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The objective of this study was to estimate, through mathematical models, energy and protein requirements for maintenance and gain of hair sheep raised in the tropical region of Brazil. To determine the equation parameters, a meta‐analysis of seven independent experiments of nutrient requirements was performed, comprising a total of 243 experimental units (animals), which were conducted under tropical conditions, using hair sheep in growing and finishing phases and endowed of the following quantitative data for each animal: body weight (BW ), empty body weight (EBW ), average daily gain (ADG ), empty body gain (EBG ), heat production (HP ), metabolizable energy intake (MEI ), retained energy (RE ), metabolizable protein intake (MPI ) and body protein content. The regression equations generated were as follows: for Net Energy for maintenance, (NE m): ; for Net Energy for gain, (NE g): ; for Metabolizable Protein for maintenance,(MP m): MPI (g/day) = 24.8470 (±7.3646) + 560.28 (±99.6582) × EBG (kg/day); for Net Protein for gain, (NP g): . The NE m requirement was 0.246 MJ EBW?0.75 day?1. The metabolizable energy for maintenance requirement was 0.391 MJ EBW?0.75 day?1. Considering an ADG of 100 g, the NE g requirement ranged from 0.496 to 1.701 MJ/day for animals with BW ranging from 10 to 40 kg respectively. The efficiencies of use of the metabolizable energy for maintenance and gain were 0.63 and 0.36 respectively. The MP m requirement was 3.097 g EBW?0.75 day?1. Considering an ADG of 100 g, the NP g requirement ranged from 12.4 to 10.5 g/day for animals with BW ranging from 10 to 40 kg respectively. The total metabolizable energy and protein requirements were lower than those reported by the NRC and AFRC systems. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that nutrient requirements of hair sheep raised in tropical regions differ from wool sheep raised in temperate regions. Therefore, the use of the equations designed in this study is recommended.  相似文献   

Energy requirements of Texel crossbred lambs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Two trials were conducted to determine the energy requirements of feedlot Texel crossbred lambs. In a comparative slaughter trial, thirty 11/16 Texel x 5/16 Ile de France crossbred noncastrated male lambs, weaned at 42 d of age (16.2 +/- 2.1 kg of shrunk BW; SBW), were used. Five lambs were randomly chosen and slaughtered after 10 d of experimental management and diet adaptation (baseline group). Fifteen lambs then were fed for ad libitum intake and slaughtered at 25, 30, or 35 kg of SBW. The remaining 10 lambs were randomly assigned to 2 levels of DMI, either 70 or 55% of the ad libitum intake, and were slaughtered concomitantly with lambs of the 35 kg of SBW group. Total body N, fat, and energy contents were determined. In a digestibility trial, 6 Texel x Ile de France crossbred lambs (30.4 +/- 2.6 kg of SBW) were housed in metabolic cages and used in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square experiment to evaluate the energetic value of the diet at different feed intake levels. Net and ME requirements for maintenance were 58.6 and 91 kcal/kg(0.75) of SBW, respectively. Consequently, partial efficiency of energy use for maintenance was 0.64. Body fat content varied from 72.7 to 125.9 g/kg of empty BW, respectively, for 13.1 and 28.2 kg of empty BW. Net energy requirements for growth of lambs at 15 and 35 kg of SBW at an ADG of 250 g were 424 and 553 kcal/d, respectively. Partial efficiency of energy use for growth was 0.47. Texel x Ile de France crossbred growing lambs used in this study showed decreased nutritional requirements than those reported by most nutritional systems.  相似文献   

Hair cycle activity has been extensively studied in humans, sheep and laboratory animals, but there is a lack of information in dogs. Besides varying according to species, breed, sex and general health, hair growth is mainly affected by climatic variations. The aim of the study was to evaluate the follicle activity in three breeds of dogs with different hair types, in the city of Viçosa, Minas Gerais (latitude 20°45′S), Brazil. Twenty‐one male dogs of boxer, labrador and schnauzer breeds were trichographically analysed monthly over 12 consecutive months. Hair percentage of telogen and anagen hairs at the different stages of the hair cycle in boxers and labradors was not significantly different, but both differed from the schnauzers. A significant correlation between hair follicle cycle and environmental temperature and photoperiod was noted in the boxers and labradors. In these breeds, a larger number of telogen hairs were observed during the hottest months of the year, and an increase in anagen hairs during the coldest months. The mean percentage of telogen hairs was 93, 90 and 55.3% for boxer, labrador and schnauzer, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study the helminthiasis and anthelmintic effectiveness in ewes and lambs were evaluated in a semiarid region of Brazil. Twelve sheep farms were investigated using semi-structured questionnaires and fecal egg count (FEC) reduction test was employed to analyze the profile of anthelmintic resistance. Groups of at least 10 animals with FEC ≥ 300 were selected. After 12 h of fasting, homogeneous groups of lambs or ewes were treated with albendazole, levamisole moxidectin, or oxfendazole and control groups were not treated. Feces were collected before treatments and 14 days after, and larvae genera were identified after cuprocultures in both periods. Extensive grazing was the predominant creation system, using hybrid Santa Ines animals. The separation by age was promoted in 75% of herds; however, maternity pickets there were only in three farms. The strategic treatments were performed only in 8.4% of sheep farms and 16.6% used the anthelmintic efficacy test and alternated anthelmintic classes after 1 year. The initial FEC means for lambs were significantly higher than ewe FEC averages. For lamb tests, moxidectin and levamisole showed higher efficacy (p ≤ 0.05) than benzimidazoles. For ewe tests, moxidectin and levamisole showed efficiencies >75%. Haemonchus spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. were the most frequent nematodes before treatments and the genus Haemonchus was the most prevalent after anthelmintic treatments (p < 0.05). Variations of anthelmintic susceptibility were observed for categories and herds evaluated, which emphasizes the importance of the effectiveness tests for the choice of anthelmintics for ewes and lambs.  相似文献   

Dry, nonpregnant, mature cows (greater than 10 yr) of five breeds (Angus, A; Brahman, B; Hereford, He; Holstein, Ho; and Jersey, J) and their crosses (n = 60) were used in a 428-d experiment to determine maintenance energy requirements and efficiency of energy exchange. Cows were fed individually (via Calan electronic gates) a 70% cottonseed hull diet for four consecutive periods (127, 105, 97 and 99 d) at each of four levels (50, 83, 117 and 150% of each animal's estimated maintenance requirement). Each of four cows/breed group was assigned to one of the four feeding levels each period, with one cow fed each level each period. Body composition was measured initially and following each period in all cows via D2O dilution with a two-pool kinetics model procedure. Average ending live weight and empty body weight, protein and fat were similar to beginning values, indicating that cows began and ended in similar body composition. Dry matter digestibility (DMD) following the last period averaged 54.7%. Average DMD was 53.5, 57.8, 52.0, 55.0 and 51.7% (standard error of mean [SE] = 2.1) for A, B, He, Ho and J; values for He and J were lower (P less than .05) than for B. Diet digestible energy (DE) was similar for all breed types and averaged 62.4% of gross energy (GE). A small decrease in DE with increasing GE intake was noted for all breed types. The daily metabolizable energy requirement for weight equilibrium for A, B, He, Ho and J differed (P less than .01) and was 100, 98, 108, 119 and 152 kcal/kg.75 (SE 4.8), respectively, with an overall mean of 107. The ME for maintenance (MEm) was 91.6, 93.8, 95.3, 115.7 and 140.4 kcal/kg.75 for A, B, He, Ho and J (SE 6.0), respectively, with an overall mean of 101.9. Efficiency of weight change for A, B, He, Ho and J differed (P less than .01) and was 116, 135, 80, 116 and 58 g/Mcal ME intake, respectively, with an overall mean of 96. The respective efficiency of ME use for tissue energy gain or loss was 80.6, 66.8, 66.0, 36.5 and 36.2% for A, B, He, Ho and J, with an average energetic efficiency of 60.1%. In general, maintenance requirements for weight and energy equilibrium were lower in beef breeds and their crosses than in dairy breeds and their crosses. Efficiency of ME use also favored the beef breeds over the dairy breeds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To evaluate transplacental transmission of Toxoplasma gondii in naturally infected ewes, blood samples were collected from 55 pregnant ewes and their offspring, before ingestion of colostrum. From 16 offspring of positive ewes and nine offspring from negative ewes, blood samples were obtained after 48 h and 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 days after birth. T. gondii antibodies were detected in serum samples using the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT ≥ 64). Four of the 30 positive ewes (13.3 %) had offspring positive for T. gondii before ingesting colostrum (vertical transmission). The colostrum antibody titers decreased every week, and only 20 % (2/10) of the lambs in continued to present detectable antibody titers until day 56 after birth. Therefore, vertical transmission of T. gondii in lambs was indication of occur and is an important route for transferring and maintaining the agent in sheep herds in the Brazilian semiarid region.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to estimate the nutritional value of diets given to stallions of different breeds during the reproductive season, and comparing allowances with requirements. The systems compared were the French INRA, the 1989 NRC, and the 2007 NRC. Data on reproductive activity, daily exercise, BW, BCS, feed intake, and feed composition during 4 mo (from March to June) were recorded on 12 stallions used for commercial AI programs. Stallions belonged to 3 different breeds: Italian Haflinger (IH, n=4), Holstein (HOL, n=4), and Italian Heavy Draft horse (IHDH, n=4). Data recorded were used to estimate the actual energy and protein intakes and theoretical requirements of the stallions using the aforementioned systems. A deviation index [DI = (intake - requirement)/intake × -1] was calculated to allow a comparison among methods as a proportion of under- or overestimates of theoretical requirements. All data were statistically analyzed with a mixed model for repeated measurements. The reproductive activity of the stallions was affected by month (less in March and greater in subsequent months; P<0.05). Daily exercise was generally low during the middle breeding season, and the intensity and kinds of exercise differed according to the breeds. Changes of BW and BCS of the stallions were not statistically significant (P=0.69 and P=0.17, respectively) during the experimental period, and therefore diets could be considered balanced to support all animal needs. However, the energy and protein allowances were not always consistent with the theoretical requirements considering all 3 nutritional systems. Energy and protein INRA recommendations showed, on average, +0.90 and +0.27 greater DI than actual intakes, respectively, for IH and HOL stallions, whereas the theoretical requirements were much closer to allowances for the IHDH stallions (DI close to 0). The 1989 NRC energy and protein recommendations, respectively, were +0.67 and +0.87 greater than intake for IH, +0.28 and +0.43 greater for HOL, and only +0.06 and +0.17 greater for IHDH stallions. The 2007 NRC energy and protein recommendations, respectively, were +0.70 and +0.52 greater for IH, +0.33 and +0.17 greater for HOL, and +0.52 and +0.49 greater for IHDH than actual intakes. Therefore, all systems overestimated the requirements of the stallion, particularly in lighter breeds. Further studies to validate requirements for breeding stallions of different sizes are recommended.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effect of breed and slaughter weight on fatty the acid profile of the Longissimus dorsi muscle in lambs. Twenty-four Santa Inês (SI), 24.5 Ile de France × 0.5 Santa Inês (Ile × SI) and 12.5 Texel × 0.5 Santa Inês (Te × SI), slaughtered at different weights (30, 35, 40, and 45 kg), were evaluated. The animals were reared with creep feeding to weaning and were feedlot finished, receiving a diet composed of 30% hay and 70% concentrate. The analyses of fatty acids were carried out on the Longissimus muscle of the 13th rib. The experiment was in a three by four factorial design. The total mean saturated fatty acid level was 44.88%, with 43.30% monounsaturated fats and 1.72% polyunsaturated. The major fatty acids found included oleic (43%), palmitic (22%), and stearic (18%). The concentration of desirable fatty acids varied from 61.56% to 66.78%, with Te × SI (66.78%) having the highest levels (P < 0.05). The slaughter weight affected (P < 0.05) the saturated and unsaturated (both mono and poly) fatty acid profiles. The 35-kg slaughter weight showed the most desirable fatty acid profile. The saturated myristic and stearic fatty acids decreased with an increase in the slaughter weight, but oleic acid increased. In the conditions of the present study, the meat from Santa Ines and Texel × Santa Ines lambs had fatty acid profiles more beneficial for human health due to the higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

Background: Dorper is an important breed for meat purpose and widely used in the livestock industry of the world.However, the protein requirement of Dorper crossbred has not been investigated. The current paper reports the net protein(NP) and metabolizable protein(MP) requirements of Dorper crossbred ram lambs from 20 to 35 kg BW.Methods: Thirty-five Dorper × thin-tailed Han crossbred lambs weaned at approximately 50 d of age(20.3 ± 2.15 kg of BW) were used. Seven lambs of 25 kg BW were slaughtered as the baseline animals at the start of the trial. An intermediate group of seven randomly selected lambs fed ad libitum was slaughtered at 28.6 kg BW. The remaining 21 lambs were randomly divided into three levels of dry matter intake: ad libitum or 70% or 40% of ad libitum intake. Those lambs were slaughtered when the lambs fed ad libitum reached 35 kg BW. Total body N and N retention were measured.Results: The daily NP and MP requirements for maintenance were 1.89 and 4.52 g/kg metabolic shrunk BW(SBW0.75).The partial efficiency of MP utilization for maintenance was 0.42. The NP requirement for growth ranged from 12.1 to 43.5 g/d, for the lambs gaining 100 to 350 g/d, and the partial efficiency of MP utilization for growth was 0.86.Conclusions: The NP and MP requirements for the maintenance and growth of Dorper crossbred male lambs were lower than the recommendations of American and British nutritional systems.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different lipid sources on the nutrient intake, digestibility and purine derivative excretion of lambs. Thirty‐five 60‐day‐old, male, non‐castrated Santa Ines lambs with an initial average body weight (BW) of 13.00 ± 1.80 kg were used in a randomized complete block design with seven blocks and five treatments. The experimental treatments consisted of a control diet without supplemental lipids and four test diets with different lipid supplements, selected according to the degree of ruminal protection from hydrogenation: supplementation, being supplementation with whole cottonseed (WC), supplementation with cashew nut meal (CNM), supplementation with both cottonseed and cashew nut meal (WC‐CNM) and supplementation with calcium salts of long‐chain fatty acids (Ca‐LCFA). The lambs were slaughtered after reaching 28 kg average BW for each treatment. The ether extract intake (EEI) was higher (p < 0.01) for the lipid supplemented compared to control diet lambs. Supplementation with WC decreased the digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and total carbohydrate (TC) (p < 0.01), whereas supplementation with CNM, WC‐CNM and Ca‐LCFA reduced non‐fibrous carbohydrate (NFC) digestibility (p < 0.01). The ether extract (EE) digestibility coefficient was higher with CNM, followed by Ca‐LCFA and WC, when compared to WC‐CNM and control diets. Nitrogen balance (NB) was not influenced (p > 0.05) by the different lipid sources. A lower purine derivative (PD) excretion and thus lower microbial protein supply (MPS) was observed for animals supplemented with Ca‐LCFA (p < 0.01) compared to the WC‐CNM and control diets. In conclusion, WC, CNM and WC‐CNM supplementation did not have negative effects on MPS, although negative effects have been observed on nutrient digestibility.  相似文献   

探讨品种对羔羊超数排卵效果和卵母细胞发育能力的影响,并将体外受精胚胎进行了移植,为研究利用绵羊羔羊卵母细胞生产后代提供理论和技术方法。对4~8周龄不同品种羔羊用FSH+PSMG处理后获得的平均卵母细胞数量和体外胚胎卵裂率和囊胚率进行了比较,并比较成熟液中有无β-巯基乙醇对胚胎卵裂率和囊胚率的影响。结果:各品种获得的平均卵母细胞数分别为:哈萨克为210.22枚,湖羊为0枚,美利奴为135.80枚,湖羊与哈萨克的杂交后代为37.80枚,湖羊羔羊和湖羊与哈萨克羊的杂交羔羊获得的平均卵母细胞数显著低于哈萨克羔羊(P<0.01,P<0.05)。哈萨克羔羊卵裂率(69.0%)显著高于湖羊与哈萨克羊杂交羔羊(66.4%,P<0.05);哈萨克羔羊囊胚率(17.5%)和美利奴羔羊囊胚率(16.2%)显著高于湖羊×哈萨克羔羊(13.8%)(P<0.01,P<0.05)。β-巯基乙醇对羔羊胚胎卵裂率影响不显著,对囊胚率影响极显著(P<0.01)。哈萨克羔羊卵子体外受精获得的2-8细胞胚胎进行输卵管移植,14只受体羊中7只妊娠,妊娠率为50.0%;共产羔9只,其中8只存活。  相似文献   

The net and metabolizable energy (NE and ME) requirements of Dorper cross‐bred female lambs with BWs of 20–35 kg were assessed in a comparative slaughter trial. Thirty‐five Dorper × thin‐tailed Han cross‐bred female lambs weaned at ~50 days of age (20.3 ± 2.15 kg BW) were used. Seven randomly selected lambs were slaughtered at the start of the trial (baseline group). An intermediate group consisting of seven randomly selected lambs fed ad libitum was slaughtered when the lambs reached an average BW of 28.5 kg. The remaining 21 lambs were allotted randomly to three levels of dry matter intake: ad libitum or restricted to 70% or 40% of the ad libitum intake. All the lambs were slaughtered when the sheep fed ad libitum reached a BW of 35 kg. Total body energy, nitrogen, fat, ash and moisture content were determined. In a digestibility trial, an additional 15 Dorper × thin‐tailed Han cross‐bred female lambs (28.7 ± 1.75 kg BW) were housed in metabolism cages and used in a completely randomized design experiment to evaluate the ME value of the diet at the three feed intake levels. The maintenance requirements for NE and ME were 245.5 and 380.3 kJ/kg metabolic shrunk body weight (SBW0.75) respectively. The partial efficiency of energy use for maintenance was 0.645. The NE requirements for growth ranged from 1.18 to 5.18 MJ/d for the lambs gaining 100–350 g/d from 20 to 35 kg BW. Partial efficiency of ME for growth was 0.44. In conclusion, the current study suggests that the NE requirement for maintenance and growth of Dorper early‐weaned cross‐bred female lambs is lower than the current AFRC and NRC recommendations.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of breed and diet quality on basal and hormone-stimulated energy metabolism in lambs. Twenty-four 7-mo-old merino (MM; n = 12) and second-cross (2X; n = 12) lambs were maintained indoors and fed ad libitum either a low-quality (7.8% crude protein [CP] and 8.1 MJ metabolizable energy [ME]/kg dry matter [DM]) or a moderate-quality (17.6% CP and 9.1 MJ ME/kg DM) diet in a crossover design. After 3 wk of feeding, lambs were injected intravenously with insulin (10 μg/kg body weight [BW]) and epinephrine (0.8 μg/kg BW) on consecutive days and blood samples were collected at -30, -15, -1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min relative to time of injection. Lambs fed the low-quality diet had lower DM (P < 0.001), CP (P < 0.01), and ME (P < 0.001) intakes than lambs fed the moderate-quality diet. Baseline nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations were higher (P < 0.001) in lambs fed a low-quality diet than in those fed a moderate-quality diet but there were no breed differences. Second-cross lambs had higher basal plasma concentrations of glucose (P < 0.001), lactate (P < 0.001), and cortisol (P < 0.02) than the MM lambs, although there was no effect of diet on any of these plasma variables. Insulin injection caused a rapid hypoglycemic response in all lambs but the response was more pronounced (P < 0.01) in MM lambs compared with 2X lambs. The cortisol response to insulin was twice as great (P < 0.05) in MM lambs compared with 2X lambs. There was a rebound in plasma NEFA concentrations after approximately 30 min postinjection that was most pronounced (P < 0.01) in MM lambs. Epinephrine injection caused a rapid increase in plasma NEFA, which tended to be lower in lambs fed the moderate-quality diet (P = 0.07) than in those fed the low-quality diet, but did not differ between breeds. Epinephrine injection caused rapid hyperglycemia, with the response being lower (P < 0.006) in lambs fed the moderate-quality diet compared with those fed the low-quality diet and greater (P < 0.050) in 2X than in MM lambs. Epinephrine injection caused a rapid increase in plasma lactate that tended to be greater (P = 0.07) in 2X lambs compared with MM lambs. The present study demonstrated clear breed differences in basal and hormone-stimulated metabolism, such that the 2X lambs appeared to be less sensitive to insulin and more sensitive to epinephrine than the MM lambs. These metabolic differences may be related to the fundamental differences in physiology that are associated with meat and wool production from 2X and MM breeds, respectively. They may also be related to adaptation of the MM breed to harsh environments through the ability of the body to metabolize fat resources, which are an efficient source of energy for survival.  相似文献   

日粮不同蛋白质水平对育肥羔羊增重效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究选用宣化种羊场2月龄左右、体重相近的健康陶赛特♂×小尾寒羊♀杂交一代羔羊30只,按体重、性别对等的原则,随机分成3组,每组10只,试验3组蛋白质水平分别是18%、17%、16%,研究日粮不同蛋白质水平对育肥羔羊增重效果的影响。试验结果表明:试验1组和试验2组的试验末重、日均增重以及试验期净增重都显著高于试验3组(P0.05);试验1组和试验2组间差异不显著(P0.05)。羔羊宰前活重、胴体重试验1组、试验2组与试验3组差异显著(P0.05),而各组的屠宰率差异不显著(P0.05)。羔羊育肥阶段补饲精饲料选用17%蛋白水平的日粮最好。  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to estimate the energy and protein requirements for maintenance and growth in male (castrated and intact) and female Saanen goat kids between 15 and 30 kg BW. To determine the net energy requirements for maintenance (NEm) and the net protein requirements for maintenance (NPm), 75 goats (25 castrated and 26 intact males and 24 females) were used. Twenty‐one goats (seven castrated and eight intact males and six females) were randomly assigned for slaughter to estimate the initial empty body composition. The 54 remaining animals (18 castrated and 18 intact males and 18 females) were randomly assigned in a split‐plot design using a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement with three sexes and three levels of intake (ad libitum and restricted feed to 75% or 50% of the ad libitum intake). Within each sex, six blocks (three goats per block) were formed and one goat was randomly assigned to each level of intake. The 75% and the 50% of ad libitum rationing were determined daily, based on the DMI of the animal fed ad libitum on the previous day. All animals within block were slaughtered when the animal fed ad libitum reached 30 kg BW. The net energy requirements for gain (NEg) and the net protein requirements for gain (NPg) were obtained using 58 animals (20 castrated and 20 intact males and 18 females). The animals were fed ad libitum and slaughtered at targeted BW (15, 23 or 30 kg). Sex did not affect NEg and NPm (277.8 kJ/kg0.75 BW day and 2.98 g CP/kg0.75 BW day respectively), as well as NPg (180.9 ± 6.48 g/kg EBW gain) in Saanen goat kids. However, castrated males and females had similar NEg (varied from 12.6 ± 0.424 to 17.9 ± 1.38 MJ/kg EBW gain), greater than intact males (varied from 9.74 ± 0.420 to 10.7 ± 0.984 MJ/kg EBW gain), as the BW increased from 15 to 30 kg.  相似文献   

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