at depths of about 50 cm indicated transfer of both elements to the subsoil. Due to the high fixing capacity of both P and K in layers beneath 50 cm, leaching out of the rooting zone can be ignored. Mg and especially Na, applied with some of the fertilizers, were more mobile than K.  相似文献   

The use of pyrolysis products of manures gives positive effects on soil fertility, crop productivity and soil carbon sequestration. However, effects depend on soil characteristics, plant species and the raw material from which the biochar is derived, and some negative effects of biochar have been reported. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of poultry manure (PM)‐derived biochar on the growth, and P, N, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn concentration of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plant. The treatments as follows: control, 20 g/kg poultry manure (PM), 20 g/kg phosphorus‐enriched poultry manure (PM+P), 10 g/kg Biochar (B), 10 g/kg Biochar+P (B+P). Application of biochar and PM significantly increased lettuce growth, and P‐enriched forms of PM and biochar gave the higher growth. PM has no significant effect on the N concentrations but biochar and, P‐enriched PM and biochar treatments significantly increased N concentrations. Phosphorus concentration of the lettuce leaves significantly increased by PM and biochar treatments. Plant K concentrations were also increased by PM and biochar, and their P‐enriched forms. Leaf Ca and Mg concentrations were lower in Biochar and B+P treatments than that of PM and PM+P treatments. Compared to control and PM treatments, biochar applications reduced Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations of the lettuce plants. The results of this study indicated that application of biochar to alkaline soil is beneficial for crop growth and N, P and K nutrition, but it certainly reduced Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn nutrition of lettuce.  相似文献   

A rhizobox experiment was conducted to compare the differences of soil potassium (K) distribution and absorption between two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes under drought and K‐deficit conditions. Treatments included two levels of water (drought and optimum soil moisture: 25% and 35% volumetric water content) and K fertilizer rates (0 and 0.48 g potash kg?1 soil) applied to two cotton genotypes (namely HEG and LEG). Both the genotypes showed significant differences in total K accumulation without exogenous K addition. After absorption, soil content of the readily available potassium (RAK) decreased rapidly. This promoted the conversion of the mineral K into slowly available potassium (SAK). Drought significantly decreased the cotton growth and K use efficiency, and thereby reduced the effect of K fertilizer. Consequantly, the contents of RAK and SAK were greatly increased. However, K bioavailability was decreased under water stress conditions. Differences in root parameters and soil microorganisms between two cotton genotypes were significantly increased and had marked relations with available soil K contents. This study provides important information for understanding the mechanism of K use efficiency, especially under water and K stress.  相似文献   

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