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从地域环境视角的角度探讨河南民居的建筑特征。河南传统民居建筑作为特定区域的历史文化载体,体现着这一特定区域的自然地理环境条件和社会历史文化,地域性特征对建筑产生着深刻影响。  相似文献   

因胶济铁路而生的百年小镇坊子,至今仍保留着旧时的风貌,呈现出近代胶济铁路沿线工业小镇特有的城镇布局和历史人文景观,其近代德式建筑群保存基本完整。近年来,随着城市的发展,城市工业布局调整规划,使以坊子镇为代表的工矿城镇正面临着重要抉择。本文通过对坊子的形成和发展进程、城镇格局、建筑风格的认识,从科学、历史、艺术、文化角度进行价值研究,最后找出保护和再利用的策略,为同类型城镇的保护与再利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前,我国传统建筑结构不仅带有着浓厚的艺术色彩和文化内涵,而且还具备着独具特色的发展前景。在我国传统的建筑结构中,不管是传统的住宅建筑还是园林建筑,亦或是宫殿还是寺庙,它们都是在特定历史条件下产生的,都表现了当时的政治、经济、文化等情况。基于此,我们在目前的建筑领域发展中,要充分的注重传统建筑文化的继承和发扬,并就传统建筑艺术的传承要点进行了归纳,旨在为同行工作提供参考。  相似文献   

徽州古村落被当代设计师誉为中国建筑史上最具特色的建筑体,其独特的艺术性,值得探寻其渊源。皖南古村落的规划融合历史文化与自然风景,是当代设计师和规划者传承文化遗产和规划设计的灵感来源。  相似文献   

万国 《山东饲料》2013,(14):100-101
我国曾经一度西方的优美建筑,但是当人们在挖掘完其中的奥妙之后,忽然感觉中国的传统建筑是非常具有特色的,于是对传统建筑文化的传承成为了潮流。本文针对这个话题分析了传统建筑文化的概念、现代室内设计的概念、现代室内设计在继承和发展传统建筑文化方面的原则,以期望对这方面的研究起到借鉴和参考作用。  相似文献   

我国曾经一度西方的优美建筑,但是当人们在挖掘完其中的奥妙之后,忽然感觉中国的传统建筑是非常具有特色的,于是对传统建筑文化的传承成为了潮流.本文针对这个话题分析了传统建筑文化的概念、现代室内设计的概念、现代室内设计在继承和发展传统建筑文化方面的原则,以期望对这方面的研究起到借鉴和参考作用.  相似文献   

茶在布朗族历史文化中占有较大的比重,茶既是他们赖以生存的物质基础,又是他们信仰的精神支柱。芒景村的茶祖祭祀仪式是布朗族历史文化的载体,浓缩了其传统文化的精华,带有鲜明的地域性,是社区认同的文化标志。茶祖祭祀与社区互动,对传统文化道德规范的传承、增强民族凝聚力、促进民族团结、强调人与自然和谐相处,有着重要的价值。  相似文献   

色彩一直以来就是建筑艺术的重要组成部分,在数千年以前就已经把色彩应用于建筑装饰之中了。色彩的运用起到了装饰作用,即是民族文化的彰显,又是历史文化的传承与发展。本文分析了建筑色彩的产生,建筑色彩与环境的关系,人们对不同建筑色彩的感受。并深入探讨了色彩在地方性建筑中的运用。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、实地考察等研究方法对湘西苗族节日体育文化进行研究,得出结论 :湘西苗族节日体育内容丰富项目繁多,民族性、传承性和地域性是其主要文化特征,节日体育文化的功能突出,对该地区社会、经济、体育、文化事业的发展起到积极推动作用。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,越来越多的学者开始研究镇沅苦聪人畲皅节,因为畲皅节继承着苦聪人的历史和文化,因此通过对畲皅节的研究,可以看出苦聪人的历史发展和日常生活。本文从畲皅节的传承现状入手,并对畲皅节变迁的原因进行了详细的分析,与此同时,浅析了镇沅苦聪人畲皅节传承的未来,旨在通过节日文化的特殊角度,折射出苦聪人的变迁,为苦聪人传统文化的传承走向提供有利的参考。  相似文献   

江苏省吴江市盛泽镇地处太湖流域,经济发达,蚕桑历史悠久,丝绸闻名全国,留有许多与蚕桑有关的名胜古迹和文化。盛泽与上海、杭州、南京、无锡、苏州等大城市距离很近,具有旅游的区域优势和市场优势。江苏华佳集团,从蚕种制造开始,一直到丝绸服装生产和销售,是我国蚕丝一体化规模最大的一家民营企业。以高校为技术依托,开展缫丝、织绸、印染、服装等工业旅游,百桑园、果桑园、养蚕室等农业旅游,合理利用当地的名胜古迹和蚕文化,开发蚕丝系列产品,将盛泽打造成长三角的蚕桑旅游重镇。华佳集团开发的旅游项目在整个集团中只能处于从属位置,但其却实现了社会效益、经济效益和生态效益的最大化。  相似文献   

在社会主义新农村建设的实践中,为了提高乡村生活水平、保护地域文化及乡村生态景观,将“多元主义”设计思想应用到营造地域性景观的过程中,可创造出一个既有现代都市气息又不失乡村特色、地域特征及传统文化的新农村景观。  相似文献   

本文以处于山丘区的山泉镇为例,采用观察分析和调查分析的研究方法,对山泉镇的自然概况、果树种植情况、果树生长状况、果树景观效益、果树经济效益等方面进行观察和分析,总结得出在山丘区栽植果树已成为了一种景观、经济效益双赢的模式,在营造乡村景观的同时推动当地的农业经济,为四川各山丘区的果树应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文的目的是分析西乌珠穆沁旗草地流转价格的空间自相关特征及空间分布格局。依据2018-2019年西乌珠穆沁旗草地经营权流转价格数据,运用空间自相关方法分析方法以及克里金插值法进行分析,得出以下结果:(1)西乌珠穆沁旗草地流转价格空间自相关特征显著且呈空间集聚格局,但也存在少量空间异质性而呈现的局部离散格局;(2)总体上东部价格较西部偏高,北部较南部偏高;(3)浩勒图高勒镇和巴彦花镇位于草地流转价格高价区;东南、北部区域高于西部和东北部区域。  相似文献   

Three horses were examined for ulcerative pharyngitis, which had been unresponsive to treatment. Biopsy specimens of the pharyngeal lesions were characterized histologically by a mixed population of lymphocytes and histiocytes, suggesting chronic inflammation. Only when biopsy specimens of regional lymph nodes revealed this cell population disrupting the lymph node architecture was the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma made.  相似文献   

洋麻在甘肃引种区域性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孟祥君 《草业科学》2005,22(7):24-26
洋麻Hibiscus cannabinus是近2年从美国引入甘肃的新型牧草,同时也是一种新型的工业原料,先后在甘肃省11个县(市)试种成功.对其生物学特性、栽培技术进行了广泛的区域性试验研究,同时对洋麻各生育期的营养价值及利用方向进行了有益的探索,结果表明其各种性状表现良好,在甘肃河西地区气候条件下具有较强的适应性.  相似文献   

甘肃省玛曲县作为黄河源区重要的水涵养区和生态脆弱区,其天然草原对涵养水源、保护黄河源区生态安全、确保当地草地畜牧业生产的健康发展具有十分重要的意义。为摸清玛曲县草原资源现状,将遥感与地面调查相结合,选择决策树分类等方法对玛曲县天然草原的分布、分类和面积进行研究与评价。结果表明:玛曲县有低地草甸、高寒草甸、山地草甸和高寒草原4个草原类,总草原总面积93.13万hm2,其中高寒和低地草甸分别占全县草原面积的82.37%和11.62%,山地草甸和高寒草原仅占4.23%和1.78%;各乡镇分类草原面积均以高寒草甸所占比例最大,其中阿万仓镇、木西合乡、欧拉镇和欧拉秀玛乡高寒草甸所占比例均在90%以上,尼玛镇、阿孜站和西科河羊场占比在80%以上,仅齐哈玛镇占比在50%以下(47.02%);低地草甸占比较大的乡镇有曼日玛镇(40.68%)、齐哈玛镇(26.21%)、采日玛镇(24.30%)和河曲马场(30.84%)。  相似文献   

A subcutaneous neoplastic mass in a 13-lined ground squirrel which metastasized to regional lymph nodes and lung was studied. Histopathologically, the tumor architecture and cellular morphology were compatible with that of a malignant amelanotic melanoma. Ultrastructurally, the neoplastic tissue was composed of oval cells, spindle-shaped cells, and spindle-shaped cells with electron-dense cytoplasmic granules. Virus particles were not seen in these cells. Cell cultures from neoplastic tissue grew in complete monolayers and on initial passages contained a few herpesvirus particles. Secondary monolayer cell culture, when exposed to 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine or made into several serial subculture passages, caused the appearance of cytopathic effect and the demonstration of many virus particles. The ground squirrel agent, because it contained DNA, was sensitive to chloroform treated and had herpesvirus characteristics on electron microscopy, was considered a herpesvirus. The buoyant density of the virus was 1.298 g/cm3 and the diameter of the enveloped virus particles was 146 nm. This ground squirrel herpesvirus was antigenically distinct from other known herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Urocystoliths of 9 mineral types from 434 canine patients submitted to the University of Minnesota Urolith Bank were imaged in a urinary bladder phantom. Imaging techniques simulated were survey radiography and double contrast cystography. Morphologic characteristics visually observed in vitro or by interpretation of high-resolution specimen radiographs were compared to those seen using the simulated in vivo imaging techniques. Shape characteristics that were accurately detected > or = 25% of the time on simulated survey or double contrast radiography were faceted, irregular, jackstone, ovoid, and round. Surface characteristics that were accurately detected > or = 25% of the time on simulated survey or double contrast radiography were rough, smooth, and smooth with blunt tips. Internal architecture characteristics that were accurately detected > or = 25% of the time on simulated survey or double contrast radiography were lucent center, random-nonuniform, and uniform. Shapes such as bosselated, faceted-ovoid, and rosette; surfaces such as botryoidal, and knife-edged; and internal architecture characteristics such as dense center, dense shell, laminated, and fissures were of almost no value either due to poor detectability or poor accuracy of recognition. Based on optimized simulated survey and double contrast radiographic procedures, it appears that a number of shape, surface, and internal architecture characteristics may be of limited or no value in discriminating among urocystolith mineral types under clinical circumstances. Shapes and surfaces were more accurately characterized by the simulated double contrast technique, but for internal architecture, the simulated survey radiographic technique seemed slightly superior overall.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to evaluate dogs with suspected prostatic neoplasia, however, published studies describing MRI characteristics of canine prostatic neoplasia are currently lacking. The aims of the current retrospective case series study were to describe MRI findings of the pelvic region in dogs with a histopathologic or cytologic diagnosis of prostatic neoplasia. Retrospective analysis of these images was then performed by a board-certified veterinary radiologist for shared imaging characteristics. The most consistent characteristics were heterogeneous hyperintensity of the tumor on T2-weighted images (10/10) and short tau inversion recovery images (10/10), prostatic capsular margin distortion by the tumor (10/10), cavitations (10/10), complete effacement of the prostatic architecture (9/10), neurovascular bundle (NVB) compression or invasion (9/10), heterogeneous isointensity of the tumor on T1-weighted images (9/10), and strong contrast enhancement of the tumor (8/10). Additional features included an overlying pattern of distorted radiating striations (7/10), regional lymphadenomegaly (5/10), mineralization within the mass (5/10), urinary bladder trigone involvement (6/10), and post-prostatic urethral involvement (7/10). These findings supported the use of MRI as an adjunct imaging modality for diagnosis and therapeutic planning of prostatic neoplasia and including prostatic neoplasia as a likely differential diagnosis for dogs with these MRI characteristics.  相似文献   

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