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In order to study and monitor rates of rooting, callusing and survival, small diameter stem cuttings (less than 0.4 cm) with eight nodes (12–14 cm long) were taken from trees in the field at different times of the year in tests with small batches of cuttings. Among the four tested substrates, well drained crushed basalt powder placed on a bed of gravel was the best rooting medium. Rooting was generally poor or even non-existent with this type of cutting, but the presence of leaves both promoted rooting and significantly (using Chi square test) improved survival of the cutting. Four leaves were sufficient to assure the necessary metabolic functions. Only stem cuttings collected during the rainy season gave roots and then, only when hormonal treatments were applied to the cuttings. 8%-IBA resulted in significantly better rooting than did 2%-IBA, 0.2%-NAA and 1%-IAA. With 8%-IBA, the rate of rooting varied between 50 and 70% for leafy cuttings collected in the rainy season. Hormonal treatments had a significant effect on the survival rate of the stem cuttings during the two months observation period. Further investigations are being conducted with different types of cuttings.  相似文献   

Acacia senegal, an important leguminous tree in arid and semi-arid environments, has shown promise as a multipurpose species, including gum production and soil fertility improvement, linked with N2-fixation capabilities. Of particular interest are ontogenetic and edaphic effects on A. senegal performance in natural populations. Our research objectives were to investigate the effect of tree age and site phosphorus conditions on (1) tree N2-fixation and (2) soil N and C dynamics in natural stands of A. senegal var. senegal, Baringo District, in the Rift Valley, Kenya. Sites consisted of A. senegal saplings (9 months) and mature A. senegal trees (7 years) along an edaphic gradient of soil P availability. A single-tree neighborhood approach was employed using a two by two factorial design: site conditions [high and low soil P contents] and tree age class [juvenile and mature]. Soil (N and C pools and fluxes) and plant metrics were quantified. A soil transfer experiment was also employed to confirm age and site effects on soil N mineralization. On the high soil P site, A. senegal had significantly lower foliar (15N levels than neighboring non-leguminous species (Balanites aegyptiaca), while foliar δ15N values in A. senegal on the low P site exhibited no significant difference with our reference plant, B. aegyptiaca. Across P sites, B. aegyptiaca had similar foliar δ15N values. These results indicate that the rate of N2-fixation of A. senegal trees, as determined with foliar 15N natural abundance methodology, increased with increasing soil P availability in these natural populations. However, N2-fixation rates declined with age. Although soil texture and soil CO2 efflux did not differ between sites or across ages, soils under mature A. senegal at the high P site exhibited significantly greater total N content and total C content in comparison to soils at the low P site and under juvenile plants. Furthermore, under mature A. senegal trees, soil N mineralization rates were significantly greater as compared to under saplings. Soil transplants confirmed that soil microbial activity may be stimulated under mature trees as N mineralization rates were 2-3 fold greater compared to under A. senegal saplings. Our findings suggest that tree age and soil P availability are important factors in the nitrogen budget of natural populations of A. senegal, determining N2-fixation rates, and potentially influencing soil total N and C pools and soil mineral N. This study provides information regarding the adaptation of A. senegal under differing edaphic conditions thus increasing accuracy of management support for A. senegal populations as productive agroforests.  相似文献   

This study represents a geographical approach to morphological variation of cones, needles and seeds in natural dragon spruce (Picea asperata Mast.) populations across western China and the relationship between morphological traits and weather variation for the origins of populations. Significant differences were found for all cone, needle and seed traits among populations and trees within populations. The coefficients of variation in 2 higher latitude populations were higher than those in other populations in all traits except for needle width and seed width. Fairly high within-population variability was also detected for cone dry weight, seed dry weight and needle traits in this study. Cone length, cone width, cone dry weight, seed scale length, seed scale width and seed wing length were strongly positively intercorrelated. Seed length and seed dry weight showed a significantly positive correlation with seed wing length. And needle width showed a significant negative correlation with cone traits, seed scale length, seed wing length and seed length. The higher the annual mean temperature, the higher the average cone length. This study also revealed a negative linear dependence on latitude: the higher the latitude, the lower the population average seed length. Seed dry weight was positively and linearly related with altitude.  相似文献   

An herbivorous insect, the green oak leaf roller (Tortrix viridana) and one of its host species, pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), were investigated for their genetic variation within and among populations on the basis of mitochondrial, chloroplast, and anonymous markers. Oaks and green oak leaf rollers from 10 oak stands in North Rhine-Westphalia (North-Western Germany) were examined. The genetic variation of pedunculate oaks is much lower within than among populations when assessed using chloroplast gene markers and higher among populations when assessed using anonymous markers. When using mitochondrial and AFLP markers, the genetic variation of the green oak leaf roller populations was higher within than among the populations, which suggests a high gene flow between the populations. Mantel tests on the gene diversities of oaks and the green oak leaf roller yielded a significant negative correlation for both marker types. To sum up, the reasons for the differences in the spatial patterns of the genetic variation of the host and herbivorous insect may be found in their different generation times, mechanisms and capacities for dispersal.The results for the green oak leaf roller revealed a higher migration rate than assumed before which has consequences for the prediction of the dynamics of future outbreak events.  相似文献   

Romero-Severson  Jeanne  Aldrich  Preston  Feng  Yi  Sun  Weilin  Michler  Charles 《New Forests》2003,26(1):43-49
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation was examined in 48 northern red oaks at 14 sites representing contrasting glacial histories and age structures within the state of Indiana in the United States. PCR-RFLP of three intergenic regions revealed five haplotypes. Haplotype I was common to seven sites and was the most frequent (17 trees). Haplotype II was common to five sites and was nearly as frequent as haplotype I (16 trees). Haplotypes III, IV and V were equally infrequent and did not occur together. Genetic diversity resided among rather than within populations (GST = 0.73 ± 0.14). This preliminary survey shows that cpDNA diversity will be a useful tool for the investigation of ancient seed dispersal patterns in northern red oak.  相似文献   

在海南省琼海县进行了不同林龄、不同采伐方式对大叶相思萌芽更新影响的研究,同时比较了保留不同萌条数量的萌芽林生长表现。结果表明:(1)林龄对伐桩萌芽率没有显著影响,但对伐桩存活率及萌条的径、高生长影响显著或极显著。林龄越大,萌芽更新效果越差;(2)皆伐和隔行采伐对大叶相思伐桩的萌芽率、萌条数量和存活率均无显著影响,但对萌条的径、高生长影响极显著。试验证明对大叶相思林分施以隔行采伐通过萌芽更新建立复层  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a case study conducted to find out the influence of single row bund plantation of Acacia nilotica var. juquemontii on the growth and yield of associated wheat crop under irrigated conditions in Haryana, India. The indications are that the tree line does affect all crop parameters like height growth, shoot numbers, ear length, grain number and grain yield in the vicinity of trees upto 4 m distance from the tree line and establishes that as the distance from the tree line increases the growth and yield of wheat crop also improves. The effect on wheat crop was found more pronounced in the plots laid out towards the middle of the tree line as compared to plots towards the outer border.  相似文献   

以国家开发银行贷款建设200 hm2黑木相思与速生桉用材林培育为例,采用动态经济分析方法进行财务净现值、内部收益率等指标及投资不确定性分析,研究两者投资经营的经济效益。结果表明,计算期(13a)内,黑木相思和速生桉用材林的内部收益率、投资利润率和资本金利润率均高于行业基准收益率(8%),项目可行。黑木相思的财务净现值、内部收益率高于速生桉,其经济效益好,盈利能力和抗风险能力强。  相似文献   

Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. is an important species for agroforestry and commercial plantations in India. Results of a combined provenance–progeny trial of E. tereticornis laid out in 2002 at Midnapore (West Bengal) located in eastern tropical region of India are reported and discussed. Twelve provenances representing 70 families from Australia and Papua New Guinea were evaluated up to the age of 3 years. As a local seed source open-pollinated seed collected from a land race, i.e., Mysore gum (commonly known as Eucalyptus hybrid) was used to serve as check material (control). Significant variation in plant height, clean stem height, girth at breast height (GBH) and field survival was observed due to provenances, as well as families within provenances. This offers an ample scope to a breeder for increasing the growth and productivity in E. tereticornis through selection of provenances and families having potential for higher productivity. Heritability (narrow sense) values were appreciable for growth traits. Within provenance individual tree heritability estimates for height, clean stem length, GBH and number of branches at age 3 years were 0.318, 0.215, 0.269 and 0.231, respectively (assuming a coefficient of relationship of 0.4 for open-pollinated families of E. tereticornis). Provenance of Walsh River, Queensland Australia performed best for plant height, clean stem height, GBH, number of branches and field survival. Apart from this, the provenance from Oro bay to Emo, Papua New Guinea and Burdekin river, Queensland also showed good performance. Provenance from Yurammie, SF from New South Wales performed poorest for growth and survival. Correlations on growth traits were high and statistically significant, indicating that substantial gains could be achieved through indirect selection for one trait based on the direct selection for another. Age–age genetic correlations between age 1 and 3 years for the growth traits were highly significant and positive. Geographic clinal variation pattern was observed as latitude was negatively correlated with height and GBH (P < 0.05); longitude with number of branches (negative, P < 0.05). Fair differences were observed between phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variability.  相似文献   

Annual litter fall of Acacia mangium in the period of September 1995 to August 1996 was estimated at 5939 kg ha−1 year−1 and from September 1995 to August 1996 at 6048 kg ha−1 year−1, with the highest seasonal production in the dry season. The litter fall was dominated mainly by leaves, 4446 kg (75%) and 4137 kg (68%), respectively. Seed production in the litter fall was estimated at 42.4 kg ha−1 year−1 (4.1 million seeds ha−1) and 39 kg ha−1 year−1 (3.8 million seeds ha−1), with the highest in the dry season from June to October. The accumulated litter fall in the forest floor together with shrubs and grass provide a high fuel load, increasing fire risk.  相似文献   

Blakesley  David  Pakkad  Greuk  James  Celia  Torre  Franck  Elliott  Stephen 《New Forests》2004,27(1):89-100
Castanopsis acuminatissima (Bl.) A. DC. is one of a number of framework species which are being planted to restore seasonally dry tropical forests in northern Thailand. This study describes the level of microsatellite variation within and among three populations of this species in three National Parks in northern Thailand: Doi Suthep-Pui, Doi Inthanon and Jae Sawn, using published primers developed for Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii Nakai. The five microsatellite loci employed in this study detected a total of 54 alleles (n = 72). The informativeness of the microsatellite loci varied from six to 18 alleles, with an average of 10.8 alleles found over all loci. The mean observed heterozygosities in the three populations showed no significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. The vast majority of genetic diversity was contained within the populations, with no significant differentiation between them (FST = 0.006). Algorithms were designed to capture microsatellite diversity, and the rationale for using microsatellite markers to inform genetic conservation is discussed. The implications for seed collection of C. acuminatissima for forest restoration are also discussed.  相似文献   

Ten different two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) populations were collected from greenhouses in two geographically different regions of Turkey, Antalya and Isparta. Individual spider mites were homogenized in microplates using multi-homogenizer, and the genetic variations in the esterase of these populations were studied by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results showed that esterase enzymes were polymorphic in all populations in both regions. However more intrapopulation and interpopulation variations were observed in the population from Antalya region.  相似文献   

In order to assess the genetics of fall cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), shoot cuttings were collected in October from saplings (9-year-old trees) of open-pollinated families in two progeny tests in each of two breeding zones in Washington, one in the Coast range (80 families) and one on the west slope of the Cascade Mountains (89 families). Samples from over 5500 trees were subjected to artificial freezing and visually evaluated for needle, stem and bud tissue injury. The extent to which cold injury is genetically related to tree height and shoot phenology (timing of bud burst and bud set) was also evaluated.

Significant family variation was found for all cold hardiness traits; however, individual heritability estimates were relatively low (ranging from 0.09 to 0.22). Significant family-by-test site interaction was detected for needle injury in the Cascade breeding zone, but not in the coastal zone. Genetic correlations (rA) among needle, stem and bud tissues for cold damage were weak (0.16 ≤ rA ≤ 0.58) indicating that genes controlling fall hardening are somewhat different for different tissues. Timing of bud burst and bud set were only weakly correlated with cold injury (rA ≤ 0.49). Thus, bud phenology is a poor predictor of fall cold hardiness in this species. There was no consistent relationship between tree height and cold injury in the coastal zone. In the Cascade zone, taller trees appeared to be more susceptible to cold injury, but the association was weak (mean rA = 0.38, range 0.20 – 0.72).  相似文献   

The effects of nursery practices on genetic composition and structure were studied inChamaecyparis obtusa by analyzing seeds and one-, two-, and three-year-old seedlings. Enzyme polymorphisms of the6Pgd-2, G6pd, Got, Gk, Shd-2, Pod, Dia-1, andPgm loci were used. OnlyDia-1 indicated significantly different allelic frequencies between seeds and three-year-old seedlings. Most of the genetic diversity of the parental clones in this seed orchard could be transferred to the offsprings. Genetic diversity on the basis of an average expected heterozygosity did not differ between seeds and seedlings. A slight excess of homozygotes in seeds and a significant excess of heterozygotes in seedlings of different ages to the expected panmictic proportions were found. Most of the differences in genotypic distributions among the seed and seedling stages, probably resulted from viability selection favoring outcrosses, and selective removal of inbred offsprings including self-fertilized ones prior to their transplantation in the nursery. A part of this paper was orally presented at the 107th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society (1996).  相似文献   

Field studies carried out in a forest transition site on a tropical Alfisol in southwestern Nigeria, show that shading by gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud) and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit) hedgerow species reduced density of speargrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel) by 67% and 51%, respectively. Shoot biomass of speargrass decreased by 81% and 78% in gliricidia and leucaena hedgerows, respectively. Reduction in speargrass rhizome biomass in gliricidia plots was 96% while rhizome reduction in the leucaena plots was nearly 90%. Rhizome mortality was significantly higher in gliricidia plots than in leucaena and control plots. The bulk of rhizomes was found between 10 cm and 20 cm of soil depth but rhizome did not penetrate further than 30 cm depth in the Alfisol in which this study was carried out. Gliricidia was better than leucaena hedgerow species in suppressing speargrass.  相似文献   

[目的]研究外源性氮和磷对马占相思凋落叶的分解速率、分解过程中N、P、K含量和土壤生化特性的影响,以便为森林土壤养分管理提供参考。[方法]以广东省云勇林场马占相思林下凋落叶为试验材料,采用尼龙网袋分解法,设置对照(CK)、施N(10 g·m~(-2))、施P(5 g·m~(-2))、施N+P(N 10 g·m~(-2)+P 5 g·m~(-2))4种处理,每隔3个月取样1次,并测定凋落叶残留量和N、P、K含量。[结果]表明:施N、P和N+P处理对马占相思凋落叶的分解均为促进作用。各处理马占相思凋落叶的N含量在分解过程中大致保持稳定,施P和N+P处理的凋落叶P含量在分解过程中总体呈波动性上升,而各处理的凋落叶K含量变化规律不明显。施N、P和N+P处理提高了马占相思林土壤的有机质和全N含量,促进脲酶、磷酸酶及过氧化氢酶的活性。[结论]施N、P和N+P处理促进了马占相思凋落叶的分解,有利于马占相思林的养分循环。  相似文献   

Protein, oil, carbohydrate and starch contents of seed, which were collected from places with latitude 9° N to 32° N, longitude 72° E to 85° E and rainfall 40 to 400 cm, varied significantly (P<0.05) among 12 provenances. Interestingly, seed protein was positively correlated (r=0.838,P<0.05), and on the contrary, carbohydrate and starch were negatively correlated (r=–0.755,r=–0.623, respectively,P<0.05), with the latitude of the seed source. Significant variation for N, P, K, Ca and Mg in stems and leaves of one-year and three-year-old plants was also observed when these provenances were grown at Hisar (29°10 N, 75° 46 E, 215 m alt.), an arid region in north India. In general, provenances from north India at the age of three years had greater chemical and mineral contents than those from south India. Chlorophyll content was highly correlated with the latitude of the seed source, at the ages of one and three years (r=0.742,r=0.659,P<0.05, respectively), while crude protein of foliage at the age of three years was significantly correlated (r=0.673) with latitude. Dehradun, Jammu and Hisar provenances, from the north had comparatively greater concentrations of N, P and K at the age of three years as compared to those from south India. The results are useful from the points of view of genetical variation, and selection of superior provenances for arid conditions in north India.  相似文献   

Xie  C.-Y.  El-Kassaby  Y.A.  Ying  C.C. 《New Forests》2002,24(2):97-112
The genetic structure of 19 red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) populations representing the natural range of the species in British Columbia was investigated at 19 allozyme loci. The estimated average number of alleles per locus (1.79), percentage of polymorphic loci (52.6), and total expected genetic diversity (0.113) were all lower than those reported for most long-lived woody species but comparable to early successional species. About 8% of the total genetic variation was attributable to among-population differentiation, the majority being detected at the Aat-2 locus between the Mainland and the Islands regions. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the 19 populations into two distinct clusters that perfectly coincided with their geographical arrangement. Genetic differentiation between populations within both the Mainland and the Islands regions was very weak, accounting for about 3% of the total genetic variation within each region. Red alder is predominantly an outcrossing species with an average outcrossing rate of 0.85. The rate of outcrossing also varied widely among populations, ranging from 0.56 to 0.98. Practical implications of these findings with respect to tree improvement and in situ gene conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a recent outbreak of the spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) in Switzerland was ruled by a devastating winter storm in 1999 and the drought and heat of the summer 2003. Starting from a similar level of population sizes, estimated as the rate of infested growing stock, beetle populations increased differently in magnitude and time among different regions in Switzerland. Accordingly, we expected local or regional genetic differentiation as a result of such repeated population expansion/breakdown dynamics. We analyzed 5 nuclear microsatellites of spruce bark beetles sampled from pheromone traps at 30 locations distributed over Switzerland. Our genetic results did not indicate any sign of population differentiation, structure, isolation by distance, or recent bottlenecks. This complete lack of genetic structure suggests that spruce bark beetles are highly mobile, precluding the formation of a spatial structure at neutral molecular markers. Thus, this molecular–genetic approach does not allow us to discriminate among regional gene pools and to identify the origin of expanding beetle populations.  相似文献   

Abtract The system Vicia faba–Aphis fabae fabae was studied under the influence of Ocimum basilicum (basil) and Satureja hortensis, in a wind tunnel, in the greenhouse and in field experiments. In the wind tunnel at 20°C both Lamiaceae were deterrent for A. fabae, and S. hortensis proved to be more deterrent than O. basilicum. In experiments in the greenhouse at low temperatures (average minimum 14.6°C, average maximum 24.1°C), A. fabae colonised first and significantly more intense Vicia fabae (field beans) not surrounded by O. basilicum or S. hortensis. At high temperatures (average minimum 18.0°C, average maximum 38.5°C) this relation was inverted: Vicia faba surrounded by the two Lamiaceae were preferred for colonisation (Ocimum basilicum significantly). It showed that pots with Lamiaceae were no obstacle for the aphids to reach Vicia faba. In strip cropping in the field, the repellent effect of Ocimum basilicum proved to be stronger than of Satureja hortensis. In 2002 there was observed only a tendency of lower aphid attack of field beans intercropped with Lamiaceae, while in 2004 and 2005 the infestation of Vicia faba by Aphis fabae was significantly lower in plots intercropped with basil. In plots with Satureja hortensis as intercrop, Vicia faba were significantly lower infested, after 3 weeks. The differences between the results of the wind tunnel/greenhouse at low temperatures, and the field experiments concerning the deterrence by Satureja hortensis cannot be explained. But basing on our results with Ocimum basilicum and those published by other authors, it is recommended to follow up intercropping, after a sincere analysis in every case, in favour of agronomists.  相似文献   

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