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【目的】在田间原位条件下研究丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizal, AM)真菌根外菌丝表面有无解磷细菌定殖,并对存在的解磷细菌的种类进行鉴定,对其活化有机磷的能力进行检测,从而为更好地认识菌丝际土壤有机磷的周转和磷的生物地球化学循环过程提供依据。【方法】利用河北省曲周县中国农业大学实验站的玉米长期定位试验,采用田间埋膜方式从玉米根系周围收集AM真菌的根外菌丝,用蒙金娜有机磷固体培养基筛选菌丝表面具有矿化植酸钙能力的细菌,对筛选出的细菌进行分离、 培养,然后提取细菌DNA,通过16S rDNA测序分析来确定解磷细菌的种类。分离鉴定的菌株先用蒙金娜有机磷固体培养基通过测定菌落直径(d)及溶磷圈直径(D)初步鉴定其活化植酸钙的能力,再用无菌的蒙金娜有机磷液体培养基确定每株解磷细菌矿化植酸磷的能力,并对溶液的pH进行测定,每个菌株重复3次。最后采用两室隔网根盒将分离纯化的解磷细菌回接至AM真菌根外菌丝,鉴定回接成功率,确定分离出的解磷细菌能否成功定殖于菌丝表面。【结果】从AM真菌根外菌丝表面分离得到了29株具有活化有机磷能力的细菌,分属于芽胞杆菌、 假单胞菌、 沙雷氏菌、 葡萄球菌和肠杆菌5个不同的属。通过有机磷液体培养进一步检测这些菌株活化植酸磷的能力,发现它们对植酸磷的矿化率为1.9%~21.9%。其中假单胞菌属细菌的解磷能力相对较强,对植酸磷的矿化率达14%以上,液体培养基的pH值下降2~4个单位。将分离纯化的细菌回接至两室隔网根盒的菌丝室,培养30 d后,从菌丝表面再次检测到除假单胞菌属外的芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus)、 沙雷氏菌属(Serratia)、 葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)和肠杆菌属(Enterobacter)细菌,另外还检测到贪铜菌属(Cupriavidus)细菌。【结论】在田间原位条件下,与玉米共生的AM真菌的根外菌丝表面有多种解磷细菌定殖,它们活化有机磷能力存在差异,其中以假单胞菌属细菌的解磷能力相对较强。  相似文献   

培养基质对丛枝菌根(AM)真菌生长发育的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
温室条件下,以盆栽培养方法研究不同培养基质对丛枝菌根(Arbuscular Mycorrhizae,AM)真菌Glomus mosseae生长发育的影响。结果表明:不同理化性质的基质对菌根共生体生长发育的影响不同,综合考虑菌根长度、根外菌丝量及孢子数3项指标,以沙土混合物(体积比3∶1)对G. mosseae菌剂的生长发育最为有利。宿主植物菌根长度及根中的可溶性糖浓度与根外孢子数有正相关关系,而宿主植物中磷浓度与菌根真菌的生长发育也有类似的关系。说明培养基质的养分状况、水分状况、通气状况等诸多因素都会影响菌根共生体的建立和发展。宿主植物的菌根长度、根中可溶性糖浓度以及宿主植物磷浓度对菌根真菌的生长发育有显著影响。因此,工厂化AM菌剂生产中,应以沙土混合物(体积比3∶1)为生产G. mosseae菌剂的培养基质。  相似文献   

不同土壤类型下AM 真菌分布多样性及与土壤因子的关系   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
以禾本科植物群落为研究对象, 研究了宁夏六盘山林地、银川农耕地、暖泉农耕地、固原农耕地、盐池沙地、灵武沙地6 个采样地点5 种土壤类型(黑垆土、灌淤土、黄绵土、灰钙土、风沙土)下AM 真菌物种多样性及其与土壤因子的关系。结果表明: 5 种土壤类型采样点的植被根际土壤中共鉴定出5 属48 种AM真菌, 其中, 无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)1 种, 巨孢囊霉属(Gigaspora)3 种, 球囊霉属(Glomus)37 种, 类球囊霉属(Paraglomus)1 种, 盾巨孢囊霉属(Scutellospora)6 种, 各采样点土壤均以球囊霉属为优势属。地球囊霉(G.geosporum)和木薯球囊霉(G. manihotis)是6 个采样地点中的优势种。不同土壤类型各采样点AM 真菌各属的频度存在明显差异, 球囊霉属在各点均有出现, 频度值最高。具有较高植被多样性的暖泉样点, AM 真菌的种属数量较多。土壤环境因子对AM 真菌孢子密度的影响因所处土壤、植被类型不同而异。pH、全盐、速效钾、速效磷等土壤肥力因子, 在PCA 轴上能最大程度地解释AM 真菌孢子密度与土壤环境因子之间相互关系的大部分信息。宁夏不同土壤类型区域中AM 真菌种类及分布一定程度上与该采样点的植被类型、植物多样性和土壤肥力特征相对应。  相似文献   

菌丝是丛枝菌根吸收传递养分的主要部分,传统采用玻璃珠培养收集菌丝法,虽然可以收集到纯净的AM菌丝,但收集到的菌丝量较少。以玉米为宿主植物,以单用玻璃珠(对照)或以玻璃珠(2 mm)与沙子(0.25~1.00 mm)混合作为培养基质,分别接种Glomus mosseae或Glomus intraradics进行AM菌丝收集。结果表明,接种G. mosseae的植株根系侵染率显著低于G. intraradics处理,而收集到的G. mosseae根外菌丝量却显著高于G. intraradics。玻璃珠和沙子混合培养基质收集到的G. mosseae根外菌丝干重可达24.4 mg/kg,约为玻璃珠基质的4.7倍。  相似文献   

董昌金  姚发兴  赵斌 《土壤学报》2006,43(3):473-477
类黄酮(hesperitin)能显著促进AM真菌[Glomus intraradices(G.i)、Acaulospora laevis(A.l)、G.i+A.l]对宿主植物(玉米、棉花)根段的侵染,提高菌丝琥珀酸脱氢酶(Succinate dehydrogenase,SDH)和碱性磷酸酶(Alkaline phosphatase,ALP)的活性.当用15 nmol L^-1、150 nmol L^-1、1.5 μmol L^-1类黄酮处理时,第6周取样,G.i对玉米根段的侵染率分别为76.2%、84.5%、75.8%(对照为45.9%),菌丝SDH酶活性分别为68.4%、75.9%、67.4%(对照为40.7%),菌丝ALP酶活性分别为45.8%、51.4%、45.1%(对照为27.1%);G.i对棉花根段的侵染率分别为85.2%、88.9%、83.8%(对照为59.8%),菌丝SDH酶活性分别为76.8%、81.2%、75.0%(对照为53.1%),菌丝ALP酶活性分别为51.2%、53.7%、49.4%(对照为35.2%).同时,类黄酮能显著增加土壤中AM真菌菌丝的总量,对宿主植物(玉米、棉花)的生物量也有一定的影响.  相似文献   

AM 菌根真菌诱导对提高玉米纹枯病抗性的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
试验研究玉米接种摩西球囊霉后对纹枯病抗性反应的结果表明,接种摩西球囊霉能明显减轻玉米纹枯病的发病率和病情指数,减轻病害。接种摩西球囊霉还能促进玉米营养生长,但立枯丝核菌侵袭会降低菌根的侵染率,表明摩西球囊霉与立枯丝核菌间存在相互作用。  相似文献   

对西北地区5个酿酒葡萄赤霞珠(Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon)葡萄园根际土壤060 cm土层的AM真菌空间分布进行了研究。结果表明,葡萄根系可形成丛枝菌根,且侵染率较高,最高达79%; 在西北地区的5个样地中共分离出AM真菌4属22种,其中球囊霉属(Glomus)15种,无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)4种,盾巨孢囊霉属(Scutellospora)2种,巨孢囊霉属(Gigaspora)1种。5个样地孢子密度大小顺序为: 陕西泾阳(JY)>山西永济(YJ)>陕西杨凌(YL)>宁夏银川(YC)>甘肃莫高(MG)。各样地葡萄根际土壤中AM真菌种的丰富度不同,陕西泾阳地区最高; 分布于葡萄根际的AM真菌按种类多少排序的属依次是: 球囊霉属无梗囊霉属盾巨孢囊霉属巨孢囊霉属,球囊霉属占据的比例保持着绝对优势; 根内球囊霉、摩西球囊霉、地表球囊霉在不同样地中均为优势菌株,副冠球囊霉,集球囊霉,细凹无梗囊霉是多数样地中的稀有种类。研究表明,葡萄与AM真菌具有良好的共生关系,二者协同进化产生了具有生态环境特异性的菌根真菌多样性; 葡萄根际存在较为丰富的丛枝菌根真菌资源,可供进一步开发利用。  相似文献   

试验研究 3种丛枝菌根真菌根内菌丝碱性磷酸酶活性与菌根共生效应的结果表明 ,3种丛枝菌根真菌对宿主植物的效应不同 ,与接种G .spp处理和未接种对照相比 ,接种G .m和G .i处理显著增加玉米地上部和根系干物质量、P浓度和吸P量 ,但后两者间无显著差异 ;而接种G .spp处理与对照无显著差异。播种后 35d时接种G .m和G .i处理根内菌丝碱性磷酸酶活性显著高于接种G .spp处理 ,而前二者间无显著差异 ,且随生长时间的变化趋势相似 ,35d时酶活性最高 ,35~ 5 0d呈迅速下降趋势 ,至 70d时酶活性仍下降且趋于平缓。G .spp酶活性则一直处于较低水平 ,随生长时间的延长略有起伏。即接种不同丛枝菌根真菌时 ,根内菌丝碱性磷酸酶活性高的菌根真菌对玉米生长促进作用较大 ,可提高玉米P营养状况 ;反之则对玉米生长和P营养状况无明显促进作用 ,且与对照无显著差异。出苗后 35d时根内菌丝碱性磷酸酶活性是预测丛枝菌根真菌对玉米生长效应的有效生理指标之一。  相似文献   

1996~1998年试验研究了大田不施肥条件下3种泡囊丛枝菌根真菌Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF),即 Glomus mosseae(G.m)、Glomus versifome(G.v)、Sclerocystis sinousa(S.s)对玉米生长的生态效应.结果表明,AMF处理的玉米根系活力为对照的2.32~3.05倍,玉米N素吸收比对照增加24.14%~56.65%,玉米P素吸收比对照增加41.14%~78.29%,促进玉米生长发育显著;在灭菌条件下G.m、G.v、S.s处理分别比对照增产17.63%、22.91%和10.80%;而不灭菌条件下3个处理分别比对照增产10.35%、20.56%和4.53%,同时显著提高玉米的水分供应状况.  相似文献   

【目的】不同丛枝菌根 (abuscular mycorrhizal,AM) 真菌菌种 (株) 因其分离地点及宿主的不同,其生理发育与生态功能差异显著,尤其是土壤养分状况对其影响更明显。研究不同土壤磷水平对 AM 真菌侵染宿主及生长发育繁殖的影响,以及不同 AM 真菌对玉米生长及氮磷吸收的影响,可以深化了解 AM 真菌与土壤磷的关系。 【方法】采用盆栽试验,以玉米为宿主植物,土壤灭菌后分别添加 0、50、200、500 mg/kg 4 个水平的磷营养 (P0、P50、P200、P500),并分别接种 6 种 AM 真菌,以不接种为对照。测定了 AM 真菌侵染率、丛枝丰度、孢子数、菌丝密度、玉米植株氮磷比 (N/P) 生态化学计量特征,讨论了不同土壤磷水平与 AM 真菌生长发育间的关系,以及 AM 真菌对玉米吸收利用氮、磷的影响。 【结果】在 P50 条件下,AM 真菌的侵染率、根内丛枝结构、根外生物量 (孢子数、菌丝密度) 显著高于不加磷 P0 和 P200 和 P500 处理,而且 AM 真菌侵染及生长发育指标在高磷水平时,显著下降。不同磷水平处理下,不同 AM 真菌对玉米的侵染能力及生物量存在明显差异。在 P0 和 P50 条件下,接种 G.m 处理侵染率达到 75%,菌丝密度达 240 m/g,显著高于其他五个 AM 真菌。AM 真菌 C.c、R.a、C.et 的菌根侵染状况及生物量次之,D.s、D.eb 最差。在高磷 P200 和 P500 条件下,仅有 F.m 真菌处理的侵染状况及生物量最高。在 P0、P50 水平下,接种 F.m、R.a、D.eb 显著降低了植株氮含量;在不加磷 (P0) 水平下,接种处理均显著促进了玉米植株中磷含量的提高,在 P50 水平下,F.m 植株磷含量显著高于不接种对照;在 P0、P50、P200 水平下,接种 AM 真菌处理降低了玉米植株中 N/P 比,且不同菌种间存在差异,接种真菌 F.m 处理的 N/P 比明显最低。 【结论】土壤添加低量磷 (50 mg/kg) 更适合 AM 真菌的侵染及生长发育,也利于菌根效应的发挥。侵染能力及效应以耐高磷菌种 F.m 最好,然后依次为 C.c、R.a、C.et。在适量磷条件下,接种 AM 真菌能够调节植株体 N/P 比达到平衡,改善植物营养状况,促进玉米生长。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)能与多数陆生植物共生,促进植物吸收养分尤其是磷。解磷细菌(Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria,PSB)可以活化土壤中难溶性无机磷和有机磷。本研究采用苯菌灵对田间低磷土壤中土著AM真菌进行灭菌,并接种外源AM真菌(Glomusversiforme,G.v)和PSB(Pseudomonassp.),研究AM真菌和PSB接种对不同生育期玉米生长、磷养分吸收和产量的影响。结果表明,施用苯菌灵能够有效地抑制土著AM真菌对玉米根系的侵染,未施用苯菌灵处理中土著AM真菌促进了玉米前期和收获期的生长,提高了玉米吸磷量;接种Pseudomonas sp.促进了玉米六叶期根系的生长;接种外源AM真菌G.v促进了玉米六叶期和收获期地上部的生长,但降低了玉米产量。双接种Pseudomonas sp.和G.v对玉米生长、吸磷量和产量未表现出显著的协同效应。  相似文献   

Reduction of nitrous oxide (N2O) to dinitrogen (N2) by denitrification in soils is of outstanding ecological significance since it is the prevailing natural process converting reactive nitrogen back into inert molecular dinitrogen. Furthermore, the extent to which N2O is reduced to N2 via denitrification is a major regulating factor affecting the magnitude of N2O emission from soils. However, due to methodological problems in the past, extremely little information is available on N2 emission and the N2:N2O emission ratio for soils of terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, we simultaneously determined N2 and N2O emissions from intact soil cores taken from a mountainous beech forest ecosystem. The soil cores were taken from plots with distinct differences in microclimate (warm-dry versus cool-moist) and silvicultural treatment (untreated control versus heavy thinning). Due to different microclimates, the plots showed pronounced differences in pH values (range: 6.3–7.3). N2O emission from the soil cores was generally very low (2.0 ± 0.5–6.3 ± 3.8 μg N m−2 h−1 at the warm-dry site and 7.1 ± 3.1–57.4 ± 28.5 μg N m−2 h−1 at the cool-moist site), thus confirming results from field measurements. However, N2 emission exceeded N2O emission by a factor of 21 ± 6–220 ± 122 at the investigated plots. This illustrates that the dominant end product of denitrification at our plots and under the given environmental conditions is N2 rather than N2O. N2 emission showed a huge variability (range: 161 ± 64–1070 ± 499 μg N m−2 h−1), so that potential effects of microclimate or silvicultural treatment on N2 emission could not be identified with certainty. However, there was a significant effect of microclimate on the magnitude of N2O emission as well as on the mean N2:N2O emission ratio. N2:N2O emission ratios were higher and N2O emissions were lower for soil cores taken from the plots with warm-dry microclimate as compared to soil cores taken from the cool-moist microclimate plots. We hypothesize that the increase in the N2:N2O emission ratio at the warm-dry site was due to higher N2O reductase activity provoked by the higher soil pH value of this site. Overall, the results of this study show that the N2:N2O emission ratio is crucial for understanding the regulation of N2O fluxes of the investigated soil and that reliable estimates of N2 emissions are an indispensable prerequisite for accurately calculating total N gas budgets for the investigated ecosystem and very likely for many other terrestrial upland ecosystems as well.  相似文献   

Soil compaction and soil moisture are important factors influencing denitrification and N2O emission from fertilized soils. We analyzed the combined effects of these factors on the emission of N2O, N2 and CO2 from undisturbed soil cores fertilized with (150 kg N ha−1) in a laboratory experiment. The soil cores were collected from differently compacted areas in a potato field, i.e. the ridges (ρD=1.03 g cm−3), the interrow area (ρD=1.24 g cm−3), and the tractor compacted interrow area (ρD=1.64 g cm−3), and adjusted to constant soil moisture levels between 40 and 98% water-filled pore space (WFPS).High N2O emissions were a result of denitrification and occurred at a WFPS≥70% in all compaction treatments. N2 production occurred only at the highest soil moisture level (≥90% WFPS) but it was considerably smaller than the N2O-N emission in most cases. There was no soil moisture effect on CO2 emission from the differently compacted soils with the exception of the highest soil moisture level (98% WFPS) of the tractor-compacted soil in which soil respiration was significantly reduced. The maximum N2O emission rates from all treatments occurred after rewetting of dry soil. This rewetting effect increased with the amount of water added. The results show the importance of increased carbon availability and associated respiratory O2 consumption induced by soil drying and rewetting for the emissions of N2O.  相似文献   

To evaluate climate forcing under increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, feedback effects on greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide (N2O) with a high global warming potential should be taken into account. This requires long-term N2O flux measurements because responses to elevated CO2 may vary throughout annual courses. Here, we present an almost 9 year long continuous N2O flux data set from a free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) study on an old, N-limited temperate grassland. Prior to the FACE start, N2O emissions were not different between plots that were later under ambient (A) and elevated (E) CO2 treatments, respectively. However, over the entire experimental period (May 1998–December 2006), N2O emissions more than doubled under elevated CO2 (0.90 vs. 2.07 kg N2O-N ha−1 y−1 under A and E, respectively). The strongest stimulation occurred during vegetative growth periods in the summer when soil mineral N concentrations were low. This was surprising because based on literature we had expected the highest stimulation of N2O emissions due to elevated CO2 when mineral N concentrations were above background values (e.g. shortly after N application in spring). N2O emissions under elevated CO2 were moderately stimulated during late autumn–winter, including freeze–thaw cycles which occurred in the 8th winter of the experiment. Averaged over the entire experiment, the additional N2O emissions caused by elevated CO2 equaled 4738 kg CO2-equivalents ha−1, corresponding to more than half a ton (546 kg) of CO2 ha−1 which has to be sequestered annually to balance the CO2-induced N2O emissions. Without a concomitant increase in C sequestration under rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, temperate grasslands may be converted into greenhouse gas sources by a positive feedback on N2O emissions. Our results underline the need to include continuous N2O flux measurements in ecosystem-scale CO2 enrichment experiments.  相似文献   

The effects of compaction on soil porosity and soil water relations are likely to influence substrate availability and microbial activity under fluctuating soil moisture conditions. We conducted a short laboratory incubation to investigate the effects of soil compaction on substrate availability and biogenic gas (CO2 and N2O) production during the drying and rewetting of a fine-loamy soil. Prior to initiating the drying and wetting treatments, CO2 production (−10 kPa soil water content) from uncompacted soil was 2.3 times that of compacted soil and corresponded with higher concentrations of microbial biomass C (MBC) and dissolved organic C (DOC). In contrast, N2O production was 67 times higher in compacted than uncompacted soil at field capacity. Soil aeration rather than substrate availability (e.g. NO3 and DOC) appeared to be the most important factor affecting N2O production during this phase. The drying of compacted soil resulted in an initial increase in CO2 production and a nearly two-fold higher average rate of C mineralization at maximum dryness (owing to a higher water-filled pore space [WFPS]) compared to uncompacted soil. During the drying phase, N2O production was markedly reduced (by 93-96%) in both soils, though total N2O production remained slightly higher in compacted than uncompacted soil. The increase in CO2 production during the first 24 h following rewetting of dry soil was about 2.5 times higher in uncompacted soil and corresponded with a much greater release of DOC than in compacted soil. MBC appeared to be the source of the DOC released from uncompacted soil but not from compacted soil. The production of N2O during the first 24 h following rewetting of dry soil was nearly 20 times higher in compacted than uncompacted soil. Our results suggest that N2O production from compacted soil was primarily the result of denitrification, which was limited by substrates (especially NO3) made available during drying and rewetting and occurred rapidly after the onset of anoxic conditions during the rewetting phase. In contrast, N2O production from uncompacted soil appeared to be primarily the product of nitrification that was largely associated with an accumulation of NO3 following rewetting of dry soil. Irrespective of compaction, the response to drying and rewetting was greater for N2O production than for CO2 production.  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen that is fixed by associative cyanobacteria can be released into the surrounding soil environment providing a key source of N for arctic ecosystems. Yet, little is known about nitrogen fixation by Biological Soil Crusts (BSCs) within hummock-hollow complexes that are typical of many arctic environments. In this study, we examined spatial and temporal patterns in N2-fixation, dinitrogenase reductase (nifH) gene abundance and release of N in a low arctic hummock-hollow ecosystem. The impacts of cyanobacteria on N status in soil were evaluated by assessing soil nitrogen in relation to the cyanobacterial associations found on Hummock and Hollow BSCs. In addition, potential P limitation of N2-fixation by cyanobacteria was assessed for Hummock and Hollow BSCs. The tops of hummocks and the bottoms of hollows were areas of high N2-fixation, whereas minimal N2-fixation occurred on the sides of hummock-hollow complexes. Compared with Hummock BSCs, Hollow BSCs had a higher mean growing season N2-fixation rate, a higher mean growing season nifH abundance, a higher mean total %N and δ15N values closer to that of atmospheric N2. Soil N status was linked to rates of N2-fixation by BSCs indicating that these N2-fixing associations act as important point sources of soil N in this low arctic ecosystem. Over the course of a growing season temporal variation in N2-fixation and nifH abundance were weakly linked suggesting that N2-fixation was carried out by complex communities of diazotrophic microorganisms and that factors such as nutrient availability may limit N2-fixation to a greater extent than nifH abundance.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of forest clearfelling on the fluxes of soil CO2, CH4, and N2O in a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) plantation on an organic-rich peaty gley soil, in Northern England. Soil CO2, CH4, N2O as well as environmental factors such as soil temperature, soil water content, and depth to the water table were recorded in two mature stands for one growing season, at the end of which one of the two stands was felled and one was left as control. Monitoring of the same parameters continued thereafter for a second growing season. For the first 10 months after clearfelling, there was a significant decrease in soil CO2 efflux, with an average efflux rate of 4.0 g m−2 d−1 in the mature stand (40-year) and 2.7 g m−2 d−1 in clearfelled site (CF). Clearfelling turned the soil from a sink (−0.37 mg m−2 d−1) for CH4 to a net source (2.01 mg m−2 d−1). For the same period, soil N2O fluxes averaged 0.57 mg m−2 d−1 in the CF and 0.23 mg m−2 d−1 in the 40-year stand. Clearfelling affected environmental factors and lead to higher daily soil temperatures during the summer period, while it caused an increase in the soil water content and a rise in the water table depth. Despite clearfelling, CO2 remained the dominant greenhouse gas in terms of its greenhouse warming potential.  相似文献   

浮萍对福州平原稻田CH4和N2O排放的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浮萍是稻田中常见的漂浮在水面的水生植物,具有固氮作用,但是,浮萍对稻田温室气体排放的影响尚不明确.以位于湿润亚热带的福州平原稻田为研究对象,探讨浮萍对该区域稻田CH4和N2O排放的影响,为科学评价、准确编制我国水稻田温室气体排放清单提供基础数据.研究结果表明,观测期内,有萍小区和无萍小区CH4排放范围分别为0.19~26.50 mg·m-2·h-1和1.02~28.02 mg·m-2·h-1,平均值分别为9.28 mg·m-2·h-1和11.66 mg·m-2·h-1,有萍小区CH4排放低于无萍小区(P<0.01),有萍小区CH4排放高峰比无萍小区约提前1周,高峰期后排放迅速降低;有萍小区和无萍小区N2O排放范围分别为-50.11~201.82 μg·m-2·h-1和-28.93~54.42μg·m-2·h-1,平均值分别为40.29 μg·m-2·h-1和11.93 μg·m-2·h-1,有萍小区N2O排放高于无萍小区(P<0.05).稻田排干后,N2O排放迅速上升,2个小区N2O排放呈现出相似的规律.有萍小区和无萍小区的CH4与N2O排放的影响因子有所不同.综合考虑CH4和N2O两种温室气体,CH4仍是稻田温室效应产生的主要贡献者,浮萍可降低位于沿海区域的福州平原稻田综合温室效应的17.3%.  相似文献   

To study effect of C2H2 and change of headspace gas on N2O emission,denitrification,as well as CO2 emission,slurries of an agricultural soil were anaerobically incubated for 7 days at 25℃.Both N2O reduction and CO2 emissions were inhibited by the addition of 100 mL L^-1 of C2H2.However,the inhibition to CO2 emission was alleviated by the replacement of headspace gas,and the N2O emission was enhanced by the replacement.Acetylene disappeared evidently from the soil slurries during the incubation.Consequently results obtained from the traditional C2H2 blocking technique for determination of denitrifcation rate,especially in a long-time incubation,should be explained with care because of its side effect exsting in the incubation environments without change of headspace gas.To reduce the possible side effect on the processes other than denitrification ,it is suggested that headspace gas should be replaced several times during a long-time incubation.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated CO2 supply on N2O and CH4 fluxes and biomass production of Phleum pratense were studied in a greenhouse experiment. Three sets of 12 farmed peat soil mesocosms (10 cm dia, 47 cm long) sown with P. pratense and equally distributed in four thermo-controlled greenhouses were fertilised with a commercial fertiliser in order to add 2, 6 or 10 g N m−2. In two of the greenhouses, CO2 concentration was kept at atmospheric concentration (360 μmol mol−1) and in the other two at doubled concentration (720 μmol mol−1). Soil temperature was kept at 15 °C and air temperature at 20 °C. Natural lighting was supported by artificial light and deionized water was used to regulate soil moisture. Forage was harvested and the plants fertilised three times during the basic experiment, followed by an extra fertilisations and harvests. At the end of the experiment CH4 production and CH4 oxidation potentials were determined; roots were collected and the biomass was determined. From the three first harvests the amount of total N in the aboveground biomass was determined. N2O and CH4 exchange was monitored using a closed chamber technique and a gas chromatograph. The highest N2O fluxes (on average, 255 μg N2O m−2 h−1 during period IV) occurred just after fertilisation at high water contents, and especially at the beginning of the growing season (on average, 490 μg N2O m−2 h−1 during period I) when the competition of vegetation for N was low. CH4 fluxes were negligible throughout the experiment, and for all treatments the production and oxidation potentials of CH4 were inconsequential. Especially at the highest rates of fertilisation, the elevated supply of CO2 increased above- and below-ground biomass production, but both at the highest and lowest rates of fertilisation, decreased the total amount of N in the aboveground dry biomass. N2O fluxes tended to be higher under doubled CO2 concentrations, indicating that increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration may affect N and C dynamics in farmed peat soil.  相似文献   

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