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新时期电视媒体的竞争十分激烈,新闻的传播方式也发生了变化。因此,电视新闻编辑也应从过去简单的“把关意识”提高到以受众为中心的“引导意识”思路上来,高质量、高标准地编发新闻。只有这样,才能适应时代发展的要求,才能更加有效地发挥“把关者”和“引导者”的作用。所以,新时期如何重新认识电视新闻编辑的职能,已作为一个重要的话题摆在我们的面前。这就要求电视新闻编辑除了应具备新闻专业知识外,还要有高度的责任感,强烈的敏感性、深刻的洞察力以及新颖的思路,宽泛的知识面,对各方面的知识要做到略知一二、胸中有数,这样才能制作、编辑出有深度、有层次、有思路的优质的电视新闻节目。  相似文献   

电视编辑是电视创作的重要环节,是一项具有高度创造性的创作活动,在电视创作中,编辑思维应该贯穿于节目创作始终。这就要求电视新闻编辑,就是在有限的时间内,协调编采人员、整合新闻资源,同时基于专业知识和相关政策进行新闻判断,并根据所作的判断去取舍新闻、整理原稿、制作标题、编辑画面,以求再现新闻真实、落实编辑政策、吸引受众关注。电视新闻的舆论导向是一项政治性、政策性很强的工作,它关系到社会稳定和人心安定,关系到党和政府的形象,关系到改革开放和建设和谐社会的全局。  相似文献   

电视是我们非常熟悉的信息媒介之一,随着网络的飞速发展,电视新闻行业正在面对巨大挑战。我们可以通过电视获取时事新闻和其他信息,众所周知,解说、同期声和画面是电视新闻的重要组成部分,但是电视新闻标题的作用同样不可忽视。相比于广播和报纸等其他信息媒介,一个好的电视新闻标题能够表达新闻的主体思想,起到画龙点睛、让观众耳目一新的感觉。但是现今的电视新闻节目制作编辑大多重视内容,忽视了标题的重要作用。本文将就电视新闻的标题制作展开探讨,并提出创新意见。  相似文献   

电视新闻评论主体是电视新闻评论活动的实施者或称主动者,它通过电视的声画效果、利用现场录制以及演播室等场所对新闻事件或新闻事实说长道短评论是非,能够清晰地表达评论主体的主观论点.我国的电视评论节目从80年代发展至今,已经历了20多年的历史变迁,目前的电视新闻评论主体呈现多元化.  相似文献   

电视天气预报节目的制作是气象部门对外服务的重要窗口,电视天气预报在电视媒体中属于收视率高、深受各个层次行业观众喜爱的栏目之一。本文将结合EDIUS软件探讨其在电视天气预报节目制作中的应用,为电视天气预报节目的制作增添色彩。  相似文献   

电视新闻的质量需要新闻编辑的个人素质以及专业素质作为保证,在多媒体飞速发展的形势之下,电视新闻编辑的个人素质以及专业素质更是决定着电视新闻节目的生存和发展。作为电视新闻媒体,切实有效的提高新闻编辑的素质是在多媒体形势下迎接挑战,突破自我的最佳途径。本文笔者结合自身多年从事电视新闻编辑的经验,就如何在实践工作中切实有效的提高新闻编辑的素质谈一谈自己的一些看法。  相似文献   

新时代的主旋律是大数据、全媒体,这给传统媒体带来了严重的威胁,也影响了电视媒体的发展。在电视新闻生产中,其中非常重要的环节就是新闻编辑,做好新闻编辑工作,能够很好地发挥出电视新闻的优势,彰显出其魅力。因此,采取创新的方式进行新闻编辑,能够对电视的发展起到一定的推动作用。本文首先对电视新闻编辑目前的现状进行了分析,接着探讨了培养电视新闻编辑创新能力的途径。  相似文献   

近年来随着信息技术的不断发展,兴起了新媒体信息传播平台,这在很大程度上加快了信息传播的速度和效应,使人们更加便捷的获取、查询信息。然而,新媒体的发展使传统的电视媒体发展受到了很大的冲击,如何充分展现出自己的栏目特色是现代电视台编导人员需要思考的主要问题。本文主要以电视新闻专题节目为研究对象,分析了电视新闻节目编导需要具备的意识,从而打造出极具特色的电视新闻专题节目。  相似文献   

随着我国电视媒体的发展,电视购物类型节目日益发展起来,人们对电视购物这种形式也已经屡见不鲜,电视购物所宣传的商品销量十分客观。通过深入探究我国电视购物类型节目的制作特征,能够了解到此类型节目的制作重点在于它的镜头呈现技法,以及节目与观众之间的互动效应的激发。本文将针对电视购物的镜头呈现手法及其表现力进行深入研究,以期为研究现阶段我国各类型电视节目的制作提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

电视新闻编辑是以电视新闻素材与新闻稿件为基础,通过策划、组稿、优选、组合等综合性的脑力劳动,获得一个新闻集成,并通过电视传播给观众。新闻编辑素质的高低对新闻节目的质量的优劣有着不可低估的影响。县电视台编辑由于区域、人力、设备等制约,新闻编辑工作有着一定个性。电视新闻编辑除了应具备新闻专业知识外,还要有较强的敏感性、较深的洞察力、较新颖的思路,有较宽泛的知识面。这样才能制作编辑出有深度、有层次、有思路的优质的新闻节目。这就要求新闻编辑应具备的扎实的基本素质才能吸引更多的观众。  相似文献   

在黄衍提出的主位推进模式基础上划分了六种模式,随机选取共50篇VOA和BBC广播新闻稿,研究并归纳出英语广播新闻语篇中主位、述位推进模式的运用特点,旨在提高英语广播瓶闻听力的水平。  相似文献   

从英语现场新闻的语音规律和语境功能的角度认识“听音辨形”的实现途径,从语音认知本质的角度尝试提高“听音辨形”的教学方法,认为英语现场新闻语音在语流中的音变规律是“听音辨形”的关键凭借,其背景声音有时候是“听音辨形”的有效辅助;由于“感知磁效”现象表明听者通过“原型音”来识别语音变体,这就意味着要从本质上提高“听音辨形”,就应拓展听者识别语音变体的能力,因而听写是从根本上提高“听音辨形”的有效方法。  相似文献   

Lack of knowledge regarding brucellosis may lead to highly risky practices. Among herders in Mongolia, little research was conducted assessing the extent of knowledge related to brucellosis, the type of preventive behaviours that were practiced, and the relationship between knowledge and behaviour regarding brucellosis. A cross‐sectional study was conducted in two provinces of Mongolia where herders were randomly selected to participate in the study. Face‐to‐face interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire. In total, 485 herders participated in the study. The results indicated that brucellosis preventive practices were significantly associated with sex, location, use of veterinary services, exposure to TV programs and knowledge of brucellosis. Regional disparities in knowledge and behaviour were observed in this research. Herders were more likely to engage in preventive practices if they had a higher level of knowledge of brucellosis. Findings from this research indicated that the effectiveness of incorporating health education through TV programs, as well as the importance of ensuring access to veterinary services in brucellosis prevention.  相似文献   

新闻博客作为博客的一种形式,已经成为一种全新的信息传播的载体,具有传统载体不可比拟的特点和优势,深刻地影响着人们的生活方式、行为方式和思维方式。在科学技术发展的前沿,在网络普及的高校,若能用好新闻博客这种新载体,将有助于提高思想政治教育的影响力和时效性。  相似文献   

Recent reports project a deficiency of veterinary pathologists, indicating a need to train highly qualified veterinary pathologists, particularly in academic veterinary medicine. The need to provide high-quality research training for veterinary pathologists has been recognized by the veterinary pathology training program of the Ohio State University (OSU) since its inception. The OSU program incorporates elements of both residency training and graduate education into a unified program. This review illustrates the components and structure of the training program and reflects on future challenges in training veterinary pathologists. Key elements of the OSU program include an experienced faculty, dedicated staff, and high-quality students who have a sense of common mission. The program is supported through cultural and infrastructure support. Financial compensation, limited research funding, and attractive work environments, including work-life balance, will undoubtedly continue to be forces in the marketplace for veterinary pathologists. To remain competitive and to expand the ability to train veterinary pathologists with research skills, programs must support strong faculty members, provide appropriate infrastructure support, and seek active partnerships with private industry to expand program opportunities. Shortages of trained faculty may be partially resolved by regional cooperation to share faculty expertise or through the use of communications technology to bridge distances between programs. To foster continued interest in academic careers, training programs will need to continue to evolve and respond to trainees' needs while maintaining strong allegiances to high-quality pathology training. Work-life balance, collegial environments that foster a culture of respect for veterinary pathology, and continued efforts to reach out to veterinary students to provide opportunities to learn about the diverse careers offered in veterinary pathology will pay long-term dividends for the future of the profession.  相似文献   

U.S. state fish and wildlife agencies have responded to perceived ecological and social threats posed by mute swans by implementing population control strategies. In Michigan, some stakeholder groups have vocally opposed particular control activities. To better understand and characterize key aspects of the underlying media dialogue about mute swan management in Michigan, one factor in the development of public perceptions about wildlife issues, we conducted a qualitative content analysis of Michigan-specific online news articles. Results revealed tensions between stakeholder groups about management priorities were rooted in differing ideas about healthy social and ecological systems, appropriate wildlife behavior, and the acceptability of lethal control (i.e., shooting living birds). Characterizing which stakeholder groups aligned with particular arguments might allow managers to tailor and direct messaging to specific audiences.  相似文献   

广东大峡谷自然保护区社区公众野生动物保护意识调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2008年6月,对广东大峡谷自然保护区社区公众野生动物保护意识进行了问卷调查。结果表明:(1)公众对野生动物保护知识匮乏,缺乏野生动物保护法制意识;(2)公众普遍对野生动物面临的威胁有较明确的认识,具有保护意愿,但缺乏保护野生动物的积极性和主动性;(3)公众接受野生动物保护教育的主要途径是电视。本文针对广东大峡谷自然保护区公众野生动物保护意识现状及其存在的问题,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The last century of food animal agriculture is a remarkable triumph of scientific research. Knowledge derived through research has resulted in the development and use of new technologies that have increased the efficiency of food production and created a huge animal production and food manufacturing industry capable of feeding the US population while also providing significant quantities of high-quality food for export to other countries. Although the US food supply is among the safest in the world, the US Center for Disease Prevention and Control estimates that 76 million people get sick, more than 300,000 are hospitalized, and 5,000 die each year from foodborne illness. Consequently, preventing foodborne illness and death remains a major public health concern. Challenges to providing a safe, abundant, and nutritious food supply are complex because all aspects of food production, from farm to fork, must be considered. Given the national and international demand and expectations for food safety as well as the formidable challenges of producing and maintaining a safe food supply, food safety research and educational programs have taken on a new urgency. Remarkable progress has been made during the last century. Wisdom from a century of animal agriculture research now includes the realization that on-farm pathogens are intricately associated with animal health and well-being, the production of high-quality food, and profitability. In this review, some of the developments that have occurred over the last few decades are summarized, including types, sources, and concentrations of disease-causing pathogens encountered in food-producing animal environments and their association with food safety; current and future methods to control or reduce foodborne pathogens on the farm; and present and future preharvest food safety research directions. Future scientific breakthroughs will no doubt have a profound impact on animal agriculture and the production of high-quality food, but we will also be faced with moral, ethical, and societal dilemmas that must be reconciled. A strong, science-based approach that addresses all the complex issues involved in continuing to improve food safety and public health is necessary to prevent foodborne illnesses. Not only must research be conducted to solve complex food safety issues, but results of that research must also be communicated effectively to producers and consumers.  相似文献   

Studies have indicated the importance of business education in improving the income level attained by veterinarians and the quality of service they provide. The Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA), a national organization of veterinary students, has the potential to augment veterinary curricula by providing additional education to help ensure professional success. Local chapters at 27 of the 28 veterinary colleges in the United States (as of 2007) supplement the curriculum by focusing on business topics. A national governing board oversees the chapters, helping to ensure that high-quality educational programs are conducted and providing a conduit for communication.  相似文献   

Investigation of mastitis problems on farms.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The production of high-quality milk is a high-priority issue for dairy farmers and milk processors. The investigation of mastitis problems on dairy farms is an area of increasing demand and is an ideal way for veterinary practitioners to increase involvement in production medicine programs. Goals for the amount of clinical and subclinical mastitis should be predefined on dairy farms, and a herd investigation initiated when needed. The use of a structured approach to mastitis problems can identify risk factors for infection, result in rapid resolution of mastitis problems, and hasten the application of appropriate preventive practices.  相似文献   

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