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Streptococcus spp. and other Gram-positive, catalase-negative cocci (PNC) form a large group of microorganisms which can be found in the milk of cows with intramammary infection. The most frequently observed PNC mastitis pathogens (major pathogens) are Streptococcus uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae, and Strep. agalactiae. The remaining PNC include a few minor pathogens and a large nonpathogenic group. Improved methods are needed for the accurate identification and differentiation of PNC.A total of 151 PNC were collected from cows with intramammary infection and conclusively identified by 16S rRNA sequencing as reference method. Nine phenotypic microbiological tests (alpha-hemolysis, CAMP reaction, esculin hydrolysis, growth on kanamycin esculin azide agar and on sodium chloride agar, inulin fermentation, hippurate hydrolysis, leucine aminopeptidase and pyrrolidonyl peptidase activity), multiplex PCR for the three major pathogens (target genes for Strep. uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. agalactiae: pauA, 16S rRNA, and sklA3, respectively), and mass spectroscopy using the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF MS) were evaluated for the diagnosis and discrimination of the three clinically most relevant PNC.


The probability that a strain of Strep. uberis, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. agalactiae was correctly identified by combining the results of the 9 phenotypic tests was 92%, 90%, and 100%, respectively. Applying the multiplex PCR, all strains of the three major pathogens were correctly identified and no false positive results occurred. Correct identification was observed for all strains of Strep. uberis and Strep. agalactiae using MALDI-TOF MS. In the case of Strep. dysgalactiae, some variability was observed at the subspecies level, but all strains were allocated to one single cluster.


The results of the present study show that reliable identification of the clinically most relevant PNC (Strep. uberis, Strep. agalactiae and Strep. dysgalactiae) can be obtained by use of a combination of colony morphology, hemolysis type and catalase reaction, and a multiplex PCR with specific primers restricted to these 3 pathogens. The MALDI-TOF MS is a fast method that shows promising results, although identification of Strep. dysgalactiae at the subspecies level is not yet satisfactory.  相似文献   

In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility tests were carried out on 48 strains of Prototheca zopfii, an achlorophyllous algae causing refractory mastitis in dairy cows; 27 antimicrobials were evaluated. All strains were susceptible to both myxin and nystatin. In addition, 22 strains were susceptible to amphotericin B, 21 to polymyxin B, and 18 to gentamicin. Only 1 strain was susceptible to kanamycin. All strains were resistant to ampicillin, bacitracin, carbenicillin, cephalothin, chloramphenicol, clotrimazole, cloxacillin, erythromycin, flucytosine, ketoconazole, lincomycin, miconazole, neomycin, nitrofurazone, novobiocin, oleandomycin, penicillin, rifampin, streptomycin, tetracycline, and vancomycin.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between conventional tube coagulase, macrocupsular coagulase, latex agglutination, and miniaturized biochemical test systems for identification of Staphylococcus aureus of bovine origin. A total of 303 gram-positive, catalase-positive cocci of bovine origin were tested. Agreement between each pair of 4-hour tube coagulase, macrocupsular coagulase, latex agglutination, and miniaturized biochemical test results within isolates was greater than 95.0. Seventeen (5.6%) isolates were test negative for 4-hour tube coagulase, but test positive for 24-hour tube coagulase. Thirteen (76.5%) of these isolates were identified as S hyicus, 3 were S aureus, and 1 was not identified.  相似文献   

The outer membrane protein (OMP) profiles of two strains of capsular type A Pasteurella multocida isolated from the lungs of pigs with enzootic pneumonia were studied. Sarkosyl extracted OMPs from P. multocida grown under iron-restricted and iron-replete conditions were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis. Results showed that the iron-regulated outer membrane proteins (IROMPs) with molecular masses of 74 kDa, 94 kDa, 99 kDa and 109 kDa were expressed by strain A52, while 74 kDa, 82 kDa, 94 kDa and 99 kDa IROMPs were expressed by strain B80. Swine immune sera, obtained from pigs which were first immunized with a polyvalent P. multocida type A and type D bacterin and subsequently challenged with type A strain of P. multocida, contained antibodies against the IROMPs. These antibodies cross-reacted with the IROMPs expressed by avian strain P1059 of P. multocida. Convalescent-phase serum obtained from turkeys which survived fowl cholera, also cross-reacted with the IROMPs from porcine strains of P. multocida. These results suggested that IROMPs from porcine and avian strains of P. multocida may share common epitopes that were recognized by swine immune serum as well as turkey convalescent-phase serum.  相似文献   

A strain of Pasteurella multocida of avian origin expressed high molecular weight outer membrane proteins when grown in turkey plasma or in brain-heart infusion broth containing the iron chelator dipyridyl. The proteins were not detected when this strain was grown in brain-heart infusion broth or in brain-heart infusion broth containing dipyridyl and excess iron.  相似文献   

The coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are the most prevalent mastitis pathogen group yet their virulence characteristics have not been well described. We investigated the presence of 19 classical and newly described staphylococcal superantigen (SAg) genes in CNS isolates from bovine intramammary infections (IMI). A total of 263 CNS representing 11 different Staphylococcus spp. were examined, and 31.2% (n = 82) of CNS isolates had one or more SAg genes; there were 21 different SAg gene combinations. The most prevalent combination of SAg genes (seb, seln and selq; n = 45) was found in S. chromogenes, S. xylosus, S. haemolyticus, S. sciuri subsp. carnaticus, S. simulans and S. succinus. The genes for SAgs appear to be widely distributed amongst CNS isolated from bovine IMI.  相似文献   

Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 20 antimicrobial agents were determined against 51 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus from bovine intramammary infections. Fourteen (27.4%) isolates were resistant to benzylpenicillin, but none of the isolates was resistant to cloxacillin, nafcillin, or cephems. Among aminoglycosides, gentamicin was the most active, with an MIC50 of 0.2 microg/ml, followed by kanamycin, with an MIC50 of 0.78 microg/ml. Five isolates (9.8%) were resistant to dihydrostreptomycin, three isolates (5.9%) to kanamycin and two isolates (3.9%) to gentamicin. Resistance to erythromycin was observed in two isolates (3.9%). Tylosin was less active than erythromycin, with MIC50s of 1.56 microg/ml versus 0.39 microg/ml, but none of the isolates was resistant to this antibiotic. Oxytetracycline MICs were situated in the range of 0.39-1.56 microg/ml for 48 susceptible isolates. Although 19 (37.3%) isolates were resistant to one or more antimicrobial agents, a single resistance pattern was most frequent: benzylpenicillin (12 isolates), dihydrostreptomycin (two isolates) and kanamycin (one isolate). There were no isolates resistant to antimicrobial agents such as methicillin, lincomycin, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, florfenicol and virginiamycin, which have not been approved for use in cattle husbandry in Japan.  相似文献   

Mannheimia haemolytica is a Gram negative bacterium that is part of the bovine respiratory disease, which causes important economic losses in the livestock industry. In the present work, the interaction between M. haemolytica A1 and bovine lactoferrin (BLf) was studied. This iron-chelating glycoprotein is part of the mammalian innate-immune system and is present in milk and mucosal secretions; Lf is also contained in neutrophils secondary granules, which release this glycoprotein at infection sites. It was evidenced that M. haemolytica was not able to use iron-charged BLf (BholoLf) as a sole iron source; nevertheless, iron-lacked BLf (BapoLf) showed a bactericidal effect against M. haemolytica with MIC of 4.88 ± 1.88 and 7.31 ± 1.62 μM for M. haemolytica strain F (field isolate) and M. haemolytica strain R (reference strain), respectively. Through overlay assays and 2-D electrophoresis, two OMP of 32.9 and 34.2 kDa with estimated IP of 8.18 and 9.35, respectively, were observed to bind both BapoLf and BholoLf; these OMP were identified by Maldi-Tof as OmpA (heat-modifiable OMP) and a membrane protein (porin). These M. haemolytica BLf binding proteins could be interacting in vivo with both forms of BLf depending on the iron state of the bovine.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13567-016-0378-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Coliform organisms were isolated from bedding, udders of cows exhibiting acute or chronic mastitis, and milk of cows tested for udder pathogens. The bactericidal activity of standard bovine serum was tested on 362 isolates, of which 2.4% were killed at a serum dilution of less than 1:5; 2.7% were killed at a dilution of 1.5; 3.0% were killed at a dilution of 1:12.5; and 4.4% were sensitive to a dilution of 1:25. Organisms isolated from mastitic udders were not killed by serum. Sensitivity to agglutination in 1:500 solution of acriflavine was tested on 157 isolates, and only 54 had any degree of agglutination. Of these 54, only 4 organisms had any susceptibility to killing by serum. Results suggest that most organisms in the environment of the cow are resistant to serum, few serum-sensitive coliforms cause mastitis, and agglutination in acriflavine (indicating organisms in the rough phase) does not correlate with sensitibity to serum.  相似文献   

Data on the infection status of cows on seven commercial dairy farms were collected over 492 full lactations. Foremilk samples were taken at an average interval of five weeks. A total of 249 streptococcal and 433 staphylococcal infections were diagnosed. Spontaneous elimination occurred in 49 per cent of all streptococcal infections and in 54 per cent of Staphylococcus aureus infections. The average duration of spontaneously eliminated infections was 10.8 weeks for Streptococcus agalactiae, 9.9 weeks for Strep dysgalactiae, 10.4 weeks for Strep uberis and 12.8 weeks for Staph aureus. The average duration of infections persisting until drying off was 19.3 weeks for Strep agalactiae, 18.7 weeks for Strep dysgalactiae, 18.5 weeks for Strep uberis and 25.2 weeks for Staph aureus. The method and rate of elimination of infection as found in this analysis are of value for estimating new infection rates and selecting quarters for dry cow therapy.  相似文献   

Three hundred and eighty-four Staphylococcus aureus isolates obtained from mammary secretions from 332 ewes kept for meat production were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The ewes were from 242 flocks located in 13 counties distributed in four regions of Norway. In total, 64 different pulsotypes were identified, 31 of these were represented by a single isolate. Fifty-nine percent of the isolates belonged to one of five closely related pulsotypes. This group of pulsotypes occurred in all the counties. Although widely disseminated, the proportions of the prevalent and closely related pulsotypes differed between the regions. Nine pulsotypes were unique to single regions but the number of isolates belonging to each of these pulsotypes was low. Resistance to penicillin was found in only 3 of the 384 S. aureus isolates. These represented three different single banding patterns, not related to any of the prevalent pulsotypes found.  相似文献   

Three-hundred-and-seventy-eight strains of coliform bacteria were isolated from specimens of commonly sold milk and food products. Klebsiella and Enterobacter spp. were predominating. Resistance to sulphonamides, streptomycin, and chloramphenicol occurred in only 5, 1, and 2 strains, respectively. No tetracycline-resistant strains were found. Two-hundred-and-two strains (54 %) were resistant to ampicillin. In genetic crosses with a sensitive strain of E. coli Κ 12 W 3132 transmissible R factors could not be demonstrated in any of the resistant coliform strains.It is concluded that food is not a significant source of antibiotic resistant enteric bacteria. It may, however, be suggested that food is a source of potentially pathogenic gram-negative bacteria which points out the importance of strict hygienic surveillance of food production.  相似文献   

革兰阴性菌外膜囊泡的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外膜囊泡(outer membrane vesicles,OMVs)是革兰阴性(G^-)菌从细胞膜上脱落下来的囊泡,携带有细菌的大量组分,如外膜蛋白、脂多糖、脱氧核糖核酸等。由于OMVs无活性、不能复制且具有免疫原性,所以被认为是最具潜力的亚单位疫苗,同时OMVs对细菌本身具有多种作用,故OMVs成为研究的热点。本文从G^-菌OMVs的组成成分、形成机制、生物学功能、提取纯化方法及其开发应用前景5个方面综述其研究现状,为G^-菌的致病机制研究、OMVs的疫苗开发应用提供技术指导。  相似文献   

Outer membrane protein (OMP)-enriched extracts of avian strains of Pasteurella multocida were examined by use of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Culture medium did not have a significant effect on the OMP profiles of strains of P multocida examined; however, in vivo propagation had an appreciable effect on the OMP profile composition of the reference strain P-1059. Such bacteria, expressed several additional OMP in the 27-kD, 48-kD, 56-kD, 60-kD, 80-kD, and 94-kD molecular mass regions. These OMP were not detected in the electrophorogram of strain P-1059 grown in vitro. The OMP profiles of reference strains of the 16 serotypes of P multocida did not identify any serotype-specific protein markers. Field strains of serotype A:3 had variation in OMP profiles and did not express OMP that all were identical to that expressed by the reference strain P-1059. The live attenuated CU and M9 bacterial vaccine strains expressed strain-specific OMP markers of 48-kD and 45-kD molecular masses, respectively. These strain-specific OMP markers may be used to differentiate these strains from virulent field strains that are of the same serotype and isolated from turkeys that have succumbed to pasteurellosis as a result of vaccine-related reactions or breakdown in immunity.  相似文献   

The humoral immune response to crude outer membrane proteins (comp) of S. typhimurium in mice has been characterized. Maximal and quicker antibody response was observed when 50 micrograms of comp was injected intraperitoneally. The comp of smooth C5 strain of S. typhimurium evoked antibody response to both lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and proteins. Absorption of these sera with LPS coated erythrocytes eliminated the antibodies to LPS completely, while the antibody level to protein was left unaltered. The comp from rough mutant (lacking O-specific chain of LPS) of S. typhimurium elicited antibodies to proteins but not to LPS. These results indicate the concomitant production of antibodies to Salmonella outer membrane proteins also. The significance of such antibodies in protection and diagnosis has been discussed.  相似文献   

The SDS-PAGE patterns of the outer membrane protein (OMP) extracts of Pasteurella multocida strain P1059, grown under iron-restricted, iron-replete and in vivo conditions, were examined. The results showed that the iron-regulated outer membrane proteins (IROMPs) with molecular masses of 76 kDa, 84 kDa, and 94 kDa were expressed by bacteria grown in iron-restricted media. They were also expressed by in vivo grown P. multocida. Convalescent-phase sera, obtained from turkeys which had survived pasteurellosis, contained antibodies that reacted intensly with th three IROMPs. This indicated that these proteins were expressed in vivo. Bacteria expressing the IROMPs showed greater binding to Congo Red when compared to cells not expressing IROMPs. Cells expressing the IROMPs or its OMP extracts grown in iron-restricted media also showed greater binding to 59Fe-pasteurella siderophore (multocidin) when compared to bacteria or its extracts not expressing IROMPs. Convalescent-phase sera, which contained antibodies against the IROMPs, blocked this specific 59Fe-multocidin binding to IROMPs. Autoradiography was used to determine which of these IROMPs functioned as a receptor for the iron-multocidin complex. The results suggested that these three IROMPs have specific epitopes for binding to the iron multocidin complex.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida and Pasteurella haemolytica produce specific proteins in the outer membrane under iron-depleted conditions. Pasteurella multocida serovar A expresses these proteins of molecular masses of 76 and 96 kDa as determined by electrophoresis. The analogous serovar D produces a further iron-regulated protein of 85 kDa. The Pasteurella haemolytica strains of serovar A1, A6 and T contain iron-regulated outer membrane proteins of molecular masses of 71, 77 and 100 kDa. These proteins possess binding positions for iron ions. Both Pasteurella multocida and Pasteurella haemolytica strains utilize iron from porcine and bovine transferrin, but not from haemin and haemoglobin.  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌外膜蛋白的免疫原性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对来自江西、广东、上海三省市的82个副猪嗜血杆菌野外分离株进行SDS-PAGE分析,采用强毒力野外分离株的多克隆抗血清,通过Western blotting对副猪嗜血杆菌OMP和全细胞蛋白的免疫原性进行研究,寻找具有共同抗原决定簇的免疫原性蛋白.结果表明免疫血清对不同来源的分离株具有良好的交叉免疫反应,患病猪的分离株OMP和全细胞蛋白具有较强的免疫原性,健康猪的分离株OMP免疫原性较全细胞蛋白免疫原性弱.不同菌株的共同免疫原性蛋白为OMP中相对分子质量为37 000~40 000、28 000~30 000的蛋白.  相似文献   

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