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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of palm kernel (Elaeis guineensis) cake in diets for goats on feeding behaviors, rectal temperature, and cardiac and respiratory frequencies. Forty crossbred Boer male, non-castrated goats (ten animals per treatment), with an average age of 90 days and an initial body weight of 15.01 ± 1.76 kg, were used. The goats were fed Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) hay and palm kernel supplemented at the rates of 0, 7, 14, and 21% of dry matter (DM). The feeding behaviors (rumination, feeding, and idling times) were observed for three 24-h periods. DM and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) intake values were estimated as the difference between the total DM and NDF contents of the feed offered and the total DM and NDF contents of the orts. There was no effect of palm kernel cake inclusion in goat diets on DM intake (P > 0.05). However, palm kernel cake promoted a linear increase (P < 0.05) in NDF intake and time spent feeding and ruminating (min/day; %; period) and a linear decrease in time spent idling. Palm kernel cakes had no effects (P > 0.05) on the chewing, feeding, and rumination efficiency (DM and NDF) or on physiological variables. The use up to 21% palm kernel cake in the diet of crossbred Boer goats maintained the feeding behaviors and did not change the physiological parameters of goats; therefore, its use is recommended in the diet of these animals.  相似文献   


An investigation was made into the feeding behavior of goats to evaluate the effects of a detoxified castor bean meal in the diet of goats. Thirty-six ½ crossbred Boer goats were used, with an average weight of 20?±?3.2 kg. A completely randomized design was used with four treatments (diets with of 0, 100, 200, and 300 g detoxified castor bean meals/kg dry matter) and nine replicates. Castor bean meal was detoxified using calcium oxide. Diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous, and the forage:concentrate ratio was 50:50. The feeding behavior was observed on the 17th, 45th, and 70th days of the experiment. For the evaluation of feeding behavior (feeding, idle, and rumination times), the animals were observed in 5-min intervals for 24 h. The addition of detoxified castor bean meal did not change (P?>?0.05) the evaluated behavioral variables. Linear reduction was observed (P?<?0.05) in the efficiencies of feeding and rumination, expressed in g dry matter/h. The variables related to the time series discretization of the feeding behavior of goats did not change (P?>?0.05) with the inclusion of detoxified castor bean meal. The inclusion of detoxified castor bean meal in growing goats’ diets does not change the feeding, rumination, and idle times, however, decreases intake, feeding, and rumination efficiencies of dry matter.



This study is aimed at determining the maximum inclusion level of tamarind (Tamarindus indica) residues in the diet of goats on intake, digestibility, ingestive behavior, and nitrogen (N) balance. Twenty-four crossbred (Boer × undefined breed) castrated goat kids (5 months old and with an initial weight of 23.9?±?0.3 kg) were assigned in a completely randomized design (4 treatments and 6 replicates). Diets consisted of Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp.) hay as the roughage (400 g/kg) source and concentrate (600 g/kg); the levels of tamarind residue inclusion were 0.0, 7.0, 14.0, and 21.0% on a dry matter (DM) basis. The experimental period lasted 23 days (15 of adaptation and 8 of sampling). Inclusion of tamarind residue in the goat kid diets did not affect (P?>?0.05) the intake and digestibility of DM, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and total digestible nutrient; intake of N, urinary N, and retained N (g/day); time spent ruminating; numbers of times/day feeding, ruminating, or idling; eating efficiency of DM and NDF; number of boluses/day; and amount (g) of DM/bolus. However, there were a linear reduction in ether extract digestibility (P?=?0.011) and a linear decreasing trend in non-fibrous carbohydrate digestibility (P?=?0.083). The addition of tamarind residue had a positive linear effect (P?=?0.041) on the time spent feeding and promoted a decreasing linear trend for the time spent idling (P?=?0.063). It is recommended to include the residue from tamarind fruit at a level of 21% in diets for goat kids, as it does not affect nutrient intake and digestibility and the N balance.


The experiment was conducted for ninety days of feeding trial at Haramaya University, Ethiopia using twenty four yearling male Somali goats weighing 20.4 +/- 2.02 (mean +/- SD) with the objectives to evaluate the effect of supplementation of peanut cake and wheat bran mixture (3:1) on body weight (BW) gain and carcass characteristics of Somali goats. The experiment was arranged with six blocks and four treatments in a randomized complete block design. The treatments were ad libitum feeding of hay (T1, control) and supplementation with 200 g (T2), 300 g (T3) and 400 g (T4) peanut cake and wheat bran mixture on dry matter (DM) basis. Supplementation reduced (P < 0.001) hay DM intake, but increased (P < 0.001) total DM intake at 300 g DM (T3) and 400 g DM (T4) level of supplementation compared to the control treatment. Daily BW gain, final BW, empty BW, hot carcass weight and dressing percent were higher (P < 0.001) in the supplemented treatments. Goats on the medium (T3) level of supplementation had significantly heavier (P < 0.001) liver and more muscle deposition, whereas those on hay alone (T1) exhibited heavier bone, head as well as gut contents (P < 0.05). It was concluded that supplementation of Somali goats with the different levels of peanut cake and wheat bran mixture promoted BW gain, dressing percentage and increased the proportion of edible offals. Similarity between the different levels of supplementation used in this study with regard to BW and carcass characteristics favours the use of the low (T2) or medium (T3) level than the high (T4) level of supplementation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to record the ideal source and level of alkali treatment to treat jatropha meal (JM) and to determine the effect of inclusion of variously processed JM (pJM) on nutrient intake, digestibility, blood metabolites and hormonal status in goats. The JM was treated with 10 g/kg sodium chloride and 5 g/kg calcium hydroxide. The content of phorbol ester and hemagglutination (HA) activity of JM and pJM were assessed. A feeding trial for 90 days was conducted in short-haired multipurpose goats (n?=?15; five per group). The experimental animals were offered oat (Avena sativa) straw ad libitum throughout the experimental period of 90 days. Each group was assigned to one of the three diets, viz. R1—soybean meal, R2—sodium chloride (10 g/kg dry matter, DM), and R3—calcium hydroxide (5 g/kg DM), with pJM substituting 250 g/kg DM of crude protein (CP) of control (R1). At the end of the feeding period, digestion trial of 7 days was conducted. Blood samples were collected at the end of the experimental period to assess the blood metabolites and hormonal status. The phorbol ester and HA activity were reduced considerably in pJM. The intake of DM, organic matter, CP, and nitrogen-free extract were comparable among all the groups. However, the intake of ether extract was significantly higher in pJM-fed groups. The hemoglobin, packed cell volume, serum urea, triiodothyronine and testosterone contents decreased in R2 and R3 as compared to R1. Concentration of glucose and activity of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase increased (P?<?0.01) in goats fed pJM. It was concluded that phorbol ester content and HA activity markedly decreased by processing JM with sodium chloride and calcium hydroxide. However, they were not reduced to the levels of safe feeding, as reflected in unusual values of blood metabolites among the experimental animals.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the effects of including cassava wastewater in the diet on the feeding behavior of feedlot lambs in 35 male uncastrated Santa Inês × Dorper crossbred lambs at an approximate age of 3 months, with an average live weight of 20.0?±?3.4 kg. Diets were formulated with hay of cassava shoots (roughage) and a concentrate based on corn and soybean, with a roughage:concentrate ratio of 50:50, plus inclusion of cassava wastewater at the levels of 0, 12, 24, 36, or 48 g/kg of the total diet. Feeding behavior was evaluated between the 46th and 52nd days of the experiment. Increasing cassava wastewater levels in the diet reduced (P?<?0.05) the intakes (kg/day) of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber as well as the efficiency of rumination (g/cud and g/h) of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber. The other behavioral parameters were not affected by wastewater inclusion in the diet. Therefore, the inclusion of up to 48 g/kg of cassava wastewater on fresh matter of diets is not recommended for feedlot lambs.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of diets with ammoniated buffel grass hay on the ingestive behavior of feedlot lambs. Thirty-two sheep of no defined breed with an average body weight of 17.7?±?1.8 kg were used. A completely randomized design with four treatments (0, 18, 36, and 54 g/kg dry matter (DM) basis) and eight repetitions was used. Ingestive behavior, rumination, and idle time were similar (P?>?0.05) among the diets containing ammoniated buffel grass hay, with mean values of 294.5, 554.44, and 594.25 min per day, respectively. Regarding the chews, all of the variables resulted in similar behavior (P?>?0.05). The quadratic effect (P?<?0.05) observed for daily intake can be explained based on the amount of DM and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) per meal per rumination. There was no effect of urea levels from the ammoniation (P?>?0.05) on the efficiency of DM and NDF consumption. However, the rumination efficiency of DM and NDF showed a quadratic effect (P?<?0.05). Thus, the use of ammoniated buffel grass hay with urea in lamb diet affects the ingestive behavior by increasing the rumination efficiency, increased intake, and feed utilization.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding different levels of dried cassava leaves at 0%, 20%, 40% and 60%, respectively, using guinea grass as basal feed, on the haematological and serum biochemical parameters of West African Dwarf (WAD) goats. The study lasted for 116 days during which haematological and serum biochemical parameters were monitored in 40 male goats before and after, using a completely randomized design. At the start of the experiment, packed cell volume (PCV) ranged from 21.5% to 25.5% while haemoglobin concentration (Hb) and RBC significantly (P < 0.01) ranged from 7.3 to 8.6 g/dl and 10.4 to 13.2 × 1012/l, respectively. White blood cells reduced significantly (P < 0.05)) from 16.4 to 11.7 × 109/l) as dried cassava leaves increased in the diets. At the end of the trial, there was a slight increase in the values of PCV and Hb in the diets (P > 0.05). Lymphocyte reduced significantly (P < 0.05) from 50.0% to 63.5% in the diets. Neutrophils, however, increased (P > 0.05) at the 0% to 40% levels and reduced at the 60% level of dried cassava leaves inclusion. At the start of the experiment, values for glucose significantly (P < 0.05) ranged from 40.1 to 56.0 mg/dl. Total protein and albumin values ranged significantly (P < 0.05) from 56.0 to 68.5 g/dl and 30.6 to 38.4 g/dl, respectively. At the end of the experiment, serum creatinine increased significantly (P < 0.05) as the level of dried cassava leaves increased from 0% to 60% in the diets. The study revealed that inclusion of dried cassava leaves in the diets of West African Dwarf goats had no deleterious effects on the haematological and serum biochemical parameters of WAD goats and could therefore be included in ruminant diets up to 60%.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Avocado oil cake (AOC) was mixed with dried grape pomace and sugarcane molasses and ensiled for 90&nbsp;days. A total mixed ration containing 5% AOC...  相似文献   

1. The performance, nutrient utilisation, blood profile, carcase composition, gross pathology and sensory evaluation of meat from broiler chicks fed from 3 to 42 d on diets containing urea ammoniated neem (Azadirachta indica, A.juss) kernel cake (NKC) as a protein supplement to replace peanut meal (PNM), were evaluated. NKC was ammoniated with urea at 15 (UANKC 1) or 25 g (UANKC 2)/kg and incorporated into the test diets to replace either half (134.5 g/kg (L-UANKC 1) and 127.5 g/kg (L-UANKC 2), respectively) or all (269, g/kg (H-UANKC 1) and 255.0 g/kg (H-UANKC 2), respectively) of the nitrogen provided by the PNM. 2. The growth, food intake and efficiency of nutrient utilisation of the birds were comparable between the reference and L-UANKC 1 and 2 diets but were depressed on the other UANKC diets. 3. The retention of dry matter (DM), crude fibre (CF), nitrogen-free extract, total carbohydrate, gross energy, acid detergent fibre, calcium and phosphorus were similar among groups, except lower DM and higher CF and phosphorus retentions were noted in chicks fed on the H-UANKC 1, H-UANKC 2 and L-UANKC 2 diets. All the chicks were in positive nitrogen balance and percentage nitrogen retention did not differ between the reference and test diets. 4. Haemoglobin, total erythrocyte count and aspartate amino transferase activity were unaffected by diet, but total leucocyte count was higher in chicks fed on the H-UANKC 1 and 2 diets and alanine amino transferase activities were lower in chicks fed on the test diets. Blood urea increased as the amount of urea in the diets increased. 5. Most of the physico-chemical carcase characteristics from birds fed on the L-UANKC 2 were comparable to those from birds fed on the reference diet. No bitter taste was noticed in cooked meat from any diet by the sensory panel. 6. Incorporation of L-UANKC 2 was economical and responses were comparable to those observed on the reference diet. 7. It was concluded that NKC detoxified with 25 g urea/kg can economically and successfully replace half the nitrogen of PNM in broiler diets thereby mitigating the chronic shortage of costly oil cakes in developing countries.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of different levels of ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) and raw propolis (RP) on broiler performance and on selected bacterial groups in caecal microbiota using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) measured by fluorescent activated cell sorting. Two experiments were conducted with 120 male chicks from 1 to 21 days of age for each, raised in cages and distributed in a completely randomized experimental design; there were five replicates with four birds per experimental unit and six treatments for each experiment (trial 1 – EEP – 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 ppm and trial 2 – RP – 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm). Fluorescent probes were used against the bacterial groups in caecal samples collected at 21 days of age. The data were subjected to one‐way anova followed by Tukey's and regression analyses were used to assess the relationship between dietary levels of EEP or RP on performance and intestinal microbiota (p < 0.05). In the trial 1, results showed that the EEP did not cause any significant (p > 0.05) modification in the performance and caecal microbiota. In the trial 2, RP inclusion did not affect the performance but changed the bacterial composition (p < 0.05). Clostridiaceae, Gammaproteobacteria excluding Enterobacteriaceae and Lactobacillus spp. showed a quadratic response (p < 0.05), with the lowest value predicted to occur at 240 ppm, 221 ppm and 213 ppm of RP respectively. The proportion of Bacteroidaceae and Gammaproteobacteria did not differ (p > 0.05) among the experimental groups. The inclusion of ethanolic extract of propolis did not affect the performance and intestinal microbiota, whereas the supplementation of raw propolis modulates the caecal microbiota composition without any effects on chicken performance.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate seasonal rhythmicity and maturation of physiological parameters in goats. Five kids (Capra hircus, Maltese breed) were studied for 24 months, starting at 5 months of age. Rectal temperature and various blood-borne substances (melatonin, cholesterol, urea, total bilirubin, albumin, glucose, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and sodium) were measured once a month at dawn and dusk. Serum bilirubin concentration exhibited statistically significant 12-month rhythmicity, and melatonin concentration exhibited 6-month rhythmicity. Changes in the dusk-to-dawn difference in rectal temperature during the course of the study provided suggestive evidence that the circadian rhythm of body temperature in goats is not fully developed until the end of the second year of life. The results documented also maturational changes in cholesterol production and blood glucose regulation.  相似文献   

A metabolism study and two feedlot trials were conducted to evaluate urea supplementation of peanut skin (PS) diets and ammoniation of PS as methods of reducing detrimental effects of tannins in PS on nutrient digestibility and performance of beef cattle. Tannin content of PS was reduced by 42% after ammoniation. Digestibility coefficients for dry matter, crude protein, nitrogen free extract, energy and total digestible nutrients were higher (P less than .05) for the control diet without PS compared with urea-supplemented PS (UPS) and ammoniated PS (APS) diets. Ether extract digestibility was higher (P less than .05) for UPS and APS diets compared with the control diet. Fecal N was higher (P less than .05) and N retention was lower (P less than .05) in steers fed UPS and APS diets compared with controls, which suggested that in UPS and APS diets dietary protein was being complexed with tannins and excreted. Steers fed the APS diet had lower (P less than .05) plasma urea nitrogen compared with control and UPS diets at 2, 4 and 6 h post-feeding. Eighteen heifers were fed control, UPS and APS diets individually for 84 d, resulting in similar (P less than .05) feedlot performance and carcass traits for heifers on all dietary treatments. Rumen fluid propionic acid levels were similar for control and APS heifers and somewhat lower (P greater than .05) for UPS heifers at 3 and 6 h post-feeding on d 62 of the trial. The experimental diets were fed to 54 steers (360 kg initial wt) ad libitum. After 98 d on dietary treatments average daily gains (ADG), final weights, carcass weights and carcass quality grades were not different (P greater than .05) for control and APS steers. Live weight and ADG were lower (P less than .05) for UPS steers on d 98 compared with control and APS steers, and UPS steers continued in the feedlot through d 147. After 98 d on control or APS diets 72.2% of the beef carcasses produced on each diet graded USDA Choice, and 100% of the carcasses of steers fed UPS graded USDA Choice after 147 d. A urea-supplemented PS diet or a diet containing ammoniated PS was ineffective in improving digestibility and N retention of PS diets when limit-fed to steers. However, ad libitum feeding of an ammoniated PS diet was effective in overcoming detrimental effects of tannins on feedlot performance of heifers and steers.  相似文献   

In the first of two experiments, four wether lambs (BW = 26.8 kg) and four wether Angora goats (BW = 31.7 kg) were used in two simultaneous 4 x 4 Latin squares to study the influence of condensed tannins (CT) on nutrient usage and concentrations of serum urea N, somatotropin (GH), and insulin (INS) when the animals were fed low-quality diets containing mountain mahogany (MM; Cercocarpus montanus) leaves. Diets were 8% CP and contained 25% or 50% MM (with hay or straw, respectively), either untreated or treated with polyethylene glycol (PEG; molecular weight 3,350) to reduce total reactive CT. Diets treated with PEG and 25% MM diets had less (P less than .05) CT than diets without PEG or those with 50% MM. Diets containing 50% MM resulted in greater N balance and lower serum urea N (P less than .01) than 25% MM diets. Concentrations of GH and INS were similar in animals fed the 25% and 50% MM diets. Reducing CT by adding PEG did not affect N balance or improve nutrient digestion by lambs or goats fed low-quality diets. In Exp. 2, four wether lambs (BW = 28.4 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square and fed the same diets as animals in Exp. 1 to study the influence of CT on ruminal fermentation and digesta kinetics. Dietary PEG treatment did not affect digesta kinetics except for a 30% increase in ruminal volume; 50% MM diets had faster particulate passage rates (P less than .05) than 25% MM diets. Ruminal ammonia N was greater (P less than .01) in lambs fed PEG-containing or 25% MM diets; however, rate of in situ NDF disappearance was not reduced by the lower ammonia N in the latter diets.  相似文献   

  1. There is much interest in quantifying the nutritional value of UK wheat distillers dried grains with solubles (W-DDGS) for livestock species. A study was designed to evaluate caecal parameters (pH, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and bacterial diversity) in layer hens fed on balanced diets containing graded concentrations of W-DDGS.

  2. A total of 32 layer hens (Bovans Brown strain at 27 weeks of age) were randomly allocated to one of 4 dietary treatments containing W-DDGS at 0, 60, 120 or 180 g/kg. Each treatment was fed to 8 replicate individually housed layer hens over a 5-d acclimatisation period, followed by a 4-week trial. Individual feed intakes were monitored and all eggs were collected daily for weeks 2, 3 and 4 of the trial, weighed and an assessment of eggshell “dirtiness” made. All hens were culled on d 29 and caecal pH and SCFAs measured. Polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of the bacterial 16 S rDNA gene was used to assess total bacterial diversity of luminal caecal content from hens fed the 0 and 180 g W-DDGS/kg diets. Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrograms were generated from DGGE banding patterns.

  3. Increasing W-DDGS dietary concentrations resulted in a more acidic caecal environment. Caecal SCFAs were unaffected by diet aside from a quadratic effect for molar proportions of isobutyric acid. Diversity profiles of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene from luminal caecal contents were unaffected by W-DDGS inclusion.

  4. The results of the current study suggest that W-DDGS can be successfully formulated into nutritionally balanced layer diets (supplemented with xylanase and phytase) at up to 180 g/kg with no detrimental effects to the caecal environment.


The chemical analysis of dried cooked potato flake suggests that the material might be used in diets for broilers. Starter and finisher diets containing 0, 10, 20 and 40% potato flake in place of maize meal were formulated, and fed ad libitum in pellet form to broilers. Performance of the birds and characteristics of the pellets were measured.

The performances of birds given diets containing 0, 10 and 20% potato were similar. Birds given the diet containing 40% potato grew at a slower rate, ate less food but converted food as efficiently as birds receiving other diets.

Wetness of the litter and hardness of the pellets both increased as the proportion of potato in the diet increased, and these are suggested as the main factors limiting the proportion of potato used in the diet. It is proposed that these factors may be overcome by attention to the litter and by feeding diets containing potato in smaller sized particles.  相似文献   

Sixty 7‐d‐old male broiler chicks were housed in individual metabolism cages and offered one of six purified diets for 14 d. The diets were formulated to have the same ME contents but had different nitrogenous supplements: diet A, was the basal diet, containing PRG essential amino acid (EAA) mixture equivalent to 15 g N/kg; B, basal+12% glutamic acid (GA); C, basal plus EAA mixture equivalent to EAA content of 20.09% DPM; D, basal + EAA+12% GA; E, basal + 20.09% autoclaved DPM; F, basal + 20.09% unautoclaved DPM. The rank order of final body weights at 21 d of chicks fed on these diets were D(292 g) > B(258 g), (F254 g), E(253 g) > C(206 g) > A(180 g), (P<0.05). Chicks fed on diet C had better food conversion efficiencies (FCE) than those fed on diet A (0.449 and 0.374 respectively) and D was better than B (0.592 and 0.533 respectively).

In a second experiment, carried out under field trial conditions using commercial‐type diets formulated to contain DPM, 24 groups, each of about 40 male or female broiler chicks, were given diets containing 0% (P) or 5% (Q) DPM from 1 d of age for 4 weeks. From 4 to 8 weeks one of three diets with 0% (R), 5% (S) or 10% (T) DPM was fed according to a 2 (sexes) x 2 x 3 factorial design. Between o and 4 weeks feeding DPM had no significant effect on body weight or food consumption, but birds fed diet Q had an improved FCE (P<0.05). Between 4 and 8 weeks birds fed on S and T were heavier than the controls at 6 weeks, but this increase was not significant at 8 weeks (P> 0.05). Food consumption was not affected, but the FCE improved with increasing inclusion of DPM. At 8 weeks of age birds fed on Q, were heavier than birds fed on diet P.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding diets including market crop wastes (sweet potato vines (Ipomoea batatas) and scarlet eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum)) on growth and digestibility was studied using 32 indigenous intact growing male goats. Adding elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), maize bran and Leucaena leucocephala leaves, four isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets (Sweet potato vines, Solanum, Mixed and Control) were formulated. After the growth trial, 12 goats were randomly selected for a digestibility trial with the same diets, and 8 goats for a feed preference test comparing the market wastes and elephant grass. Crude protein (CP) intake was highest (P < 0.05) for the Control (48 g/day) and lowest for the Sweet potato vines diet (23 g/day). Average daily gain was between 11.0 and 14.2 g/day, and similar between diets. The DM and CP digestibilities of the diets were 0.56 and 0.56 (Control), 0.62 and 0.56 (Mixed), 0.59 and 0.49 (Sweet potato vines), and 0.54 and 0.45 (Solanum), respectively. Faecal and urinary N excretions were highest in goats fed the Sweet potato vines and Solanum diets. Eggplant wastes were the least (P < 0.05) preferred. On average the goats spent 5% of their 8-hour time eating eggplant wastes, 34% on sweet potato vines and 36% on elephant grass. Growth performance and N retention were low due to the low intake of feed, especially eggplant wastes.  相似文献   

1. In experiment 1, growing conventional (CV) chicks were fed on diets containing graded amounts (0, 100, 200 and 300 g/kg diet) of sorbose from 4 to 14 d. Protein, fat and energy deposition were determined after carcase analysis. The values for growth, food efficiency, metabolisable energy (ME) and fat and energy depositions declined as the dietary sorbose content increased. 2. In experiment 2, the performances of germ-free (GF) and CV chicks fed on diets with (100 g sorbose/kg diet) or without sorbose were investigated. On both diets, body weight gain, food consumption and protein accumulation in GF chicks were significantly higher than those in CV birds. No significant differences were observed between the dietary treatment except for ME values, which were significantly lower for the sorbose diet. 3. It is suggested that dietary sorbose decreased energy utilisation, and that the microbial contribution to the utilisation of dietary sorbose was negligible in the chicken.  相似文献   

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