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著作权与著作权法陈绍兰什么是著作权?著作权和版权是同义语,均指因创作的科学、文学、艺术作品而产生的权利,它包括人身权和财产权。人身权指作者对作品享有的发表权、署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权等权利;财产权指对作品享有的出版、表演、播放等权利以及因许可他...  相似文献   

《行政许可法》规定,法律可以对法定事项设定行政许可。修订后的《动物防疫法》在《行政许可法》第十二条规定的可以设定行政许可的事项内,设定或进一步明确了相关的行政许可。农业部相继出台的《动物检疫管理办法》(农业部令2010第6号)、《动物防疫条件审查办法》(农业部令2010第7号)等配套规章和文件,对实施这些行政许可从实施机关、范围、条件、程序和期限等方面作出了更加具体的规定。现将目前掌握的资料进行整理归纳,有些内容属个人  相似文献   

日前。农业部公布了《草畜平衡管理办法》(以下简称《办法》),并已于3月1日起正式实施。该《办法》的主要内容包括开展草畜平衡工作的基本原则.各级草原行政主管部门及草原监理机构的职责.草原载畜量标准的制定.草畜平衡的核定与抽查,草畜平衡的日常管理等。《办法》强调:国家对草原实行草畜平衡制度是加强草原监督管理的一项最基本的制度,是实现草原畜牧业可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》的颁布、实施,既是我国政治生活、法制建设中的重大事件,又是一场我国传统执政理念、执政方式上的革命。它的颁布标志着政府信息公开制度在我国的正式确立,是推进政务公开和电子政务建设,推进我国社会主义民主法制建设和保障公民的合法权利,打造法制政府、阳光政府、透明政府的一项重要举措。《条例》必将对我国各级政府的执政理念、执政方式、行政体制、政府职能转变等方面产生广泛而深远的影响。专家指出,《条例》作为国务院出台的我国第一部国家级信息公开行政法规,首次将"公开为原则,不公开为例外"作为基本立法原则,将政府信息公开规定为各级政府部门的法定义务,对我国政府信息公开的范围和主体、方式和程序、监督和保障等内容作出了全面、系统而具体的规定,使政府信息公开真正实现制度化、法制化,一改过去政府信息不公开或选择性公开的现象,实现了公民的权利保障有法可依,公民可依据《条例》获取政府信息,实现自己的知情权。具有"特别重要的历史意义,它将使长久以来官方信息不公开的传统发生最明显、最进步的转变"。《条例》建立了政府信息公开工作的监督和保障制度。对违反政府信息公开义务、侵害公民知情权的行政机关和个人,设置了相应的法律责任。《条例》第三十四条:"行政机关违反本条例的规定,未建立健全政府信息发布保密审查机制的,由监察机关、上一级行政机关责令改正;情节严重的,对行政机关主要负责人依法给予处分。"第三十五条:"行政机关违反本条例的规定,有下列情形之一的,由监察机关、上一级行政机关责令改正;情节严重的,对行政机关直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:(一)不依法履行政府信息公开义务的;(二)不及时更新公开的政府信息内容、政府信息公开指南和政府信息公开目录的;(三)违反规定收取费用的;(四)通过其他组织、个人以有偿服务方式提供政府信息的;(五)公开不应当公开的政府信息的;(六)违反本条例规定的其他行为。"《条例》通篇体现出政府信息以公开为原则,不公开为例外以及公正、公平、便民的基本原则,体现出充分保障社会公众知情权、充分保障公民人权的立法思想。专家在全文中深入浅出地详细解读了《条例》的重大意义,以及明确了《条例》与每位公民切身利益之间紧密关系和公民应享有的权利。  相似文献   

近日国家环保总局发布了《禽畜养殖污染防治管理办法》该办法共21条,其主要内容包括:(1)禽畜养殖污染防治要坚持综合利用优先,资源化、无害化和减量化原则;(2)饮用水源保护区、风景名胜保护区、自然保护区核心区及缓冲区、城镇人口集中区,法律、法规规定特殊保护的区域等四类区域禁止建设禽畜养殖场;(3)禽畜养殖场环境影响评价、污染防治设施建设要贯彻综合利用原则;(4)禽畜废渣、废水的储存、运输、综合利用的有关要求;(5)法律责任。□养殖防污国家出台新办法  相似文献   

新修订的《兽药管理条例》(以下简称)《条例》于2004年4月9日以国务院令404号颁布,并已于2004年11月1日起实施,涉及兽药管理的《进口兽药管理办法》、《兽药管理条例实施细则》、《兽用生物制品管理办法》、《新兽药及兽药新制剂管理办法》等8个行政规章同时废止。新《条例》共9章75条,各章分别为:总则、新兽药研制、兽药生产、兽药经营、兽药进出口、兽药使用、兽药监督管理、法律责任和附则。与原《条例》相比,其章节数未变,但体例与内容变化很大,条款多出24条。下面就兽药监督管理、生产经营及使用等各个环节对新《条例》与原《条例》加…  相似文献   

国家资产管理局今年将加大产权制度改革力度,近期有望出台《全国产权交易管理办法》,允许国有企业出让其产权。《办法》主要内容有: 一、明确产权交易必须遵守的原则;交易必须符合国家产业政策,实现资源合理配置;让闲置资源转入国家瓶颈产业及项目;保护债权人的合法权益。  相似文献   

<正>为做好《畜禽标识和养殖档案管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)立法后评估工作,笔者通过问卷调查,梳理了《办法》实施后的贯彻落实情况,就《办法》的实效性、合理性、协调性、可操作性等开展了评估。一、对《办法》的总体评估《办法》的制定借鉴了过去的成功经验和做法,考虑了畜牧业大市场、大流通的复杂形势,明确了各职能部门及行政相对人的权利义务,细化了畜禽标识和养殖档案的管理模式、基本形式、主要内容和使用方  相似文献   

魏华 《草业科学》2023,(11):2948-2955
草畜平衡管理是保护草原的重要措施,原《草畜平衡管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)被废止后,中央层面的具体制度内容存在空白,亟需补充相关制度依据。总结原《办法》和各地规定,草畜平衡管理面临法律依据缺位、草畜平衡内涵界定不清、草畜平衡标准制定的公众参与度不足、行政处罚方式和标准不统一等问题。未来立法应当坚持生态保护优先、兼顾牧民生产生活的原则,禁牧休牧、草畜平衡和生态补偿制度协调配合,转变草畜平衡管理理念。在具体制度设计上,应当提升规范层级,制定《草原禁牧休牧和草畜平衡管理条例》;界定管理对象,明确草畜平衡管理范围;增加听证制度,保障标准制定中的公众参与机制;明确补偿和处罚制度,优化激励和制裁措施。  相似文献   

正为适应我国信息化建设的需要,扩大本刊及作者知识信息交流渠道,本刊已许可《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》《中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社》等网络媒体收录,以及在中国知网(CNKI)及其系列数据库产品中以数字化方式复制、汇编、发行、信息网络传播本刊全文。其作者文章著作权使用费与本刊稿酬一次性给付。  相似文献   

政府出版物不同于其它类型的作品,但也不应该游离于著作权法律的保护之外。不同国家对政府出版物是否该受著作权的保护有不同的规定。结合我国国情,要对政府出版物的著作权进行保护,必须处理好公权与私权的关系,并对政府出版物进行界定,对其著作权主体进行确认,并完善相关法律制度。  相似文献   

This study was aimed to analyze factors that affect farmers' choice for major actors of veterinary service providers in village areas of Kaski district of Nepal, with the objective of identifying choice-specific attributes which could be addressed for improving the penetration of professional veterinary services in village areas. The information was obtained from 125 farmers using a structured questionnaire. A proportional hazard model was used for data analysis because of its ability to accommodate the attributes of both the chooser and the choice simultaneously. The results showed that village animal health workers (VAHWs) were the most preferred service providers followed by veterinarians and mid-level technicians. The farmers' age and education level had a significant but inverse relationship with the probability of choosing any of the three service providers. From our study, we found that the main choice-specific attributes with a significant impact on the choice probability was the distance to the preferred service provider. Since there was a high preference for VAHW, this suggests the possibility of poorly trained service providers dominating veterinary service market in village areas of Kaski district. Hence, the efforts put forward in the legalization of VAHW system in Nepal should first address the constraints that obstruct the accessibility of professional veterinary service providers in village areas.  相似文献   

对数据库的保护是知识产权中的新课题,由于立法不可避免的滞后性,目前该领域的规范不尽完善。结合目前各国数据库法律保护的方式以及我国知识产权在此领域的发展,建立新的权利义务保护机制,更好地推动对数据库法律保护的发展与完善。  相似文献   

The article surveys the development of legislation to the slaughtering of warm-blooded animals in Germany since 1933. It examines the ritual slaughtering of the Jews (Schechita) on the one hand, and of the Moslems (Dabh) on the other hand. While 1933 the legislation was coined by the political situation, after 1949, legal setting and decisions reflected the changing sensibility to animals' protection. Before 1945, Schechita was the matter of legal dispute, more recently, the discussion has centred on the ritual slaughtering of the Moslems, with different arguments. The "Law on the Slaughtering of Animals" of 21-04-33 was part and parcel of the Third Reich's policy against Jews implicating a nation wide practical inhibition of Schechita by decreeing a general obligation of stunning before slaughtering. In 1945, the inhibition of Schechita became invalid after the occupation of the Reich by the Allied Forces. For the first time, the "First Amendment to the Animal Protection Law" of 1986 permitted ritual slaughtering by the way of exception as long as it was covered by the religious obligations. In 1995 the Federal Administrative Court judged that an inhibition of the ritual slaughtering by Moslems could be possible, because there are no religious obligations for Moslems. Nowadays, the ritual slaughtering of the Moslems is, de facto, forbidden, Schechita is performed in some cities for the needs of the residential Jewish population.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the determinants for choice of animal health providers in a semiarid pastoral area with an aim of identifying specific attributes that could be targeted for intervention to enhance pastoralist access to quality veterinary services. The data were collected through administration of semi-structured questionnaires to 350 randomly selected household heads in different locations in Narok County of Kenya. Most of these respondents had no formal education (66.9 %), and most households were headed by men (88.9 %). The men were in control of sales (84.2 %), purchases (83.7 %), and treatment of sick cattle (70.3 %), while women were responsible for milking (83.8 %). Animal health services were delivered by drug stockists (87.76 %) and government veterinarians (12.24 %). The time spent while seeking animal health services and transport cost were specific attributes with impact on the probability of choice for service providers. Although distance covered to the preferred service provider was a significant attribute, it was inversely related to the probability of choice. The other factors including herd sizes, age and sex of household head, cost incurred per visit, level of education of household head, and the number of visits did not have significant impact on choices. These findings support commercialization of veterinary services in marginalized areas where the delivery of essential animal health services such as disease control programs are often viewed as a public good. In order to enhance delivery of veterinary services in these areas, it is proposed that public and private means are investigated to support qualified veterinarians and to strengthen the activities of untrained personnel operating drug outlets.  相似文献   


The liberalization of clinical veterinary services in Kenya introduced new service providers into the animal health service sector. This study examines the perceptions of livestock farmers regarding these service providers and analyses the factors that influence their choice of alternative service providers in Kakamega County. The empirical analysis shows that private animal health assistants were perceived to provide better services than alternative providers because they are more accessible and offer services on credit. Results from a multinomial logit model reveal that more educated, wealthier, and older farmers are more likely to use government services. The study concludes that it is imperative to better target the poor and to integrate private service providers into government animal health programs.


The Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) system has been promoted as an alternative solution to providing animal health services in marginal areas. Yet, access to quality animal health services still remains a fundamental problem for livestock dependent communities. This paper uses the concepts of accessibility, affordability, and transaction costs to examine the perceptions of livestock keepers about the various animal health service providers. The empirical analysis is based on a survey of 120 livestock-keeping households in the Tolon-Kumbungu and Savelugu-Nanton districts in the Northern Region of Ghana. A multinomial logit model was used to determine the factors that influence households’ choice of alternative animal health service providers. The results show that the government para-vets are the most preferred type of animal health service providers while CAHWs are the least preferred. Reasons for this observation include high transaction costs and low performance resulting from limited training. In areas with few or no government para-vets, farmers have resorted to self-treatment or to selling sick animals for consumption, which has undesirable health implications. These practices also result in significant financial losses for farmers. This paper finds that the CAHWs’ system is insufficient for providing quality animal health services to the rural poor in marginal areas. Therefore, market-smart alternative solutions requiring strong public sector engagement to support livestock farmers in marginal areas and setting minimum training standards for animal health service providers merit policy consideration.  相似文献   

关注弱势群体、保护弱势群体的合法权益是实现社会公平、全面建设和谐社会的重要任务。笔者从法律的角度对弱势群体的概念进行界定,分析其产生的原因,并在探讨了我国弱势群体法律保护现状的基础上,指出该制度体系存在的问题,提出完善我国弱势群体法律保护制度的建议。  相似文献   

Saskatchewan cow-calf producers (n = 2000) were surveyed to determine what factors were associated with their uptake of veterinary services; how and where they access nutritional information and animal health advice; and whether they were comfortable with having non-veterinarians perform veterinary procedures. The survey response rate was 18.1%. Veterinarians were seen as a primary source of nutritional information and animal health advice. Over the past decade producers have shifted their veterinary service usage from individual animal events to herd-level procedures. Producers who pregnancy check were more likely to be large producers (OR = 1.9; 95% CI = 1.2 to 3.1; P = 0.007), to semen test their bulls (OR = 3.4; 95% CI = 2.0 to 5.8: P < 0.001), analyze their forages (OR = 2.3; 95% CI = 1.7 to 4.0; P = 0.006), and to farm in the brown versus the gray or dark brown soil zones (P = 0.004). Most (94.0%) respondents had adequate veterinary services within an hour’s drive of the farm and 90.4% were satisfied with their veterinary service provider. Approximately 25% of respondents would be comfortable with having a non-veterinarian pregnancy check and attend to prolapses.  相似文献   

动物物种灭绝危机促使人类加强对动物的关注和保护,西方国家有关动物保护的法律日渐丰富,但我国动物保护的法律工作远远滞后于动物保护的需要。因而有必要在剖析我国动物保护现存法律障碍的前提下,借鉴他国的立法启示,以期完善我国动物保护的法律方略。  相似文献   

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