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Four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were developed against serotype 3:A, P-1059 strain of Pasteurella multocida. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to screen those hybridomas producing antibodies to either a surface protective (2.5 S) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigen. MAbs 6EE11, D7H10, E11E3, and C11H2 were positive against 2.5 S antigen, and two of them, E11E3 and C11H2, were positive for the LPS antigen. MAbs 6EE11 and D7H10 reacted with a major protein band of molecular weight of 35,500, whereas E11E3 and C11H2 recognized a band with a molecular weight of 12,500 of the 2.5 S antigen. Treatment of the 2.5 S antigen with periodic acid abolished epitopes reacting with E11E3 but not with 6EE11. MAb 6EE11 did not recognize any band in Western blot after proteinase K treatment of the 2.5 S antigen, whereas antibody activity of E11E3 did not change. MAb 6EE11 reacted with serotypes 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, and with M-9 strains in the immunofluorescence test. MAb E11E3 was positive only with serotype 3 or 10 strains, excluding M-9 strain. Electron microscopic studies with P-1059 strain indicated that antigens binding to 6EE11 and/or E11E3 were present in the capsule.  相似文献   

Three antigens were prepared from a type-3 avian strain of Pasteurella multocida, and their chemical and immunologic characteristics were studied. An antigen, designated 2.5S, was extracted with 2.5% NaCl solution and purified by chromatography. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was extracted with phenol-water, and a third antigen, designated FS, was extracted in 0.3% formalin solution containing 0.85% NaCl and purified by differential centrifugation. The 2.5S and the FS antigens consisted of 40% protein and 15% carbohydrate, whereas LPS did not contain a substantial amount of protein. A major protein component with a molecular weight of 44,000 was detected in the 2.5S antigen, as well as in the FS antigen. Of the 3 antigens, LPS had the highest activity in mouse lethality and Limulus lysate tests. Antigenic cross-reactions among the 3 antigens were demonstrated by immunodiffusion tests. The 2.5S antigen was indistinguishable from the FS antigen, as both antigens contained the LPS component of approximately 45%. Treatments with various reagents indicated that the 2.5S and FS antigens contained at least 2 antigenic determinants. The first was a heat-stable protein sensitive to protease or phenol-water, and the second was a periodate-sensitive carbohydrate, which was a major antigenic determinant on the LPS antigen.  相似文献   

The avian strain P-1059 of Pasteurella multocida was grown on blood agar (BA), on dextrose-starch agar (DSA), or in Heddleston's hydrogen sulfide test broth. Cells were examined for the presence of pili using electron microscopy after staining with phosphotungstic acid, and they were examined for capsule after ruthenium red staining. Pili were found on the capsulated iridescent type, P-1059I, and on two non-capsulated variants, the blue, P-1059B, and the gray, P-1059G. Many cells grown on BA were heavily piliated. In contrast, fewer cells grown on DSA had pili, and piliation was only slight to moderate. The P-1059I, P-1059B, and P-1059G produced pellicles when grown on broth medium. Pili were found on the circumference of the cells grown on either agar or broth medium. Occasionally a pilus connecting two cells was seen on cells cultured in broth. Cultivation of the P-1059I on DSA containing the iron-chelating agent alpha,alpha'-bipyridyl produced a non-capsulated blue variant. The non-capsulated variant reverted to P-1059I when grown on BA but did not revert when grown on DSA.  相似文献   

Three antigens were prepared from Pasteurella multocida strain P-1059, and their immunogenicity and antigenic relationships were investigated. The 3 antigens were a soluble antigen purified from a 2.5% NaCl extract (2.5S), a similar antigen purified from an extract in 0.3% formalin solution containing 0.85% NaCl (FS), and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The antigens were treated with various chemicals and enzymes to study their antigenic and immunogenic determinants. Antigenic analyses with ELISA inhibition tests indicated that 2.5S and FS were similar LPS-protein complex antigens. The 2.5S and FS antigens induced protective immunity in turkeys with high antibody titers against LPS antigen. Although LPS was a component of 2.5S and FS, LPS itself was poorly immunogenic in turkeys. The antigenicity of protein compounds in 2.5S was deteriorated by protease treatment, which, however, did not significantly diminish the protective immunogenicity. Treatment of 2.5S with sodium periodate, altering its carbohydrate moieties, decreased its immunogenicity. The immunogenicity of 2.5S also was abolished by phenol-water treatment, owing to dissociation of the LPS-protein complex. These findings suggest that a certain form of LPS-protein complex is essential for the induction of immunity against the P multocida infection in turkeys.  相似文献   

本研究对从病死猪肺脏分离出的1株菌株,经菌落形态观察、培养特性、生化反应、药敏试验、动物致病性试验,并采用PCR对该分离菌株进行菌种及荚膜血清型鉴定。结果显示,该分离菌株为较少见的荚膜血清F型多杀性巴氏杆菌,对小鼠有较强致病性,且对不同药物的敏感性不同,为指导临床科学用药提供依据。  相似文献   

The role of a 39kDa protein of avian Pasteurella multocida in pathogenesis of fowl cholera was investigated using monoclonal antibodies (Mabs). Mabs were prepared by immunization of BALB/c mice with a crude capsular extract (CCE) of P. multocida strain P-1059 (serovar A:3). Totally eight hybridomas producing Mab were obtained. Immunoblot analysis of the hybridomas revealed that all the Mabs recognized a 39kDa protein of CCE. Treatment of CCE antigen with proteinase K or periodic acid indicated that the epitope recognized was proteinaceous. The Mabs reacted with a major 39kDa protein of CCE from encapsulated strains but not with any protein of non-capsulated strains indicating that a direct correlation between encapsulation and the 39kDa protein. Immunoelectron microscopy on strain P-1059 and the non-capsulated derivative P-1059B (serovar -:3) reacting with the Mabs and gold-labeled anti-mouse IgG indicated that the protein is associated with the capsule. The Mabs significantly inhibited the adherence of encapsulated P. multocida strains to chicken embryo fibroblast cells, but only slightly that of non-capsulated strains. Mice passively immunized with the Mabs were protected from lethal challenge with virulent strains P-1059 and X-73 (serovar A:1). Thus the capsular 39kDa protein was determined to be an adherence factor and a cross-protective antigen of avian P. multocida type A strains.  相似文献   

A 39 kDa protein of avian Pasteurella multocida strain P-1059 (serovar A:3) was purified from a crude capsular extract by immunoaffinity chromatography by using a ligand of purified mouse monoclonal antibody to the 39 kDa capsular protein of the strain. Protective activity of the purified 39 kDa protein antigen was determined by inoculation of ddY mice twice with 25 or 125 mug of the protein and challenge-exposure with 10 or 50 LD(50) of strains P-1059 or X-73 (serovar A:1). The results showed that the antigen gave high protection (60 to 100%). These results indicated that the 39 kDa protein of avian P. multocida is a cross-protective antigen over serovars A:1 and A:3.  相似文献   

Two strains of capsular serogroup B Pasteurella multocida isolated from avian hosts (swan and turkey) were evaluated for virulence based on lethality for turkey poults. Groups of poults were exposed intramuscularly to various concentrations of organisms of each strain. Both strains were virulent. The strain isolated from a turkey was highly virulent: all exposed poults died in less than 24 hours, including those exposed to only 79 organisms. This highly virulent strain was neither highly invasive nor highly infective: intrapharyngeal exposure with 7.9 x 10(6) organisms resulted in death of only one of five poults, and attempts to isolate the organism from pharyngeal mucosae and livers of surviving poults were unsuccessful. The high degree of virulence of a B capsular group strain isolated from a turkey indicates a disease-producing potential for members of this uncommon serogroup of P. multocida.  相似文献   

Five capsular serogroup D strains of Pasteurella multocida isolated from avian hosts were examined for virulence and toxigenicity. Virulence was based on development of lethal infections or lesions following intramuscular exposure of turkey poults. The four strains isolated from turkeys varied from slightly to moderately virulent; the strain isolated from a chicken was avirulent. Poults exposed by intra-airsac inoculation with relatively few organisms of the more virulent of the strains had a high mortality rate; however, intranasal exposure of poults with this strain did not cause clinical disease or establish infections. All strains from turkeys were toxigenic, producing heat-labile toxins that killed poults when administered intraperitoneally and caused focal dermal lesions when administered intradermally. Using these criteria, the strain from a chicken was not toxigenic. The demonstration of virulence, particularly the high mortality in poults exposed via air sacs, indicates avian capsular serogroup D strains are a potential cause of fowl cholera.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides were extracted from freeze-dried cells of Pasteurella multocida strain P-1581 (serotype 8) by the phenol-chloroform-petroleum ether method and biochemically analysed using standard procedures. The primary neutral sugars were glucose, galactose and heptose. No deoxy sugars were detected. Amino sugars included galactosamine, glucosamine and glucosamine-6-phosphate. 3-Deoxy-d-manno-2-octulosonic acid was present at a relatively low concentration. The analyses included identification and quantification of phosphate and alanine. The primary fatty acids and their approximate relative ratios were 3-hydroxytetradecanoate and tetradecanoate 2:1. Tetradecanoic acid was bound almost exclusively by ester linkages. 3-Hydroxytetradecanoic acid was bound primarily by amide linkages, although significant numbers of ester-bound residues were noted. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses indicated that the lipopolysaccharides were of low molecular weight.Abbreviations KDO 3-deoxy-d-manno-2-octulosonic acid - LPS lipopolysaccharide(s) - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The mechanism of resistance of Capsular Type D strains of Pasteurella multocida to killing by rabbit polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) was studied using an in vitro assay that differentiates intra- from extracellular bacteria. Two Capsular Type D strains (3761 and 3766), resistant to killing by rabbit PMN, and one Type A strain (R1), susceptible to PMN destruction, were compared. After combining opsonized bacteria and PMN, the Capsular Type D Strains 3761 and 3766 remained extracellular while the Capsular Type A Strain R1 was internalized by PMN. Thus, both Type D strains were resistant to phagocytosis by rabbit PMN.  相似文献   

采用菌落多重PCR方法对分离保存的28株多杀性巴氏杆菌进行种型和毒素基因的检测,结果表明,菌株C51-6、M-4和P-2237为产毒素多杀性巴氏杆菌,菌株C51-6和P-2237为荚膜血清D型,菌株M-4为荚膜血清A型。同时用金黄色葡萄球菌抑制试验、中性吖啶黄沉淀试验和豚鼠皮肤坏死试验对PCR方法进行了验证。基于对甘露醇、卫茅醇、山梨醇、海藻糖的发酵能力和产生鸟氨酸脱羧酶的特性,3株菌株鉴定为多杀性巴氏杆菌多杀亚种。  相似文献   

用北京、山东两奶牛场疑似牛出败的病死牛组织感染小鼠,小鼠死亡后取组织染色镜检、接种血清TSA和麦康凯培养基,分离到2株疑似多杀性巴氏杆菌,命名为Pm1和Pm2。经细菌培养特性及形态检验、多杀性巴氏杆菌种特异性PCR、荚膜A、B血清群特异性PCR、脂多糖基因分型PCR、荚膜A群透明脂酸抑制试验鉴定其为荚膜血清A群、脂多糖3型多杀性巴氏杆菌。将Pm1和Pm2回归小鼠证明有强毒力。本试验为国内荚膜A群多杀性巴氏杆菌的流行病学研究增添了一些新数据。  相似文献   

The relative contents of long-chain fatty acids in P. multocida and P. haemolytica were investigated. A dependence on the composition of the broth was established. Accordingly, comparative quantitative studies on fatty acid contents have to be conducted using bacteria grown with the same lot of broth medium. As for P. multocida, there were significant differences between the serovars (C14 in TDHM and C16, delta 2C18 in BPL). These differences are, however, not significant to replace serotyping. Highly significant differences were also detected between P. multocida isolates from nasal swabs and pneumonic lungs (interims of C14, delta C16 on BPL and BRU). The largest differences were measured for strains grown on BRU, which is interpreted as an expression of virulence. Significant differences were found between biotypes A and T of P. haemolytica, namely for C14, C16 in TDHM, and C14, delta C16, C16, C18 in BPL medium.  相似文献   

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