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The objective was to evaluate the provision of oat silage (Avena sativa) to supplement grazing dairy cows on pastures of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), festulolium (Lolium multiflorum × Festuca pratense) and white clover (Trifolium repens) during the dry season when pasture growth is limited. The experimental design was a 3 × 3 Latin square replicated three times, with nine milking Holstein cows (mean live weight 496.2 ± 33.6 kg and daily milk yield 14.8 ± 2.8 kg cow?1) under on-farm participatory rural research. Experimental periods were 14 d. Simulated grazing samples of pasture herbage were analysed for chemical composition, sward height recorded and net herbage accumulation determined from exclusion cages. Treatments were the inclusion of oat silage at T0 = 0 kg DM cow?1 d?1 of oat silage, T3 = 3 kg DM cow?1 d?1 of oat silage, and T6 = 6 kg DM cow?1 d?1 of oat silage, plus 5.0 kg fresh weight commercial concentrate and 9 h of continuous grazing. Animal variables were milk yield and composition, live weight and body condition score. Feeding costs were calculated. Mean milk yield was 18.9 ± 0.27 kg cow?1 d?1 with no differences in animal variables (p > 0.05), but feeding costs per kilogram milk increased 25% for T3 and 50% for T6. Oat silage supplementation is only viable under difficult grazing conditions.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The effects of two innovative feeding strategies—intensive grazing (GR) and maize silage (MS)—on the sustainability of small-scale dairy systems...  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effect of including silages of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) intercropped with winter vetch (Vicia villosa) (ARG-VV) or with common vetch (Vicia sativa) (ARG-VS) compared with maize silage (MS) on milk yield and milk composition of dairy cows grazing cultivated perennial ryegrass–white clover pastures with supplemented concentrate during the dry season. Six Holstein dairy cows with a mean yield of 19.0 kg/cow/day at the beginning of the experiment were randomly assigned to a 3 × 3 repeated Latin square. Treatments were: 8 h/day intensive grazing, 3.6 kg of dry matter (DM) per cow per day of concentrate plus MS, and ARG-VV or ARG-VS ad libitum at a stocking rate of 3.0 cows/ha for three experimental periods of 3 weeks each. Milk yield (MY) and milk composition, live weight and body condition score as well as silage and concentrate intakes were recorded during the third week of each experimental period, and pasture intake was estimated indirectly from utilised metabolisable energy. Economic analysis was obtained by preparing partial budgets. There were no statistical differences (P > 0.10) in MY, milk fat or protein content nor for live weight, but there was significant difference (P < 0.10) in body condition score. There were non-statistical differences in silage DM intake (P < 0.11); however, significant differences (P < 0.10) were obtained for estimated grazed herbage intake whilst no differences for total DM intake. Slightly higher economic returns (10%) were obtained with ARG-VS over MS, and this was 7% higher than ARG-VV. It is concluded that ARG-VS could be an option for complementing grazing for small-scale dairy production systems in the dry season as it is comparable to MS in animal performance and slightly better in economic terms.  相似文献   

Maize straw is the main roughage for dairy herds in campesino farms in central Mexico. The objective was to evaluate feeding milking cows on maize straw treated with 40 g/kg DM of urea (A) or untreated straw (B), and 3.0 kg/d of 18% CP concentrate. Twenty-four Holsteins in late lactation from 8 farmers were sorted in two groups: sequence A-B-A or B-A-B; periods were 28 days. Mean daily milk yield for the last two weeks per period, and live-weight and body-condition score every 14 days were used for analysis. Maize straw was ad libitum. Chemical analysis and in vitro digestibility were analysed by Student’s t test, animal variables by a switch-back design. ‘A’ had 44.3 g/kg DM more CP and 106.5 g/kg DM higher in vitro digestibility than ‘B’ (710 g/kg DM ± 0.75 ‘A’ vs. 603.5 g/kg DM ± 1.44 ‘B’). Despite higher digestibility and intake, there were no differences (P > 0.05) for milk yield, live-weight or body-condition score, although there were in straw intake (P < 0.05). Cows on ‘A’ ate 1.7 kg/cow/day more straw DM than on ‘B’. Lack of response did not offset higher feeding costs although margins were high. Lack of response is attributed to short length of periods and late lactation of cows.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) plays an important role in small-scale dairy systems, both in production costs and as an indicator of environmental impact. The objective of this study was to quantify nitrogen inputs and outputs to identify areas for improvement in nitrogen utilisation efficiency (NUE). Evaluation was in 12 small-scale dairy farms with different feeding strategies. Six followed the traditional cut and carry of irrigated temperate pastures (CUT), and six have implemented grazing of pastures (GRZ), quantifying N inputs and outputs from May 2016 to April 2017. Data were analysed by ANOVA following a split-plot model with season (rainy or dry) as main plots and feeding strategy (CUT or GRZ) as split-plots, with results in kilograms N per hectare and kilograms N per cow. There were differences (P < 0.05) between seasons and strategies in N inputs from purchased N fertilisers and purchased feeds as concentrates and roughages, showing different N inputs and outputs whether in CUT or GRZ strategies. There were also significant interactions between seasons and strategies as in the sale of animals, where GRZ sell throughout the year, while CUT sell at the beginning of the dry season. N balance ranged from 33.9 to 183.0 kg N/ha, and 37.8 to 111.0 as kilograms N per cow with an interaction (P < 0.05) between season and strategies. There was a larger N surplus in GRZ during the rainy season from fertiliser inputs, which reduced N utilisation efficiency (NUE). Mean NUE in kilograms N per hectare and kilograms N per cow was 19%, with the higher efficiency for GRZ in the dry season. Farms with the best NUE had lower use of fertilisers and purchased feeds.


Tropical Animal Health and Production - The use and management of native grassland for dairy production during the rainy season was studied on two small-scale dairy farms in the highlands of...  相似文献   

The objective of the work was to identify local feeding strategies in small-scale dairy production systems during the rainy season in the highlands of Mexico, and to determine their effects on milk yields (MY), milk composition and economic viability. Twenty-two dairy farms were monitored by monthly visits, recording and sampling milk from between two and six cows in each farm, live-weight was also recorded. Samples from feeds used in that month were taken and feeds given to the dairy herd were weighed. Economic data was also recorded. Milk composition and milk urea nitrogen were determined, as well as chemical composition of feeds. Eighteen feedstuffs were identified, grouped in: HNH feeds—high in neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and in DM matter; HNL feeds—high in NDF but low in DM; HCh feeds—high in non-fibrous carbohydrates; and HCP feeds—high in crude protein. Four feeding strategies were identified: strategy 1 uses HND, HNL and HCP; strategy 2—HND, HNL, HCh and HCP; strategy 3 HNH and HCP; and strategy 4 HNL and HCP. Of participating farms, 73.4% followed strategy 1, 11.3% strategy 2, 11.3% strategy 4 and 3.8% strategy 3. There were no statistical differences (P > 0.05) between strategies for MY and milk composition, but there were differences (P < 0.05) for ration costs. Multiple regression analysis showed no significative (P > 0.05) model relating intake of feed groups and milk fat content, but milk protein and SNF contents were significantly explained by intake of HCP. When expressed as MY and milk components yield, milk fat yield was significantly explained by intake of all four feed groups, but milk protein and SNF yields were explained only by intake of HCP and LW. MUN excretion was explained also by HCP intake. All feeding strategies produced positive economic returns, on average generating the equivalent of 3.45 minimum wages of the area.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to determine the effect of family labour on the profitability and competitiveness of small-scale dairy farms in the highlands of Central Mexico. Economic data from 37 farms were analysed from a stratified statistical sampling with a Neyman assignment. Three strata were defined taking herd size as criterion. Stratum 1: herds from 3 to 9 cows plus replacements, Stratum 2: herds from 10 to 19 cows and Stratum 3: herds from 20 to 30 cows. The policy analysis matrix was used as the method to determine profitability and competitiveness. The coefficient of private profitability (CPP) when the economic cost of family labour is included in the cost structure was 8.0 %, 31.0 % and 46.0 %. When the economic cost of family labour is not included, CPP increase to 47.0 %, 57.0 % and 66.0 % for each strata, respectively. The private cost ratio (PCR) when family labour is included was 0.79, 0.51 and 0.42 for strata 1, 2 and 3, respectively. When family labour is not included, the PCR was 0.07, 0.25 and 0.26. Net profit per litre of milk including family labour was US$0.03 l-1 for Stratum 1, US$0.09 for Stratum 2 and US$0.12 l-1 for Stratum 3; but increased to $0.12, 0.14 and 0.15, respectively, when the economic cost of family labour is not included. It is concluded that family labour is a crucial factor in the profitability and competitiveness of small-scale dairy production.  相似文献   

The study evaluated small-scale dairy systems with continuous grazing of pastures based on three temperate grasses festulolium (FL), tall fescue (TF), and perennial ryegrass (RG), compared with subtropical kikuyu grass (KG). All pastures were associated with white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Twelve multiparous Holstein cows were assigned to a 4?×?4 Latin square replicated three times with 14-day experimental periods. Sampling and analyses of pastures, concentrates, and animal variables followed standard procedures. FL showed a significantly (p?<?0.05) higher mean sward height, but there were no differences (p?>?0.05) in net herbage accumulation. There were significant differences (p?<?0.05) among pastures for CP, NDF, ADF, in vitro digestibility of OM (IVOMD), and estimated metabolizable energy (eME). There were no differences (p?>?0.05) between treatments for milk yield and composition, live weight, or body condition score. There were significant differences (p?<?0.05) in fatty acid values for pastures in C14:0, C16:1, and C18:3n3. There were significant differences between treatments (p?<?0.05) in milk contents for C18:0, C18:1t11, and C18:2c9t11. Grazing FL, TF, RG, or KY pastures showed no differences in milk yields. Higher values for C18:0, C18:1t11, and C18:2c9t11 were detected in KY, RG, and TF. RG had significantly higher MUFA than FL and higher PUFA than TF. A value under 65% of SFA, a ratio of n-6/n-3 lower than 4, and an atherogenic index of 1.7 are indicators of milk with beneficial effects for human health.  相似文献   

Small-scale dairying is an option for campesinos in Mexico. The costs of feeding are high and strategies based on quality forages are a priority. The performance, agronomic variables and feeding costs were evaluated for dairy cows continuously grazing perennial ryegrass–white clover for 9 h/day (PRG) or fed cut herbage from annual ryegrass for 8 weeks followed by 9 h/day for 6 weeks on a tethered rotational grazing pattern (ARG). All cows received 3 kg/day of an 18% crude protein (CP) concentrate. A 14-week split-plot on-farm experiment was designed with 10 cows from two participating farmers, and 1.5 ha per strategy. Milk yield was recorded weekly and milk composition, live weight and body condition score were recorded every 14 days. Net herbage accumulation was greater for ARG (8222 kg organic matter (OM)/ha) than for PRG (5915 kg OM/ha) (p < 0.05), with higher CP in PRG (p < 0.05). Milk yield was 19 kg/cow per day for PRG and 15.9 kg/cow per day for ARG (p > 0.05). Over 14 weeks, PRG produced 1422 kg more milk. There were no differences for live weight or condition score (p > 0.05), but linear regression shows a live weight gain of 0.200 kg/cow per day for PRG. Protein and fat content showed no differences (p > 0.05), but milk fat content in PRG was below standard. ARG had 60% higher costs, and margins were 38% higher in PRG. ARG has a place in rain-fed fields. The results provide viable options for improving these systems that may be suitable in their socio-economic context and their social and personal objectives.  相似文献   

Small-scale dairy systems based on grazing have dry-season herbage shortages. A repeated 3 × 3 Latin Square experiment evaluated grazing with silage from maize (MS), annual ryegrass (ARG) or a mixture (MIX) with 9 cows with 3 week periods; continuously grazed at 3.6 cows/ha with 3.6 kg DM/day of concentrate. Treatments were 7 kg DM of MS, ARG or a 2 MS:1 ARG mixture. Milk yield (MY), milk composition, live-weight, body condition, silage and concentrate intake were recorded. Herbage DM intake was estimated indirectly. Activity budgets were done for economic analysis. MY on MS (21.5 kg/cow/d) was 0.06 higher than on ARG (P < 0.09) with no differences on MIX. There were no differences for milk fat, milk protein, or body condition score. Live-weight on ARG was higher (P < 0.01) than on MS or MIX. Silage intake was higher (P < 0.01) on ARG and MS than on MIX. Herbage intake was lower (P < 0.05) on MS, compared with MIX and ARG. Total DM intake on ARG was higher than MS (P < 0.01), and MIX in between. MS resulted in 0.12 higher economic returns over ARG which had highest costs. Annual ryegrass may have a place in small-scale systems, but not as silage due to higher costs.  相似文献   


Several studies suggest that reproductive performance in small-scale dairy farms is low reducing the farms’ profitability. Therefore, identifying risk factors associated with low reproductive performance is a key step to implement an improved reproductive management program. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to identify the main risk factors affecting the reproductive performance of cows in small-scale dairy farms. Ninety-six dairy farms were incorporated into this study, and data from 1263 lactations were collected with different events as potential risk factors. Logistic regression models were used to assess the association (odds ratio, OR) and impact (population attributable fraction, PAF) between the potential risk factors and the reproductive variables. The main risk factors associated with assisted calving were male calf and primiparous cows (OR?=?1.7, PAF?=?0.315 and OR?=?1.5, PAF?=?0.131, respectively), while for retained fetal membranes (RFM) were assisted calving and abortion (OR?=?4.5, PAF?=?0.440 and OR?=?8.1, PAF?=?0.239, respectively). The main risk factors for days to first service over 70 days in milk were low body condition score at calving (BCS?≤?2.5) and primiparous cows (OR?=?2.2, PAF?=?0.285 and OR?=?1.4; PAF?=?0.096, respectively), while for days open over 110 days in milk were low BCS at calving (BCS?≤?2.5) and primiparous cows (OR?=?1.7, PAF?=?0.213 and OR?=?1.4; PAF?=?0.096, respectively) The main risk factor for non-pregnant cows at first service was RFM (OR?=?1.7; PAF?=?0.059). In conclusion, assisted calving, male calf, BCS?≤?2.5 and RFM were the main risk factors associated with reduced reproductive performance in small-scale dairy farms in tropical and subtropical regions of Mexico.


In order to characterise the dairy production systems as well as the productive and reproductive performance of dairy cows in the study area, a total of 256 and 54 dairy farms were used for survey and monitoring data collection, respectively. Based on breed, land size, feed and market accessibility, two major dairy production systems were identified: a rather specialized, urban, and a peri-urban dairy production system. Urban farmers owned larger herds but farmed less land, and sold a greater proportion of liquid milk than peri-urban farmers, who processed more milk. Purchased feed played a more important role for the feed supply of urban than peri-urban farms. Significant breed effects were found for productive and reproductive performance traits. It is concluded that improved breeding and health management, genetic improvement of local breeds and supplementation of poor quality feed resources are the key factors for enhancing productivity of dairy cows and thereby increasing family income from milk production.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the socio-economic characteristics of urban and peri-urban dairy production systems in the North western Ethiopian highlands, a field survey was conducted which included 256 farms. It is concluded that urban farmers tend to specialize on dairy production and support the family income from non-agricultural activities, while agricultural activities other than milk production forms an additional source of income in peri-urban farms. The specialization of urban dairy producers includes the more frequent use of crossbred cows with higher milk yield. Urban and peri-urban dairy production contributes to food security of the population and family income of the farmers’ families, but also provides a job opportunity for otherwise unemployed people. Access to farm land, level of education and access to certain input services such as training, veterinary and credit services were identified as the major constraints for the future development of the dairy sector.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to describe the feeding strategies for donkeys used by peasant farmers in central Mexico. Feeding strategies for the dry and wet seasons are described, as well as the nutritional characteristics of the main forages and supplements used by the farmers. The extent to which the feeding practices used by farmers matched the digestible energy and crude protein requirements of donkeys for maintenance and work was determined. It was concluded that grazing on native grassland could provide enough energy and protein for donkeys at maintenance level and for those performing only a moderate amount of work. More research in required in order to have better estimates of intake and plant species preferred by donkeys under prevailing grazing conditions.  相似文献   

This article combines a Policy Analysis Matrix with a sensitivity and poverty line analysis with the objective of evaluating the economic contribution of comparative advantages to the private profitability and competitiveness of small-scale dairy systems. For 1 year, socioeconomic data were collected from 82 farms selected from four strata via statistical sampling. Two scenarios were established to determine the quantitative contribution of comparative advantages: (1) a simulated scenario, which accounted for the cost of purchasing the total food and the opportunity cost of the family labour force (FLF), and (2) an actual production scenario, which accounted for the cost of producing food and eliminating the payment of the FLF and included other income. The E3 and E4 producers were the most profitable and competitive in the simulated scenario and actual production scenario. Of the four scales evaluated, the E2 and E1 producers were the most efficient in taking advantage of the economic contribution provided by the comparative advantages in their own production of food and employment of the FLF, in addition to accounting for other income, a condition that increased their profitability by 171 and 144% and competitiveness by 346 and 273%, respectively. The poverty results indicated that only E3 and E4 producers were non-vulnerable in the simulated scenario and actual production scenario. The purchase of food was the comparative advantage with the greatest sensitivity to cost increases in the two scenarios analysed, which exacerbated the effect on the E1 and E2 producers.  相似文献   


A survey was completed to determine water use by small-scale dairy farms in Mexicali Valley of Mexico and to associate it with dairy production parameters. Mexicali Valley surrounds the capital city of the state Baja California, Mexicali. Sixty-one smallholders were interviewed in person in this rural area of northwestern Mexico. On average, small dairy holders had more than 20 years of experience and were ~ 55 years of age; people working on their farms are especially relatives. A low percentage was literate (20%), and they belong to a local dairy association. Milk yield/cow/year does not reach 4000 kg of milk and 75% of producers do not follow a defined management program for their cattle. Hand-milking is still practiced by 27% of the producers, and there is a general lack of infrastructure to maintain milk in a refrigerated state so that there is a very high risk of zoonotic diseases. Water use efficiency (WUE) was linearly correlated (P < 0.05) with total irrigated area, but not with animal production parameters. Regression equations constructed to explain WUE exhibited low adjustment, and WUE was not associated (P > 0.05) with milk yield. Small dairy producers in Mexicali Valley are in a generally poor situation with low water use practices; however, required more government support to increase their benefits from this livestock activity.


为探讨不同添加剂对黑麦草青贮品质的影响,并找到黑麦草最佳青贮条件,试验以黑麦草为原料,分为甲酸组(6mL/kg)、乳酸菌组(1∶100)、纤维素酶组(0.05%)、乳酸菌+纤维素酶混合组(乳酸菌1∶100、纤维素酶0.05%)和对照组,共五个处理组,每组3个重复,青贮60 d后取样分析.结果 表明:乳酸菌+纤维素酶混合...  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of replacement of heading stage harvested timothy silage with early‐harvested orchardgrass–perennial ryegrass mixed (OP) silage while maintaining or reducing concentrate input on dry matter intake (DMI), milk production, nutrient digestibility, and N balance in dairy cows. Nine multiparous Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with three dietary treatments: TYL, a diet containing timothy silage where forage‐to‐concentrate ratio (FC) was 50:50; OPL, a diet containing OP silage where FC ratio was 50:50; and OPH, a diet containing OP silage where FC ratio was 60:40. We observed that an equal replacement of timothy with OP silage increased DMI, milk yield, milk protein production, and nutrient digestibility but decreased milk fat content (TYL versus OPL). We observed that replacing timothy with OP silage while reducing concentrate input increased milk fat and protein yield, nutrient digestibility, and feed efficiency and reduced urinary N loss with no effect on DMI or milk fat content (TYL versus OPH). These results show that replacing timothy with OP silage can be a good approach to improve milk production, feed efficiency, and N utilization and reduce concentrate input. However, milk fat depression should be considered when an equal substitution is performed.  相似文献   

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