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孙昭安  赵诣  朱彪  陈清  曹慧  何敏毅  孟凡乔 《土壤学报》2021,58(4):998-1007
利用IsoSource模型三源区分玉米根际土壤CO2释放来源(根源呼吸、土壤无机碳与有机碳释放),研究玉米根际效应对石灰性土壤无机碳与有机碳释放的影响.在玉米拔节期(24~53 d)、抽穗期(54~66 d)和灌浆期(67~99 d)末分别破坏性取样,测定根系、土壤有机碳和无机碳的13C含量等指标;自拔节期开始至生育期...  相似文献   

在富含碳酸盐的石灰性土壤上,土壤本身CO2释放不仅来自土壤有机碳(SOC)的分解,也源于无机碳(SIC)的溶解。在秸秆还田下,石灰性土壤CO2释放来源达到三个(秸秆碳、SOC和SIC),由于区分技术的限制,当前区分CO2释放三源的研究,尚少见报道。以华北石灰性农田土壤为研究对象,采用13C标记玉米秸秆添加土壤进行室内培养32周,设置4个处理,分别为无添加对照(CK)、低量秸秆添加(S1,相当于田间秸秆还田量9.6 t?hm-2)、中量秸秆添加(S2,秸秆还田量28.8 t?hm-2)和高量秸秆添加(S3,秸秆还田量48.0 t?hm-2),利用秸秆碳、SOC与SIC之间的δ13C差异,借助稳定同位素溯源模型IsoSource,区分土壤CO2的释放来源,明确秸秆添加对石灰性土壤有机与无机碳释放的影响。结果表明,随着培养时间的进行,土壤释放CO2中源于秸秆的贡献呈下降趋势;秸秆分解对土壤CO2释放的贡献随着秸秆添加量增加而增加,对于S1、S2和S3处理,土壤释放CO2中源于秸秆、SOC和SIC的贡献比值约分别为3:3:4、5:2:3和6:2:2;与CK相比,S1处理降低SOC分解的激发效应(程度为9%),S2和S3处理反而增加了SOC分解的激发效应(程度分别为22%和57%);秸秆和SOC矿化增加SIC溶解的释放,随秸秆添加量增加而增加,S1、S2和S3处理提高SIC源CO2的释放程度分别为368%、561%和652%。因此,秸秆添加不仅影响SOC源CO2的释放,也增加了SIC源CO2的释放,若忽略SIC溶解对土壤CO2释放的贡献,可能导致SOC矿化量的高估,进而影响SOC激发效应评估的准确度。  相似文献   

稳定同位素技术是研究土壤元素循环的重要技术手段。本实验研究了同位素标记后的停留时间对水稻地上和地下部分及利用其制备的生物质炭的13C丰度(δ13C)和15N丰度(δ15N)的影响,为深入研究生物质炭对土壤碳、氮过程的影响提供基础。研究以水稻为材料,利用15N-尿素叶面喷施和13C-CO2脉冲标记的方法对水稻进行了15N和13C双标记,15N标记结束后设置4 h、6 h和24 h三个停留时间,将标记后的水稻分为地上和地下部分,分别在300 °C和500 °C下制备成生物质炭,利用同位素质谱仪测定水稻及其生物质炭的δ13C和δ15N。结果表明,随着停留时间的延长,水稻地上部分的δ13C由872‰逐渐降低至578‰,而地下部分的δ13C由226‰逐渐升高至869‰。与δ13C不同,水稻地上部分δ15N呈现先增加后降低的趋势,停留时间6 h时δ15N最大(1764‰),而地下部分的δ15N呈现先降低后增加的趋势。整体而言,与水稻原料相比,生物质炭的δ13C和δ15N分别降低了52.1%和15.9%。而且,生物质炭的δ13C和δ15N均在停留时间为24 h时最高,300 °C生物质炭表现的更加明显。随着停留时间的延长,300 °C生物质炭的热水可提取有机碳的δ13C比残留固体的δ13C降低的比例由4.14%提高到11.0%,而对于500 °C生物质炭则由32.3%降低到18.9%,表明延长停留时间分别降低和提高了300 °C和500 °C生物质炭的13C均匀性。综上所述,本研究发现标记后的停留时间对水稻δ13C和δ15N的影响不同,并且这种影响没有延续至生物质炭,停留时间和制备温度共同影响水稻生物质炭的13C均匀性。  相似文献   

基于沈阳农业大学棕壤长期定位试验站不同施肥与地膜覆盖处理,采用原位13CO2脉冲标记的方法示踪了13C在玉米-土壤系统中的转移与分配,探讨了施肥与地膜覆盖对玉米光合碳动态变化的影响。结果表明:玉米-土壤系统光合固定碳转移较快,且分配差异较大,其δ13C值在标记1 d表现为茎叶>根>根际土壤>土体,且同一施肥处理下传统栽培高于覆膜栽培。标记15 d玉米植株和根际土壤δ13C值降低,而土体δ13C值却略有升高。传统栽培不施肥处理对13C富集程度最大,其中茎叶和根δ13C值在标记1 d分别为1 568‰和598‰;标记15 d为178‰和147‰。玉米-土壤系统13C固定比例在标记1 d和15 d分别为64.01%和38.65%,且13C分配按茎叶、根、根际土壤、土体顺序依次降低。覆膜施有机肥处理显著提高了光合固定13C数量及13C在玉米和土壤中的分配比例,是促进13C同化与分配的主要方式。  相似文献   

玉米根、茎、叶残体因含碳化学组分差异,还田后对不同肥力土壤呼吸及激发效应的影响存在差异性,为探究这种影响的田间差异性,采用13C标记玉米秸秆示踪方法,在沈阳农业大学棕壤长期定位试验站进行540天田间培养试验,共设置8个处理:低肥土壤(LF+CK)、低肥土壤+根(LF+R)、低肥土壤+茎(LF+S)、低肥土壤+叶(LF+L)、高肥土壤(HF+CK)、高肥土壤+根(HF+R)、高肥土壤+茎(HF+S)、高肥土壤+叶(HF+L)。结果显示:(1)培养期内,土壤呼吸通量、秸秆碳对土壤CO2-C排放的贡献率均呈下降趋势;(2)与不添加秸秆土壤相比,低肥土壤添加根、茎、叶处理的土壤CO2-C排放累积量分别增加134%、126%和95%,高肥土壤分别增加157%、189%和96%;(3)根、茎在高肥土壤中对土壤CO2-C排放的贡献显著大于叶,在低肥土壤中并无差异;(4)秸秆不同部位还田均会引起高低肥土壤的正激发效应,其中添加根、茎的激发效应显著强于叶,而秸秆不同部位对两种肥力水平土壤的激发效应均无显著影响。综上,秸秆不同部位还田对土壤呼吸的CO2累积排放量影响显著;玉米叶较玉米根、茎容易分解,但由于土壤自身养分差异,玉米叶还田初期在低肥土壤分解速率高于根、茎,而在高肥土壤小于根、茎。因此细化秸秆还田对农田土壤呼吸有重要意义,未来在秸秆还田研究中应考虑秸秆不同部位和土壤肥力间的交互影响。  相似文献   

采用空间代替时间与稳定性碳同位素技术相结合的方法,研究了茂兰喀斯特森林自然恢复中土壤有机碳(SOC)δ13C值特征。结果表明:整体上SOCδ13C值随恢复进展0~20 cm土层(-25.72‰~-19.91‰)趋正、20 cm土层(-23.76‰~-18.13‰)先趋正后趋负。随土层加深除草灌、灌乔外其他阶段均趋正,草灌阶段上层土与乔木、顶极阶段底层土SOC为C4碳,SOCδ13C值变化受地带性和喀斯特环境的双重影响。群落优势种凋落叶δ13C值(-31.79‰~-16.76‰)随恢复进展趋负,说明生境日益改善,其与0~20cm土层SOCδ13C值呈极显著正相关(R20.96,p0.01)、而与20 cm土层极不相关,说明0~20 cm土层主要为新碳;SOC周转速率随恢复进展递增、随土层加深递减,土壤生化反应具较强表聚性;SOCδ13C值与土壤可矿化碳、易氧化碳含量呈显著的负相关关系(R2-0.50,p0.05),与微生物生物量碳具有一定的负相关关系(R2=-0.389),SOCδ13C值在一定程度上可以指示SOC的活性;喀斯特森林自然恢复是复杂多变、多途径的统一,其中C4植物在恢复中具有重要意义;碳同位素方法与"空间代替时间"方法相结合能较好地重现喀斯特植被更替的历史。  相似文献   

CO2作为光合作用的底物,其浓度的高低直接影响植物光合作用能力的大小,为探究近年来大气CO2浓度升高对宁夏枸杞光合产物的影响,应用碳同位素示踪技术与开顶气室法,测定分析2种CO2浓度(倍增浓度(720±20)μmol/mol;对照(360±20)μmol/mol)处理下宁夏枸杞苗木各器官中光合产物积累与分配的差异。结果表明:CO2浓度倍增处理下,宁夏枸杞叶片净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度、水分利用效率均明显高于对照;在速生期,叶片蒸腾速率较对照显著降低,在生长后期没有差异。CO2浓度倍增处理下,未进行标记的宁夏枸杞各个器官的13C自然丰度值相对于对照均有不同程度的下降。13C标记90 d时,对宁夏枸杞各器官在24 h、48 h和7 d的δ13C值进行测定,并与未标记之前的δ13C值比较发现宁夏枸杞叶片δ13C值在24 h最大,根和茎δ13C值在标记结束后48 h最大,之后开始下降,根部δ13C值下降的幅度较小,光合产物总体呈现的是叶向茎,再向根部转移的规律。在CO2浓度倍增处理90和120 d时,宁夏枸杞δ13C值在枸杞根、茎和叶中均有不同程度的升高。处理90 d时δ13C值较对照增加的百分比分别为茎(65.53%)根(27.39%)叶(18.05%),120 d时为果实(145.04%)叶(143.56%)根(49.96%)茎(43.26%)。因此大气CO2浓度倍增,增强了宁夏枸杞的光合能力,增加了光合产物在各器官中的积累,在速生期光合产物在茎中的增加比例最大,而生长后期则在果实和叶中的增加比例较大。  相似文献   

聂棠棠  王娟  姚槐应  葛超荣 《土壤》2023,55(3):578-586
为比较不同方法在土壤呼吸及其13C同位素测定中的差异,我们应用几种常见的方法测定了不同有机质含量的水稻土壤在一定时间内的CO2排放量及13C-CO2丰度,以期准确评估土壤呼吸及碳排放,并为相关研究提供参考。本实验采用了气相色谱仪法(GC-TCD)、稳定同位素比值质谱仪气体进样法(Gasbench-IRMS)、甲酚红显色法(MicroResp)、碱液吸收法四种方法测定土壤呼吸速率;Gasbench-IRMS法和碱液吸收法两种方式检测土壤呼吸的13CO2含量。结果表明,(1)两种仪器法(GC、IRMS)测定土壤呼吸速率的数值结果相近(基础呼吸)或趋势一致(诱导呼吸),且重复性好(标准差分别为0.011、0.010 mg C /kg/h),准确度高;MicroResp法的测定结果与仪器测量值较为相近,但分辨率较低;碱液吸收法的测定结果较真实值偏高(当土壤有机质含量低时)或偏低(当土壤有机质含量高时)。(2)在测定CO2中的13C含量上,Gasbench-IRMS直接测定的结果误差小(δ13C值的标准偏差为0.137‰),接近实际值,可以准确地反应出土壤微生物呼吸时对底物的利用状况。综上,仪器法较化学分析法(MicroResp、碱液吸收)更能准确测定土壤呼吸及其13C同位素。  相似文献   

李朋发  江春玉  李忠佩 《土壤》2019,51(5):923-928
通过室内花生盆栽,设置NPK(常规氮磷钾施肥)、NPKS(常规氮磷钾加玉米秸秆)、NPKA(常规氮磷钾加腐殖酸)和CK(不施肥对照)4个不同的施肥处理,采用3次~(13)CO2脉冲标记的方法对不同施肥处理下光合碳在花生-土壤系统中的分配进行定量研究。结果表明:不同施肥处理对标记期内花生总生物量影响不显著,但是NPKA处理显著提升了花生根系生物量,较CK、NPK和NPKS分别高22.04%、19.47%和53.38%。NPKS处理地上部~(13)C丰度最高,但土壤中~(13)C丰度最低,NPKA处理土壤中~(13)C丰度最高。各处理地上部的~(13)C含量无显著差异,NPKA处理根系的~(13)C含量显著高于NPK且土壤~(13)C含量显著高于其他处理。NPKA处理地上部的~(13)C分配比例最低而土壤中分配比例最高,根系~(13)C分配比例与其他处理无显著差异,根系与土壤~(13)C分配比例之和显著高于其他处理。本研究表明腐殖酸能显著促进花生光合碳向地下部的转运。  相似文献   

于海洋  张广斌  马静  徐华 《土壤》2021,53(3):458-467
大气CO2浓度升高是全球气候变化的主要驱动力,可直接或间接影响陆地生态系统碳氮循环。阐明稻田生态系统CH4和N2O排放对大气CO2浓度升高的响应及其机制,是农业生产应对全球气候变化的重要组成部分。本文综述了国内外不同大气CO2浓度升高模拟技术平台条件下稻田CH4和N2O排放的响应规律,进一步讨论分析了大气CO2浓度升高影响CH4和N2O排放的相关机制,并展望了今后稻田CH4和N2O排放对大气CO2浓度升高响应的主要研究方向,以期为应对全球气候变化提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

农田土壤有机碳库是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,其积累和分解直接影响陆地生态系统碳贮藏与全球碳平衡。土壤团聚体是土壤结构的物质基础和土壤肥力的重要载体,也是土壤有机碳的固定场所。稳定~(13)C同位素示踪技术是研究土壤碳动态变化的有效手段,能够揭示新输入碳在土壤及团聚体中赋存状态、周转过程以及微生物的调节机制。本文主要归纳与阐述了稳定~(13)C同位素示踪技术在农田土壤有机碳循环及土壤团聚体固碳机理方面的研究进展,提出~(13)C同位素示踪技术在未来土壤碳循环和固碳机制方面的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

A theoretical approach to the partitioning of carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux from soil with a C3 vegetation history planted with maize (Zea mays), a C4 plant, into three sources, root respiration (RR), rhizomicrobial respiration (RMR), and microbial soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition (SOMD), was examined. The δ13C values of SOM, roots, microbial biomass, and total CO2 efflux were measured during a 40-day growing period. A three-source isotopic mass balance based on the measured δ13C values and on assumptions made in other studies showed that RR, RMR, and SOMD amounted to 91%, 4%, and 5%, respectively. Two assumptions were thoroughly examined in a sensitivity analysis: the absence of 13C fractionation and the conformity of δ13C of microbial CO2 and that of microbial biomass. This approach strongly overestimated RR and underestimated RMR and microbial SOMD. CO2 efflux from unplanted soil was enriched in 13C by 2.0‰ compared to microbial biomass. The consideration of this 13C fractionation in the mass balance equation changed the proportions of RR and RMR by only 4% and did not affect SOMD. A calculated δ13C value of microbial CO2 by a mass balance equation including active and inactive parts of microbial biomass was used to adjust a hypothetical below-ground CO2 partitioning to the measured and literature data. The active microbial biomass in the rhizosphere amounted to 37% to achieve an appropriate ratio between RR and RMR compared to measured data. Therefore, the three-source partitioning approach failed due to a low active portion of microbial biomass, which is the main microbial CO2 source controlling the δ13C value of total microbial biomass. Since fumigation-extraction reflects total microbial biomass, its δ13C value was unsuitable to predict δ13C of released microbial CO2 after a C3-C4 vegetation change. The second adjustment to the CO2 partitioning results in the literature showed that at least 71% of the active microbial biomass utilizing maize rhizodeposits would be necessary to achieve that proportion between RR and RMR observed by other approaches based on 14C labelling. The method for partitioning total below-ground CO2 efflux into three sources using a natural 13C labelling technique failed due to the small proportion of active microbial biomass in the rhizosphere. This small active fraction led to a discrepancy between δ13C values of microbial biomass and of microbially respired CO2.  相似文献   

Depending upon how soil is managed, it can serve as a source or sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). As the atmospheric CO2 concentration continues to increase, more attention is being focused on the soil as a possible sink for atmospheric CO2. This study was conducted to examine the short-term effects of crop rotation and N fertilization on soil CO2 emissions in Central Iowa. Soil CO2 emissions were measured during the growing seasons of 2003 and 2004 from plots fertilized with three N rates (0, 135, and 270 kg N ha−1) in continuous corn and a corn–soybean rotation in a split-plot design. Soil samples were collected in the spring of 2004 from the 0–15 cm soil depth to determine soil organic C content. Crop residue input was estimated using a harvest index based on the measured crop yield. The results show that increasing N fertilization generally decreased soil CO2 emissions and the continuous corn cropping system had higher soil CO2 emissions than the corn–soybean rotation. Soil CO2 emission rate at the peak time during the growing season and cumulative CO2 under continuous corn increased by 24 and 18%, respectively compared to that from corn–soybean rotation. During this period, the soil fertilized with 270 kg N ha−1 emitted, on average, 23% less CO2 than the soil fertilized with the other two N rates. The greatest difference in CO2 emission rate was observed in 2004; where plots that received 0 N rate had 31% greater CO2 emission rate than plots fertilized with 270 kg N ha−1. The findings of this research indicate that changes in cropping systems can have immediate impact on both rate and cumulative soil CO2 emissions, where continuous corn caused greater soil CO2 emissions than corn soybean rotation.  相似文献   

固态13C和15N核磁共振法研究15N标记土壤的腐殖质组分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five humic fractions were obtained from a uniformly ^15N-labelled soil by extraction with 0.1 mol L^-1 Na4P2O7,0.1mol L^-1 NaOH ,and HF/HCl-0.1 mol L^-1 NaOH,consecutively,and analyzed by ^13C and ^15N CPMAS NMR (cross polarization and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonace).Compared with those of native soils humic fractions studied as a whole contained more alkyls ,methoxyls and O-alkyls,being 27%-36%,17%-21%and 36%-40%,respectively,but fewer aromatics and carboxyls(bein 14%-20% and 13%-90%,respectively),Among those humic fractions ,the humic acid(HA)and fulvic acid(FA) extracted by 0.1 mol L^-1 Na4P2O7 contained slightly more carboxyls than corresponding humic fractions extracted by 0.1 mol L^-1 NaOH ,and the HA extacted by 0.1 mol L^-1 NaOH after treatment with HF/HCl contained the least aromatics and carboxyls.The distribution of nitrogen functional groups of soil humic fractions studied was quite similar to each other and also quite similar to that of humic fraction from native soils.More than 75% of total N in each fraction was in amide from,with 9%-13% present as aromatic and /or aliphatic amines and the remainder as heerocyclic N.  相似文献   

杜振宇  周健民  段增强  王火焰 《土壤》2004,36(6):609-614
本文综述了生长环境和根系介质CO2浓度增加对番茄生长发育、产量、品质和生理反应的效应,以及环境因素与CO2相互作用对番茄的影响。CO2浓度增加可以促进番茄生长,提高产量和品质; 可以促进光合作用、抑制呼吸,降低蒸腾,减轻病虫害发生。环境因素可以影响番茄对CO2的反应。今后应重点加强CO2浓度增加条件下番茄养分吸收特性的研究。  相似文献   

Sources of CO2 efflux from soil and review of partitioning methods   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Five main biogenic sources of CO2 efflux from soils have been distinguished and described according to their turnover rates and the mean residence time of carbon. They are root respiration, rhizomicrobial respiration, decomposition of plant residues, the priming effect induced by root exudation or by addition of plant residues, and basal respiration by microbial decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). These sources can be grouped in several combinations to summarize CO2 efflux from the soil including: root-derived CO2, plant-derived CO2, SOM-derived CO2, rhizosphere respiration, heterotrophic microbial respiration (respiration by heterotrophs), and respiration by autotrophs. These distinctions are important because without separation of SOM-derived CO2 from plant-derived CO2, measurements of total soil respiration have very limited value for evaluation of the soil as a source or sink of atmospheric CO2 and for interpreting the sources of CO2 and the fate of carbon within soils and ecosystems. Additionally, the processes linked to the five sources of CO2 efflux from soil have various responses to environmental variables and consequently to global warming. This review describes the basic principles and assumptions of the following methods which allow SOM-derived and root-derived CO2 efflux to be separated under laboratory and field conditions: root exclusion techniques, shading and clipping, tree girdling, regression, component integration, excised roots and insitu root respiration; continuous and pulse labeling, 13C natural abundance and FACE, and radiocarbon dating and bomb-14C. A short sections cover the separation of the respiration of autotrophs and that of heterotrophs, i.e. the separation of actual root respiration from microbial respiration, as well as methods allowing the amount of CO2 evolved by decomposition of plant residues and by priming effects to be estimated. All these methods have been evaluated according to their inherent disturbance of the ecosystem and C fluxes, and their versatility under various conditions. The shortfalls of existing approaches and the need for further development and standardization of methods are highlighted.  相似文献   

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